Chronicles of Urf: Welcome to Arak

Story by Dregs on SoFurry

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#1 of Chronicles of Urf

My name is Ashley, but my friends just call me Ash. At one point in time, I lived a normal life in a normal human world full of regular humans but in this world, being a human, I'm one of a kind. Be it a coma induced dream or alternate reality, this world is known as Urf.

Long ago a powerful dragon arrived on the shores of Arak, one of Urf's several continents. It is said that with nothing but his sword and his might he gathered followers and laid waste to anyone who opposed him. Arak had no army for it was a land of scattered villages that rarely fought among each other and had never encountered let aone fought against outside forces. What followed was a century of destruction, as the dragon gathered more and more followers with each village he destroyed. The dragon built himself an army and then built himself a castle now known as The Red Keep. Now he sits upon a throne within its heavily fortified walls as Lord Enyo, the self-proclaimed king of Arak. The land fell into darkness as the inhabitants began to take sides against each other, unable to unite against a common enemy. Yet, not all hope was lost for the beings of Arak.

You see long ago in the most ancient times of Urf's history, the great ancestors of Arak received a prophecy that depicted a strong warrior falling from the stars and after gathering strength would defeat Lord Enyo and put an end to his tyranny. The means of my arrival, which I don't fully understand marked me as this warrior from the stars. As if that weren't enough for me to take in the prophecy also says that I will father a child here in Arak and that if my hybrid offspring would either unite the world of Urf in an everlasting age of peace or plunge all of Urf into an age of darkness. Heavy shit. Trust me I know.

To be honest I don't think I've ever really believe in fate and I'm still not certain

that this entire world isn't some dream I'm having while my body is on life support in a hospital. Still, on the off chance that somehow I was transported to this world, I ask that you take heed of my story as I do my best to retell it as best I can remember. If all this is real; after sun down today, I'm not sure I'll get the chance to tell you how it ends. I will do my best not to exaggerate the retelling of my own time here on Urf but I cannot promise I will remember everything exactly as it happened.

While I can remember bits and fragments of a life in a world before my arrival on Urf, they are too few and far between to tell me anything about what that life was like. Perhaps though, I should start from the beginning.

Chapter One: Ash

Welcome to Arak

My first memory was of pain and scorching heat. I could see nothing but blinding painful light and my body felt as if it were on fire. I had awaken to the worst imaginable pain. My body felt as it was covered in flames, burning with a heat that felt as if even the marrow of my bones was melted and boiling. I cried out but could hear nothing but the roar of the flames that engulfed me. This lasted for what could have been minutes or an eternity but finally the flames died out and I was rewarded with the cooling feel of a powerful wind rushing all around me. It was in these moments that I found myself unable to remember anything about myself aside from the most basic details of my life; Ashley Damon, 18 years old, favorite fruit is the pear, I love video games and every so often steal weed from my parents. Yet the faces of my parents or even my own would not come to me. I couldn't recall the street I lived on, what my house looked like and nor could I remember that names or faces of anyone else. As if everything but my own knowledge was burned away in the flames.

All of these thoughts and more had passed through my mind but none of it seemed relevant once I opened my eyes and found myself far above the ground, above the clouds and of course I was falling like a stone.

For a moment it seemed as if I was flying above a sea of clouds, the morning sun was just peaking up from beneath them in the distance. There was in that brief moment after the pain had subsided that I almost

felt serine. Questions such as why, how and where I was might have occurred to me but gravity's tight grip pulling me downward took priority. Quickly my descent took me through the clouds, only to emerge from beneath them over the landscape of Arak. It seemed large but from the height I was at, I could see almost see the sea that surrounded it. I could make out a massive castle built of stone at the base of a large mountain. It was marked with huge red flags, with some golden design. Other than the large castle which was seemed so tiny in the distance, the rest of Arak was covered by thick forests, huge rolling plains and snow capped mountains. As I got closer to the ground I could make out small villages with homes built of stone and wood, while trails of smoke drifted skyward.

I remember almost every detail so clearly now but at the time my own thoughts were of panic. The ground was quickly rushing to greet me and I, naked, flailing and screaming could do nothing to stop it. I thought a prayer to gods that may or may not exist and after that the ground hit me, hard. Everything went black.

"He's a strange looking one isn't he?" I heard a woman's voice speaking over me in English but with a faint but strange accent.

"He's human. That means the prophecies must be true after all." said another woman. The second had a slightly higher pitch to her voice but had a similar accent. I struggled to open my eyes but could see nothing but the back of my lids. My eyes felt so heavy I couldn't pull them open. This was accompanied by an intense constant throb of pain only bested by the pain I had felt during my descent. I could not be certain but I believe it to be the worst feeling any person could possibly survive. Yet, how had I survived? Perhaps the fall was just a dream. That made the most sense but then why were they surprised I was human? I tried to speak and found that I couldn't even manage a groan of pain.

"You know what I'm thinking, Tilly?" The first woman said.

"No." Answered the one apparently named Tilly.

"We should get some of his seed for ourselves before we bring him back to the village. Once he's back, we might not get another chance." My mind suddenly focused on the woman's choice of the word 'seed'. Certainly that didn't mean what I thought it meant.

"Alfina, you really think there's a chance either of us might be part of the prophecy as well?" Tilly said granting a name to the other voice.

"Why not? After all we are the one's who found him." Alfina said after a brief moment of silence as if she'd taken a moment to ponder Tilly's question.

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

My mind was still in a daze, I could hear the two women talking clear enough but they seemed so distant, as if I were at the bottom of a well. I struggled again to move, to say anything or do anything but my body seemed paralyzed by the throbbing pain that was slowly beginning to dull. Suddenly I felt soft hands of one of the women moving across my bare chest and stomach. It felt as if she were wearing soft fur gloves which given everything that had happened so far did not occur to be as strange. A moment later a second set of gloved hands began to slide up and down my leg and thigh.

"He feels warm to the touch, almost hot enough to burn." Tilly said. I was already able to recognize their voices and was able to tell where they were around me. Tilly was possibly standing or more likely kneeling beside my chest as she ran her hands there. Stroking lightly across my chest to my shoulders and finally through my hair which was felt long enough to hang past my shoulders. Alfina was on the opposite side but closer to my waist, stroking my right leg slowly.

"Well, you saw him fall just as I. Even in the light of dawn one could see the flames and smoke of his fall. It's amazing he's alive at all. I wonder when he'll wake up." Tilly had said. So the fall had actually happened? It made no sense, but neither did anything else that was happening. I had a million questions, no answers and I still couldn't move or even open my eyes let alone ask questions.

Once again my attempt to figure out what was happening suddenly slipped my mind as something new to priority. This time it was the feeling of a hand gently gripping my already slightly aroused member. Soft and small in the woman's hand it slowly began to grow firm as a soft hand held it, messaging the tip with a thumb. My heart started beating faster and a million more questions surged through my mind but my body

was still paralyzed. I tried my the best I could to speak and this time managed a slight moan. The two

women didn't seem to notice or didn't care and their hands continued to rub my aching body, my manhood growing firm in one of their palms. She began to stroke it slowly up and down and as I grew harder, the woman gripped it with both hands. The soft feel of her gloves and her tight grip seemed to be making the pain fade from my body or at least was distracting me from it. Perhaps it was best I just lay still, I thought to myself as the woman's hands stroked my cock to a full erection and began stroking it a bit faster still.

"Oh my, he's bigger than I expected him to be." Tilly said.

"True, he's bigger than Kaze that's for sure but I doubt he'd compare to the likes of Tommen." Alfina said a sly tone. I could tell that she was the one slowly pumping my cock with both hands. I paid little attention to them comparing my size to other men they knew and simply hoped being larger than Kaze was a compliment. Suddenly a tongue moved across the head of my cock, playfully licking it even as she

stroked it with a firm grip. The sensation was enough to wake the dead but now I was resisting the urge to move and kept my eyes closed. I didn't want them to realize I was awake and risk them stopping but curiosity was getting the best of me.

I intended to let myself enjoy the sensations for as long as I could keep up the unconscious act. Alfina was pumping my cock faster and continued licking at my head occasionally. The urge to grab a handful of her hair and thrust up into her throat was overwhelmingly strong but I did well to remain motionless, keeping my jaw clenched tight so as not to moan. My body shuddered as I felt her tongue sliding up the entire length of my cock before slipping it into her mouth. I almost lost it then but neither of the women seemed to notice the way my body tensed. Alfina moved her head slightly side to side as well as up and down on my shaft while working her tongue around it. She never took more than half of it into her mouth but sucking hard to coax a load from my balls. Instead a pre-cum escaped my cock and was immediately swallowed as if my cock were a straw in her protein shake. It took everything I could

manage not to make a sound or even move as Alfina worked my cock, bringing

me closer and closer to orgasm. Then she stopped suddenly.

"Even unconscious, he sure seems ready." Alfina said, then the two giggled. I could feel Alfina shifting from her spot beside me. I felt her hand holding onto my leg for support while the other gripped my cock, guiding it into her tight cunny. I could take it no longer I had to see who these women were. Still I fought but as I felt the head of my cock being pressed against the lips of her warmth it grew harder and harder not too. I felt my cock slip into her tight, moist, warmth as she lowered, lifted and then lowered herself further inch by inch until she had taken my full member into herself. My body shuddered, my cock tensing inside her and giving in I finally but slowly opened my eyes as slightly as possible. Yet before I could see anything more than the blurry figure of Tilly beside me, she let out a startled squeak. "Alfina, he's awake!"

Shit. I had thought to myself expecting that everything was ruined. I tried to move or speak but as soon as I got my first look at Tilly and Alfina I was struck frozen and speechless. Tilly and Alfina weren't human. I realized I had seen things like them all my life in art work like children's movies and the like but never had I seen one for real. Even without my memory I was sure of that but I wasn't startled by it. In fact, I found myself strangely comfortable with it as if it were nothing out of the ordinary. Hell, I wasn't even sure what I looked like yet so why should I have been surprised.

Tilly was a squirrel with dark brown fur and hazel eyes transfixed on my own. She had a plump full figured body. Large rounds tits were well more than a hand full and looked as if they were ready to burst out of her leaf green top that was clearly made to small for her. It clung tight around her torso, squeezing her plump breast against her and each other. Instantly I craved to see them burst free of her top that appeared to be woven out of some kind of large plant leaf and hemp like thread. Her wide hips and plump ass were barely covered by a loin cloth made of the same strange fabric as her top. A large fittingly thick tail that rose behind her as she sat on her knees beside me.

"Are you alright?" Tilly asked but my gaze had moved to Alfina who was still sitting on my pelvis with my cock throbbing in her impossibly tight cunny. Alfina as almost an exact opposite of her companion in terms of figure. She was a white mouse with a slim figure. She had a small but still well rounded ass the looked amazing as she sat resting on my groin with her back to me. A thin tail rose up from her backside. I don't recall ever having dreamt about something like this but I was certain that a dream is what it must have been. Alfina glanced over her shoulder at me, turning just enough that I could see her small well shaped breasts.

"Are you alright, human?" Alfina said, a smirk creasing her mouth as she looked down at me with sapphire eyes. I found myself barely able to speak. Instead I nodded my head slowly and managed, "M-my name is Ash." Only tripping over my own tongue on each word a few times.

"Good. Then that's all I needed to know, Ash." Alfina answered and in one smooth motion leaned forward with her hands on my legs just below my knees, raised her hips slowly up the length of my shaft and then slowly back down again. I felt my breaths freezing in my chest as I watched the way she moved. Only her hips moved as she repeated the motion. Her back curving impossibly as she began moving faster and faster with each pump. I was hypnotized as I watched my length appearing and disappearing as it was repeatedly devoured by Alfina's tight cunny. I suddenly realized I had been holding my breath since she began and I felt something pull tight in my groin. Alfina sped up and I lost it.

"Aaah, shit!" I moaned. Alfina let out a squeak of enjoyment and suddenly sat up arching her back and gripping her breasts tightly. I could feel my hot thick seed filling her as her body clenched tight around me. I tried to say something but found I could barely breathe let alone speak in the wake of my unexpected orgasm. So I just laid there taking in the moment and my surroundings. The three of us were in the

center of a fairly large crater created from my impact which was surrounded by the thick trees of a forest.

I was just beginning to question how I wasn't dead and how such it was possible that I found myself with such a beautiful creature as Alfina riding my cock as I pumped streams of cum into her when Alfina without saying a word began moving up a down on my shaft again. I tensed, a shudder moving through my body as she continued, slowly pumping her hips on my now sensitive shaft.

"Your seed is so hot inside me that it almost burns. I've never felt anything like it before." Alfina said looking over her shoulder at me with a smirk. "It feels amazing, Ash. Please tell me you have more."

"Y-Yes. I mean what? I think. W-Where am I?" I asked stammering and still catching my breath. My mind was reeling, drowning in a sea of pleasure and still twisted with confusion over what was happening.

"This is Arak and you're the fallen-" Tilly began to answer me but was cut off by Afina. Tilly had been slowly rubbing herself between her thighs and while the other hand played with one of her large breasts.

"We can answer all your questions and more but we'll have time for that later." She said interrupting Tilly and then trailed off with her words as she raised her hips slowly. I watched the length of my shaft emerge from her tight cunt then just as my cock was about to slip out she began to slowly lower herself back down, only to repeat the process again. My cock, trying to go limp, bent slightly before vanishing into her again. "Right now, just enjoy."

Within a minute Alfina was moving quickly enough that her buttocks slamming against my pelvis was making a soft rhythmic slapping noise as my cock was driven hard deep into her hot tight snatch that seemed to have a tighter grip on my cock than her hands did. It was not long before I was not only fullly hard again but also meeting her rise and fall with thrusts of my own. I began driving my hips up into her as she thrust downward. My cock being hammered with fast repetition, eliciting a high pitched squeak from Alfina each time our bodies met. I placed my hands on her hips as if trying to guide her body down faster. Alfina rode me for what could have been ten minutes or several hours, I couldn't tell but over time her moans, squeaks and cries were growing as we both moved toward our own separate climaxes..

"Oh, Ash! By the gods! I'm...I'm cumming!" As she cried out, suddenly freezing as her body grew tight. The walls of her cunt squeezing so tight around the length of my cock that I couldn't help but fill her with my second and far from final load of the day. "Ash, I can feel every bit of your seed burning as it pumped into me. Yes! It feels so damned good." I remained silent as she continued on, talkig breathlessly. My body ached and I felt drained, both physically and mentally. Alfina's body trembled but she still continued to

move her hips but at a slow pace. My cock now pulsed with a tired pain still within the tight squeeze of her warmth. A mixture of her own juices and my two loads of seed escaped her, running down my thighs, coating my genitals in their own warmth.

"That was wonderful, Tilly. You have to get some as well before we lead him back to the village."

"Oh, I plan to Alfina. Just the scent of his seed is enough to drive em mad with lust."

"The village?" I asked, although if these two were bringing me, I couldn't care less where they took me.

"To our village of course, but there's plenty of time to explain later. The others will grow worried if me and Tilly aren't back soon." Alfina said sliding off of my cock and sitting back on her heels beside me. Almost immediately I felt Tilly clutch my cock in a tight grip and then leaning down bury it into her mouth; taking almost the whole thing at once. Granted it was already partially limp but even my testicles were taken into her mouth at first. Although I couldn't see, I imagined a squirrel with, its cheeks all puffed out as they were crammed with nuts. I would have laughed were I not moaning so much. She immediately began playing her tongue all over my genitals, sucking and swallowing every bit of mine and Alfina's juices. My

cock slowly grew hard again within her mouth and I felt the head slip down the back of her throat. She let my nuts slip free of her mouth and began to move her head up and down, sucking furiously all the while as if trying to devour it. By this time My cock had become so sensitive that it was almost painful, but still so pleasurable I wasn't about to stop her.

I started to moan but was silenced as Alfina pushed her mouth to mine and began kissing me. I could feel the soft fur of her lips, her soft nose against my face as well as her long whiskers brushing against my chest. I was just lost in pleasure of the moment and the insanity of it all. Alfina sucked my tongue as if she were sucking my cock. A truly odd sensation as my cock repeatedly disappeared into Tilly's mouth, pushing

down the back of her throat. I felt myself growing ever closer to orgasm though the sensation was not a powerful as my previous two. My cock was sensitive but also felt numb at the same time. Alfina, holding my tongue hostage with her own kept me from warning Tilly of my eminent orgasm. The large bodied squirrel was so skilled and trying so hard to coax the seed from my loins that I couldn't help but think she wanted it down her throat and finally I unloaded yet again. My cock pouring thick hot strands of seed down her throat, more so than I thought I could possibly still had left. Tilly didn't waste any of it. I could see her cheeks puffing out slowly trying to get every last drop that she could and hold it in her mouth. Finally she swallowed it all and then continued to suck on my now painfully throbbing member.

"Tilly, you're not supposed to swallow it. There's no chance the prophecy will come true like that." Alfina said.

"It feels so good as it burns down my throat, burning on its way down into my stomach." Tilly said taking my cock from her mouth and beginning to lick it from base to tip. "You're seed is something wonderful Ash."

Tilly began sucking again trying to keep my member from growing limp. I nodded my eyes transfixed as I could feel my cock throbbing with a mixture of pain and pleasure but Tilly stopped sucking and with a quickness I wouldn't have attributed to her girth, she straddled me and guided my cock letting it sink completely into her all at once. I moaned through clenched as her wieght came down on my body the first time. She began raising herself up only to thrust back downward onto my cock hard. Tilly was bracing herself by putting her hands on my abdomen. Unlike Alfina, the plump squirrel was facing toward me and moved her entire body as she raised and lowered herself. Her weight and the force of her downward thrust knocked the wind from my lungs. It was painful and exhausting as I couldn't take in deep breaths but it was bliss all at the same.

"Your seed, it's so heated it felt as though it might burn my togue. I need

to feel it inside me next." Tilly demanded. I was in no way going to try and

object despite wanting to regain myself before she continued further.

Only a few minutes had gone and Tilly found a rapid but steady pace, working my cock like a piston. Her large tits escaping her small top and now swinging wildly over my chest. Alfina, apparently not quite finished with me or willing to wait for Tilly to finish, stood up and moved to stand over my face. I moved my gaze to look up at Alfina's tight snatch as she lowered herself down onto my face now with her back to Tilly. Immediately I began moving my tongue through her warm and still soaking wet cunny although I had no real idea what I was doing. It was almost as if instint toldme to lap up the juices flowing from within her. Still whatever I was doing it seemed to be working as Alfina began moving her hips, grinding her warm cunt into mouth and tongue. Tilly and Alfina were both crying out now. Alfina reached down grabbing two handfuls of my long curled hair, pulling my head up into her snatch while Tilly reached around from

behind to grab Alfina's breasts in her hands. The squirrel pulled Alfina tight against her chest, sliding her hand beneath Alfina's top.

I could hardly breathe from beneath Alfina as she continued to move at a quick pace, moving her hips

from front to back. I could but occasionaly take the smallest breath through my nose but even that was barely enough. I felt as though I'd suffocate under Alfina while Tilly continued up and down my shaft. I was fairly certain in fact that I was going to. I could just imagine the view of her large plump ass bouncing on my cock at such a fast pace and painful force. My cock had grown numb with a throbbing pain as was my whole body. Even my head grew numb as well. That could have been attributed to the effects of oxygen deprivation but still I did nothing to stop them. Instead I managed the occasion moan into Alfina cunt as I continued to lick up her juices.

The two of them had begun to cry out to each other without words, save for occasionally each others names and my own. The throbbing and sensations had become so overwhelming that I felt no warning as my ball suddenly unleash another torrent of cum once again. I did my best to keep either from realizing it but it was a futile effort as the feeling of suffocation seemed t enhance the strength of orgasm. I doubt that they could hear my moans anyways. Now the throbbing ache had become unbearable as my cock was now so sensitive it was strangely pleasurable pain that shot through my body, paralyzing me.

"Oh, your seed is so hot, its burning within me." Tilly moaned at the sensation of my hot cum filling her. Our mixed juices covered my genitals and begun to pool in the hard dirt between my thighs while Alfina's juices mixed with probably a great deal of my own were running down the sides of my face, past

my ears and into my hair. "I'm going to cum." She moaned.

"Oh yes, me too." Alfina replied, pushing down forcefully driving the back of my head against the hard ground with a thump. "Cum with us." She demanded before pulling me head back up to her cunt just as forcefully as she had slammed it down. I had only managed a single gasping breath in that time, my hands dug into the dirt beside me and every muscle in my body became so unbelievably tight that I could barely stand it. For a moment I thought perhaps I was going to die. Perhaps it was the feeling of oxygen loss finally taking over but still I made no effort to stop either of them, even if I could have.

"Oh, Ash. Your tongue is so good. I'm going to cum again." Alfina said.

"I-I'm, I'm going to cum." Tilly repeated breathly, pulling Alfina tight against her. The two cried out together as they grew closer and closer to orgasm. Before finally yelled out in unison, "I'm cumming!" followed by a long loud moan from Tilly while Alfina let out a high pitched squeal of delight as an orgasm swept over them both. In the same instant I felt my hot load being pumped into Tilly's tight snatch all over again while a flood of Alfina's juices suddenly rushed my mouth spilling out over the sides of my face. Tilly tensed around my cock, squeezing every drop of cum out into her. My body shuddered and although all my pain was gone I was completely drained as if I could just sleep for a month straight. Still my cock remained firm as Tilly moved slowly back and forth on my cock, while Alfina still pulled my head up against her snatch, her thighs clenched tight on the sides of my face as she shuddered in the wake of her climax. For a moment no one spoke.

"That was amazing." Alfina said breaking the silence as her and Tilly began to climb off of me. I

tried to say something but began coughing between deep breaths. I don't know if I had ever had sex before that moment or if it was supposed to feel like I was going to die but damn if I didn't already want to do it once my cock stopped throbbing with pain. I could once again as if I could no longer keep my eyes open. I felt as if I needed the kind of rest that only dead were allowed.

"Think there's anything left?" Tilly replied, her fingers playing over my half limp cock. It twitched slightly at her touch. I wanted to say something. To tell them to let me rest a moment but no words came. Instead I just laid there, eye gazing up toward the after mid-day sun.

"Perhaps but there's only one way to find out." Alfina said in reply. They both giggled lightly and I let my eyes fall shut for a moment. I wanted to sleep so badly but I opened them again as I felt Alfina's tongue lap against the tip of my cock, while Tilly began to lick my testicles and suck at the base of my cock, it began to grow firm again. It was so sensitive now that my jaw locked itself tight and my entire body became painfully tense. Still I couldn't bring myself to try and stop them as they continued, stroking it occasionally with their paws, licking up and down both sides of my shaft. Eventually it took the form of some variation on Russian roulette where they took turns taking it into their mouths; one sucking as hard as she could while the other stroked or sucked on my testicles to see who would get my load in their mouth. I let my eyes fall shut again and this time I drifted into sleep. Still despite my deep dreamless slumber I could feell the sensation of their tongues and as I came again.

I couldn't tell you which of them won.

A note from the author: Awhile ago I submitted this under the username FIlth. The site caused issues that kept me from logging into my account and givign up on recovering said account I decided to re-submit this story with this new name and continue it. Hope, you enjoy.