Digimon: Consorting with Demons

Story by inuyashasg1 on SoFurry

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#20 of Digimon

Angewomon needs to go undercover in a demon controlled part of the digital world

Digimon: Consorting With Demons

A tall, slim figure clad in a brown cloth robe crept through the dark back alleys of a run-down city. Faint orange light illuminated the pale feminine hand reaching out from under the dark cloth to clutch at the hood, pulling it down more to obscure the woman's face. She turned to the side as she passed a group of muscled green men monsters gathered around a burning metal barrel. A couple of them glanced at her but they didn't seem too interested in what she was doing. Continuing forward she rounded a corner, expecting to exit out on the adjoining street. Except instead of an opening to the concrete road there was a tare in the ground and a wall of pixelated light blocking the way. It didn't make any sense, she should have been able to see the light casting from it before she even got to the corner, but this was the Digital World. Here things didn't always operate as they should. It was just a symptom of the dark Digimon that controlled this city influencing the world itself.

The woman turned around to go back the way she came only to see five Ogremon blocking the way. "Hey there cutie, thinking of leaving so soon?" The leader of the group said while tapping a large club against his shoulder.

The woman took a hesitant step back. "Uh well, actually I kind of was." The woman said with a slightly shaky voice.

"Well, I'm afraid we can't let you do that. See this here is our territory and you're going to need to pay for us to let you out of here in one piece." The Ogremon to the leader's left said in a nasally, high pitched voice.

"I don't have any money on me, but if you let me go I promise to come back and pay you." The robed figure said with a sweet, sincere sounding voice. However, it didn't have the intended result.

The Ogremon leader laughed. "Oh, don't worry about money. If your body is anything like your voice, there's another way you can pay us."

"You creep, what kind of girl do you think I am?" The woman said taking another step back, while the Ogremon began to close in on her.

"The kind that's going to learn how to bend over and spread her legs," The Ogremon on the far left said, then licked his lips in an over the top manner. The group of Digimon continued to close in on the robed figure, who backed into the brick wall at the end of the corridor. Just as the leader was starting to reach out towards the woman a voice came from behind.

"Cut it out, you guys. Trust me, she's more trouble than you can deal with." Said a thick New York accent.

The leader turned around. "Who the... Pfft, are you fucking serious? Do you think you're intimidating? You're just a little Impmon. You could barely do shit against another rookie Digimon, what are you going to do to five champions?" The smug, muscular Digimon said as he approached the small purple Digimon.

Impmon sighed, "You really are thick, aren't you. Did I sound like I was trying to be a hero? I was just trying to give you some advice."

"Well here's some advice for you. Piss Off!" Ogremon yelled as he brought down the club, aiming it straight for the small Digimon's head.

A moment before the impact an egg shell-like field of energy enveloped Impmon. A fraction of a second later he was gone, replaced by a lanky, but well-toned, gray skinned demonic man that stood eye to eye with Ogremon. The green Digimon was stunned. He didn't understand why any Digimon would choose to walk around in a scrawny form like Impmon when he could turn into a demon lord like Beelzemon. He was off-balance that he hadn't even noticed that his club had been caught in the demon Digimon's hand. Beelzemon pulled hard on the club, ripping it out of Ogremon's grip and tossing it to the side. In the same motion, he bent himself forward, slamming his armored head against Ogremon's, breaking one of the green Digimon's horns in the process.

The Ogremon Leader fell backward to the ground. One hand went to his head, clenching it while the other started to push himself up. He didn't make it very far, as he was stopped by Beelzemon planting his right boot on the green man's chest. "Wait, you don't need to do this. We'll let her..." He was instantly silenced as Beelzemon pulled out his right sawed-off double-barrel shotgun and fired it into the Ogremon's chest, instantly deleting the man. Then Beelzemon turned to the other four stunned Digimon and fired the second barrel into the Ogremon that had licked his lips at the suggested rape of the robed woman.

Without missing a beat Beelzemon released the barrel lock, ejecting the two shells with smoke streak wafting from the metal tubes. The Ogremon that remained had gone white with fear. "Run," Beelzemon said coldly as he began to pull two new shells from one of his pockets. The green Digimon didn't need any more motivation, running past him as fast as they could. He inserted the shells into his gun and turned, leveling the shotgun at the fleeing Digimon. The last one was a bit to slow and he lined up the sights square on his back and began to squeeze the trigger, before letting off and allowing him to escape.

"My hero!" The woman said, pulling off her hood revealing a blond, fair-skinned woman with a gray metal helmet accented by small wings protruding from it. She ran up to the tall biker looking Digimon and grabbed his shotgun wielding arm and hugged it.

Beelzemon rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed growl. "Hero my ass, why didn't you just wait for me in the area we agreed to meet instead of wandering off, Angewomon? Do you know what trouble you could have gotten into if someone realized who you were."

"Oh relax, I wasn't in any danger of getting caught. I could have deleted them all in a heartbeat. If anything, I'm not as much of a softy as you are. I wouldn't have let any of them go." The angelic woman said, tapping him on his nose with her right index finger. His left eye twitched at the condescending touch, which just made her laugh. "You need to loosen up. I'm supposed to be the one in a stressful situation. How are you supposed to get in good with the other demonic Digimon like this?"

Beelzemon let out a sigh and shook her off his arm, then holstered his shotgun. "I'll keep that in mind, but in the meantime do you think you could keep a little bit of a lower profile so we can go to the meeting?" Angewomon pulled her hood back up over her head, and put her right arm up to it, giving him a salute.

The demon Digimon shook his head and the two-headed out of the alley, taking the long way around to avoid the crack in the world. "Are you really sure you want to make a deal with Astamon?"

Angewomon kept her head low to avoid anyone being able to identify her as they continued down the street. "You're asking this now? You're the one who suggested him. Even vouched for him!"

"Yeah, I know. I mean, he is trustworthy. He's not going to sell you out or anything but... well... I'm just worried that he might try to make a deal that's a bit more for his own personal gain." Beelzemon said as they entered the red light district of the city.

"He's taking quite a risk, I would be surprised if he didn't take as much as he could. After all, he is a businessman." Angewomon said as the two Digimon arrived outside one of the more upscale looking brothels.

Angewomon regarded the front of the building. The facade of it was clad in smooth granite. Two large windows stretched upwards on the left and the right of the massive door that seemed large enough for an Exveemon to fit through with ease. Above the door, there were several more stories to the building, made evident by the much smaller stacks of windows. When she looked back down she noticed that embedded at the bottom of the over-sized door was a second, smaller door that was more reasonably sized. Beelzemon pulled open the smaller door, letting Angewomon enter first, following closely behind her. The lobby entered was fairly large, with a roof that was at least two stories high. There was more than enough room for both Digimon to easily stand and even fly if they wanted. It was clear that it was able to handle Digimon of significant sizes if needed. The floor was made of polished Marble pillars that were molded into the wall giving a more expensive look without taking up much room. Opposite from the door was a secretary's desk that seemed tiny compared to the space. Behind it sat a Persiamon, only this particular feline Digimon was wearing even more revealing clothing than normal. Her bra was fairly normal, revealing her large cleavage, however, her normally large pants were replaced by a very short leopard patterned miniskirt that barely went far enough to cover her red panties, and didn't even hope to obscure her lacy black garter's.

"Hello Beelzemon, it's good to see you again. Astamon's been expecting you and your friend. You can find him in his office. I believe you know the way." The busty feline Digimon said with a wink as she gestured to the small door on the right side of the room.

Beelzemon blushed bright red while Angewomon smirked under her hood. "She seems nice, I can see why you visit here a lot." The angel Digimon said with a smug, yet playful tone as they began to navigate the labyrinth of hallways.

"It's not like that." Beelzemon stuttered out, continuing to blush. "I just tend to come and hang out with Astamon, that's all. I mean, he and I did stuff before he took over this place."

"Oh, there's no need to justify yourself to me. I mean, if the Digimon working the front desk is that good looking I can only guess at what the ones working back here look like. If I was you, I'd visit my friend quite often... assuming he gives you a good discount." The woman said with a chuckle as they arrived at Astamon's office.

Beelzemon coughed, then opened the door. Angewomon hadn't known exactly what to expect, though she had the idea that it would be quite mundane and plane. Probably a desk piled up with papers, a computer, maybe some filing cabinets. That was indeed in there, though the papers on the desk were quite neatly stacked. More importantly though, was that most of the room was set up more like his own personal lounge. There was a bar filled with several bottles of various colors and liquids, a large nice looking wooden table with heavy chairs around it, and even a large bed pushed up against the wall that was currently neatly made. However what drew her attention currently was the set of red leather couches set up opposite each other. One of which was currently occupied by Astamon and a particularly busty Lillymon, though occupied was a poor description of their current position.

On the cushion next to Astamon, he had neatly folded up his gray trench coat and red scarf. He was sitting in a fairly normal position, one which almost could have obscured what was truly going on if he could come up with a good enough lie as to why Lillymon was sitting on his lap. He didn't though, nor did he even care to try and hide what he was doing. His pinstripe pants were unzipped and pulled down just enough for his cock to be able to spring free and easily access the woman above him. His large, hard dick was slipped under the plant woman's pink petal skirt and into her tight pussy. He placed his gloved hands on her hips, helping her subtly moved up and down his thick shaft as he rhythmic thrust up into her. The pink plant Digimon's left arm was behind his head with her fingers garbing hold of his thick hair, while her right hand was massaging her left breast through her bra. It was an intense scene playing out in front of the angel Digimon, but what she couldn't tear here eye's from was the woman's belly, which occasionally bulged slightly as he thrust particularly deep into her womb.

"It's about time you two showed up, I was beginning to wonder if something had happened," Astamon said in a completely normal tone as he continued fucking the smaller woman.

Beelzemon was bright red with anger burning in his eyes as he stared at his friend, humiliated by how much he was embarrassing him. Astamon didn't seem to notice or care as he was focused on the Angewomon who had removed her hood. She too was blushing but did her best to ignore it. "Yes, well, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I assume we can conduct business in front of..."

"One of my many lovers." Astamon finished for the angel. "All of the girls that work for me would do anything for my company, isn't that right Lily?"

"Oh yes, your company and your wonderful cock." The plant Digimon lustfully moaned out. "it's the best pay ever!"

Astamon gave her a couple harder, deeper thrusts that sent a wet squishy noise echoing through the room, causing the woman to throw her head back and let out an expletive of pleasure. The outline of his demonic cock was even more visible in her normally flat stomach. Angewomon licked her lips subconsciously, which he noticed. "As you can see, she's quite loyal. Anything you say in front of her will remain confidential, I assure you."

"Alright, Beelzemon said that you could provide me a cover that would allow me to move through this city without causing a scene. Was he correct on that?" Angewomon asked finally prying her eyes from the woman's stomach.

Astamon thought about it for a moment as he continued thrusting up into Lillymon. "Oh, I can definitely provide you a cover as one of my girls, but that's not as simple as just giving you a card or something. You'd have to establish yourself first to not stand out. I figure a few weeks, maybe a month of working here would be enough. I imagine talk of a woman of your caliber would spread pretty fast."

"You can't be serious, do you really expect her to act like a common whore?" Beelzemon interjected, unable to keep quiet any longer.

"Of course she's not, but then again I wouldn't say any of my girls are. I like to think I have a certain level of quality I deal in, both those who work for me and I do business with." Astamon growled at the biker Digimon, then he turned back to Angewomon. "I'm taking quite a bit of risk helping you at all. If you get caught, I'd like a certain amount of plausible deniability. Naturally, I'd only direct the less... kinky men to you, but if you want to blend in you need to be willing to go the distance."

Beelzemon started to say something else, but Angewomon held out her arm in front to silence him. She had a stern look on her face, but a second later it faded and she smirked. "I can do that, so what else do you want."

Astamon raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised at how quickly she agreed to his demand. "I assume that you are here to investigate whatever they're doing inside the dark citadel, and if it's a big threat you'll do something about it. You don't need to go into any details, I don't want them to be honest. If that happens and this city dedicated to darkness and debauchery disappears I'd like to ensure that I can continue operating."

"I'm pretty sure that can be arranged, though it might need to be under the table. I'm sure that's nothing new to you, so is there anything else?" Angewomon asked, seeing the man increasing his thrusts into the plant Digimon. Her moans were increasing in speed, pitch, and volume.

"Just one more thing. Am I correct in assuming that Beelzemon is going to try to infiltrate the citadel for you?" Astamon asked while also lifting Lillymon higher so that more of his shaft was being pulled out and rammed back into her.

Angewomon's blush got a bit more red, catching a good glimpse of his cock and balls for the first time now that Lilymon's petal skirt wasn't fully obscuring him. His manhood was a wonderful peach color, shining with the juices from the plant woman. His balls were even larger than she expected, each one being similar to a soft ball. Her mind started to wonder how much cum they could produce, but then she realized she was staring and forced herself to look up at his face and nodded her head. "Yes, though I don't know how long that will take so I'll also be on the lookout for anyone else who's already a part of the citadel. I assume you can refer me to them if any of them come here for entertainment."

"Of course though you might find some of their desires to be greater than you are capable of delivering. For the sake of my business, I might need to give you some hands-on training before handing you off to one of them." Astamon said now doubling his speed into the Lillymon. The plant Digimon moved her hand from her breast and brought it to her mouth, biting down on her knuckle to stave off cumming a few moments longer as her groans of pleasure came constantly.

"Naturally, we wouldn't want to risk my cover being blown because I couldn't properly play my part, now would we," Angewomon said with a hint of lust.

Beelzemon had his teeth firmly digging into his lower lip as he fought the burning desire to punch the smug Astamon right in his face. The damn pimp Digimon knew that he was trying to impress Angewomon so that many be he could eventually make a move on her, and here he was proclaiming he was going to fuck her.

Astamon saw the anger pouring off the mega level Digimon and grinned, "I'm glad to see you're such a professional Angewomon, I can see why you were sent for this mission. I don't think many of your cohorts would be as open-minded as you are. One last thing, barely even worth mentioning. In fact, I'm sure you've already thought of it yourself, but if Beelzemon does manage to get accepted into the Citadel you really should already have yourself associated with him. So I figure he should visit you at least once or twice a week for an hour. Actually, better make it at least two, anyone here can tell you he has quite a bit of stamina."

Instantly the anger Beelzemon was feeling evaporated and was replaced with embarrassment and apprehension. He glanced his eyes over at the angel, who was giving him an evil, almost cat-like smile. "Oh yes, I think that's a fantastic idea Astamon"

Beelzemon stood straight up and coughed, bending his right leg so that his foot was resting on his metal toed boot. He put his right hand behind his head and scratched it, trying to look natural but in truth, he was hiding a slowly forming erection. "Well I think that's a bit much, but I know not to argue with you."

Beelzemon turned to look at Astamon to say his goodbye but noticed the man's cock starting to visually throb. A moment later the pimp Digimon let out a deep grunt followed by the faint sound wet liquid being squished around. Slowly Lilymon's belly bulged out as her womb was filled with his hot seed. The feeling of his thick dick filling her as well as his cum gushing into her finally pushed the experienced plant Digimon over the edge. She came with a scream of pure pleasure. She arched her back and shook as he continued pumping more and more of his jizz into her, stretching her belly out. As the ecstasy spread throughout her body, her vision began to darken and she passed out from the bliss. When Astamon finally stopped cumming Lilymon's belly looked several month's pregnant. He gave her a couple more thrusts, squishing out several large bursts of his steaming seed, coating his crotch and balls with the stuff. Astamon looked at the biker Digimon, then raised his eyebrow and gave the slightest of nods. Beelzemon looked down and could see a tent in his crotch. The demon lord quickly turned around before Angewomon could notice, as she too was staring at Astamon and Lillymon. "Well, I guess I'll see the two of you in a few days," Beelzemon said already opening the door and waving his goodbye without turning back around.

"Finally, just the two of us. Now, why don't you take off that silly robe and show me what you got for me to sell?" Astamon said smugly as he kept himself buried in the passed out Digimon.

Angewomon blushed but also smiled. She untied the robe and cast it aside, showing off her hourglass figure, voluptuous breasts, and curvy hips. Then she took off her helmet so he could see her lovely blue eyes and perfect skin framed by her long, blond hair. "Do you like what you see?"

"Oh yes, very much. I think you're going to be very popular. Still, looks are only half of what matters. I still need to see how skilled you are in the ways that matter." Astamon lifted Lillymon off his still rock hard dick, cum gushing out of her down onto his pants as his tip came free. He gently laid her down with her head resting against the armrest, then turned his attention back to Angewomon who's eyes were locked to his giant cock. "Now it's my turn to ask, do you like what you see?"

Angewomon nodded her head rapidly. "God yes, it's so big and thick. I've never seen a dick that big before."

"Of course you haven't, demonic Digimon are more well endowed than vaccine and holy Digimon for obvious reasons, plus power level helps to. A mega level like Beelzemon, well..." Astamon let the suggestion linger as he stood up and walked the couple strides over to the angel Digimon. "Let's not get distracted with what the future may hold. Right now I want to see what that pretty little mouth of yours can do. Why don't you get on your knees like a good angel slut and clean my cock." Angewomon grinned at Astamon, then began to lower herself.

Several weeks passed as Beelzemon wormed his way into the Dark Citadel and Angewomon diligently worked on creating her cover. In that time Beelzemon visited the brothel a few times but always managed to find a reason to avoid any intimate contact with Angewomon. He just couldn't bring himself to take advantage of the situation no matter how easy it would be to do so. He wasn't sure if it was because he was afraid that once he did it with her she'd lose all interest in him, or if it was because he didn't want to risk moving to fast with her.

He arrived at the brothel, once again with a list of reasons why they couldn't risk doing anything only to find that neither Angewomon nor Astamon were there. "They've gone north to the hot spring. You know, the private one that can be rented out. Astamon had it reserved for a few months. I was hoping he'd take me there, but I guess he needs to talk to you in private. He left you a key to get in." The front desk Persiamon said handing Beelzemon a large, golden key.

The demon lord Digimon made his way to the spring after half an hour of walking. The spring was open air, surrounded by trees, grass, and rock. At a glance, it seemed like a terrible place to meet and talk since it was so open, but that was an illusion. There was actually a barrier surrounding the whole spring that made it look as though it were empty and inviting. That's why he couldn't see either Astamon or Angewomon inside, neither could they see him standing outside. If he tried to jump the small bamboo fence running the perimeter he'd plant his face straight into an invisible wall. The only way in was through the front door of a small wooden house. Beelzemon went up to the door and gave a quick glance side to side to see if anyone suspicious was around, then stuck the key in and turned the lock. He slipped inside, locking the door behind him then made his way out the back to the spring.

As soon as the water came into sight Beelzemon noticed two figures inside of it. Astamon was sitting near the edge of the spring, the water only coming up to his waistline. Angewomon was deeper in the water. Her back was to the biker Digimon currently since she was facing Astamon. Both the Digimon were completely naked, except for Astamon's dog-like mask which he still had on. The water was clear though moving so Beelzemon had a distorted view of the angel's plump rear. As he got closer he was able to tell what the two were doing. Astamon's fleshy pink cock was fully erect, it's helmet-like head had a darker shade of red. It was quite large compared to her, being roughly the same thickness as her wrist and almost as long as her forearm. Still, with it currently sandwiched between her large breasts it didn't seem too over-sized. Her body moved up and down in slow rhythmic fashion, her fleshy mounds pressed together working his sizable shaft while she serviced the tip with her small tongue.

"It's about time you showed up, I've been trying to hold myself back so you didn't have to deal with sloppy seconds. You know how long she's been teasing my dick like this?" Astamon asked in a cocky tone.

Beelzemon was blushing, watching the angel so willingly nibbling at the dark Digimon's cock. He shook his head and mumbled that he didn't. "58 minutes, give or take a few seconds, but I'd suck on you forever if that's what you wanted," Angewomon said in a lusty tone as she cast her eyes to the side to look at the biker Digimon.

Astamon laughed, "She really has taken to her role quite well. I would never suspect it to all be a lie if I didn't know better."

"Well, the best lies have some truth hidden in them," Angewomon said, then lowered her mouth around his cock. His dick's head hit the back of her throat and she gagged but pushed forward. The demonic cock began spreading her throat, a visible bulge formed and traveled downward as she swallowed his manhood. Beelzemon gulped as he watched and heard her work his friend's length.

Astamon watched Beelzemon, then moved his hands to the angel's blond hair and grabbed a handful of it. He then pulled her down hard, forcing all 14 inches of his dick down her throat. Her eyes went wide for a moment, then returned to normal as she moaned in lust. "How does this make you feel Beelzemon? Don't you want to be the one making her moan? Don't you want to feel her lips wrapped around your cock, sucking down your cum?"

"Pfft, what makes you think I haven't?" Beelzemon said in a semi-convincing tone.

Astamon pulled the woman's head up a few inches then gave a few rapid thrusts of his hips. "Glah!" She gagged loudly.

"Can you hear how she's gagging? We've known each other for quite a while. We've shared women before. I know how they act once they've experienced being with you. If you'd been fucking her weekly she'd be able to handle these little thrusts in her sleep. Now, personally, I don't mind being the one to blow her mind. Hell, if you don't act soon she might get tired of waiting." Astamon let go of her hair and reached down with both hands and pulled her rear up out of the water and spread her ass cheeks, revealing her pussy and tight anus. "So why don't you drop the good guy act, drop your pants, and help me fuck this bitch already?"

Angewomon pulled herself off Astamon's dick, panting for air. "Yeah Beelzemon, show me what you can do. I've heard so much about you from the other girls. I need to know if it was all true or just exaggeration." She said shaking her rear at him.

Beelzemon's crotch was bulging, his cock straining against the black cloth of his pants. He bit his lower lip as he thought about giving in, but held himself back. Seeing his hesitation Astamon quickly flipped the angelic woman around, pushing her legs up next to her head and holding her right above his cock. "Well, I'm not going to wait any longer. I've wanted to pound this hot, thicc ass all night!" He roared as he pulled her down onto his dick, spearing her near virgin like anus and pulling her down to the base in just a few seconds.

"Oh fuck yes!" Angewomon screamed out as she came just from having her rear penetrated. Her pussy convulsed and leaked her juices out right in front of Beelzemon. The biker Digimon's cock twitched in his pants, growing even more as well as a small wet spot forming at its tip. She panted for a minute, occasionally letting out a soft moan of pleasure. After she was all done cumming, Astamon let down her legs so she could be a bit more comfortable, plus he was able to move his hands up to her large chest and fondle them. A small smirk formed on her face, then disappeared as she got more serious. "Alright then, if you're not going to have any fun you might as well tell me whatever it is you got going on so you can get out."

That hurt a little bit, but the demon lord figured she'd respect him more once this was all over, so he ignored the feeling. "Well, I think I finally got an in to the citadel. I should be able to..."

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the thwapping of Astamon's massive balls against my ass. Could you come a little closer?" Angewomon said in a condescending tone." Beelzemon's eye twitched and he stepped towards her. "A little closer."

The demon Digimon took another step. "Is this close enough?" He growled in annoyance.

"Yeah, that's good enough," Angewomon said, then with surprising speed reached out and grabbed his belt in one hand and his collar in the other, pulling him towards her. "Alright, listen up. You playing hero before was cute, but I am tired of this stupid chivalrous shit you've been pulling. You're not impressing anyone with it. I've met Angemon with less of a stick up their ass about being proper than you've been. You're a fucking Demon, so act like it. I want you to fuck me, just like you'd fuck any other Digimon you've had the hots for, and this is your last chance. If you don't do it right now I will never touch you. So what's it going to be?"

Beelzemon stared at the Angewomon with fire in her eyes. "If that's what you want, it's what you'll get. Just don't blame me if things get too intense for you."

"Oh please, you're not going to be that good," Angewomon said as she let go of Beelzemon's collar and moved her hand down to undo his belt. It only took her a few seconds to get the strap undone, then a couple more to unzip his pants and pull them down revealing his giant cock. It was roughly the same length as Astamon's, though far thicker as she couldn't even touch her fingers together as she wrapped them around his length.

Angewomon felt both of Beelzemon's hand's cup the back of her head. "Get sucking bitch. I hear that you need some gag reflex training, and apparently, I'm the master at that. For the first time tonight, Angewomon felt herself blush as excitement filled her body. He guided her face to his massive dick head, the helmet a grayish purple. She opened her mouth as wide as it could go and leaned down only to find it was too wide. That didn't stop Beelzemon though. He simply gave her head a firm pull as he thrust his hips forward, ramming it straight into the back of her throat. Her jaw somehow stretched more than ever before, but she barely even noticed as she nearly retched feeling such a giant dick choking her. Then he forced himself deeper. In just a few seconds her lips were kissing his clean-shaven crotch.

The Demon Digimon held her there for a minute, letting her realize what was happening. He was still growing! Her already bulging throat got even fatter, the veins and shape of his cock starting to become clearly visible through the flesh. A small bulge started to form at the end of her rib cage as his dick's head continued extending down into her stomach. She swallowed around his giant fuck rod, tasting his salty flesh and feeling her body being contorted to pleasure it. Then she came harder than ever, part of it was caused by Astamon's rapid pounding of her rear, but mostly it was from the lustful thoughts of what Beelzemon would soon be doing with her as well as his potent precum already filling her belly.

Now at 18 inches of length, he pulled his cock out most of the way and began to saw himself and out of her stretched mouth. Loud, intense, wet gagging filled the room as he fucked the angel's throat as hard as he had ever fucked a woman. This wasn't how he had imagined making love to her. He wanted to take things slow, work her up to his size and be gentle, but she wanted it rough so now he was going to give her his all. For minutes he jack-hammered her face, reaching nearly two feet in length and as wide as a two-liter bottle in his girth. The two men's cocks were nearly touching in the middle of her body when they both thrust at the same time. She came again as she realized this, stronger than ever before with more pleasure than she thought possible flowing through her body. Finally, after nearly thirty minutes of savage oral sex, The two men were at their limit. Astamon of course came first, after all, he had been fucking her for longer. Angewomon felt his large dick pulsate then his familiar warm seed flooding her intestines. Her body reacted by clenching down on him, milking his cock for more. At the same time, her throat also tightened around Beelzemon. The demon lord knew this cue and took it. He gave a couple more brutal thrusts into her, forcing over 20 inches of his thick rod in and out of her gullet in just a few seconds, then he erupted into her stomach. Before, she had thought that Astamon's eruptions had been large, but it was nothing compared to Beelzemon. Her belly was filled to capacity with just his first shot, then it was forced to grow more and more as he kept his cock buried down her neck. Soon she looked a few months pregnant, then six, finally as his eruption started to slow she look nine months pregnant. He then quickly pulled himself free. Thick, long lines of saliva stretched from her bright red lips to his pale dick as the last blast of nearly a gallon of steaming hot white jizz drenched her perfect face and hair. A second later cum began to spew from her mouth and nose as her belly rapidly shrank back to normal size.

Now fully consumed with lustful hunger, Beelzemon ripped off his partially pulled down pants as well as his top, not caring that he was ruining them. He was even better than Angewomon had imagined him to look like. She drank in his body's powerful legs, bulging biceps, and toned chest that made her aroused just looking at it. She didn't have long to admire him though, as he jumped into the spring as soon as he was naked. Without missing a beat the demon lord reached down and grabbed her legs and pulled them apart so he could get easier access to her nether regions. "If you really want me to wreck your cunt, guide me in." Angewomon did as he commanded, reaching down between her legs and clumsily taking hold of his giant, slick shaft and pulling it's fat head to her pink pussy lips. "Do you still think you can handle me with ease?" Beelzemon asked with an evil smile.

He seemed like a completely different Digimon now, and Angewomon loved it. This is what she had always wanted from the first second she saw him. "You're god damn right I can!"

"Well, let's fix that then. Do you mind joining me in this dumb angel's cunt Astamon?

Angewomon's eyes went wide, then a second later she felt Astamon's still rock hard cock pulled from her stretched rear causing large globs of white jizz to drop down into the spring's water. A second later she heard a wet slap as his sloppy cock was pressed up against Beelzemon's gigantic dick. "Giving her the ol' double impact I see. You really aren't holding back." Astamon said grinning from ear to ear.

"She told me to be a demon, so I'm going to be truly evil" Beelzemon said, his eyes flashing red as he pulled her down onto the two fuck rods.

Angewomon threw back her head and screamed out half in pain and half in pure lust as she felt the most intense penetration of her life. It was like losing her virginity all over again and she loved it. "Ah! Yes! Fuck me more!"

Beelzemon just chuckled. "You think that was something? That was just our tips, we're barely even inside you." He lowered her a bit more, a large bulged traveled up her pelvis till about eight inches of their lengths were in her. That's when she felt a new, albeit familiar pressure. "So this is what your cervix feels like, it's quite tight. I bet it's hard just for Astamon's size to push past it." She pulled her upper lip down between her teeth an bit down on it as he lifted her a couple of inches, then slammed her down hard, shoving her down till she was bottomed out on Astamon's dick. Her belly had a huge bulge in it where the men's dicks were forcing it out. She threw back her head and let out ear destroying screech of pleasure as she orgasmed again, just a minute after the last one. "Cumming again so soon? I figured you could take more than that, after all." The Demon Lord pulled his hips back, slipping eight inches free from her tight tunnel. "I still have a good ten or so inches that hasn't even felt your pussy yet." He rammed his hips forward, shoving his full length inside of the angel, jutting out her belly as his giant cock stretched out her womb. She opened her mouth to scream again, but nothing came out as her vocal cords couldn't produce the sound she was trying to make. She hadn't even finished her last orgasm as she was hit by an even more intense one.

From then on she never stopped cumming, riding one wave of pleasure to the next. The two men quickly began to saw themselves in and out of the angel's bright red cunt. Astamon was the quicker of the two, partially because his smaller size meant he didn't have to move his hips as far, and partially because he knew what she was capable of enduring far better than Beelzemon did. He was hammering her almost every second. Beelzemon was going only about a third the speed, though he was very slowly speeding up, eventually jack-hammering her every other second. Normally either of the men could have lasted at least half an hour fucking a woman, but this was hardly normal circumstances. Angewomon's pussy was particularly tight for a single cock, but with two it was like having a slick, warm, velvet vice milking their dicks. On top of that, there was extra friction as the two men slid their hard fuck rods against each other, their balls smacking against the others shaft with each thrust. A symphony of high pitched feminine moans, masculine grunts of exertion, wet squishing, and the thwapping of heavy balls echoed through the spring. After barely fifteen minutes the two men became rougher with their thrusts. Five minutes later they came in unison. Both demons' buried their cocks balls deep in the angel and pumped their virile evil seed directly into her fertile womb. Gallons upon gallons of their seed bloated her birth canal, unable to force it's way out around the dicks that had stretched her tighter than a drum. Within seconds she looked pregnant again, this time looking like she had to be ready to give birth to triplets. Then without even warning her, both men ripped themselves out of her gaping pussy allowing the cum to spray out her like a fire hose.

This finally proved to be too much for the Angewomon. Her eyes went cross then rolled into the back of her heads Her jaw opened wide and her tongue stuck out as she let out the most lustful moan she had ever made. Her back arched so far it almost appeared it would break, then she convulsed and glowed white. She seemed to float between the two men as her body changed. Her wings retracted into her body, her breasts shrank as did her hips. Then her whole body began to get smaller till she was only about five feet tall. Finally, a tail grew out between her legs. The glow faded and she was caught in the arms of Beelzemon. She had devolved, though seemingly not quite all the way to a normal Gatomon. She was sort of in between the two forms with attributes from both. She was a feline now, covered in white fur, but she didn't have her over-sized paw gloves, instead having more humanoid hands and feet. She also retained some of Angewomon's more shapely figure. Her hips were curvy, though not to the same extreme as before, while her breasts were only about half the size.

Gatomon's chest slowly raised and lowered as the Demon Lord held her in his arms. He let her rest for a couple of minutes, then gently whispered into her ear, "Wake up sleepy head."

"Hmm, what happened I... What the fuck?" Gatomon yelled in surprise jumping out of Beelzemon's arms and looking at herself. "What happened to me?" She asked shocked at how she looked.

Astamon chuckled "I'd say you used up too much energy. It happens from time to time if you really overexert yourself. You should be fine in a day or two, though..." He paused for a second as an evil thought entered his mind and he stood up. Now that she was far smaller, his cum drenched dick was practically eye height to her when he was standing. "It could take longer if you continue to exert yourself, and you do still have to keep up your cover."

"Are, are you serious. You want to fuck me like this?" Gatomon said with a bit of shock and hesitation, taking a step back only to hit her head against Beelzemon's sloppy hard dick.

Astamon grinned, "Why not? I've never seen a Gatomon as attractive as you before. Besides, you do remember the first rule of good service don't you?"

"Any mess you make, you clean up," Gatomon said with a blush as he took a step closer to her. She looked up at him with her huge cute eyes, then turned her head and gave his cock a small lick, then another, and another. Each one was longer and more confident. Very quickly she was lapping away at his 14 inch fuck rod, bathing it with her tongue. Somehow his semen tasted even better to her in this form. She wasn't sure if it was because of her feline senses being heightened compared to being an angel or if it was something about his high-level cock giving off some sort of enticing aura. Either way she had him clean in just a couple minutes. Then she switched to Beelzemon, bringing his arm length meat stick to her fuzzy lips. She couldn't believe his massive size. He seemed huge before, but when she reached his tip and began cleaning it she grasped how truly massive he was. She didn't know how in the world she ever managed to get her lips around this thing as Angewomon, and now she was even smaller! It took much longer for her to clean the demon lord's cock. It had so much more surface area to deal with, but more than that, she wanted to savor the experience. This was her first time tasting his seed. She had thought that Astamon's cum was good, but Beelzemon's breeding batter was mind blowing. She swore she could almost orgasm just from the taste alone.

When she finally finished she let out a small burp of satisfaction. Then with a blush, she spoke. "So, I cleaned you both up. Does that mean we're done... or do you want to keep going?" She asked with her tail twitching, letting on her obvious preference.

Oh, we're not done yet, I still haven't even got to try out your ass!" Beelzemon gruffly said, a bead of precum forming on his cock tip at just the thought.

Gatomon blushed even brighter red and her eye's widened. "You want my ass, but you're so BIG. I'm not sure you'll fit."

Beelzemon leaned down and picked her up. "Don't worry, I'll go slow... At first." He carried her over to a table sitting next to the hot spring and laid her down on it so her back was flat against the wood. He then grabbed her legs and pulled them up so they rested against his chest then pulled her back slightly so her fuzzy ass was free from the table. The Demon Lord Digimon moved his hands down to her rear, caressing it. "Mmm, nice and firm. This is going to be fun." He moved his hips back and grabbed hold of his cock. He brought it to her tiny anus then unceremoniously forced his head and first few inches into her, spreading it almost as wide as her thigh was.

"Fuck. Fuck! FUCK!" Gatomon screamed feeling her ass torn wide open. "You said you'd go slow asshole!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. It's just this position that makes it hard. I'll go slower now, I promise." Beelzemon said, showing genuine concern and dropping his dominating facade for the moment.

"Fucking better!" Gatomon said through gritted teeth. He held himself there for a couple of minutes letting her get used to his massive girth. Soon enough the huge invader started to feel familiar, perhaps even enticing. She blushed slightly, embarrassed at the realization she wished he had shoved more of his amazing cock into her. Finally, she let out a sigh. "Alright, I'm ready now. Shove that demon dick as deep as you want."

Beelzemon gave her a warm smile then very slowly began to feed his manhood into her. Every five seconds or so he shoved another inch into her, going just slow enough that she could handle the discomfort, but fast enough that she could see the bulge growing and traveling up her normally flat furry abdomen. It took nearly two minutes for him to get the full thing into her. It felt so strange to her having his massive rod stretching her furry body out, contorting it to pleasure him. Stranger still was that she liked it. He held himself there for a minute before pulling out at roughly the same speed. He was about to push back into her, going only slightly faster but Astamon had other ideas.

"Okay, enough of this slow shit! My cock's getting cold out here." Astamon grabbed Gatomon's furry head and pulled it back, taring her view from the cock fucking her ass to look at the one less than an inch from her mouth. "Open wide little kitten, time to give you some demon cream."

The feline Digimon opened her mouth to tell him to wait a minute more, but he didn't give her a chance to even utter a symbol. He rammed his hips forward without a once of mercy or hesitation. While Beelzemon might be playing to dominating her, Astamon was here to prove he wasn't. Instantly his full length had speared her throat, his softball-sized testicles smashed up against her sensitive nose. Her throat strained to contain his girth and his tip reached straight down into her stomach making a bulge in her belly. She let out a stifled scream of surprise that turned to loud wet gagging as she choked on his man meat. Half a second later he pulled out so only the tip was in her mouth, then rammed back in making her gag even more. He jack-hammered her inexperienced feline face without mercy. Very quickly her sounds of shock and fear turned to lush and moaning. The taste of his shaft and precum flooded her feline mind making her salivate and crave more. "See Beelzemon, going slow is overrated." He grinned at the demon lord.

Beelzemon furrowed his brow, thinking about what Astamon said. Ultimately he decided to ignore his friend's suggestion, at least mostly. He continued to thrust in and out of Gatomon's strained rear at increasingly faster speeds, but it took nearly the entire time to reach just half the speed he had used on Angewomon's pussy. That was nearly forty minutes of uninterrupted pounding from both ends. Gatomon could feel the two men's cocks pushing so deep into her she could feel them met in the middle. About halfway through she had her first orgasm as a feline. It was a bit different than as Angewomon. Her whole body seemed to tingle and her senses were heightened. She could smell and taste flesh reaming her from both ends. That only got more intense as she had her second orgasm, then her third. She lost count of orgasms sometime after the fifth as they became endless once again. She only knew it was over when she heard the two men let out guttural grunts of satisfaction. Then cum began pouring into both sides, filling up her feline body instantly, then forcing her belly to grow as they both fed her seemingly endless amounts of their delicious cream. She could feel every pulse of their cocks, and hear the churning of their balls as they delivered more and more to her, and as they did so all she could think was that she hoped this mission would never end.