Never According to Plan.

Story by Grey Wulf on SoFurry

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Just a quick depiction of a fantasy with my man, well not really my man because he's straight, but I do really love him with all of my heart, and this is me trying to express that. Not always accurately.

This is my first story, mostly because I don't write them much, lol. I would really appreciate sone feedback, I tried to make as few mistakes as possible, and sorry for the hurried-up ending, I got bored.

They were supposed to arrive at the LZ at 2030 hours a click south of the intersection of two roads who's names you wouldn't be able to pronounce, regardless of enemy resistance. Nightfall had begun to overtake the downed pilots, as well as sheer exhaustion from the long hours of crawling through muck, evading enemy patrols, and lack of food.

"Cornel, I think that it's time to stop, we have missed the extraction by at least an hour, it's a shame that neither of pus knows Vietnamese " the 6' tall, muscular grey and white, grey eyed grey wolf grimaced, "besides, with the sun going down, the temperature will fall well below freezing, we need to find shelter before it gets too cold."

"I couldn't agree more, but first we have to find a secure location, probably somewhere along the base of that tree-line to the south." noted the taller, skinnier Doberman who stood with his nose into the wind, trying to pick up a scent of any enemy patrols in the area. "Coast seems clear," Col. Elms observed, whilst scanning the ridge with his keen eyes, "okay, let's go!"

"Yes sir!" responded the wolf to the higher-ranking officer, sliding down the slippery side of the hill, towards the tree line.

"I don't know about you, sir, but I believe that we were mighty lucky to not be killed after the ejection! There was a ton of shrapnel, I'm surprised we weren't ripped to shreds!"

"Yeah, we ended up fine, but most of our equipment was either lost or damaged, could of been better, but that's not what's important right now." "Dinsmoor, do you remember any secondary extraction points?"

"Maybe if our map hadn't been so chewed up in the explosion, all that is left of it is north of here, and that is the opposite direction in which we are trying to go."

The muscular wolf sighed, lowering his head to examine his compass, the only truly operational piece of junk the Air Force gave them, which was leftover from old army bunkers from more than 15 years ago, but it isn't like anything really changed that was issued to them, just the condition they were in. Hell, some of the infantry were still using M1 Garands from WWII, excellent rifles, but outdated.


"Okay, is this a good spot?" Lt. Dinsmoor asked

"Yes, good work, Tyler" complimented the Doberman, as he put down his pack, starting to get out the deployed parachutes that he remembered to keep, thanking the military for including a survival course in basic and pilot training. "Mind attaching that cord about three feet above the base of that tree there, Tyler?"

"Yessir!" the wolf cheerfully grabbed the copious lengths of parachute cord, which was the only thing that the two had plenty of. He tightly fastened the slightly elastic material in a slip-knot, making sure that it would not come undone by the wind.

The wolf got up and draped the parachute over the tight cord, with the green side up, to shield from unfriendly eyes, then stretching it to make it secure. "I believe that this will do just fine," admiring their handiwork. "I will take first watch, you get some rest, Sawyer."

Col. Elms acknowledged his partners order, laid down, and nodded off to sleep.


The Doberman got up around midnight, "My turn."

The wolf did not move from the spot where he sat "Come here, Sawyer"

The muscular Doberman crawled over, making sure not to make too much noise, and sat down next to his wingman.

"Do you know what it's like, to have to hide who you are in fear of having all of your hopes and dreams destroyed, just because of who you are?" teared up the wolf, "You know, one of the only things I have ever truly wanted to become is a pilot, and I did it, but if they knew about me, even with all of these medals and awards, they would discharge me without a second thought..."

"What are you talking about, Tyler?" asked Sawyer as he put a hand on the Wolf's shoulder.

"Sawyer, I'm would very much like you to know how much I really care for you, when we were going down, I was scared, but for you, if anything would ever happen to you, I don't even want to think about It. I love you with all of my heart, more than I have ever cared for anyone else. No matter what happens, I want you to know that I will always have your back, and love you until the day I die."

Shocked, the Doberman said, a little more than a whisper into the wolf's ear, "I do know, all too well... You know, I have always wanted to, well, love on you, I'm not really sure how to explain it, I haven't ever felt this before" as he nibbled on his ear gently.

Tyler lifted his head, looking deep into his superior officer's eyes, "Then let you heart decide" and locked muzzles with him. The canines stayed in this position for several minutes, holding each other, exploring all if the nooks and crannies of each others mouth, wrestling their tongues in a pit of saliva. The wingmen's breathing and heart rate increased as they were feeling the other, backing into the tent where the only warmth was left, besides the heat generated by the two canids.

They were examining each others bodes with their paws, exploring the curvature of each other. Nothing else mattered at the moment, the cold, the poor bedding, enemy scouts, nothing. They finally got a chance to dive into what they have always felt for each other, this time was priceless, because if they happen to be caught, by either their own forces, or by the OpFor, both would have them punished.

The couple broke their kiss, and looked deep into each other's eyes, pressing their noses together. "I think it's time to get these flight suits off, sir..." the wolf said with the tiniest smirk; unbuttoning the button by the neck, then tugging gently at the zipper, the Doberman doing the same.

The top half of both the pilots were now exposed, along with the large bulge in each of their pants which the Doberman was now grabbing at. "Take the rest of it off, cadet..." Sawyer teased, Tyler doing as he was instructed, while not separating the eye contact for a moment.

Sawyer hastily removed what was left on him, and advanced onto the wolf, laying him down while placing his strong paws around Tyler's waist, wrapping him in a warm embrace for just a moment, then turning his focus to the wolf's glistening eyes, "Would you like to bottom or top?"

"As long as your happy, it doesn't make a difference to me."

"Awww, that is SO cute!"

"Okay, down to business..."

The wolf focused his attention to the Doberman's sheath, rubbing it to expose the tip of the doberman's cock, and kept rubbing to show even more pink flesh. Eventually the whole 11 inches of hard Doberman was exposed, standing straight at attention.

"Holy shit, Sawyer! Your huge!" exclaimed Tyler. He peered down at his own 8 inch dick, he did not envy Sawyer, he was happy with his size. "But I very much rather bottom to you anyway, you sexy thing!" Tyler beamed at the Doberman.

Sawyer seemed happy with himself as the wolf laid down on his belly, his face in the crotch of his wingman, looking up for permission with those needing eyes...

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Sawyer asked patiently. "EHmmmm...... oooohogod!" he struggled to say as the wolf went for it with all he had, wrapping his tongue around the member, trying to get it as much into his mouth as he could. Sawyer just couldn't contain himself so the wolf had to put a stop to it, least they get caught. "Okay, get up on your knees" commanded Tyler

Sawyer did as he was told and got up, while Tyler got on all fours in front of the big dog, his tailhole at the perfect hight for Sawyer's insertion.

"Now lube me up, puppy!" The big dog spit into his paw, and stuck a slick digit into the wolf's tight ass, slowly pumping the finger in an out. Tyler was moaning as Sawyer shoved in another finger, letting out a little yip. The Doberman pulled out his paw, spit on it some more and rubbed the length of his hard shaft.

"This might hurt a bit, you seem really tight, tell me if it hurts too much, okay?"


Tyler braced for impact against the tree for support as the Doberman gently started inserting his warm tip dripping with slippery pre into the wolf's tailhole, gradually putting more pressure into the rear end of the wolf, leaning into him.

Tyler winced at the slight pain generated by such a large foreign object being forced into where nothing was designed to enter.

"Are you sure, Tyler? We can stop if I hurts too much."

"Thanks for your concern, but we both went through training, a grand total of 9 months of it, I think I can handle a little pain."

Sawyer agreed, and continued to press ever so further until he was halfway in, and paused there, to let his damp tunnel adjust to the size. After nearly a minute, the Doberman advanced further, bulldozing his way deep into the bowls of the wolf, savoring every inch until he could venture no further. After again waiting for the ass to adjust, he slowly pulled out, and thrust back in again, and again and again, Sawyer's heavy balls slapping against the wolf's tight ass, increasing the tempo every time he went in and out and in and out, creating a nice rhythm.

He began to seriously plow Tyler's hot hole, thrusting harder and harder every time the dog got in and started to pull out again. Tyler, trying to do as much as he could, held on to the tree as best as he could, his knuckles turning white. Sawyer was now using both the power of his strong hips and his muscular arms to ravage the Tyler. "uh uh uh Uh Uh UH! UH! OH GOD! SAWYER!"

"Your so damn tight, Tyler! I'm getting close!" Sawyer started to paw off the wolf as he fucked his brains out, tightening his grip on him even more.

"Oh my god Sawyer! Your so big! Tie me! Please tie me!" the wolf held onto the tree for his dear life.

Sawyer happily obliged by thrusting harder and harder, his knot popping in and out, it was getting too big. With a final push, he put the strength of all the training from flight school, tying him, and kept plowing as hard as his body would let him, with a last push, he shot his load, rope after rope of warm, sticky, seemingly endless amount of seamen into the wolf's tight, warm bowls.

Tyler, having being ravaged by a monster cock, knotted, and pawed off, was in heaven, his prostate pulsing from all of the attention it was getting, spewed load after load of cum everywhere, on them, their flight suits, the parachute, everything.

They were joined as one, feeling each other's heartbeat slow as the rich bliss of a perfectly matched orgasm. "I guess we made it to the LZ this time, huh, Tyler?" "Oh, honey, you GOT to the choppa!" they chuckled at their bad jokes.

Tyler was the filled to the top from that cock being shoved so deeply, as Sawyer was still getting aftershock orgasms from not having sex in so long. Sawyer couldn't help giving Tyler a massage as he was suckling ever so gently on his ear. "Sawyer, was that supposed to be part of plan?" raising an eyebrow.

"You started it, you know! I'm just kind of sad you did not ask me earlier, I would of said yes."

"Well, I had to be careful about it, because if anyone gets wind of this back in the states, were done for. I know it's a depressing thing to be talking about. I love you, Sawyer. I want you to know that."

"I do, honey, I do."

Sawyer gently kissed Tyler on the back of his head, and they cuddled until they both fell asleep, with Sawyer's arms wrapped around the wolf, still inside of him, nuzzling each other.


"Well, Well, Well... What do we have here?" bellowed an ominous voice from outside the parachute tent.

The pilots looked at each other, and began digging around to find their sidearms.

"Looking for these?" the voice baited, "I hope you weren't intending to use them... Come out."

The couple, still nude, crawled out and faced the owner of the voice, a chubby, short Pit bull. "You two... What in the he'll were you doing? Never mind, don't answer that. You can either come quietly, or I will have to drag you. What is it going to be? Either way, put your cloths on." pointing the sidearms at their heads.

"It's not like we have much of a choice." the wolf growled at the Pit bull.

"No talking"

Tyler and Sawyer put on their flight suits, boots, paws were tied. The grubby little lab gave a weighted push on their backs, towards the clearing where a helicopter was grounded. Strange, the pit that captured them didn't have any Vietnamese accent, or of any neighboring countries whatsoever. The closer they got to the helo, it became recognizable as a Huey.

"Could they be American?" the wolf whispered

"I don't think that chunk of lard would even pass basic, if they were."

The pit seemed to of heard this, "Shut up, you faggots, no talking"

The closer they go to the awaiting chopper, the more they noticed that there were no tail numbers, flags, or markings of any kind, all except for a capital A and O. "Sawyer, who in the hell are...." *thump* "ahh! Fuck!"

"Maybe I didn't tell you bitches this before, if you talk, I will smack you good! Now shut the fuck up!" the pit bull snapped at the wingman, waving his baton in the air.

"Well somebody's grumpy!" the wolf badgered


The wolf was out stone cold, with the pit challenging the unconscious body to fight it out like a real canine, as Tyler was tied and unarmed.

"No! Tyler!" the bound Doberman yelled and threw himself at the pudgy pit, catching him off guard and now off balance. The pit bull dropped, and hit his head on a small rock, dazing and infuriating him. "I'll get yo.... son of a.. ..sucking whore!" He was in no way aware of his surroundings, so Sawyer dropped all of his weight as best as he could, taking the pit from consciousness.

Grabbing at the obese pit bull's knife sheath, took It out and started to saw at the bindings cutting into his wrists. The pilots of the helicopter must of seen this, because they were sprinting full speed at the group, firing their pistols in their direction, with zero accuracy. Sawyer finally unbound his paws, and focused his attention to the fallen wolf, checking for vitals, which were positive. "Come on, Tyler! Get up!" He rolled him over and began sawing at the ropes, making excellent time. The wolf began to stir, "Wha.. Are.. Woah!" and stumbled to the unconscious pile of fat laying against the rock, talking back possession of their sidearms, giving one to Sawyer, and loading the chamber. "Right one's mine!"

The wolf was number 2 in the top ten for points for pistol marksmanship back at the barracks, and a bump on the head wouldn't make him too inacurate "chamber loaded, safety off" Tyler thunk to himself *breath* "two targets near 100 yards and closing, first target approximately at 92 yards, which counts for about a 2 degree incline" *breath* "target in iron sights, shifting up" *exhale* "gently squeeze trigger" *BANG!* *breath* *BANG* "target down, shifting fire, target at about 75 yards, and..." *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* Sawyer fired, filling his target with lead.

"You trigger happy much?" the wolf smiled "let's tie this piece of shit up and get out of here." he said, rubbing his head where the blow landed, wincing a bit at the touch. "and see if there is a first aid kit in the chopper"

Sawyer and Tyler jogged over the the Huey, and searched for anything usable. "Tyler, do you know how to fly one of these?"

"Maybe if my butt would stop hurting..." the wolf teased, "Sgt. Ray once ordered me to prep one to transport some stuff, and I used to have one of those wooden helicopter simulators when I was a kid, so I guess."

"Either way, we have to be leaving soon, no telling when enemy reinforcements are going to arrive."

"Yes sir!" electronics on, rotor break off, fuel on, engine on, spooling up, throttle gently up, stick center. "and we have liftoff!" the Huey gently rose up off the ground, rotated 113 degrees and hummed forward, toward the only slightly friendlier southern portion of the shithole country known as Vietnam.

Forty five minuets into flight, yellow buzzer buzzing. "Tyler, low fuel, we have to set her down somewhere. If we go west, there is an allied outpost within 15 miles of a possible LZ."

"Sounds excellent, what is our bearing?"

"uhh.. One-hundred and fifty-two south-southeast, there should be a small clearing, marked with a large H."


"Okay, I see it!" Tyler gently approached the landing pad, and set down with a slight bump. His butt still hurting from last night's endeavors. "The map says that there should be an allied outpost directly south of here, about two kilometers."

"ugh, I wish we could of just landed directly there, hell, even though we got shot down, maybe we could get lucky again!" Tyler joked

They got out of the Helo, and followed their compass directly south, a click later they ran into a road, which lead directly to a roadblock, set up by the U.S. Army.

Over the loudspeaker, a G.I. Yelled "Put your hands above your head! Drop to your knees! Do not move or you will be shot!"

Three G.I.s ran up to the kneeling pair, and asked "What is your affiliation?"

"Friendlies! U.S. Air Force! Col. Elms, Sawyer D. and Lt. Dinsmoor, Tyler R.!"

The soldiers removed the wolf's and doberman's sidearms and escorted them to the base where they would check with HQ to verify the existence of the two pilots, which checked out fine.

They both left the U.S. military, and bought a house together in the middle of the valley of the sun, with a 42 acre ranch, complete with a three bedroom, two bathroom, house on top of a Mesa. They lived in peace with little interference from the government and press. No one found out of the love they shared, and no one cared.

They lived happily ever after.