
Story by GaryuDragon on SoFurry

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Just a short story I wrote, nothing special. I was going to use Garyu originally but then I realized maybe not everyone appreciates inserting OCs into a story without purpose, so imagine the characters as you will.

Also anyone here like Wings of Fire? Would you like porn of it? Let me know.

The darkness was suffocating. It had been hours, or at least, it felt like hours, to the bunny who was being led through many different, damp corridors by a metal chain and collar. She was gagged with a thick cloth, unable to speak, and her arms were bound in a crisscross position behind her back. The rope that bound here was knotted many times, even being looped above and below her breasts for extra security. She had also been stripped naked, which did not help against the unforgiving cold. Her kidnapper, an anthro cat dressed in a simple, black suit, was leading her with nothing more than dim torchlight as a guide. Despite this, the cat seemed to know exactly where she was going, for she did not pause for even a moment, despite the bunnies various, muffled pleas to rest. She was ill-suited for this long journey being barefoot, collared, and bound like this.

It was not until, in a moment of defiance, the bunny stopped in her tracks just for a brief respite that her collar was yanked hard enough to cause her to stumble forward and fall to her knees. The cat reached down and grabbed her painfully by the shoulder, lifting her off the ground. "You can rest when we get there!" She hissed, tugging on the leash to force her to march once more.

It was another long slog through the darkness until the bunny could finally see something in the distance. It was dim, but an unmistakable brightness and she hoped that they were finally close to their destination; if nothing else just to get a breather and get off her aching feet.

The light slowly expanded until, at long last, they stepped out into a giant, well-lit chasm of some kind. The bunny looked around, noticing various crystals embedded in the cavern walls, ceiling, and floor, many of which shone brilliantly, like lightning in a bottle.

The cat loosened her grip on the bunny's leash as she said, "We're here." She then whistled loudly.

Finally, a moment of respite. The bunny immediately collapsed to her knees, exhausted. Her captor had led her far, and by the looks of things, to a place untouched by human nor anthro hands. A perfect place for someone to disappear and no one would ever know... She gulped as her heart sank in her chest, was that the reason her captor led her here?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a distant roar, causing the very cavern to quake. She gasped in surprise and looked around frantically but saw nothing at first. Then, she noticed it, something moving in the shadows beyond the light of the cavern. It quickly took shape as it arched towards them, and within moments the bunny recognized what it was, causing her eyes to go wide in terror.

A dragon nearly three times her size landed with an audible thud a few feet away from the two. Its wings, fully splayed, flexed on impact. It retracted them and swerved his neck back and forth, making a small crrk sound in the process. It stared at her with intimidating, reptilian eyes before asking in a deep, masculine voice, 'Well well well, what do we have here?"

The cat bowed respectfully towards the dragon. "Your eminence."

The dragon snorted out small wafts of smoke from his nostrils. "I told you to stop calling me that, Sheera. I am hardly worthy of any title. And stop bowing, I hate that too."

Sheera stood upright. "As you wish."

"Now then," The dragon fixed his gaze on the naked bunny once more. "What's her story?"

"I found her in the dragon's tooth down by the docks. I could tell she was out of place there the moment I saw her, and as expected, she was easily persuaded. From there, it was little effort getting her to drink the spiked ale." Sheera explained.

The bunny pouted regrettably. She never should have trusted her. But her captor was so convincing with her desire to help. She pondered if she was just the first of many to fall for her trap.

"Is that so?" He queried and stepped closer to the bound female. He reached a claw out and grasped her face, causing her to squeal in fright. He looked her up and down, then let go and paced around her, taking her in from every angle.

The bunny looked away, shivering, but not against the cold, as she could practically feel the dragon's piercing gaze as it studied her naked, helpless form. "Hmmm, yes, she does seem like quite the tasty morsel." The dragon explained, licking his chops.

"Mmmm!?" The bunny's eyes shot open, pure terror in her face. M... Morsel!?

"Actually, I have a different plan for her," Sheera intervened.

The dragon turned towards her, staring at her quizzically. "What do you mean?"

Sheera leaned in and whispered a long string of words into the dragon's ear. Once finished, the dragon looked at the captive once more. "Is that so?" He reached towards her.

She screamed a muffled cry and clenched her eyes tight as she expected the dragon to tear into her with his claws, only to feel the cloth covering her mouth slip away and the soaked wad stuffed into her mouth being slid out. She coughed instinctively.

"Please don't eat me! I taste terrible! I'll give you indigestion! I'll-" She began pleading.

"Relax, little one. I'm not going to eat you," The dragon assured her.

A wave of relief overcame her. "Then... what do you want?"

"Tell me your name."

"F... Faye... dragon sir..." The bunny responded meekly.

"Well, Faye. You far too important to eat, you see--"

"You're ransom," Sheera interrupted.

"What? What do you mean?" Faye queried worriedly.

"Don't try to act surprised. You're nobility. I knew there was something different about you the moment I saw you, but this signet confirms it," Sheera explained, holding out a yellow-studded gold ring in her paw. "And from House Holsten no less."

Faye grit her teeth. "How do you know that?"

Sheera smirked. "It's my business to know." She pocketed the signet. "What I don't know is what brought you down to the docks of all places, but I'm sure not going to complain about this sudden reverse of fortune."

"I was--" Faye began, but was silenced by Sheera's raised paw. "Nor do I care. The only thing that matters to me now is if your parents will come through with the ransom. I gave them a fair price and told them what would happen if they refused.... For your sake, you better hope they come through."

Tears formed in Faye's eyes as she realized how grim her situation was. "But why? Why would you do this?"

Sheera laughed heartily, even the dragon chuckled a little. "Why!? That's the business of ransom, honey bun. Regardless," She gave the dragon a look, and the dragon grabbed Faye by the waist and pulled her close, causing her to yelp. "There was a certain.... stipulation I left out."

Faye cried. "Please don't hurt me!"

"Oh, he's not going to hurt you my dear, at least, not physically."

"I... I don't understand," Faye replied weepily.

Her answer came in the form of the dragon reaching up and groping her firm, furry breasts, squeezing them gently - at least, by dragon's standards - between his claws. She gasped in surprise and immediately tried to push away from him. "What are you doing!? Stop!"

"The stipulation is that my dragon friend here gets to have a bit of fun with you in the meantime," Sheera explained.

Faye's eyes went wide in horror. She... she didn't mean...!? But the dragon's relentless fondling of her chest was clear enough. "No, you can't! You said it yourself! I'm nobility! I don't deserve this!" She screamed, struggling with all her might against his grip, but the dragon's sheer size and strength was more than enough to keep her under control.

"Stupid bunny, you deserve this exactly because you're nobility!" Sheera snapped.

Faye looked at her with utter confusion on her face. "What are you talking about!?"

Sheera scoffed. "Typical. All you Nobility types are the same. You party day in, day out, without a care in the world, while us common folk struggle just to make ends meet. Do you ever stop to show even an ounce of pity towards those you deem as nothing more than vermin to be crushed beneath your heel? Of course you don't! From the moment I saw you, I could see the disdain in your eyes of those around you. That was why I singled you out, I knew where you came from, and I wanted nothing more than to teach you and those pompous assholes that shat you out what it's like to be the receiving end for once!"

Faye, startled by the vitriol in her voice, momentarily ceased her squirming to stare at her in disbelief. "How could you say such things!? My family doesn't deserve this! No one deserves this! Just let me g-- AH!" She gasped as the dragon placed one of his claws against her bare slit and began to prod it with the tip of his talon. "Stop! STOP!!!"

But the dragon didn't stop. He continued to rub the talon against the length of her slit until it was slightly moist and then shoved it inside her mercilessly

"Auuugghh!" She screamed in pain, fresh tears streaming down her face.

"Well well, she's a virgin," Sheera stated matter-of-factly.

The dragon grinned as he carefully thrust the talon in and out of her now-bleeding pussy. "Nobility and a virgin, what a rare treat."

"Help! Somebody help me!!!" Faye cried, kicking at the dragon in desperation, but her bare feet did nothing against his thick scales.

"Alright, that's enough of that," Sheera replied and pulled out another length of cloth that she rolled into a ball. She tried to stuff it in the bunny's mouth, but Faye pushed her head away with every attempt. "A little help here?" Sheera asked.

The dragon used two talons of the claw groping her to pinch her nipple, hard, causing Faye to shriek in pain. It was on that opportunity that Sheera slipped the fresh wad into her mouth. The dragon then held her mouth closed so that the cat could tie off another strip of cloth around her mouth and behind her head, gagging her completely.

No longer able to cry for help, she sobbed pitifully.

"Do me a favor, will ya?" Sheera asked the dragon.

The dragon glanced at her curiously.

"Show her no mercy!" She finished as she stepped over to a nearby rock and sat so that she could watch would certainly be a most thrilling display.

The dragon nodded as he pulled out his slickened talon; droplets of her fluids gushing against the floor as he did so. "My my, for someone acting like she really doesn't want to get pounded by a dragon, your body sure sings a different tune," Sheera taunted.

Faye pouted. Sheera knew as well as she did that it was involuntary, but that didn't ease the guilt she felt by showing even a modicum of pleasure for what she was certain was going to be a horrifying - not to mention painful - experience.

He grasped her by the shoulders suddenly and pulled her towards him, draping her against his chest. The heat of his scales was almost scorching compared to the damp cold of the cavern. The dragon looked down between his legs, and Faye, against her better judgment, followed his gaze. She gasped. There in front of here was his enormous, leathery dick in all its glory, and it utterly horrified her. There was no way that thing would fit, and yet, she knew full well that he was going to try. "A... aaa...!" She screamed through her gag, squirming helplessly against his grip.

The dragon suddenly grabbed Faye by the hips and lifted her up, shifting himself so that he was now laying on his back, and then flipped her around, facing her towards his front. He held her aloft, mere inches above his leaking, tapered tip. She flailed her legs as best she could, but the dragon held firm. Licking his chops, the dragon then slowly lowered Faye until his tip was pressing against her folds. "NNNNNN!!!" Faye screamed again, tears shooting from her eyes as they clenched tightly shut.

Seconds passed like eons, until at last the dragon thrust her downwards, impaling her as deep as he could against his thick, throbbing dragon cock. "Aaaannnggg!!!" She screamed; her breath taken from her she felt the impressive girth violate her. As much as it hurt, it also came with an unbearable surge of pleasure that rocketed up her spine.

Sheera, with the best seat in the house, reached a paw down her pants and began fingering herself. "Mmmm, now this is a show I wouldn't miss for the world..."

The dragon, feeling her swollen sex clamp around his enormous girth, grunted with delight. "Ah, damn, you're tight," He praised before placing his claws firmly on her waist.

She tried to push away from him, but her legs were pinned against his sides. "Stph! Stph!" She pleaded, shaking her head frantically.

The dragon pulled out of her slightly, but only so he could thrust into her again, even deeper this time, causing him to shiver with delight. "Hrrrr.... It's been so long; I'd have forgotten how good this feels..." The dragon muttered as he began to plow into her with reckless abandon, his tail flailing with delight behind him.

Every thrust was agony to her, for not only was her sex being stretched beyond its limits, but his tapered cock tip was grinding painfully into her cervix. "Smmmphhmmm Hlllphh Mmmmph!!!!" She screamed desperately.

"Scream all you want, but no one is coming to save you, dear," Sheera informed her, her face now flush with pleasure. For her, there was nothing more arousing than watching the dragon violate the bunny so mercilessly.

Faye sobbed, realizing the truth to her words. No one would find her here and she knew that the dragon wasn't going to stop until he came inside her. A horrific thought. What's worse, throughout all this agony, her body was instinctively lubricating his thickness with every thrust, which, while offering some relief to her agony, also came with a glowing ember inside her, an ember that gradually grew into a spark, which ignited into a flame. Much to her chagrin, pleasure was starting to well up inside her, and she feared that she might have her first-ever orgasm at the hands - or rather, claws - of this terrible beast.

Before long, the dragon closed his eyes and grunted deeply, his thrusts growing even more fierce. His claws clenched tighter against Faye's hips, enough to draw blood, causing her to cry out in pain, but he was too lost in his own pleasure to care. He was so close now and having been abstinent for far longer than he cared to admit, he knew this orgasm was going to be something fierce.

Faye never stopped squirming, never stopped trying to resist, never giving in to the nearly unbearable pleasure swelling up within her, not even when the dragon gave one final plunge into her depths.

"Grrraaaaggghhh!!!" The dragon let out a mighty roar as his entire body was wracked with ecstasy. It was like a pipe under too much pressure had finally burst, and his cock began to pulsate fiercely as load after hot, gooey load began gushing into the deepest depths of the bunny's uterus.

The sensation she felt as he came inside her was too much for her to bear, and she arched her back, tears splashing from her eyes, as she moaned into the heavens. She began violently quivering against the dragon's throbbing cock as she surrendered fully to the most intense experience she had ever experienced in her life: Her first orgasm.

It did not take much to fill her to the brim, but the dragon still had plenty more to share with her, causing the rest to begin leaking down his still pulsating cock and onto the floor. Even long after the bunny's orgasm subsided, he was still cumming, and it wasn't until there was a respectably large puddle of cum beneath them that his own orgasm finally started to ebb.

A few final, firm thrusts were all he had left before his entire body finally went limp. "Aaaahhhh...." He gasped out, panting. "How I've missed this..."

Faye was so exhausted from the ordeal that she could barely move and hung limply from his claws as his cock slowly began to soften and recede from her aching, dripping pussy. She felt a wave of relief wash over her once it slid free.

There was a soft moan from where Sheera sat, the dragon turned to look just in time to see the cat remove two soaked claws from her dripping pussy. "Mmmm... I hope it was as good for you as it was for me."

The dragon nodded as he draped the limp bunny against his heaving chest, holding her fondly. "She was a delight."

Just then, a thin, orange light appeared from the cavern entrance. It glowed magically as it ached towards them. As it grew closer, Sheera held out a finger and said, "Ah, just in time."

A small, magical dragonfly landed on her finger, buzzed its iridescent wings, and lifted its thorax, revealing a tiny piece of parchment wrapped around it.

Sheera withdrew the scroll and flicked her finger, causing the dragonfly to launch itself into the air and disappear in a puff of smoke. She unfurled the scroll and read its contents. Her face slowly darkened, until at last she cursed and crumbled the scroll up and chucked it on the ground in a rage.

Concerned, the dragon asked, "What's wrong?"

Sheera pointed angrily at Faye. "She's not true nobility! She's just a bastard child! They wrote that she's not worth more than a few shillings of gold!"

Faye's eyes went wide. This was as much as a surprise to her as it was to Sheera, only far more heartbreaking.

"But... the signet?" The dragon queried.

Sheera stopped for a moment, reached into her pocket and pulled out the signet. She stared at it a moment before biting into it, and then examined it again. She gasped. "This is fake!" She chucked it on the ground in a rage and immediately ran up to the bunny and grabbed her hair, pulling her up so that they were face-to-face. "You knew about this all along, didn't you!?"

Faye shook her head; fresh tears welling in her eyes.

Sheera growled and let go of her hair. "Well, she's useless to us now!"

"Useless to you, maybe," the dragon retorted.

Sheera gave him a look. "What?"

The dragon licked his chops," She may not be nobility, but she's still a great fuck. I'd like to keep her around if you don't mind."

Faye gasped in horror. No! Not that! Anything but that!!!

Sheera paused, rubbed her chin, and said, "Well, I suppose, I see no other use for her now.

Faye vehemently shook her head as she screamed gag, "Nnnnph! Nnnnph!" She struggled valiantly, but the dragon's grip held firm. She was not going to escape him, and by the looks of things, she wasn't going to escape here, either. She began to sob hopelessly

Sheera patted the crying bunny on the cheek twice before sighing. "You were my ticket out of this dump... But I guess it was too good to be true." She glanced at the dragon. "But at least she won't go to waste."

The dragon nodded as he lifted the reinvigorated bunny and placed her against his belly. He brought his tail up to coil around her waist before reaching up with both claws and groping her delightfully plump bosom. "On the contrary Sheera, I think I'll get my two shillings worth."

As the horrible dragon fondled her chest once more, she screamed desperately, Stppphhh! Plmmmmph Stpphhh!" But the groping never ceased.

Sheera chuckled a bit. "I'm sure you will." She stepped up to the squirming bunny and placed a firm hand on her butt, squeezing it. "Maybe I'll even get in on that action myself. Get at least some return on this failed investment."

Faye gasped and squirmed helplessly. No! Not her too!

"As long as I get to watch," The dragon responded.

"Hmmm-hmmm, I don't see why not. For now, though, you enjoy yourself while I go fetch a few things to make her stay more... permanent." She then turned away.

This was it, this was going to be her fate. Betrayed by her family, hidden away in some unknown cave at the mercy of a lust-filled dragon, and now even to be subjected to the vile whims of her captor. Was there no hope for her? Was she doomed to be their... their plaything for the rest of her days? She wept hopelessly.

The dragon reached down and pushed a talon into her slit, causing her to squeal. He thrust it into her until she was nice and wet before reaching down and grabbing his now fully erect member. He grabbed Faye by the neck and repositioned her so that his drooling, tapered tip was aligned with her slickened folds. He then licked his incredibly sharp fangs before thrusting his turgid length into her still aching pussy once more.

She screamed in horror as the dragon penetrated her ruthlessly. She could feel his thick, oversized cock push up against her cervix, causing her to writhe and moan in that unbearable mixture of pleasure and pain that followed as he began to plow into her.

Meanwhile, Sheera who was now at the cavern entrance picked up a torch and lit it. As she did so, a giant silhouette of the coitus taking place behind her shone against the cavern walls, and she turned around to give herself one last peek. She felt a shiver rush through her spine as a small droplet of her fluids soaked into her panties. "Maybe this won't be so bad after all..." She whispered to herself. She turned away and disappeared into the darkness of the cavern as her mind raced with all of the interesting and fun new ways she and her dragon could enjoy their new toy.

She couldn't wait.