Sam's Origins: The Egg cycle part 2

Story by Vengancejr on SoFurry

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#2 of Sam's Origins

Up until about a half an hour ago San had been an average sixteen year old male celebrating his birthday while his family was out of town. His parents were always working which had allowed him to have this huge party in his house. Now he found himself, or rather herself, as a strange new creature. She had suddenly transformed into a very voloptuous female dragon-kangaroo hybrid. Although she now laid eggs she was still mammilian in that she had breasts and would lactate. After her sudden transformation was over with another one had started. Being a male all of her life up until this point her body began to make up for lost time on missed egg cycles.

Instead of having a period like most females she would become egg heavy and eventually lay them even if she wasn't impregnated. Grasping the bathroom sink tightly with her newly clawed hands, she could feel a warmth beginning to grow in her belly and the accompanying arousal that came with it. Sam began waling out of the bathroom into her bedroom partially stumbling due to her new three-toed clawed paws and partially because of the last scraps of her pants around her ankles. Tripping she lands on her bed and rolls over scooting back against the headboard, her long paws scrabbling against the sheets, feeling the heat intensifying in her soft belly and feeling her womanly folds beginning to drip steadily with her arousal.

The start of a steady pressure began below her navel. With unsteady shaking hands, Sam reaches down to run her hands over her belly to feel it slowly spreading her hands apart. Slowly it begins to puff up and inflate steadily as she rubs her hands over it feeling how sensitive it has become only making her hotter. Being driven wild with sudden lust and want she pulls her knees up to spread her luscious new thighs as she tentatively reaches a clawed hand to her new slit. The touch of her clawed hands on her soft nether lips makes her gasp and throw her head back in a sensuous lustfilled moan. Sam's lust only intensifies at her touches and begins to drive her fingers deep into her aching cunny moaning with wreckless abandon making her toes curl rending the sheets and mattress. Squeezing her thick thighs she can feel herself dripping more and more steadily when a sudden increase of pressure in her belly makes her grunt and opening her eyes she see's that her belly is now approachign what a woman in her fifth month in pregnancy would look like.

Sam's now aware that she isn't just adding more padding to her luscious form but that she is filling up with something in her belly. Reaching up with her free hand she rubs her belly gently pressing her fingers into it feeling how taught it is and have little give to it. Underneath the padding she can feel a solid heavyness that is steadily pressing her down into the mattress. This only spurs her lust on further. She lets out a deeply sexy moan and growls softly as she feels herself close to climax. Pumping her fingers steadily deeper into herself, her tail thrashing between her legs, her belly pulsing steadily larger and her toes curling and clenching tighter than ever. With a earshattering scream she throws her head back as she cums violently her folds clenching and squirting her lovely nectar thoroughly soaking the mattress and sheets in her sticky juices. Just as Sam was coming down from her first wonderful female orgasm, her belly suddenly twitches and pulses with sudden rapid growth. Gurgling and bubbling noises can be heard coming from within as she steadily grows larger soon appearing at term with twins.

Not to be outdone, her breasts grow heated with that wonderful feeling of expansion as they begin to grow past her normal, well normal since she became a female dragon-roo, size of D rapidly growing to a DD and soon surpassing that and steadily moving into E's! This only spikes her arousal once again driving her to squeeze and caress her soft pliant breasts. She can feel them becoming more unyielding as the sensation of filling begins to overwhelm her. Craning her neck down to her pink puffy nipples she takes one into her mouth and eagerly begins to suckle at it. Suprised at the sudden rush of hot creamy milk she moans through her pursed lips only further stimulating her nipple. With Sam's nursing, her belly decides its not done growing yet as it begins to pulse even larger growing rounder and fuller now easily two to three feet above her, the delicious weight pressing down on her spine. This was going to be one large egg. Sam had no idea how she knew it would only be one egg or that it even was an egg, but she just knew.

In addition to further nourishing the not-so-little egg within her, it seemed to also be padding her further. Making her lush thighs even thicker and rounder without a trace of cellulite. Her hips began to grow wider than her shoulders, sensing that Sam would need this due to the large egg. When all was said and done her belly was so large that if she sat up completely it would be further than her knees! Her hips were now easily three feet wide and her thighs would undoubtly rub together if she tried to walk now. Thats when her belly began to tighten almost painfully causing Sam to let loose a sudden grunt and release the nipple in her mouth reluctantly. While she had been suckling her body had grown to greater proportions without her knowing! A trickly of fluids began from her cunny followed by a sudden gush of a slimy and sticky substance.

Sam thought that she had just cum yet again but in reality the egg in her belly wanted out now. Pulling her knees up as best she could again she prepared herself for the contractions that were sure to come. Her belly tightened and she pushed with all her might to help the egg out. Sam's tail was lashing about below her in agitation of this labor. It wasn't all painful, it had a tinge of pleasure to it as well. Another contraction hit her mighty belly tightening and she pushed again feeling a pop inside her as her cervix dialated enough and the egg began to push through. Throwing her head back and moaning at the exertion of the labor she reached up to brush her sweat slicked hair out of her eyes and to the side. Another mighty contraction hit her and she brought both of her hands to either side of her belly and pushed. Sam was slightly shuddering at the pleasurable sensations of her hands on her belly applying delicious pressure to the egg within as well as the tightness in her tunnel as the egg dropped through her cervix. The egg was huge and she could see its progress in her belly as it dropped lower. Spreading her thick thighs wide apart she pushed again as another contraction hit causing the egg to bulge obscenely against her cunny's lips and causing it to spurt her sticky love juices around it. Thrashing her head around in ecstacy at the feeling of being spread so wide by this egg she prepared for the final push. With one final contraction she pushed with all her might, the white and green speckled egg pushed out from between her lips hotly and plopped out of her wetly followed by a gush of fluids from her well stretched pussy. Gasping and shaking Sam came once again at the feeling of this eggs release from its warm moist prison. She laid there running her hands up and down her still puffy belly now only looking like a slight potbelly and squeezing her large F cup sized breasts listening to the milk sloshing around hotly in their soft prisons.

Normally her eggs wouldn't be this big or she'd lay multiple eggs, but being as it was her first egg cycle it was a bit to the extreme. She would always grow larger during these times and would always love it even if she didn't look foward to the next time. Thankfully the party downstairs had cleared out by the time she had gone into labor so that was one problem down. The big question was, what would she tell her parents? How would Sam explain her sudden sex and species change. Where would she go if her parents didn't accept her. But that is a story for another time

Sam's Origins part 1

Sam was very excited about tonight. He was turning 16 and becoming a man Unfortunately, or fortunately, his parents were out of town on business. This meant he was throwing a massive party in honour of his own birthday and was hoping to get lucky and...

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