Lion King 2: Version 2 - Chapter 6: Revelations

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Kopa stood, frozen in a state of utter bewilderment. His face was cocked slightly and his eyebrows furrowed, his mouth open as if he were ready to say something, but couldn't decide on the right words. It hadn't been long at all since he had caused his sister to buckle down in a spectacularly wet orgasm and his cock still hung limply, drawing itself slowly back into its sheath. A string of his cum was still warm as it tickled down to the ground. The once thick, white cream had now lost its opacity and become clear and runny. Across from him, Twaana continued cleaning Kiara, using her tongue to remove any traces of the fact that the three of them had just fucked. The nonchalant way that both Twaana and his sister seemed to ignore his question drove Kopa mad. After a moment's pause without an answer, he took a step forward but changed his mind, putting his paw back where he had had it.

"What?" the lion repeated with the hopes that more emphasis would produce a response.

"It wasn't my first time," Kiara said. She now displayed more confidence in stating this fact than before.

"Yeah, but... How? I mean, all this time you just pretended to be a virgin just so Dad would think he got the first piece of you? But all the while, you've secretly been taking dick from Kovu?" Kopa had broken from his frozen stance and had begun to pace. He shook his head in an attempt to organize his thoughts, but found that it was no more than a distraction to keep himself busy. His movement had caused his cock to limply flop about and the string of semen had now attached itself to the inside of his leg.

"I haven't been taking dick from Kovu, as you so eloquently put it," she said with some defiance. "Kovu and I only did it once, and it was a very, very long time ago."

"Good, so your virginity had enough time to magically come back," Kopa said, laying on some thick sarcasm.

Kiara had had enough, "What is it to you anyway?" she erupted. "Are you upset that you weren't the one to take it even though everyone thought that Daddy was supposed to? And who made it Daddy's job anyway? Mom just told him that he couldn't do anything to me until I had taken my first hunt. When did that come to mean that he was going to pop my cherry? And even if Daddy was supposed to be my first time, you fucked me first!"

"All very good points," Twaana chimed in.

Kopa's pacing stopped again. His mind raced through argument after argument, trying to find one to defend his position, but none proved strong enough. The realization came upon him that he was going to have to settle.

"Alright," his voice lowered in an effort to sound calm. "So, what exactly are we going to tell Mom?"

"Other than that's your cum on my back?"

"I'm working on it," Twaana butted in, lightly running her tongue through Kiara's pussy and fur. Kiara clrenched her hindquarters at the pleasurable cleaning.

"I mean, are we going to tell Mom that you screwed an Outlander as a cub?" Kopa said. He knew he could gain some leverage by exploiting his sister's forbidden relationship.

"No. No, please Kopa. You can't let Mom and Daddy know about Kovu. Daddy'll kill him if he finds out!" Kiara pleaded.

"I know," Kopa said, wishing he could make this happen. He wanted so badly to give Simba a reason to confront the Outlanders, but in his heart, he knew he couldn't betray Kiara. The Prince let out a sigh, "But I promise I won't tell anyone. I'll take the fall and say that I was your first."

"Well, don't forget: I sort of was, too," Twaana added. She and Kiara both shared a laugh and Twaana moved in close to whisper loudly in Kiara's ear, "But you know what Kopa would really like?"

"What?" Kiara whispered back playfully. The two lionesses both looked mischievously at Kopa.

"I bet Kopa would just love to hear about Kovu cub-fucking you. It's still one of my favorite stories."

"She told you about it?!" Kopa asked in shock.

"Of course," Twaana replied, "she tells me everything."

Kopa sat down and pressed his paw to his forehead. He should have considered the obvious, but it had never occurred to him that Twaana and his sister had conversed on all things private. He wondered just what Twaana had been saying about him.

"So do you actually want to hear it?" Kiara asked. She was smiling with cub-like enthusiasm. This was a story that she had apparently always been eager to tell, but never could outside of Twaana.

Most of Kopa dreaded to hear the story, but the tip of his cock tingled as his perverted side began to take back control of his brain. He looked at Kiara, whose infectious smile was almost convincing enough by itself, and then he looked to Twaana who simply nodded her head. "Sure, why not?" he said.

"Great!" she barked out excitedly. Kopa watched and she pounced over to him and saddled down right in front of his face. The words flowed without breath.

"Okay, so a few seasons ago, I was out playing by myself. This was back when you and Twaana were too "old" to be around me, so Daddy sent Timon and Pumbaa out to watch me. Anyway, I wanted to lose them, so I ventured off Daddy's path and I guess I crossed over into the Outlands. That's when I realized that losing Timon and Pumbaa wasn't the smartest idea and I started panicking and I start sprinting. I mean, I pushed my little cub legs faster than I ever had and, of course, I'm so worried about running into an Outlander that I look everywhere but straight ahead of me and, well, I actually ran into Kovu...

Kiara backed away slowly. Her small, red eyes were now large with fear. Even though the dark cub was staring right at her, she lifted her paws carefully as to not make a sound. Simba had told her to stay on the path and to never go into the Outlands and now she was stuck face to face with a mysterious male. Her body quivered as she continued to slowly and futilely make her escape.

The male's head was tilted to the side, his green eyes were almost completely concealed by his curious squint. Before him was lioness cub of beauty he had never seen. She was unlike any of the females in his pride and, for once, she was close to his age. And she was afraid of him.

"Who are you?" he asked. His gaze never wavered as he awaited a response.

Kiara questioned whether or not to answer him. She was afraid what acknowledging him would lead to, but his tone was gentle and she couldn't keep backing away forever. Deciding to face this Outlander, the cub princess stood straight but was undermined by her trembling and she swallowed a lump in her throat to answer, "My name is Kiara, daughter of Simba, and Princess of the Pridelands."

The male cub snorted out a laugh. "So? I'm a prince." The quiet, inquisitive pose he once inhabited was broken with this declaration. The cub's chest puffed out as he began to walk around Kiara with exaggerated high steps. When he had made one full rotation, he put his face inches from Kiara and said, "Name's Kovu."

The princess said nothing. She knew she was stuck, staring straight into the muzzle of cub she was raised to fear. Her eyes reached his lower jaw where a pink tongue hung lazily to the side; it didn't help her size that she had returned to cowering. His hot breath penetrated her nose as he panted. He started to move again, but Kiara stayed with him, matching each step with one of her own.

Kovu bit down lightly on his tongue and tilted his once more as if examining her. "Are you scared of me?" he asked.

"My daddy told me to never turn my back on an Outlander," she said defiantly.

"Why?" Kovu asked as if he was offended. "I'm not going to hurt you or anything."

"Daddy says you're loyal to Scar."

Kovu's face dropped. He clearly disliked the association. "Oh yeah," he said solemnly, "Mother always says that name. She keeps saying I should grow up to be him." He scrunched his eyebrows upward and said, "I don't think she likes your dad."

Kiara didn't know how to take this information. On the one hand, he was confirming what Simba had told her, but on the other, her gut instinct was to try and comfort him somehow.

"She doesn't even let me have any fun anymore," he continued. "Not until I'm big enough, she says."

"You don't play?" Now Kiara had fully accepted sympathy and her body started to relax.


Kiara waited for more of a response, but didn't get any. She felt so badly for this other cub that she had feared just moments before. Certainly, he couldn't be that bad, she thought. He didn't seem like a lion to be scared of, but instead, dare she think it, he was kind of handsome. So Kiara gave a hesitant grin and slammed her front paws onto the ground with her tail raised up in the air. She shuffled back and forth in forth in front of Kovu, playfully growling several times in an effort to get him to start wrestling with her But he didn't budge and Kiara found him looking at her with his head tilted to the side once more.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm playing with you," she said, completely taken away by the fact that this was not common knowledge to him. "Watch!"

The lioness cub pounced towards Kovu, but was shocked to feel herself being hurtled to the ground by her playmate. Now on her back with the wind knocked out of her, Kiara looked down to see Kovu in a defensive position.

"What was that for? We were playing!" she yelled.

"Whaddya mean? You pounced at..." But Kovu fell silent. His eyes grew wide and one of his front paws began to twitch. Unconsciously, he slid his tongue across the front of his lips because there before him lay Kiara's tight, young twat framed perfectly by her outspread legs. Her golden fur pulled back to reveal the lips of her pussy, untainted by anything other than her own curiosity. He couldn't help but stare at her exposed sex, the urges of a lion began surging through the cub's small body. His small but maturing cock grew hard almost instantaneously, feeling as if it were ready to burst with cum at even the slightest touch. These were sensations he had felt before, but never with so much intensity. In his unblinking stare lay a savage beast that was ready to ravage the body of the lioness cub sprawled out in front of him.

"Kovu? Are you even gonna finish your sentence?" Kiara then noticed that the young lion's eyes were fixed on her body and she rolled over to get back up. "What're you staring at?" she asked.

_"Huh?" Kovu shook his head, released from the sexual trance, he blushed under his fur. "Nothing. I wasn't staring at anything." He attempted to nonchalantly walk off his erection without Kiara noticing, but was terrible at hiding it.

Kiara gasped and then giggled, flattered in the way that she had had such an effect on Kovu. With a grin, she walked up to him and, although no one was nearby, she whispered, "Do you have a hard-on?"_

"No!" Kovu shouted. His lie didn't do much to hide the protruding red mass between his legs.

"Yes you do," Kiara was almost jumping around him, "I can see it right there. It's kinda small," she giggled again.

"It's not small!" Kovu said, defending his cock with the pride that seems inborn for all males. "I'm gonna get bigger! Mother keeps telling me how big I'm gonna get and how I'll lead any pride I want."

"I just thought it was cute, is all," she admitted sheepishly. "I've never seen another cub my age before. At least, not a boy."

Kovu found himself to be on edge. He was trying hard to fight back his instincts, but was finding that he had little control over his own thoughts. He had seen his mother and sister with other lions, he wasn't ignorant to what his penis was for or what it could do, or rather, what it could make the lionesses do.

"Can I touch you?" he blurted out. His eyebrows were raised and his mouth was open in a display of mock innocence. "I mean, I'll let you touch me." In his mind, this seemed like a fair trade.

Kiara's grin disappeared. She hadn't realized that her showing fascination with Kovu's body would be a sexual invitation for him. "I... I don't know. I mean, what if we get caught?"

"No one will catch us out here," Kovu assured her. "We're not doing anything wrong," he paused, as a possibility entered his mind, "Unless, you want to."

"But my daddy might find out."

"Don't you see your dad touch your mom? We'd just be doing what they do." Manipulative as they sounded, Kovu believed every single one of his arguments. His voice had now become a breathy tenor as his excitement was mixing with his attempt to persuade the princess. "Here, I won't do anything to you. I'll just lay on my back and show you mine."

As Kovu laid back against the dirt, Kiara watched his legs spread apart to showcase his still-erect shaft. "See?" he said. "You can touch it if you want."

But Kiara wasn't moving. She knew that what Kovu wanted was something her parents would look down upon, yet she remembered the several occasions in which Kopa had invited her to watch him and Twaana fuck out in by Pride Rock's outlying formations. And she could tell Twaana enjoyed herself from the groans and growls that she made. Kopa was the most apparent in his enjoyment, especially with Kiara present, when he would tell her to look at specific things that he and Twaana were doing. Twaana had even told her that Kopa squirted his cum harder and further when she was watching. Even still, her stomach was filled with knots at the thought of being found having sex with an Outlander.

Kovu was still lying on the ground with his hind legs spread eagle, growing slightly impatient with the hesitant princess. "C'mon, you can try and tackle me, but you're afraid of this?" he motioned with his head down to his cock which he, in turn, flexed to raise it off his belly.

The lion cub's wiggling shaft made Kiara giggle and the little lioness started to walk uneasily over to Kovu's displayed crotch. The nervous knot in her stomach was growing stronger with each step and her eyes darted back and forth across the dry Savannah. Once she was standing over him, the lion cub wiggled in preparation as Kiara dropped her head to sniff his red member.

"Touch it," he repeated in a whisper. His heart was almost beating out of his chest in excitement. His face was blank from expectancy, waiting for the gratification that would come from Kiara's paws against his cock. What was only moments felt like an eternity to Kovu with Kiara's muzzle hovering over his cock. Every breath she took might as well have been one of her paws stroking his shaft as his cock quivered with every exhale. Finally, Kiara lifted her head and took one last deep breath.

"Okay," she said.

_Kovu's heart skipped a beat. She waited that long to tell him "Okay"? Here he was, his cock ready to burst with more cum, a lioness's muzzle nearly touching it and it was all for an "Okay"?

He was so blown away by what he had experienced that he almost missed Kiara placing her paw onto his cock. Her trembling paw pressed down, pushing the barbed organ into Kovu's belly. The pressure encouraged the male's clear precum to seep out of him and when Kiara let go, a strand of the liquid connected the tip of his cock to the fur of his stomach._

"Rub it," Kovu said, wide-eyed as he lay watching the timid princess try and figure out what to do next.

And Kiara complied, pressing her front paw flat against his shaft. Her soft paw-pads massaging the wet, exposed skin as she started carefully moving her paw up and down from his oozing cocktip to the furry sheath that the red phallus protruded from. She started slow, unsure what this new object could withstand. She didn't look at Kovu, but was so intent on not making some sort mistake that she only looked at his cock. For Kovu, himself, this was just one more element that made him want to blow his creamy load across his belly.

He took deep breaths, concentrating on making this experience last as long as it could. He didn't want to look like a pussy and cum before they had even started. He wanted to show that he was all lion; ready to fuck for hours straight and make the lionesses drip with their own cum. This was, of course, difficult with Kiara quickly growing more comfortable with her new toy. Kovu felt her other paw brush against his side as she repositioned herself to get better control.

"Wrap your paw around it." The lion cub smirked as Kiara did just that. He was beginning to realize that she would do whatever he told her. "Look at me," he said and she did. Her eyes locked with his and her paw wrapped around his cock as she stroked it, her pace quickening as her muzzle inched closer to Kovu's. She repositioned again, her body was now fully over the Outlander, her leg reaching back across her stomach to keep his cock in hand, and her grip switching to an underhand position. Not once did she lose a beat.

The two little cubs were now nose to nose; their hot breath combining between their muzzles. Neither one made a move, but instead stayed transfixed in a strange stare until Kiara moved by impulse and swept her tongue along the front of Kovu's face. The two paused in a slight shock, feeling a connection that neither had felt before. And with Kiara still stroking his cock, the cubs began to sloppily share their tongues with one another. Their noses were now pressed against each other, the taste of the other cub shared between them. Each move, each lick, each gasp, each press was a guess as the two hid their timidness and confusion from one another.

"Can you touch my pussy?" Kiara panted. Her curiosity had taken over and she wanted to feel what Kovu was feeling.

"Yeah!" Kovu said excitedly. "Turn around."

"What for?" Kiara asked, disappointed that he wanted to break their position.

"I'll show you."

So Kiara did, her paw now damp with Kovu's precum which she wiped on her chest. Her front paws were now next to Kovu's hind-legs and she was once again facing the Outlander's young liondick. Without thinking, she sat down on Kovu's chest, spreading her pussy-lips across his sternum, her tail raised high into the air.

Kovu simply mirred, and he grabbed the princess's hind-legs and pulled her cunny against his muzzle. He gave one long tongue stroke against her twat, brushing the soft skin with his eager mouth. He felt her shudder, causing the fur along her spine to rise skyward. The lion-cub continued his brushes, not entirely sure what to do with the pink slit that gently convulsed with every touch of his tongue. He could feel the heat of her sex emanating from her, his warm breath mixing with the lioness's bodily lure, his focus became so intent that he paid little mind to Kiara's muzzle-lips encompassing his cock. She was sloppy, but he didn't care. His mind was focused on her backside; his tongue penetrating her lips and her tailhole scrunching his nose. The cub pressed his muzzle harder into the princess's ass and pussy, pausing only to breathe.

["BornToDie's](%5C)Image Courtesy of [Born To Die](%5C)

At Kovu's cock, Kiara's mind was different. Whereas Kovu seemed to relish his opportunity to bury his face in her, the lioness cub continually wondered if what she was doing was right. Too much teeth? Too little? Any at all? She tried to read Kovu's reactions, but he wasn't given any discernible signs of displeasure with anything she did. Only muffled groans that she likened to Kopa eating a fresh zebra. She wondered how Kovu was keeping his composure since her body seemed to want to move as she felt tingling sensations through her body that she had never felt before. She released his cock, panting. Her tongue did not have the same dexterity as the Outlander's and she once again gripped his spit-soaked lionhood and continued her paw-job.

This change was noted by Kovu, who broke his cunt concentration to feel the cushioned pads roughly stroking his cock. For the first time in a while, he thought about his penis.

"Crap," he sighed, letting his head fall to the ground.

Kiara was helpless as cum nearly exploded from Kovu's red shaft onto her face. Strand after hot strand shot forth, the lion covered Kiara in a white shower of withheld spunk. She closed her eyes fast and could smell it on her nose and taste it in her mouth as more splattered against her muzzle.

There was a brief pause as Kiara took in what had just happened. With strands of of cum dangling from her chin and nose, she began to laugh, sending several beads of Kovu's spooge flying into the surrounding grass.

"What's so funny?" Kovu asked, unsure if he should be offended at Kiara's reaction to his orgasm.

"Nothing," she said between laughter, "I just wasn't expecting it is all." Still trying to stifle her giggling, Kiara lifted herself off of Kovu, her tail still lifted straight into the air.

"Where're you goin'?" the lion asked. "Are you done? I can do more!" Kovu quickly rolled onto his belly, ready to chase after the lioness if he needed to. "I swear. Don't leave, please. I'll get it stiff again.

The cub princess turned around seductively, her face showing a red blush through the white cum, "I'm not leaving, Silly." And with that, Kiara dropped her butt down to the ground and spread her legs, "A friend of mine taught me this."

_ Kovu watched in awe as Kiara curled her body, reached down with a paw and began to pleasure herself. Her paw rubbing the lips of her wet cunny, first slowly and then more quickly. She lifted her head and closed her eyes, guiding the tips of her toes up from the bottom of her pussy towards the clit. With a small moan, she bit her lip and pressed harder on her sex, almost penetrating it with her middle pawtoe._

The lion cub couldn't keep his eyes away. He had watched the lionesses of his pride do this on numerous occasions, but they had never done it for him. Still on his belly, Kovu reached under him and began toying with his own piece of the equation, trying desperately to get hard again. "C'mon, c'mon," he whispered to himself as life began to slowly come into the limp mass of flesh between his legs.

In front of him, Kiara had begun working on her clit. Taking the away the pressure of her paw, she gently brushed herself, causing shivers to rattle her body and moans and gasps to escape her muzzle. Kovu had made her bodily juices start to flow and now the princess was cumming steadily with beads of it lining her pussy, readying itself for the potential onslaught of cock that her body expected. Every now and then, she would peak open an eye to see if how well her plan was working. And every time, she was met with the wide gaze of Kovu and the furious masturbation that was rocking his body. And it was with one of these provocative glances that Kovu found the will to bring his cock back to full attention.

He stood and waked proudly towards his target, with his hard dick now poised to enter the other half of Kiara's body. On his face he wore a smug grin that his tongue would break to lightly lick his lips. In front of him, Kiara smiled back, her once seemingly chaste demeanor now betrayed by a stare of precocious sexuality and completely shattered when she turned onto her belly and displayed her sex for Kovu to claim.

Kovu's resolve faded slightly without the pressure of Kiara's eyes. He hesitated for just a moment before climbing on the lioness's back and gently aligning his cock with her pussy. He heaved a great sigh and with one push, Kovu felt his cock break into the princess's virgin cunny. Kiara let out a high pitched squeal of both pleasure and pain as her body enveloped the intruding shaft. Slowly and carefully, Kovu began to pull himself back and discovered, to his horror, that he had drawn blood.

"What did I do?" he asked desperately.

Kiara turned her head calmly, "What?"

"There's blood. Why is there blood?" His voice was beginning to raise a few octaves.

"I think that happens sometimes," she said. She wiggled her body as her now empty pussy began to sting. "Twaana said it might for me."

"Who's Twaana?"

"She's the one that taught me about this stuff," she said. "My brother kinda does it with her.... A lot."

"Oh. So it's... okay?"

"I think so." She was beginning to grow restless with the male. After all of the buildup and now Kovu was simply hovering outside of her.

Kovu hesitated again, "Okay."

He then penetrated her again with more caution than before. He moved methodically in and out of Kiara's cunny. He was shallow, never allowing his entire cock to reach into her. Bellow him, Kiara's body tightened and she let out a series of short, stuttered breaths with each push Kovu gave. But he became less apprehensive and pushed himself deeper into the princess until the fur of his sheath rubbed the fur of her cunt. As he pulled out again, his barbs pulled the cub's juices from out of her and droplets hit the ground beneath them.

The inside of the princess was a warm cradle of flesh around his swelling member, the tip of which was running along the moist roof of Kiara's pussy. The entire head of his cock was being stimulated as his now shallow thrusts made Kiara squirm with delight. His belly rocked against her back, crossing hairs as he pushed and pulled away making both of their bodies even warmer under the evening sun. Kiara curved her neck up, pointing her muzzle towards the sky to let out a prolonged, sensuous growl.

It was then that he started to go faster. He became unhindered as Kiara's growls turned to cries and the cries began to change into moans of pleasure. The inside of his hips pressed against her soft rear, and his fervent humping causing loud thumps as their bodies collided.

The cub's fresh juices splattered onto the dirt and onto their legs. Kovu could still still feel his cooled saliva against Kiara's hot cum. He bit his lip, concentrating on not emptying himself just yet into the little female, but the feeling of her pussy and the moans she was emitting made it hard to focus on anything other than his busy cock. He began to nibble on the nape of her neck, sometimes even pulling on the skin lightly. This sent Kiara into an even more fervent state of ecstasy, causing more cum to swirl around Kovu's cock and eventually dribble down her legs.

Finally, it was too much for the inexperienced lion.

"I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum" Kovu repeated, unsure what he should do next.

"Wait," Kiara said and she pulled Kovu out of her just enough that she could spin her body around. Now the two cubs were belly to belly and Kiara pushed her waist down to reinsert Kovu's throbbing cock. Immediately, he began thrusting again, trying to bring himself to climax once more. He was fast in his movements, his entire body was preparing to unleash his load of cum once again. When he finally reached his point of no return, Kiara grabbed the lion cub around his neck and brought his muzzle to hers. His hips stopped thrusting and he gave himself completely over to Kiara. His warm seed filled her insides and he lifted his face away from Kiara's for a brief second to breathe. When he looked back down, the princess gave him a warm smile and licked the top of his nose with the tip of her tongue.

Kiara took a breath. Kopa still sat in front of her with precum leaking out of his hard dick. Twaana walked around to Kiara, licking her lips, "All done, Babe. You're clean."

"Wait, so what happened after all that? How'd you get home?" Kopa asked.

"Oh," realizing that she forgot that part of the story, "Kovu's sister showed up so I had to hide in the grass. Then I snuck away to a waterhole where Pumbaa found me. I guess I washed enough of him off of me for Daddy not to notice."

"Convienent," Kopa remarked, disappointed that it had worked.

"So? Do you understand now why I love him?" Kiara asked desperately. She had hoped that her story would have broken Kopa down.

"Love him?!" Kopa yelled. "No, no, no, no, no. You can't really mean that. You're just saying that because he was your first. It's all hormones... or something."

"So what we have is just hormones too, Kopa?" Twaana asked.

"No! It's just... with us... I mean, I've never actually said..." Kopa shut himself up. "Shit." On his face was a look of desperation as he feared the idea of telling his father that he had fucked his sister to save an Outlander. He looked to Kiara, whose smile pleaded for Kopa to play along, and then to Twaana who only nodded in encouragement.

"Fine," he said. "Let's go talk to Dad."

* * *

The dead grass of the Outlands crunched under the paws of its prince as Kovu charged towards his home. His eyes flared with lust with his stiff cock swaying between his legs being denied the pleasure of a lioness's sex. As he neared, he passed several of the Outland lionesses who could only stare at his raging erection; he had only one female in mind.

"Vitani!" he roared.

Vitani was lying in the dirt, lazily tracing her clit with the tip of her pawtoe. She was a lioness of suppressed beauty. Growing up in the Outlands had made the fur around her eyes grow dark, but it only served to make her eyes all the more blue. Among the lionesses she made herself distinct with a tuft of sharp hair that she wore like a crown and a smile that hinted at the devious gears that turned in her head. When she heard her younger brother's call she bolted to a stand, she recognized Kovu's tone and her hindquarters began to quiver in excitement.

"Head down, ass up!" He roared. He was marching so quickly that he was going to enter her whether she was prepared or not.

But Vitani did just what he demanded, resting her chin against the the dirt and presenting her tailhole to the breeze. She had hardly lifted her tail before Kovu had gripped her rump and plunged his cock deep into his sister's awaiting pussy. The lioness gave a drawn out grown as if she had been deprived of this kind of pleasure for seasons on end. So loud was Vitani's cry, that the other lionesses began to gather around the royal siblings, some licking their lips at the prospect of what this initial fuck could turn into.

Kovu, however, was not phased by his sister's noise. He had fucked all of the females in his pride and Vitani was always the loudest. When he was still young, her numerous yelps, squeals and moans had made him cum faster than with any other lioness. It was like an acknowledgment that he was doing something right or that his cock could provide something that nothing else in pride could. Over time, though, he learned to drown it out because her words told a different story:

"You fuck like a bitch. You know that?" Vitani growled through her teeth. "Man up and use your cock for once!"

Kovu didn't respond with words. Instead, he did as he was told. He pushed harder and faster into his sister's pussy, never relenting as his barbs drew the ever-increasing juices from her greedy sex. The force of his hips ramming into Vitani's hindquarters was so intense that both brother and sister cringed from the strangely desirable sting.

"More, you fucker. More!" the lioness commanded.

The lion, trying to empty himself into her as quickly as possible, responded by grasping her waving tail by his teeth and giving a sharp pull.

"Ohhhh, fuck me!" she howled, gripping the dirt with her paws.

Around them, the congress of onlookers had decided to become participants. Each twat met with a variety of objects, be it a warm tongue or a stiff pawtoe, every lioness was enjoying the touch of another.

"Gods, you have the dick of a cub! I could fuck myself better with another pussy," she continued.

Kovu continued to spread Vitani's sex, holding on to her wriggling body with his claws. Her tongue was voracious in its demands of what she wanted Kovu to do to her. It seemed that she would not be satisfied until every orifice of hers was filled... simultaneously. But Kovu fantasized only of Kiara as he savagely thrust harder. So hard, that the skin under her fur was beginning to show the redness of their bodies slapping against one another.

The desolate, brown Outlands had become the scene of a growing orgy amongst its inhabitants. Every lioness of the pride had begun to sprinkle the dry dirt with their juices. The warm liquid ran down their leg, spewing from their hot pussies. All around Kovu was a symphony of orgasmic pleasure: pawtoes jutting in and out twats, pairs of lionesses running their furry mounds against each other, tongues bathing the clits of sex-hungry females ready to blow at any moment with a wet and satisfying cry. His cock quivered as it prepared to erupt its load into his sister's cunny, the feeling of orgasm now controlled his entire being and thought. Until:


Kovu halted. The sudden ache returned to his balls as Zira, Queen of the Outlands and his mother, stood at the entrance of the largest termite mound and called for everyone to cease their collective pleasure. Gracefully, the aged lioness slid down a slope of dirt to face her daughter and son. She was only slightly older than Simba, but her aged face betrayed her relative youth. Of all the lionesses who survive the harsh climate of the Outlands, her eyes were the sharpest, her poise was the strongest and her voice the most powerful. Around her, no noise was made despite that several lionesses were still muzzle deep within each other.

"Strapped once again to the hips of his sister stands my son, I see," she said. Kovu's throat barely managed a swallow; her tone was not one he was used to. She walked straight to him, her claw running up Vitani's back.

"Come back from your reconnaissance earlier than usual? I can smell that Prideland tramp on your lips."

"Don't call her that, Mother!" Kovu shouted. His muzzle clamped shut when he saw Zira's eyes flare with anger.

"What did you just say?"

"Mother, I..."

"You what?" she growled. Kovu averted her gaze. She stared her son for several moments, never breaking the fix she had on him. "You love her don't you?"

Kovu didn't answer. Below him, Vitani stood motionless with his liondick still lodged within her cunt. Zira simply smiled, "And here, I had such high hopes for you, Son. You were to be the Prideland's king and reclaim the glory that your Grandfather lost. You were supposed to use her, not become another pawn for Simba."

"I'm sorry, Mother," Kovu said, still avoiding the chance to look at her.

Zira smiled more braodly, almost warmly, "Don't be sorry." She walked around to his haunches, "Just give me a lion who is willing to be the king this family deserves."

With that, she forced a toe into Kovu's tailhole bringing his fleeting erection back to its full muster. She wriggled it in and out making Kovu roar in both pain and pleasure.

"Fuck her. Fuck your sister's brains out and make sure that her pussy drips with your cum," Zira commanded.

Kovu began pushing himself deep within his sister's twat. Inside of him ran his mother's toe, pressing hard against the walls of his tailhole, pushing him to blow every last drop of cum he had into Vitani's steaming pussy. He wanted to cum so badly that it hurt; his mother's toe was joined by her tongue along his scrotum. Everything was joining together to make him cum harder than he ever had before, whether he wanted to or not. His sister began to roar in delight yielding her abusive sex-talk as Zira yelled demands for him to empty the eager spooge from between his legs by toying with his balls.

His cock had never burned so badly to cum. His tail-hole ached as his mother pressed her toe in further, making his cock hold firm with Vitani pushing her rump back into his hips. As her tail wagged in front of his face, Kovu grabbed it with his teeth to focus on something else. Vitani released a moan of shear delight at this primal act.

Around them, the other lionesses had stopped with each other and tended to their own pussies to watch the savage display of familial fucking before them. The sound of paws against fur began to create a cacophony of wet slaps as toes came in and out and ran across clits. A few began to roar as they brought themselves closer to climax, letting their bodies drip with their own fluids and shake from excitement.

Finally, amidst the sexual chaos, Kovu let loose. His legs shook violently as his ejaculate burst from his cock and into Vitani. His tailhole clenched hard around his mother's toe which she continued to twist as he spilled forth his load. He tried to pull out but Zira pushed him back in until his seed began to drip out between his cock and Vitani's snatch. The thick, warm liquid had finally run out and Kovu collapsed onto his sister, strained and exhausted from the anal assault his mother had provided.

Without remorse, Zira stood over her son, "Now go. Let us hope that you have made a lion stronger than you could ever wish to be."

Climbing off of Vitani, who looked at him with pity and shame, the former Outland prince slunk in despair. Without a look to his mother, he headed back to Pridelands with only a fool's hope.