Relaxing With Sal

Story by Sheeplike on SoFurry

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A fan fiction about you, the reader, being the roommate of the sexy orange dragon dude, Sal, from HYPNOSCREEN, which is a game I absolutely love. Find it here!

Anyway, Sal's a hottie.

After a long day at work, you were happy to get back to your cool pad, a hot pizza in hand, backpack weighing on your shoulders from class earlier today, and every part of you feeling tired and heavy. It took you a few tries to get the key into the lock, and you stumbled into your apartment like a drunk. "Sal!" You called out, seeing the living room empty. "Pizza!"

Sure enough, he emerged, belt undone, and looking like he just got out of bed. You guess he was taking a nap - he doesn't work on Fridays, and he does enjoy his beauty sleep. Heh. You smile to yourself at your little harmless jab, and then at him when he smiles at you.

"Long day at work?" He asks, and you shrug.

"Long as any other day." You reply, and he chuckles. "Let's crash." He said, gesturing for you to sit on the couch, which sounded pretty nice. You fell backwards onto the couch, sighing at the familiar feeling of sinking way deeper into the cushions than you would expect just by looking at it. Sal flopped down beside you, and you opened the pizza box on your lap to help himself.

You reached for the TV remote, only for Sal to grab it first and sit it on his arm of the couch.

"One sec." He said. "I wanted to do something real quick."

You looked at him, curious. Was he about to like, come out to you or something? Wouldn't that be a nice surprise for a workday like this.

"Just relax, and look at the TV." He said, getting up, grabbing the remote and walking behind the couch, behind you. Curious, you did as you were told, looking straight ahead as he turned the TV on.

You guys didn't exactly live in luxury, so all you had was an old CRT, so when the TV turned on, it was just static. You raised an eyebrow, watching the static and waiting for him to change the channel.

"Uhh. Sal?" You began, only for him to shush you.

"Keep looking. Focus on the static. Try to find a pattern. Hehe." He told you, which was pretty confusing, but you figured you'd give it your best shot. After a minute or two of empty staring, you couldn't find a pattern at all, and you were getting pretty fed up with him.

"Dude, is this... going anywhere?" You asked, which he took as a sign to massage your shoulders with his strong, clawed fingers. You couldn't help but sigh, ignoring his smug chuckle as you relaxed even more into the cushions.

"Just keep watching. It'll make sense in a sec." He reassured you, and you nodded.

You obediently kept watching, not finding anything in the pattern but doing your best. Sal was REALLY working your shoulders, and you couldn't deny it felt amazing after your day. You weren't sure how much time had passed, getting your shoulders massaged, staring at the TV, listening to the quiet white noise, when you realized your shoulders weren't actually being massaged anymore.

"Sal...?" You asked, only for your question to be answered by a yo-yo, dropping in front of your face, and beginning to swing, very slightly, framed by the static on the TV.

You had no more questions. You had no more thoughts of any kind, really, as the static blurred the edges of the toy in front of you, tiring your eyes as they tried to follow its movements. Sal kept mixing it up, swinging it one way, then catching the string on his finger to make it make it swing more the other way. For a tiring few minutes, you struggled to keep up with it, focused solely on what should have been a simple task. Then, out of nowhere, a snap.

Sal had been whispering something to you, you dimly realized. You weren't sure what, but the yo-yo was gone now, which was fine. You kept staring blankly ahead, even as he came around the couch and stood in front of you. You didn't even lift your eyes - it never even occurred to you. He said something else, and you nodded, though you weren't sure what you were agreeing to, even though somehow you knew that it was fine. Suddenly, he was undoing his pants in front of you, and pulling them down. Underwear too. You really wished you could focus your eyes.

Sal said something else. You realized your mouth was hanging open, so you closed it, and swallowed a few times to make sure it was nice and wet inside. Two short words from Sal, and you felt a wave of warmth and joy wash over you. You could recognize those words. "Good boy." They felt so wonderful to hear, and you found yourself smiling at the praise. Sal, meanwhile, was climbing awkwardly onto the couch, his knees on the outside your thighs. You were still staring blankly ahead, nice and relaxed, as he began to lift his hips, stand completely on the couch, and just generally fiddle with your height difference. It was okay. It didn't feel like very long for you at all.

Sal told you to do something, so you leaned forward, sitting up straight and coming face to face with his heavy, musky balls.

"Good boy." He said, and you smiled again. Your mouth dropped open again, and Sal inserted his length right into your waiting entrance. Automatically, you closed your lips around him, forming a tight ring and sucking him as he pushed himself all the way back into your throat. He seemed very pleased at how much you were able to take this time... though you're not sure what he meant by that. Immediately afterwards, a new though occurred in your mind, one that made much more sense.

"I've never done this before." You mumbled around his cock, with some difficulty.

"Good boy." He told you, and you smiled a little.

He began thrusting into you, slowly, letting you lick over him and savor his taste in the way you knew he liked. Licking slowly over his head, rubbing your tongue along the bottom of his length, tilting your head back slightly and stimulating his sensitive tip with ridges on the top of your mouth. Distantly, you felt his clawed hands grab onto your hair, which was normal. It just meant you were doing a good job, you were pretty sure.

He was thrusting a little faster now, and saying things you couldn't make out, which was normal and fine. You kept sucking him, taking his length a little deeper and trying to stretch your tongue out to give his heavy dragon sack the best licks you could manage, which he seemed very pleased with. Sal being pleased meant you were pleased, so you were also very pleased. You couldn't stop smiling, except when you realized that it was getting in the way of your task right now, and you refocused yourself. Sal was getting close, you could tell by the way he grabbed the back of your head and began to test just how deep you could take him, and for how long. You had never done this before, you reminded yourself.

Finally, Sal moaned out above you, so loud it startled you just a little. He pushed himself real deep, and you felt his thick, heavy, and burning hot load pumping right into your stomach in long, heavy spurts, as he held your head firmly in place to ensure all of it was getting swallowed right down. No spitting, you thought to yourself.

He pulled his cock from your mouth and held it in front of your face for a bit before pushing it back in. Cleanup time, you thought to yourself. You loved cleanup time. You were always happy to clean Sal's dick, you thought to yourself. And it was true. You did love to clean him, and after some slurping and sucking and licking, you were sad to feel him pulling out of your face. He seemed to hover for a moment, softening cock hanging right in front of your eyes, dripping with your spit, before he grabbed the base, lifted it up, and wiped a streak onto your cheek.

"Good boy." He said, and you smiled.

Sal said something else. You were watching TV, now. You weren't sure how long you'd been doing that. Abruptly, he clapped his hands, and you jolted awake. Not that you were asleep - you were just daydreaming, and you don't even remember about what.

"Wha?" You said dumbly, getting him chuckling and squeezing you into a side-hug.

"You totally zoned out, dude." He explained, and you blushed. You weren't sure why.

"Sorry, uh, thinking about work stuff tomorrow." You lied, uncertain why you felt the need to in the first place. You honestly couldn't remember what you were daydreaming about. You guess that if you said that, that'd sound pretty dumb - who zones out thinking about nothing at all? Well, you do - but he doesn't have to know that.

You grabbed another slice of pizza, only to take a lukewarm mouthful.

"What the heck?" You said. "Did they give me a cold pizza? How long was a zoned out?"

"Pretty long time, dude." Sal quickly answered you.

"Bullshit!" You said. "You're fucking with me, there's no way it was that long. You're telling me you only had one slice while I just sat here staring at the TV?"

He suddenly looked really nervous. Like you'd called him on something way more serious than you realized. You opened your mouth to ask another question, but before you could, he lifted his hand and snapped in front of your face.

You were watching TV. You weren't sure how long you'd been doing that. "Oh, hey dude, what's up." Sal said, walking in from his room. He was dressed in gym shorts and a muscle tee, so you guessed he just got done working out or something. "Didn't realize you were back." He said.

"Yeah, uhh, me neither. I think I passed right out on the couch." You said. "I don't even remember getting home."

"That's cool, dude. Oh, sick, pizza?" He said, sitting down next to you and opening the box. "Oh, it's kinda cold though."

"Shiiit. I'm sorry dude, I must have just fallen asleep. Let's just heat it up in the oven real quick." You said, standing up and carrying it to your little kitchen, though honestly, you felt pretty full already for some reason. Still, you were in the mood to munch some pizza and hang out.

"It's cool. I'll set up a movie and we can just chill tonight." He said, which sounded perfect to you. Sal was such a great roommate, honestly. Love that guy.