Late Night at the office

Story by Ceilyn on SoFurry

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Closing the last of the contracts he'd needed to review before the January fifteenth deadline, Ceilyn leaned back with a sigh, stretching a bit to rub at his lower back. The fox had been working late the whole week first on the research proposal and then reviewing the contract for the work, this new job was going to be the death of him if it was always like this.

The office was dark, Melanie, the other last hold out in the department had left a couple of hours ago with a reminder that he should lock up when he left and since then it had been almost completely silent. The fox glanced in the mirror above his monitor, meeting his green eyes as he loosened his tie, rolling his eyes when he saw that he even looked exhausted. He hated wearing the whole dress shirt, tie and dress pants, it made him feel so old and it didn't help when he half looked old from the long hours he'd been working. Still, he had to admit he looked pretty good all the same, the light green shirt set off his fur and the black dockers certainly made his ass look pretty good even if it was how his father dressed most of his childhood.

"Damn, well at least it's Friday and home isn't exactly far. I guess I'm not going to get to go out again though. " Cei stood up, his tail flicking back and forth as he collected his keys, "I hate this place at night." He muttered to himself as he walked out of his cubicle and headed for the door, his tail dropping a little as he realized just how tired he was. Stopping at the door he looked around one last time to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything and flicked out the lights before stepping out into the dark night, closing the door behind him and locking it.

The office complex he worked in was a small one just outside of a residential area. When he'd first started there he'd thought he was very lucky since he actually lived just in the apartment complex right next to it but that was before he realized that his boss would take advantage of the fact that he pretty much had no commute to speak of to dump stuff on him.

It was a pretty little complex, the main doors of his offices opened up into a little courtyard shielded from the street that was a perfect place to take lunch in. On nights like this one though when all the lights were all out because the owners of the complex assumed that nobody would ever work this late, the shadows that crept across the grass from the tall trees and the bushes that seemed to reach out to grab at you as you walked along the path always made Ceilyn shiver a bit. He knew it was stupid, being so close to the police station meant it wasn't exactly dangerous to walk around at night, but he always got a bit jumpy walking around where the shadows could hide anything.

He shivered a little and started walking, trying not to stare too hard into the shadows as he circled around the large oak tree that was right outside his office door, "Nobody here of course..." He said, his voice shaking a bit as he turned the corner to leave the courtyard.

Rushing steps sounded behind him and he had just enough time to jump and turn before a large heavy body pounced him from behind, throwing him into the wall of the building painfully, the impact driving the breath from his body in a loud yelp as he caught the heavy scent of a wolf.

Grinding against him the wolf shoved him harder against the wall, his huge paw moving up to wrap around Ceilyn's muzzle as the fox started to struggle, trying to buck the hard body against him away enough so that he could make a run for it, his eyes watering from the impact. Hot, heavy breath wafted over his ear as a low growl rumbled along his back, "None of that now, you're going to be nice and fucking quiet, got that?"

Ceilyn froze a bit at the menace in the voice, the fingers digging painfully into his muzzle to keep it closed making more tears run from his eyes as he panted frantically, the feeling of the heavy, firm body pressed against his back making his heart pound with fear as he nodded as best he could.

Another loud growl made Cei close his eyes and shudder with fear as teeth snapped closed right next to his ear, "Good. You're not the usual bitch out this late. I was getting tired of her anyway, fucked her so much that it was like fucking a wind tunnel now. Usually don't fuck guys though, no matter how much they're asking for it."

Cei felt his eyes grow wide at the wolf's words, bucking again which only served to drive his hips back against the wolf's, making him aware of the large bulge pressing against his rump as he whimpered loudly into the wolf's paw.

The wolf chuckled a bit, a small hint of a growl in the sound as Cei bucked up against him, "What, slut? Got something to say? Maybe you want to beg me to make an exception. I bet that's it, isn't it? I'll let go but if you even think about screaming I'll break that scrawny neck of yours, got it?"

Taking a deep, shuddering breath as the painful hand holding his mouth shut withdrew, Ceilyn sobbed, tears of fright running down his face even as his cheek was mashed painfully into the wall from a shove by the wolf, "P-p-lease, don't hurt me....just take my wallet...I w-won't call the police or a-anything...just don't..."

"Not the kind of begging that I wanted to hear, slut." The wolf growled, grinding his hips into the fox's ass, the thick bulge there seeing even bigger than it had just moments before as the wolf reached around to jerk at the front of Ceilyn's pants, making the button holding them closed pop off, "I imagine all you foxes are the same anyway, male or female, can't wait to be pounded. I'm going to go ahead and give you what you want, slut."

Ceilyn yelped as the wolf's paw went to the back of his pants, jerking them down as he heard the fabric rip a bit, the ice cold air hitting his ass cheeks for a moment before the wolf ground against him again, the creaking of what seemed to be leather as the hard bulge pressed against him again.

"Shut the fuck up, slut." the wolf growled, a thick muscular arm wrapping around Ceilyn's throat and jerking tight against it, cutting off his air. Ceilyn jerked and bucked, trying to get a breath as the muscular body of the wolf ground against his again, the ominous sound of a zipper being lowered making Cei struggle even more, "Stand still, now, slut or I'll break your fucking neck before I nail you."

Ceilyn froze another heavy sob choked off by the arm around his neck as he heard the wolf spit into his paw, his hips pulling away just a bit as Ceilyn struggled to even get a little bit of air, "I think I'll keep my arm there for now, slut, just in case you squeal too much when you get nailed. Be good and maybe I'll let you breathe before you pass out."

The menace in the wolf's voice made Ceilyn shudder, even as he started to get dizzy from lack of air, tears completely soaking his muzzle and dripping to the ground as he felt the wolf shift a bit, the searing tip of a hard cock pressing up under his tail making him flinch a bit. "You're going to get what you want, slut..." the wolf growled, his teeth nipping at Ceilyn's ears.

With a tremendous thrust the wolf hilted what felt like a good foot of red hot steel into Ceilyn, ripping a scream, or what would be a scream if he could breathe, as the wolf grunted, his balls slapping again the fox's ass. "Nice and tight little slut," the wolf said with a sneer in his voice, "Won't be when I'm through with you."

Ceilyn yelped again, barely even noticing that he could breathe again as the wolf's arm loosed, all his attention on the hard cock ramming into him as the wolf started long, hard thrusts into his abused tail, each forward thrust sending a loud slapping noise into the air as the wolf's balls and hips rammed him up against the wall,

Teeth clenched into his shoulder, digging in painfully with the sound of ripping cloth as the wolf jerked his head side to side, his teeth almost penetrating Ceilyn's skin with bruising force as the wolf's hard cock continued to pound in and out of his ass, each thrust a bit easier than the one before as Ceilyn's tight passage relaxed with the relentless pounding, the pain slowly beginning to fade and turn into a nerve tingling pleasure that made Cei's cock, to his horror, harden as the wolf continued fucking him.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of being slammed into the wall by the wolf, one last vicious thrust speared him, the wolf's hips grinding into him as his cock swelled even further, pulsing and spurting what seemed like molten lava deep into Ceilyn's abused tail as the wolf growled even louder, his teeth actually breaking skin as he worried at the fox's shoulder, a muffled howl coming from between his clenched teeth.

With one last shuddering thrust the wolf collapsed against Ceilyn's back, his teeth letting go as the canid panted heavily into his ear, "Fuck, were made be pounded, weren't you? I think I'm going to have to make a practice of it." Ceilyn shuddered under the heavy press of the wolf's body, trying to ignore that the feeling of being pumped full of wolf seed had driven him over the edge as well, cum running down the wall and dripping from his cock as he sobbed against the wall, "I think I'll make sure everyone knows just who's tail this is, slut."

Ceilyn shuddered, barely even noticing the wolf's words as his tail pulsed around the still mostly hard shaft buried in him, a slow seeping of cum running from him. He did take notice when the wolf's cock twitched in him again though, spraying what seemed to be more hot cum into him as the wolf growled above him. "W-what...?" Ceilyn stammered, horror widening his tear wet eyes as the flow continued and he realized that the wolf was pissing into him, the hot liquid spurting deep into him and slowly filling him as it seeped out around the wolf's cock to drip to the ground, filling the air with the thick scent of urine to mix with the smell of sex, "Don't!"

"You're mine, slut, so shut up." The wolf growled, giving the fox's head a hard shove into the wall as he slowly pulled his cock out, letting loose a heavy stream of piss mixed with cum as the last few spurts of piss dribbled over the fox's ass. The wolf wiped his cock on Ceilyn's ass as the fox slumped to the ground, sobbing in horror as he felt the warm liquids run from his abused tail, the heavy scent of the wolf's piss making him want to gag as the wolf tucked himself away and reached down to fish the fox's wallet from his pocket, "Lets see here...ah, here we go." The wolf tossed the wallet into a puddle of piss on the ground after fishing out what looked to be the fox's driver's license, "I'll just take this, slut. You'll be seeing me."

Ceilyn flinched a bit as the wallet hit the ground and the wolf walked away, whistling cheerfully.