The Great Summerset Heist

Story by ComfortableCreatures on SoFurry

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I started this story a good while ago in between some commissions, and decided to finish it up. It was quite the challenge to write a first person pov story from the pov of a khajiit, who speak in a mix of third and first person (favoring third) I spent some time on both the UESP and walking around Elsweyr in ESO to get a better handle on how to tackle this.

I have wanted to do an Elder Scrolls fic for a while, as TES is one of my all time favorite series and a universe I am comfortable enough in to write fiction for.

I kept the story in a past tense as though its a story being retold to keep it short, and the story still came out twice as long as I had planned. Had I written this normally, it would probably have been a massive 4 part series, so I stand by this decision xP

If you would like to support me to help me make more stories like this in the future, consider donating to my Ko-Fi or checking out my commission page!

The morning of this ones journey, Khiraji had only remembered the night before vaguely, she recalled her fellow thieves mocking her for her fur pattern. They had said that having the orange and black patterns of a senche-tiger would only make her easy to spot when skulking in the shadows of an urban environment. She had laughed them off, and drunkenly claimed she could not only smuggle herself to the isolationist land of Summerset, but steal something from the personal chambers of one of the royal family.

That is how she found herself prowling the docks of her native Elseweyr. Khiraji was not dressed in the snug leathers of a thief, but traditional fineries of the khajiit, thin clothing that left a lot of her fur on display, perfect for the heat of this one's homeland. Her curvy hips were covered only by a very low cut blue skirt with a golden trim. Above that was a matching top that showed her flat tummy and strained to contain her ample chest, buckled at her right shoulder with a golden hoop and of course as it was typical of Khajiit in warm climates, she wore no footwear, her paw pads more than enough to walk comfortably anywhere short of the cold snows of Skyrim and murky swamps of Black Marsh.

What really brought the ensemble together was the jewelry, a gold armband around her right arm, a silver bracelet around her left wrist. Another gold band wrapped around her left thigh, and lastly a gold necklace with an emerald set in the center, matching her eyes. It was perfect for my needs, I was dressed too expensive to be a dock whore, but too risque to be anyone of any real importance. If anyone asked, this one was the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner. The outfit had set Khiraji back quite a few coins, but the payout at the end would prove it to be a wise investment.

This one knew the real trick to smuggling oneself to somewhere like Summerset. Many who try take too many risks, and eventually that catches up with them. Bribes can take you a long way, until a particularly haughty Thalmor takes it as an insult to the honor of his entire people, and has you arrested on the spot. Stowing away can be just as risky, if some uppity official decides to be thorough searching the cargo just to prove a point, you are going to be found. Not to mention the risk of being found at sea by the crew, where there are no laws or guards to protect you from the whims of bored sailors...

The easiest way onto Summerset is simple, just be taken there legally... more or less. Of course if you are an altmer, this is easy, just charter a ship and go there, but for Khiraji that was not an option. The High Elves only allow outsiders onto the island in rare exceptions, and those outsiders need good reasons. Faking a reason or document was just as risky as a bribe, instead, she just needed to find an altmer sea-captain and seduce him.

That they were a captain was imperative, if he was just a sailor, his captain would not let her onboard, leaving her like any other sailor's wife. And of course being an altmer would ensure they would eventually make a run to Summerset, it was potentially a long play, but a safe one.

Khiraji walked the docks for several hours, high elf ships were common in this port. She observed the captains, giving them passing glances, every time making it clear she saw something she liked. Some ignored her, others returned her glances with ones of disgust that she would dare look at them like that, but one met her gaze and smiled as his eyes traveled across her body a bit more than what might be considered polite...

He was older, visibly so, which is not terribly common for any mer to show their age. But that worked for this one, centuries of traveling have likely eroded his prejudices, and there was nothing old men loved more than a younger piece of ass.

A smile, a wink, and suddenly he was approaching me and making the first move. His compliments were flowery and exaggerated, this one even genuinely blushed when he complimented the color of her eyes. It was obvious this man was lonely, and desperately wanted under khajiit's skirt.

This one offered him a tour of the city, taking him to the most romantic views Khiraji knew of, the whole time teasing him, her tail a wonderful tool for all those "accidental" touches. All the while she spoke sweetly and kindly to him, Khiraji's behavior made two things clear, that she wanted him, but that this one was not some slut to be taken in a back alley and forgotten about.

As morning stretched beyond the afternoon, his cock still had not tasted the khajiiti pussy it desperately craved, her tail telling her just how aroused he was with every teasing touch, even under his heavy clothes. He told this one he would have to set sail soon and then he fell straight into her trap, one that worked on almost all men in her experience. This one had worked him up so much with her subtle teasing and tantalizing body, that he confused lust for love. He grabbed me and kissed me deeply. Khiraji had acted surprised, then moaned, joining his tongue in a dance, careful not to show her skill too much. He was older, experienced, and she was a pure maiden, experiencing the thrill of a forbidden love with a rugged sailor! This one had to keep from laughing, it was like a bad romance novel bought on the streets of Abah's Landing!

Then he asked me, practically begged me to come with him!

This one feigned surprise again, deliberated to herself, what would her parents think? He promised to show her the world, the golden sands of Hammerfell, the beauty of Alinor. Khiraji accepted, giddy and excited to see the world.

Escorted onto the ship, she held his side like they were a pair of smitten sweethearts, completely inseparable. Khajiit observed the crew, a few redguards, a couple other khajiit, including a very tall pahmar-raht, and a rather burly argonian with a scarred face. They looked at her both with a mix of annoyance at her presence and like they were undressing her with their eyes. Then their gazes would flick back to the captain and it was clear they hated this man. She would have to watch them...

The captain was quick to bark out his orders to the crew, making sure the ship was underway before taking his new girlfriend to his cabin. While he locked the door, Khiraji removed the buckle on her top, the garment came loose and fell to the floor. The elf had grinned like an idiot while staring at my tits.

While he helped himself, complimenting the softness of this one's fur while fondling my chest, this one began to strip him from his clothes. His chest was nothing spectacular, but as Khiraji ran her hands over it, she treated it like it was perfect, like he was the most beautiful thing she had seen. But attractive was not a word khajiit would use to describe him. His age was not the issue, this one had known many men whose age had only made them look handsome and refined. It was simply his lifestyle that had forged an unappealing body. A life at sea is a hard one, especially for men and mer whose flesh bakes under the sun. Centuries of hard work, sea salt and sunburns played out across his weathered skin like it was the story of his entire life. His hands were rough and calloused from thousands of hours of rope work, making them rather uncomfortable against this one's most sensitive of spots.

Then Khiraji removed her skirt, the garment once again came loose from just one golden hoop, unraveling and falling to the cabin floor. This one threw her arms around his body and kissed him, pulling him on top of her as khajiit moved down onto his bed.

Thankfully for Khiraji his cock was a much more appealing sight than the rest of him. A welcome boon given she would likely see more of it than any other part of him for several weeks. The way elven dicks always seemed to have a slight curve to them was rather enticing to this one and that curve was only more exaggerated in the altmer, as if even their cocks had to be more elegant than the other races. Or perhaps they were just so proud that not even their penis would point towards the floor...

Not long after that, he was inside of Khiraji. For him it was a wild and passionate bout of lovemaking, with this one's soft fur and plush body pressed against him, mewling like a housecat from underneath. For Khiraji though, it was merely average, if a little disappointing. Not that this one would say he was bad, just that she hoped for far more of someone with centuries of worldly experience than just average.

The old fool had cum inside of Khiraji, she did not know if he truly wanted to get her pregnant, or simply lacked enough stamina to pull out in time. Khajiit would put neither past him, but no matter how many times he left her with a creampie oozing from her pussy, or how the cycles of Jone and Jode above told her how risky such an act would be, she never raised a fuss. This one had tricks of her own after all, any good thief knows to have a wide skill set. Khiraji's own natural magical talent might be weak, creating a magical barrier to prevent seed from reaching her womb was a very easy and useful feat.

Days stretched past, sailing might have been the fastest means of travel without the aid of magic, but that still meant that Khiraji had weeks to spend at sea. Weeks during which she had to make sure that the captain never grew bored of her. In the bedroom this was easy, slowly introducing him to new things, using my mouth, tits, even my footpaws. The more this one let him do, the more emboldened he was to make his own requests of her as well, such as letting him rail Khiraji in the ass while she showed off how flexible she was.

Outside the bedroom was a trickier matter, but this one is good at reading people. She discovered the captain was a harsh man, who treated his crew poorly and with suspicion. The slightest infraction was met with harsh punishment to maintain his authority. His suspicions were not unfounded, the crew was a rabble of lowlifes surely wishing his harm, but that was a situation of his own making.

In private Khiraji would speak with him about the crew, allowing the captain to air to his grievances freely, saying the nasty things even this cruel man wouldn't say to their faces. She would comfort and reaffirm him, never accusing him of being at fault, something she reckoned few had done for him before. She had become his confidant, and her position at his side was set in stone.

When we finally stopped in Hammerfell, he bought me dresses, jewelry, and all the precious things that I asked for. Meanwhile cargo was being loaded onto the ship, destined for Alinor. Khiraji was close, but while the captain was oblivious, this one could tell something was wrong. The crew whispered among themselves more than usual, and carried newfound tension with every movement. With a cargo of valuable goods secured, mutiny was on the air. This one would have to quell it before it began and Khiraji became a casualty of it.

Khiraji waited for nightfall, until the old fool was asleep before slipping from his room and heading below deck. This one was not surprised to find the crew wide awake, gathered in the hold, though they were surprised to see her.

At first they were cautious, then hostile. When I revealed I knew what they were planning, I could tell that many of them were considering beginning the mutiny then and there in earnest. But Khiraji explained to them her plan to double cross him, her willingness to get them a key to the captain's cabin, and poison his wine with a sedative before leaving. Some of them laughed at this one's proposal, that they did not need khajiit's help to overwhelm one man, but the scarred Argonian saw the potential. He was no fool, he knew as well as Khiraji that no elf got to be that old without being rather difficult to kill. This plan would reduce the casualties among the crew... but of course for a band of mutinous would-be pirates, that was hardly enough and he proposed another term to their agreement.

Every night Khiraji would slip from the captain in his sleep, making her way down to the hold. She would meet with the crew and let them use her body. Their every frustration with the captain, every extra punishment they must endure because of her plan and the patience it required was taken out on her body. For the record, this one did not mind, the crew was rough and had no regard for her pleasure or comfort, but it was more fun and exciting than the captain any day.

To his credit, the captain was more adventurous than his crew. The crew were content with taking her in the same ways most nights, the argonian ringleader taking Khiraji first, preferring to use this one's ass. Then the rest of the crew would take me front and back, two at a time. The pahmar-raht always went last, the giant picking this one up by the waist, with her feet dangling in the air as he railed Khiraji's pussy with his massive tool. It was an exciting experience, but always left this one sore, especially where he had gripped her.

Khiraji's nightly escapes did not go entirely unnoticed however, the captain sometimes waking to find her gone, only for her to come limping back. Thankfully this one is as nimble with her lies as she is on her feet and convinced him that she had been feeling sick. When the captain broached the question that she might be pregnant. Khiraji could sense the hint of excitement in his voice and made sure to share his enthusiasm while agreeing with his suspicion. From that point on it was easy sailing, so to speak.

As morning broke on the final day, I saw Alinor on the horizon, the city was beautiful, made of the whitest marble and dotted finest stained glass windows that gleamed with the rising sun. Its architecture reminded Khiraji much of the ancient ruins that dotted much of Tamriel, and some of the temples to the divines in Cyrodiil. But unlike the remnants of the Ayleid Empire, these were well kept and much more elegant, like the castles one would dream of living in as a little girl. Khiraji could see why the elves were so protective of a place so beautiful and that only fueled her desire to subvert that protection.

This one slipped the sedative into the captain's favorite wine, packed her fine dresses and jewelry into a bag and disembarked shortly after they arrived while he was too busy overseeing the unloading of the cargo to notice her leaving. By nightfall he would most certainly wait in his cabin for her, drink his wine and fall asleep. Dying by his crew's blades in his sleep was a more merciful death than to have to face the betrayal head on, Khiraji would think, a mercy the captain had not earned.

Khiraji took to the streets, listening, pushing coins into the hands of beggars, anything this one could do to gather information. Khajiit had come without any way of knowing what would be happening on Summerset when she arrived, information was at a premium. Khiraji learned of an upcoming party at the palace, in two weeks time all the greatest nobles from all over Summerset would come together for a great dance and feast.

Khajiit now knew when, but she did not know how... that was until she encountered a beggar in a quite well off part of town, Noctra must have been smiling on Khiraji, as the beggar described a young high elf in need of a dance instructor!

Donning the dress of a Hammerfell belly-dancer, Khiraji went to this high elf's home, introducing herself to her father as a renowned dancer who travels Tamriel, having overheard their need for an instructor. This one donned an accent that matched her outfit and posture, exuding beauty, grace, and an exotic flair. He was skeptical at first, wanting his daughter to learn more traditional dances. But when Khiraji claimed that when others saw the beauty and grace of her dances, his daughter would be the center of attention, he agreed to allow khajiit to showcase her abilities.

Now, Khiraji knows how to dance, she has danced with many across Hammerfell, Cyrodiil, Elseweyr, and even in Morrowind once! Her dances were sensual, titillating, intended to seduce or distract. She had hoped to seduce the girls father with such dancing, but the stuffy high elf was having none of it. He had no eyes for Khajiit, but instead to Khiraji's surprise, his daughter did! Once again luck was on this thief's side!

She insisted that Khiraji stay, despite her father's objections. Ultimately he relented, and the two found themselves alone. This one started off teaching her to dance, but it was not long before she and the young elf had moved the dance to her bed, soft fur against soft supple flesh. I cannot deny being jealous, the elf was at least ten years my senior, yet it was like she was still only barely an adult! Though it did seem like she was treated like only a mere child by her father as well.

The girl was quite rebellious and she confided in Khiraji while burying her face between her tits. It seemed her father wanted her to find a suitor at the dance, but the girl had no desire to be some stuck-up nobles trophy wife, only good for popping out heirs. Then, just as she was moving her head down between Khiraji's legs, she asked if this one was a thief!

At the time, Khiraji was baffled as to how she figured this one out, in hindsight khajiit should have realized it was likely a rather racist assumption on the elf's part... even if it was true. Perhaps it was the shock of that question, a gut feeling, or just the fact that the elf girls tongue was hard at work making sure Khiraji wasn't exactly clear headed at the time, but this one did the unthinkable and told her the truth.

To this one's surprise, the young elf was quite excited at this! I agreed to teach her some of the skills she would need to run away and fend for herself, in return she would slip me both her own and her father's invitations to the party. A precaution this one insisted on, as Khiraji did not wish to be recognized during the dance if she could avoid it.

For the next two weeks, khajiit taught her the trade. By day it was picking locks, stepping quietly, and forging lies. By night it was the art of lovemaking. All valuable skills in this line of work. Khiraji even taught her the little magical trick for avoiding children, the elf easily able to pick it up, showing far more magical talent, something this one encouraged she should try and expand on.

The night of the dance soon approached, the young girl's father would find his daughter missing, and his jewels plundered. Khiraji meanwhile had arrived at the dance in a fine altmer gown. Among the nobles, Khiraji stuck out like a sore thumb, very few non-altmer were in attendance and the only other khajiit was an alfiq diplomat, seated on a pillow with her drink in a bowl beside her. The attitudes of the altmer in attendance however was quite different than how this one was used to on the street. Here none of them gave her looks of mistrust, or tried to ignore her. While many weren't outright happy to see her, none dared offend khajiit. After all, if Khiraji is attending this party, she must be someone of some importance, yes?

As Khiraji made the rounds, meeting and greeting the various nobles, she saw a rather bored looking elf off to the side. She did not know who the young man was, though the crowd around him made it clear he was important. When he saw me, it was like his eyes lit up, he approached, asking my name, never giving his in return as he asked me to a dance. This one was careful of course, someone that demands so much attention, and feels no need to introduce themselves could take offense, even cast suspicion at not being recognized.

The dance was short lived, his eyes glued to Khiraji's form as she danced to impress, her sensual moves sending a clear signal to the important elf. When he offered a tour of the castle, it dawned on this one who this much be. His words of course were just a formality in case he was overheard so as to avoid a scandal, the tour consisted of a walk directly to the prince's bedchamber.

Outside the windows, Jone and Jode shone brightly and Khiraji knew what she had come here to steal. The sex was vigorous, powerful, and the best this one has had in many moons! The prince has clearly bedded many lovers as befitting his station and an exotic beauty such as khajiit was clearly the break from the mundane cycle of altmer pussy he must have had nearly every day.

Khiraji was no slouch either, she pulled out every trick he had to impress her royal lover! This one showed the prince just how flexible the khajiit can be, few can say they have had their cock licked while pounding that same females pussy. When this one started purring while sucking his cock, he came within seconds. He ultimately experienced everything this one had to offer and taught her a few things more. By the time the prince finally had his fill and fell asleep, this one had his seed seeping from every hole and smeared into every inch of her fur. Khiraji has no doubt that the jewelry he still wore bore enchantments to increase his stamina, as he did not tire until the sun was creeping through the window in the early morning.

When I slipped from his room, I found a guard waiting for me. For a brief moment this one thought she had been made, but as it turns out this was a common enough occurrence to warrant a guard posting to escort her to the baths, then out of the palace. That was how Khiraji got away with one of the greatest heists a khajiit has ever performed in Summerset! Though this one did not know for sure if she had succeeded until a few weeks ago...

Khiraji leaned back in her chair, stroking the slight bump in her belly that had formed during the months since she returned from Summerset, the return trip having been as easy as paying her way on a ferry and not worthy of her great tale. "As you have probably guessed, this one did not use her magic that night."

"So that's it? You stole his sperm?" A rough looking bosmer sitting across from her said, giving her a look of equal parts disbelief and annoyance. A burly imperial and scrawny dagi-raht shared his expression.

"Of course! Wars have been fought for less, the seed of royalty is invaluable!" Khiraji protested, crossing her arms.

"Only if the little tyke can have an actual claim as a result of it. If the story you tell is true, then the prince no doubt has dozens of bastards running around, and even if your brat wasn't last in line of succession, no Altmer will legitimize the claim of a cat." The imperial stated. "Also that's even assuming you aren't full of senche-raht shit and were just hold up in some dock hands house for a month eating moon sugar and getting knocked up."

Khiraji gave him a short hiss of disapproval. "Bah! You lot never had eye's for value, or even the slightest bit of faith in this one's ability! Good thing I am not a foolish thief, I did not leave without proof." She said, pulling a small ring from her bag, tossing it onto the wooden bar table with a loud metallic thunk.

The dagi-raht immediately picked up the jewelry, looking at it with a discerning eye. "Is this...?"

"The signet ring of the royal family in Summerset? Yes. You'll find it's enchanted too. This one does not lie, unless she needs to." Khiraji responded with a smug grin.

The other two looked at the smaller feline, waiting on his word as he rolled the ring around in his fingers, inspecting the engravings. A flash of magic from his eyes and he finally looked back at Khiraji. "By the moons... it's genuine. Ma'harr supposes your story must be true, mostly at least. But what does this one expect us to do with this? The enchantments are valuable, but the stolen ring of a royal is some hot goods, finding a buyer is almost more trouble than it's worth. Definitely not worth the coin you asked us to scrape together for your big Summerset haul." He set the ring back down.

Khiraji laughed. "Do not bother telling this one what she already knows." She snatched the ring back, stowing it away. "My little one will need something of their father. No, for you lot I brought something else..." She opened up her bag again, rummaging through it until she retrieved a carved piece of wood, setting it down, the bosmer grabbing it this time, his eyes going wide.

"Where did you get this?" The bosmer asked, shocked.

"Did you not listen to Khiraji's story?" The pregnant feline feigned offense. "This one trained the noble elf's daughter to steal, she stole it to impress this one. I paid her back with my tongue."

"You didn't mention that nobleman owned one of the biggest trading companies in the southern shores of Tamriel!" The bosmer said, setting the piece of wood down, showing the others the official seal used for important documents.

"And spoil the surprise?" Khiraji replied. "Khajiit knows when to save the best for last. This one takes it your counterfeiter friends would be interested in such a seal?"

The bosmer stared at her for a few moments, a smile slowly forming as he nodded. He reached underneath the table, pulling out a large sack, setting it down with the clinking of coins inside. "That cover it?"

Khiraji opened the bag, looking inside with a grin. Then she reached in, ruffling through the bag, retrieving three different coins, from three different points within the bag and testing each, finally giving an approving nod. "Yes, I think it will." She said, standing up to leave.

"Not staying for drinks? I was hoping to get lucky tonight, your story got me a little worked up." The Imperial said with a cocky grin.

She shook her head. "No, this one should not be drinking for a while longer. Nor should she be celebrating with thieves while carrying a purse of so many coins." She took a few steps away before stopping and looking back over her shoulder. "But if you swing by Khiraji's place in a few hours after she has had a chance to make sure her and her little one's financial future is safe... perhaps you can still get lucky." She teased, before making her way out of the tavern.

As the midday sun shone down on her and she felt its warmth across her fur, Khiraji felt a bout of nausea coming on. She reached down, rubbing her belly. "Don't worry, mommy is here... my little prince."