Rudolph and the stranger.Part 2

Story by rusdeer on SoFurry

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#2 of r

yea I wrote a continuation, hope ya'll like it...please be gentle lol

It seemed that Mike fell asleep. Rudolph was just laying for some time and staring at him. He was still horny.

Rudi rolled on his stomack and pressed cock against bed,slightly humping it. Sensation of the sheets fabric, rubbing his trembling member, only made his erection worse.

He was enjoying this for some time, then he rolled on back again and began to rub cock with his thumb; this motion slowly transformed- Rudolph took his dick in the hand and started slowly, lazily pawing himself off. He used second paw to caress his chest, belly and then he moved it to squeeze his balls.

Rudi opened mouth to breath, he started panting and squirming as he was reaching his orgasm.

"Damn...I can't just cum in bed...What if he will see..."

But he wanted to cum so bad now so he made a decision. Rudi sat in bed, pawing self off, and came in the left hand.Cum covered his palm even leaking from it . He sighed with a satisfaction and laid back, gulping a cum from the paw down, then leaned back still catching breath.

Rudolph even haven't noticed, when he fell asleep. This night he had no dreams.

He woke up suddenly,because something fell down. Rudolph sat in bed, trying to understand what has just happened. He heard a noise from the bathroom (his own one, because it was connected to his room only): noise of falling water and speech. Then something fell down again. Rudolph turned head and looked at the sofa. It was empty. Apparently Mike was taking a shower. Suddenly the doo opened and Rudy turned head. That was Mike. He ahs just left the bathroom. He had no clothes on, exept a towel, wrapped around his waist. They looked at eachother.

-Oh, sorry. I woke you up,-said Mike. He definitely hadn't expected Rudolph to be up.

-No problem,- replied reindeer, desperately trying not to look down Mike's stomack. Well,actually, only look of his uncovered chest made him breath faster now. Rudolph forced self to raise eyes.

-I heard a noise.Uh... Have you broken anything?

-Oh... No,no,don't worry. A bottle of shampoo fell down and I smashed head when I picked it up.

-O, I see. Did it hurt?-reindeer looked at Mike.

-Not really.

Rudolph rubbed eyes,he still was sitting in the bed,when Mike sat down on the sofa.

-Mind if I get dressed?- they both started at the same time and then laughed.

-No problem,- said Mike,still laughing a bit.-I'll dress in the bathroom.

He grabbed his clothes and left the room. Rudi sat on the edge of the bed and put jeans on, then stood up and stretched.In a couple of minutes Mike appeared in the doorway.

-Hey, it's time for breakfast,- said Rudolph.

-Don't forget to wash your face,- replied Mike cuddling Rudolph's head.-You look like you haven't woken up yet.

-Nah,I'm fine,-said reindeer with a smile.

They went downstairs to join Rudolph's parents at the breakfast.

-What do you think about spending some time outdoors?-asked Rudolph later,after they finished meal.

-Bright idea,son,- said Blitzen, putting his plate into the sink.-Have a fun.

"Oh yea, I wish I could have some fun...with him",- thought Rudi and continued:

-We can play snowballs or walk.

He stopped, feeling that sounded so childish. Surprisingly,Mike haven't refused.

-I agree with your dad,that sounds great...You know,take your guitar too, if you don't mind. I'll wait you outside.

They were walking and walking,playing snowballs and walking again: on the streets,around the school. After all they sat on the low stone school fence and Rudolph asked Mike to play guitar.

Sitting here,under the blue sky,feeling cold but nice wind on the face, watching Mike playing guitar and listening him singing, Rudi understood that he loves him. Yes, he was beautiful,handsome and even magnetic for him,but there was something else Rudolph has realised. Mike was also the person who was very easy to talk to. He knew a lot of jokes and funny stories.Rudi also found his light accent and manneur of speech rather cute.

Mike stopped playing and Rudolph, being deep in his thoughts,just looked at him with a question in his gaze.

Mike teached Rudi playing;he played "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and then asked him to repeat,helping when it was necessary. After fifth turn Rudi played the song as well as Mike did.

When they went home, Rudolph carefully took Mike's hand in his paw. Mike looked curiously at him,smiled a tad but said nothing. Rudolph smiled too.

"I love you, love you,love you",- he kept on repeating in mind.

-Gosh,I'm so tired,-said Mike and yawned, when they came home and went upstairs.

-Oh yea,me too,-said Rudolph jumping on the bed and laying there.-that was such a great day!

-Indeed,-said Mike and yawned.-You know what,I think I'll skip the shower and sleep now.

-Ya, you have whole morning for it,-replied Rudi,taking shirt off.-I do same.

Mike quickly took his clothes off and laid,covering self with a plaid.

-Good night.

-Good night.

Soon Rudolph realized,that he can't get any sleep,despite he was tired.He just kept laying and staring on the ceiling until he got one idea.Rudi looked at obviously sleeping Mike.Reindeer stood up and carefully approached sofa with sleeping human. Rudi looked down at Mike's face ensuring he's sleeping and sat on the edge of the bed. His paw carefully slided under the plaid and rubbed human's chest and stomack. that sensation of the naked body,the body of another male he was touching,made his heart beat faster.Moreover, that sensation was something absolutely new to him-he has never touched any human. Rudolph's paw moved down, exploring , caressing and rubbing,until reindeer fingers sensed Mikes boxers fabric and a bulb under it. Mike slighty moaned and put a hand on his chest; meanwhile,Rudi proceeded and rubbed human's dick,at first very gently,then harder and harder,feeling himself getting horny, he also bit his lip, trying not to moan too. He felt Mikes dick pulsation, put paw in his boxers and understood his cock is erected now. Rudolph quickly grabbed it like a joystick and started slowly wanking,through he haven't pulled boxers down.He gripped dick harder and Mike gasped.

"Oh shit,he's wakin' up!"

Rudi quickly jumped in bed and tried to hold his breath down,pretending being asleep. Laying in the bed he watched Mike waking up and then falling asleep again. Rudolph leaned back on the pillow,now he knew the thing he wanted the most was to see his roommate's dick after he touched it now. A mischievous smile appeared on Rudolph's face-he made a decision.

Rudolph and the stranger.Part 1

\>\> I guess u know if ure under 18 ur not eligible to view such a content O.o \<\< Rudolph was walking down the snowbound street. The lessons at school were over and now he was going home. today he have been called 'red nosed' again.Well, not...

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