Armored Impotence

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#87 of Commissions

Story for McFan starring his horse, Heiken getting into trouble with some kobolds. Except this time, he's brought along some protection.

Heiken snorted as he trundled along. The warhorse kept his ears on a swivel, not daring to let his guard down for an instant. Reports said that there had been enemy movement in the area. By all rights he shouldn't be out here alone, but someone had to do some recon. Since a few scouts had gone missing, and others had reports of being chased, he had to be on his guard. It was one of the few reasons he found himself so heavily armored currently.

The gray stallion looked over his shoulder and down his own body. Gold washed armor stood out from his gray pelt. Each piece fitted perfectly to his body. Oh it had taken a small fortune to get the barding made for him. He'd faced the enemy enough times to know that it had been worth every copper. Though, it was heavy. He could feel how it weighed down on him and forced him to pick a more careful path.

Even if it was a little uncomfortable in places. Heiken snorted quietly and shook his head, feeling the armored neck plates and helmet shift just a little. Those were secure, tight without constraining him. He wished the same could be said about the armored cod piece. It'd been beyond awkward to request that piece from the smithy. Once he'd explained his stance, and how some of their enemies used such a target to their advantage; things had gone smoother. At least until the smith had to get some measurements. Then things got far more awkward.

Still, at least he was protected now. Really, only his belly was exposed. If someone went for that then they'd have to contend with his hooves. Those that met with his hooves rarely became a problem again.

Ears perked as the stallion scanned the forest around him. He was pretty far out right now. Further than he really should have gone. If the General found out how far he'd strayed from the camp he'd get an earful. Though he'd rather stray a little farther and maybe find something vital than miss it. It'd be horrible if he missed out just because he didn't go that extra few feet.

Just his few extra feet turned into a few extra miles before he knew it. Seemed like each time he was getting ready to turn around, there was something that caught his eye. Broken branch that was out of place. Scrap of cloth hanging from a bush. A bit of leather from someone's tact caught in a tree. Each one pulled him a bit deeper into the woods. He had to be on something. Instinct told him to be wary, but also that someone was clearly leaving a trail for him. One of the missing scouts maybe._Isn't it a little too obvious?_The voice of caution whispered in his ear.

"It really is," Heiken grumbled to himself. Ears on a swivel. A bit of cloth was lodged in a tree branch up ahead. It hung there, taunting him, flicking in the breeze. If he looked closer, it felt like it'd been torn on purpose. Giving the hint of his company's emblem and colors. He breathed out a sigh and wary snort before backing up a step. Both ears trained on the scrap of cloth. Yeah, that was too suspicious. Especially the height it was stuck at. He didn't know many that would carry their tabbard that high.

Heiken's ears swiveled as he turned away. Back to camp.

Except as he turned, he found himself almost snout to nose with a kobold. The scaled creature looked up at him with a sideways grin, "Wondered how far you'd go."

The warhorse backed up a step and looked about. The ruddy scaled creature seemed to be alone. Just gazing up at him with hooded eyes. It was dressed... plainly. Light leather armor, a simple dagger on it's hip, and a crossbow casually resting in its grasp. "What do you want?" Heiken growled down at it.


It was...absurd! The utterly plain, almost bored tone to the kobold's voice. Heiken couldn't help but laugh. It just broke forth with a loud, almost braying, "Ha!" which didn't seem to bother his would-be captor. The red-scaled kobold. "You? You're going to capture me?" He looked about again. Ears straining to hear the approach of other kobolds. He'd dealt with them plenty of times. They were small, sneaky, and preferred striking when it was darker. It was bright today, barely into the afternoon. The sun was still plenty high, meaning the kobold had to shade its eyes with a wide brimmed hat.

Where others might scowl or snarl, the kobold just grinned up at him. "That's the plan. I'm being paid to capture you, with a bonus if you're undamaged." Nails rasped off the scales of his chin as the kobold rocked its head back.

Heiken laughed again, "You? Capture me unharmed?" The kobold nodded, "What's your name, O'Captor of Horses? Need to know so I can tell the others that I found a jester. In the woods." He brayed, "How do you plan to capture me?"

That hat tilted back, "They call me Digger and if I told you, that'd ruin the surprise." He flashed a wider grin and swayed his tail behind him. "Though from what I've heard from other kobolds..." he lowered the brim of his hat, "Ain't hard to catch the great Heiken." He looked over the warhorse, "Shouldn't be too hard. Though that armor is gonna make things harder."

Digger's attitude was starting to lose its humor. Heiken's lips curled back to show his teeth. The large stallion's broad shoulders rolled under his armor as a dangerous grunt started to drag its way up his throat. His hooves dug into the ground as he took a step towards Digger. "Brave words from someone that's about to become..."

Whatever threat that had been building was swiftly cut off as a hand tugged at his tail. Heiken couldn't even snort as the armor plates on his haunches rattled. Something thin and hard slamming into his pucker. The stallion squealed at the intrusion and clenched instinctively. Powerful haunches tightening before his body jumped.

His hooves were just leaving the ground when the weight dropped from his tail. A cackle rang out as the invading toy grew, stretching his rear. Heiken's snort broke into a full fledged squeal as the plug inflated within him and lodged itself there.

That sudden bulge threw the stallion off. His legs jerking and threatening to give out as it stretched him to the very edge of discomfort. Eyes rolled as the stallion took a shaking breath, trying to recenter himself. Muscles twitched as he tried to fight off the instinct to just start running. Calm down, he told himself, just breathe and calm down.This is nothing you haven't faced before. You've had kobolds after you, just don't let them catch you off guard and you can get away.

Which would have have been entirely possible. Except that no sooner did he start to settle than the toy began to buzz. He'd felt that before with some other plugs. The warhorse knew that he could ignore them. Mostly. Pair that incessant buzzing with the sheer size of the toy? It was all he could to to keep from squealing against the sudden and intense stimulation.

Heiken's eyes rolled back as unwanted pleasure shot up his spine. A jolt of joy that had the great warhorse groaning and grinding his teeth. His hips jerked forward as that buzzing shook him to the core. I twas hard to breath, harder to focus. The stallion's eyes rolled back in his head as his body trembled.

The sharp crack of a branch sparked his instinct. Hazed as his mind was, the stallion still let out a sharp grunt and took off.

Where was he going? There was no telling. His mind wasn't clear enough for that level of thought. Training and instinct took him away from Digger and whatever helpers he had. A part of him knew which way camp should lay in. Maybe he was heading that way, maybe he wasn't. The only thing in the stallion's mind was the sheer size of that toy that was pressing against his insides. Worse how it began to buzz harder as his hooves thundered off the ground.

Each step was an agony onto itself. The thickly inflated plug jostled and hummed devilishly. Each step was met with a hard pant from the stallion. His ears bouncing between being folded back and on full alert. Worse was the shame that Heiken felt.

Of all the tricks and traps he could have fallen for, it had to be this. Why in the blazes had he stopped to talk with the kobold. He knew how devious they were. It wasn't the first time those creatures had managed to catch him. They were fast, small, and worse they were clever. He had to gather his wits about himself if he even hoped to even stand the ghost of a chance. Which meant he'd have to slow down and take a breath. Yet instinct kept him moving forward. The wild part of him wanting to get away from that object that had lodged against his prostate.

Running will only make it worse, the logical part of his mind said. Not that he was listening. Bouncing down a hill made it worse as toy and armor jostled. The heavy plates smacking off his body like a dozen hands. Even with the padding, he could feel the bruises that were starting to form there. Worse was the branches that raked at the plates as he fled. Hissing their way down the engraved metal and down under his belly. A belly that was exposed, save for where the straps crossed it.

His attention did begin to shift though. It crawled along his backside and down. There was a discomfort that had been growing since he was plugged. Yet one he'd managed to ignore for the first moments of his flight. Now that he'd noticed it, it was all he could think of.

It was the ever growing ache as his cock tried to grow erect. Yet found itself trapped within the confines of his precisely sculpted codpiece. Heiken ground his teeth as his cock pressed against the smooth interior of his armor. It could only grow so far though. The heavy leather straps not allowing much room to grow. And the growing member only made things worse as it pulled the armor against his sac. Thus making each step a new form of pain upon himself.

As luck would have it, that was enough of a difference to make the stallion slow. Breath coming in hard pants and heavy grunts. His rear clenched about the plug involuntarily. Which only made the buzzing worse as it ground against his prostate.

Heiken's pace slowed further until he brought himself to a stop. The warhorse's form shook with the effort to just stand there. Sweat caked his body, the armor only making things worse as it weighed down on him. Plates rattled as he shook with a groan. The toy's buzzing only getting worse now that he was still. How was it worse?! Without even thinking, Heiken's hips started to buck as the pleasure started too spike. Each rock of his hips only made the armor pull that much tighter about his privates.

"Over here!" a voice rang out from the woods. Heiken's usually keen senses dulled from his situation. The stallion looked stupidly towards the voice. Barely making out the dozen or so kobolds that rushed through the undergrowth. In the blink of an eye, they were launching weighted ropes at him. The motion enough to draw an alarmed snort from Heiken as he reared and thundered off.

Ropes sailed over and past him. Whispering and clanging off his armor as he took off. A couple managed to lash at him from underneath, the ropes scoring hits across his tender belly. Though thankfully they only clanged off his tightly pressed codpiece.

Heiken grunted as he leapt over a log. The impact making his legs buckle as the armor slammed down on him. The jostle almost enough to drive the stallion to his knees. His armor shifted as he stumbled. That accursed codpiece slid just enough to allow his trapped member to peek out. Only to have the straps tighten as his hooves found purchase and the stallion leapt back up.

He bit back a yelp as the armored piece pressed tighter to his privates. Teeth grinding as the stallion grunted. Ears swiveling about as her tried to listen for the kobolds. He was far faster than they were, but each step brought him pain.

Plan, he had to have a plan. You can't just keep running, you stupid horse. The warhorse almost growled at himself. You're faster than them. Think!

Step one, he had to get away from the kobolds. That was easy enough to do. They were fast, but he was a warhorse in his prime. Even with his armor, he could outpace them. At least for a while. Gods above, it was hard to think, doubly so with how his armor was pressing ever tighter against his privates. It was growing from merely uncomfortable to painful now.

Endure, he growled at himself. Just push through, you can do this.

Heiken tried to narrow his focus onto the sound and feel of his hooves. It worked for a little bit, but that devious plug slowly forced its way into his thoughts. He might be mistaken, but it felt like the further and faster he ran, the stronger it buzzed. Which only made his member surge against the armor. His prime manhood trying to grow to it's full size despite how it was partially trapped. Only serving to make his armor grow ever tighter about his manhood. Which made him run faster to get to a safe place.

It was a vicious circle of agonizing arousal.

After what felt like miles, the stallion stalled and looked around. This had to be far enough. Surely the kobolds couldn't have kept up with him this long. Heiken's chest heaved with heavy pants as he looked around. No movement. Ears lifted and swiveled about. Didn't hear anything.

Even if he'd left them miles behind, there was no time to waste. Heiken twisted about, neck straining as he shoved his head under his own body. Lips stretched towards the strap. Just able to see his own cock as it throbbed there in the corner of his eye. Gritting his teeth, the stallion lapped at the leather strap. Only just able to catch it between his lips. Come on, he grumbled to himself, undo you stupid thing!

The plug buzzed stronger. His rear clamping behind the thing as the stallion groaned. The groan turned into a cry of frustration as the strap slipped from between his lips.

His position turning more awkward as his hips jerked against the far more intense buzzing. The stallion's entire form almost doubling over as pleasure jolted up his spine. Teeth grinding as his cock strained against the armor. Leather straps creaked as his member fought against the containment. The tip and a couple inches barely able to press out from the ever tightening confines of the armor. Fucking hells, what was he going to do? At this rate his own need to protect his privates was going to leave them crushed.

Grinding his teeth, the stallion lunged again. Lips just manged to catch the strap as his hips jerked forward. His teeth clamping down about the strap immediately after. As his hips jerked back, the warhorse tightened his grip on the leather and pulled. Tears gathered in his eyes as the armor dug into his belly and groin. The jerk making it twist against his tender flesh.

With a bit of luck, the buckle gave way before his body did. The brass buckle twisting and stretching before leather snapped. Heiken threw his head back with a gasp, hips jerking as the codpiece fell away.

His eyes glazed as his hips buckedagainst the air. The stallion uttering a throaty groan as raw need shot through his body. Without that hard armor to constrain it, his member leapt forward with enough force to crack off his belly. His crown flaring as the unbridled length made up for lost time. Not stopping in its growth until it was at full mass. He wanted nothing more than to just sit here and get himself off so he could think.

No time. He had to get moving again before those kobolds caught up. Getting captured was on the low end of his list. The stallion took a shuddering breath and looked about. Where was he? He was certain that he'd taken off in the direction of his camp, but he didn't recognize any landmarks.


A throaty groan escaped the stallion's maw as he looked around. He had to be lost, there was no other explanation. Damnable kobolds had gotten him turned around. Even now, with his manhood freed of its self-imposed prison, it was hard to think. Heiken forced his mind to get going though. It took a moment to find the sun. If the sun was there, then camp should be... there. The trail he was on ran the wrong way, which meant that he'd have to go off the beaten path. Probably a good idea, possibly a bad one. He did need to get out of here though. Going through the woods would be far faster so long as he could navigate. Which wouldn't be hard so long as he had the sun.

So off the path he went. Muscling his way through the undergrowth and into the wilderness itself. Aching member swinging with each step.

Cool air across his cock helped soothe the aches he'd suffered from having it trapped so long. Though it wasn't long before that soothing breeze started to turn a little distracting. The feel of that wind whipping over his member soon drove the stallion to start breathing harder. It wasn't long into his trip that the wind started to feel like hands. Soft, gentle hands that started to caress his length. The wind turning into invisible hands that stroked over his member. Sliding up and around his length. Hands that toyed over his cock and up and over his sac. It whispered over his flesh like dry, invisible tongues.

To make matters worse, as his cock swayed with each trotting step, it began to brush against plants. Ferns, brush, tall grass, all of it tickled over his member. Though intermixed were brush and saplings, their branches whipping at him as he trundled over them. Between the wind, the grass, and that plug, the stallion found himself being driven slowly mad.

Sweat began to foam under his pelt as the warhorse strode forward. Chest heaving with his strained breaths. Heavens above, he couldn't wait to get out of here and back to camp. Which he was starting to bake. Hide rippling under the armor as it just trapped all the heat that kept building in him. At this rate he was going to cook himself long before he got back to safety. Taking his armor off would solve so many problems, but he had worked so hardto get it.

Could always send folks back to get it though. Which... wouldn't be a bad option. They could come back in force, get his armor, and maybe hunt down those accursed kobolds that put him into this situation.

It take him long before he decided to strip his armor. Though he refused to stop and take care of it. He looked for a landmark, started for it, and then started to swing his head down. Quickly tugging at straps and wiggling. Which meant that his raging erection started to swing wider with each step. Hitting brush, plant, and his own belly. Heiken bit back groans as his eyes narrowed. Broad chest heaving with his panted breaths as precum spilled onto the ground.


Heiken heaved a huge sigh of relieve as his barding began to fall away. The largest and heaviest piece slipped off his back and tumbled into a bush. Next were his leg pieces, letting the stallion step a bit higher and trot with more spirit. Which, naturally, made his member sway tall the more. Teeth ground and eyes rolled as pleasure shot through him. The shock if it drove him to a near standstill. Body trembling as his crown flared and sac jumped. No..._he growled to himself, _you can hold off, Heiken. Tamp it down.

The warhorse force himself to push down on his own impending orgasm. Doing his best to ignore how his cock was throbbing, trying to unleash everything that had been stored up after the days, weeks, of marching and maneuvering.

As if it could feel the stallion fighting with himself, that plug began to pulse. Not change how it was vibrating, but it literally began to pulse. That cursed object swelled larger, buzzed harder, then relaxed as the buzzing tapered off. It nearly made Heiken scream in frustration as his legs wobbled. You are stronger than this... he groaned. Though even he would have to admit that his inner voice had tremble to it. Each step eroding his already compromised conviction.

Last piece, he huffed, that inner voice shaking with each step. His helmet and neck guard. Which meant he had to stop to rub against a tree to get it off. The stallion's lidded eyes quietly picking out a suitable tree without any hard brush about it.

Just a shame that he failed to notice the tall ferns there.

Heiken rolled his head against the tree, trying to get the latches on his armor off. Which, with his wiggling and rubbing his head against the tree, his body began to shift. His raging erection swaying over those wonderfully soft ferns. Which paired with that steady, pulsing vibrating of the toy, soon lead to him starting to hump against the ferns.

Eyes rolled as his mouth hung open. The stallion soon forgetting about the helmet as it slipped on his head. Every bit of his focus soon dissolving and falling to the pleasure building within his groin. Balls jumped and swayed as his hips started to sway faster. While the ferns were only just tickling him, it was enough to drive his hips into faster thrusts. His eyes rolling back as his cock lifted. The girth cracked off his belly and ground into his bare fur. That stimulation enough to make his hips jutter and drive forward. His entire form hunching as a groan wrenched itself up his throat.

He could feel it. That bolt of raw pleasure that built in his sac. Burned its way up into his backside. Circled about that cursed plug before splitting. The raw lightning of his orgasm crawled its way up his spine and down his manhood. Both racing the other as it lanced down. Spine arched as his cock leapt. The flare of his tip grazed against his body as the tip flared. He could feel it. It was right there, mere instants away as his heavy cock pulsed in time with the toy.

Hands grabbed his balls and jerked them down. A frustrated scream getting cut off as a heavy band snapped into place about his cock and the base of his length. The stallion's orgasm getting cut off an instant before it was released. He could feel it! It was right there, so very close and yet it might as well have been miles away.

More hands and bodies about him. Thick ropes getting thrown around both his heads. Heavy lassos wrapped about his cock and pulled tight, while others wrapped about his head and neck, forcing him down. Heiken's glazed eyes coming level with a smirking Digger. "There," the kobold's voice was so distant. "Told ya I'd catch ya without harm. Here, let me get that for ya." the kobold reached up to undo the last of his barding. Ropes digging against his body as the kobold drew the last bit of protection away.

Some instinct sparked through Heiken as his armor was taken off. The stallion uttering a war cry as he threw his head back and squealed.

At least he tried to. The sound was less the sound of a warrior, a sound that would send these pitiful creatures running; and more of a frustrated cry that broke off into a near whimper. Especially as lines of kobolds pulled at the ropes and brought him back down.

Rage roiled in his gut and began to force its way into weary limbs. Heiken's eyes blazed as he started to pull against the smaller creatures. His lips curling back as dangerous hooves stomped on the ground. Let these creatures see the warhorse they were trying to capture. Have them bear witness to the majesty of the Warhorse Heiken!

Digger danced back as he snapped at the kobold. His rear leg lifting at the same time to kick at another kobold. One darted from the far side of him and swung. Its rounded mace catching his trapped sac with enough force to drive the stallion's breath from his lungs. Legs shook and his knees went weak as his eyes rolled. Breath caught in his throat, barely pulling away as the kobolds tried to draw him back. Their ropes pulling hard at his neck and cock as they tried to tame the beast.

Rage blended with that unyielding lust, driving the stallion's hips to jerk and rear to clamp about the toy. A toy which was only buzzing harder now that the kobolds were upon him.

His head swung towards Digger, the kobold flashed a grin and jerked his fingers. The toy instantly grew and buzzed harder. Heiken's eyes jumping wide as the male triggered the plug within him. His eyes rolling more as groans shot from his throat. Another rope, this one about his dangling sac, drawing it down again as the kobolds sought to tame the warhorse.

"REEEGHNNN!" Heiken wheezed his rage as he cast his head about. Kobolds screaming as he swung his bulk around. The ropes pulling taught about his frame as he began to pick up speed with his spin. Hooves churning up the earth as he spun.

The stallion managed a full turn before another mace caught him. The strike hard enough to make him stagger. Nearly driving him from his feet. Tears gathered in his eyes as he huffed and shook. Body heaving to get away from that impact. All while hands darted in, grabbing his cock and... stroking it? What felt like dozens of kobold hands, all slick with something, grabbed and massaged his length. Traced his shaft and up to his head. Only adding to the pained pleasure that was trapped within him and held at bay.

_You can... you can..._the inner voice panted, _Fuck._His eyes rolled as sweat foamed about his hide. It took a supreme effort just to keep standing. Chest heaving with each hard breath as his eyes rolled about. He continued to try and kick and spin, through the motions had far less conviction now. The warhorse almost seeming drunk as he staggered about.

"NOW! DO IT NOW!" Digger's voice cut through the haze.

He didn't know what _it_was, but he was certain he didn't want to find out. Heiken tried to rear and turn away from the kobolds. The motions sluggish, only made worse as the hands darted over his manhood. Small, slick hands danced all over his cock, back and forth as the creatures danced with him.

The answer for what the leader was screaming came swift and sudden. Those petting hands grabbed at the rings and mercifully undid them. Heiken's world exploding as he was released. Unable to even gasp, much less squeal, as his long-denied orgasm exploded from him. Forelegs buckling as his hips jerked. The stallion's vision went black as the warmth hit his chest and poured along the ground. Stars exploding and dancing with each jerk of his hips and spray of thick, virile stallion cum. The proud warhorse's seed being spilled over the ground, belly, and kobolds.

It was hard to breath, much less focus, as the kobolds ranged about him. All cheering and chattering. Touching and petting. Digger's hand came into his barely returning field of vision and stroked between his eyes, "There we go," he chuckled. "Should make ye more pliable. Get more ropes on him! We got us a new mount to take us back to camp, fellas."

Kobolds cheered and chattered. More, rough and sturdy ropes getting lashed about him. They made short work of hobbling his feet, limiting just how far he could step. Even going so far as to loop another few lengths about his cock and sac. Tying them to down to the hobbling lines, so that his cock was further tugged and pulled as he walked. A rough bridle was lashed over his face, thick rope forcing his teeth apart. Heiken tried to growl and snap, but it was too hard to even think of doing it. He could only kneel there as the kobolds climbed aboard him.

Digger was last on top of him, spurred heels digging into his neck, "Up," he tugged a rope, tightening the cords about his cock and making the stallion groan in pain. "UP!" the order came with a sharper tug. Heiken staggered to his feet. "There we go. Now, that'a'way." Heels dug into his neck again and the kobold guided him deeper into the woods. All while the creatures giggled and rejoiced in a very... primal fashion on and about him. Gleefully climbing all about the warhorse.

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