"Escape From Paw City"

Story by Fatal_Foxtrot on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories (NSFW)

In this story, Romeo Del Zorro and his girlfriend Jelly-Ann break into Paw City, the wealthiest sex club in the world. After securing the target, Romeo sets off an alarm and must escape the club alive! As he bursts through the emergency exit to rendezvous with his partner, two business cats with guns open fire on them, and poor Romeo is shot in the back, spraying his syrupy rainbow blood all over Jelly-Ann's face. They escape the club and return home, and it's up to Jelly-Ann to save her wounded boyfriend... but she can't help but notice how sweet his blood tastes on her lips...

Escape From Paw City

Romeo Del Zorro

Romeo bolted down the hallway, making a beeline toward the dimly illuminated emergency exit sign. The blaring alarms disoriented him somewhat, and he couldn't help but think on the irony of the situation. He and Jelly-Ann had managed to infiltrate the club, make contact with the victim, AND secure the transaction records, but he tripped the alarm by reaching for a cupcake at the entrance to the kitchen. He shook his head, his ears flopping disappointedly. "You have cupcakes at home!" He scolded himself.

Jelly-Ann paced nervously a few hundred feet from the side entrance door, trying to make a decision in the sudden uproar. Was this the right door? Should I go in and get him? Should we really have split up?? These questions and more rattled through her mind too quickly. Thankfully, they were all answered when the door burst open, and Romeo landed his jumping kick onto the parking lot asphalt.

"Scroll! Now!!" he shouted frantically and resumed sprinting toward his partner. Jelly-Ann nodded and whipped out a folded piece of notebook paper, and hurriedly smoothed it out. A glowing glyph appeared beneath her feet, and a large circle began to draw around her.

"7 seconds!!" She hollered back, and Romeo picked up his sprint, clutching the messenger bag containing the documents desperately.

Just then, the same door burst open again; and two cat men in business suits, one orange and one black, scrambled onto the asphalt.

"There they are! Open fire!"

Loud pops like firecrackers erupted from behind him, scaring Romeo into running faster, and made his fluffy tail puff out in volume. He made contact with Jelly-Ann and wrapped his arms around her, sobbing.

"Get us out of here bab-- Hnng?" He was cut off by a sudden sharp pain radiating from his shoulder. For a second, time stood still. And then abruptly, Romeo's perception was snapped to a vivid spray of syrupy, rainbow colored blood erupting onto his girlfriend's face.

"Nnnnnggg.... GYAAAAAHHHHH--" his agonized shout echoed into the night, as the teleportation scroll Jelly-Ann received from the victim finally completed its spell.


With a brilliant flash of light, the two burglars landed with a thump onto their fluffy king-sized bed. Immediately, Romeo's syrup sprayed his pillows, leaving colorful streaks dyed into the white fabric.

"EeeeaAAAAA!! It hurts! It HURTS!!" He wailed, his ears and tail flicking erratically, and tears streaming down his face in buckets.

Before Jelly-Ann had gathered her bearings, she wiped the sugary blood off her face, and absentmindedly stuck her hand in her mouth, then shook it off upon meeting Romeo's betrayed glare.

"Now is not the time for that!! I'm dying!!" he whined pitifully, his tail now stuffed between his legs.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're delicious! And you are *not* dying, you baby." She grabbed his shoulder with one of her many jelly-like tentacles, and applied pressure to stop the bleeding.

"AaaahhHHHHH!! You're killing meeee!!!!" Romeo squirmed and sobbed, flailing and causing Jelly-Ann to lose her grip on him. As his blood sprayed on her face a second time, she heaved an exasperated sigh, and whipped another of her tentacles to his head. It wrapped around his eyes, and tiny white lights suspended in the jelly began to rapidly flash into his eyes.

Jelly-Ann took Romeo's face in her hands, and gently pulled him to her. Romeo's sobbing began to taper down, and his body began to grow limp. Before he could question why, or whether he should submit, a lovely, familiar voice tickled his ear with a warm whisper.

"I need to get the bullet out, sweetie."

"You need to get... y-yes, my queen." came Romeo-slave's sedated response.

"That's a good boy... just relax now. Let me take care of you."

"Good... am good boy..." the limp fox muttered, his tail subtly flicking happily the only movement he could have mustered.

Jelly-Ann smiled warmly, and held Romeo suspended by his drooling head with her blinking extremity, and turned her attention to his wound. It didn't look that bad, mostly a through and through, but she did notice a few metal shavings left over from the bullet stuck in the colorful flesh. She drew closer to get a better look, but suddenly, a fierce, hungry feeling began to consume her. She knew then how to get the shrapnel out of her boyfriend's delicious body.

She sealed her lips around the wound and slithered her tongue inside it to feel around for the shards. Romeo flinched, and squirmed a little, distracting her. Annoyed, she shoved a second tentacle into his mouth, with nothing more than a muffled "mmf!" in opposition. He didn't resist for long. Between the pain in his shoulder, the tentacle in his mouth cutting off part of his airflow, and the rapidly flashing head restraint, he soon sunk back into blissful obedience.

Satisfied with this response, Jelly-Ann grinned, looked back to her meal and licked her lips. He really *was* delicious. What a strange beast, to be filled with such sweet, sugary meat. She excitedly thrust her long, wriggling tongue into his wound, and moaned in pleasure as the flavor painted the walls of her mouth. This time, a muffled, low effort moaning came from above. This made her smile warmly again, it was a win-win! She gets to indulge in her boyfriend's delicious meat, and Romeo gets to indulge in a hallucinated underwater tentacle attack and get fucked in every hole on his body.

Every so often, Jelly-Ann would remember why she was slurping his wound and would withdraw her tongue to drag out a piece of shrapnel, dropping it onto the metal tray with a loud "clang!". After a few times doing so, she noticed a larger, more entrenched piece of metal stuck deep in his meat. Her eyes widened with a mixture of pity and excitement, as she realized what she must do.

"I'm sorry, baby. You're such a good boy." She whispered in his ear soothingly.

"Am... am good boy?" he sniffled, tears welling up in his eyes

Jelly-Ann cradled his head gently and rocked him side to side. "Such a good boy." she cooed.

As his tail wagged slowly but excitedly, Jelly-Ann sunk her teeth into Romeo's gaping wound.

"Hnng?" he flinched slightly, but otherwise didn't resist. With razor sharp teeth, she explored his wound deeper, tearing small pieces out from around the metal piece and swallowing them greedily. She moaned in pleasure, and absentmindedly sent another tentacle to wrap around Romeo's throbbing cock, it's jelly surface effortlessly gliding up and down the shaft. Her boyfriend shivered, but otherwise held still, while Jelly-Ann devoured his shoulder, tiny piece by tiny piece. His sugary blood poured down her face and onto her breasts; and she moaned deeply into the flesh while she smeared the gore all over her body, until it seeped through her clear skin and joined the flow of the rest of her fluids.

After having sufficiently slurped and tore through her mate's flavorful viscera and expanded his wound by about twice it's original size, the metal fragment was finally fully visible. Jelly-Ann peered through the wound, and chuckled when she saw the alarm clock on their nightstand through it. "We've been here for 2 hours already?" she mused.

She returned to her injured boyfriend and slipped her tongue inside his gaping flesh and attempted to retrieve the large, metal fragment. The tentacle wrapped around Romeo's cock began to tug faster and faster, and his breathing started to sharpen. She could feel the muscles in his throbbing dick start to harden, and his knot began to grow, tightening her grip. After pushing the piece around a little bit, she got ready for a big tug. The formerly limp Romeo's body began to rapidly tense up, and as she yanked the bullet out of his shoulder, he moaned loudly and enthusiastically.

Hot, thick cream shot out of his straining cock and covered her chest and belly. She smiled at him warmly, and kept tugging on his pulsating dick, shaking it side to side to spray it over as much of her body as he could reach. After the pulsating bursts tapered down to a gentle dribble, Romeo began to finally regain his composure just in time to notice his seed phase through his girlfriend's skin, and join with the rest of her gel insides and disappear. Jelly-Ann gently released the tentacle suspending Romeo by his eyes and wrapped it around his mouth instead. She brought him down to eye level and stroked his face reassuringly.

"I can't do this part with my lights on, so you're going to have to feel this. I'm sorry." She smiled at his confused expression and thrust one of her tentacles into his wound violently.

"MMMmmmMMMMFFF!!" He protested and squirmed.

"Shh... be a good boy, it's okay. It'll be over soon." Jelly-Ann reassured him soothingly. She leaned his forehead against hers gently and closed her eyes. She pulled her focus inward and began to direct the flow of her jelly manually. Through careful concentration, Jelly-Ann mixed Romeo's blood and seed with her own to create a jelly like her own, but for her beloved wounded Fox.

Romeo's squirming began to slow down as he noticed a strange, heavy sensation spreading across his shoulder. Was she... was she implanting her jelly into him? He looked at his shoulder and noticed a flow of her internal liquids disappearing into his wound. He grunted in discomfort as the liquid began to harden, but then, the pain began to subside, and his breathing returned to normal. She released his gag, and they stared at each other adoringly. His wound was now sealed with a thick, bouncy gel.

"I don't do that for just anyone, you know." Jelly-Ann winked at her grateful boyfriend.

"Thank you so much! I feel muuuuch better." Romeo beamed happily. "Now then... how are we going to use these documents to save Corona?"

To Be Continued...