Hawthorne University - Part VI

Story by Espen_Bahari on SoFurry

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#6 of Hawthorne University

Hey everyone, it's been quite a long time since any update has been made to this series, and I want to apologize to those that have been waiting a long time for it. I definitely hit a lot of writers block with it after getting the first five parts out so quickly, and didn't know where I wanted to take things. I wanted to jump back into it, but will be shortening the length of each update to allow myself to focus on better writing and more interesting scenes from now on. This chapter was mostly written quite a long time ago, pretty much right after the fifth chapter but was never published. I wanted to go ahead and publish what I had, and added a tiny bit more on to the end. I hope you enjoy, and look forward to more updates starting to come out again!

Chapter 6: New Bonds

Kip woke up Saturday morning, rubbing his eyes stretching out. He felt another body up against him and was momentarily startled, forgetting that he had spent the night at Manny's.

"Everything okay Kip?" Manny said, stirring awake and placing a paw on the lynx.

"Yeah, I just forgot that I had fallen asleep here." He laughed, snuggling back in close to the deer. "I had a really good time last night." Kip said, yawning.

"Me too, I haven't stayed up that late in ages."

The two stayed in bed for another half an hour or so, purring and laughing and being sweet on each other. Kip realized how fast he was falling for Manny, but didn't really care. He knew that this felt right and knew that Manny felt the same.

"So does this make us like, boyfriends or something?" Kip laughed, squirming around in the deer's grasp of him.

"I dunno, is that what you want us to be?" Manny said, petting Kip on the cheek above his muzzle. "I don't want to rush you into anything Kip."

"I know, but I, this feels good! Right?" Kip asked.

"Of course it does!" Manny said, rolling on top of the lynx and looking down at him, holding him down lightly against the soft bedding. "But I want you to make sure you're doing what's good for yourself." Manny said, giving him a little peck on the nose.

Kip playfully wriggled around, pushing up against the deer who was quite a bit stronger than him, despite his thin build. "It's what I want." Kip said.

"Boyfriends it is then!" Manny exclaimed, letting his body plop down on to Kip and smothering him. He wrapped his arms around the lynx and brought their faces together for a kiss. "Damn, my boyfriend is super cute." Manny said with a wicked little grin. "Maybe too much for his own good." He continued, letting his paw wander down towards Kip's chastity belt. "Too bad we're both a little bit... contained at the moment." He laughed.

Kip felt his belt become a bit more snug, and kicked his feet up lightly at the deer. "Yeah no kidding, talk about some tightly sealed packages." Kip laughed, rolling his eyes.

They eventually got up and Manny changed into a fresh outfit. He threw on a light pink hoodie and some ripped jeans that made his butt stand out nicely in Kip's opinion. He freshened up in the bathroom while Kip texted his roommates to let them know he was still alive and about to head over to their dorm for a minute.

"I would offer you my clothes but I'm pretty sure they're way too big for you!" Manny said loudly from the bathroom, his words muffled and a bit hard to piece together as he brushed his teeth.

"Yeah, I'm not exactly gifted when it comes to the height department." Kip said back, tying his shoes and waiting by the door for Manny to finish.

"Alright, I'm ready. Hey maybe I'll get to meet some of your roommates that you talked about." Manny smiled, opening the door for Kip and locking it behind them as they headed out.

"Yeah hopefully! I'd love to introduce you to them! Akinno is in some sort of punishment suit right now, I'm not really sure what for, but he won't be able to talk. I'm sure he'd be happy to meet you anyways though! And Rallo and Bentley will be happy to see that I'm finally coming out of my shell a little, they always get on me for being too shy." Kip said, taking Manny's paw as they walked in the cooling air. It was nearing late September, and the leaves were just starting to change colors here and there. It wouldn't be long before the chilly autumn breeze would take over, changing the leaves into a portrait of colors engulfing the forested campus.

Kip led Manny to his dorm room and knocked before entering. "Anyone home?"

"Hey yeah, me and Bentley are here!" Rallo called from the bedroom.

"I wanna introduce you guys to someone!" Kip said, taking off his shoes and leading Manny into the bedroom area. "Rallo, Bentley, this is my boyfriend Manny." He said with a stupid grin.

"Boyfriend? Damn Kip you don't say!" Bentley laughed. Walking over to the deer and giving him a pat on the shoulders. "You're takin good care of our Kip I trust?" Bentley said in an almost fatherly like tone of voice.

Manny looked up at the tiger, wearing some sort of football uniform and towering over him a good foot or so and smiled weakly. "Of course! I made sure it's what he wanted too and that he wasn't rushing into it. I'll be good to him!" Manny said, trying not to seem too nervous.

"Good, well it's great to meet ya Manny." Bentley smiled. "Can I get you anything? We don't really have much, but Rallo brought up a Keurig so we can make tea and coffee if that suits you." He offered.

"I'm okay, we're just stopping by so Kip can change clothes." Manny said. "But thank you, I'll have to take you up on that sometime!"

"Nice to officially meet you Manny." Rallo said, getting up from his bed and going over to greet the deer. "I saw you briefly at the party last night, but I don't think we ever talked."

"Oh yeah! You were the fox sitting on the other side of Kip, sorry I kind of stole him away from the party last night." Manny said, blushing a little and looking over at Kip.

"Eh, there will be plenty more parties, plus last night's wasn't even all that great." Rallo said.

"Oh come on, Brent put a lot of work into it." Bentley chimed in. "He tries at least, sort of. It was at least only the second cheapest vodka he could buy at the grocery store."

They all shared a laugh and talked for a bit while Kip changed clothes. Manny looked over as Kip was stripping down and got a look at his whole harness.

"Dang Kip, they really have you all bound up in that thing huh." Manny commented.

"Yeah, it's kind of annoying, but you get used to it." He shrugged, pulling a white and blue long sleeved tee shirt on, and slipping into a pair of dark jeans. "Does this look okay?" He asked, turning to Manny for his opinion.

"Looks great!"

"Thanks, deer." Kip smiled. "Heh, get it? Deer? Like dear but..."

"Oh wow, you're so very original." Manny said sarcastically, cracking a bit of a smile and trying not to laugh at Kip's bad joke.

"Come on, that was funny, right guys?"

"He's all yours Manny." Rallo laughed, getting up and going to make himself a cup of coffee.

"Don't make that sound like such a bad thing! Come on, I'm funny guys!" Kip pestered. "Right Manny?"

"Of course sweetie you're very funny." He said in a patronizing tone. He shared a laugh with Rallo and Bentley as he dragged Kip towards the door with him so they could head out. "It was nice meeting you both! We'll catch ya later!" Manny waved back towards the fox and the tiger, lightly pulling Kip along with him by the collar.

"C'mon cut it out Manny!" Kip growled playfully, batting his paw at Manny's arm, trying to break free of his hold.

They closed the door and walked back out into the crisp air.

"Alright, I had a fun idea, tell me your thoughts." Manny said.

"Okay, shoot."

"Wanna go kayaking on the lake? There's a rental station that we can get them from, it's pretty cheap too!" Manny said, looking excited.

"I don't really like water that much, but you look like you really want to, am I right?" Kip asked.

"Maybe. Yes, I really wanna!" Manny said. "Please?" He had that look in his eye that Kip knew he couldn't say no to.

"You win, yes I'll go!" Kip said, laughing and nudging Manny. "But if I fall in you're not gonna hear the end of it for forever, and you gotta teach me how to kayak." Kip said.

"You've never been before?" Manny asked.

"Nope, like I said, not a big fan of water stuff."

"Oh right, cats." Manny laughed.

"Hey not all cats hate water! Just some of them which happens to include me." Kip blushed.

"So can you swim?" Manny asked.

"No, not really. Never properly learned how to." Kip said, shrugging.

"Well I'm pretty sure they loan out life jackets there, so we'll get you one, and I'll be there the whole time." Manny reassured.

"You being there does make me feel much better." Kip purred, taking Manny's paw while they walked.

The two eventually got to the lake and walked up to the little shack to rent their kayak from.

"Um, hi there! We'd like to rent a kayak please." Manny said to the attendant sitting in the booth, who was looking down at a newspaper. He looked surprised to have any customers. The alligator set his paper down and looked up at Manny and Kip.

"Sure thing boys, do you want a double, or two singles?" He asked.

"A double please! He's never been before." Manny said, putting a paw on Kip's shoulder.

"Got it." The alligator got out of the booth and grabbed a kayak and paddles for Kip and Manny. He instructed how to use the paddle and got the kayak in the water for them.

"Could we also get him a life jacket? He doesn't know how to swim either." Manny spoke up.

"Oh sure, hmm. Let me go see if I have one small enough." He said, looking at the small lynx.

"I'm not that tiny, gosh." Kip said quietly to Manny.

"You're kinda small Kip, at least for a college student. But I find it incredibly adorable." Manny said, giving him a little kiss on the head.

The alligator came back with a small yellow neoprene life jacket and handed it to Kip.

"Let me know if that fits ya, after that you're all good to go." He said, starting back towards his booth.

Kip slipped the life jacket on, zipping it up in the front and buckling the straps together, pulling them as tight as he could. It fit pretty well, and he noticed the crotch strap for it. He tried tucking it away behind the vest but was stopped by Manny.

"Uh uh, you gotta wear it right if you're gonna wear it." The deer took the crotch strap and pulled it between Kip's legs, buckling it and pulling it tight." Better.

Kip groaned and looked up at him. "Really?"

"Yup, safety first!" Manny smirked. "Plus it's fun to tease you about it. Now come on, let's go have some fun!"

They walked over to the kayak and Manny helped Kip get in first, and sat down behind him towards the back of the kayak. They paddled out around the lake for a while, with Manny doing most of the stronger paddling to control their direction and speed.

"You're doing great Kip! Are you having a good time?" Manny asked.

"I am! This is actually really peaceful out here, good idea hun." Kip said, turning around to look at Manny. "Are you?"

"I'm having a blast! Plus I get to look at you the whole time." He said, blushing and making a kissy face at the lynx.

Kip laughed and splashed him lightly using his paddle.

"Oh you're gonna get it cat!" Manny grinned, splashing him back and trying to shield himself from getting splashed even more.

Over in Mori's dorm room, Akinno found himself kneeling down in front of the bear, his new suit being carefully inspected.

"Woodrow really went all out on this punishment, didn't he? I can't find a single seam anywhere in this suit. I'm sorry hun, but I don't think there's any possible way to escape from it." Mori said, trying not to smile too much. "But it seems like your suit will allow us to have some fun still." He grabbed the lion by the collar on his suit and pulled him up, placing his other paw on his crotch. The crotch strap provided a thick layer over the smooth, shiny black latex covering Akinno's steel encased penis, and no amount of outside stimulation could ever be felt through it.

Akinno moaned softly through the muzzle of the suit, his speech completely restricted by the latex muzzle and gag inside of his mouth.

"Poor thing, can't even speak anymore." Mori said, letting a paw drift towards the hollow plug at the back of the suit, starting to insert it slowly. Akinno perked up when he felt Mori's paw enter his hole, and strained against the harness keeping his arms locked tightly against his chest.

"Poor kitten indeed, guess this is the only sort of stimulation you can hope to get from here on out. But I'm sure we can learn to make it suffice."

The lion wriggled around and bucked against his suit as he felt Mori going deeper into the plug, his dick aching and begging to get hard in his belt.

"You like that hmm? I like how it makes you squirm." Mori said. "I have a little something for you. Mori produced something that looked like a butt plug. "Now just hold still." He shoved the plug in Akinno and pushed it all the way in. He turned a disc on the bottom of the plug that caused it to expand inside of Akinno and lock into place with a loud click. "There we go, no way that's coming out now." The bear grinned. "And the final touch!" Mori brought out a remote and held it in front of Akinno's face to see. He turned a small dial on it and Akinno felt the plug buzz to life and start to stimulate him. He breathed in hard and felt himself leaking in his belt. "Perfect, this'll be fun to play with. I want you to be my leaky little plaything." Mori said. "Woodrow said it would be good for you, and I couldn't agree more. Akinno looked at him questioningly, what did Mori mean by Woodrow saying it'd be good for him? What wasn't Mori telling him?

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