Slippery Trail

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#2 of Varric's Guide to Hunting

Part two of a story set for Blacktiger where his wolf hunter, Varric, is out solo hunting something bigger and dangerous.

Varric breathed out a sigh and rolled his shoulders. The wolf hummed peacefully as he stroked his stomach. Good meal and now he had a good hunt coming up. Once again he'd be going out solo. It was later in the day though. Unless he waited for morning, it'd be dark by the time the hunt was over. Which wasn't a problem, except that folks didn't like to venture out in the dark. So he'd likely have to keep the creature bound and under control for the night.

Now that was something that most hunters would shy away from. Not Varric though. He didn't mind staying out all night if he had to. The forward camps were never that bad. If worse came to worst, then he could always find somewhere to hole up for the night. Cozy as his room could be, there was something about sleeping outdoors that was just fun too. Was liberating to do it now and then.

So here he was, wandering about the wilderness in the waning afternoon sun. He wasn't really going for a full hunt. Nah, he could take care of it in the morning. No harm in just scouting, looking for some herbs, ore, and the like.

Though he found himself steadily following tracks. A bit of brightly colored feather here. A soapy streak on rocks there.

He shook his head and pulled himself away from that. No. The wisest thing to do here would be to just keep scouting the area. He needed some more gems as well, so mining would be prudent. Yeah, just thinking about it he really did need a lot of material.

Somewhat reluctantly, the wolf sighed and drug himself away from the Mizutsune tracks.

He'd hunted them before and they were always interesting. The way they moved. Long, graceful bodies sweeping and curling. Using their naturally soapy mucus to make them almost swim across even the roughest terrain. It had always surprised him just how fast they could get going. Things could be downright hard to catch and keep up with when they wanted to be.

What had always fascinated him more was just how graceful and powerful they were. There hadn't been a Mizutsune that hadn't given him a good fight yet. Reports were that this was a rarer variant. Which meant that it would have new tricks.

Naturally, the researchers wanted him to grab it so they could poke and prod it. Alive was preferable, but they would be happy with whatever they got. He liked to live capture, rewards tended to be better. Though he did feel bad that he would be catching a noble beast just so it could be poked and prodded. Felt bad to settle in and have a good fight, only to dishonor it with that. Though he could always face it again in the arena. That was less fun though. Having the great beast trapped in a cave where it couldn't fight, with traps all around?

Varric breathed out a quiet sigh and shook his head. Shouldn't really be thinking about such things right now. Just here to scout and gather some resources, he reminded himself. He sighed and rolled his shoulders, feeling just how hot the area was. Thick, humid jungles and heavy lancer armor did not mesh well together. It was only a mild inconvenience, but it was still an inconvenience.

Except for the fact that his feet were unknowingly carrying him ever closer to his prey.

Maybe it was his keen hunter senses. Perhaps it was his desire to face off with some great beast. Truthfully, it was probably dumb luck. Yet, as he pushed through some foliage, he came upon it. There, curled in a small divot was the Mizutsune.

Its fins, larger than your typical Mizutsune, lifted and fell with each breath. Rich, pink fur rolled across a red scaled hide. It's long, lean form curled with head almost buried in its tail. Varric immediately dropped to a crouch and watched. The beast's breathing was slow and steady. It was apparently napping after a long day of... doing whatever it did out in the wilds.

The wolf worried his bottom lip and thought. It was right there. All he had to do was sneak up and start shit. Granted, he'd have to worry about keeping it bound and tamed all night, but he'd done that before. The only difficulty would be in making sure that the bonds were secure enough to hold the slippery beast. It'd be a challenge, that much was certain, but not one he thought would be impossible.

As he shifted, the wolf's foot came down on a branch. While it was far too humid for the stick to snap, it rattled the brush he was trying to sneak through.

"Grrrrm..." a throaty growl sounded from the Paindancer as its head lifted. Narrow muzzle swinging around to stare at the armored wolf. Itami knew a hunter when she saw one. Scars crossed her hide, almost hidden under the fur but there. Evidence of her countless scrapes with these hunters. Most that stumbled upon her were ill prepared to face her wraith. Those that were found her to be a challenge even they were not prepared for. On the rare time she had been captured, she'd escaped.

Rolling her shoulders, she uncurled and glared down her slender muzzle at the hunter. Her expression reading a plain Leave as her lip curled with a growl.

Varric's eyes danced off her form as she shifted and stood. This was not how he should be doing it, but it was certainly how he wanted to. A wild grin spread over his maw as he stood. Shield and lance slid into his grip as the wolf dropped into a ready crouch. His own growl rolling about his throat as he answered her challenge.

Itami's eyes narrowed, as if to say So that's how you want it? She sighed, stretched, and spun about. The furred bristles of her tail brushed over her hide. Soapy, glistening secretions fathering about the bristle-like fur. The wyvern let out a bellow and flicked her tail out. Air whistled through her fur and caught the soapy liquid. Bubbles bursting forth from her and spiraling towards the hunter.

He was expecting this, heavy shield coming down to block as the strangely thick bubbles slammed into him. Each one exploding with a violet burst of air. What he didn't expect was just how quickly she came up beside him. Legs tucked against her long, noodle-like form. The pink mizutsune almost swimming across the ground. She spun again and Varric was only just able to hop aside. Her tail caught the edge of his shield, threatening to send it hurling away. Only experience and sheer strength kept him from being disarmed. The wolf's heavy frame spinning with the impact and landing.

Except where his feet would normally plant securely, they slid.

His shield slammed into the ground as he nearly face planted. Muscles strained with the effort of fighting that skid. Every muscle worked to keep him from just going face down. Well, Itami smirked down at him, Are we done? The question etched itself across her features.

Varric had been a hunter long enough to know that some of these wyverns were fairly intelligent. While they couldn't speak the same language, they could certainly speak well enough with their bodies. Naturally, the researchers were doubtful. Ask any hunter and they were convinced that the beasts nearly talked sometimes. Looking at this gal here, Varric was certain he was being mocked. Now, he wasn't about to let it get the better of him, but he wasn't gonna bow out either.

The mizutsune had made this area its nest. Which meant that the ground was exceptionally slick. If the creature could use that to its advantage, then so could he. Granted, it was better suited for making use of the terrain.

Shaking his head, the hunter dug his shield into the ground and launched himself forward. Itami reared back with a surprised snort as his lance almost struck her muzzle. The sleek form darting away and around. So, she though to herself, he has some bite. No grace though, as the wolf skidded from his push.

This was harder than he'd expected. Varric growled to himself and shook his head. He couldn't back down now. It had been ages since he'd failed a hunt. With the sun going down, things would only get worse from here. He wasn't sure what the creature's night vision was like, but he had a feeling it was better than his. Oh sure, he could somewhat see in the dark, but it wouldn't take long before he was making mistakes. Bad footing could kill him as quickly as any beast's strike.

A glance showed that the sun was steadily dropping. The wisest thing would be to retreat and start the hunt proper tomorrow.

Yet he only tightened his grip on the lance and surged forward. He was ungainly. The heavy armor didn't let him move as quickly as someone else might. His weapon was unweidly, and his foe was fast. To make it worse, he could see the amusement that sparkled in the wyvern's eyes as it dodged and wove about his attacks. He could feel it though. There was a rhythm to how the wyvern moved. While he couldn't copy it exactly, he could get closer. His eyes bore into it, feeling the way it moved in his bones before he struck.

Itami hissed as the lance glanced off her scales. The tip found just enough purchase to draw a blazing line down her flank. A bubbling, snarling hiss broke free as she twisted. It had been fun and games, darting around the clumsy beast. Surely he hadn't figure out how to move on her ground that fast? No, it had to be a fluke.

Yet he spun and brought his lance about with a heavy clang. The weapon bounced off his shield and nearly got her jaw. The mizutsune darting back as her cheek burned. How... how had he gotten this good that fast?

She found herself backpedaling as he rushed. That heavy lance jabbing about her face and neck. Claws dug at the ground as the wyvern hissed at him. Bubbles bursting from her maw followed by a heavy spray of water. His shield leapt faster than she'd expected, deflecting her attack with a CLANG. Worse, that cursed lance leapt and glanced across her muzzle.

Itami yelped and darted back. Varric wasn't going to give her any space though. The wolf skating across the ground in hot pursuit. Her tail flicked as she retreated, Varric's attention on her body to keep tracking the bulk of her. Which meant he didn't notice the bubble that arched into the air and slammed down on him. Teeth ground as it burst, flinging dozens more bubbles about. His eyes widened as they began to explode as well, knocking him about.

Varric found himself on his back, a dozen feet from where he'd been standing. The wolf rolled his head, spying the mizutsune glaring down at him. Moving slowly, he found his feet and pulled himself upright. "So," he huffed, "we both have a few tricks still." Dropping to a near-crouch, he braced a foot behind himself, "Shall we?"

Her head rolled as her eyes narrowed. A sigh broke from the wyvern before she crouched as well. If we must, her expression read.

Dark had fully fallen by the time Varric spotted the camp. A groan heaved from the wolf as he staggered towards the low burning fire. He was covered in slick, slippery mud and bubbles. There wasn't an inch of his body that didn't hurt. Even with having figured out how to move on the slick stuff, he'd still bounced off trees and rocks. Pair that with fighting for what felt like half the night? He needed to get his armor off.

More importantly, he had to make sure that his catch was secure.

Varric glanced over his shoulder to make sure the Mizutsune hadn't escaped. Yeah, it was still on the crude sled he'd built. Fallen logs and vines formed the base of it. More heavy vines wrapped about the long, slender frame and limbs. He'd used the creature's soapy mucus to keep the sled moving. It sure as hell helped, as did just how strong he was. Hunters were always a step above the normal folk.

Though even he had his limits. Limbs shook as he dropped the vines and stretched, walking a couple laps around camp before sitting down. Dinner would be easy at least. There was dried stuff kept at each of the camps, and he'd gotten some meat earlier. So he set about fixing himself up something to eat. All while humming a little tune.

While his food bubbled away in the oven, he stripped off his armor. Oh he hurt, there were bruises in places he'd never imagined could bruise. The wolf sighed and rolled his shoulders. "Really gave me a hard time," he growled towards the wyvern. She didn't respond. Barely even twitched in its bonds. Not surprising, he'd worn her down and given her a good dose of the tranq bombs. She might wake come morning, but before then? Yeah she was out for the count.

And he knew the wyvern was a she. Couldn't help but discover that as he'd tied her up. Well, maybe he could have helped himself, but what harm would a little peek do? Besides, it gave him ideas for something to do tonight before bed.

Varric kept a slow walk around the camp, letting himself cool back down. Though it wasn't long before his eyes began to wonder over the wyvern. Her sleek curves, long, lean body. The way the fire light glistened off her hide. Well, it was tarting to give him some ideas and thoughts. Ideas which were already starting to distract him from his rumbling stomach. The wolf licked over his lips and grinned. A throaty growl clawing about his chest as he looked over her haunches. Soon, he told himself.

He wolfed down his dinner and finished stretching out sore muscles. The lupine hunter turning an ear to the jungle. He breathed out a sigh at the distant noises of creatures hunting and going about their evening. Nothing should come around to the camp. They were tucked out in secured places that was hard for even the hunters to get into. It'd been a royal pain getting his prize here. Far better than risk her getting found by some other wyvern while she was unconscious. Also meant that he could really unwind.

Now that he was fed and his stamina returned, he was hungry for something else.

Walking around the bound mizutsune, the wolf let his fingers run over her flank. Warm, soft, though with that odd slippery texture from her secretions. Not slimy, but not-not slimy either. It was this odd middle ground.

He'd bound the wyvern so that she was curled up. Seemed to be the way that she slept, so he'd given her that. Also meant that it was a shorter trip before he was pushing her tail aside. Just thinking about using this creature to unwind was enough to make his sheath bulge. The chiseled, red tip of his cock slid eagerly from his sheath.

Varric stroked his sheath as he pushed that tail aside. There, tucked up under the feathery appendage was a lovely, lovely slit. The outer lips already glistening from the same soapy substance that covered the rest of her body.

The wolf's growl took on a hungrier note as he stroked his cock. The length getting longer, thicker. Soon reaching the size of his forearm. Too large for even most hunters, but the perfect size for making a wyvern squeal. She wouldn't be the first one that he'd fucked, and she sure as hell wouldn't be the last one. Though he couldn't remember the last time he'd taken the pleasure of having one unconscious.

His fingers slid over her pussy lips. Exploring the curve of her backside and across her lips. Just a little stroke before parting her lips so he could dip his fingers in.

She was warm inside. Better than that, she was slick as well. The wyvern's muscles squeezed about his fingers. Her walls squelched as he drove his fingers deeper and twisted them. A low groan came from the wyvern. Varric started to pump and roll his fingers. The more he worked, the warmer her insides became. Soon, her breathing started to pick up as her insides grew even wetter. Slight bubbles forming about where his fingers continued to drive in and out of her.

Varric found himself overeager. The wolf's lips curled back as he shifted forward. Shoving her tail aside, he brought his tip down and rubbed her slit. Just toying for a moment, savoring the feel of her slick warmth as it pressed to him. He let out a deeper growl and narrowed his eyes, pressing forward. Just letting his cock glide across her folds. All while his fingers continued to pump against her insides.

A groan sounded from the slumbering wyvern. Her claws scraping off the heavy wooden logs that she was bound to. Vines creaked as she pulled against her bonds, but they held. She was tight around him, insides clenching about his cock as he plunged deeper.

His ears perked at the slick sound of her getting spread wider about his cock. Which only made him drive that much deeper and harder into her. Low growls tearing their way up his throat as the wolf leaned forward. Oh this was good. He'd fucked plenty of wyverns in his day. Females in heat, ones larger than him, smaller than him. Messy fucks in mud holes to hanging from a body as they flew through the air. Never had he been in a female that was this slick.

It was strange, being gripped so tight it felt like she might break him, and yet his member plunged through her with such ease that it barely felt like he was doing anything. Yet he was driven to go harder.

Varric launched himself against the mizutsune. Twining his hands into the wyvern's long fur as he slammed himself deeper. Savage growls met with low groans and the heavy impact of his body off hers as the wolfen hunter just ravaged the sleeping beast. Her pussy squelching and slurping around him as her natural slickness only increased as her excitement built. Smooth walls twitching about his cock as some slumbering instinct drove the female back into him. All while his heavy cock only grew thicker by the moment.

He was reveling in just how slippery she was. Fucking the wyvern faster and harder than he had females before. All while she grumbled and huffed under him. Eyes fluttering under heavy lids as the hunter worked her over in ways that she might not have been in a while.

It still wasn't long before the male's heavy knot was beating at her entrance. He growled and arched into her, pumping his hips faster now. Battering her entrance with the knot that he never intended to put in her. Not yet at least. Instead he just let it rub against her as he hunched over the wyvern. Low, throaty growls breaking free of the wolf as his pleasure built. Gut tightening until he arched, snarling as he unloaded into the sleeping beast. His thick knot throbbed against her slippery, stretchy folds. Eyes narrowed as he rocked his hips against her with a huffing growl.

Thick cum bubbled out of her slit as he pulled away from her. Licking over his lips with a savage grin. Oh that was good, though... he looked over the sleeping wyvern and thumped his cock off her side. Well, there was something wonderful about this. Though certainly could be improved.

He smacked his cock off her rear again and yawned. For now, rest was well earned and he'd have plenty to do with her before the airship got here. Muzzle splitting into a wider grin, the wolf gave her haunch a pat before retiring to the tent.

Itami stirred as the sun began to peek through the trees. There wasn't an inch of her that didn't ache. Dull memories of the fight from reached through the haze in her mind. Followed soon by the sunlight piercing through and making her wince. A quiet groan rolled up her throat as she tried to roll and stretch.

Only to find that she couldn't move.

Panic burned through the rest of the haze. Eyes snapping open as the wyvern snorted. She was bound, in a place that she hadn't seen before. It still smelled like the jungle, but they were almost in a grotto. Tall, rocky walls enclosing a peaceful oasis. Soft grass underfoot, a small waterfall filling a clear pool, and some sort of structure tucked in the corner.

"Good, you're awake."

The voice drew a growl from the mizutsune as that hunter came into view. She recognized his face, since his helmet had been knocked off during their fight, but now she was seeing him without his weapon aimed at her. Or any of his armor on. There was something about his smirk and swagger that made a growl bubble up her throat.

Varric hadn't been up for long. Just long enough to grab a ration and splash water in his face. His grin widened as she growled at him, "Now that's no way to behave is it?

He hopped onto the sled, hand running along her body slowly, "We've got a bit more before the airship comes to get us." Her growl deepened, lip curled back to reveal her teeth. Though with how heavily he'd bound her there wasn't a great deal she could do. "So," he gave her haunch a pat as he moved in. His red length already starting to firm again. The wolf's grin widening slowly as her gaze darted from his face down, then back up. "What do you say we entertain ourselves for a bit?"

There's no way he could be serious. Itami's growl deepened as his hand curled over her haunch. She pulled at the bonds, but there was no getting away. Where other hunters had merely looped the lines over her, he'd created a sort of harness that wrapped about her. While she could switch her tail, it could only brush against her own face. Claws dug into wood, but were nowhere near the vines that bound her. She could only watch as he pushed her tail aside to reveal her privates.

Her growl took on a different note as his hand found her slit. A quick uptilt of surprise when the male began to toy with her. It had been a while since she'd found a partner and here this hunter was, touching her most private of areas. Her lips curled into a snarl as she tugged. The angry trash turning into something else as his fingers readily plunged into her slick lips and started to explore her depths.

While her last partner had only given her a cursory sniff and lick, this hunter was going for something more in-depth.

His fingers rubbed against her slit and slowly spread her open. Itami's breath caught in her throat as he pushed his fingers in. "Still messy from last night," he murmured. His words falling on deaf ears as she watched him push his fingers in. The way she was bound gave her a perfect view of her slit as it was spread. Glistening insides starting to warm and plump as he toyed with her. Oh this was not at all what she expected. Her growls soon dying down into low, whimper-like grunts as excitement built. This isn't what she expected and she wasn't sure how she felt about what was happening either.

As she watched, his fingers started to slowly build up a slight head of foam about her slit. His digits pumping and wiggling, jostling her insides and making the female groan and wiggle. The vines creaked under the effort of holding her. Especially as his fingers curled and hooked. Massaging the hood that kept her clit hidden. Each stroke coaxing it a little further out and making the wyvern huff and pant.

Her aroused bubbles grew thicker, milkier. Her cheeks flushed and growl deepened as realization dawned on her. This hunter had taken advantage of her before, while she was asleep. There was something exceptionally embarrassing about that. Yet...

"Oh listen to those moans," Varric murred, tail waving behind him. "You're loving this aren't you?" Fingers hooked inside the larger female and pumped harder. His thumb curled over and around her clit. Making sure to massage it that much harder with each pass of his fingers. Which only made her insides shudder as she squirmed under him. Breath puffing against his sides now. Each one coming with a short stream of bubbles. "Someone's getting excited aren't they?"

Varric shifted his hips a bit. Just enough to let the mizutsune see his member as it came around. Itami's eyes widened as the hunter slid a bit closer. His fingers still pumping away at her. Each stroke making her gut tighten as he teased her better than any male she'd ever been with. "Now," he growled, "we are going to have fun aren't we?" The wolf's grin broadened as he brought his cock down on her muzzle with a firm swat.

His scent filled her senses. Heavy, thick, still having a bit of musk from being in armor the day before. More than that, she could smell herself on him. That drew a growl from the wyvern as she glared up at him.

Or at least she would have growled if he didn't give her clit a twist. Slick fingers gliding across the sensitive nub in a way that made her snarl die on her lips. Her body thrashed, eyes rolling back as the hunter brought her to peak. Claws dug into the wood as her long form arched. Juices and bubbles frothing at her lips as the female groaned. All while the wolf continued to pump his fingers in and out of her sopping, slick slit.

Difficult as it was to focus, she had no problem watching as the wolf shifted. That massive member of his coming down to nudge between her lips. She had nothing left for a warning growl, only able to give a somewhat whimpering moan as his tip found purchase between her twitching lips.

"RUOOOO!" Itami roared out as he slammed into her. The bastard wolf had timed it so he was driving in right as her insides clenched. Pounding every last inch of his cock in before she could even come down from her climax.

Varric answered her call with a snarl of his own. Hands curled about the wyvern's thighs as he drove himself forward. The large hunter hunched over his ensnared prey as he started to just fuck her like a beast. The sound of his body cracking off hers filling the grotto. Low grunts and moans competing with the smack of his balls off her body. Both fighting against the slick sounds of her tunnel gripping at his cock.

He grinned down at her and arched. Really pounding the wyvern, "Like that, huh?" Itami's eyes narrowed as the moans cut off. Though it did little to hide the slick sounds of their rutting, or how her breathing was getting faster. "I said..." his hand came down on her rear with a crack that echoed off the stone walls, "you like that?"

The slap was enough to drive a yelp from her bound muzzle. With it came a bubbling flood of moans. The sounds cascading from her maw as the wolf shifted his hips with each thrust. Sometimes hammering every inch he had into her, then the next he was barely moving. It was...

Embarrassingly wonderful.

Her claws dug into the log, doing her best to drive back into this hunter that had bound and ravaged her. Those once savage snarls dying into plaintiff calls of pleasure. All while his length continued to hammer her. The wolf eagerly driving her towards another climax. Very few of her partners had managed to get one from her, and here he was about to squeeze a second. Her cheeks colored as she realized how how easy it'd be to get addicted to this.

Then there was a pop. Not just the regular bursting of her lustful bubbles or the sticky smack of his body off hers. This was her hips getting jerked and lips being stretched before a very audible pop tore through the air.

Itami's gaze dropped to their joining. Heat flashed through her cheeks as she saw the wolf's powerful drawing back. His cock was... getting bigger? There was something at the base of his cock that was thicker than the rest. As she watched, he slammed himself deep into her. That bulge slapped off her lips before slipping past. Her arousal only making it that much more effortless for him to drive in. Varric's voice came as a low growl, "Can't wait to get that stuck in ya." Only to laugh at her expression as she watched her lips distend. Twisting and bulging as the male pulled back before...


He slipped out of her again. While she didn't know what that was, something about it made her insides clench and jump. She watched with embarrassed fascination as he drove it in time and time again. Lingering that much longer with each plunge before having to force himself free. It was getting harder, and he was only gaining more girth with each pass. She couldn't help but squirm as her abused cunt was further battered. The wyvern trying to hold off for a little longer.

It was useless.

She arched and tried to bellow as her peak hit. A stream of bubbles burst from her bound muzzle as the male wrenched himself out of her. That engorged length throbbing in time with his heart. She heard a laugh and the wolf say something. She couldn't hear his words, but she understood the tone. This was her fate now. Just to lay here and watch as he drew back and...

Varric's nails dug into her hide as he slammed in. Grinding this engorged glans across her lips. Forcing her slickness to spread wider and wider. He'd already stretched her with his knot fucking, but now that he was at the very cusp it was a fight. His arousal battering against her clenching, grabbing cunt as she peaked. The wolf dug his claws against her slippery hide and started to batter her. Each one drew a grunting moan from the wyvern, her eyes rolling back as he just took her like a wild fucking animal.


They both felt it as her entrance stretched that last little bit. Juices squirting out around his girth before she locked down behind him. That heavy knot grew a little further, fighting the wolf's tug as she clamped around the unfamiliar member.

Itami's vision went dark as she felt his warmth flooding her. The paindancer mizutsune barely hearing Varric's growl of, "We're just getting started," before the force of her climax overwhelmed her and she passed out.

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