Suel's Love For the Horde

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Suel, the wolvar druid, goes to Thunder Totem, home of the tauren, in order to deliver a message to the chieftain for the Druid Circle, however, along the way he gets stopped by a large pain in the ass.


Suel was not enjoying his current flight across the great ocean towards Highmountain. The transmogrified druid had been feeling a sense of unease dancing along his feathered spine ever since he had taken his current mission for the Cenarion Circle, and though he had not yet encountered any trouble during his travels there was no shaking the looming sense of trepidation which tingled along his lower belly. He would have liked to brush off his feelings as simply being illusions brought about because of the whispers which had been rolling throughout the various taverns and bars that he frequented within both the Alliance and Horde, but the wolvar was smarter than that.

Dropping down from the sky from his raven form into his feline self was as smooth a transition as ever, a testament to Suel's growing ability as a druid. The wolvar didn't like to make mention of how much his powers were growing throughout the years, but the elders of the Cenarion Circle could see how adept his skills were becoming, and so the talk of him rising to the archdruid became a topic that brushed across his ears. Suel didn't know what to think about such an honor though, especially given the possibility of the war to come, but as he ran across the dry lands of the coasts towards the inner heart of the region the wolvar wondered if perhaps he should rise to such a rank, after all, the world may have need for someone as level-headed as Suel once the war came to past.

Running across the dry lands of Highmountain didn't give the wolvar the respite he had been so desperate for, leading Suel to surmise that whatever was causing him such discomfort wasn't coming from deep inside of himself. A growl tore at his lips as he looked upon the skyline.

What was it exactly that was making his fur stand on edge?

Suel's blue eyes searched around the surrounding cliffs around him for anything that seemed out of place. While his eyesight wasn't as keen in his feline form as it was in his avian one, the wolvar was still able to see more accurately as a feral beast that he could than when he was bipedal. Nothing out of the ordinary crossed his sapphire gaze, which in itself was a small relief as it was a worrisome concern, since the pin prick-like sensation dotting his spine refused to vacate his subconscious. Suel wanted to throw his head up to let out a roaring cry of frustration, but quickly decided not to, as he wasn't sure if this action would be the spark which would send an arrow flying out from behind one of the dying trees sliding past his body into his heart; the thought of dying in such a way made the druid shudder.

The feeling of a heavy weight crashing into the side of his body erased all thoughts from the feral wolvar's mind.

Suel rolled with the force of the blow which had been unjustly introduced into his ribcage, having learned that this was best to let his body absorb and then displace the energy of such an attack. The dusty taste of the earth filled Suel's muzzle as he rolled around for several seconds before he came to a stop on top of a patch of bright, yellow grass. Lying still for a moment in order to assess the damage, the wolvar noted that while the pain he was feeling was attempting to race throughout his body, he wasn't as hurt as he could have been.

Did that mean that his attacker had meant for the suddenness of his attack to be nothing more than a polite warning, or did they miscalculate how much force it would take to actually put him down? Or worse, was the blow planned to suddenly set him off balance for a more lethal strike?

Rolling onto his feet, Suel shook his head in order to try and focus his spinning vision. His bright blue eyes flew wide when a large quadrupedal blob dove through the air towards him. It was a quick roll to the side which allowed the druid to escape the dark paws which were aimed at his tender, white furred belly. Springing backwards after coiling the tendons within his arms, Suel put as much distance in between himself and his assailant as he could. Because he was somewhat skilled within the art of combat in his feline form, he instantly put himself into counterattack position after sailing through the air following his graceful backwards flip.

Once back onto his feet Suel glared at his opponent. The other, a large feral cat much like himself but with two curled horns on his head, quickly rushed towards him in order to try and stop Suel's possible attack.

This proved to be a mistake on the other's part, as the druid instinctively whipped his slim paw out to smack the other across the muzzle. The force of the strike carried so much anger and force within it that when it connected the opposing feline's upper body turned away from Suel like top being spun. Seeing such a perfect opening, Suel moved like greased lightning as he leapt into the air, claws drawn, in order to eviscerate his slightly dazed enemy. A feline yowl split the air as the pair went down in a tangled mess of claws, fur, and teeth. Suel attacked the other like a starving fel beast as he savagely bit into the other's pelt and neck. Muffled growls and yowling hisses colored the air within the Highmountain valley as the wolvar released all the feral aggression which had been building up inside of himself.

Suel wouldn't admit it in public, but there was a certain thrill to be found in having his fangs embedded into the body of another animal. The rich taste of blood which coated his tongue electrified his senses when, upon digging deep into the other's fur, he pierced the skin hidden underneath. His ears twitched when a fresh batch of yowls spilled out across the air. The hissing of his injured opponent made the druid's long tail lash across the air like a swinging blade, yet before Suel could fully immerse himself within the pleasure of an easy victory, he was thrown aside when the other feline jumped into the air and then twisted himself around; the sudden contact with the ground completely shattered the wolvar's hold over the other male, at the same time it made stars burst across his pain filled eyes.

The transformed wolvar groaned from the blow, having not expected such an offensive tactic in light of his position atop the other. Shaking his head, Suel blinked his haze blue eyes at the horned feline, cursing the other with raspy hisses which both warned and threatened the other to back off as he shakily got up off of the ground. His opponent seemed not to care about his animalistic outcry, and instead licked its paw before wiping down its injured neck. That gesture made Suel blink in stunned awe. Usually such a maneuver was not something that most animals could or would do, so this meant that wherever this other feline came from it had either been well-trained or had adapted to learn societal norms from watching those around it.

Suel thought over such possibilities for several seconds as he steadied himself for whatever may have come next, yet none of his preparedness was able to ready him for the chuckling huffs which poured free from his opponent's muzzle.

Confusion completely enraptured the druid, as there should have been no way for the animal in front of him to...laugh? Was that really what the other was doing, or was it some sort of strange physical reaction?

Suel blinked several times as physical recognition of certain peculiar traits began to take precedence within his mind. First off, while the dark brown outer fur the other feline supported was standard for many cats, the crimson eyes and glowing yellow sclera were not. Next there were the horns, two long and upward curled weapons which crowned his opponent's head, no normal feline on Azeroth had those. The druid cocked his head in confusion when his 'enemy' dipped his head down to reveal red stripes marked all across his nose.

War paint.

From the Horde.

Suel mouth dropped even wider when the tinkling of metal brushed across his sensitive ears. His deep blue eyes were immediately drawn towards the two earrings which pierced the other feline's twitching lobes. The druid leaned forward as if to begin a conversation, completely forgetting that he couldn't thanks to his vocal cords no longer allowing such a possibility, however before he could attempt to try and get a word out his opponent suddenly dashed straight into him!

Suel had just enough time to think about what would happen before he found himself tackled. The force of the blow didn't immediately send him to the dry earth beneath his rump but instead caused him and his adversary to tumble together like paper tossed into the wind for several feet. Once he finally stopped, the feeling of his tender back hitting the ground was something that the druid had no wish to feel, the horned feline leaned down to begin biting at his neck and shoulders, quietly mauling him to death as a way of letting him know the other's perspective on the situation in question; that the gnawing was not strong enough to serrate his flesh, despite ripping out strands of fur from his body, gave Suel the last piece of the puzzle needed to be sure of who was on top of him.

A flash of annoyance colored the druid's bright blue eyes, a dark growl followed seconds later.

When the attack on his body ceased, Suel assumed that he was safe, but that assumption proved to be quite false, as mere moments later he found his face encompassed by the other's genitals. It was the rudeness of the change in assault that startled the wolvar more than the action in itself, as he had never been teabagged in such a manner during combat. The musky scent of the sweat soaked feline ground itself deep into the druid's nose, consequently forcing his lungs to expand and take in more of the masculine odor of unwashed feline. Suel sat in stunned horror for several seconds, much to the other feline's amusement as he rolled his rear over and across the wolvar's muzzle in order to mark him as the submissive between the two of them, before he began to let out indignant growls and hisses.

The horned feline released several animalistic chuffs as he felt the druid beneath him squirm in desperation to get out from underneath his balls, but given his greater weight that wasn't going to happen. Instead, Suel found his tongue and lips getting treated to sweaty fur as his tongue unconsciously wiggled around the dominant male's ballsack. The feeling of having such control over the other male sent shivers throughout the crimson eyed feline's entire body, so much so that his long tail smacked at the ground behind Suel's head like a tribal stick beating at a war drum.

The warm sensation of breath and saliva coating his sensitive bits were a true delight for the horny cat, and yet his enjoyment became even more profound when the tip of his tapered cock creeped out of the folds of his creamy tan sheath. Dipping his head down, the crimson eyed feline watched in gleeful amusement as the druid's legs and tail flailed madly for several seconds. A dark grin crept across the dominant male's face as he began to slowly hump himself back and forth across Suel's face, as his need to assert himself over the other was slowly being replaced with the desire to leave his mark stained deep within the wolvar's fur. It was just after a little more than half of his shaft had creeped out from his furry holster that the horned feline changed his mind and lifted himself up from off of the druid in order to grant him the air he probably so desperately needed to breathe.

Suel was never so glad to taste clean, if slightly dusty, air as he was right then and there. The transformed wolvar rolled himself around and then began hacking like the feline he was, both to get the wisps of tan fur out from his muzzle and to try and remove the taste of balls from his tongue. It was just as he was halfway into his task that he turned his head around to glare hotly at the snickering feline waving his tail behind him in boundless glee. A second later the wolvar's head was flipped to the side by a wide paw smacking him across the muzzle.

The quickness of the sudden gesture completely stunned Suel more so than the action itself, and so he was helpless to do anything more than waddle like a confused duck as he tried to make sense of what just happened. Whipping his head around to look at the other cat after once again focusing his senses, who was quickly moving away from him, Suel let loose a savage roar at the horned feline. A cheeky smirk was the only response he received from the other before the crimson eyed cat lowered himself in preparedness to pounce.

Seeing this, and not wanting to be flattened into the ground once more, Suel took up his own battle stance. The two felines raised their tails up, flagging the long, ropey appendages almost as if they were battle flags, all the while their ears flattened on top of their respective heads. The warm summer wind cast itself across the darkening land, making both cat's twitch their respective noses, all the while carrying the scent of grass, sweat, and dirt about the desolate area around them. When azure eyes met ruby orbs with a look of determination that were echoed in return both males knew that things were about to get much more serious than they had been seconds prior.

Time seemed to slow down to standstill as the two felines focused on the minute details of the body in front of them; every movement of fur was tracked with skillful precision, all the while the slow, measured breaths taken by the other cat were subconsciously counted with unflinching steadiness. A hush seemed to fall over the region as the entire region of Highmountain seemed to hold its breath as if in wait for what was to come next.

No one would ever be able to say who struck first, as there were no witnesses for the climactic battle about to take place right then, but it hardly mattered in the long run, because once both Suel and the horned feline leapt forward into the air, the pair shaking the very air around them as they did so, all that was important was the question of who would win the contest of strength and wills set between them. The two cats rolled around like the beasts that they were, their eyes and fangs glittering within the light of the afternoon sunlight, right before gravity dragged the pair down into the savannah. Neither male stopped struggling against one another, despite their shoulders landing hard into the cracked earth, instead, both grunted and then kicked each other away once it became apparent that they were not going to be able to make the other submit through their ill-planned wrestling match.

Darting around one another with all the grace twisting snakes, the two cats circled the area for several seconds before clashing once again, their skulls knocked deep into one another to the point where their eyes stared deep within one another's souls, Suel thankfully keeping his own held down lower so as to avoid being pierced like ripe fruit. The two felines continued their struggle, digging their paws so deep into the valley that they dug deep grooves into the land, before they flung themselves backwards and circle one another again.

That the pair refused to use their claws spoke highly of how much the pair respected one another, as in any other situation they would have easily released their weapons onto the other's faces. No. This was a battle of honor, one which would either be won or lost depending on who could best strategize their way towards victory.

Again and again they clashed, with shoulders thrusting deep into soft sides, while legs danced into vulnerable bellies, until both were left panting and shaking sweat free from their brows. Their play of strength continued for what seemed like hours as both cats attempted to try and find a weak spot within the other's defenses; more than once did the Suel find himself being tricked into taking a disadvantageous preemptive strike by a feinting gesture from the horned feline, the in turn left him open to being pounced upon and then wrestled down, only to then be held firmly into place by a set of familiar fangs which set themselves perfectly within the groove of his throat. The growling chuckles which poured out of the opposing feline's maw usually gave the wolvar the time he needed to think up a method of freeing himself from his opponent's grip; whether it was through curling his legs underneath a firm white furred belly and kicking back, or using his own fangs to bite down onto a leg which was attempting to collapse his body into a folded position, Suel always managed to find a way of escaping the horned feline's clutches. He would then attempt to give back just as good as he had gotten, though without the intended success, as the cat in front of him proved to be much better at battle than he was.

Pouncing through the air again, the two felines dashed, clashed, and crashed against each other until both were covered in sweat and panting harder than a dwarven freight train. By this time though it was easy enough to tell that they were reaching their limits, as their paws quaked upon touching the torn apart ground underneath them, while their eyes lay hazy underneath the dying light of the summer sun, it also didn't help matters that sweat was dripping into them and fatigue dimming their vision. When the crimson eyed feline pushed himself down onto the ground Suel knew well that this would be the last strike; whoever had the strength to hold down the other after this would be the victor, yet what exactly that would entail for the loser was a question left up in the air. At least until a smirk rolled across the other feline's lips. Suel grunted as he thought about being underneath the other once again, and so he summoned up all the strength that he could in order to make the greatest jump of his life.

When the horned male struck out Suel smirked and pushed himself to the side. This completely caught both felines off guard, as the other cat had the same idea in mind, thus leading the two of them to literally bump heads when they ran towards the same direction. The sound of both of their skulls kissing one another made for quite the painful sounding smack, one in which was followed by two bloody screams of woe. Both males dropped down onto the ground following this moment and soon began stumbling around rather carelessly as they tried to figure out what exactly had just happened.

The horned feline was able to recover first after rapidly shaking his head in an attempt to balance his vision. Seeing that Suel had not yet regathered his senses he decided to take advantage of the opportunity which had been presented to him. Throwing himself forward, the crimson eyed cat dove through the air once more. He then landed on the druid's back after spinning himself around like a diving dragon.

Suel had just enough time to let out a ear-splitting yowl before he found himself driven into the ground once more. He tried to struggle, animal pride not wanting to surrender to defeat in such an undignified manner, but his strength, which was already at the red line, had completely deserted him, and so, with a defeated huff, the druid trembled and then slumped onto the ground. The other cat, seeing that this wasn't some sort of trick, raised his head up to let out a boisterous roar of victory. The sound reverberated throughout Highmountain to the point where it felt as though the feline's voice was commanding the world to bend to his will. Suel could only let out a snort of disdain in response.

Once the crimson eyed feline had settled down from his victorious high he looked down at the defeated druid. Blue eyes hesitantly turned to regard the member of the Horde. Suel mentally tried to prepare himself for having either his face or rump filled with the other male's pride, however this was not to be the case. Instead, the horned feline leaned down and then grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. Suel found himself completely confused when, upon being dragged up onto his feet, the crimson eyed cat tossed him into the air. The world spun for several seconds before righting itself, though once it did the wolvar fell like a star onto the victorious male's backside. Considering how tired they both were the other feline should have instantly crumpled into the grass from having the druid's equal weight settled onto his body, but instead he held strong, barely even grunting from the two hundred plus pound weight impacting itself into his backside. When the area surrounding them suddenly began glowing green Suel watched in quiet awe as a number of roots rose up and then twisted together to form what looked like a basin.

The queerness of this situation became even greater when the crimson eyed feline turned his head around and then pawed one of his earrings off. A million and one questions entered into his mind as he watched the piece of metal drop into the grass bowl, and yet half of them were answered when a few seconds later the air pressure shifted and then grew to the point where a cloud formed in front of them. The white puff of concentrated moisture soon began to leak rain into the makeshift bowl, filling the interior and making the earring melt within metal before dispersing. A bright golden glow quickly took over the basin, nearly blinding both felines. After it dimmed down to the point where the shine no longer rivals the aura of the currently setting sun, the crimson eyed cat padded forward and then sniffed the water. The clean, almost spicy scent perfumed its way across both felines' noses seconds before the horned cat dipped his tongue down to scope up the liquid.

Suel could only watch this happen in silent curiosity. The sight became all the more intriguing when he noticed that the feline's body began to burn with a strange ethereal strength - the slight quivers he felt rolling across the other male's body would have made him jump off of the horned feline had he had any strength left at the moment. With him unable to do anything to change his current position, Suel was left to watch as the body beneath him began to radiate with a golden glow. It was quite obvious that there had been some magical properties within the earring, but what exactly those were escaped the druid, as he wasn't well versed in potions of this nature, though the implications of the newly made elixir being some sort of stamina restoring mixture were quite fascinating, especially considering the faction the crimson eye cat belonged to.

Could the Horde have found a way to make a new form of alchemy? Or was this something else? Suel couldn't be sure at the moment, but he was certainly going to ask once he got down from his current position.

The smacking of a tail across his flank made the druid whip his head around. Seeing the horned feline's lengthy appendage waving around wildly brought a rough chuckle from out of its owner's throat. Ruby eyes turned around to focus on the defeated druid a few seconds later, revealing a water stained chin. The wolvar had no reply for the dominant male, save for tiredly batting the cat's head away when he leaned forward to lick him across the lips. A chuffing growl was the only response the druid received for his action.

Returning to drinking the golden potion, the horned cat polished off the rest of the elixir. By the time the basin was empty the other feline was strong enough to stand without quivering underneath Suel's weight. He then slowly began to walk his way forward through the Highmountain valley onward towards the sprawling mountains which lay just ahead. The wolvar thought to complain about this, as he was no cub that needed to be carried around, but a sharp growl threatened him into silent compliance. Or at least he tried to, as he was undaunted by the noisy gesture. This, of course, aggravated the Horde fighter into hissing at the wolvar, as he still considered Suel to be his conquest. The druid didn't care though as he continued to try and remove himself from the other feline's backside. He was finally placated by his impromptu mount pausing mid stride in his trek.

When a glowering face turned to glare at him, Suel pulled his lips back to show his stained teeth. The two felines hissed at one another as the sun set below the horizon, drenching the world within ebony darkness; the sight of their respective bodies, not to mention the world around them, becoming stained in black did nothing to silence the pair, nor calm their ire. What finally did get the conflict of wills to come to an end were roots rising up and then entangling around Suel's body. When the druid opened his muzzle to complain about this he was instantly silenced by vines coiling around his muzzle, clamping it shut.

The look of pride which painted itself onto the crimson eyed feline's face was somewhat diminished by the fact that the half moon had yet to raise itself up from across the horizon. The dark shadows did wonders for turning the annoying smile stretching out across his muzzle into an impish grin, the likes of which made the wolvar's blood bubble. He could do nothing to protest though, and so the crimson eyed feline turned his head back around and then made a beeline to wherever it was that he was trying to go. From his vantage point, Suel could only watch in silence as the dry grasslands gave way to the towering mountains which gave Highmountain its name. Blue eyes blinked in tired fascination when the wolvar noticed that they were coming upon what could be considered the most important city within the region, Thunder Totem.

The flickering of torches within the rapidly closing distance filled the sleepy wolvar's heart with a sense of elation, as this was the destination that he had been trying to before his journey was suddenly blocked by the giant ass he was uncomfortably seated on top of. The gate guards, two Highmountain tauren, swiftly drew themselves into a defensive stance once they noticed the crimson eyed blur coming towards them. The other cat had the good sense to slow himself down to a trot before he stepped up to the guardians, as they were sure to violently stop his forward charge if he tried to slip his way towards the gates.

"And what do you have there, Drood?" One of the tauren, a large dark gold furred male with orange hair tied into ponytails asked as he moved out of his defensive stance, sheathing the spear he carried back behind his massive mountain of a backside. He then slowly made his way towards the rapidly blinking Suel.

The crimson eyed feline let out a series of growls and chuffs making the guard chuckle and then lowered his horned head down in embarrassment.

"Right, I forgot. Sorry." The second guard chuckled at his companion's faux pas, making the first raise his head to scowl at him. "Is he a prisoner?" The cat shook his head at that. "That's an interesting way to treat a friend." The suggestive words made the feline wink an eye. "Right, I forgot who I'm talking to for a moment." The bullman chuckles in a rough voice that sounds like it was in desperate need of a drink.

Drood said nothing to this, but he did make his way towards the other's loincloth. The horned feline then began rubbing the side of his muzzle against the leather covered crotch, his strokes shifted from hard demanding sweeps of his face to soft, questioning movements, the likes of which seemed to say everything that the feline couldn't. The gate guard shudders upon feeling Drood's body against him, his dark brown eyes shuddered to half lids as the ghost of erotic bliss rolled throughout his spin. It had been a long while since he had felt the pleasure of another's touch, what with him being sent out for guard duty following a dust up with another tauren from the rivermane tribe.

His companion watched in restrained amusement, at least until Drood moved over and then around the back of his body. A quick nip along his rump made the tauren jump ever so slightly, yet before the other could fully comprehend what just happened the horned cat wove his long tail around the underside of his loin wrap. The larger male slowly began to pump his gargantuan hips forward, his need to release the load sloshing within his coconut sized balls demanded that he reach out for the nearest hole available and stuff his quietly ballooning cock deep inside. The highmountain tauren resisted thanks to a combination of sheer willpower and biting down onto his lower lip hard enough to crack the skin. The taste of blood made him snort hotly, yet he quieted himself down when Drood moved from behind him and then leaned up onto the front of his body to lick him across his wide nostrils. Opening his mouth, the aroused bullman allowed the feline to lap away at his tongue for several seconds, all the while he mooed softly into the night.

Drood moved away from the other once he finished tasting the larger male's mouth and tonsils, he then went over to his companion and performed the same maneuver on him. The other tauren huffed low and loud as his mouth was taken by the horned cat, his fingers yearned to reach out and grab the other, irrespective of the bundle wrapped tightly onto his back, yet he resisted doing so. Mostly because he knew that Drood didn't care to be forced into such a situation, despite being the biggest slut within all Thunder Totem, and also because his honor would not allow him to debase himself by doing such an abhorrent thing. Instead, he allowed the horned feline to do as he pleased, even allowing him to go so far as to hump his crotch deep into his slightly tangled belly fur.

After he was done with his newest conquest Drood dropped back down onto the ground and then sashayed his way into the city.

Turning their heads to watch the debaucherous feline make his way forward, the Highmountain tauren found themselves licking their lips as he watched the cat's tight, pink tailhole wink at them. Swinging their heads around to stare at one another, both guards nodded as they thought about how soon they would be getting a chance to spread the horned feline's tight ass around both of their equine cocks.

Drood failed to notice any of this as he made his way throughout the torch lit streets of Thunder Totem. Given that it was so late there weren't that many tauren wandering about the area, those few that he passed waved at him in a careless manner before stifling a yawn of exhaustion, though a few males made lewd gestures that made the feline roll his shoulders and hips back at them in quite the provocative manner. The feline would have loved to spend more time arousing their attention with a few well placed nuzzles along their groins and licks along the length of their legs, but he needed to get back home before Suel, who had nodded off some time ago, woke up.

Zipping through the streets as fast as he could, Drood bounced across many of the stone walled buildings in order to get up where his current residence was situated at the back of the settlement; that Suel didn't wake up during any of this spoke volumes about how exhausted the other was, a fact which made the crimson eyed cat feel somewhat ashamed. He hadn't meant to keep the other out so long, but even with his stamina boost flowing through his blood, the druid was still heavy as hell.

Once he got home Drood scratched on the worn wood door to be let in, since he didn't have the thumbs needed to turn the lock sealing the barrier shut.

"Hold on!" A low, baritone voice called out, making the feline drop down onto all fours. A minute later the owner of said voice unlocked the door and revealed his towering naked self to the darkened world outside. "Nice to see that you made it back in one piece, Drood." A golden horned tauren said with a calm reservation mixed with mirthful amusement as he looked down at the horned cat standing within his shadow. The brown maned tauren lifted his eyes up and then cocked an eyebrow when he noticed the bundle tightly wrapped around the feral male's backside. "The things you bring home." The Highmountain tauren chuckled while shaking his head, he then turned to the side to allow the other inside. "At least tell me that you know him."

Drood let out a growl that might have been somewhere between annoyance and exasperation as he padded his way through the resting area of the darkened house towards the bedroom. He was stopped short of passing through the leather flap separating the area by another tauren, one equally as naked as the first, though possessing a jet black coloration as opposed to the deep tan and off white hide of the former. A scowl covered the new tauren's eyes as he looked over Drood and then up to the newcomer who was still slumbering onto his backside.

"Whose that." The ivory horned bullman asked while baring the path beyond.

Drood didn't answer, instead he attempted to force his way past. He was stopped though by a massive three fingered hand pushing him backwards.

"I asked you a question. Answer it." The black tauren growled in a rough voice tinged in sleepiness.

"Bitalo..." The golden horned Highmountain tauren chided as he moved away from the now closed door to where his roommates were standing, he was sadly ignored as usual.

Tension filled the room as the feral and biped looked deep into one another's eyes, crimson and amber shimmered within the moonlight creeping in throughout a nearby window as their respective wills clashed like two swords in the middle of battle. Drood let out a yawn, showcasing all of his darkened fangs, while the black tauren snorted hot enough to make the golden ring lodged within his nostrils mist. When the horned cat released his claws across the woven rug underneath him, Bitalo balled his fists into a tight fist. It was that point when the other tauren decided to deescalate the situation by moving over and whacking both males across the back of the head.

"Enough." He growled in a tone that was strong enough to splinter stone.

Both males jumped at that point. They then turned to look at the Highmountain tauren, a flicker of fear dancing within both of their eyes. Seeing that the other wasn't in the mood to debate this situation with them, both Drood and Bitalo grunted and then turned away from one another.

"Whoever he is better not cause any trouble here, because I'm not dealing with another one of your bastard guests." The white haired tauren grumbled as he turned away to head back into the bedroom.

Drood could only chuckle at that.

"Don't tease Bitalo too much tonight," The Highmountain tauren warned as he walked over to the huffing feline. "He's had a really hard day today training some of the younger druids." When a strong three fingered hand reached down to caress the top of his sweaty head Drood let out a series of grumbling purrs, the likes of which were chased by pleasurable shivers. "Hehe, you're so easy to pacify." The gold horned warrior stated softly. "What happened to your other earring?" The question came following one of the Highmountain tauren's thick fingers ghosting over the horned feline's now earringless ear.

Drood nodded his head towards Suel and then let out a series of growls and huffs.

"I see. He must be a really good friend to use it on."

"Caboto, come to bed already!" Bitalo ordered from beyond the leather flap.

"Hehe, coming." The brown and white male called back, completely moving himself away from Drood's personal space.

The feline was unsurprised to see the matted fur surrounding the other male's tailhole, the pair had probably been going at it hot and heavy before he interrupted them. The thought of getting a chance to get some action in with the pair filled the feline's mind with erotic images, the likes of which sent a torrent of blood rushing down to the mass of flesh hiding within his ignored sheath. It was just as the first two inches of pink were about to creep out of the tanned pouch that Drood casually bounded his way forward into the unseen room beyond. Thankfully Suel was too deep into the arms of sleep to notice what happened next after he was gently pried off of the crimson eyes cat's backside, because if he hadn't been he would have quickly been drawn into a long night of debauchery, the likes of which culminated into a wet, messy explosion of male love which coated the stick stone walls all around the room.

The next morning did clue Suel into the fact that something odd had happened last night, as the first thing the feral druid noticed was the thick smell of semen coating his nose to the point where he had to sneeze in order to clean his nostrils from the potent funk. The next thing to happen was the wolvar letting out a massive yawn, the likes of which found his muzzle opening and then closing around sweat covered fur. Blue eyes immediately snapped open at that point. The sight set before them completely confused the transformed druid, as he was sure that when he fell asleep, a feat which he did not remember doing, he was almost sure that he had not been in the presence of a tauren, let alone two naked bullmen who just so happened to be cuddled up into one another along a large straw mat.

Pulling himself backwards, Suel tried to come to terms with what was going on, but before he could do so a sound to his right made him turn his head. The firm, wet lick of a broad tongue along his nose sent the druid bounding backwards. This act sent the wolvar sprawling backwards into a set of armor with a loud enough bang to startle both tauren awake.

"Wha-what's going on?!" Bitalo shouted as he looked around wildly!

"Huh? Who?" Caboto blinked in confusion.

Suel could only groan as he tried to disentangle his limbs from where they had become entangled, meanwhile Drood let out the loudest feral bark of laughter imaginable as he watched the hilarious scene in front of him play itself out. As could be expected, the wolvar was not pleased to be in such a situation, especially so early in the morning, and so after a few moments of fruitlessly struggling to get himself out of the entanglement in question the druid let out a exasperated huff and then stilled his movement. Closing his bright blue eyes, Suel let the energy of the earth wash free from his body, thus allowing his natural form to take dominance over his feral form.

The trio watching the wolvar were unsurprised to see the feral male's body shift and then contort with seamless ease; his arms and legs were the first appendages to change, as his arms became longer and much more limber, while down below his thighs shrunk at the same time his legs and calves inflated with muscle. The feline's muzzle narrowed, becoming soft and sleek, all the while his pointed ears rounded to the point where they became cute little fuzzy discs which twitched restlessly atop the druid's head. In kicking a discarded loincloth away from his covered heels Suel revealed his feline paws growing out into long wolvar feet. At the back of the druid's rump, his long feline tail slimmed down, returning the lengthy yet much less fluffy looking appendage, which subsequently curled in annoyance.

His paws spread out and then separated, giving him back his four fingers and opposable thumb, while the black pads within sunk into his palms, vanishing from out of sight. Once Suel's spine contorted and his chest to curve into an upside down arc, all that was left to see of the once feral feline was the rounded belly and slightly displaced kneecaps returning to their proper form - with the former hollowing out to reveal washboard abdomen to the world and the latter to seamlessly push forward to allow the druid the ability to effortlessly stand up onto his two feet. Following the final steps of his transformation, Suel grunted in annoyance as he carelessly detached the clothing now hung up over his body before he stood up to his six plus foot height.

One massive stretch later, of which found his spine popping back into its proper position, and the three Horde members found themselves staring at the wolvar druid that only one of them knew about. Drood wasted no time stepping from where he had been lying in between his two tauren roommates, popping Bitalo's floppy dick from where it rested within his stretched pucker, over to his friend. Suel didn't think as he looked into the glimmering crimson eyes of the cat form version of his druid friend, instead he smiled at the other while reaching a hand down to stroke the feline across the top of his slightly matted head. The wolvar immediately flinched upon doing so.

Drood purred in glee over the touch. He then leaned his head forward in an effort to nuzzle the naked druid's white sheath and low hanging balls. A swift lick across the fuzzy orbs forced a set of shivers to run throughout Suel's six foot plus body, waking his erection.

"D-Drood, it's a little early for this..." The wolvar tried to say, but was silenced by a rough growl from the quadrupedal beast.

Drood moved like a starved animal seeking a carelessly defended meal as he wove his tongue over and across the naked wolvar's ball. Slurping over the slightly jerking orbs with a restlessness was almost laughably easy, as Suel, despite his protests, didn't put up a fight to defend his erection. With no one to stop him, the crimson eyed cat lapped over his friend's furry groin, moving up and down the length of his sheath to the tip of his tapered black cock once it peaked out of its home to see what all the commotion was about. The scent within the room, which was already saturated with the potent essence of virile males, became even stronger when Drood drew more and more of the wolvar's manhood out into the open for all to see. The fact that the two tauren still resting on the cum stained bedding were looking to one another and chuckling over the sight of the wolvar haphazardly reaching back for the wall behind him all the while smoothly thrusting his hips forward was completely missed by both Drood and Suel, not that the former cared. He wanted to taste a fresh batch of milk this morning, and by golly he was going to get what he wanted.

Suel gasped and shuddered and moaned almost breathlessly from the delightful sweeps of the feral druid's masterful tongue working him over; it had been a long while since he and Jerv had gotten together, and so the only touch he had received to his intimate regions had been thanks to his dark brown paw. Not to say that his hands weren't entertaining in their own right, but they couldn't compare to the warm, wet paradise that was another's tongue; the fact that it was coming from another male only made the visceral sensations all the more exciting for Suel. Reaching down with his unoccupied black furred hand, as the other was currently trying to claw lines into the stones at his back, the wolvar huffed and then grit his fangs as he attempted to forcefully draw Drood's head into his tingling crotch.

The feline let out a purr at this.

Suel blinked - he hadn't even realized that he had closed his eyes - and then looked down at his longtime friend. Before he could say anything, Drood pulled away from his fully attentive erection, teasing his balls with a gentle nip as he moved, and then turned away from the wolvar. Suel was somewhat confused by this, but understanding quickly filled his head as the cat turned around then presented him with his pucker upon lifting his long tail. The pink star looked worn, which made sense considering what happened to it mere hours ago, while the fur surrounding the tightly clenched ring was now dried and somewhat stuck together in weird angles. Suel let out a predatory growl as he watched the puckered flesh tease him with a quick clench - a squirt of cum ran out from the interior down the horned feline's legs following this gesture, not that the wolvar minded. Sloppy seconds, or thirds in this case, were just as good as being first in line.

A bellow of laughter from one of the tauren pulled Suel's attention off to the side.

"Seems that the slutkitten is doing his usual." The black tauren snorted before shaking his head. He slowly rose up from off the mattress to stretch his bulky arms up towards the top of the ceiling. Given that the area in question was made with a tauren in mind it was easy enough for him to show off his naked body to Suel and the other male's within the room, yet it was the golden sun raining across his masculine features which really made the aroused Wolvar acknowledge the beauty of the other.

The wolvar couldn't help licking his lips as his greedy gaze mapped out the full extent of the Horde member's form, especially when it came to his tight abdomen and his long hanging, black equine cock. Suel wasn't ashamed to admit that his ass flexed in need as he looked upon the sticky mass of flesh which hung over the tauren's oblong testicles. The smell of heady musk coated itself across the druid's nose once again, but this time instead of rejecting the colorful scent Suel breathed in as much as he could. The desire to rush over and begin worshiping the other male's manhood shot through his mind with the force of a crossbow arrow being release, and yet because he was a classy wolvar and not one of his hormone driven brethren, the druid lifted his eyes up to the point where he stared into the boxy muzzle of the somewhat still asleep tauren. The winking of the golden nose ring within the light of the sun blinded Suel for a moment, forcing him to turn his head away.

It was as he was blinking clear his vision that the wolvar gasped.

"What time is it?!" Suel asked at the same time he pulled out a leaf wrapped securely within the underfur of his tail.

"A little past morning," The creamy brown tauren answered without a hint of hesitation coloring his voice.

"Nonono!!" Suel chanted as he compelled the leaf within his hand to grow outwards into his trademark shoulder pads. Securing them onto his shoulders, the druid turned to head out into the living area. He made it just past the leather flap when he was tackled by a large object. Flipping his head around after he found himself sprawled out onto the carpet, Suel grunted when he noticed Drood holding him down. "Not now, Drood," The wolvar commanded as he haphazardly kicked the other male away from him. "I need to go and give Mayla Highmountain several messages from the Cenarion Circle. I actually needed to do this yesterday before I let you get in my way." Suel muttered the last statement underneath his breath more as an afterthought rather than a statement meant to scar the other druid's mind.

When the feline refused to get off of him the wolvar turned to scowl at the horned feline, but upon doing so he noticed something hanging from in between the cat's muzzle. The sight of the dangling loincloth made Suel recall the fact that he didn't have anything wrapped around his waist, and while such a state of attire might have been acceptable within various druid circles, it was not something that most of the taurens would allow. It was also one of the reasons why he preferred his beast forms over his birth form, but there was no reason to let that fact escape his muzzle. Instead, Suel quickly took the piece of fabric from his friend, who then lifted up from off of his backside. The wolvar swiftly tied the overly large piece of leather around his waist. He then made a beeline out of the front door of the house just as the two tauren were coming out to speak with him. Bitalo grunted when he noticed the door to their home hanging open. Caboto merely laughed while shaking his head.

The meeting with the lady chieftain was short and sweet, something Suel was more than a little thankful for, as he never enjoyed standing in front of those with positions of power, since it often made him uncomfortable to think of someone else having power over him and the decisions he could make in life. Luckily enough the lady tauren was as amicable as could be expected of someone within her position, and so she took the missives that Suel created from the other leaves wrapped within his tail and then gave him the response that had been asked of her in one of the letters.

"I'll be happy to send aid to the Circle, young druid," Mayla Highmountain stated while looking upon him from her seat at the table she was settled in front of. "Though it will take me time to rally those whose duties I can take them away from."

"Of course, chieftain." Suel nodded almost sagely after acknowledging her remark. "Though I would ask that I return with at least a few tauren at least, as I would not want Archdruid Hamuul to think that my tardiness in returning with your answer was due to a lack of speed in getting to you." In truth, Suel hoped to have whoever was sent with him speak to the other tauren leader so as to give him the opportunity to head off to find Jerv.

Mayla chuckled at that. "Of course," She began. "Would you like for me to send the two who you spent the evening with along with you?"

Suel blinked in slight confusion upon hearing those words. "The guards told me that Drood arrived with an unfamiliar druid strapped to his back, and this morning Caboto informed me that the mysterious feline was a wolvar druid." Mayla explained almost coyly as she looked deep into Suel's wide blue eyes.

"Ahh, yes." The druid cough to both clear his thoughts and give him the time needed to think about to respond to such a question. "If it is no imposition, then I would enjoy their company back to the Circle."

"I can only imagine." The tauren replied with a playful smirk.

Suel didn't dare think about the meaning behind Mayla's words, he simply nodded to her and then reached up to rub the white fur along his face in disbelief.

The wolvar moved almost like an automaton after he collected several missives from the Highmountain tauren and then returned to Drood and the others. Speaking with the two tauren about what they had been roped into was something that the druid could barely recall, as his brain was slightly spinning, and so he couldn't say much about what their responses were, but he was cognitive of the fact that they hadn't thrown a tantrum over what they had been assigned into. So that was good, if nothing else. Movement happened, both inside of the house and then outside within the city, as Suel followed behind the pair and Drood, before the four of them found their feet taking them out of Thunder Totem. It would take several days to get to the Zangarmarsh and then to Cenarion Refuge where the Circle made its base of operations, and while there was something of a hurry to get there, no one was in a real rush at the moment.

"Did you hear what I said, Suel?" Bitalo asked, drawing the wolvar out of his stupor and into the conversation.

"N-No, sorry. I was...thinking." The druid explained somewhat abashedly. "What did you say?"

"I said that bet Drood could swallow down both of our dicks without choking." The black tauren snorted before chuckling.

Suel nearly fell over himself.

"Wait, what?! How did the conversation get here?" It was a fair enough inquisition, despite the fact that the horned feline's 'talents' weren't something that were spoken about in hushed tones by those who knew him.

"Well, we weren't able to finish our morning routine, seeing as we'd been drawn into going on this unplanned adventure, because of a certain someone." Bitalo grumbles as he walks beside his tauren lover. The black male wanted to say more, but he was silenced by a firm slap to his bum by his larger lover.

"Don't worry about him, he's just annoyed because he didn't get a chance to give our kitten here an extra helping of cream. He doesn't mean anything by it, right?" The growl that seeped out from Caboto warned the other male to answer favorably, and while Suel didn't want to see what the consequences would be for disregarding this unspoken warning, he was curious over what the punishment in question would ensue.

"Whatever." The white haired tauren grumbled while turning his head off to the side.

Drood merely snickered for several seconds, making the larger male whip his head around to growl at him. The crimson eyed feline then moved over to the other and began to nuzzle his loincloth covered crotch. The fact that he kept perfectly in step while performing such an action spoke volumes about the other's ability, and yet no one said anything, positive or negative, about what the horned feline was doing. Instead, everyone continued walking for several hours throughout the region of Highmountain, passing several valleys and cliffs as they did so, before slowly coming to a stop near a large flowing lake set within the shadow of a towering mountain framed with dying trees.

"We'll make camp here," Caboto commanded, making all heads turn towards him. "Bitalo, you and Drood go and hunt something for us to eat. Suel, help me set up our tent for the evening." Suel blinked at the taller male at the same time the black tauren and Drood went to do as they had been told. "Is there a problem?" The creamy brown tauren asked after turning to make sure that his two lovers didn't encounter any enemies while heading into the plains set in front of them.

"N-no, I'm just..." The wolvar thought to make a comment about the other's leading them so effortlessly, but then he realized that he didn't know anything about the Highmountain tauren, and so decided to keep his muzzle shut. "Never mind." The druid stated once piercing eyes laced themselves deep into his backside.

The Highmountain chuckled.

It took Bitalo and Drood thirty minutes to hunt down a large enough buck to feed everyone, the pair returning blood splattered and battered, yet proud of their accomplishment. Once they did, Suel and Caboto quickly set about skinning, cleaning, and then roasting the animal onto a spit of fire, despite Drood's animalistic protests.

"You can always take on your other form." The Highmountain tauren said with a gentle authority that sounded much like how a father would speak to a calf trying to get his way.

The hissing growl that tore free from Drood's muzzle told Suel and the two tauren exactly what the horned feline thought of such a happening. Caboto chuckled while Bitalo snorted in something akin to pride. Meanwhile, Suel was somewhat torn over the matter. He quickly pushed it aside when his friend began licking his paw in order to begin washing himself.

After the food was cooked and then eaten the druids set the bones within the ground and then said a few prayers over the animal in thanks for its sacrifice. Following this...

"Now it's time for some fun." Caboto muttered announced after pulling out a deep blue blanket and then unfolding it safely away from the fire pit which had been used to roast the deer.

"About time!" Bitalo cheered as he reached out for Drood, who was gnawing over a bone that he had refused to relinquish. The black tauren dragged the feline over onto the cloth and then began to fumble with the ties to his loincloth.

"Here." The creamy tanned tauren gently made his way over to his longtime lover in an effort to help him out of his clothing.

The sight of the golden horned male devouring the smaller bullman's face with his lips and tongue was truly a spectacular sight to behold, if only because of how carefully the maneuver in question was performed. Practiced ease didn't even begin to describe the slow movements of that broad tauren tongue slipping out from in between meaty lips to demand entrance into the black tauren's muzzle. The fact that the grumpy Bitalo submissively opened his mouth to accept his lover's wet warmth into his own body spoke volumes about the interplay in between the two males, and while Suel didn't want to admit it, he found himself missing Jerv with every second he watched the two larger males share their affections for one another. The fact that his sheath throbbed in between his legs wasn't missed by the druid, and yet he ignored his body's reactions in favor of watching Caboto divest his lover of his loincloth. Once the black tauren was nude from the waist down - the other having chosen to walk bare chested through his homeland - the creamy tan tauren slipped the knot holding his own loin wrap off from his hips. Their shared kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity as the two males lowered their eyes until they lay half lidded. The intimate moment was eventually broken by Drood, who had shifted himself out from the larger male's hold, moving away from the pair over to Suel.

The wolvar had just enough time to let out a yelp of surprise before he was dragged forward into the pair, that he was captured by two strong hands of differentiating colors awestruck the druid, as their owners seemed to be paying more attention to each other over noticing his presence closing fast in on them. When the pair did finally shift their gaze towards him, Suel knew instantly that he was in for a very rough ride, not helping matters at all was a certain feline chewing onto the front of his loincloth in an attempt to get it off of him.

Suel was quickly divested of his clothing by surprisingly deft fingers, the feelings of this happening seemed to almost pass his mind in a hazy blur, yet once he was as nude as the others the wolvar found himself somewhat stupefied by what had just happened. These feelings were swiftly swept aside by two massive muzzles turning from their previous position and then descending onto him. The druid wasn't sure what to think right then, he had never been kissed by two males at once before, in truth kissing was something that he usually reserved for his mate, as it was seen by his people as something of a sacred act, but right here at this moment it didn't feel as though he were committing some heinous act as he opened his short muzzle to allow both Caboto and Bitalo into his mouth.

To say the least, it was a very queer feeling to have two tongues swirling throughout his wet maw; the writhing organs seemed to want to completely devour the breath within his lungs at the same time they sought out some hidden flavor which lay beyond his throat. More than once did Suel find himself slightly gagging, but every time his throat locked up in protest of the aggressive invaders plundering his body the pair would pull back just enough so that he could breathe normally once again. The two tauren never moved back that far though, as they seemed to enjoy the sensation of their tongues curling across one another while inside of Suel's muzzle. Caboto and Bitalo stared into the druid's azure eyes with unbridled lust, telling the wolvar all he needed to know about how far they were willing to take things, yet instead of being off put by such a show of raw intimacy Suel found himself eagerly anticipating what was to come.

What followed was not something he had been expecting however, as down below his smooth abdomen something wet and spongy dipped itself into his sheath with all the gentleness of a thrusting sword. Blue eyes dipped down just in time to watch Drood, who had been somewhat forgotten, tonguing the inside of his white furry pouch the same as the two tauren were doing to his muzzle. Suel squirmed without meaning to as the horned feline slurped his way through the inner depths of his cock holster, driving blood into his crotch. His ebony manhood quickly pushed out from his furry folds into Drood's muzzle, not that the other minded. Instead, the feral druid lapped at the tapered piece of flesh, drinking down the sticky nectar which covered its length and the head of the throbbing shaft with something akin to relish rising within his spirit.

Suel shivered and moaned as he was drowned within multiple sensations at once, his mind could just barely hang onto its sense of reality as wave after wave of pleasure threatened to drag him down into the ocean of bliss sweeping him up. When fingers moved around to fondle the globes of his ass, digging into the plush fur with almost kneading strokes, Suel gasped. He then hissed, as two meaty fingers curled around his rump and then prodded at his tailhole. The width of one of those fingers being the same as the average wolvar dick, so when two of them began massaging his pucker in an attempt to begin spreading it open, the druid was left keening like a female in the throes of painful ecstasy when they finally dipped into him. His vocal cry only grew louder when those same said fingers punched their way up further through his tailhole. Squirming was the only thing the wolvar could think to do at the moment as Caboto and Bitalo moved around as if searching for some hidden treasure. The yelp of surprise Suel released when they touched a certain spot in particular made the two tauren chuckle into the wolvar's muzzle, it seemed as though they had found what they had been looking for.

Suel found his thoughts dissipating into nothingness as he was given the royal treatment by the members of the Horde for several minutes on end; his balls felt as though they were inflating in size as Drood continued to lap away at his manhood, all the while shocks of bliss raced up and down his backside forcing his toes to curl and his ears to twitch wildly on top of his head. Heated puffs of air seeped out from the druid's parted muzzle, becoming visible huffs as the moisture within his body became both thicker and heavier, yet that visible proclamation of his excitement was nothing compared to the fluttering of his hips forward into his feral friend's muzzle. By this point Suel's hips were moving with swift, staccato like jabs, as his body could no longer contain the desperate need to release his potent essence deep inside of the tight, wet hole which was slathering itself over the spurting head of his cock. Suel didn't notice when he began to growl in eagerness to spill himself within Drood, however the two tauren still slapping their tongues against his own squirming organ were well too aware of his desire, and so with practiced ease they pulled away from the druid and then shifted everything around to the point where Suel found himself unconsciously stroking Caboto and Bitalo elongated erections, all the while Drood stared up at him from his new position on his backside.

The wolvar could only blink in hazy recognition of what was going on at this point, as the raging lust running throughout his blood and brain was thundering inside of him with the force of a raging hurricane. Stroking over the two tauren's massive spears of flesh was easy enough to do as the slightly slick pillars of maleness simply demanded that he moved his hands up and down without much effort. The mooing calls of both Caboto and Bitalo echoed within Suel's ears, letting him know that he was doing a good job, and thus brought a sincere, yet perverted smirk to his flushed face. When the two larger males rolled their respective pelvis forward the druid found himself getting a strong whiff of potent tauren musk throughout his nostrils.

Drool slowly leaked out from Suel's muzzle as the taste of prey coated his tongue, inciting his predatory instincts to hunger for the flesh that was being teased in front of him. Suel instincts were met with a strong hand cupping the back of his skull. The wolvar was then dragged forward and then down so that his white masked face was presented with the pink and black smeared cock which belonged to Caboto. Before the druid could partake in the scrumptious meal which he had been presented with his lower body alerted him to a sudden change in pressure. Dipping his eyes away from the flared shaft which he still continued to rub over, the wolvar found himself slightly shocked to see Drood backing his exposed tailhole over the tip of his black shaft. Rolling his blue gaze upwards, the druid found himself unsurprised to see the cheeky smirk of satisfaction pulling at the edges of the feral cat's lips, the crimson eyed druid was nothing if not a perfectly debased little slut. Suel, in his sex drunken stupor, smiled back at his friend right before he thrust his hips forward.

The feeling of more than half of the wolvar's respectably sized sex inserting itself into him was something that Drood had been prepared for, and yet the suddenness of the motions caused him to let out an animalistic hiss of pain. Suel noted this and stilled his hips. It only took a few seconds for the feline's gripping insides to adjust the black flesh spreading him open, once he was ready he initiated the next bout of sexual intimacy between himself and the wolvar, as he dragged his ass back and forth along the thick girth poking at all the right spots deep inside his cloying asshole. Suel watched his companion writhe along his dick for several seconds before his focus was dragged back to the two cocks which demanded his attention, he was just able to take note of Drood's own tapered cock throbbing outside of his creamy tan sheath before all of his focus was obscured by the demanding length of meat in his hands.

Suel didn't think as he opened his mouth, he simply reacted on base instinct as he lapped over Caboto's pillar of flesh. The taste of the Highmountain tauren was beyond delicious! The heady musk of unwashed flesh mixed with dried semen and concentrated sweat made for a potent cocktail of flavors, the likes of which sent shock waves rippling across Suel's tongue. Wanting more, the wolvar licked and lapped like a man dying of thirst as he moved his head up and down and then around the Horde member's cock, all the while his hand pumped away at the spurting mass. Over to the opposing side, Bitalo found himself lowing in aggravation. Caboto's sharp look made him silence himself, not that Suel noticed. It was only after he parted his muzzle to take the flared head of the dominant male's manhood inside of his maw that the druid noticed that something was up.

Blue eyes blinked in wild confusion when their owner's head was turned to face the black tauren's dick. Suel was too lost within the fog of ecstasy to really question this, though he did keep his muzzle open long enough for Bitalo to stuff the first three inches of his dick deep inside of the druid's throat. Suel squirmed, but was kept into place by golden horned tauren's three fingered hand keeping him held into place. The black tauren grunted in absolute pleasure as he bucked his hips back and forth, dragging his flared manhood deeper and deeper within Suel's throat to the point where the elongated pillar was able to push down into the depths of his sternum. Suel writhed around somewhat wildly at the point, as he wasn't used to being stuffed to such a degree. He was saved from being choked to death by Caboto letting out a warning moo to his lover. Motion completely stopped at that point, much to the wolvar's relief.

The two larger men turned to stare at one another, the black tauren being somewhat unconcerned that his lower end was spreading the druid's jaws almost comically wide as Suel desperately rolled his tongue around the black shaft twitching in time with his heartbeat. A few seconds of silence Bitalo backed his hips up, removing over seven inches of his dick from out of Suel's throat, much to the druid's relief. The black tauren then held himself steady, thereby giving the other time needed to come to grips with the flesh lodged securely in between his slim lips. Caboto leaned forward to lick his lover across the front of his face, he then arrested the smaller tauren's lips into a fierce kiss signaling that whatever faux pas which had been growing in between the four of them was forgiven. Bitalo's ears twitched in silent relief.

Moments later the proceedings returned to their previous fevered pitch, becoming just as strong, if not stronger, as Suel rocked his hips into Drood's clenching ass, all the while his head popped on and off of the two lover's cocks at respectable intervals. The two tauren hugged each other, careful not to harm their wolvar companion in the process, all the while reaching behind one another to finger each other's tailhole. Bitalo whimpered and whined the loudest at this, as he was the natural submissive between the pair, and so the inner workings of his nerves had become especially sensitive to having something driven across the flesh encompassing them. Caboto could only chuckle at this. He loved how beautifully amorous his lover could become when he was taken like the heifer that he was. Drood just enjoyed the fact that he was being covered in the drooling droplets of his companion's musky pre-come at the same time his own cock was jumping up and down across his belly with every thrust of Suel's groin into his lower end.

For Suel, this entire ordeal was simply overwhelming to him.

The feeling of impending climax began to grow within him like a flower blooming in the midst of spring, and yet he attempted to hold back the flowering of the sensual blossom pushing at his guts. He wanted this moment to last forever and a day, as he knew that the opportunity to experience such mind rending pleasure would not come again for quite a while, and yet there was little he could do to hold both hold himself back and enjoy the treasure trove of sensual delights encompassing his tongue, nose, and manhood. And so, with some rational reluctance, the druid gave into everything he was being treated; his higher mental functions were able to get something of a victory in as Suel turned from Bitalo to Caboto in order to gobble down the creamy tanned tauren's manhood almost to the medial ring. There was no way that he could go to the root, not because he didn't want to, as filling his face with the sweaty balls belonging to the dominant male would have been a dream come true, but his muzzle was always straining to a dangerous point at the moment, and he dared not push his luck with trying to go deeper, especially since the tauren's flared head was tickling his rib cage.

It didn't matter though because after a few rough thrusts of his hips Caboto threw his golden horned head up and then let out a braying lowl, the likes of which followed with his oblong orbs pulling up into his groin. A few seconds later Suel gasped as the tauren's cock bloomed within his throat and then began spraying glob after gooey glob of hot, Horde semen down his throat directly into his belly. The heated sensation was akin to molten liquor being shoved through his system, and being particularly sensitive to such a happening, Suel's body reacted accordingly. The druid's blue eyes completely shut at the same time his lower half throbbed and then jerked forward, releasing his own frothy semen deep into Drood's lower end. The feral cat hissed and then groaned like the beast he was from the heated cream flushing throughout his backdoor. This triggered him into releasing his own semen from the tip of his now fully knotted cock up across the air. The spurts fell like rain across the horned feline's head, face, and neck for several seconds as Drood's balls jumped up and down like an overly excited cheering squad in between his legs.

Bitalo was the only one left out of the orgasmic release, as when Suel's body locked up in response to his coming orgasm, the wolvar's hand stilled itself along the middle of his desperately throbbing length. The black tauren let out a grumbling groan at this, but no one present was able to hear him, as the other three males were experiencing a climatic explosion throughout all five of their senses. It was only when the trio began to slowly fall back down from the heights of pleasure that Bitalo was able to get his own climax off, but not from Suel's hand returning to stroking him off, the other was almost boneless at this point in time, but instead by him using his own hand to jerk himself off with frantic strokes. Suel only knew something was amiss when his head was slightly turned to the side - the cock still lodged within his throat refused to allow him to be moved around all that much. Blue eyes blinked themselves open just in time to see the hole within the lower center of the black tauren's widen right before he was showered in a deluge of sperm.

The druid would have tried to struggle, but it was impossible to do, seeing as he was literally stuck onto the other's tauren's cock like a butterfly onto a needle. This meant that the wolvar could do nothing, save squirm into place as he was literally hosed down by several thick streamers of semen. That Bitalo chuckled while looking down at him was something Suel didn't notice, much to the black tauren's perverse delight.

Once the other finally finished off his climax Suel was a mess of white. The fact that Bitalo decided to wipe his slowly deflating cock off onto the druid's head was missed by no one, yet no one could say anything about it, as they were all exhausted by their respective orgasms. When the quartet had nothing more to give from their respective balls they all pulled away from each other, with Caboto taking special care to not harm Suel by dragging his cock too quickly out of the druid's stretched throat. Once his flared head popped free from the wolvar's mouth Suel coughed up several sticky strings of cum from out of his throat in order to get his breathing in check.

"Sorry about that," The Highmountain tauren apologized with all the sincerity of someone who had not meant to take matters so far. "Here." Three deft fingers reached out to massage the wolvar's esophagus.

"Th-thanks..." Suel replied in a slightly winded tone.

"Of course." The Highmountain tauren chuckled. "Bitalo, take Drood to the lake and clean him off, we'll follow behind you in a moment."

"Why do I have to..." The black tauren grumbled but did as he was commanded, lifting both himself and the slightly half-asleep feral cat up by his tail. He then slung the other over his shoulder like the catch of the day and then marched over to the river trickling quietly to itself.

Caboto shook his head as he watched his lover go off about his way, meanwhile Suel was left purring from the expert rubbing occurring along his throat.

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