How To Catch A Plains Lion

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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What do a tribe of wolves do when a lion from the surrounding plains begins hunting inside of their forest, thus disrupting the natural ecosystem?

They chain him up and feed him psychedelics until he's their willing slave.


When the plainswalker finally fell to the ground a hush fell over the forest, as those watching from the trees looked on with baited breath to see if their net would hold.

Golden eyes whipped around in wild indignation as the lion couldn't believe that he had been trapped in such an unconventional manner, the fact that his muscle bound body was unable to tear the woven threading off from his ten foot form only served to enrage the captured feline, as he struggled uselessly along the grass beneath him. An indignant roar tore through the plains behind him several minutes after it became clear that he would not be gaining his freedom through sheer force of will.

The wolves watching from within the safety of the surrounding trees breathed a collective sigh of relief; they had finally been able to take down the tanned beast that had been stalking the edge of their forest, plundering their food supply and injuring those hunters who went out to track the local deer population. The leader of the hunting group turned to his brother with a proud smile cresting his face, the younger male's plan had worked out better than any of them could have hoped. Leaning forward to lick the white wolf across the muzzle, the slightly shorter lupine signalled that it was safe to descend to the forest below. Once the hunting part's feet touched the ground the lead wolf moved towards the growling lion, however he was stopped from poking at the other with his spear by his sibling placing one of his white furred hands onto his naked chest.

Everyone stopped as they turned to the taller lupine, the question of why he had stopped the leader of their group lingering within their eyes as several tails tucked in between their legs in nervousness. The black haired wolf said nothing, instead he moved forward to face the captured plainswalker by himself. The rest of the hunting party turned to the lead wolf for instructions. The tanned wolf made a quiet growling noise within his throat before huffing through the ring lodged within his nose, thus signalling that they should allow his sibling to do as he pleased...for now anyway.

"Free me from this net, coward." The plainswalker growled as his golden eyes locked onto a slim figure which drew closer to him. "NOW!!" He bellowed with the force of a thunderstorm, thus causing white wolf to actually take a step back when he failed to obey his command.

"I wish I could, but you've caused us too much trouble, plainswalker." The sad tone within the robed lupine's voice made the brown maned feline's round ears twitch in annoyance.

"I'm going to kill you when I get free from here." The proof of this claim came by way of the lion unsheathing his claws and then tearing deep furrows within the unsettled dirt beneath his herculean form.

"I can respect that, all things considered." The unnamed wolf sighed. He then moved his hands down to one of the pouches fastened onto the belt tying his grass robe closed.

Before the nameless feline could demand to know what he meant by that statement the lupine brought out a small handful of pink and blue powder. Kneeling down, the white wolf placed his hand in front of the plainswalker's face and then inhaled. A few seconds later, hesitation stilling his movements, he blew the ground up herbs into the maned feline's snout. As expected, the lion snorted as best he could to remove the stinging powder out of his nose, however upon doing so he ended up hastening the effects laden within the herbal concoction. Said effects were easy enough for the other wolves to see as they moved to stand next to their tribe's shaman. The lion wanted to snarl at the lot of them, however his eyes soon became heavy, too heavy to keep open. His lips, wrinkled as they were over his teeth, slid back over his fangs as his maned head dipped down onto the ground. A second later his thoughts became too much to bear as the weight of his anger drew him down into the deep darkness of unbidden slumber.

It was only when the plainswalker could be heard snoring by everyone present that the collection of wolves threw their heads up to let out a howl of victory. The group of barely dressed males whooped and cheered seconds later, many of them even going so far as to pat the white wolf across the shoulder and rump, a few even licked him across the face in a clear show of appreciation for how well his plan had worked out, though it was his brother who presented the robbed lupine with the greatest show of affection by coming up and wrapping his arms around the smaller male's front.

"Well done, brother!" The loincloth wearing male barked before nuzzling the side of his sibling's muzzle. "Now that we have this beast we'll finally be able to hunt in peace again!"

"Yes." The white wolf commented without much emotion as he watched the hunters maneuver the lion around in such a way that they could drag his massive bulk back to their camp.

"What's the matter, Zuro?" The tanned wolf uncoiled his arms from around his younger brother and then moved to stand in front of him.

"I wish there had been another way, Beral." The white wolf admitted rather tiredly, the slump of his shoulders revealed how much he had been holding back up till now.

"You saw for yourself that the savage wasn't going to agree to anything you might have had to say," The tanned wolf shrugged, his body language displaying his complete indifference to the fate the tribe had planned for the lion. "Besides, this is for the good of the tribe." Beral said without a hint of hesitation.

Zuro looked to the side at the open plains that the maned feline had chased him across, his blue eyes taking note of every blade of grass swaying within the afternoon breeze before his muzzle lifted up to the sky. The passing clouds offered the white wolf no measure of consolidation for his thoughts, and so Zuro pressed down on his rising sense of disgust building within his gut in order to turn his head back towards his sibling. A shaky smile crept over his muzzle as his blue eyes became slightly misty from the repressed emotion.

"I suppose so, brother." The taller wolf chuckled, though there was no mirth to be found within his words. The tanned wolf opened his muzzle to speak, however before he could do so the white lupine turned away from him to follow after the other members of their tribe who were currently struggling to maneuver the plainswalker's massive bulk through their forest home.

Beral caught up with his sibling after snorting quietly to himself; sometimes he just couldn't understand the younger wolf.

The walk back to the tribe's camp took more time than was expected, as the plainswalker struggled some within his sleep, thus forcing the hunters to have to stop and re-secure the net. Once they finally managed to get back to the little collection of tents that made up their home the other members of the tribe, of which numbered about fifty, came around to sniff and lick over them in true lupine fashion. The hunters proudly puffed themselves up upon being greeted in such a manner, with many wagging their tails when their respective mates and/or pups came around to greet them. Many proved to be curious over the sleeping lion, with more than one youngling poking at the plainswalker. A few sniffed over the feline's tail and rump, though when one pup attempted to nibble on the maned feline's round ears he was grabbed by his hunter father and then licked into joyful giggles.

"It seems that this ordeal worked as you said it would, Zuro." The chieftain stated after pulling himself out of his tent.

The towering grey and white furred male stepped over to the still slumbering lion and then knelt down to survey the strange beast. Weathered amber eyes took note of the lack of markings which should have been covering the feline's body with a solemn glare, a snort escaped his ringed nostrils after he finished his inspection. Rising up to his feet once more, the chieftain made a gesture for the hunters to take the plainswalker to the caves at the back of the clearing. The tired hunters let out a few groans of fatigue but they complied with the task set before them nonetheless.

As the lion was being dragged away a few pups followed after the creature, the chieftain didn't bother stopping them. "Do you really think you can tame the beast?" He asked while watching the maned feline disappear into the back of the forest.

"Yes, chief." Zuro admitted without much exuberance. The tone of his voice forced the elder wolf to turn around.

"Is something the matter?" His amber eyes narrowed while looking at the younger male. As expected, Beral placed himself in between the chief and his brother, his face tight with a barely repressed snarl. A gentle touch from the younger male settled the rising aggression which was growing within the tanned wolf's chest.

"No, chief. I'm just a little tired right now. May we go rest?" Zuro asked, if only because he didn't want his brother and the chief to bump heads, quite literally.

"You may." The elder wolf said more to Beral, as his eyes glared holes at the younger wolf.

"Thank you." Turning on his heel, the white wolf walked away, knowing well enough that his littermate would follow after him.

Beral snorted and then chased Zuro all the way back to the tent the pair shared a little ways off to the side of the main area of the tribe's campsite. Nothing much was said between the brothers once they entered into their home as the two wolves had dealt with the rising tension between Beral and the chieftain ever since the tanned wolf had become aware of how much he didn't like the elder wolf to have power and authority over him, especially in areas that involved his littermate. The clash between Beral and the chief would more than likely come about sooner or later, yet Zuro didn't want to think about it right now, instead the white wolf wagged his tail in that telltale manner which would entice his brother's attentions away from the previous confrontation and over to something more...arousing.

Zuro chuckled when his sibling moved next to him and then began pulling him free of his robe, he was careful not to tear the material since he didn't want to have to rethread the fabric once again, before pressing his lips into his mate's muzzle. Zuro didn't resist the forcefulness of his brother's kiss, instead he leaned into it, finding both comfort and warmth in the certainty that the shorter male could alleviate all of his fears and frustrations with both his tongue and hands as he drew him down onto their shared bedding.

It didn't take long before the two were caught within the throes of a powerful rut, with Zuro's legs lifted and spread around his mate's waist as Beral used his muscular hips to plough inside his experienced tailhole. While most in the tribe thought it a bit strange that the two littermates would have found intimacy in one another's presence it wasn't something that anyone thought to question, as there was no denying the passion they felt for one another. Beral took full advantage of this as he drilled himself deep inside of his sibling before lifting his head up and then letting out a powerful howl to tell those within the forest that he was filling his mate with all of his might. Some of the other's within the tribe howled back their own cry of bliss as they made love to their respective mates in time with the two brothers, not that either Beral or Zuro noticed, seeing they were too far gone down the river of ecstasy which was brought about by the tanned wolf's tapered cock hitting all of the right spots within the white wolf's clenching tailhole.

By the time the elder wolf secured his knot within the tight confines of his younger sibling's backside Zuro found himself floating on a blissful cloud of joy high above the world. The scent of his spilled semen soon painted itself across his sense of smell right as the heat and pressure of his mate's throbbing organ signalled the climax of their shared moment together. Beral let out a fierce growl as his littermate's clenching insides milked his shaft in just the right manner to cause his balls to rise up from where they were busily tapping at the underside of the shaman's own twitching orbs in order to release the frothy milk within. The heat of the liquid dribbling into him made Zuro gasp and then moan before he finally threw his own head back and howled out his love for his sibling to the sky above. The white wolf drifted off into gentle slumber not long after coming down from his respective orgasm, with Beral covering his lithe form with his muscular bulk just as the last jet of his milky seed shot deep within the younger wolf's shivering rump.

By the time morning rolled around Zuro found himself groaning in sweet relief as he felt his tailhole throb in that pleasant manner that spoke of how much Beral adored him as his partner and submissive. It was while lifting himself up from the furs underneath his back that he reached out for his sibling, only to find him missing. A sigh escaped the white wolf's throat when he noticed this fact.

'He must be out hunting with the others.' That was the only logical explanation as to why Beral was not cuddling up beside him as he usually did following an evening of restless mating. 'I hope he and the chief don't come to blows today.'

It was quite clear that Beral was growing less and less tolerant of their chief's rulership over him, and thus his sibling would end up challenging the other sooner or later, however Zuro was well aware of the fact that the tanned wolf was not ready to take on the might that was the leader of their tribe. Beral was still too young and ill prepared to contest the might of the wolf that had been leading the tribe for almost twenty summers now, despite being a proficient hunter and tactician for the warriors of the tribe, and thus his humiliation would be certain. Zuro shivered as he thought of seeing his brother, face held down into the dirt, his tail held up by an unforgiving grey hand, while their alpha drove home the point about why the younger male shouldn't challenge him with rough thrusts of his hips and hard smacks of his pendulous balls against the bruised and battered lupine's underside, as per the rules of the defeated male who thought to fight the authority of the chief of their tribe.

Zuro could shift the odds in his sibling's favor by mixing together a medicine which could give his brother an edge over the chieftain, as he knew of several herbs which could strengthen the body and mind, yet he wouldn't do such a thing. Not because he didn't want to see his brother win his bout with the chieftain, but because he honestly had no wish to sully the honorable tradition which had been passed down within the tribe. After all, his place was to secure the wellbeing of all of those who lived there within their pack, as had been taught to him by the former shaman of the tribe, their birth father. With that thought in mind, Zuro resolved himself to go and begin dealing with the plainswalker today. Stretching his arms up above his head and then yawning, the white wolf removed as much of the tension out of his body as he could before lifting himself up and then opening the flap of his and Beral's tent.

The surrounding darkness told him that it was still relatively early, and thus he would have time enough to get to work before the others would return with whatever they had caught for the pack to eat this morning. A light grumble from the white wolf's stomach made the white wolf hunger for some tasty venison or boar, however with the lack of game within the area thanks in part to the lion's overhunting the tribe's hunters would more than likely have to settle for fish.

Stepping outside and then making his way over to a nearby fire pit the white wolf reignited the smoldering sparks with a pair of jagged stones set near one of the surrounding sitting logs and a few whispered words. Once the flames burned brightly within his ice blue eyes, Zuro returned to the tent and then began gathering the various herbs drying on pieces of twine cast all around the interior of their sleeping area. Their birth father had spent years teaching him the difference between the various herbs dotted all throughout the forest, the knowledge of which were poisonous to one's bowels and which were beneficial for healing snake bits and torn flesh, and which could perform both tasks when mixed and ground properly, had been imbedded so deeply within Zuro's mind that he could literally perform the task of grinding said herbs together in his sleep, something for which he had indeed done according to his sibling.

Zuro held back several tears as he thought about how much he missed the elder wolf, the former shaman having given his life to defend the tribe against the metal wearing dogs who had come into the forest five summers ago to attack them. To this day Zuro didn't understand the thoughts behind the canines in question, as their tribe was of no threat to anyone, unlike the plainswalkers who intruded upon their forest home following the odd turn of the seasons drying out the plains back then, however after their first and only assault against them the chieftain of their tribe, as well as several other wolves that lived within the northern and western regions of the forest, had decided to send a bloody message to alpha of the metal clad dogs, one in which had not so easily be forgotten.

The conflict which had followed, short as it had been, had nevertheless allowed the various packs that lived all throughout the forest to continue living in relative peace, however the damage had been done, even now the scars of that conflict had yet to fully be healed as so many had been lost in the fight. Every year following the battle which had been fought found Beral and several others wanting to go out and take the head of the alpha who had sent his metalclad dogs after them, but both he and the chieftain had held the tanned wolf back from doing anything foolish, mostly because they didn't understand the strength nor know the numbers of the those who had assaulted them. Hunters had been sent to track the surviving canines back to their lands, as well as pilfer some of the strange metal garbs and weapons they had left behind in their discarded campsites, however upon their return their shared tales of stone walled buildings filled with acrid smoke and strange squealing objects had been too bizarre for the chieftain to try and understand, and so the elder wolf thought to leave the metalclad dogs alone, at least at the time.

It was during the summers to follow that saw more of the metalclad dogs began stalking relatively close the edges of the forest, never entering but always watching on with curious envy. Attempting to speak with them resulting in nothing more than harsh words being exchanged between the two groups, and so the chieftain had asked Zuro to speak with their ancestors in order to try and plan what they should do about the outsiders a year after the white wolf had taken on the mantle of the tribe's new shaman, as he could sense that something would soon happen between them and the metalclad dogs once again. The answer Zuro had found had been confusing at first, as walking the path of waking dreams towards the lands where their ancestors resided was not something easily done, however the messages become all the clearer after weeks of seeping his mind deep within the intoxication that came from drinking the brewed herbs and mushrooms his birth father had showed him how to make.

They had to connect with the plainswalkers in order to secure the safety of the forest.

This was quite confusing to everyone, as the maned felines were not of the mind to try and forge bonds with them, or anyone else really. This had been proven well enough when one of the wandering males had attacked the white wolf upon his attempting to greet them last summer, the scar Beral carried on his tail from nearly having his rear extremity bitten off after he shoved his sibling out of the way of the maned feline's descending jaws was something for which Zuro still didn't forgive himself for. That's why his hands were calm as he brewed the mixture which he would soon use of the maned feline trapped within the cave up above the tribe's camp.

Once the various herbs and mushrooms had mixed together Zuro poured the frothy solution into one of his wooden bowls, careful not to spill it, and then made his way out of his tent towards the caves after grabbing one of the burning logs from the campfire. As expected, there was only one guard present at the moment, the half sleeping male just barely responded to the shaman with a nod and a loud yawn, before he quietly dozed back off to the land of dreams. Zuro chuckled as he leaned down to lick him across the muzzle. The happy murmur the spear carrying male exuded made the white wolf huff in joy before he moved forward to check on the tribe's captive.

Upon entering the darkened area, Zuro found the massive beast sleeping while kneeling on the ground with arms spread apart by thick rope which was tied into the rocks around him. The feline had been stripped of his strip loincloth, and thus left bare for all to see. Zuro found himself bemused over the state of the plainswalker's genitals, as where he and the rest of his packmates had their cocks housed within thick pouches of fur, the lion's manhood flopped out and down the length of his thighs like a worm. The massive piece of flesh was capped with what looked to be a fleshy mushroom which throbbed with obvious need - the hunters had probably assaulted the other's manhood with their hands and tongue in order to rile the other up while he slept - something which was curious for the white wolf to see. Thankfully there were no signs of blood or ripped fur scattered along the ground, Zuro sighed in relief at that.

"Wake up, plainswalker." Golden eyes snapped open and soon at the sound of Zuro's, said orbs then slowly rolled around to focus on the white wolf.

Zuro flinched a bit when the other raced forward to try and attack him. The painful sounding yelp that came from the larger male soon after made the shaman's lips twitch without him meaning for them to.

"As you can see, you've been secured into place by the tribe's hunters, so I would suggest not doing that again, unless you want to break your arms." He said in a patient, parental tone.

"Release me, you coward!" The brown maned feline roared loud enough to make the sleeping guard rush into the cave, spear drawn at the ready. The plainswalker turned to snarl at the other wolf, who in turn bore his own fangs back at the larger feline, however a calm murmur from Zuro settled much of the guard's aggression, the lion's...not so much.

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to do that right now, as I'm sure you'd probably kill both me and my packmate if I did." Zuro sighed.

"I would indeed for this embarrassment you've put me through." The unnamed male grunted while pulling along the ropes which secured him into place.

When the surrounding rocks trembled in response to this action Zuro's blue eyes widened in fear. The guard next to him moved forward, the intent to thrust his weapon deep into the heart of the larger savage beast clear for all to see. Once again Zuro stopped the other, this time with a quiet croon that made both males perk their ears in curiosity.

"I can understand your frustration, and while I won't ask for you to forgive us for what we've done, I do have a peace offering for you." The white wolf held up the bowl to the maned feline after setting his torch off to the side in one of the holders mounted into the wall.

"I want nothing from you!" The feline spat back.

"Not even a drink for your parched throat?" Zuro smiled sincerely.

"No!" It was at that moment that the plainswalker's throat cracked and a dry series of coughs escaped from out of his mouth.

"Are you sure about that?" Zuro slowly stepped up to the beast, careful to keep eye contact with him. "I know that none of the hunters have given you any food or water since you were brought here, and given their temperament none of them plan to, so would it not be wise to take this gesture of good faith while it is being offered?"

"I'll take nothing from you, save your hide when I get free of these bonds!" The lion growled while straining against the ropes once again.

"As you wish," Zuro nodded while pulling both himself and the bowl away from the feline. "Though this will be the only gesture of good faith that you will be given today."

The plainswalker simply roared at the retreating shaman.

For the rest day the plainswalker was left alone inside of the cave, his roars of indignations and promises of retribution becoming the backdrop for the pack's day to day activities. When night followed the lion's words became silent grumbles of complaint, his stomach telling everyone within earshot of his growing hunger. And yet no one came to his side to give him anything just as Zuro warned. Beral did however enter into the cave in order to tease the other, the tanned wolf doing so well outside the reach of the other's jaws, as he commented on what the pack had to feast on today, all the while his sheath and groin were covered with the evidence of his and his brother's earlier mating. The scent of male rut was thick on the tanned wolf's fur, as such it easily traveled into the lion's nose, thus causing his dick to rise up in response. Beral laughed at the sight. The plainswalker snapped at the wolf in an effort to frighten him, his overgrown canines clicking against one another from the force he used, however his traitorous stomach belied those attempts, as hunger was rapidly becoming a paramount concern for the bulky male.

The next morning found the maned feline filled with the same vitriol as before, though he no longer had the strength to make the cave shake when he tried to break the ropes binding his arms. By the third day of his captivity however the other could no longer even struggle, though he could still snarl when Zuro attempted to speak with him. The white wolf spoke gently to the maned feline as he knelt down in front of him, his blue eyes looking on with pity as he noticed the pitiful state of the once proud plainswalker; defeat surrounded the other's body like a thigh fog as both hunger and dehydration muddled the maned feline's golden eyes, more than likely the other was finding it hard to think at the moment.

"Do you have a name?" The white wolf calmly asked while sitting on the ground below the kneeling lion.

"What does it matter?" The golden eyed lion groused through his now heavily parched throat.

"I would like to learn more about both you and your tribe, as our two people have never truly interacted before." Zuro stated while chewing on a few pieces of dried meat he had cured the other day.

The lion said nothing at first, his golden eyes instead focusing on the stripes of flesh which were rapidly descended into the white wolf's muzzle. "My name is Gnasher." He finally said once Zuro offered him the last bit of his meal.

"A powerful name." The shaman nodded. He then lifted himself up off of the dirt, sweeping his hand over his robe in order to clean it, before picking up the bowl filled with the broth he had made yesterday. "It suits you." Zuro chuckled.

The lion merely grunted in response.

"Would you like to take a drink with my offering?" Zuro asked patiently.

The plainswalker opened his muzzle to say no but a dry wheeze stopped him from completing this task. Seeing the other's plight the white wolf placed the strip of dried meat into the bowl and then set it just close enough to the maned feline's muzzle so that his tongue could lap at the mixture. As expected, the lion was curious over the strange coloration of the drink, yet instead of asking about it he simply dug his tongue into the container in an effort to scoop up the liquid and meat. Zuro smiled rather sadly upon Gnasher doing as such, but he said nothing over the action in question. It was only once the bowl was empty that he stood back and watched the spectacle which would soon take place.

The first sign that things were working as intended was in him seeing Gnasher's eyes going slightly unfocused. A moment later the lion opened his muzzle to try and speak but instead of forming words he instead babbled out something so incoherent that even he couldn't understand what had just been said. A look of fear shot across the plainswalker's face as realization quickly filtered through his brain, however it was too late for him to complain, as the mushrooms were quickly working their way through his starved body. When a hand reached out to tenderly caress the side of his face, Gnasher had just enough strength of mind to growl at the wolf before his tongue lolled free from the side of his muzzle.

Zuro smiled sadly as he removed himself from Gnasher's presence, there was no need for him to be there after all as he needed to let the herbs do their job in loosening the lion's mind of the ties which had been placed upon it by his lifelong experiences.

By the time evening had rolled around Gnasher was having a hard time deciding which way was up, as his senses were so unaligned at the moment that he swore that he could taste the color of his dark brown fur. The fact that various shapes popped in and out of his sights all throughout the didn't help anything either, as it was hard to tell what was real and what was merely a shadow dancing along the wall, though he did notice that something resembling food had been placed inside of his mouth, thus causing him to swallow said something down his throat. His starved belly greatly enjoyed being filled even if his tongue couldn't exactly describe the flavor of what had run across its surface.

"Gnasher," Zuro called out. The maned feline lifted his head, growling as best he could in order to try and ward away the strange white and tanned blob which shifted around in front of him. "It's okay. You're safe here. Just listen and trust in what I have to say." The stubborn feline shook his head, wildly lashing his tangled maned left and right, however in doing so he only made things worse for himself as his stomach decided to take that moment to roll around in a very unpleasant sort of manner. "It's okay. You're safe here. You can trust me." The comforting words were spoken over and over again, repeating themselves in such a manner that they soon pierced through the cloud of madness which danced over the feline's thoughts.

"You can trust me." The voice said again and again. "You're safe here."

By the time night fell over the forest the feline found himself hearing the statement even though there was no one around to speak the words.

The next morning found Gnasher able to shake off some of the effects of the drink he had been given, though his efforts were helped in part by the bowl of water he had been given by Zuro.

"Thank you." The plainswalker grunted rather insecurely, as though he didn't often speak such words into existence.

"You're welcome." Zuro called back while stroking a hand through the tanned feline's messy mane. "How do you feel?"

"Tired. Hungry." Gnasher admitted without a hint of hesitation. "I want to fuck something." He finished, surprising himself as he did so.

"I can see that." Zuro chuckled as he shifted his gaze down to the lion's groin. The white wolf's blue eyes looked on in admiration as he lifted his foot up and then began to rub along the naked stalk of unrestrained flesh. The plainswalker groaned in pleasure, his throat rumbling with a needy purr as his cock pulsed before rising up to its full girth. "How long has it been since you last mated?"

"I haven't." The plainswalker answered with blunt honesty, slightly shocking Zuro.

"And why is that?" The white wolf was sure that the other was old enough to take a mate, especially considering that he had been far removed from any semblance of family when he had been tracked for the several days before Zuro had put together the plan to capture him.

"Because I haven't taken a pride for myself." The thought of not being able to do so ushered a series of growls from the maned feline's throat, the likes of which made Zuro's ears flip back onto his head.

"What do you mean 'taken a pride'?" The shaman couldn't hide his curiosity over the culture of the plainswalker, he had always been curious about the towering creatures, especially given the strange nomadic lifestyle for which so many of their males seemed to share in.

"I'm not strong enough to take another male's pride. Still too weak. That's why I haven't taken a female as of yet." Gnasher babbled, his mind unable to halt the flood of information spilling out of his lips thanks to the mushrooms still traveling throughout his system.

"You would...take another male's family from him?" Zuro found himself slightly aghast when the maned feline nodded. "Why?"

"That's the way of the plains; the strong take, the weak die. You breed new strength into the plains by way of claws and blood. There's no place for anything else, especially with the metal ones taking over so much territory." Gnasher growled.

Zuro jerked back a little bit at this revelation. "How are your chieftains dealing with them?" The possibility that their two people had a common enemy filled the white wolf with a sense of elation, as combating said enemy could be the foundation for forming an alliance with...

"They die fighting them." Gnasher admitted, completely breaking the shaman's train of thought. "I heard that my father's pride was slain not long after he kicked my brothers and I out of the pride."

"Your father...sent you and your brothers away?"



"So that we wouldn't challenge and kill him for the right to breed the females he was keeping."

"That's...interesting to know." Zuro didn't know how to feel about such a revelation, but he kept his thoughts to himself. Thankfully the white wolf didn't dwell on what he had been told for too long, as he had more information to pull from Gnasher, his brother beat him to his questions however.

"Are you planning to get revenge?" Beral inquired with a tightly clenched teeth of fangs.

"Why would I?" The lion asked, making the two wolves blink.

"Don't you care about what happened to your family?" Zuko questioned after finding his voice.

"I have no ties to them any longer." Gnasher said with a disinterested snort.

"But they were your family." The white wolf said gently.

"On the plains the only thing that matters is the strength of one's claws and fangs, if you aren't strong enough to protect what you claim then you are nothing." The lion's words made both wolves turn to look at each other once again with a look that spoke volumes about their thoughts.

"What of the cubs you might have?" Beral asked with narrowed eyes.

"They would be left to survive through whatever means they could find or die." Gnasher replied.

Beral let out a growl of rage in response to such words but he was silenced by his brother reaching out to stroke him along the side of his muzzle. When the tanned wolf turned to look at his sibling he noticed a strange glint within the other's deep blue orbs, the likes of which signaled to him that he was plotting something.

"Would you go and give this information to the chieftain, brother?" He asked, all the while keeping his focus on Gnasher.

"Alright, but there isn't much to tell." The black wolf grunted as he leaned into his mate's warm touch.

"It's more than you think." The shaman said while narrowing his own eyes.

Not wanting to argue, Beral licked the younger lupine across the snout and then turned to leave out the cave, picking up his spear as he did so. Once he was gone Zuro began to feed large scraps of meat from a buck which had been brought specifically for Gnasher, of which was laced with more of the mixture he had previously prepared for the plainswalker. At first the maned feline resisted taking the food, but his hungry belly wouldn't allow him to resist its need, and so before long he found himself lapping at the meat which was kept out of his fangs reach. Zuro smiled as he did so, as with every piece of flesh that he ate, Gnasher's mind drifted deeper into that warm place where his thoughts seemed to drift away, thus leaving him to listen unquestioningly to the warm voice of the shaman that promised him safety and comfort, as could be seen by the haze which drifted over his golden orbs.

After a solid week of this treatment Gnasher no longer growled whenever one of the brothers or hunters decided to come in to see him. He of course wasn't exactly pleased to be trapped as he was, but as he had been told by the shaman,

"It's okay. You're safe here." The maned feline didn't exactly understand what that meant, as he was strong enough to take on anyone and anything that sought to claim his life, yet he trusted the white wolf, seeing as the other continued to feed him, brush his mane and fur, wash his body, and stroke his almost perpetually leaking cock with the pads of his feet.

Gnasher would often buck and moan while babbling about how close he was to the edge of orgasm, however whenever it looked as though he was ready to spill his seed the shaman would cease moving his foot, thus leaving the plainswalker to mewl in need.

"I know how bad it must be for you, but I need to know if I can trust you enough to give you the release you desire. Can I trust you, Gnasher?"

"I..." The plainswalker tried to think up as reason to not trust the wolf, but it was so hard to think about anything other than the throbbing organ in between his legs.

"I know it might be hard for you to believe right now, but you can trust me to take care of you, Gnasher." Zuro whispered into his ear while stroking his foot along the larger beast's manhood once again. "You just need to acknowledge your place is here within the pack." The white wolf whispered while leaning down to lick the maned feline across the side of his muzzle. "Can you do that?"

"I..." Gnasher grunted.

"Trust me." The wolf whispered.

Gnasher finally nodded after several minutes of being kept on the edge of orgasm.

Zuro smiled.

"So most of your females do the hunting for your pride?" The white wolf asked several days later while kneeling down and running his oiled hands along the massive pillar of flesh which throbbed with unfulfilled need.

"Yesssss." The maned feline hissed while rutting his hips forward into the white wolf's naked chest.

"And what exactly do your males do?" The shaman chuckled as he licked the tip of the mushroom capped phallus, the earthy taste of the recently washed lion danced along his tongue as he did so making Zuro's tail wag.

"We protect our females from other males." Gnasher purred while eagerly attempting to press more of his cock into the wolf's lips. He was kept from doing so by Zuro pulling back just far enough so that his hips weren't able to get enough leverage to touch him.

"Do you hunt for your pride?"

"Not unless the females are bearing cubs."

"Do you help raise your cubs?"

"We watch them when the females are asleep."

"And then you push them out into the plains once they become old enough to challenge whoever is leading at the time?"


"That's really sad. We wolves would never do such a thing. A packmate can always stay with the pack unless they want to leave." Zuro sighed while looking up into the slightly glazed eyes of the lion. "I think it's better than the way the others live. What do you think?"

Gnasher could barely think of anything at the moment, except how much he wanted to release the pressure which had been building within his clenching nuts. "I...I...don't know." The maned feline growled in frustration. "So hard..." Whether he was talking about the effort it was taking to form an opinion on the subject at hand or his dick it was nearly impossible to say, but Zuro didn't mind.

"Don't you think it would be better to live in a pack who can look out for your needs?" The shaman asked as he squeezed his hands hard around the feline's throbbing length. As expected the lion nodded, whipping his mane around wildly as he did so. "It's a good thing that you're a part of the pack, since you can get all of your needs met here with us." Gnasher purred at the thought and the feeling white wolf placing a long lick along the head of his trembling shaft. "I think more of your people should become part of our pack, as that way we would be able to keep all of you safe here with us." The plainswalker nodded in acceptance of that idea as skillful hands began to softly grope his balls. "Maybe you can bring some of them into the pack someday soon?"

"Yessss." The lion growled in approval when Zuro opened his muzzle as wide as he could and then swallowed around the head of Gnasher's cock as best he could.

The wolf smiled as he bobbed his head back and forth along the massive mound of meat, his tongue restlessly lashing across the smooth flesh. The taste of the clear sap which symbolized a male's readiness to breed coated the shaman's tongue in such a volume that Zuro had to swallow in order to keep from choking, however he didn't mind the task in question, to prove this the white wolf began stroking the lion's brown furred balls even harder. The hefty testicles throbbed madly as he massaged them with growing speed, their need to release the milk within was so evident that Zuro almost felt bad for teasing Gnasher for so long, however he couldn't let the other release just yet.

Pulling himself back, the shaman placed a gentle kiss along the now thoroughly saturated pillar of flesh before standing up.

Gnasher grunted and mewled when his hands moved away from his gently pulsing sex, his hazy golden eyes looked on pleadingly at the smaller male as his long tail snapped desperately behind his backside.

"It's okay." Zuro whispered into the trembling lion's ears. "You'll find your release soon enough, but first I need to know if you're ready to accept your place in the pack."

Gnasher nodded without thought.

"Are you sure?"


"Then you wouldn't mind me putting a few marks along your body to show the world which tribe you belonged to?"


"That's good to know." Zuro turned away from the lion, his mind racing with thoughts at the same time his tongue curled across the sides of his muzzle. "I'll be back tomorrow with some of the hunters to help me paint over your body."

Gnasher could only mewl at the thought of being left alone inside of his cave once again.

The sight of Zuro entering into the cave the following day with several bowls filled with some kind of liquid, not to mention several of the hunters he had spoken of earlier, two of which had brought in a large deer, made Gnasher growl in joy.

The hunters behind the shaman chuckled as they looked between each another knowingly. Beral seemed to find the most amusement with the situation, as he spun a pair of bone made clamps along his finger. The maned feline wanted to ask the tanned wolf about the item but before he could do so he found his mane and ears stroked by the shaman's deft hands. His mind instantly drifted into the hazy land of pleasure that he had come to relate with being stroked by the smaller white wolf. Zuro smiled at the sight of the bound plainswalker's eyes becoming dull with pleasure.

"Good morning, Gnasher. Are you ready for us to make you a full member of the pack?" Zuro asked as he set his bowls down over to the side while the hunters set about carving up the deer for the lion.

"Yes." He answered simply.

"Good." Zuro nodded. "Though I have something to ask you." The plainswalker blinked before cocking his head to the side in an obvious sign of curiosity. "The hunters and I wanted to know if we can paint both the inside and outside of your body with the marks of the pack. Would you be okay with that?"

"Yes." The lion nodded without hesitation, earning him several rounds of laughs.

"That's good to know." Zuro whispered while kissing the lion on the lips. Gnasher purred in response. "I wouldn't want to do something that you were uncomfortable with." He said while the other hunters removed the binds tying his arms to the rocks around him before removing their loincloths from around their waists.

Once the lion was free he found his limbs all but falling to the side as the stress of not moving around for several weeks had basically turned them into jelly. Zuro immediately moved to massage the massive limbs, all the while the hunters brought offerings of meat to the lion. Because of their height difference the plainswalker was forced to kneel down in order to be fed, something that came quite naturally to him at this point. After all, his packmates weren't as big as him, and thus he needed to accommodate them. The hunters snickered as they fed the maned feline the pieces of mushroom laced meat, all the Zuro returned life to the maned feline's arms. Once he was done, Gnasher lifted his arms to flex his fingers for the hunters when asked, the white wolf then moved to stir up the contents within his bowls he had brought into the cave.

Once he was sure that the paint was ready, Zuro turned to look at Gnasher. As expected, the plainswalker's face was nothing short of needy bliss as he purred while chewing on the last bits of meat that had been given to him. Smiling in the calm manner he was known for, the white wolf stepped over to the lion and then reached out to bring his drooling face towards him.

"Gnasher, I just want you to know that this paint has been made with the seed of the chieftain and other members of the pack, including myself, so when I place it upon you it won't ever come out of your fur. Are you still sure you want me to perform this rite?"

"Yessss." The plainswalker nodded in a slightly drunken manner.

"Thank you." The shaman whispered. He then began to see to his work.

First Zuro marked the side of gnasher's nose with two thick marks, his intention was to make sure that the maned feline would always be able to smell the pack and thus be connected to them no matter how far he traveled from the tribe. Next the shaman drew marks along the plainswalker's face and mane, he then moved around the lion's arms and shoulders, his hands remaining steady despite the subtle twitches which came from the shivering male as he moved over and around the sides of his biceps. Once he was done here Zuro moved down to Gnasher's chest.

Despite his brother's insistence he didn't mark over the larger male's dark pink nipples, instead choosing to curl around them before dipping lines down along his chest and abdomen. Gnasher let out a bunch of purring grumbles at the feeling, yet Zuro paid these reactions no attention as he continued performing the task in question. He avoided the other's groin, for the moment at least, instead moving his hand and attention down the maned feline's thick legs. Drawing a circle around the plainswalker's knees, Zuro created what looked like a set of manacles onto the lion's calves that reached down to his ankle. The irony of this was not lost upon him, yet he said nothing over his designs, instead the white wolf focused on making sure that the paint didn't smear.

After he was satisfied with how the paint was set onto the lion's fur Zuro moved onto Gnasher's tail, circling a small ring onto the curling extremity, before moving onto the maned feline's gargantuan cock and balls. He licked his lips upon seeing the heavyset piece of flesh jerking as it attempted to rise up to full mast. The shaman stopped himself from slathering his tongue along the juicy piece of meat, instead leaving that to some of the other hunters who maneuvered the massive beast over onto his back with a few gentle pushes. The sound of his colossal form impacting with the ground created a thud that everyone was sure could be heard outside, not that this bothered anyone present. What was most important right then was attacking the lion's erection in order to help it grow to its full height for the shaman to draw upon. So after getting a nod from Beral several of the hunters leaned down and then began to sniff and lick over Gnasher's manhood, the wolves quickly became drunk off the scent of the unwashed body wiggling beneath them, so much so that all of their tails wagged around wildly as they licked and kissed and nipped at the mushroom headed piece of flesh until it drew itself up to its full girth.

Gnasher moaned and squirmed against the cave floor as he drowned within the pleasurable sensations which were overtaking both his body and mind. His golden eyes couldn't quite see the figures around him, but he proved not to need to as his hands reached out and then tugged on two of the wolves in order to get them to kiss and tongue his fur covered balls. The respective hunters did as they were being silently commanded to do so, tonguing over one massive orb respectively, all the while the other males moved themselves along the lion's body to either stroke themselves to full erection along the lion's chest and face.

"You're doing good, Gnasher." Zuro whispered into the lion's ears.

The lion purred in response to the kind words.

Beral then nipped at one of the lion's nipples making the nub harden underneath his tongue.

Gnasher gasped as pain and pleasure mixed perfectly within his mind to begin sending all the right signals to his body to begin releasing the pre-come which was backed up inside of his balls.

It was just as the scent of release began to pepper the air that Beral gave the signal for the other hunters to back off. Everyone immediately did as commanded, not wanting to destroy all of the hard work that the shaman had put into molding the maned feline's mind, though some did whimper as their own shafts stood rock hard in between their legs. Gnasher complemented these cries of need with his own mewl of desire, as his tail lashed so frantically against the floor of the cave nearly tripping some of the hunters up.

"Don't worry," Zuro reassured everyone present. "you'll get your release soon enough, but first you need to spread your legs for me." The lion did so without question. "Good." The shaman chuckled. He then moved forward to mark the maned feline's throbbing dick with two circular rings, the likes of which he separated with several dots. He then curled lines around the plainswalker's penis, almost as if attempting to lock the shaft into a perpetual state of arousal. Finally, he moved to draw a line along the maned feline's balls. Upon blowing on the paint the white mixture seemed to almost glow within the surrounding darkness of the cave, not that the plainswalker noticed, as he was too lost within the warm, pulsing feeling which seemed to encompass his throbbing erection.

Once he completed this task Zuro pulled back and then stood up to watch the paint dry into Gnasher's flesh. The sight of the white lines meshing with the flesh was almost impossible to see, even with the hunter's trained eyes, but the effects were easy enough to see as the lion began to writhe around in unrestrained bliss.

"Everyone," The hunters and Gnasher looked to the shaman as he spoke. "I think it's time that we brought the newest member of the pack into the fold. What say you?" The entire cave was filled with the howl and roars of the respective creatures which filled its interior. "Then let's make sure this is one day that our new packmate will never forget. Lift up your legs and then hold them in place for us, Gnasher." The lion did as he was commanded without a murmur of complaint.

Once his great tree trunk sized legs were up in the air, held securely by his clawed hands the wolves descended upon him, Beral moved himself into position in between the plainswalker's thighs, the tip of his crimson cock inserting itself straight into the other's rump like a hot knife through a leaf. The lion gasped in surprise, he of course had never been penetrated in such a manner before, and so this was a completely new experience for him. Thankfully the tanned wolf was an experienced lover, and so he knew to wait for the other to fully accept his girth before attempting to pound the other's backside inside out. The rest of the wolves didn't have to show such restraint though, as they moved around and over the maned feline, their hands and tapered cocks rubbing along Gnasher's dark brown fur with the eagerness of juvenile males experiencing their first rut. Zuro was right there beside all of them, but not quite as he moved himself so that he placed his nuts along the lion's nose; the white wolf shivered as he felt the submissive feline's tongue curl out and around his stalk of flesh unbidden, it seems that Gnasher was more than ready to accept his place amongst the pack if he was this eager.

The group began to rock together once Beral felt Gnasher's clenching insides relax around his manhood, the tanned wolf quickly began to pump his meaty thighs forward into the groaning plainswalker's bottom. Like a well oiled machine Beral moved himself back and forth with slow, measured movements, his thoughts centering around making sure that the male beneath him enjoyed every inch of his manhood as it reworked his insides to better suit his tapered flesh. The fact that his brother was rolling his hips along the maned feline's face, coating Gnasher's sense of smell with wolf sweat served to loosen up the other more and more, thus allowing Beral to slowly speed up the movements of his hips, made the moment all the sweeter for everyone involved. Before long the tanned wolf found himself groaning and growling as he began slamming his hips back and forth inside of the larger male until the subtle slapping sounds of their two bodies meeting in restless passion echoed loudly throughout the cave.

Gnasher's moans, which were of course muffled by Zuro's groin, came through quite loudly as the pleasure he was receiving shattered the last of his thoughts, something he wasn't all that broken up about as he finally became a slave to the pleasure his packmates were ushering onto him. If he could have Gnasher would have thrust his cock up into the warmth of one of the hunter's rumps, however given everyone's current vantage points that was an impossibility, however the hunters were well aware of his need, and so several hands reached out to pump at his throbbing dick without being asked to do so. The lion thrust his massive hips up into the air upon the first stroke, nearly knocking some of the other's off balance as he did so, yet the pack held on tight as they ran their hips along the front and sides of his chest, drizzling thick globs of pre-come onto his painted fur.

The plainswalker purred from the feeling.

This is where he belonged, trapped within the bodies of the males who sought to truly make him a member of the pack. Letting his mind drift down into the warm arms of sexual bliss, Gnasher just barely grunted when he felt the fullness of something hard bump incessantly against his tailhole. He would have tried to pull his head up to see what it was but Zuro prevented him from doing as such, though the same said hard object was stroking itself across his tongue as the shaman's body shivered up above his face. Blurry golden eyes opened - he didn't even remember closing them - to see a large bulb along the wolf's base plumping forward. The plainswalker had no idea what this strange part of Zuro's anatomy was, but he didn't care, he just licked at it as best he could, all the while breathing in the intoxicating spicy musk that belonged solely to the white wolf.

Had he looked around him he would have noticed that the same mound of flesh was growing along each of the wolves' bases, a telltale sign that the already pent up males were ready to release their loads onto the maned feline. Down below Beral let out hard woofs and grunts as he popped his knot into the lion's body and then held himself still for several seconds. Beneath him his balls jostled around as they began to erupt, however the tanned wolf held himself back as best he could so that he could try and cum with the rest of the hunter. It was a hard won battle though, as the Gnasher's insiders were the tightest, hottest vice that he had ever had the pleasure of digging himself in, and yet his willpower held strong, despite his thighs eagerly wishing to rut the submissive male until he was left roaring in surrender.

It was only when Zuro threw his head back to sound off his climax that Beral jackhammered himself into the captive lion's tailhole. The rest of the pack howled out their own release, which, much like the white wolf's now sprouting cock, released strings of white all across the front of Gnasher's front, literally coating him down in rivers of wolf spunk. Beral came soon after, his balls tightening up into the depths of his underside as his knot ballooned out to its full girth, locking him into the now shivering plainswalker.

The wet heat proved to be just what the lion needed because a second later his cock jerked and then fired off several lances of semen up into the air. Zuro was thrown back when Gnasher bucked his head up and then roared loud enough to make the entire cave tremble from the force of his cry. The stench of male lust, which was already potent in its own right from all of the males sweating and grunting as they rubbed themselves into the maned feline's body, became more powerful as dozens of creamy arcs tore free from Gnasher's cock. Said ribbons of spink quickly fell back down to the ground, thus splashing both himself and everyone else onto the neck, face, chest, and rump; the hunters chuckled from this as they found the irony of what was happening to be all too amusing, their tails wagged as they thought about how much fun they would have playing with their new packmate in the weeks to come.

It was only once the lion's dick had nothing more to give that things settled down. Everyone gasped and groaned in utter exhaustion seconds later, as that climax had nearly been too much to bear, however Zuro took this opportunity to make his move while the others were caught in their respective daze. Gnasher would realize what had happened later on once he was able to balance his thoughts as best he could, as he would look down and see that his shaft and balls had been clamped with the bone manacles that Beral had brought in earlier on, but that was for later. Right now the plainswalker simply reached out and hugged as many of his packmates into himself as he could, his joy at finally finding release creeping out from his tired muzzle in a series of purrs and groaning growls of fatigue.

Nobody minded of course.

The passing days saw the leaves of the surrounding trees from their bright green to a darker amberish-orange, symbolizing that not only was autumn soon to approach, but that it would pass rather quickly. It was because of this that plans were sped up to try and bring for plainswalkers into the tribe, and yet...

"So basically that's the way things are going for us right now." The tanned said while looking at the currently restrained lion who was baring his fangs in his direction. "I guess those metalclad dogs are trying to take over everything if they've decided to go ahead and scatter so many prides to the wind."

Gnasher didn't care one whit about that, he was instead pissed at the news the shorter male had given him seconds prior, as could be seen by how hard he struggled against the ropes which held his arms securely into place.

"Stop it or you're going to stay in here longer," Beral chuckled when the plainswalker merely snorted at him. "Besides, Zuro was able to make it back safely." The tan wolf had been pissed that his brother had decided to go out without him in an effort to try and rescue some of the cubs who had been left wandering the plains following their prides being destroyed by the metalclad dogs now marching along the plains, but instead of arguing with the other over his decision he had taken his frustration out on his mate's rump once he had returned earlier that day.

"He shouldn't have gone off alone!!" The maned feline roared as he thought about the shaman attempting so dangerous.

"Trust me, I know," Beral growled before shaking his head. "But you know how stubborn he can be, especially when he has one of his dreams."

"I'll go with him next time!" The lion grunted as both his muscles and his cock swelled as rage encompassed his thoughts.

"I think Zuro has a different plan in mind now that he's seen the troubles those metalclad dogs are causing." Gnasher lowered his lips over his fangs and then cocked his head at his packmate. "He's been saying that he thinks we should take you out so that you can go and knock some sense into the lone males that have been wandering around the plains in an effort to get them to see you as their pack leader, and thus bring them into the tribe." Beral chuckled as he noted how the plainswalker's cock throbbed in appreciation of such an idea.

"I'll put them in their place." The lion growled with a feral smile that was nothing but teeth.

"I figured that you'd like that idea." The tanned wolf smirked as he walked over to the larger male and then caressed the side of his face. "We might even be able to initiate them into the pack the same as we did to you." Gnasher purred as he lifted his foot and then stroked the pads along the length of the captive lion's caged cock. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Gnasher could only purr in response.

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