2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 05

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#5 of 2628

This is the next book in the Orr Family Saga.If you want to rewad the whole thing ahead of everyone, you can do so here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/36973643 by supporting me at the 1$ levelTheo makes an escape attempt. If you want to support me, you can do so through my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kindarOr by Buying me a Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/kindar

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The water felt wonderful.

Theo stood under the jet, letting it fall over his face, through his fur, and wash the stress away, along with the dead fur. Having to rely on a sink to was for almost two weeks was no way to wash.

He wasn't out of trouble yet. This was just another prison he needed to escape from, but having comforts like a shower went a long way toward making him feel like there was still hope.

He put his hand against the wall and leaned forward, dropping his head. "What's the room like?" he whispered.

"It's a cabin? A nice one too. It's caged, so I can't contact anything outside."

"Cameras? Can they listen in."

"Not that I can tell, but microphones don't need to broadcast to work. They could be using wires."

"So we proceed as if we're being watched."

"There is one thing Theo, this room wasn't set up at the last minute."


"Meaning, what is a cruise ship doing with a shielded room? As best as I can tell, we're somewhere close to the crew quarters, there was someone in the crew uniform that exited one of the rooms, her fur was still damp." Cass projected the image of a Marmot in question, highlighted the elements that led him to conclude that had been her room.

"You also have a slight problem," Cass continued.

"Just one? And only slight? I'll take it."

"How badly do you want to maintain the pretense you don't have an implant?"


"The food and drink generator don't have any physical interface."

Theo sighed. "Not the greatest planning on their part."

"To be fair, with the room being caged, they probably only put people with Implants here."

Theo nodded. "You think it's on purpose? To get me to reveal your existence?"

"Why bother? Less then point zero-zero-one percent of the people in the system are without Implants. Statistically it's just that they forgot."

"Somehow Captain Orr doesn't strike me as someone who forgets even a small detail like this."

"True, but he didn't know this Uncle would retrieve us. 'Oh, we were helped by someone without an Implant,' doesn't really strikes me as something that comes up in conversation. And Captain Orr clearly outranked that man, even if he seems in charge of military work for the corporation."

"How feasible is it to get to the shuttle, take control of it and use it to escape?"

The path they walked for it to the room appeared in front of him. "Getting there is simple enough, so long as no one realizes we've left this room."

"Any chances you were able to figure out where in the ship we are?"

"Unfortunately, no. All I have to work with are visual clues and it doesn't look like you came this way during your wandering the last time we were here."

"How about gaining entry to the shuttle? You were caged, do you think you can by--"

"Theo, please. This is me. I can sweet talk my way into any system. Those doors won't be any problems, and so long as the shuttle isn't in hard shutdown or, if it is, that you can power it up, I can get it moving."

"So the real question is how many other shuttles they have. When we take it, can they give chase? I'm not exactly a trained pilot."

"I'm... To be honest, that isn't exactly something I've ever thought to do. I have basic programming and I can almost certainly out think your average pilot."

"But something tells me this ship doesn't employ many average pilots."

"Not many average anythings manage to make it into a black ops division."

"How the fuck did we not know about this?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry."

Theo sighed and raised his head to the water to let it wash off the annoyance he felt. 'Not your fault,' he coded. He shut the water off. It was a good thing for his cover the shower had had a manual control, otherwise he'd have decided to drop it.

The drying cycle ran, buffeting him this way and that with warm air. When it was done he went to the food preparation area without bothering to dress. This was an Orr ship, and they'd already seen him naked anyway.

He looked at the food printer. The elegant box with the opening through which he'd take his plate of food, if he ordered it. He looked up. "Hello? Is anyone listening in? Any chance I can get some food delivered? You guys forgot I don't have an Implant."

No one replied.

"So we're maintaining the cover?"

'For now," Theo replied. What time was it on the ship? For all he knew it could be morning, and he'd have to wait for more than twenty-four hours before Tucker came by again.

"So, what now? You want to watch a movie?"

'No.' He was fed up watching movies. He didn't care how many billions he still hadn't seen, he just couldn't stand watching stuff happening anymore. He wanted to do something.

Sex would be nice.

Instead he lied down in the bed and a moan escaped him at how comfortable it was. Part of his training had included roughing it, he'd spent a month in a specially designed part of the colony with only wilderness, as well as another month in a cave system on an asteroid, but he could do it, but there was nothing to compare with a comfortable bed after weeks in something hard and narrow.

Well, having a guy in said bed would make it better.

* * * * *

Theo woke up from a dream where Tucker had climbed into his bed and had fucked him multiple times. It had been so real that he'd woken up expecting him to still be there. The only thing he'd found was his hardon and it demanded attention.

Once he was done, and had taken another shower, he sat in the lounge chair and waited. The food printer was starting to look appealing, or rather the idea of dropping his cover so he could eat.

He chuckled to himself. He'd had had it too easy recently. It hadn't been twenty-four hours since he'd last eaten and he was already considering giving in. Such a hardened agent he was. He dropped his head back and sighed.

'Movie,' he coded, 'old, not sexual. Drama.'

A selection came up and he picked one he didn't know.

* * * * *

He was halfway through the third movie, and considering something else to alleviate the boredom, like slamming his head against the wall until everything turned black, when the word 'door' appeared at the bottom left of his vision.

He didn't move, but had Cass stop the movie.

The door opened and he raised his head. As he'd expected, Tucker entered.

"Theo, how are you doing?" Tucker asked, looking him over appreciatively. "I knew you were hung."

Theo rolled his eyes, but the dream came back and his body reacted.

"Oh that is very nice. Very," Tucker grinned, "inviting." The tiger approached.

Theo almost snapped at him, but his training kicked back in. He could use Tucker's interest, but he should string him along a bit first. He caught the hand as it reached for his cock and he smiled. "I don't think so," he said, but with a tone that implied he might say yes. The Orrs were adamant about any variation of 'no' being taken as 'no,' but he'd noted that Tucker was a little more lax in how he interpreted them. "How about you take me to dinner first?"

"It's morning." He indicated the food printer. "Didn't you eat?"

He tapped the side of his head. "No Implants, remember? I can get anything."

"Oh, right. Sorry." Tucker turned toward the food preparation area, stopped and faced Theo again. The front of his pants was dissolving, revealing a thick cock that was getting hard. Theo hadn't seen Tucker before and hadn't known he was a grower.

Tucker grabbed his balls and bounced them in his hands. "Maybe I can interests you in a liquid breakfast this morning?" Fully hard Tucker's cock wasn't quite as long as Theo's, but it was thicker. He remembered the dream and his hole twitched, along with his cock.

Tucker grinned and took a step forward. "It looks to me like your cock's saying yes."

Theo laughed, part of him wanting it and another not wanting to do anything sexual with Tucker, so he kept to his plan. He placed a hand on Tucker's stomach and gently pushed him away. "My stomach says food, actual food. Not this protein-rich drink those things produce."

Tucker looked at him. "that doesn't sound like a 'no' to me."

"It's been two weeks since I've had sex, how long can you last?"

"The bed's right there." Tucker took a step forward again. "Or, I can always take you right here. Or sit on your cock. It's been a few hours since I've been fucked."

Theo laughed and pushed him toward the food printer. "Food before anything else."

"Okay, okay, I get the message. What do you want?"

"How about an Orr specialty?" Theo said before he caught himself.

Tucker grinned at him over his shoulder. "You need to make up your mind. You want sex or food? We can do both at the same time, but trust me, it's best if one comes first."

"Food. Just make it something simple but tasty. SolGov's been feeding me pretty bland stuff."

"Being their prisoner wasn't pleasant?"

"Being anyone's prisoner isn't pleasant," Theo replied pointedly.

Tucker was silent as he took the plate out of the printer. "I suppose not. I'm sorry about this." He indicated the room with his free hand as he placed the plate on the table. It was heaping with scrambled eggs with green and red and orange mixed in. "If it wasn't for Uncle's orders, I'd let you go wherever you want."

Theo was seated and almost had his hand in the food as Tucker handed him a fork. "What do you want to drink?"

"Orange juice."

Tucker placed the glass before Theo and sat down with a steaming cup on the other side. "I already ate," he said while Theo moaned at how good the eggs were. They were slightly spicy, and the mix of vegetables, and cheese complimented each other.

"I don't want to know what it was," Theo said between fork full, at Tucker's forming grin.

"You're no fun, you know that?"

"I'm a lot more fun on a full stomach."

"And full balls?"

Couldn't he ever stop thinking of sex? "Who's Uncle?"

The question seemed to confuse Tucker. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, is he your uncle? Or is that some sort of title, something casual enough no one will realize it identifies the guy in charge of Black Ops?"

The explanation didn't seem to help Tucker. "He's just Uncle."

"Really? So what? His parents named him Uncle? Doesn't that confuse everyone? He is even related to you?"

"Oh yes, he's family, he's been here--" he clamped down on whatever he was about to say next and looked into his cup.

Theo continued eating. There was something there, and Tucker had almost spilled it.

"Theo," Cass said hesitation in his voice. "I--I think he's playing you."

Theo glanced at the other tiger, who was still looking in his cup. No way. There was no way Tucker had enough blood left for his brain to have all the processors working. It was all pooled into his cock.

"His heart rate doesn't quite match up with the behavior he'd showing. It's possible it's a side effect of living with his father, that he'd learned better control than most, but I think you should be careful."

Theo finished his place and pushed it away with a satisfied sigh.

"Want more?"

Theo smiled and ran a food up the other tiger's legs. "If I do, you're going to have to roll me around and do all the work." He reached the crotch and gently rubbed the hard cock.

Tucker smiled and pressed against his foot. "I have no problem being the active one."

Theo ran his foot down the other leg. "But where's the fun in things being so easy for you." He took his empty plate and glass. "After all, I've been telling you no every time before, what are you going to think of me if I just get on all fours, put my ass in the air and raise my tail?" he walked to the disposal, tail high and putting swag in his walk.

As he went to back away from the wall he felt tucker behind him. "I'd think you have an amazingly pretty ass that should be filled." He reached around Theo to drop his cup in while grinding his cock between his cheeks.

"Really? You wouldn't think I'm just easy? Desperate for a good fuck?"

Tucker nibbled on his neck. "What's wrong with a little desperation?" He closed his hand around Theo's cock and squeezed.

"Oh Fuck." Theo pressed back against the cock, but then wriggled himself out from between Tucker and the wall, turning and walked backward. "Now, now. Let's not be too hasty. You're an irresponsible kid on just thinks with his cock."

Tucker followed him, not closing the distance. "I seem to recall you saying you were like that before."

"Exactly, and I promised myself I wouldn't have anything to do with guys like that." Theo found himself backing against the wall.

Tucker placed both hands on each side of his head. He leaned in to rub his muzzle against Theo's. "You know what to say to make me stop," he whispered. "And for the record, my cock had a genius level IQ." Said cock was lightly rubbing against Theo's and he thanked the hours and hours of training in controlling himself while being stimulated.

He rubbed his muzzle against Tucker's cheek and to his ear. "Tuck," he whispered, "Can I ask a favor?"


"Can we get out of here?"

The tiger pulled back slightly and searched his face.

"I know I'm a prisoner, but I've been cooped up in rooms like this for two weeks now. We're on a ship, Tuck, where am I going to go? And you're going to be there to keep a very close eye on me the entire time." Theo gave him a small smile.

Tucker's lips tightened. "You do anything that causes Uncle to be angry at me and I'm going to have to punish you."

Theo tilted an ear. "So, a spanking?"

Tucker cracked a smile. "You into that?"

Theo smiled back. "Well, everything can be hot, done the right way."

He nodded to the door. "If I open it, you can't run off."

"What if I run slowly?"


Theo licked the other tiger's muzzle. "Come on Tuck, you've been chasing me for weeks now. You really want to just catch me?"

"I've already caught you."

Theo smiled. "Just because the door's closed."

Tucker rested his head against Theo's. "Uncle is going to be pissed."

"I'll make it worthwhile, I promise."

The door opened. "You are a bad influence on me."

Theo grinned. "Somehow I don't think that's possible." He slipped under Tucker's arm and finger coded. 'Path.' A line appeared on the floor and he took a few steps following it before leaning against the wall and watching Tucker stop before him.

"If I'm going to chase you, you shouldn't just stand there waiting for me."

Theo ran a hand through Tucker's chest fur. "I think I should make sure you remember what's waiting for you at the end of the chase." He rubbed a nibble before giving it a light pinch. Tucker shuddered and closed his eyes. Theo sauntered off with a giggle.

The next time he stopped, Tucker had him pressed against the wall grinding they cocks together. They were both leaking. Theo bit Tucker's neck and the tiger shuddered and pressed Theo tighter against the wall.

"I so want to fuck you," Tucker rasped.

Theo licked where he'd bitten. "So soon?" and he slipped out from Tucker's reach, sashaying as he followed the line. He heard Tucker panting and then grunt.

"You're going to feel this all the way into the next century," Tucker growled, and Theo picked up the pace.

The next time, Theo was face against the wall, and Tucker had almost entered him before he managed to slip away. The time after that Theo made sure his back was to the wall, but he made it up to him by stroking him the entire time Tucker kissed him.

Theo almost forgot what he was doing in the heat of the kiss and was panting hard when he finally pulled himself away.

"Come on, Theo." Tucker's voice was rough with need and exasperation.

When Tucker caught him next, the surface against his back felt different. He looked up and saw the line running down the middle of the door.

"His this the lift?" Theo asked, holding on to tucker tightly as the man was massaging his balls, possibly a little harder than needed.

"Fuck the lift," Tucker replied in Theo's neck.

"I thought you wanted to fuck me?"

Tucker pulled away with visible effort. "Yes," he growled.

"Can we go to a different floor?"

Tucker had trouble shifting brain. "You want to go up?"

"Is there anywhere down that's restricted?" Theo tweaked on of Tucker's nipples. "I kind of like having you to myself like this"

The door opened and Theo yelped as he almost fell back. Tucker held him, pushing him against the wall as the door closed. "Where?"

"I'll tell you when to stop it." He gasped as one of Tucker's finger slipped under his tail. He bit into his shoulder hard, eliciting a growl.

"Now," Theo gasp. As his sight flashed red. The door opened and with a gigantic effort of will he pushed Tucker off him and walked/stumbled out of the lift. He needed to hurry this along or he wasn't going to be able to stop himself from giving in.

He made it to the intersection when Tucker grabbed him from behind. "Not so fast, buddy," he growled in his ear. "I think I've been chasing you long enough. We're due our reward."

Theo turned in Tucker's grasp and smiled at him. "Really? Already giving up." He slipped out.

"Theo, come on."

Tucker caught him two intersections later and they rolled against the wall, trying not to fall as they kissed and groped each other. Theo figured he'd have to have sex with Tucker at this point since he wouldn't be able to think clearly until he did.

Someone cleared his throat and Theo's blood froze as he saw the mule leaning against the door that was his target.

Tucker looked over his shoulder. "What do you want Brick? I'm busy."

"Uncle sent me down here to let you know something."

The tiger sighed. "Fine, then tell me and let me get back to--"

"You're being played."

"What are you talking about?"

The mule slapped a hand against the door.

Tucker looked at it, then around. He pushed away from Theo, his face going from shock, to disgust. "What the fuck?" he looked him up and down. "You were using me? Were you even into it? Or was that an act?"

The shock of realizing he'd b been caught had killed his erection. He didn't react to the accusatory look Tucker gave him.

"It was?" Tucker ran his hands over his head. "And you fucking call me immature? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I'm being held against my will. It's a prisoner's job to escape."

Tucker just gaped at him. He seemed to want to say something, a circuit had fried. He spun, clothing spilling out of the belt. "Fuck it. Do whatever Uncle wants with him. I'm going to the gym."

Theo watched the other tiger leave. Tucker hadn't deserved that, but he had his job and he couldn't afford to care. He gasped as a hand closed on his arm hard.

The mule pulled him. "Come on, Uncle wants a word with you."

"Can we stop by my room so I can put some pants on?" Stars exploded around him as he hit the wall.

"For what you just put Tuck through I ought to cave in that worthless skull of yours. Trust me, once Uncle's done with you, you're mine. And what I'm going to do to you isn't going to be pleasant."

Theo searched those eyes, and all he saw in them was the promise of pain.

He was going to have to find a way to make himself invaluable to this Uncle of theirs, otherwise his chances of escape were nil.

* * * * *

The door opened as they approached and the mule guided him in. The room was utilitarian. Gray metal walls without any decorations, a table with a tiger seated on one side, this uncle of Tucker. He wore a gray suit with blue trim that matched his eyes. His hands were resting on the table, one over the other. Maybe this was an unused storage compartment.

"Mister Laramy," the tiger said, "it's a pleasure to see you again. Please, why don't you take a seat." He indicated the chair facing him.

"It's okay, I'll stand."


A meaty hand clamped on his shoulder and pushed him toward the table, then shoved him down in the chair. When the mule released his shoulder Theo rubbed him.

"I have to admire your restraint while you were with Tuck."

Theo snorted. "He's not that hot."

The tiger tilted an ear. "The readings I took while the two of you were fooling around in the corridors tell me you do think he's that hot."

"Isn't spying on your passenger illegal?"

The tiger smiled. "Please, feel free to lodge a complaint. But I'm referring to the fact that you never tried to send a signal out. Ask for a rescue, or at least let someone know you're okay."

"I'm an Independent remember, no implant."

"Please, Mister Laramy, Eric and Tucker might have through that in the heat of the moment, but you were on this ship for months. We would have noticed if you didn't have an implant."

An image appeared between them. Theo in his cabin, having a one-sided conversation with someone.

He started at the tiger through the image. "In the cabins too? Don't you Orrs have any respect for privacy?"

"It's an automated, unsupervised, system. It's there in case there's trouble in a cabin, so we can see what happened. Who are you talking to?"

"My brother."

The uncle's gaze didn't waver as the image vanished. "Try again."

Theo sighed. "How should I know who I was talking to? There's no date, I didn't hear what I was saying. For all I know I was arguing with some advertising agency trying to sell me an asteroid. I was probably talking to Marcus."

Two images appeared side by side. One was the one he'd just watched, the other was Marcus, seated in his cabin, gesturing in the air. Painting. Theo felt a pang as he watched him. Was he okay?

"As you can see, Mister Bowfinger is not who you were talking to." The images vanished. "Also, for you to talk to him, or an advertising agency, requires that you connect to the ship's communication system." A series of charts and reports appeared between them. Theo looked at each of them, even if he had no hopes of understanding them. "You're not registering on the ship's network during that conversation."

There was a switch in the reports as two images appeared. Him in his cabin, Marcus in his, having a conversation. This had to be later in the trip. Marcus laughed at something Theo said.

The tiger pointed at a report. "This is the conversation."

"So on top of everything, you listen in on your passenger's conversations. Just how many SolGov laws does that break?"

The number eighteen appeared in the top left of his vision.

The tiger shrugged. "This is an Orr ship. We're not subject to SolGov law. When you booked passage on the Mercury you signed a waiver indicating you were aware of that fact."

Theo shrugged. "Does anyone ever read those things?"

The tiger smiled. "No, you're right, they're now used to cover so many insignificant details that no one bothers. But I get to tell you, 'the fact that you didn't bother reading it, doesn't mean it doesn't apply,' so tough."

Theo wasn't able to stop the smile. This man might be his interrogator, his enemy, but he kind of liked him.

"Speaking of booking passage, can I tell you that I'm impressed with whoever went through Titan's system and made that mess? I went over the logs and it's as seamless a job I've ever seen. As far as Titan was able to work out, it was a timing error that caused two of the servers to go out of sync and contradict each other. Before anyone could react, the entire boarding system was in shamble."

Cass didn't say anything, but Theo could imaging him beaming with pride.

"You're hacker friend is lucky I wasn't paying attention to that at the time. I wouldn't have allowed it to happen."

"Right," Cass said, "because you're so much better than I am."

"What were you doing then?"

The tiger considered the question. "Me and Trevor were busy pursuing a different issue."

"Trevor Orr," Cass said, "one of Eric's sons. Information specialist. He's employed as a Cyber tracker by the Orr corporation Law Enforcement Agency under the name Trevor Versaile. I don't have any information as to why he's using a different name. Versaile is currently marked as being on required leave after a four year work period. I really wish I could update my information, I'd like to know what he did for four years that required him to be forced to take a vacation."

"Did you fix whatever the problem was?"

"We did. There is little me and Trevor can't find when we work together. Now, getting back to my question. Who were you talking to?"

"Myself. I have this problem where I sort of forget I'm alone in the room and I just start arguing with myself about the most useless thing. Just the other day, I started debating the merit of the remake of the Bondo franchise, I mean I just don't--"

"Mister Laramy, please stop. You're insulting my intelligence and making a fool of yourself. I know you're talking to someone who is on the ship, because there was no other ship in range of any kind of personal broadcaster. I've gone through all the recording, looking to match whoever it is that you are talking to, but you'll be pleased to know that the sensor system on the ship is built to protect, not spy on, our passengers, so all I can do it eliminate those who clearly weren't talking with you. Anyone whose lips I can't see on the recordings remains a possibility."

"What if he, or she, is replying to me in text?"

The tiger waved that aside. "The speed of your speech and lack of eye movement indicates a voice response. Now, the fact that none of the ship's sensors detected the broadcast tells me it's something new, so you'll understand that I'm quite interested in it."

Theo leaned back in the chair and placed his hands behind his head. "I really wish I could help you. I do. But I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about."

The tiger smiled. "I figured you'd say that." He motioned to the mule and Brick grabbed Theo's arm, slamming it on the table. "You have an artificial forearm. I believe you said to Brick you carry your tools in it."

Theo tried not to show the pain. Brick hadn't been gentle. "I showed him too. He didn't give me a choice. So he knows it's true. Can you loosen your grip, that kind of hurts."

In response the mule tightened it.

"That is true, he did confirm the tools. What he didn't know, was about the internal "bone." It isn't something he would have noticed looking at it, and he doesn't have any augments that would have told him it's shielded."

"Theo?" Cass asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

Theo didn't react to him. "What kind of augmentations does he have?" he winced at the pain.

"Only organic augmentations, normal stuff. He'd never thought to put anything mechanical in his body before, and after.... Well, let's say that at this point he'd rather die than use artificial augments."

Theo glanced the mule. "It's because Independents use mechanical augments, isn't it?" He cried out as the mule's grip tightened even more. He wished he could tell Cass to shut down the sensory input from his arm, but he'd have to speak since right now his fingers weren't responding.

"Brick, please stop. I don't want his arm removed. Not yet at least."

"Theo, no." Cass was trying to control his fear.

Theo sighed as sensation in his hand returned. "Remind me not to challenge you to an arm wrestling match." The growl the mule gave him made it clear what would happen if they were alone.

"You shouldn't antagonize him, he isn't fond of Independents."

Theo widened his eyes. "Really? I am shocked. I thought he was in love with them, I mean with the way he's treated me since I was so nicely invited on your ship. I was fully expecting the wedding to happen before we reached Luna." He winced as the hand tightened on his arm.

"Brick, don't. Mister Laramy is goading you." The tiger studied him as the mule relaxed his grip, barely. "What do you hope to gain by having Brick pound you unconscious?"

"A good night's sleep?"

The tiger shook his head in amusement. "I have to admire your courage. But let's get back on task. This broadcasting equipment is clearly inside that bone, so I'd like you to remove it."

"If I knew what you were talking about, I would happily play along, but I don't know anything about some special communication thing."

"Theo, please, I don't like this at all."

"You have impressive self-control. Still, I don't need your cooperation to get it. I was simply hoping to prevent causing your arm unnecessary damage. Brick, if you please." Then. "Just open the compartment and take the bone out. No need to rip the arm off."

The mule let out a grunt of disappointment.

"Thank you," Theo said calmly. "It's nice to know I'll still have something attached after all this."

"Theo, please. Don't let them do this. I don't want to be alone again."

"You're a good actor, Mister Laramy, but your body is giving you away."

The mule started groping at Theo's arm, looking for the seam.

"I'm about to feel a lot of pain, so you'll have to forgive me is I'm a little nervous."

"You can always turn off the pain."

Theo winced as the mule found the seam and pushed a thick nail in. "No, I really can't. Older model, that was optional, couldn't afford it." He kept his eyes on the tiger's.

"You're fucking right I'm not turning off the pain. Tell them to stop!"

The tiger smiled. "Humor? At a time like this?"

Theo swallowed. "What can I say. My dad always said I didn't have the best timing." Was Cass cranking up the input or was he just imagining how painful this was going to be? The thing was that he didn't care about the physical pain. It was the pain in Cass' voice he was trying to ignore. Why wasn't Cass going in slow timeframe so this would be an instant to him? Why wasn't he giving the verbal erase command? What was what his training was telling him to do if his Beta was going to be compromised.

The mule finally got purchase.

It had to be now. If he pulled it open the pain would be too much for Theo to give the command. He had to say it now.

"Stop. Please stop." The defeat stole most of the strength from his voice.

Cass was crying.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't kill Cass. He sighed. It was a good thing he'd never get back home. Anderson would kill him for this. He took a breath and raised his head. The mule still had his fingernails in the seam, but he wasn't moving. The tiger had a hand up.

"There is no broadcasting gear."

The tiger's face hardened and his hand started going down.

"I swear," Theo hurried as he felt the mule start to pull. "Cass, you're going to have to speak up."

The tiger canted an ear, but his hand went back up.

"Theo, I can't it's against...."

"Cass. You told me to make them stop. I did. We both know what we should have done instead. But this is what we chose."

"I--I'm sorry. You don't know what it was like. Why didn't you force me to erase myself?"

"Because I can't lose you. You're my best friend. Now speak up."

"Hi, everyone." This time Cass's voice was external, coming from the room's speakers.

The tiger went perfectly still, then he narrowed his eyes, glanced at he arm and back at Theo's face. The mule didn't react at all.

"An AI?" the tiger's voice was soft. "How?" Theo could see the calculations going on in those eyes. Trying to figure out the size of the drive, the kind of processing power needed for an AI to function, and how any of that could fit in something that couldn't be any larger than the radius bone.

Theo didn't understand that part of how Cass worked, and he'd grown up with AI's in his life. For someone who didn't even think AIs were possible, what could that mean? What kind of technological advancements were contained in his arm.

Theo placed his other hand over his forearm. He didn't try to dislodge the mule's fingers, but it was the only protective thing he could do.

"Please don't. It wouldn't help. Cass wouldn't survive being pulled out again."

"Again?" the tiger seemed to come back to the room.

Theo nodded, trying to work out what he could tell without giving out anything sensitive, well anymore sensitive than what he'd already admitted to. "The Anarchists on Mars pulled him out of me while I was unconscious. It's how I became aware they were there."


"I--I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it had something to do with making the rogue AI."

"He knows you're holding back," Cass said privately.

"What does it matter?" Theo replied. "Look. I'm not going to tell you any secret, okay? I don't care what you do to me, this is all you get."

"I could threaten Cass." It was said casually. No as a threat, but that just made it scarier.

Theo covered the dented seam with his hand. "Please don't. Look, we're not a threat to you. Not the Orrs, not Ameritech, SolGov or anyone. We just want to be left alone. I'm not worth anything anyway. When the Anarchists used my face as part of their rebellion the ensured I've been written off. So no one will even acknowledge I exist."

The tiger leaned back in his chair, he nodded. "Alright. I'll take you at your word for the time being. So, Cass, how about you join us?"

"I'm already here."

"Show yourself then."

"Show my--I don't believe this, why is it that anytime someone learns about me the first thing they say is 'show yourself.' Do you fucking asked the director to step in front of the camera? No, you don't. He works behind the scene."

Theo smiled both at Cass' tirade and the shocked look on the tiger's face.

"Oh and before you get all self-indignant, mister 'I'm not even here,' How about you show yourself?"

"What?" Theo asked sending the chair back as he stood. Immediately a hand grasped his shoulder.

"That's a hologram." An overlay appeared over the tiger, showing unperceptive projection lines in the tiger's image and three origin points in the ceiling. "It's a really good one too. I didn't think they had anything this advanced. I couldn't even tell until he went still. I was connected then, so I felt the shift in the information density, and no one alive goes that still."

"But he spoke. Where's the sound coming from?"

"His mouth." New information appeared on the overlay. Theo didn't understand it but it marked the sound waves as originating at the mouth. "I'm telling you, this is state of the art for them. I mean, if it's possible anywhere outside this room I'd be surprised."

"I am impressed," the tiger said, and Theo tried to see anything that gave the hologram away.

"Remove the overlay." All he had before him now was the tiger. He tried to reach forward, but the mule pulled him back. "He isn't even there, what are you afraid I'll do to him?" The mule didn't say anything, or let go of him.

"I think I see the advantages of having an AI on your person, for someone in your line of work. No worries about being cut off from your support by a shielded building. You probably have access to an entertainment database, which makes incarceration more bearable. I take it you're responsible for the Mess on Titan, Cass?"

"I am."

"As I said before, impressive work."

"Thank you, and for the record, even if you and your nephew had been there, you wouldn't have been able to stop it."

The tiger smiled. "We will have to put that to the test at some point. I'm curious, I'm not seeing any evidence that you've rummaged through the ship's systems. Why is that?"

"It's a passenger ship," Cass answered managing to convey his shrug in the tone. "At least that what I thought. Other than acting as Theo's implant, there was no need for me to go digging through the data here."

"How about boredom?"

Theo snickered.

"How is that funny?"

"Theo is the one who gets bored, and goes roaming around breaking and entering."


"What? You were going to say something about my movies, weren't you?"

Theo grumbled, of course he was.

"I already knew about that." Theo's head snapped up. "Sensors in the corridors, remember?"

And the cabins. Theo had to work hard at nor looking over his shoulder at the mule. He decided he didn't know. After all, he was confident he'd be dead if Brick knew Theo had been in his cabin.

"Alright, now, there is still the issue of what you are going to tell me about who you work for."

"I'm not going to tell you anything."

The tiger smiled, and the hand on his shoulder tightened.

"You said you wouldn't do anything to Cass."

"And I won't. I am a man of my word. But see, here's what I'm curious about. How much pain can you endure before Cass breaks?"

"You wouldn't," Cass said.

"'A prisoner's job is to escape,' that's what you said to Tuck. So what's an interrogator's job?"

"Get all the information out of his target he can, using whatever tool at his disposal," Theo said in a flat tone. Whatever this intermission had been, it was over. They were back in their roles.

"Exactly, so now I--Oh great." The tiger rubbed his thumb between his eyes.

"There's someone at the door," Cass said in a light tone.

"Thank you," the tiger replied, annoyed. "Like I already didn't know." He sighed and the door opened.

The Mercury's captain entered the room, looked them over. "Brick, let go of him." The mule looked at the seated tiger. The captain faced him. "Let go of my son, now."

Brick's hand vanished.


The uncle sighed.

Eric rounded on him. "Really? You thought I wouldn't find out?"

"You aren't exactly the more network savvy in the family."

"Alright, then let me rephrase. Did you really think that when Trevor found out he wouldn't tell me? Oh don't act surprised, you taught him most of what he knows. So don't come bitching because he broke your encryptions."

Tucker appeared in the door. "What did you want me to do dad?"

"Take your brother to our room."

Tucker looked around the room. "Dad," he said cautiously. "Trevor is still in the lounge, he's entertaining some of the guests with one of his exploit."

Eric nodded. "Take Theodore to our room, please."

Tucker looked around the room again, except for Theo. "Dad...."

"Tuck, please don't argue."

Tucker shrugged and stepped in, reaching for Theo, who stepped away.

"Wait a minute. What are you talking about? I'm not your son."

Eric turned around to face him. "Theodore, genetics don't lie."

Theo snorted. "Aren't you a doctor? You know damned well that isn't true. I'm not even from anywhere near Orr Corp territory."

"You were born in Vanguard," the uncle said.


"Your DNA was registered in their database at your birth, standard procedure for them. They're kind of anal retentive about keeping track of their citizens. Which is why they sent Paco to bring you back. They would love to know where you've been hiding."

"Is this why you had him broken out?" Eric asked.

"Partially. I wasn't going to let them get one of your sons back."

"And this?" Eric motioned to the room.

"He has information I need."

"And you think I am going to let you treat anyone of my sons that way?"

"Eric, you have to--"

"No, Uncle. I don't have to anything. This arrangement we have, about you traveling on my ship. I'll remind you that you agreed to abide by my rules."

"Not when it comes to our security. That's why I'm out here, remember? To keep our family safe."

"And is this how you are keeping my son safe? I should erase you for this. I should wipe you off my ship and let you sulk back home."

Anger was becoming visible on the uncle's face. He glanced at Tucker.

"Tuck," Eric said, "please take Theodore to our room. Brick, you should go see to Brack."

Tucker grabbed Theo's arm harder than he had to and pulled him out of the room and along through the corridors. A door opened and he shoved Theo in. It was a cabin for a single person. A bed, food preparation area. Small lounge area.

"This doesn't look like the captain's quarter, or a place anyone in your family would live, really."

"Shut up." The tone was just short of snapping.

Tucker was leaning against the closed door. "Do you at least feel bad about what you did?"

"Tucker, I am a--"

"Oh fuck off with that prisoner crap." He was in front of Theo in a few steps and pushed him. "Who the fuck does that to another person?"


Another shove. "We rescued you."

Theo pushed him back. "And locked me right back up. What? I was supposed to be grateful?"

"Fuck yes! Do you have any idea what Paco would have done to you? That guy has no morals whatsoever. If it wasn't for Uncle's orders I'd have let Brick cave in his face. The guy doesn't deserve anything less."

"Fine, then thank you for saving me from that. But it doesn't change the fact I was a prisoner still. I'm sorry Tuck, but I'm not happy when I'm inside four walls with a locked door. Especially when I'm pretty sure all I have to look forward to is some torture, so I'm sorry if I hurt your feeling, but I was going to use whatever trick I had access to, to get off this ship."

Tucker paused as he was about to speak. "You think this is about me?"

Theo froze. "Well, yeah."

"Open it."

"Open what?"

"The file I just sent you. Don't play dumb, I know you've got an implant."

"Cass? What file is he talking about."

Tucker tilted an ear. Right, he hadn't been there for the introductions.

"You don't want to watch it," Cass replied privately

"Cass, show me the file."

"Theo, I don't think it's a--"

"Cass, please don't argue over one file, okay? Clearly it's important to Tucker."

The file opened. It was a camera view in a small room. Not a cell, an apartment, a really small one. A mongoose was seated at the small table, he looked small, a lot smaller than Theo remembered. His fur was matted, lackluster. His eyes clouded over. There was a bottle of something alcoholic that was three-quarters empty. As he watched Marcus drained that was left of his glass and refilled it.

Theo barely grabbed on to the table before his legs gave out. He fell in the chair.

"Well, that's a relief, you can actually feel bad about something. Trev dug that out as part of his and Uncle's investigation about you. He'd kept it to himself, of course, but after what you did to me he shared it, he wanted me to understand I wasn't special."

"Tuck," Theo's voice was soft, he couldn't look up at Tucker moved about, "You need to understand, it's what I do."

"You mean ruin other guy's lives?"

"No!" He stared at the other tiger who was returning from the counter, two glasses with bright orange liquid in them. "That was never part of the plan."

"Looked to me like you two were pretty much in love."

Theo looked away as Tucker placed the glass before him. "He was."

"And you were going to dump him once you were done using him. Tell me how that would have been any better?"

"Oh that's rich from the guy who'll shove his hand down anyone else's pants."

"I never have them thinking I'm in love with them. What I want is clear, I don't play games. I don't to that to anyone."

Theo took a long swallow from the drink and gasped as the burn traveled down his throat. "What the fuck is that?"

"Hawaiian Volcano. I find that when I need to burn away my emotions, it's the best thing."

"You?" Theo gasp, still trying to breathe, "You have emotional troubles?"

"And you jump to conclusions. This isn't about me it's about you. Explain to me how what you did to him is so much better than what I do."

Theo looked in his glass. "That wasn't how it was supposed to end. Yes, he was always going to end up losing me, but it was going to be because I'd died. Theodore Laramy was going to have an accident, something completely plausible with all the information to back it up. He would have mourned him, and then moved on. This," he motioned to where the projection had been before him. "This is going to destroy him."

"Then why?"

"Damn it Tucker, there are bigger things than how I feel, okay?" he paused. "Did that uncle of your put you up to this?"

Tucker laughed, sipping his drink. "If I do anything Uncle asks right now, dad is going to skin me alive. I won't be surprised if there is no Uncle on the ship by the time Dad's done. He is pissed."

"What did you father mean by deleting him?"

Tucker's lips tightened. He wasn't going to say anything.

"Damn it!" Cass yelled privately, making Theo wince. "I'm locked out of the system. How did he do that?"

How indeed? Some systems were more difficult for Cass to get into, a few were even impossible, but even those weren't outside locked out, he could still try.

"You should contact him."

"Who? Oh, Marcus? And tell him what? Sorry for taking advantage of you. Sorry for being someone who yet again took advantage of your fragile trust, please give the next one a try anyway? He shook his head. "The only thing I can do is make things worse, so it's best if I just stay away."

"So you know, so there isn't any miscommunication here. I'm over what you did to me."

Theo looked at him, eyebrow raised, over his glass. "You're kidding, right?"

"I'm not. I mean I still think you a dick for doing it, but I get it. You're right, you were a prisoner--"

"Am. I am a prisoner."

"You were a prisoner," Tucker continued, "so you were looking to escape and me, being the sex-obsessed guy that I am, presented you with the perfect opportunity. Now, having said that, I think we're going to keep the sex to within rooms for the foreseeable future."

Theo smiled and he felt the burn down his throat. "You can't be serious. You still want to have sex with me?"

"Are you kidding me? After the merry chase to put me through I want it more than ever."

Theo looked at his half-empty glass. "It's going to take a lot more than one glass of this to get me to agree to that."

Tucker shook his head. "I don't have sex with drunk guys. For one thing it's not really fun, and for another, consent requires that you be able to think clearly. A 'yes' under the influence is too easy to argue against in court, and yes, before you point it out I'm an Orr, it isn't like I lack to money for a good defense, Hell, Tony probably knows enough law he could tell me how to do it myself, but I don't want to be that guy. The guy who tricks another one into having sex with him and then acts all innocent when he gets called on it. I'm forward with my intentions."

"Very forward," Theo agreed. He took another sip, this was actually pretty good.

"What happened to you? You said you use to be like me, what's you stop?"

"I grew up."

Tucker snorted. "Growing up is so overrated."

Theo smiled a little. "Some of us, we don't have the luxury of staying kids at heart."

Tucker looked into his empty glass. "Yeah, I guess not. Do you find it weird that dad called you his son?"

"Are you kidding me? Weird isn't the word for it; otherworldly is more like it. And I mean that literally. There is no way I'm related to you." Theo finished his drink.

"There's an easy way to find out."

"I am not having sex with you."

Tucker laughed. "I know. Trust me, I know. I mean, I have access to the med bay. We can go and do a gene reading right now."

Theo thought about it an realized that he had to be buzzed, because he could only think of one answer to that and it was utterly stupid. "You know what? I think that's a great idea."