Hangin' Out Woes

Story by Arktisk on SoFurry

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So this lovely bastard here, https://equoaurelius.sofurry.com/ , shared a particular piece of artwork that got the mind spinning and the urge to write raging.

Thank him! For I am finally posting this! It's got deer! It's got sex! And to a lesser extent, it's got horse!

Enjoy my lovelies! <3

It was the equine's brazenness that drew me to him.

Hardly surprising for a horse to be confident, especially being whatever kind of draft this one seemed to be, but there was confident, and then there was this fellow. Said fellow, who was a dozen yards away from me sitting on the bleachers next to the track I had just finished running around for the past hour, was clearly a step above.

He had a dark chestnut brown pelt, fading into black at the ends of his arms, legs, and muzzle, with a similar dark patch covering most of his exposed chest and toned stomach. Had he been standing, the bright white shorts he wore wouldn't have covered more than half of his tightly muscled thighs, but he was sitting. His legs were spaced wide apart as he leaned back against the bench row behind him, his eyes cast down at the phone in his hand, and the evidence of his level of confidence...

...was hanging halfway out of the left leg of his shorts.

As thick as most people would be while fully hard, the flaccid length bobbed slightly with each small movement of its owner, and it took everything I had not to openly drool at the sight. There's something to be said about the sheer beauty of a soft cock. I could get my jollies from looking at them all day just as well as I could from seeing one fully aroused and throbbing, but soft horse cocks in particular had... well, they just had a look to them.

From the wide flat mushroom head, to the narrower upper shaft and gradually thickening portion below that, to the clear bulge outlined by the loose fabric of his shorts, the horse's cock was making my palms sweat. The sight of that flesh alone radiated its own kind of heat, and I could feel it in my trembling hands, and all the fucker was doing was sitting there letting his pride hang out.

It took zero effort for my mind to tell me how that flaccid shaft tasted. How strong the musk would be if I was to just shove my muzzle up the leg of his shorts...

The heat outside was oppressive. I knew I smelt strongly of my hard work on the track, even though I had just been stretching and recovering on the lush grass for at least ten minutes, but looking over at that horse bastard, I could smell him. Taste him.

A dozen yards separated us, but it wasn't far enough that I could miss his eyes snapping up from his phone to lock with my own.

He didn't move, didn't shift, didn't try to cover up when he saw me staring at him.

Of course he didn't. The smug bastard had nothing to be ashamed of. No one, had there even been anyone else at the small track field, would have challenged him, and he knew it. Hell, after a moment the fucker even shifted his legs further apart, letting his cock flop lower and exposing just another inch or two of it.

God damn it I had been sitting on the grass stretching my right leg for what felt like hours, frozen in that position just like my eyes were frozen in their connection to his own. I couldn't tear my gaze away from the horse's, but I didn't really need to. I may have been entranced by looking at his face, but below, I could still make out that dark flesh hanging between his legs, standing in stark contrast to the white fabric surrounding it.

It had dropped another inch or two. Don't ask me how I could tell, a slut like me just had a sense for things like that.

A grin had appeared on the equine's muzzle as well, and he tilted his head to the left, to the far end of the track where a small two-room restroom sat alongside the treeline.

Looks like I was about to get some horse dick.

The draft stood from the bleachers, his shorts bulging obscenely and leaving next to nothing to the imagination. From the left leg of his shorts, before he turned and started walking to the restroom shack, I spotted the slightly flared head of his dick bouncing freely in the open, with a strand of clear glistening precum swinging from it.

I wasn't entirely convinced that I could stand up due to the combination of holding my stretch for far too long, and from the simple fact that I was a little light headed from the lack of blood going to the right head. It took me a moment, enough time for the horse to make it halfway down the track, before I forced myself to my feet and followed him. I might not be a top, or even remotely interested in sticking my dick in someone, but even I could appreciate the two flexing globes of his ass, outlined perfectly by the snug fabric of his shorts and tensing with each step he took.

My mind was already going into overdrive, imagining the sight anyone would see if they happened to catch us; my legs wrapped around the horse's waist, my arms around his broad shoulders, my head thrown back in ecstasy as he took me for the ride of my life.

Fuck I hope he wanted more than just a blowjob...

I contented myself with the assumption that no self respecting horse could say no to dumping a load under the tantalizing tail of a willing deer.

Rather than walk into one of the stalls, the horse ahead of me simply walked around behind the small concrete restroom, and I can't say I blamed him. In this heat, the restroom likely wouldn't be the most pleasant spot to be in, so behind the building made more sense and I couldn't have agreed more.

When I finally rounded the corner, stepping into the meter-wide space of manicured grass between the restroom on my left and the forest on the right, I was greeted with the sight of the horse leaning back against the shack. One of his hands still held his phone, which he was contentedly tapping away on, while his other hand was shoved down the front of his shorts, openly groping himself.

The waistband of his shorts were pulled away from his body, exposing the 'v' shape of his waist that never failed to make me weak in the knees, along with a thick patch of pubic fur starting from his navel, running downwards to disappear behind his forearm. I was in front of him and on my knees before I could even blink, the arrogance of the larger male so absolute that he knew he didn't even need to speak.

He_knew_ I'd do all the work to get things started. He _knew_I'd throw myself at his feet the moment I arrived.

I knew he knew all of this, but, and I'm not ashamed to say this, I was fucking thirsting for horse cock.

Wasting no time, I pressed my muzzle between the horse's powerful legs, zeroing in on the open leg of his shorts and burying my face into it. The horse removed his hand from his shorts as I snaked my muzzle under the fabric, pressing my nose firmly into the soft base of his sheath, easily one of my favourite parts of equine anatomy.

I lifted my hands up and shivered as they finally wrapped around the tube of flesh that somehow felt hotter than the air around us. It was a different kind of heat though, one that seeped through my flesh and made me shiver at the same time. While I set one hand to stroke the still mostly flaccid length, I moved the other up the opposite leg of the equine's shorts to begin fondling his sack, finding it damp with sweat.

I rolled those two massive orbs around with my fingers, drooling against his shaft as I found them to be just as heavy and warm as I had imagined. Fuck if he swung hard enough the things could give me a black eye. As I hefted and squeezed them, I put my tongue to work on the sweaty skin of the horse's cock, revelling in his taste and feeling myself become slightly light headed as I drank him in. His shaft hadn't fully dropped from his sheath, so like any proper slut would, I drove my tongue down into its folds.

His flavour made me a believer in heaven.

The acrid tang of the inside of his sheath set me to drooling even more, my saliva already starting to run down his long pillar of a cock to be smeared along by my stroking hand. All I could smell was his sweat, and that alone got me harder than steel in my own shorts, but that was far from worth any attention. All that mattered was getting this mammoth cock to full mast, then getting the thing stuffed under my tail.

It was going to hurt, but that had never stopped me before.

The horse's shaft continued to grow, the last of it spilling from his sheath leaving me free to start licking, kissing, and suckling down its length until I reached the flexing, dripping head. I shifted the hand I had been stroking him with up to join my other to massage and toy with his large sac while I enveloped his fat head in my mouth.

My tongue swiped over the broad head, earning a squirt of precum with each pass it made which I was all too happy to clean up even as the amount began to gradually increase. The stud finally graced me with a moan, his first real reaction to me debasing myself at his feet which made me redouble my efforts.

I was going to milk this stud so well that he'd remember me. He'd think about me after this, and I'd be the top number on his phone for future trysts.

Lofty thoughts for a random hookup, I know, but damn that wouldn't stop me from trying.

I set myself to work then, pushing myself further up into the leg of the horse's shorts, taking more of his cock into my muzzle. With each throb and flex of the pillar pushing past my lips, it thickened, forcing me to stretch my jaw wider to accommodate it. My lips reached the medial ring before too long, and already I was having trouble working my tongue around the girth of what I had managed to swallow.

I took several deep breaths through my nose, preparing my lungs for the next stage of my task.

The medial ring popped past my lips, and I was forced to start swallowing to help the massive cock push deeper and deeper into my throat. I was blessed to have recovered from the hell that was having a gag reflex, but horses were no joke even then. My tongue was now pinned to the bottom of my mouth, my airway becoming more and more constricted, but I was so close to my goal... so close to that sweet musky patch of thick fur at the base of his cock.

My attempts to swallow it down were failing me, but when it seemed like I would never bury my nose in his tantalizing crotch, the horse's hand came to rest on the back of my head. A rough pull, combined with a short thrust of his hips, saw those final few inches sink into my muzzle, instantly setting my eyes to watering and my brain to jump into panic mode as my only source of air was totally blocked by the thick meat occupying my throat.

The equine's hand moved from the back of my head to one of my antlers, with his other hand taking a hold of the opposite, and he started grinding his hips back and forth. I did my best to relax my throat as that monster throbbed and pulsed inside me, but there was a limit to how much even a pro like myself could handle when it came to sheer size. Sometimes you just had to admit that a cock was too big, that you wouldn't be able to keep yourself impaled on it for as long as you'd want to.

I had to swallow my pride and admit that swallowing his felt overwhelming. Mere minutes in and I was already trying to pull my head back, to catch a proper breath and give my sore throat a chance to recover.

Unfortunately for me, I had this horse pegged correctly.

He was hardly concerned about the state I was in so long as he had my hot muzzle to grind himself into. As far as he was concerned, he was giving me the ultimate gift; a round with a cock he _knew_was superior to the average in every way.

I had to stop groping his large balls, now simply holding them in my hands as all of my conscious effort was put towards fighting down the urge to expel the massive intruder in my throat. He didn't seem to mind, but he did take it as a hint to pull his hips back further, leaving only the top half of his cock inside me so I could finally breathe again.

I coughed around his shaft. Saliva and precum flowing past my lips and dripping in large globs to the grass below as I finally got the relief I needed. As soon as I settled myself though, my brain voided itself of all the thoughts of worry and regret that I had had when I was being suffocated by that massive prick, and I was right back to desperately sucking, bobbing, and licking every inch that I could comfortably manage.

The horse was groaning and grunting louder now, slowly starting to take back control of the pace by firming his grip on my antlers and putting more power behind his hips. Not wanting a repeat of before, I withdrew one hand from his sack and used it to stroke and squeeze along the base of his cock, hoping that keeping it busy there would keep him from bottoming out in my throat again.

He felt close though, and with each thrust and bob, I was given less and less room to stroke him, and the flaring head of his cock was once again reaching deeper and deeper. To my surprise though, he pulled me back far enough for his huge cock to pop free from my muzzle, trailing several strands of saliva as the heavy shaft dropped and bounced between his legs under its own weight.

I was gasping. Licking my lips. _Hungering_to have that thing back in my mouth.

I expected him to take a hold of it himself, to start jerking himself across the finish line to begin drenching me in his cum, but no...

He leaned back against the wall, eyes closed, chest heaving, cock straining and flexing, almost looking like it was on the verge of tearing through the leg of his shorts. The horse's grip on my antlers didn't let up in the slightest, even as I tried to push myself forward to help him climax, to keep pleasuring that throat-destroying baton of a cock. I wondered why, as the seconds turned to minutes as he came down from his near orgasm, why he couldn't just let me drain those large orbs of his, to pleasure him as best as I could.

He released one of my antlers after a short time, using the free hand to pull his shorts down over his obscene package and kicking them to the side when they pooled on the ground around his hooves. I was held there, unable to do much beyond whine pathetically as he walked around behind me, and suddenly it clicked for me that I was about to get exactly what I had wanted when I first laid eyes on his dick. That seemed like so long ago now... not to mention softer and several inches shorter.

The back of my shorts were pulled down just enough to expose my plush cheeks, my tail flagged high as it usually was as one of his fingers drove underneath it to find my ring.

I gasped as the thick digit found its mark in no time, thankfully at least lubed with saliva as he roughly started pressing it into me with little ceremony. I considered myself lucky though as he pushed his finger in deep before swiftly adding a second; random hookups weren't normally concerned with proper stretching, especially when they knew they had all the power. He was working my hole quickly and roughly, making me wince and gasp, but at least he was working it before deciding to mount me.

He gave a rough yank on my antler, pulling my head back to an awkward angle, but I couldn't bring myself to resent the rough treatment. It was everything I normally loved, after all.

Three fingers wriggled and slid under my tail, working me open with some extra assistance in the form of a glob of split the horse drooled down between my cheeks. It was a mild form of degradation that I always found myself utterly loving, especially if the guy missed by just a little bit, leaving my ass with rivulets of liquid running over it. The horse removed his fingers for an agonizing moment, gathering his discarded saliva as it collected in the cleft between my cheeks and pushed it over my already wet ring before shoving his fingers back inside me.

Had anyone been inside the restroom, they likely would have heard the high pitched squeal I let out right then.

The stud didn't spend much more time working my hole over after that. He made sure his spit coated every part of me his digits could reach, then he pulled his hand back, and I bit my bottom lip in anticipation for what was to come.

I felt him shift behind me, one hand still firmly wrapped around my left antler as if he wanted to make sure I wouldn't try to scramble away from him. There was a fat fucking chance of that, though. As I felt him swing a leg over my own so my slimmer limbs lay in between his massive ones, I couldn't think of a place I'd rather have been. This was where I was _meant_to be; face down, ass up, with a giant of a male slapping his cock between my ass cheeks so he could stroke his own ego to the sight of my smaller body making him look even bigger.

Of course, this fucking horse didn't _need_the ego stroking.

He was fully aware of how big he was. He was just savouring the sight of his own shaft grinding against my backside, revelling in the knowledge that the ass that he was about to ravage was utterly willing, utterly subservient to him.

Fuck I hated it when the arrogant ones were right...

I gasped as the fat flaring head of his cock breached my tail hole, dragging a long moan from my throat as he sunk several inches into me in his first thrust. The fucker knew I could take it, and a part of me hated that I could be read so easily.

Another few inches sunk in, nearing the base of his shaft but not quite reaching his medial ring. My arms gave out underneath me, and I dropped against the grass, panting and groaning and writhing as his massive sack swung back and forth between our legs. It dwarfed my own, hell, it dwarfed most partners I had ever had. Large enough, and hanging low enough, that he didn't even need to be fully hilted inside of me for it to swing and slap against my thighs.

My antler was released, both of the horse's hands moving to take a hold of my waspish hips, steadying me while he withdrew several inches, only to grind them right back into me with interest. His medial ring slipped past my aching ring, and I found myself stretching to a degree I had never experienced before, even when I had two dicks under my tail.

I could feel the heat radiating from his body as he hunched over my prone body, his hips barely moving enough to grind more than a few inches into me with each thrust, essentially fucking me with only the bottom third of his dick. I was drooling into the grass, my eyes crossing as he claimed me so utterly that I forgot we were fucking behind a restroom at a public track field. My body was tingling all over, nearly numb at the sheer overwhelming sense of being filled well beyond my capacity.

Then he bottomed out.

I felt his crotch come flush with my cheeks, and I fucking knew at that moment that even if I didn't get to burn myself into his memory, he was certainly seared into mine.

The way the base of his shaft thickened so much compared to the rest of his cock left my entire body a weak, shaking mess. His hands squeezed my hips tightly, ensuring I wouldn't fully collapse onto the ground until he was done with me, and my mind was at war with itself; one side begging to find a way to keep myself impaled on his pillar of flesh as long as I could manage, while the other was screaming that it was too much. That it needed to leave my body before I passed out.

Of course, the horse wasn't privy to my internal struggle.

He was simply enjoying the feeling of his massive cock grinding back and forth between two willing legs, fucking a deer that he knew would _beg_for his attention from that point onwards.

I could hear the sneer in his grunts as he started picking up his pace.

Each time his crotch connected with my ass, I grunted, gasped, or whimpered. There was no way I could stay silent as that baseball bat of a dick shoved its way into me, rearranging my insides as he took me for his own pleasure. I could easily imagine him being able to feel every cringe of my body, every tensing of my muscles, every shuddering breath I managed to take as he rode me.

The wonderful sounds of the nature surrounding us was drowned out and replaced with his aggressive grunting, my pathetic whimpering, and the metronome beat of his saliva and pre soaked balls clapping against my thighs. My fingers were tearing out clumps of grass while my watering eyes screwed shut as I tried to weather the assault, and to my surprise, I was given a moments rest as he buried himself fully under my tail and held himself there.

He dropped his body fully down against mine, crushing me into the ground for a solid minute before he pulled himself back just enough to start forcing me to roll over.

Not once did he let his cock withdraw from my ass as I twisted awkwardly below him, but in moments I was laying on my back, looking up at the massive equine with my legs splayed to either side of his grinding waist. I could make out wet squelches, a testament to the amount of precum he had already oozed into me as he worked the thickest few inches of his cock into me. He was looking up as he did so, and to my mind, I imagined him thinking he was balls deep in some female bimbo he had picked up at a bar, and while that level of careless degradation still pushed all the right buttons for me, I couldn't help but growl inwardly in a perverse sense of jealousy.

Precum oozed out around his shaft, soaking my tuft of a tail over the next few minutes as he just sat there, jerking his hips in short but deep thrusts that kept my entire body tensing. I was just getting used to the new position when the horse slipped an arm under the small of my back, shifted his legs up, and pulled me off of the ground, lifting me into his lap before standing up completely.

With all that my body had just been put through, the sudden change from lying down to being vertical again made me dizzy, my world spinning while the only constant was the searing heat radiating from the equine holding me. Then, my back was planted roughly against the grey cinder blocks of the restroom wall behind me. My earlier fantasy of being pinned to the wall was coming true, and I wrapped my slender legs around his powerful waist, my hands sliding up over his shoulders and gripping them tight as he started driving himself to the end game.

A harsh thrust jolted my body upward before he withdrew several inches, gravity then immediately dragging my body down after he pulled back to meet his next upward thrust to give it that much more force. He bounced me up, then let me fall back onto his throbbing dick at an ever increasing pace, turning what had been simple grunts and whimpers into full volume gasps and cries of pleasure as my ass was worked to its limit and beyond.

I wasn't so sure that the entire track wouldn't be able to hear my effeminate yelps as the huge horse began grunting and huffing with exertion between my legs. His flare dragged along my insides, becoming immediately noticeable to me as he reached his peak but tried his damnedest to hold off on his final release, but it didn't buy him more than a few seconds.

My insides were thrashed by his spasming cock, my muzzle opening wide in a scream of ecstasy as I felt it flex and stiffen over and over again while his balls pulled up tight beneath us and started unloading. I had never felt such pressure before, so overwhelming and all consuming as he pumped his seed deeper into me than anyone before him. Though it didn't last long as once I reached capacity, ropes and globs started squirting and dripping out from around the fat base of his cock, drenching his sack, my tail, the wall underneath, and the ground below that.

Minutes passed before I stopped feeling his shaft twitching within me. It softened quickly, slipping from my now gaping hole with an audible splash of more cum being dragged along with it to land in the small puddle below. He stood there panting, keeping me pinned to the wall of the restroom as we both recovered, my legs squeezing tightly around his midriff as I found I didn't want him to move away.

I was truly caught off guard by what happened next.

He finally made eye contact with me.

It wasn't the same unspoken 'do you want to fuck' look we had shared out on the field, but a look that actually made me feel like he was actually taking me in now, registering me as a person instead of a toy to ride. Then he drove his muzzle forward and locked our lips together in a kiss that set my world alight.

I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that, but it was clear that neither of us wanted to move from that spot.

"Holy shit!"

Of course, all good things must come to an end...

As we broke our kiss and looked to the corner of the restroom shack, we saw two guys standing with their jaws agape and obvious tents in their shorts.

Neither of us felt any shame in being so exposed. These two had just witnessed the aftermath of sex that would have landed mere mortals in the hospital for how overwhelming it was. We stood there, silent for a moment, before the horse reached down to retrieve his shorts. Slipping his phone out of the pocket, the equine unlocked it, then passed it to me.

I looked down to see the 'Add New Contact' screen, and I couldn't help but grin.

I entered my information, handed it back to him, then pulled up the back of my shorts, uncaring that with the amount of cum still dripping from my hole they would become soaked in minutes.

"You guys have fun if you want," I realized at that moment that that was the first time I had heard the horse speak. "He likes it rough."

I looked at him, surprised and confused, but was met with only a mischievous smile and a sudden tender kiss on my lips.

Dumbfounded, I watched him don his shorts and start to walk back to the track, while the two voyeurs that had caught us just stood there like sports store mannequins.

When it was clear the horse wasn't coming back, I looked to them, already wondering how they were going to react to the apparent invitation he had left them with. I don't think I should have been surprised to find them grinning or openly groping themselves, even though the blushes were still apparent through their lighter coloured fur, but I still was.

A poor substitute, even with two of them, but my blood was still on fire, and what sort of deer would I be if I didn't offer them some assistance?