Shooting for the Stars! (Snuff, Watersports)
So had an idea of writing a story IN SPAAAACE! for a while now. And then was perusing some art and saw Lando's adorable Apple species. One thing went to another, and the next thing I know my Apple OC is taking a little swim outside the airlock!
Shooting for the Stars
Oh god, a package from my kinky ass brother has arrived on my birthday. I see he's keeping up our little competition to see who can best make the other one blush once more. I was curious what his rainbow butt was up to, assuming he still had that ridiculous glowing Apple sleeve.
Well, let's see what crazy show he's put on, since older bro's gotta always be on top. I opened up the box to get to a simple memory box. Though he had been getting pretty imaginative. Hopefully this time it won't be like his head in a box. again. The hassle and questions of having to recycle a literal fucking head made it almost not worth the initial shock and amusement I had. although he was pretty fun to neck fuck and watch cum pour out those preserved lips and tongue.
I waddle myself and the recording over onto a nice comfy couch and close my eyes. Letting the virtual augmentations take over and start tentatively connecting to that little pod. I had a few minutes to wait as once I linked up, letting my muse dig through to make sure he didn't leave any real surprises like something that would just kill me in sensory overload. He seemed the cheeky type to try and turn the tables one of these years and kill me instead.
Running my thick hands over my round belly, I couldn't help but get that tingle of excitement and feel my erection peek out from my sheath. While bro may have gone for a crazy candy-raver rainbow, I just left myself in a more natural creamy coloration. At least as natural as a fat round little teddy bear could get, but hey, we're one of the least crazy things in space these days. You'd be surprised how often cute and cuddly works.
Taking a few deeper breaths, I let my mind wander further from my body. Letting the virtual world engulf my sight and hearing. I wanted to leave touch as is though, getting comfy to run a fingertip against my fat stubby penis and rub circles around the blunt tip. My muse brought up now that, yes, this was just a series of recordings, in just audio and visual. No crazy simsense hijinks, dangerous stimula, or viruses to ambush me. Just whatever crazy hijinks a horny ass brother could be up to lightyears away.
The world came up again, now within a dimly lit, small room. Very small. Hey, was this a... Oh! looks like Milo is still his day glo Care Bear Apple self. The moth feeler ear tufts were new, but that rainbow fur glittering and sparkling in glowing lines was still pure Milo. Sometimes I wonder how he sleeps, glowing all the time, must be like a living night light.?Hell, looks like even his yellow eyes were lit up now, however that worked.
"Hey bro, you know what time it is. Happy Birthday! And you know what that means, it's time for your gift. I mean, these aren't quite as intimate as that time we both did the rope shuffle against a hotel door together. Maybe one of these days we can get together and make a little duet recording for all your kinky friends to blush and jerk it to."
Well, he certainly could still make me blush again, ears burning pink once again. Those were some kinky little experiments way back when. And he still went bare as ever, but really, who didn't these days. Even I let my fat butt hang out now and then. Well, now, thinking of hanging out, is that an airlock he's hanging out in right now?
"I bet you're thinking that there's no way that I'm in an airlock, but you know, you always said I should take a long leap out of a short airlock. You wouldn't believe the amount of work I had to do to get this 'high dive' act approved. Even on a scum barge they take their safety serious, so you better fucking enjoy this."
The rainbow and white bottom turned to jingle a big halo like ring around his tail, and a fat butt wiggle nervously. I was amused to see some joker had put a plastic high dive board in the airlock, and my fat little brother was wiggling his toes on it and squatting his fat little legs as if preparing to dive. Though he'd find something much harsher than a pool awaiting him when those doors opened.
Oh man, the fat little fuck was gonna do it. We'd joke about tossing eachother out to space all the time, but to actually take a swim in vacuum. I couldn't help feeling my arousal jump! Some in nervousness, and some perhaps in envy, watching as those warning lights flashed and a claxon blared for a moment. Ringing once, twice...
We both knew what three rings meant, even separated by lightyears and likely months of time. An adorable hike of tail and CLENCH of hands and feet said it all. I could even hear the HUFF of exhalation as a round belly clenched up all it could to breathe out all as much air as possible.
The puff of wind sounded faintly as the doors opened without the fanfare one expected. The last of the air transferred that sound of the door slamming open with a muffled muteness. Then it was silence as the glittery little Apple pushed off. Floating free from the room with a playful dive. Arms extended, legs out. Looking as if making the world's longest high dive off into the glittery light of alien stars. His own pink heart gem on his belly twinking in the bright lights of the outer hull. He even got his own spotlight for the show.
My own breath exhaled in sympathy as the camera, probably a little drone, silently and gracefully slid forward to slowly orbit the dying Apple. Milo's eyes were clenched shut. His mouth was open as wide as he could make it. You can see the saliva bubble in his mouth as he gave his silent scream. His purple lips and tongue started to bulge as he held himself rigid still for several long seconds. Then the trembly bearcat did his best swimming motions he could muster up.
Both of our arousals dripped pre, throbbing in arousal visibly. But only Milo's leaky prick sent glittering precum into space as the fat little Apple started to shake and spasm. His chest was rising and falling uselessly. His swimming turned to flailing as joints visibly cramped. Eyes widened for a moment in panic, showing their bulging, bloodshot pupils dancing wildly. Nnngh! Did he have to be such a dumb cute little fuck like this?
My own paws shook, trembling and trying to not just jerk it as hard as I could as I watched my little brother suck space. Twirling about uselessly as, oh! There he goes! Of course that chunky little gasper would be getting off on this, even as the rotund rainbow dork spun helpless in vacuum. Milo's bright purple little cock squirted long impressive ribbons of cum that floated like strange gooey ribbons through space. Sparkling in the light even as the liquids in them boiled off. His once bright purple lips and tongue were now a deep blue, swollen fat as his eyes bulged. Eyes clenched shut again as the fat Apple's gut swole even rounder in space's merciless tug upon his fat, dying body.
Those jerks and thrashing kicks seized up into jerking motions, like a robot sticking on a bad servo. Hands clutched to his chest and feet tried to curl together, those pink heart paw pads shaking in the light from the hab. I could see how even these reflexive motions were struggling to withstand the pressure within him. Then the camera panned closer to cut to his eyes fluttering open. One pupil was huge compared to the other as his brain succumbed to the lack of air, shutting down in fits.
Gah! that was too much to take, knowing that dumb little fuck probably just kicked it right there. I felt my hips buck into pillows that felt lightyears away, as I watched dumbstruck as if beside my brother's growing stillness amidst the stars. Some rocky planet and the surrounding gleam of habs floated dizzily by as the drone spun around for the best views. A little ring of precum, semen, and now piss floated ever so lazily away from him, making a little minefield of Apple juices to avoid flying into. Just some more flotsam to eventually find its way to a lagrange point and join the rest of the trash for pickings.
My own climax faded, almost in time to the literal light in my brother's eyes fading to nothing. Those little sparkling lines in his fur dimming away. The tiny trembles of hands clutching together against his chest and flutter of gaudily painted toe claws was over. The drone ended that dizzying dance of tracking his head to shoot back and show how close and yet how far he had travelled in space's lazy inertia. Then cheekily overlaid a little orbital path, showing his twirling butt trailing the scum barge for a few years before he'd make planetfall as a pretty little shooting star.
Likely he'd get his fat bulged corpse picked up long before then, and I'd hate to think how much work some poor biotech is gonna have to do to that shell to fix him back up. Hff, probably just toss that fat ass into the recycler and start fresh. I kind of hope he got a recording of that too, I'll have to try and ask next time I can get in contact. Although, it wouldn't be beneath him to turn himself into a shooting star. Just so he could say someone made a wish on his balls.
Huff, well, that was a fun surprise... but dammit, he also took my idea for this year. Now what was I going to do to top that! I mean, it doesn't get much higher than shooting for the stars. Even if that meant shooting your load amidst them.