Dragon Apartment Ch6: Camp Time Fun

Story by Levian on SoFurry

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#6 of Dragon Apartment

I had fun with this one. It took me longer than I had expected to get this one to where I was happy with it. we got plenty of things happening here, including a good old fashion feral threesome. first time writing a threesome, so let me know what you think. I think I did alright.

also...25 pages...good lord they are getting longer. Bigger, better, and thicker chapters. You know what you were thinking ;3

For those who are a tad squimesh, there is a part before the sexy times where we see what happens when three hungry dragons find a pair of deer. I didn't tag it because it was half a paragraph, but I figured I would warn ya anyway. Enjoy~

"Eon...are you sure this will work?"

"No, but it is the only idea I have."

"But this is how we are going to get there? We are surrounded by a grey stone jungle! On top of that, I don't exactly blend in."

"Stone jungle? you mean the city? Yeah, you stick out just a little."

"Kira! You are sitting on me!"

"Then move your tail, Lyra."

"hey! Watch where you poke me, you venom spitter!"

"aww, afraid I might excite you in this little space? How thoughtful of you, Hybrid."

"Levian, stop picking on my sister! You can always play with me...rrr...."

"Lyra, not while we are stuck here!"

"you white furred harlot! Watch where you run your paws!"

Lyra giggled and Levian let out a groan.

"Hey! No sex in my car!"

Eon ground his teeth as he held onto the steering wheel, his eyes darting along the people on the sidewalk. He had the air conditioner blowing on full, the cold air flooding the car as he tried to keep the temperature range in the car comfortable. Eon never realized just how much heat the dragons produced, or just how bad Levian smelled. Of course, the hybrid did cover himself in cum...twice...so Eon shouldn't be too surprised that Levian didn't have the best smell right now. When they got back, Eon was going to make him shower or bathe. Levian may not mind the smell, but Eon didn't like the idea of sleeping in his room with a dragon that smelled like cum...again. All of them needed a shower of some kind, but Levian was the worst offender right now.

Three of the four dragons were crammed into his car. Levian, being the largest, was the first one to have gotten in. He took up most of the backseat even with his wings held tight to his body. Even with the back seat down in Eon's little SUV, Levian almost filled the entire car. Lyra had been more than happy to stuff herself into the back of the car, her fur softer against Levian's hind scales...though her recent actions made Eon suspect there was another motive for lying in the back. Kira lay beside Levian, her scaled body held low since her scales were reflective and might draw attention. Skree managed to get away before Eon could grab him and put him in the car, so the Wyvern was flying above the apartment buildings and other houses. Eon didn't worry too much about him...though he hoped the wyvern would avoid power lines.

So far, no one had noticed anything out of the ordinary but that could change any moment. What if someone looked at his windows and saw Levian's wings? He couldn't hide those. What if he got pulled over for speeding? He doubted the dragons were bullet proof.

"Eon! They are not moving!"

Eon blinked and noticed that he was quickly approaching a red light and there were several cars in front of him. He slammed on his breaks, skidding to stop. He had to focus on driving, a wreck would not do anyone any favors.

He took a deep breath, relaxing as best he could.

With the near accident averted, Eon simply focused on driving and occasionally yelling at the dragons for making a racket or bumping his seat. The city traffic was starting to pick up and Eon was worried that they might get stuck in the after-lunch rush, but his fears were unfounded. After a few congested intersections, the grey skyscrapers and city buildings started to shrink and turn into private residential houses and small store fronts. The cars were fewer and there were almost no people on the sidewalk, so Eon let out a sigh of relief. He made it out of the crowded city, and he had not seen a police car tailing him.

Relaxed now that he was out of the main city, Eon was driving on near autopilot. He knew where he was going, and the dragons had questions.

"Eon, these car things...how do they work?"

Eon looked at his mirrors. He could see Skree coming in at a steep angle, the wyvern landing on the roof of the car with a skid before the wind ripped him off. Eon slowed down and rolled down the window, the whirring of the window motor making the dragon's recoil. Skree came in a moment later, laying on the passenger side seat and huffing. Apparently Skree was built for speed and quickness, not endurance.

"I'm not really sure on the fine mechanics. A combustible fluid enters the engine and is used to power the pistons, which is used to turn the wheels."

Skree huffed, sitting up, "you humans are insane, making something that can move that fast for that long. What do you feed this beast?"

Eon chuckled, "Feed it? It is a machine, nothing but metal and wires."

Kira piped up, "you humans have really mastered metalcraft. It isn't as fancy as the dwarven made armors, but it is functionally elegant. You humans are truly frightening."

Eon shook his head, "Dwarves? You really do live in a fantasy world. Next you are going to tell me elves and dwarves have a rivalry."

Kira nodded, "more like a resource war. Dwarves use metal to reinforce their structures and make great gates that can hold back the dark creatures. Elves use this same metal to make magic devices they use to heal the earth, hunt the humans in woods, and perform miracles."

Eon let out a disbelieving chuckle, "well, that makes better sense than some of the stuff I have read."

Lyra let out a gasp, "you have books on dwarves!"

Levian let out a chuckle, "I doubt they have any truth to them. Remember, Eon didn't think we were real till he was sleeping with us."

Lyra let out a sigh. Eon looked back in the mirror, seeing that the three dragons were comfortable. Once they got comfortable, they didn't seem to have much trouble with the car. Getting them in had been a pain. Levian in particular had been very apprehensive about it, though Eon didn't know if it was because of the car itself or the tight confining nature.

"So, what are these dark creatures? It sounds like the elves have an important duty to keep the forests healthy."

Lyra giggled, "they are evil things, big bad nightmares."

Skree let out a huff, "they are no joke Lyra, they are real and dangerous."

Levian snorted, "only to dwarves, elves, and humans. They don't bother dragons."

Skree shook his head, "speak for yourself, you big feather head."

Kira rolled her eyes, "to answer your question, they are twisted beasts that live in the deep mountains. Nightmarish monsters that feed on life and defy reason. No one knows what they are, just that they attack on sight. The first dwarven king lost his queen to them. After that, the dwarves have dedicated their entire race to confining them to the earth and sealing them away. If you let one of the veteran dwarven warriors tell you about them, you would get a grisly tale of beasts that feed on your flesh while you are alive, tormenting you before ripping your very soul to pieces."

Eon shook his head, "so, the dwarves oversee keeping this hoard contained? They should have a clear cause to get as much of the metal they need."

Levian chuckled, "think you can figure out a feud that has been going on for centuries? Then you need to know the rest of the story. While the dwarves have done a good job at keeping the night creatures contained, the humans are continuing to destroy forests and natural land to expand their grey cities. Humans are very evil against anything that isn't a human, so them living with dwarves or elves peacefully is a ridiculous notion. Without the magic to quickly rejuvenate the lands and kill the brazen hunters, Humans could threaten the dwarves and the Elves, which would mean the dwarves and elves would have to fight a war on two fronts. While the humans would probably be able to eventually slay every single nightmare, there is no way they would let the Elves and Dwarves live."

Eon let out a sigh, "So, the Elves need the metal to stop the humans and the Dwarves need the metal to stop nightmarish demon things? Is there no way that humans can help?"

Kira let out a growl, "it has been tried."

Eon wanted to ask, but Skree tapped his arm and shook his head. Skree's look told him that it was not the time for that story. Eon decided to move on for the moment, "so you have nightmarish creatures that rip your soul, elves that kill with magic and dwarves hell bent on genocide. Sounds like a fun place."

Lyra chimed in, "it isn't all bad! The elven cities are beautiful and woven in with the forest. Human towns claim the sky with massive buildings of glass and light. Some of the largest human cities even have magic! They look amazing from a distance, but we can't get too close."

Skree chuckled, "you are talking about the buildings? What about the other creatures? I know you had a thing for a certain hydra a long time ago."

"Skree!" Lyra came forward from the back, her paws covering Skree's maw, "I have no idea what you are talking about!"

Levian laughed, the Eon Heard Kira's voice, "Hydra? Are you telling me you had a crush on Ichi? Lyra!"

Lyra let out a chuckle, unsure if it was safe to let Skree talk again.

Skree managed to wiggle his muzzle away enough, "she had a crush on all three."


"Okay! I admit it! I mean, all three of them were charming...and they were big..."

"Hey! Levian!"

Eon swerved as Levian managed to wedge his head between the seats, grinning as he looked at Lyra, "So, I could never get an answer out of him. Does he have one cock per head or one cock shared by all three?"

"Levian! I never slept with him!"

Levian just looked at her. Lyra let out a huff, looking away, "He has one shared among all..."

Levian let out a laugh, "I knew it!"

"All of you! Get in the back and stay down or I'm going to crash!"

That got Levian quiet and he moved back. Lyra followed soon after, but Skree decided to sit right between the seats. The suburbs were starting to thin, so Eon sped up to the full 60 the road allowed. Skree made an odd noise and then vanished behind the seats. He hoped the wyvern did not get carsick.

With no traffic in front, Eon listened in on the developing conversation behind him.

"A hydra? Really Lyra? They aren't even full dragons!"

Levian made a snorting noise, "Hey, I'm half gryphon and you had no problem sleeping with me."

Kira huffed, "oh, we were both drunk. If I remember that night, you had so much trouble standing still that you had to roll over and I did all the work."

"Hey! I wasn't that drunk. I was able to give you one hell of a ride. Besides, you couldn't walk straight for a few days after. I thought for sure I was going to get roasted for it."

Lyra whispered something and Skree chuckled.

Levian rounded on Skree, "what are you laughing about?"

"Lyra said at least gryphons are nicer to look at. They have that full external package."

"Skree! I didn't say that!"

"Lyra, sister dearest, how would you know what a gryphon looks like?" Kira's voice sounded flat, something Eon had already found to be a dangerous thing

Lyra sounded panicked "E-Eon! Are we almost there!"

Levian moved in the back, the car shifting a little from. Eon had to compensate, almost sliding into a ditch from the sudden shift in weight.

"Levian, why are..."

"Lyra said gryphons looked better than me. What do those snarky birds have that I don't? I mean, look at me! I am a sexy beast."

Eon glanced into the rearview mirror. Levian had managed to lay on his side and he was running his claws along his slit area. Eon agreed that Levian was a sexy beast...but he was driving.

Lyra chuckled, "for one, they have a pair of fluffy balls that are so fun to play with."

"Lyra! How would you...!"

"Oh please Kira, what do you think I did during those long travels? You did all the talking and I would get soooo bored. So, I made some friends to...keep me company..."

"Skree! Did you know about this!"

"uhh...no? I definitely was not the one in charge of making sure they were not found out."

Kira let out a growl

"Levian, when we get to where we are going, I want you to...."

Eon rolled down the windows for a moment. He needed to air the car out a little bit, the smell was starting to get him. The air flooded in with a roar and let in the smell of the changing area. There was a startled shriek from the back and Eon didn't hear the dragon's talking anymore. He looked in the mirror and saw that all four of them were looking at the windows in amazement and terror. Skree had moved his wings to cover his ears. Eon rolled up the windows and the dragons remained silent for the rest of the trip.

As Eon had driven, the surrounding suburban area had given way to open fields, then those fields had started to grow thicker with trees. After an hour and half of travel, the city was only a silhouette in the distance, hidden by a thick wood that was split by a highway.

It had been years since Eon had been here, the woods holding memories of a time in the past. A time when Eon was able to do more than work and schooling. Turning down the unkempt roads, Eon quickly vanished from the sight of the road. The bumpy trails made the dragons grumble, but Eon knew there was not going to be a single human soul in these woods. He rolled the windows down to let the dragons get some fresh air, the musty smell of moist dirt and the sound of a thriving forest flooding into the car.

A few more minutes of taking rough roads, Eon spotted what he had been looking for.

Camp Fortune...or what was left of it.

The sprawling campsite that Eon had gone to every summer was reduced to almost nothing. Small wooden buildings dotted the surrounding woods in various states of disrepair, most of them missing their roofs and none of them had any windows left. The mess hall was all that was left standing in decent condition, the great log cabin having stood the test of time for the past twenty years with little to no human intervention. If Eon looked at the entrance carefully, he could still make out the wooden engraving of a sun rising over a lake hanging over the door. Eon parked next to the mess hall, unlocking the doors and turning off the AC, then he quickly opened the doors so the dragons could get out. Kira and Lyra were almost shoved out as Levian bolted for freedom, the hybrid tumbling into the dirt as he escaped his confinement.

"Freedom! I thought for sure I was going to feel sick."

Skree stumbled out of the car, hiccupping, "Lucky you. I got sick. Moving that fast is not natural. How do you do it, Eon?"

"Eon shrugged, scooping the Wyvern into his arms, "guess it is just normal for me." He moved to hold the Wyvern at his shoulder, Skree gingerly stepping up and wrapping his tail around Eon's arm for balance.

It was a surreal sight for Eon, standing here with creatures that didn't exist naturally. When he was a kid, the woods had always had a feeling of mystery, like some fantastic beast was hiding just out a vision, just out of reach. Now Eon had come back to the woods and he brought those same fantastic beasts with him.

Kira and Lyra were prancing about, investigating the buildings. The white furred dragoness seemed to be almost ethereal, her fur hardly disturbing the ground and her footsteps quiet. Kira was surprisingly quiet as well. Eon could make out the faint clink of scale on scale, but he had to be listening for it. The natural hum and bird call in the forest covered her movements quite well. Her red scales would occasionally glint at him under the brush, but she was hard to see in shadow.

Levin was still in the clearing next to the car. He was looking up at the trees, his eyes tracing along the branches. After a moment of looking for something, Levian treated Eon to an amazing sight.

Levian's wings were way too big to stretch in the apartment, but out here in the open there was no such limit. Levian spread his wings wide, the unimaginably large wings opening with a surreal grace that Eon didn't think was possible in the natural world. Eon knew that Levian's wings shared the same divide as his body, the fore half covered in feathers and the back a membrane like Skree's wings, the divide always looking sudden with his wings held tight. With his wings out, Eon could see that was far from the case. The feathers were thick near the edges of his wings, but they thinned out till there was only a small layer of purple feathers before they vanished, giving way to the green membrane and wing fingers.

Levian's purple feathers waved in a light gust of wind, the edges glimmering in the light coming from the afternoon sun, the end of his wing membrane moving lightly as Levian let the wind caress him like an old friend. He had been stuck on the ground for three days and he was starved of the open air. Levian didn't smell any humans here and they had already trusted Eon with more than they had trusted any other human. If Eon said it was safe, then Levian said it was safe. If it was safe, Levian could fly.

Levian raised his wings up slowly, the air moving along his wings like water around a stone. Levian crouched low to the ground, his legs pressing to the ground as he readied to leap. Then with a rush of wind, Levian jumped. Just a single strong push of his legs and he had easily jumped over Eon's height. Just when it seemed like gravity would pull Levian back to the ground, those great wings came down with a gust of air that blew leaves into small flurries and made Eon almost stumble. The cushion of air Levian's wings made kept the dragon afloat for a few more seconds, then his wings folded in and rose back into the sky. With a deep noise and a rush of wind, Levian's wings beat the air down again, then again. Somehow, each beat pushed the hybrid into the air just a hair more, climbing till Levian was hovering near the treetops.

Eon thought Levian was going to go higher, he certainly wouldn't blame the hybrid, but Levian instead leveled out his body and beat his wings forward, the massive sails scooping air and pushing Levian forward and upward. The feathery fan on the end of his tail flared out and acted like a quick rudder, the muscled organ making it possible for Levian to glide among the trees, zoom along the forest tops like a gust of wind. Levian wasn't quiet and the wind made several resting birds fly away, but he was much, much faster than Eon had thought a body like his could move in the air.

In a few wing beats, Levian passed the birds he had scared up, then he twisted like a serpent of the air, gliding toward Eon with wings wide. Eon was...awestruck. It was like a scene out of a movie, only he could feel the wind, hear the deep thwump noise Levian's wings made, and the sight of Levian gliding in was equal parts majestic, graceful, and terrifying. If dragons had existed in the ancient past, he could see how they would be worshipped.

Levian came to the earth with a few beats of his wings, landing on the ground with a light thud, his wings flared up and out. With his wings like that, Levian looked massive...truly massive. Skree bumped Eon's cheek, "careful human, you might start drooling if you keep your mouth open like that."

Eon closed his mouth just in time. Levian came running up to the human, stopping just short and jumping to put his foreclaws on Eon's shoulders. Eon tensed out of reflex, then Levian pulled him into what could only be a hug. Levian held him close, nuzzling into his uninjured shoulder, "Thank you Eon! I haven't been able to fly like that in...well, a while! I had almost forgotten what the woods smelled like, free from humans! Well, except you, but you are a special human. Oh, the trees are close and tight, the wind plays with the leaves and I hear the birds singing. I smell the animals, the water in the ground, and the deer!"

Eon just shook his head, grinning, "who am I to tell you that you can't eat? Go. Catch a deer and have a good dinner. There should be some streams running through the woods that you can use to wash off once you are done. And take Lyra and Kira with you, I'm sure they could use the meal too."

Levian smiled, the dragon truly happy for the first time in a while. Levian still did not like humans...but Eon was different. Levian turned and trotted off to where the twins had been and soon vanished into the brush. Even with his dark purple feathers, Levian had an uncanny skill at hiding and Eon soon lost sight of the hybrid. Maybe Eon could hide the hybrid after all. A few minutes after Levian vanished, there was a shriek of surprise followed by laughter. It was good to know that Levian could sneak up on dragons too. Eon needed to give the hybrid more credit when it came to stealth. Levian had probably learned how to hide very well back home, so all Eon needed to do was show the hybrid where to avoid and Levian could do the rest.

"You know those three are going to fuck, right?"

Eon looked over at his shoulder, Skree looking right at him with a grin on his muzzle. Eon just shrugged and turned to look at the mess hall, "I hope they do. They need to unwind a little."

Skree looked along the dilapidated mess hall entrance, his ears twitching this way and that as he listened for...something. Eon didn't know what, but his next question gave it away, "How are you so sure there are no humans here? I don't smell or hear any, but they are crafty sometimes."

Eon raised an eyebrow at the Wyvern, "They?"

Skree nodded, "humans. They can hide and ambush us. They..." Skree caught sight of Eon look, then immediately back peddled his comments, "I mean, the other humans! The ones we had back home. The ones we have to deal with...but not you! Umm..."

Eon laughed, the flustered wyvern fluffing up and trying to avoid looking Eon in the eye, "you guys must have had quite some difficulty with humans back home."

Skree let out a growl, looking forward, "you don't even know half of it."

Eon shrugged, the queasy wyvern swaying dangerously. Eon reached over and grabbed Skree off his shoulder, holding the wyvern in his arms and letting the small dragon curl into a comfortable ball, "No, I don't know what happened back at your home and I won't ask. You all can tell me when you want to."

Skree nuzzled into Eon's arms, comfortable.

"and to answer your question on how I know that there are no humans here, it is because this place is cursed."

Skree did not like the sound of that, tensing up and scrambling out of Eon's hold. The wyvern looked panicked and took flight, hovering a few feet away, his head darting side to side as he looked for signs of a curse, "Eon, that is not funny! If this place is cursed, we need to leave!"

Eon just shook his head, "come now, do you really think curses are real?"

Skree nodded, "they are real. Levian has the scars to prove it."

Eon hadn't thought about that. Dragon's hadn't existed till yesterday, so who knows what else existed in their world that Eon was unaware of. Still, Skree's reaction made Eon grin, "come now, would I bring you to a place I thought was dangerous? There is no real curse here, just a lot of superstitions."

Skree looked unsure, but he came back to Eon. He did not let Eon cuddle him this time, preferring to stand on Eon's shoulder and keep a lookout. Eon did not mind, he had other things that were occupying his attention.

This mess hall held many memories for him, and he was saddened to see the camp in such disarray. He was not surprised by it though. Eon did not think he would come back either. It had been an eternity since he had even though about the old camp stomping grounds and for good reason. Still, there were good memories

The mess hall had been the largest building in the camp, made to hold a few hundred kids and enough staff to keep them in line. Years after everyone forgot about this place, the tables and chairs were still here. The long, uncut wooden slabs spanned the length of the mess hall. A grand total of three long tables were in the mess hall, lined with little stumps of wood for chairs. The chairs had been protected from the worst of the elements, but many of them had split or cracked and were falling apart. Not even the tables, coated with a weatherproof gloss and polish, were immune to the longtime abandonment.

Eon walked up the aisle, looking from table to table as he approached the back of the mess hall where the food line used to be. It was quite a nostalgic feeling and Eon ran his hands along the chipped and aged wooden tables, feeling a sense of peace. While he had been here, nothing bad had ever happened. It was just fun and games all the time, playing with friends, and running amok in the woods. Eon did not even remember his friend's names now. He took a seat at one of the tables, his fingers tracing one of the fading carvings on the wood.

Everyone had loved the camp. It had been the place to be during the summer, a place where children could be children and everyone just had fun. Eon had learned many things about the woods while at the camp and a few things had stuck with him. This was the place that eon had found his calling in learning and started to pursue his dream.

It had been a tragedy that the camp had to be shut down, but for a good reason. No one would have cared if people had disappeared in the city, but when children start to vanish from a camp there is no coming back. Eon remembered the headlines; seven children had vanished in total. He was fuzzy on the details, but he knew that the bodies were never found. It had been like they were in the camp, then they were just...gone. He had been out of the camp for a few years by that time and he had 'grown up' and had moved on to focusing on his schooling and he had not paid it much attention. Standing here now, Eon wondered what had happened to the children. What about the workers? Had they been able to find jobs after the camp was closed? What about the camp owners? Had they been able to move on or did they face jail time? Eon had no clue.

It was the strangest thing when the camp closed. It was a full government thing and Eon knew that once the decision had been made to close the camp, no one had been allowed on the property for at least a year. Not even the owner had been allowed back. The closest thing Eon could compare it to would be abandoning an area due to fallout, like at Chernobyl. This was eerily similar with everything simply left where it had been. There were even old rusty forks still on the wooden table, untouched since that day. Maybe there was a curse.

Eon shook his head, moving to the back of the mess hall. There should be a generator back here if it hadn't been stolen. He had to dig through the back rooms a little, old rotten food and various disgusting things moving for the first time in years. Eon gagged a few times and Skree simply left the hall. The smell was reaching the point where Eon was ready to jump in the car and wait for the dragons to come back. After a few more moments of searching, Eon found the generator. It was an older model and it was in disrepair, but this was supposed to be a rather robust engine. All Eon had to do was clean it a little and it should work.

He dusted off as much as he could, clearing out more than a few spider nests. He was lucky the back room had been secured and it hadn't weathered too much. The generator had essentially been sitting in a closet for a few years. Yanking the thing out of the back rooms, Eon pulled the generator into the open. He let it go with a thud, the heavy metal frame still strong. Skree closed the back-room doors, keeping the smells and rotting things trapped there.

Eon went back to his car and opened the back. There was a floor compartment that he kept a few common tools in if he needed to work on his car or it broke down. General things like a spark plug cleaner and a ratchet set, electric tape, duct tape, and a small collection of knives and pliers Eon had accumulated over the years. Eon wasn't a mechanic, though his few engineering classes gave him a general idea on how things worked. He had repaired his car a few times, the generator shouldn't be too difficult.

Skree came back in after the smells cleared out, curiously looking around the generator. It was a strange metal box covered in writing and bugs. Perfect! Seeing the chance for a quick meal, Skree snapped up a few of the larger spiders, munching on them. Skree jumped when Eon came back, the human setting down the toolbox with a clang. Skree watched in amazement as Eon opened the box, then pulled out several smaller boxes from within the toolbox. Skree moved back to Eon's shoulder and watched the human work. Eon may be a regular human, but Skree saw him as exceptional. He knew the secrets of the metal box.

Once Eon had the tools he thought he was going to need, He moved to give the generator cord a pull. The engine made a coughing noise, clanking for a few seconds before it stopped. A few more tugs on the cord yielded nothing new. Of course, it would not work. That was why Eon had tools.

Following the fuel line, Eon found the small plastic bubble with a white object inside. The fuel filter...though it had seen better days. Gasoline was ridiculously corrosive and the filter was just hanging on. Using his pliers to grab the ends, Eon tugged the fuel lines off. With the main fuel line held closed, Eon moves one of the old and dirty bowls from a nearby table. Once he had the bowl close enough, Eon drained the gas into the bowl. He would have to do something with that later, but it was fine for now.

Skree, ever curious, jumped down to the bowl and took a sniff. He recoiled just as quickly, hissing in disgust.

Eon chuckled, then went back to work. With the fuel filter out of the way and the remaining tank clear, Eon just needed to bridge the gap for the short term. He could buy a filter later...if the engine survived being run without one for a little bit. Holding the two lines as close as he could, Eon had Skree cut a few strips of duct tape. The wyvern complained about the sticky tape and panicked for a moment when it stuck to him, but Eon got him through it. With a small helping of tape, Eon fashioned a bridge between the two fuel lines. A few more layers were added to that to keep it from leaking...hopefully. It was a very red-neck job, but it should work well enough.

Next was the gas. Eon had a small fuel can in the back of his car as well, a memento from that one time he ran out of gas on the highway. There was a gallon left in the can and Eon added that to the generator. Watching the fuel line carefully, Eon was glad to see that the line was not leaking. Now for the real test.

After moving all the loose tools away from the Generator and telling Skree to get closer to the entrance in case this thing caught fire, Eon gave the generator cord another pull. Nothing. Another pull and there was some sputtering. Four pulls later and the generator was starting to show a little more promise. On the sixth pull, the generator sputtered to life, making a worrying racket and bouncing a little. Eon gave it a swift kick, more out of frustration than anything. Whatever he kicked worked, the generator settling down and humming away.

Eon let out a sigh, leaving the mess hall for a moment. Skree had retreated to the car, hiding behind the hood. His ears were twitching as the generator roared in the mess hall, "is it supposed to sound that mad?"

Oh. The generator did sound like it was growling. Eon smiled at the wyvern, wiping a little dirt off his forehead. His hands smelled like gasoline and he was feeling pleased with himself. He hadn't done anything like that in a long time and it felt good to do something out of the ordinary, "yes, that means it is working. Let me show you why I needed it growling."

Eon grabbed his laptop out of the front seat floorboard as well as an extension cord he had brought from the apartment. Back in the mess hall, the generator sounded much louder. Skree stayed outside, ears twitching. Eon plugged the cord into the generator and moved one of the little levers to make the generator put out a lower level of power. This made the generator quieter as well. Moving back to the entrance, Eon took a seat just outside the mess hall. Plugging his laptop into the extension cord, Eon turned the computer on.

Skree gasped as the screen flickered to life, a picture of Eon flashing on the screen.

Eon put in his password and unlocked the computer. His assignment was an open paper, the professor having made it open so that she could see where her students were on the writing scale. The paper was for a grade, but the grade was going to be determined by the content and if the student bothered to turn it in. It was a good beginning assignment and Eon had already started his own. He had a good three pages on the state of the world and how current trends would lead to economic trouble. It was a good research paper...but as Eon looked it over, he realized it was a very boring read. He had found it interesting a few days ago and the facts were backed up. If Eon showed it to his past economics professors, they would give him an A+ on the spot. He stared at the end of the paper for a while, feeling conflicted.

He would get a passing grade, but he was doing it again. He was leaning too much on academics and he would probably put the poor professor asleep.

"how are you doing this magic?"

"hm?" Eon looked up from the screen and at the wyvern on his shoulder. He was staring wide eyed at the screen, transfixed by the light and colors. Eon moved his hand to cover Skree's eyes, "don't stare at the screen too hard or you will get a headache."

"But there are runes there! Is this a spell book? It looks like a spellbook...why do you need it connected to that growly monster? Are you reading it's mind?"

Eon just blinked. Skree looked excited and he was spouting nonsense. Then again, Eon would have a hard time justifying a computer if he had never seen one either, "no, this is one of our greatest achievements. It can store information and we can send it to anyone in the world that also has one of these. It is like...uh...Kira and Lyra's mind speak, only it covers the whole world. We type words using these keys here and we can find information or send information. Right now, I don't have a signal, so I can't show you. I can save what I'm typing now to send later."

Skree huffed, "I thought you said you didn't have magic."

Eon shook his head, "it isn't magic, just technology."

Skree rolled his eyes, "you can talk to people on the other side of the world. Sounds like magic to me. Do you know how it works?"

"Of course! The computer sends out a signal that is picked up by a router. That signal then travels through the power lines to a larger signal tower. That signal tower then blasts it to where it needs to go and get information. Once that signal gets the information, it comes back to my computer and I can see it."

Skree shook his head, "signals and towers? You human's don't know what magic is even when you use it."

Eon huffed, then he had an idea. Opening a new page, he added a few lines as an opening, "Hey Skree, Tell me more about your world."


Levian looked out of the tree tops, watching the pair of prey walk along the forest ground. A doe and buck, two large animals that would easily feed the three hungry dragons. Lyra and Kira were perched beside him, Lyra looking intently at the doe with a hunger Levian had forgotten she had. The plan was simple: Levian had the buck and the twins had the doe. If there were any leftovers, take them back for Eon and Skree.

The wind was in their favor, keeping their scents downwind. Still, the longer they waited, the more likely the deer would hear their stomachs growling. Pushing off the tree top, Levian beat his wings once and dove for the buck. He heard the other two take off as well, but he was focused on one thing.

The horned buck Levian had claimed as he turned to run just as Levin struck it, his claws latching on as his speed carried them both forward. Levian tucked in his wings, his hefty weight pulling him to the earth with frightening speed. With his claws buried into the buck, Levian dragged the unfortunate meal with him as Levian tumbled to the ground, the panicking buck unable to find purchase on the ground. Once Levian skidded to a stop, the Buck was easily pinned under him. It tossed its head and let out a terrified bleat, the many pointed antlers missing Levian's face by a hair. Levian opened his maw and sank his teeth into the deer's neck, then twisted his head sharply. There was a sickening snap and the deer went limp.

Holding his prey in his maw, Levian looked up just in time to see Lyra dive out of the sky like a flaming comet and crash into the other deer. Lyra hit hard enough to disorient the deer, but She wasn't heavy enough to knock the doe over. That is where Kira came and took the deer down like a whirlwind would blow over a stack of paper. As soon as the doe was on the ground, Kira latched onto the animal's spine, holding it still while Lyra went for the throat. In just a matter of seconds, there were two dead deer and three feeding dragons.

Deer had never tasted so good.

Levian let out a pleased growl as he dug into his kill, eagerly feeding on his first real meal in weeks. The deer here were softer and less aware than the ones back home. The ones back home would have bolted the moment the three dragons had landed in the tree. Still, a kill was a kill.

Levian let the moment rush into his body, his heart still pounding from the adrenaline. He snapped at the deer, tearing into it. His claws were used as they were intended, severing meat from bone, splitting skin and muscle. His wings flared out lightly, coving his kill as he claimed it as his own. His renewed vitality from Eon had made him feel alive again, but the rush of a successful hunt made him feel like a dragon again.

This was just like back home. There were no metal human boxes in the sky, there were no massive forests of cold stone, there were no hordes of humans. It was just three dragons in the forest. Three dragons and their meals. There was no worry about existence, there was no need to bend to the will of a human, there was food and the hunt.

Levian heard growls and hissing coming from the twins and he looked over to see them wrestling over the heart. Levian simply growled and ignored them. He had his own meal to enjoy...and enjoy he did! Pound after pound of succulent deer meat slipped down his maw, his stomach full and eagerly attacking the red meat. It took Levian a full ten minutes to eat all he could off the deer. All that was avoided was the stomach and a few of the less savory bits. Once Levian was done, the deer had become just a gory reminder of how hungry he had been.

The twins had finished before he did, the two of them having stripped the doe in a similar fashion. Lyra looked completely different, her white fur now crimson around her face, claws, and under belly. Kira did not look much different, though there was a content look in her eyes that only came from a good meal. Levian looked between the two of them, his heart racing. It had been a long time since he had a good hunt. His blood was racing and from the way the two dragonesses were looking at him, he was not the only one.

Dragons were a lot like humans when it came to sex. There was a need for consent and mutual partner pleasure was always appreciated...but sometimes there was more fun in just letting go of the rules.

Levian spread his wings and let out a growl, crouching low and walking to the side, moving to circle the two dragonesses. They followed his example, Lyra raising her wings and circling in the same direction he was. Kira circled the opposite direction and Levian soon had one dragoness on each side. Levian glanced from one to the other and then spread his wings wide and let out a loud roar. Kira responded with a roar of her own. Levian immediately looked at her, his eyes fixing on his challenger...then he felt Lyra tackle into the back of his neck. He felt her bite at his feathers and he let out a hiss, twisting his neck to grab at one of her horns. He managed to snag one and she let go instinctively. Levian tossed his head and sent Lyra tumbling. The furred dragoness caught her footing and let out a hiss at Levian, her blue eyes bright and her pupils narrowed.

Learning from his mistake, Levin turned in time to face Kira as she rushed him. She was much heavier than Lyra and Levian didn't think he could throw her as easily. Instead he jumped to the side as she rushed past him. As she tried to skid to a stop, Levian was upon her, his claws wrapping around her tail and legs. He flipped her easily with her own momentum. On her back, Kira let out a mad hiss, claws and tail thrashing. Levian let out a growl and darted his head between her legs, his tongue slipping along her scales. Kira shuddered, then resumed her struggling. She wasn't going to submit to him just yet, but she had a long way to go if Levian was going to submit to her.

Then Levian felt a pain in his ear. Lyra had taken flight and dove at his head. On the way back, she had snapped at his ear and managed to move Levian's head away from Kira's crotch. With her struggles renewed, Kira managed to kick Levian in the jaw. The hybrid jerked his head back, his grip loosening on the female just enough for her to get away.

Feeling her slip away made Levian growl in annoyance. He let out another roar and rushed at Lyra. The furred dragoness was ready this time and ran at Levian. At the last moment she spread her wings and made like she was going to fly. Levian jumped to intercept, but Lyra wasn't going to fly. She just needed Levian off the ground.

Kira, seeing that the hybrid was off the ground and no longer stable, took her chance. Tensing her legs, she leapt as where Levian was going to land. When Levian hit the ground with his foreclaws first, Kira tackled into his rear and managed to get him to lose his footing. Lyra spun around, jumping up and landing on Levian's back. As Levian rolled, Lyra moved and managed to get her teeth around his neck, just like she had to the doe earlier.

However, Levian wasn't a doe. He moved his claws upon, grasping Lyra by the wings and pulled. She let go quickly, but while Levian had his hands full, Kira came and placed her claws on his neck. Levian let out a hiss and tried to move, but Lyra dug her claws into his feathers. Kira followed suit, putting more pressure on Levian's neck.

Levian stopped struggling and let go of Lyra's wings. They won this round.

Kira let out a hiss and darted her head forward...kissing Levian on the muzzle. He growled into her kiss, his tongue slipping into her maw and along her fangs. He could still taste the deer on them.

Lyra shook herself, her wings more comfortable now that Levian wasn't squeezing them. She wiggled back on Levian, her furred haunches soon straddling his. She licked along his feathers and belly scales, running her own claws along where his body was divided between dragon and avian. Lyra knew that the Hybrid was strangely sensitive here, something was confirmed when she felt his male slit throb, Levian's draconic maleness responding to the stimulation.

Levian broke the kiss with Kira and looked at Lyra with a hiss. He moved to sit up, but Kira let out a growl and flexed her claws again. They won, so they got to do what they wanted.

Levian grumbled, but he didn't try to sit up again. Kira's growl became a purr. She looked back at her sister, watching as Lyra aroused the big hybrid. She was content with this, knowing that Levian was quite the proper dragon when he wanted to be. She watched as Levian grew, his purple member swelling between him and Lyra.

Kira couldn't see it very well due to Lyra's red fur, but she knew exactly what he looked like from past experiences. That large and thick shaft, plated ridges running along the bottom, and a tapered head. She shuddered as she thought about how Levian had felt during play time in the past. And then there was his knot, that thick bulge of throbbing dragon...rrff....

Kira let out a cry, Levian's tongue slipping between her legs and up into her vent. He had moved while she was distracted with his growing arousal and had his muzzle set between her legs now. She didn't mind, spreading her legs slightly so that Levian could get his tongue in deeper.

Levian took the opportunity she gave him, his tongue worming deeper into her slickened folds as he tasted her. He knew Kira well, his tongue covered in the familiar and tantalizing juices that she oozed around his tongue. He felt each ridge of her insides with his tongue, pressing a little deeper till he felt a small rib that was just slightly more textured than the others. Dragon's didn't have a normal clitoris like humans...but they did have one. It just took a practiced tongue to find it.

Kira let out a straggled gasp as Levian's tongue grazed that one ridge, her muscles clenching tight as she tried to hold him right there. Her wings shuddered as she relaxed her grip on Levian, the male wiggling his tongue slowly along her most sensitive spot. Levian was almost purring, then he tensed up and let out a growl.

Lyra had watched the other two for a moment, watching Levian eat out her sister turning the furred dragon on more than she would ever admit. She needed something inside her and Levian was politely offering himself to her. Moving her body just a bit, Lyra slipped her rump back a few times, Levian's large maleness sliding and slipping along her backside. He was slick as he oozed out a steady stream of pre, likely because he was snout deep in Kira.

Lyra had to use her tail to hold Levian's cock still long enough for her to line up, then she leaned back quickly, her need to be filled overtaking her. Half of Levian's shaft was swallowed by her wet slit, her lips spread into a wide O as she held herself there. Her sudden penetration made her shiver and twitch, claws digging into Levian's scales as the pleasure and pain wrestled in her body, Lyra drooling lightly as she shuddered around Levian's cock.

Levian paused in his tonging to look at Lyra. He could see just how wide she was spread on him, her legs quivering as she tried to stay standing. Levian flexed his lower belly muscles, he cock flaring as extra blood rushed into his pole. Lyra let out a gasp as Levian's cock swelled just a little bit inside her, but those blasted ridges of his flexed out when he did this and made her cry out in pleasure.

No! She was in control! Lyra ground her maw, clenching down on Levian as he flexed, pulling her hips up as she made sure she was as tight as she could be. Now it was Levian's turn to shudder, his ridges stimulated as Lyra's slick and tight flesh caressed his sensitive flesh. His hind claws flexed as he felt Lyra flex her muscles around him, her wet slit squeezing near the entrance, then rippling deeper. It was like Lyra was trying to suck him with her vent...and it was quite effective. Levian gasped as Lyra relaxed for a moment, his cock throbbing inside her. He raised his head to look at Lyra again, but his vision was covered in red and he could hear an annoyed growl.

Kira, annoyed at the short break Levian decided to take, had straddled his maw while he gasped. She practically spread his muzzle open with her hips, her scaled slit oozing into his maw as she demanded he continue. Her claws gripped Levian's head, holding tight as she slowly gyrated her hips against his open muzzle. His razor teeth gleamed and his tongue slid from her tailhole to her lower belly, lashing at everything in between. Her rear claws were on the ground and if she had a cock, she would be deep in Levian's throat by now. Instead, Levian pressed his tongue into her. with the new angle, Levian pressed all the way inside with the entirety of his tongue, the tip of his tongue pressing hard against that final barrier.

From an outside view, it was quite a spectacle. The large hybrid was on his back, lounging there with his wings spread on the ground, one white furred dragon riding his purple cock and a red scaled dragoness straddling his maw and receiving the tongue lashing of her life.

Lyra was working herself along his shaft, her tight lips spread wide around his thick shaft and claws latched onto his scales as she moved slowly, his girth making it hard to adjust so that she could move faster. She would freeze and let out a growl occasionally, her vent spasming when one of Levian's cock ridges grazed her inner clit. She wanted to move faster so that Levian's ridges would slop out of her wet vent, feel his strong hips pressing against her, but her body was not letting her. every time she tried to pick up the pace her legs would stop listening, refusing to move faster.

Kira was practically feeding herself to the hybrid, her lower body straddling the larger dragon's maw. She could feel his teeth along her underbelly if she leaned forward, the feeling making her skin prickle from the strange feeling of teeth along such sensitive scales. She liked...she liked the feeling of the potential danger of slipping and those teeth hurting, or Levian closing his maw just a little, those dagger-like teeth running along her body... she gushed a little more into Levian's maw from the idea. Kira never enjoyed feeling pain but the idea of being in danger was getting her turned on even more than she already was. She did not think it was possible to feel more aroused. She had Levian's tongue slipping and sliding along the entrance to her egg chamber, pressing against that small opening. Each pass was like shocks of lightning running through her body, her legs clutching around Levian's jaw as she started to growl in anticipation. With each passing moment, her growl was rising in pitch till she was arching her back, whining for Levian to push just a little deeper...

The Levian broke the rules.

Perhaps the hybrid had been teased a little too much over the past few days, denied one too many times over the past few months. Whatever the reason, Levian moved quickly, his eyes glazed with need. He moved quickly, reached his claws up and grabbed Kira. She did not protest till he lifted her and tossed her to the side. Levian rolled back to his feet, Lyra letting out a squeak of protest as he world spun and she landed on the ground under Levian. Kira turned and growled in protest, more annoyed that Levian was interrupting their fun time on top of him.

Levian slammed a paw onto her, knocking her to the ground. She lay there on her back for a moment, dazed.

While Kira was out for a moment, Levian decided to put his little plan into motion. Lyra looked confused at the sudden change in plans, so Levian leaned in and whispered his plan to her. Lyra grinned, moving out from under Levian and laying between Kira's legs before the dragoness could recover from Levian's slap.

When Kira recovered, she groaned as her head stopped spinning. That damn hybrid needed to watch how much force he used, or he might hurt a girl. That blasted hybrid, what was he doing now? Kira twitched as she felt something soft and furred straddle her tail, a pair of familiar claws running along her legs. Kira raised her head and looked just in time to see...Lyra?

Lyra looked right at Kira, blue eyes locking with yellow, then Lyra licked right along Kira's sopping vent. Never in her most erotic dreams had Kira imagined Lyra licking her. it was a...a...fuck it felt good. Lyra's tongue was not as long or thin as Levian's. it was a little wider and rough, made for cleaning fur of debris and mud...or for cleaning certain spots.

Lyra was certainly cleaning something, her rough tongue texture alien and new to Kira, the scaled dragoness writing on the ground. Lyra held her legs open as she slipped the tortuously pleasurable and rough tongue into her, the added texture making Kira's walls clamp down on her sister's tongue. Kira gasped for air, confused on why it felt so good and wanting more. Though...where was Levian?

Kira found the answer to the soon enough, a great shadow looming over both of them.

Levian was careful to not pull Lyra away from Kira, moving his claws to hook her hind legs and keep her rear raised. He watched Lyra lick Kira for a moment, a pleased rumble escaping him. He wondered how long Lyra would last like this...especially after he had her filled with his cock.

He moved his hips forward, pressing and prodding a few times till he felt his smaller target at his tip. He pressed forward just a little to make sure he had the right hole, then he shoved his hips forward. His ridged length slid into Lyra much faster than before, the sudden motion making the furred dragoness cry out. Levian let out a hiss, using one of his claws to press Lyra's snout back into Kira's vent. They were his to rut and he was going to make sure they knew it.

Kira wiggled at the rough treatment her sister was getting, but Lyra wasn't letting go of her rear legs. Levian thrust into Lyra, the motion making Lyra's snout push in into Kira's vent. With just that little extra reach, Lyra was able to run her tongue along that spot. Kira screamed, the rough texture of her sister's tongue making her clench down and her walls ripple. They had never managed to get her tongue in that deep before, the feeling was more intense than she had thought it would be. She was in the middle of catching her breath, then Levian locked his muzzle with hers. It was a kiss, deep and passionate, Levian growling as he pressed his tongue against her maw, Kira could still taste her own fluids on his tongue, the feminine taste making her moan into Levian.

Levian moved his hips back, Lyra growling into Kira's vent before she shrieked when he bucked forward. Lyra moaned as she flexed around him, then he did it again. Each time he thrust forward, Lyra was able to give Kira's inner clit a lick, which made the scaled dragoness writhe on the ground as she clenched around Lyra's tongue. Levian broke the kiss and huffed, moving his head back just a little. Lyra was getting close and Kira was in a state of shocked sensitivity, gasping as Lyra licked at her with a fervor Levian did not have.

Levian was not too much farther behind, the knot at his base starting to swell a little as he came closer. He had been planning on knotting Lyra for a bit and then pulling out and having fun with Kira, but he had underestimated Lyra's eagerness. She was tighter and wetter than he had been expecting and the rippling motion her insides did was something he had not felt before. When he knotted her, it was going to be a bit before he could get free. Still, Kira looked like she did not mind.

Levian changed his motions, slamming his hips forward and grinding against Lyra's taunt vent. He did not pull back, pressing with more force against her. He had the strength to shove his knot into her, but he was going to make her scream for it. As soon as he felt her tight ring relaxing to let him in, he would pull away and grind his cock ridges along her insides before slamming in again. Over and over again, Levian came close to knotting Lyra and each time the furred dragoness let out a whimper of need when he pulled away. Her tail curled around his leg and she viciously licked along Lyra's folds, the scaled dragoness simply going limp as she felt nothing but Lyra's tongue.

Levian was reaching his limit though, his cock throbbing as his own sensitivity shot through the roof. Each movement had him growling and twitching, this burst of sensitivity making it harder to focus on his task. He had one more thing he wanted to do, something that would send all three of them over the edge.

His next thrust into Lyra was at full force, his knot smashing into the waiting dragoness with a wet squelch and her own fluids gushed out, Levian's cock filling her past anything she had ever felt. She began to quiver as her vent pulsed and spasmed, milking Levian for everything he was worth. Levian took a claw and shoved Lyra's snout into Kira's vent, the climaxing furred dragoness letting out a muffled howl as she reached the blissful edge, her legs locking and her grip on Kira becoming almost painful. Levian growled as he neared his own peak, but he managed to hold back for just a few more seconds. In those precious moments, he darted forward and latched his maw around Kira's neck, snarling as he bit her with a fair amount of force. He heard a scale crack and then he heard her scream.

All of the sensations crashed on her at once. The feeling of Lyra licking her clit like it was all she was made for, her rough tongue making her feel so good it hurt. The sound of Levian's knot sinking into Lyra and Lyra's muffled howl. The view of Levian mounting her sister as she had watched, paralyzed by pleasure. Then the feeling of Levian's teeth around her neck, biting with enough force that one of her scales cracked and she felt a few of his teeth prick her skin. Lyra screamed out, a primal, animal shriek as that final act of dominance sent her crashing off the edge for the second time that day.

Kira tensed up, her vent spasming around Lyra's snout, a gush of her arousal splashing along Kira's muzzle and along her fur, the scent of a climaxing female dragon marking Lyra's muzzle. Lyra breathed deeply, her body unable to hang onto her thoughts as she felt her need take over, her vent clenching tightly around Levian as she wanted...needed him in her, to feel him claim her just as she had dreamed in the past. Her front half went limp, all of her energy focused on milking Levian.

Levian tasted a little blood on his tongue, the heavy metallic taste of dragon blood. He let go of Kira quickly, just in time for Lyra to climax around his cock. The smell of Kira's arousal, the feeling of Lyra milking his cock, the view of Kira laying there with her eyes half closed as she twitched, and the carnal act of having a tight vent around his knot was more than enough to blast the hybrid into orbit with his own climax.

Levian's wings snapped open and he tossed his head back, letting out a roar that made Kira and Lyra flinch. He felt his internal balls pulse and throb, his cock swelling slightly as he worked to paint Lyra's insides a creamy white to match her fur. There was a rush of heat as he felt her clench around him again, then he throbbed into her, a gush of hot dragon cum blasting into her with enough force that she let out a surprised squeak. Levian didn't move, holding his head high as he felt his knot throb and his cock pulse, another wave of creamy dragon spunk blasting into Lyra...then another...and another...more and more filled her vent, putting pressure on her egg chamber entrance. Lyra could feel it as the pressure grew and grew, that extra warmth in her belly making her vent swell slightly as Levian claimed her, the need to breed finally sated after weeks of waiting.

Levian, remembering the promise he had made to Kira a while ago, tugged his hips back forcefully. Lyra gasped from the unexpected motion, Levian hissing as his sensitive cock moved inside her. She clenched instinctively, not wanting the male to pull out before he could finish breaching her egg chamber with his hot cum, but Levian would not let her. With a sharp tug, his knot slopped out of her clenching vent, Lyra whimpering as she was spread wide as he moved back. Without his knot to keep his flood of semen inside, there was a gush of white fluid as the floodgates were opened and Levian's cum oozed along her crotch and legs, matting her fur. Levian shuddered as he felt his cum pool on the ground, glad he had remembered to pull out before he had claimed Lyra completely. It was a shame to waste so much delicious cum and ruin his own afterglow, but he had promised not to impregnate Lyra...yet.

Levian leaned to the side and fell with a thud, huffing as his heart raced and he cock ached. That was the most intense orgasm he had had in a long time. He was going to be sore for a while after that breeding.

Lyra let out a huff, disappointed that Levian had let his cum ooze out of her but she figured he had his reasons. She did not like the idea of becoming gravid with eggs right now either, so it was for the best. Still, she clenched her vent as tight as she could to keep a little bit of Levian's seed inside her. she crawled forward and lay on top of lyra, giving her a lick along her scaled muzzle, her vent oozing as she had trouble keeping herself tight.

Kira was simply breathing, gasping as she felt Lyra move along her, Lyra's claimed vent oozing on top of her own. She shuddered, feeling their fluids mix as she returned her sister's licks, tasting herself on Lyra's fur. She huffed, laying back down and letting out a quiet growl. She was too dazed to say anything in her mind, but she did not need to. It was obvious she had enjoyed herself.

After resting for a little bit, Levian stood on shaky legs, his groin aching from their recent activity. The small clearing smelled like dragon, sex, lots of sex, dragon cum, and the underlying smell of a fresh kill. It was enough to make Levian shudder.

He nuzzled the two sisters, "alright you two, we need to get back to Eon. The sun will be setting soon."

He did not get a response, the two dragon's laying there. Kira let out a moan and Lyra snored. Levian waited for a bit, shaking them with his claws. No response. He let out a groan, grabbing Kira's foreclaw in his own claws. Normally he would not mind fucking someone unconscious, but he could not leave these two here. Lyra was much lighter that Kira, so Levian wrapped his tail around hers. The sleeping and sexually exhausted dragoness did the same, her tail curling tight around his. It was a typical cuddling response, but it would also be a tight enough grip for Levian to fly without worrying about Lyra slipping.

Kira was a little harder since he needed both claws to carry her scaled frame. He grabbed her leg in one claw and tried to balance on his hind legs for just a moment. He tugged her up into the air as he jumped up, his wings snapping open as he tried to take off. It took a few tries, but eventually Levian was in the air and holding both dragoness's somewhat securely. The added strain was going to make his wing muscles sore for days, but it was better than dragging them through the underbrush. He grumbled to himself, hoping Eon did not mind them being gone for so long.


Eon stood at his car, watching the sun sink lower and lower. He had a headache and his neck hurt, a sharp pain along the side like he had slept wrong. He had finished what he could on his paper and cleaned up a little around camp before he started feeling strangely sore, his body just starting to ache in the oddest of places. He had an odd taste in his mouth and his legs felt like he had been doing squats all day. His neck also felt a sharp pain for a little while, like there was a vice with teeth that squeezed around his neck for a few minutes. He simply added it to the list of strange things for the day.

Levian, Lyra, and Kira had all been gone for about 3 hours, the time getting close to seven in the evening. He wondered for a bit if they had gotten lost or had decided to take a nap somewhere. Skree had also started to feel tired, the wyvern curled up on the top of the car where it was still warm. Eon was beginning to worry about them. Did they wonder too far away and run out of energy? Should he go looking for them? Was he wrong and did they run into some hunters? He jumped when he heard something crashing through the branches nearby. Levian came falling through the threes and landed with a thud, Kira tumbling from his grasp and Lyra held by his tail. Levian looked exhausted and the other two were not moving. He saw blood on Kira's neck and Lyra's fur, assuming the worst.

"Levian what happened!"

Levian huffed, folding his wings closed. They were going to be sore tomorrow. Everything was going to be sore. Eon was coming closer, a panicked look on his face, "Eon! There you are. I thought I lost sight of the camp."

Eon went to Kira and felt along her neck, the puncture marks shallow and superficial, the blood not hers. Kira didn't look to have any obvious injuries either, but that blood had to come from somewhere. Did...did they run into a hunter? "Levian, what happened? Whose blood is this?"

Levian stretched, his tail joint popping after holding onto Lyra for as long as he did, "Dunno. You can name the bodies if you want. They were delicious."

Eon was panicking, "you ate a human?"

Levian snorted, "a human? Of course not! They taste bad anyway...no we found a pair of deer. I don't know what you feed the wildlife, but it makes them really tasty."

Oh...that makes sense. Dragon's probably were not the cleanest eaters and it looked like Lyra was soaked along her underbelly...and smelled like Levian. She smelled very strongly of Levian. And Kira...

"Levian, where did these marks on Kira come from? And why does Lyra smell like she took a bath in your scent?"

Skree let out a groan of annoyance, "Eon, you are smarter than that. I already told you they were going to have some fun, though I didn't think they would play with their food too. For a human that has a magic box with spells in it, you are really slow on the uptake."

Levian nodded, then looked intrigued, "you have a spell book? I thought you humans didn't have magic!"

"it's not magic it is a computer that runs on...never mind. I can tell you later." Eon coughed a little as the smell finally hit him. At first it was a pleasant scent that the dragons seemed to always have with them, then it got stronger the longer Levian was nearby. It had reached a point where all Eon could smell was blood, dragon sex, and old cum. "I need to clean you off before we go anywhere. If I have to drive with you smelling like that, I'm going to pass out."

Levian sighed, "why? I don't smell that bad."

Skree coughed at that exact moment, looking right at Levian, "actually I agree with Eon. I already hate having to travel in the metal box, but having you smell like sex and blood is going to give me a real headache in there."

Levian gave himself a sniff. He grumbled a little bit, knowing they were right. Still... "fine. I can fly overhead and land at the apartment rooftop."

Eon shook his head, "nope. You get a bath here. I would use the bath house but there is no water running. We will just use the well here behind the cabins."

"Why are you picking just me? Lyra was literally just covered in cum and Kira's juices..."

Skree perked up at that, "Really? How did you manage to get Kira to agree to that?"

"I asked nicely, but that is beside the point."

Skree sniggered, "by asking nicely, you mean you pounced on her."

"Politely pounced. I gave them a shot and I was not satisfied."

Eon shook his head, "I don't care if they pounce you or you pounced them..."

"both things happened, so that is good."

"Levian. Bath. Now."

Skree laughed as Levian tried to argue more. The wyvern winked at Levian and then moved over to Eon, "He hates taking baths because they make his feathers poof out. He thinks he looks silly."


Eon just sighed, "Lyra and Kira can fit in the bathtub at home. You would take up the entire bathroom and my water bill would go through the roof. Here the water is free, and I have a few rags. The only thing I am missing is soap."

Skree and Levian looked confused at the idea, "what is soap?"

"a brick of oil that smells like flowers. Come with me. Lyra and Kira will be fine."

They left the two dragonesses' next to the car, moving around to the side of the mess hall. A ring of weathered circles denoted the location of the well, a metal tripod set up over the hole with a bucket and chain. Eon had planned to bathe Levian anyway, so he already had a few things set up. He had found an old metal trough that had once been used to hold grain. It was just big enough that Levian could lay in it and Eon had filled it to the brim with water from the well. There were also several buckets sitting by the well in varying degrees of disrepair, some rusty and old, some looking fresh and shiny from the storage closet Eon had found near the old bath house.

Eon also had a small arsenal or rags, towels, and a few large sponges from that same storage closet. There had been a few bottles of bleach and other hard cleaners made to clean the bathhouses, but all the chemical cleaning supplies were at least a few years old and Eon did not want to risk Levian having a reaction to them.

It had taken him a few hours to get this set up and Eon was quite pleased with himself, even if it did make his back and shoulder ache again. Eon looked back to see Levian looking at the standing water.

Eon was getting a little better at reading the dragon's faces but he couldn't tell what Levian was thinking. The hybrid looked like he was thinking about something, something that made his eyes glass over. It was like he was looking at the little tub setup Eon had made and was remembering something.

"Levian? Are you okay?"

Levian jumped, Eon jarring him out of his thoughts, "Kiro...Eon. Yes, I'm fine. You set this all up? by yourself?"

Skree let out a huff, Eon reaching up to give the ruffled Wyvern a rubbing along his spine, "Skree helped me find things. I did most of the heavy lifting. While you three had been out frolicking in the woods, I worked on my schooling and set this up so that I could clean you off. You stink, Levian."

They hybrid let out a chuckle, moving toward the tub and running a claw along the rim of the metal trough. He scraped off some of the rust and dirt that Eon had not managed to scrub off, flicking it to the ground. He ran a claw along the surface of the water, making little ripples. He was lost in thought, the ripples reminding him of another time, long before he was in this world.

Eon moved to get closer, but Skree pulled on his ear, "ow! Skree! Wha..."

"Give him a moment. It has been a long time since anyone has done something for him like this."

Eon looked at the wyvern on his shoulder. Skree was looking at Levian, his wings dropping a little. Skree's tail was holding onto Eon's arm tightly, something Eon had noticed Skree did when he was uncertain. "Skree, all I did was make a bathtub. Honestly, I thought he would be complaining more."

There was a splash as Levian jumped into the tub, cold water splashing out a covering Eon's legs. The metal tub groaned as Levian's bulk settled into it, but it held. The hybrid managed to half submerge himself in the water, with wings spread out and his tail curled up and over the rim of the tub. He rested his head on the side, eyes closed and...grinning? Eon had seen Levian smirk and chuckle, but this was the first time he had seen the hybrid genuinely smile. Either the tub was bigger than Eon had expected or Levian had become smaller, the tub having plenty of room for Eon to scoop water with a bucket. It really was the perfect set up.

Levian let out a sigh, completely relaxing as the frigid water washed over his legs and underbelly. It was cold and clean, just like back home. Just like the last time.

Eon grabbed a rag from his collection, tossing one of the smaller ones to Skree, "you might as well get cleaned up too."

Skree looked at Levian. It had been a very long time since he had seen his friend this content. Eon had no idea what this simple gesture meant to the big dragon, even if Levian had protested. When Eon had mentioned that he had wanted to give Levian a bath, Skree knew it was exactly what Levian needed. That snarky shell Levian liked to put on was getting too tight and a bath would help him loosen up again. Skree knew what this would mean to Levian. Eon had no clue...and Skree wanted them to really connect. So, he had a different plan.

"Actually, would you mind moving one of those buckets to the twins? I can give them a cleaning while you work on Levian here."

Eon nodded, grabbing one of the large buckets full of water. He left with Skree, walking carefully to avoid spilling the water.

Levian lay there in the water, in a tub that needed to be a little bigger for him, built for him by another human. The water was just as cold, the sky was just as dark, and Levian was just as dirty now as he had been then. Of course, the last time this happened he had been covered in his own blood.

Levian stood and shook himself, looking down at the water he was in. already there was dirt and twigs at the bottom. Dirt was flowing out of his scales, the past few months washing off him. It had been so long since any human had done something like this. He knew Eon had agreed to take on the bonds, but he had been drunk when he had agreed. Levian had assumed that Eon had kept his promise simply because he felt obligated to do so. Yet Eon had taken the time to make him this.

The tub was old and rusty on the outside, the water was cold and would probably give him a chill if he stayed in it, and the rags would probably mess up his feathers more than clean them, but Eon did this. For him. Eon really did care for them more than just an obligation. Just like Kiron did...

There were a few more drops added to the water, salty tears dripping off Levian's jaw.

"Alright, Skree is working on cleaning the twins and himself. At least if he can get the fluids off they shouldn't smell too bad. I can bath them once we get...Levian? Are you crying?"

Levian looked up at Eon. Levian shook his head, then dunked his head in the cold water. He came up after a second, snorting out his nose, "of course I'm not! I just got something in my eye earlier and needed it cleaned."

Eon did not believe him. Still, there was plenty to do without trying to pry open the hybrid's mind. It was obvious that something had happened to the dragons before they were sent here. Kira had been mad at humanity this morning. Levian had a look of fire when he had told him about the bond that first day. Skree had been scared of Eon when he and Levian had fought. Something was going on with the dragons...his dragons. He didn't want to pry, but he was going to find out what it was.

"Of course! Here, let me get a rag. Do you want me to start on your tail, your wings, or your face?"

Levian wanted to have Eon start on his face. He wanted to look at the human, see if there was some chance. There had been legends of people living in other worlds... "Start with my tail. I'll work on getting my claws clean."

Eon did just that. With a rag and sponge in hand, Eon moved to the rear of the tub. Eon ran a hand along Levian's tail and feathered tail tip. The last time Eon had been this close to just the hybrid was that first day and he had been terrified. This time he was giving Levian a bath. There was not a hint of fear left in him now. Eon ran a cloth over the scaled tail, finding quickly that if he went the wrong way the cloth would snag and Levian would twitch in discomfort. It took him a few minutes to get Levian's scales shiny again, then he had to figure out how to clean the feathers on the tail tip.

Levian's tail fan had been a curious spot for Eon. This close, he could see that the feathers here were very soft and flexible. They formed a fan that was parallel to the ground when Levian's tail was out stretched and probably helped act as a rudder to steer the dragon in the air. they were more flexible than Eon had been expecting, which made cleaning them a little easier. He took a rag in each hand squeezed on both sides of the feathery tail fan, then he worked his hand back. He gently tugged at the tail feathers till he was worried he was going to pull feathers out, but he managed to get the dark purple feathers clean. With the tail clean, Eon moved to start on Levian's lower back.

Levian was working on cleaning his claws though all of this, his thoughts on another time completely. Levian knew what he was thinking was impossible, but the similarities were incredible. Eon had willingly taken on the bond without any promise that it would be good for him. Eon had swallowed his fear of Levian and tried to treat the hybrid like he did the other three. Eon had almost died because of the bond, yet here he was, giving Levian a bath. Eon was a good human. Just like Kiron.

"Eon...why are you so nice to us?"

Eon didn't pause in his cleaning, having made it to Levian's wings. The membrane was relatively clean, but he was giving it a decent scrubbing just to be sure. The buckets of water were coming in handy here, Eon dumping them on Levian's back and wings to keep the water flowing. Eon thought of Levian's question as he cleaned. Why was he helping the dragons?

Levian ran his claws together "it has been on my mind for a while. Originally, we had planned on having Skree bond with you a little so he could live longer, then if you were able to understand him, we would start looking for more humans like you. You dashed that plan and started to bond with all four of us. After we got you to your apartment, we started to make plans in case you didn't want to help us in the morning. We had never heard of someone bonding with more than two dragons and you had been inebriated when you made that choice. We had been scared. Kira originally had a plan to use something on you to force you to want to bond with us, so that we could take your energy and live longer. I didn't know at the time she had venom and I was just going to go with it. Now that I know she was going to use that blasted poison..." Levian growled.

Eon was listening intently. He had a suspicion that the dragons had a contingency plan if he did not agree. He knew they were not dumb, but it was still shocking to hear it said out loud. He did not say anything, he just kept scrubbing at Levian's scales. He managed to finish Levian's back scales and had moved on to Levian's side. He glanced toward the hybrid's head, Levian staring at his own reflection. It was different seeing the hybrid like this. Eon was used to Levian being stoic and quiet unless he had something to say, even grinning at things that the other dragons seemed to be annoyed by. Then again, this could just be Levian. Eon had only known him for the better part of two days.

"It would have destroyed me. I hate that this happened to us, I hate that we had to come here, but if we had to kill you to live, especially after seeing you like this Eon...I don't know what I would have done."

Levian was shaking. Was...was he crying? Eon knew he could and he had seen him crying earlier, but Eon had assumed it was because Levian just hated the bath. Now he felt bad because he had stumbled on some dark tragedy or something. Honestly, Eon did not like the idea of his dragon crying like this. He grabbed one of the full water buckets.

Levian continued, his wings dropping and his ears flat. He was looking at his own reflection, his eyes staring right back, "You almost died for us and you don't even know us. Then you act like it is no big deal and tell us you have always liked dragons? You act so much like him, but you can't be him. Kiron was just lik...pgpgpgpgggg!"

Levian sputtered as water cascaded around his head, Eon grabbing two buckets and dumping them both on Levian's head. The cold water rushed everywhere, soaking into his feathers and making him feel a chill that made him shiver. Then he was pushed underwater for a moment, Eon holding him there for half a breath before the hybrid burst back up, breathing deep, "The hell was that for! I am telling you how I'm feeling, and you go and dunk me in this cold water? Is this what a human does to others?"

Eon shrugged, twirling one of the buckets, "no, that was just for you. You had stuff in your eyes, so I cleaned your stinky face."

Levian had no words for this irresponsible, disrespectful, lovable human. He just stared for a bit, Eon leaning in and planting a kiss on Levian's muzzle. Dropping the buckets, The human ran his hands along Levian's maw, feeling the har upper jaw and the powerful neck muscles. He could feel Levian breathing, Eon's dragon simply staying quiet. Levian really was beautiful.

"I don't like it when things are in your eyes. I get it, bad things happened, lots of stuff went wrong, I look like someone named Kiron. I'm not Kiron, but I did promise to help. I don't need another reason to get to know an amazing dragon."

Levian was shocked, held by the human's gaze. Was there...nothing else? Did Eon really want to help just because he wanted to? No motives? No plans? Levian felt a tear in his eye again, "you really are a strange human."

Eon chuckled, rubbing his ear, "mostly human. You can tell me all about how you feel once you can do it without getting things in your eyes. Speaking of that..."

"Eon, don't you..."

Levian was underwater again, but this time as he came back up, he grabbed Eon and dunked him. The tub was a little too high to just dunk Eon, so Levian had to reach out and lift Eon a bit before he could safely dunk the idiot human.

Eon came up, soaking wet, and he laughed. Levian let out a snort as he let the human go, smiling as he splashed water out of the tub and covered Eon. Eon ran over to the buckets and slopped another one on Levian. This started a small war between the two, water flying out of the tub onto Eon and Eon sloping water onto Levian till he ran out of buckets, the two of them becoming soaked to the bone. By the time it was over, it was impossible to tell who was getting a bath.

Once the water in the tub had almost run out, Levian jumped out of the tub and shook himself off. Once he was done shaking, his feathers puffed out, making his front half look even bigger. Eon smiled, coming closer and giving the hybrid a hug, the feathers softer now since there was nothing drying to them. He listened to Levian breath as he held his dragon close, those great lungs filling with air and the deep thump of Levian's heart reaching Eon's ears. Eon knew then that he wanted the dragons to stay. This was a real adventure, a true fantasy come to life. He could make this work; he could keep them secret. They could be happy.

Eon let go of Levian, stepping back a little. He reached out and ran his hands along Levian's maw again, fearless of his friend. It did not matter what the dragons had originally planned or what the dragons would have done if Eon had refused. Eon was with them; they would never have to make that dreadful decision to take a life.

Leaning in, Eon gave Levian a kiss on the muzzle. Unlike the last kiss, Eon didn't move away right after. He stayed there, and Levian welcomed him. It was tricky for Levian to kiss the human properly. Normally, dragon's locked maws and kissed that way. If Levian tried that, Eon's head would probably fit between his jaws. So he simply opened his maw a little, his tongue slipping out to press against Eon's lips, then into the human's mouth.

Eon was surprised, but he did not stop Levian, letting the dragon in as they shared a real kiss, tongue sliding along each other as Eon felt his body warm up. He felt that same urge to have Levian again, to have Levian hold him down, but he knew it was too soon. Bonding with Kira had nearly killed him and Levian was twice her size. Levian kept leaning into him, the hybrid's tongue slipping into Eon's throat, making the human fight his urge to cough. He held onto Levian's head, gently urging the hybrid to give him more. Kisses did not cause too much trouble, and this was...

"are you two done yet?"

Eon and Levian jumped, both pulling away quickly, Levian's tongue slipping back out of Eon's throat with a wet noise. Eon felt his gag reflex triggering, his throat tightening reflexively. Kira stood there, watching the two of them with a bemused look. Eon felt his face heat up, his blood running hot. He shouldn't feel embarrassed, but he did. He nodded quickly, ignoring the sound of Levian pulling his tongue into his maw again, "yes, we are done. Ermm...how long have you been standing there?"

Kira just shrugged her wings, turning and heading back to the car, "Long enough to see a human get dunked. Let us head home, I'm ready for bed. And Eon? Careful with that tongue, you don't know where it has been."

If Eon could spontaneously combust, he would have. Levian gave him a shy look, following Kira. Eon just shook his head, looking back at the bathtub he had built. They would need to come back here, make a bigger tub. One big enough for a human and his dragon.

His car alarm went off in the dying light, the sudden and jarring noise making Eon run around the corner of the building. The dragons were covering their ears and hunkering down. Eon grabbed his keys out of his pocket and hit the alarm button, the car making a beep and turning off the alarm. Levian grumbled as he grabbed on to the back-door handle, wrenching it open with enough force that Eon winced. It was going to be a long drive home.

Not gonna lie, this was a difficult chapter to finish. Almost fell into a writing slump again. ** Lots of good stuff here. First time writing a threesome, lots of story building, all packed into 25 pages. Hopefully this will keep ya'll satisfied while I bang out chapter 7~**

Big thanks to dagoonman10 for his continued help with making this story even better. Without his input, this chapter would have been much shorter, and the things that were added are actually some of my favorite parts. For example, the entire car ride conversation didn't happen till it was brought to my attention that an hour long car ride with no dialog is kinda weird...

Stay Safe so you can enjoy chapter 7 when i finish it :p