[Sketch] Inkanyamba

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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A sketch of an upcoming scene in my game, "Lord of the Manor". To support the game, see other writing and art early, and help decide the direction of characters like these, please consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lordofthemanor

You look around. "A dragon?" Off to the side, a springbok carefully plants seeds in some prepared earth, and beyond him a cheetah holds a fishing rod, intently focused on the floater in the lake. "Where?"

Bokkie grins. "Right in front of you."

"What?" You look around again to be sure. "Is he invisible or something?"

"Nah." Bokkie turns to look at the lake. "Inkanyamba likes to sleep in. But he'll be up shortly." His eyebrows rise and his grin widens at some sight, but when you follow his gaze, all you see are some bubbles. "Very soon."

You frown. "Is this some game you play on tourists? I don't see--"

A huge upwelling of air from under the lake's surface interrupts you, hissing and bubbling, and you turn to stare. Rings of white water spread out from where the air broke the surface, and the disturbed water glitters in the morning light. The sunlight shining off the lake surface makes it impossible to see below the surface...so when the water starts to bulge upward above some giant rising mass, you can only gape in awe, and take a semi-fearful step back.

The bulge of water grows - then breaks. Four sharp horns appear first, followed by the slick, shining head of...something. Something huge. It keeps rising, and becomes a dragon. Water falls down the sides in glittering streams like broken diamonds, framing the long snout and huge, closed eyes. The skin is covered with sapphire scales, fitted together as perfectly as if hand-placed by a master mason. Even had the sun not been casting it's glare on the water, that colouration would have made the creature all but invisible to the eye when underwater.

The eyes open. Each as large as your outstretched hand, they are brilliantly crimson, shcokingly contrasting against its scales. It sees you, and you cannot look away. The gaze is magnificent, hypnotic...ancient. This creature is *old*.

It approaches the bank where you stand alongside Bokkie, each underwater step pushing a wave of water ahead of it, splashing up onto the lake's rocky beach. Your fetlocks are soaked already, but you don't care. This is a sight unlike any you've seen. Dragons are rare; the rarest of the Fey. And this one is *huge*. Each step forward lifts him higher into the air as he climbs the lake bed, until at last his belly clears the water, and can fully judge him. Five metres from foot to the tip of the head, it must be. Three if you wanted to mount it. And from front to back...oh.


Your eyes land between those great legs as you take it in - and freeze there. From a nondescript slit between his hind legs, something protrudes. For it is very obiviously and very desirably male. If his scales are sapphire, this thing is cobalt. A penis; a very unusual one to your eyes. As lengthy as you would expect, given the creature's size: it puts yours to shame. Twenty inches? Thirty? The tip is pointed like a shark's fin, and it bulges behind the tip and along its length until it swells even more at the base, in two balls of flesh like a canine's knot. The entire huge cock bobs underneath the dragon with an unusual rhythm: rise, rise, fall. After a moment, you realise why: two heartbeats. Is that usual for Fey, or only dragons? You have no idea.

Water is still running down the creature's back and sides, and a thin line of it runs from the edge of the dragon's penis, as if he's pissing silver. But then he turns to the side, and the sun catches it, and in an instant the cobalt becomes brilliant azure, and the silver becomes a stream of gold. You can see the ridges along the shaft now, the light catching them like filigree, and illuminating the surprisingly dun testicles below it. A cloaca - but testicles too? Huh. Interesting.

Bokkie cackles and you start. You'd all but forgotten he was there - or where you are.

"Good morning!" the klipspringer chirps up at the dragon. "Had some good dreams, did you? Vuka!"

The vast crimson eyes blink down at the muscular little antelope, and only then does the dragon seem to become aware of his body. He lowers his head to look between his legs, then chuckles in a soft voice. "Apparently." The ground under your hooves trembles a little at the rumble. "Though what I remember of them is...strange."

The head lifts again, and meets your eyes this time. "Welcome, stranger," he murmurs. You try to keep your eyes off the huge penis throbbing only a couple of metres away, and smile back wanly.

"Um, hi."