One Way

Story by Xijque on SoFurry

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#1 of One Way

Just as the sun was setting behind the edges of the city, a toned wolf jogged around the corner of a building, only to suddenly stop. With wild eyes, he examined a bus sitting at the stop in front of him, before spotting a figure pressed against one of the back windows. Raining an eyebrow, he paced over to the door and knocked. Before getting a chance to tap his foot, the door swung open with a puff of air, allowing him to climb up the steep stairs.

After flashing a small card at the driver, he took a seat in the front and glanced down the aisle. Near the back of the vehicle, a distinctly vulpine tail was hanging off a seat, motionless. Leaning back into his seat, he looked around and decided to open a window. A moment later, the doors creaked closed. Since no more passengers had gotten onto the bus, he waited for the bus to jerk into motion before standing back up and making his way toward the only other passenger, who was apparently asleep.

The wolf grinned, showing his fangs to no one in particular, before plopping himself down into the seat next to the fox. The wolf sighed when he didn't wake up, disappointed; he had hoped that his arrival would have had some effect. He knew, though, that the bus would be running this route for at least another hour. The fox had to get up at some point.

He leaned back and took a deep breath. He never understood why people would ride the bus. Not only did it smell awful, it followed indirect paths that forced people to walk anyway. They could just save themselves the effort and walk from the start. Most of them could probably use the exercise.

A quiet beeping interrupted the wolf's musing. Glancing over, he noticed the fox's watch was lit up. He had probably set an alarm to wake himself up before his stop. The lupine tilted his head to the side; the fox seemed pretty clever. After only a few beeps, he opened his eyes. The wolf grinned again. "Hey."

The fox shook his head and and looked back at the other canine, not immediately recognizing that someone was sitting next to him. "I... wha? Huh?"

The wolf stuck his tongue out. "Hm? I just said 'hey'."

"Oh, uh, hi." Rubbing his eyes, he sat up and looked around. "Um, if you don't mind my saying, the entire bus is empty. I'm sure you can find another seat..." His voice trailed off, sounding moderately annoyed.

"Yeah, I know. But none of them have cute, sleepy foxes sitting in them. I'm good here."

The red-furred canine clenched his jaw and quickly looked out the window. "Fine. Well, my stop's coming up. Have fun by yourself."

Raising an eyebrow, the lupine leaned across the fox and looked ahead at the road they were on. With a growl, he looked the fox right in the eyes. "Actually, I don't think it is. I guess that means I can have fun with you."

The fox growled back and stood up, before trying to step over the wolf. "Actually, no. I'm getting off."

The wolf smirked. "Well you'll be getting one of us off." Chuckling, the lupine reached up and grabbed the fox's arm. "Now, sit back down and be a good fox, okay?" Calmly, the wolf squeezed the vulpine's upper arm hard enough to cause the fox to whine and sharply tugged it down, forcing the fox to sit.

Unfortunately for the fox, the radio drowned out his whimpering. "I... W-what?" Eyes suddenly wide with fear, the fox attempted to dart across the wolf into the aisle.

Without much effort, the wolf yanked him back. "I said sit."

The fox was now frantic, looking around and trying to free his arm. "N-no, let me go! That hurts!" Pointing his muzzle toward the front of the bus, the fox shouted, "Help m-"

But his plea was quickly cut off by the wolf's other paw clamping his muzzle closed. "Okay, to be fair, I didn't tell you to shut up, too. But now I am. Don't speak." Letting go of the him for a moment, the wolf moved the arm closest to the fox up and draped it across his back.

The fox shook his head again, bewildered. "Please, I'm going to miss my stop! It's right up he-"

Growling lowly, the wolf wrapped his arm around the fox's neck and put the fox in a headlock, cutting off his ability to breathe, let alone speak. "I told you not to talk. You're really bad at following instructions, you know. I guess I'm going to have to be rough with you." Shrugging, the wolf lowered his other paw to his crotch and deftly unfastened his belt.

The fox's struggles slowly died down as he ran out of air. All he could hear was the pounding of his own pulse in his ears as the wolf unzipped his pants.

Suddenly, the hold on his neck disappeared, causing him to gasp for breath and try to push himself away from his attacker. However, he only managed to slam his head against the window, dazing him further.

The lupine had stopped paying attention. He was busy looping the elastic band of his boxers below his large balls and thinking about what he was about to do. These thoughts alone were enough to create a stirring in his now exposed sheath, causing his tip poke out and a bead of clear precum to form. He grinned wickedly, smelling his strong, masculine scent in the air.

After savoring it for a moment, he leaned over the cowering fox and opened the window. Since he had opened one in the front of a the bus, a strong draft started to whip down the aisle, carrying any possibly-incriminating smells out the window, away from where the driver might notice.

The vulpine did notice, though. However, he was too busy gasping for air to try to do anything. Smiling down at him, the lupine leaned back, letting himself slide down the seat. While waiting for the fox to recover, his length slipped from its prison to throb against his soft stomach fur.

Blinking, the other canine flicked his eyes between the wolf's endowment and his piercing eyes. "You're n-not going to... to... please..." He whined, not having the strength to finish the sentence.

"Oh, yes I am. And you're going to cooperate, or I'll make you wish you did. Got it?" Licking his lips, he reached down and locked his sheath behind his knot, leaving his dripping, pink dick completely exposed. "Now," he grabbed the scruff of the fox's neck and pulled it toward his groin. "You're going to make me cum." Grabbing his shaft below his knot, he brought the vulpine's head down and rubbed his slimy tip against his nose, smearing in his pre.

The fox struggled as best he could, trying to pull his head away and free himself of the wolf's grasp. However, he was nowhere near a match for the bigger, more powerful wolf.

"Open your muzzle, fox."

Although he continued struggling, he knew better than to disobey the large lupine's command. Almost without thinking, he opened his muzzle. With as the same amount of thought, the wolf roughly shoved his head down, making him gag around the thick meat.

His whines now muffled, the fox instinctively went to bite down on the intruder. The wolf, however, was ready for this. Instead of feeling his sharp teeth sink into sensitive flesh, he found his jaws being stopped by two fingers jammed between his back teeth.

"Try to bite me again, fox, and I will have to bite you." With a wink, he clicked his jaws together, emphasizing his threat. "Now get sucking like a good fox. I know you know how."

Although he had never seen another person's cock in person, he sealed his lips around the shaft, practically kissing the wolf's knot. Being too impatient to wait for his victim to learn what to do, he pulled the fox's head back and started thrusting his hips up. With each hump, the lupines grunts of pleasure mixed with the fox's gags and whines, which only served to fuel the wolf's lust.

After the initial enjoyment of the scene passed, the wolf settled down and opted to simply keep the fox from pulling his head off his member. "Thaaaat's a fox. See? It's not too bad." Murring softly, the wolf rubbed the back of his head, trying to coax him into cooperating. "But you need to get sucking. We don't have all night."

After trying to pull back a few times, the canine whined and resigned himself to doing whatever the wolf wanted; he truly had been made powerless. Slowly, he swallowed around the cock being held in his muzzle. For the first time, he actually noticed the salty-sweet taste of the wolf's preseed as it mixed with his saliva. The thought of having another male's sexual fluids in his mouth, as well as their taste, disgusted him. He'd tasted his own cum, once, and nearly threw up. He didn't want to think of what the wolf would do to him if that happened again.

A sharp growl from the lupine made him stop thinking and do what he was told. Although he couldn't manage to ignore the taste or smell, he had no choice. Suckling on the meaty length in his maw, he was able to use the moans and growls from its owner to figure out what was welcome and what he should avoid doing.

Sighing, the wolf relaxed and enjoyed his temporarily-willing victim. As the fox bobbed his head on his shaft, the wolf let his free paw roam over the other canine's much smaller body. This, of course, was met with the fox trying to shy away, but he would not be deterred. Instead, he relished the vulpine's fear and resistance and pushed his paw under his clothes.

Like most vulpines, the fox had soft fur; however, the wolf was not interested in that. Forcing his paw into the fox's pants caused the captive to start squirming again. Instinctively letting out a low growl, he shoved the fox's head into his crotch. "Sit still." Immediately, the fox stopped struggling, letting the wolf squeeze one of the vulpine's tight butt cheeks. "Much better. But you stopped sucking." Now in a nearly mindless state, the fox started sucking on the wolf's cock again, making the wolf moan.

Slipping his paw between the fox's cheeks, the wolf briefly prodded at the fox's tailhole, before moving his paw around to the vulpine's front. Much to his surprise, he didn't have to do anything to arouse the fox; one squeeze to the fox's sheath showed it was hiding a rock-hard member. Grinning, the wolf slowly ran the tube over the fox's slick length, causing him to moan and hump into the lupine's paw.

"Looks like you want this more that you let on, eh?" Feeling himself nearing the end of his fun, he pulled his paw out of the foxes pants, only to grab the waistline and give it a sharp tug, tearing the front open. Once the confining fabric was gone, the fox's cock shot out against the wolf's paw, leaving a thin trail of pre on it. With a snicker, he grabbed the knotted cock and slowly jerked it off, eliciting yips of pleasure from its owner.

Without giving the fox even a grunt as warning, the wolf suddenly shoved his full length into the vulpine's muzzle, forcing the small canine to take the wolf's knot into his maw. A second later, a forceful blast of cum splashed against the back of his throat, causing him to gag and sputter, sending most of it back into his mouth. As usual, his attempt to pull back was stopped by the unmovable paw on the back of his head, making sure he swallowed rope after rope of seed.

Finally, the wolf let him pull off, but that only made him get the last few shots right in his muzzle, guaranteeing he got the full taste of wolf spunk. Panting, the wolf gripped the fox's length, using it to keep the fox from moving too much while he was distracted. After shooting his last shot of cum onto the fox's snout, he let the fox sit back up. With a wink, he gave the vulpine's knot a squeeze before winking at him. "Erf, thanks fox."

[The vore ending is over here. Continue on if you dare](%5C)