What You Mean to Me, Chapter 32

Story by Kadarchy on SoFurry

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#15 of What You Mean To Me

Author's Note

Hello, SoFurry community!

My name is Kadarchy, and I love writing Pokemon and soon to be released DnD smut. I am a very active writer, as one might tell by the chapter number, and SoFurry is the newest site I've decided to post on. I don't know when I'll be able to upload the other 30 chapters of What You Mean to Me (The name of the collection of shorts I write), so once you're done reading (Or if you wanna check out the other works immediately) here's a link to my AO3 account, which has all the stuff I've written! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story!


Featuring a Male Pokemon and a Male Human

Shirts, pants, shorts, underwear, socks... check.

Martin zipped the suitcase up, hefting it onto the floor and releasing the latch that locked the handle down. He dragged it to the front door and sighed. This was his first actual vacation in... well, forever. Sure, he had taken time off from work before, but that time was always spent around the house. Martin was never one for fancy, flashy vacations like most people in the company were. Cruises weren't his thing. National parks bored him. Sports might have been fun in high school, but he'd never buy a ticket to a game nowadays, even if his life depended on it. He just liked lounging around his home, getting work done and hanging out with Artemis, his Glaceon who had been with since he was a kid and it was an Eevee.

Speaking of, Artemis was in his Pokeball, which was buried in his pocket. He'd release Artemis once they were at the hot springs, the Unova Hot Springs, to be precise. He'd overheard office talk of what an awesome place it was now that it was under new management, and well, it sounded interesting. He had taken a week off of work and booked a stay there for just as long. Maybe he'd actually have a story to tell his co-workers once he got back from there, instead of having to make one up.

One last check; were all the lights off? Was the stove off? Back door locked? Of course, they all were, but Martin didn't normally spend time away from his house, so he checked anyway. Even if he had done so three times already. Once the third check was done, he grabbed the keys and left, locking the door behind him and dragging the suitcase to the car. The last glance back was always the hardest, he realized. As much as his mind was begging him to go back inside and forget this whole stupid idea to spend a week at a hot spring, Martin got in the car and quickly drove away. He wanted to do something with his time off, anything.

The whole drive there was accompanied by the music he had been listening to all his life; upbeat stuff that always cheered him up. The Unova Hot Springs, if one couldn't figure it out from name alone, was based in Unova, and Martin lived in Hoenn, which meant that he had to leave early and hitch a ride on a ferry to get to Driftveil City. From there it would only be a thirty minute drive to the Unova Hot Springs, and then finally, some rest in the hot springs. Overall, it would take around two hours to get there.

Martin had never been on a ferry before, or even a boat, for that matter. He had been born on the mainland in Hoenn, and if he had needed to leave the region, he'd fly out. The ferry he was scheduled to be on was rather large, and also pretty cool; it was a boat, sure, but looked almost like a small He had gotten lucky with the parking; he'd be the first one out later on, but for now, Martin would go to the top deck and spend some time with Artemis.

. . .

The ferry ride had been much faster than Martin had expected. Before he knew it, the captain spoke over the ship's intercom and had told the passengers to get back in their cars. Artemis had fallen asleep in his lap, so Martin carefully pressed his Pokeball against the Glaceon and slipped it into his pocket, and made his way back to the car. Soon, the ferry docked and cars were shuttled out, spewing from the exit like a hive of angry hornets, all honking their horns and revving their engines. Martin had never seen anything like it, he might have been the only person there that was being even remotely civilized about the whole thing.

After the traffic jam finally cleared up, Martin followed the GPS to the location he'd be spending an entire week in; the Unova Hot Springs. Honestly, during the ride, Martin had become a lot more eager to see what it was like there. While he wasn't particularly comfortable being naked around other people, Artemis was a different story.

Luckily, the Unova Hot Springs had changed up how it operated a while back; you used to have to buy some super expensive season pass to get a private hot spring, now it was more of a first come, first serve basis, and the registration could be done online.

Martin pulled into the parking lot and parked. When he got out, the gravel beneath his feet crunched rhythmically as he got his luggage and made his way to the entrance. The Unova Hot Springs was more of a traditional Kantonese building, complete with neatly trimmed bushes in front of the large, towering white walls. The building reminded him of the Machiya buildings he saw when visiting the Kanto region. He slid the main door open and pulled his suitcase into the lobby, which looked to have undergone some serious renovation.

The floor was a beautiful waxed tile, the reception desk was a dark cherry red with a black granite counter, equally as shiny as the floor. There were paintings of cherry blossom trees and rivers and mountains along the walls, as well as comfortable looking chairs and sofas on the opposite side of the room. To the back of the lobby was a door that led to a long hallway; that must be where the rooms were, and behind the reception desk was another doorway, which was closed by a sliding door.

Martin leaned on the reception counter and smiled at the busy looking man dressed in a black and blue kimono behind the counter. He was balding, barely had any hair on his head, but his goatee was long and almost intimidatingly well groomed. His narrow, piercing blue eyes seemed to betray his exhaustion, yet despite this, the man gave off a welcoming vibe.

When the old man saw Martin, he didn't pay him much mind until he put the large, impressive feather pen back in the inkwell. He looked up and gave the best smile he could, but it only made Martin see just how tired he really was. The man definitely could have used a break.

"Checking in?" His voice was old and cracking.

"Yeah, Martin."

The old man looked over at a computer screen before typing on the keyboard as fast as he could, which wasn't fast at all. He gave it a once over before handing Martin a white keycard, plain and simple.

"Room Four B."

Martin thanked the man and turned, walking from the front desk. Four B... Why did that sound so familiar? Whatever the case, when he slid the door open, Martin was pleasantly surprised at just how cool the room was. It was more of a modern room, set with a large king sized bed, a comfortable rug, and all the other stuff one would expect to find in a hotel room. He set his suitcase down and sat on the bed, sighing.

One week. One whole week to spend here.

Deciding to hit up the hot spring was the first thing that came to mind. Martin eagerly stripped his warm clothing off and grabbed the comfortable bathrobe that hung on the door, slipping some hotel-provided sandals on and pocketing Artemis's Pokeball. The way to the hot springs wasn't hard to find, it was one of the few things this place had to offer, anyway.

When the two stepped out and into the crisp evening air, they couldn't help but take in a deep, relaxing sigh as they saw what was before them. The area that they were in, the area that led to the hot springs, looked absolutely awesome. Thick stalks of bamboo about the size of your arm walled off areas where the patrons might be nude, such as hot tubs or the public springs. The path they walked on was the whitest concrete Martin had ever seen, and the walls offered just the right amount of privacy for someone like him.

The two of them walked along the pathway, Martin avoided looking into the more public hot tubs, instead preferring to head back to where the private ones were so he didn't have to deal with the stares of other people. After a few minutes of walking, the two of them finally found what they were looking for; a long wall with doors at similar lengths from one another. Each door was as tall as Martin was, a dark black wood with wrought iron as black as the night. It gave off an oddly medieval vibe instead of the traditional Kantonese one that the Unova Hot Springs seemed to have adopted.

Along the rows of doors were signs stating if a spring was open or occupied; unfortunately, however, Martin and Artemis walked up and down; they were all occupied. The two walked back to the entrance, and Martin sighed.

"Well, I guess we can always come back tomorrow or something." He crouched down, scritching behind Artemis's ears. "We're here for a week anyway, so it shouldn't be that big of a dea-"

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, the door in front of him swung open. Out walked a man in his mid-fifties, followed by a Gardevoir and a Lopunny, both wrapped in long, flowing white towels. It was kind of ridiculous to have a Gardevoir in a towel, but the trio looked happy, relaxed. The man gave a quick, curt nod as he walked by, mumbling something about a maid coming to clean up and restock in a few minutes. Martin barely had time to thank him before he left, and to his surprise, the maid wasn't a few minutes out, he was already rolling the supply cart up the slope.

They must be on top of things here. Martin waited by the door, watching the man work. The maid was pretty tall, probably around six foot four inches, but was absolutely the thinnest human Martin had ever seen. He wondered how he could even push that cart since his frame was so gaunt. Was he thin? Sure. Was he a quick worker? Absolutely, he was in and out within five minutes, saying something under his breath about Martin enjoying his stay.

He latched the door behind him, flipping the sign so it read "Occupied," and almost immediately got goosebumps. His towel was off in an instant, he threw it on some comfortable wooden lounge chair, and within seconds, Martin had slipped into the hot spring. Its steamy warmth seemed to rejuvenate his body within minutes, all he could do was spread out as he felt the bubbles and warm, almost hot water soak into his bones.

Martin looked over at Artemis, but the Pokemon didn't join him in the spring. Instead he was lounging around by the edge of the water, sleeping. He snuck up on Artemis and poked his belly, rousing the Pokemon.

"Glace?" Artemis yawned, stretching his whole body.

"Don't you wanna join me in here? Water's awesome."

"Glaceon." Artemis shook his head.

"Alright, but if you change your mind..." Martin grinned and flicked some hot water at Artemis, making the Pokemon grimace and swipe at the water that landed on his face.

Martin sunk back against the comfortable wall of the hot spring, closed his eyes, and rested his tired head. The hot spring was actually... actually pretty nice. It was a welcome reprieve from just staying inside all day playing some kind of video game or cramming work into his already busy life. He could hear the chirping of the Pidgey and the Kricketot's hypnotizingly calm, oddly xylophonic harmonies. Somewhere off in the distance there was a waterfall, all Martin could hear was the calm gushing of water.

"Awesome." He said to nobody in particular.

How long had it been, however?

It was a thought that had been slowly growing in his mind, a thought that normally was thought after a hard day's work, or a boring weekend. When was the last time he had pleasured himself? A week? Two? Teenager Martin, who could jerk off six or seven times a day and still be ready for another, would be annoyed at him, and the worst part of it all was that he was only twenty.

He looked around. There obviously were no security cameras, but he didn't know that. Martin dipped a hand in the water and felt himself; the warmth had loosened him up considerably, and he began to feel around. His heart began to beat a bit faster as he grew to his full size, and this was when Martin got an idea. He looked over at Artemis, who was still sleeping.

Swimming over to the Pokemon, he wondered if Artemis would ever go for something like this. He was, after all, Artemis's master, but he didn't want to abuse that power, not one bit. What little power he did abuse, however, was simply lifting up Artemis's hind leg and getting a look, and the simple look made his cock throb.

Big, saggy, furry balls that were a bit lighter than the surrounding fur, a sheath that was a bit larger than it normally was, its tip was a bit darker. Before he made a mistake that he'd regret for a long time, Martin carefully let Artemis's leg down, but it was too late. When he looked over he saw that he had woken the Pokemon up.

"Glaceon?" Artemis didn't sound mad or anything, just a little surprised.

"S-sorry, just... just looking. Not-not that that's an excuse or anything I just... um..." He blushed, looking down at the concrete he was resting his elbows on. "I uh... just..."

Artemis lifted his hind leg on his own accord, looking to his genitals with Martin, who gave a deep, nervous gulp. He could feel Artemis's eyes on him, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from his Pokemon's groin. The sheath was just... so inviting, the balls so tangible, so soft...

"Glace? Glaceon?"

"Well, to be honest..." Martin looked down. How could he ask Artemis to do something like this? "You... you-you know how I've always been comfortable being naked around you?" Artemis nodded, then, "Well, you're like... the only one. And I've wanted to share my body with you for a long time now."

There. He said it. He said it, and he knew it was a mistake, knew it was cringy, but he had nothing to hide now. He had no secrets he withheld from Artemis anymore. Martin looked up at Artemis, wondering what his response would be. Anger? Sadness? Maybe... maybe happiness, or excitement? He told himself not to get his hopes up, Artemis didn't really strike him as the kind of Pokemon that would do stuff like that with him. He was always really withdrawn and shy, and who was he to even ask something like that. A pit grew in Martin's chest, and he turned around, sinking deep into the water.

He'd fucked up big time.

What he and Artemis had wasn't a friendship like he thought it was, he told himself. He owned Artemis, and Artemis probably knew this, how could a slave be the friend of his master? His heart sunk deeper as he realized just how this was going to fuck up what they had. The friendship they had.

Martin felt a tapping on his back. He quickly spun around and saw that it was Artemis, a small grin stretching across his mouth. The Pokemon turned, lifting a hind leg, and again, caused Martin's heart to race. A small tip was poking out of his sheath, pink and already dripping with precum. At this point, Martin nearly shot his load into the hot spring from that sight alone.

"Glaceon." Artemis nodded towards the lounge chair.

"You... you really want to?"

Artemis nodded before he turned and trotted over to the chair, getting up on it and presenting his rear. Martin could barely contain his grin as he pulled himself out of the water and walked over. When he got to Artemis, he knelt down, putting the towel under his knees and took a shuddering sigh. He felt Artemis's firm, yet oddly squishy rear, grazed his fingertip along the Pokemon's asshole, and gulped.

"I love you, I love this, but it isn't what I meant." Martin smiled, helping Artemis down.

He scooched forward and put a leg on the lounge chair, opening himself up for the Pokemon's curious gaze. Martin looked back, a heavy blush on his face, and nodded when he got the 'Are you serious?' look from Artemis. The Pokemon wasted no more time; Martin tensed up when he felt snout press against his hole. Artemis began to lick at him, getting him nice and wet for what was about to come next. Martin couldn't help but grin as he was licked; it was exactly what he expected it to feel like, which was amazing. The small, wet tongue was a bit colder than he would have thought, and the resulting licks made goosebumps appear all over his body. Artemis pressed his muzzle against his asshole once more before he pulled away.

Martin felt Artemis's paws on either side of his back, and the weight of the Pokemon was on him within seconds. Artemis began to hump, but couldn't find the mark. Martin had to reach behind him and grab the Pokemon's sheath, lining it up with his wet asshole for him. There were a few more quick, almost frantic humps, and he felt it, for the first time in his life, his Pokemon penetrating him. Artemis's cock wasn't cold like his tongue was, but instead pleasantly warm, and he could already feel the swollen knot press against him.

The length was awesome; small enough to where it didn't hurt when he was fucked, but big enough to where it made him feel full. Artemis picked up the pace as he humped, standing on Martin's lower leg. He made small grunts and gave heavy sighs, which made Martin's heart melt; Artemis was clearly enjoying himself. Every now and again, Martin would feel Artemis press his knot against his ass, but it was only to test the waters. Artemis wouldn't knot him just yet.

With a grunt, Martin carefully took Artemis off of him. He roughly humped the air for a few seconds before he opened his eyes, looking around, wondering what was happening. Martin winked and got onto the lounge chair, lifting his legs and pulling them close to his body. Artemis jumped up, walking forward until his cock rested on Martin's asshole again. After a nod, Artemis began again, this time his paws resting on Martin's belly, Artemis's belly resting on Martin's throbbing, leaking member.

When he was taken like this, it was a lot more comfortable. Artemis could get more leverage, which meant he could thrust into his tight asshole much faster. His knot was now pressing harder against him, which led Martin to believe that Artemis wanted to put it inside of him. He pulled the Pokemon tight against his belly as he was fucked; as much as he wanted to touch himself, he wanted to see what Artemis wanted to do to him once he was finished.

Artemis's balls kept smacking against his thighs and ass, soft whumping sounds coming from him each time they made contact. The feeling of full, then empty, then full again went quicker and quicker as time wore on; Artemis began to pant from the exertion, but did by no means let up. Each thrust in made Martin make some kind of noise, whether it was a soft grunt, a moan, or even a shudder, this was alarmingly wonderful.

Before he thought the Pokemon was ready, Martin groaned as Artemis pushed his knot against his asshole. He gulped as pressure was continuously pushed against him; he felt like it would never fit, like it was an impossibility. Artemis didn't let up, however, grunting and straining against Martin's unwieldy flesh. After a few more seconds, Martin's eyes grew wide and he gasped as he suddenly gave way; his ass stretched open and Artemis's knot slipped inside with a wet, squishy sound.

The Pokemon began to shake as he let loose the contents of his balls inside of Martin's ass. He was hugged tight against Martin as he came. Martin could do nothing but grunt in pain; Artemis's knot was much bigger than he expected it to be, so much so that it actually hurt, but he didn't make a move to pull it out. Not with Artemis shaking and trembling, moaning and grunting and filling his ass full of his cum. Martin reached down, cupping Artemis's balls in his hand. He felt them rise up for a few seconds before they relaxed, falling back into his palm. Every single time he did that, Martin realized he was shooting a solid rope of cum into his ass.

After the longest time, Artemis stopped grunting, instead panting as he lay on Martin's chest. He opened his sleepy looking eyes and glanced up at Martin, wearing a weary grin on his face.

"You all done?" Artemis nodded, rubbing his head against Martin's hand when he went to go rub him.

Instead of pulling out immediately, Martin held Artemis inside of him for a bit. By now, the pain had gone, all that was left inside of him was Artemis's swollen cock, which occasionally pulsed. Artemis was beside himself with pleasure, constantly moaning his name slowly as he held himself inside of Martin. As much as he wanted to, Martin still made no move for his own length.

It was Artemis that made the first move; he began to tug his length out. It wasn't easy, and it took a lot of grunting and pulling, but it was all worth it once the large bulb of flesh audibly popped out of Martin's ass. Cum gushed from his hole, every time he quivered from the soreness, another stream ran out of him. It leaked down his ass and thighs until it pooled around his back on the lounge chair.

Martin sat up on it, pulling Artemis up onto his belly, laughing as he was licked all over by him. Before Artemis could freeze him with the wet licks, he put him in his arm like he was a baby, and smiled as he looked down at him. The cum felt sticky and it was growing cold as he slid down the chair, but he didn't mind, it was Artemis's, after all, the Pokemon he was cuddling with right that second.

He looked down at Artemis, grinning. He was still erect, his knotted cock throbbing with need, cum leaking from his tip. It was remarkably clean, considering where it had been, so Martin had no problem reaching down and wrapping his hand around the twitching length. Artemis immediately tensed up, beginning to hump his hand. Martin giggled as he masturbated the Glaceon, shaking his head.

"You ready?"

"G-Glaceon!" Artemis squeaked, blushing heavily.

Martin wasted no further time, beginning to stroke Artemis off like he had done to himself so many times before. Artemis whimpered and squirmed as his hand made quick work of his already throbbing erection. There were a few differences between his length and Artemis's, Martin realized. First, the Pokemon was much bigger than he was. Knot included, the cock between Artemis's legs must have been around five, maybe six inches. Secondly, it was a typical canine-like Pokemon cock; red, veiny, the tip was a small, leaky spout. Thirdly, it was much more sensitive than his own member, very much so.

At this point, Artemis could barely hold back his wild thrusts. It was getting harder and harder to keep his hand on the warm cock as it was fucked. Artemis kept saying his name over and over again, softly panting "Glaceon," more than Martin had ever heard. Martin, as he stroked the length, felt amazing. To have such a needy Pokemon in his hand, going at it like there was no tomorrow, it was awesome. Artemis's length quickly moved in and out of his clenched fist, the precum lubricating it to the point where it was as slick as soap, he never relented, however. Artemis just used his hand like he had his ass.

Artemis suddenly cried his name out much louder than before, thrusting his cock further upwards into Martin's hand until his knot pushed through and popped out the other end. Once he was out, Artemis thrusted no longer, instead just shuddering, waiting.

Martin wasted no time; he quickly began to squeeze his fingers around the bulbous knot, and with his other hand, wildly started to jerk Artemis off. He screamed his name, writhing in Martin's hand as he shot another load, Martin could feel it, feel the warmth spread through his fingers and palm, drip down onto his other hand and get that wet as well. Cum leaked onto Martin's wrist and ran down his arm, dripping from his elbow as Artemis continued to squeak his name, continued to spew buckets of his hot, white liquid.

When the Pokemon had finally finished, cum was everywhere, all over the both of them. It matted Artemis's fur and dripped onto the lounge chair, the cum that had dripped down Martin's elbow was now a shallow pool on his belly, slowly trickling off and dripping onto the concrete ground. Artemis could do nothing but shake and pant as he recovered in Martin's arms. The only thing he could bring himself to do is give his trainer a small lick on his belly.

The two stayed there for a few more minutes, resting in the company of each other. It struck Martin as odd that he'd never done this before. Artemis clearly needed and enjoyed it, yet something inside of him had just always said that it wouldn't have been an activity the Pokemon would enjoy doing with him.

Martin would have been comfortable falling asleep in the lounge chair with Artemis; the heat that the hot spring gave off was more than enough to stave off the cold Unova night that would soon be upon them. He had even shut his eyes and was content to sleep when he felt Artemis shuffle around. Looking down, he saw that the Pokemon had jumped from his arm, skillfully landing on the ground with grace. He was a little disappointed that Artemis didn't want to sleep with him, especially given what they had just done, but as it turns out, he had been overthinking it.

Artemis jumped up on the lounge chair between his legs, slowly sauntering over to his cock. It had since shrunk, devoid of any stimulation, Martin failed to stay hard for long, but a few quick licks from Artemis brought it back to life within seconds. He sat up a little as Artemis continued to lick at him, shivering only slightly. The Pokemon's mouth wasn't too cold, like he had thought. It was almost warm, in fact. Before Artemis could go on, he stopped him.

"Hey um... s-sorry I'm so... y'know?" Artemis looked up, a questioning look on his face. "S-small."

The Pokemon rolled his eyes before turning back to the twitching length before him. He didn't care how big or small his master was, nothing would stop him from shoving his length inside of his mouth at this point. The whimpers, groans, and moans that came from his master's throat once he did so, once he put his cock inside and began to suck, made it all worth it.

Martin covered his face with a hand as he was sucked off. Artemis's tongue swirled around his cock, licking every crevice he could lick. The Pokemon paid special attention to his tip, occasionally bringing Martin's length out until all he could do was suckle on the throbbing thing. Whenever he did this, Martin couldn't hold back his shudders, it just felt too good.

Artemis pulled off the cock, sucking upwards as he looked into Martin's eyes, and went down to his balls, beginning to lick at them. Every few licks, Artemis would move back up his shaft, licking the belly of his tip, making Martin shudder, before returning back to his balls. After a couple of licks, Artemis went back to his length, taking it back in and sucking him off. While he had Martin's cock in his mouth, Artemis moved his tongue up and down the sensitive belly of the shaft, which made Martin give a short grunt before he squeakily moaned.

Artemis continued to work the length around in his mouth. Maybe if he was a bit more of a judgemental prick, Martin's length wouldn't be enough for him, but as it was, the murmurs and almost silent confessions of love, the occasional spurt of precum that he was rewarded with, and the gentle pushing of his needy trainer was more than enough for him.

Martin wasn't really sure how much longer he'd be able to keep this up. Artemis, when he had first put his cock into his mouth, had almost instantly made him cum; it was a miracle he hadn't yet, but he was close. Every time the Pokemon worked down his length, Martin couldn't help but moan. He began to push and pull Artemis on his rod; he had allowed Artemis to use his hand and his rear, all he wanted now was to be able to return the favor.

It wasn't much longer before Martin tensed up, pushing Artemis's head down onto his groin as he came. He could feel the cum shooting from his tip as the Pokemon obediently sucked him dry, feeling Artemis's tongue lap around his cock, which was quickly growing tender. Martin gave two more quick pumps of cum before gently pushing Artemis off of him. Artemis, however, moved back to his dick, licking it clean, coming back when Martin pushed him away again and again.

When he was finally finished, Artemis looked up at Martin, the grin on his face quickly turning worried. Martin was blushing heavily, looking away from his Pokemon almost like he was embarrassed or something. Artemis skillfully climbed his body, resting himself on Martin's upper chest, looking at him.


"S-sorry... I didn't mean to... so... so quick."

Artemis angrily said his name and began to lick Martin's face. He licked and licked, constantly hopping back on his chest until his point was made; his trainer was his trainer, and he loved him. Nothing else mattered to Artemis. Martin couldn't stop his laughter, eventually pulling Artemis into a firm, fierce embrace that felt like it lasted forever. He wouldn't have minded spending the night with the Pokemon in his arms, but Artemis eventually struggled out of his grasp.

"I love you." Martin said, ruffling the teal crest on his head before running the Pokemon's long, soft ears down his hand.

"Glace." Artemis gave him one last kiss before yawning.

He made his way down to Martin's lap, curling up into a ball and resting right on his groin. Martin wasn't really used to this kind of pressure, but the sleepy Pokemon felt so right on him, and the sight alone was so precious, that he didn't want to move him. He closed his eyes and relaxed, actually, truly relaxed for the first time in ages. Thoughts about work or anything else that might stress him out were pushed aside, instead the feeling of love and acceptance flowed through his entire body. If only Artemis would stop moving, if he kept it up, well...

"H-hey, stop..." Martin gulped. It... it was a bit too late.


Artemis rose, moving down between his legs and turning around. His dark blue eyes grew wide as he saw his trainer's arousal, and he quickly looked up at Martin. Martin watched as the Pokemon slowly smirked, turning around again. Artemis backed up, pressing his small asshole against Martin's arousal, rubbing up and down it. Because they were both dry, however, there was no chance that any form of penetration would actually feel good, so Martin grabbed Artemis, putting him on the ground and got up. He hadn't planned for... well, any of this, so he didn't exactly have any lube lying around, and the lotion that he could have used was back in his room.

There were some cabinets labeled "STAFF ONLY," but c'mon. Martin tried his luck, and was surprised when they opened wide. Inside of the cabinets were spare towels, cleaning supplies, an empty water bottle, a whole bunch of clutter, a raggy old work shirt, and, aha! Martin took a container of coconut oil out of the cabinet and held it up, grinning. Apparently, the staff took some breaks up here as well.

Martin fumbled the cap open, shakily squirting some on his fingers. He told Artemis to turn around and the Pokemon quickly obeyed, raising his rear and lifting his tail. The tight, small asshole was cold, which was a bit unexpected, but when Martin pressed his fingers deep inside of him, it grew much warmer. He found it odd that a Pokemon that could allegedly lower its body temperature to -75 degrees Fahrenheit was as warm as it was, but when he considered that most Pokedex entries were written by children, all he could do was snicker, shake his head, and push his fingers deeper into Artemis's warm asshole.

Once he felt Artemis was sufficiently lubricated, Martin held his haunches and looked at the slightly pulsing hole. It looked so inviting, so wonderful. This was something he had never done before now; fuck a Pokemon. Artemis would be his first, and in realizing this, Martin could barely handle the anticipation he felt. Knowing that Artemis loved him, that he didn't judge him, that he was willing to do this for him, with him... it made his heart melt.

He quickly reached down, slathering his own throbbing cock with the oil, and placed the container down on the lounge chair. It wasn't hard to bring Artemis onto his length; he just grabbed the Pokemon's rear, aimed, and thrusted. He sunk into the hole and almost immediately quivered; Artemis was a lot tighter than he felt when he was oiling him up.

Martin thrusted himself further into Artemis until groin met rear, and he held himself there, his legs slightly shaking. The tight ring of muscle around Artemis's asshole opened up, but because of his length, Martin couldn't push that far into him. It wasn't an issue for him, however; it felt fucking amazing. Tightness and oil, Artemis's clenching and warmth, it was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

After a minute of just staying still, Artemis looked back, giving a questioning mew. Martin smiled, apologized, grabbed tight, and began to thrust. Every single short jab into the Pokemon was absolute bliss, every time he hilted himself inside of Artemis, Martin couldn't help but groan. Artemis seemed to be squeezing himself shut, making it an actual challenge to thrust, but the challenge had one of the best rewards he had ever experienced.

He leaned into it more, beginning to put a bit more weight into his thrusts. This was well received by Artemis, who began to grunt the first syllable of his name each time Martin's groin smacked against his rear. Even though he wasn't the biggest, Martin still swelled with pride at the fact that he was making Artemis moan like this. He grabbed the base of the Pokemon's tail, using it to help him begin to pull Artemis onto his length. Each thrust squished and squeezed his cock, and with the lotion, it felt awesome.

Martin suddenly stopped, grabbing Artemis and pulling him close to his body. He slipped a hand under his belly and picked him up, knocking the container of coconut oil off the lounge chair and sitting down on it. He turned Artemis around so he could look his friend in his eyes as he fucked him senseless, and began to do so. Artemis began to cry out his name as Martin roughly slammed his cock into him; this was no longer about self-consciousness, it was all about pleasure.

He could feel Artemis's warm cock press onto his groin, but Martin paid no mind as he pushed the Pokemon's rear down onto his member. It just felt too good, too pleasurable for him to think of anyone or anything but himself. Martin felt close, but he paid that fact no mind; even if he did cum, it wouldn't matter to him.

Artemis suddenly stopped moving, just laid on his belly, quivering as he was fucked. Martin ran a hand over his head as he had his way with him, and the Pokemon opened his eyes, a loving look on his face as his trainer stroked his head. After a couple more thrusts, Martin knew it was time. He grabbed Artemis and pushed him down, thrusting as deep as he could, and released.

He didn't know how much cum he shot into the Pokemon, nor how long the orgasm was. Martin didn't care about stuff like that, all he could feel was the euphoric bliss that was the orgasm. It was as if he was floating above his body; he saw himself clutching Artemis tight to his belly, saw his balls slowly rising and falling, saw that pleasured look on his face as he experienced this vision.

Martin suddenly gasped for air, immediately snapping back to reality. He did have a habit of holding his breath before and during an orgasm, this was no exception, but this time he guessed he hadn't taken any air in during that out of body experience. As he panted, Martin looked down at Artemis. The Pokemon's cheeks were squished against his belly, his face was glowing with pleasure as well. Martin didn't feel any warm spot on him, so he doubted that Artemis had came, so the look on his face must just be how he felt about him, about what the two had done.

"Holy shit Artemis..." Martin wheezed out, running his hand along the Pokemon's head. The fur was slightly cold, but softer than anything he had ever felt before. "Holy shit..."

"Glace...eon..." Artemis sounded pretty tired, but he quickly got up, pulling himself from Martin's grip and walking up his body.

Cum leaked out of his butt in small splats as he walked forward, and he reached down, giving Martin a few licks on his face. Martin, instead of laughing and pushing him away, let the Pokemon do what he wanted to do. Artemis quickly realized this, and curiously looked at him. A second later, the Pokemon pressed his maw to Martin's mouth, nuzzling it. He grinned, and gave Artemis a small kiss before pulling away, looking down, glancing at his still throbbing, leaking erection. Artemis looked back as well before looking back at Martin. The man nodded, causing him to smile.

Artemis walked forward and up the back of the lounge chair, resting his front paws above Martin's head. The Pokemon's cock was throbbing at his lips, every time his length twitched, it hit them and left a small spattering of precum on them. Artemis must have been pretty excited.

Martin slid a hand behind Artemis's knot, between his middle and ring finger, as if he was holding a wine glass, and gave him a small taste. Salty, yet with an odd, faint flavor of blueberry, it was delightful. Martin sucked a bit more from his Pokemon's tip, savoring the taste before he lined it up with his mouth and dove down on it. His mouth smacked against Artemis's knot almost instantly, and, as much as he tried to get himself around it, it would take some working up to.

Artemis didn't really seem to care, however; he almost instantly began to hump his trainer's mouth. The rough, yet slow thrusts into his mouth made Martin feel incredibly aroused, but instead of touching himself, he did Artemis one further and reached over, pushing a finger into his butt. He found what he was looking for rather quickly; a small, walnut sized gland, Artemis's prostate.

As his finger grazed it, the Pokemon seized up, gave a mighty quiver, and than doubled down on the face fucking. At this point, his furry balls were slapping against Martin's chin so hard he hoped that it wouldn't injure the Pokemon, but if it was, Artemis didn't seem to care. The energetic Artemis would arch his back as he humped, giving Martin more room to rub that special little nub in his ass as he fucked his face. Precum was drooling from his tip, making his entire mouth taste of salt and blueberry, Martin couldn't help but swallow every few seconds.

Artemis's fluids and his saliva coated his chin and upper chest as it leaked down, Martin wondered how much longer Artemis could last like this. He didn't get his answer right away, instead, Artemis slowly began to push more and more of his knot into Martin's mouth. It was, actually, a lot easier than Martin expected, to take his knot in. Within a few mere desperate humps, Artemis grunted his name and the knot popped into his mouth.

It filled him completely; it was like his mouth was full of something wonderful and hot. Every time Artemis's length pulsed, he could feel it on his tongue, and feel the resulting rope shoot against the back of his mouth. He kept on rubbing the Pokemon's prostate as he came, which only seemed to make Artemis cum more and more. His balls, it seemed, weren't just for show; the little Pokemon really could bust a fat load upon demand.

After one or two mouthfuls of cum he swallowed - he didn't count the amount that ran down the back of his throat - Martin looked up at the panting Pokemon. Artemis was quivering, his eyes were clenched tightly shut and his head was pressed against the back of the lounge chair; the pinnacle of bliss. Martin slowly pulled his finger out of his rear, wiping it on his thigh before running his hand up and down Artemis's back, lovingly scratching it. It made Artemis shake even harder.

Martin opened his mouth wide, pulling Artemis off of him. The Pokemon's cock dragged along his tongue as it left his mouth, giving one more spurt of cum before it completely left him. He grinned, swallowing the warm, salty fluid, and rested Artemis on his chest. Artemis quickly snuggled up into a ball and was almost instantly asleep, but before he could do so himself, Martin picked Artemis and placed him on the lounge chair.

As best he could with his weak legs, Martin found his way into the hot spring and rested his tired body in it. When the hot water touched his groin, he couldn't help but tense up; it felt like Artemis's rear was surrounding his cock all over again, and this was just from the residual pleasure he felt. He placed an arm on either side of the concrete and looked at the setting sun. The first day he was here had been magical. Martin couldn't wait for what came next.

Once the water got almost overbearingly hot, Martin decided that he had spent long enough out here. His body was all pruned up from staying in the water for so long, so the towel wrapped around him was a welcome reprieve. After putting the coconut oil away, Martin gently shook Artemis awake, but decided to just carry him around his shoulders. Once he made sure he had gotten everything, Martin went back to his room.

It was tempting to take a shower in the locker room; Martin had never done that, after all, but something inside of him just wanted sleep, so the two continued along. The hallway was air conditioned and, after being outside and around a hot spring for so long, it was a welcome reprieve from the heat. He slid the keycard by the door and opened it, walked over to the bed, and gently tossed Artemis onto the pillows. The Pokemon curled up into a ball and almost instantly went to sleep.

"Time for a shower." Martin said to nobody in particular as he dropped the towel around his waist.

He took the soap and a towel he had brought from home with him into the bathroom, and stepped into the large shower once the water was of a tolerable temperature. Martin washed the sweat off his body, shuddering each time he passed the bar of soap over his groin; it still felt amazing. Once he was clean, dry, and refreshed, Martin walked into the main room and plopped down on the bed next to Artemis.

When he felt his trainer's weight next to him, Artemis opened his eyes. Martin noticed that he looked angsty, and soon found out why; Artemis was aroused. He chuckled and tried to tell the Pokemon that he was spent, but Artemis was having none of it, and walked between his legs. Did... did he want a go at his ass again?

Martin wasn't really in the mood for that tonight, but he did have to admit that the prospect of more fun times with Artemis roused his interest, as well as something else. Artemis stepped onto his belly and began to hump at his twitching, growing cock; no, not a go at his ass, Artemis wanted to frot with him. When he realized that, Martin pretty much completely forgot about his drowsiness and got aroused quickly.

At first, he let Artemis have his way; the Pokemon's cock would press against his own as he humped him, the rigid, fleshy pleasure making him grunt. After a few failed attempts to try and masturbate the two of them together, Martin had had enough, and grabbed Artemis by the belly.

He flipped around, resting himself on Artemis's groin and pulled both their cocks together. Artemis whimpered as he went to work on the both of them, masturbating each other in tandem. Artemis would occasionally whimper as Martin pressed his weight into his length, squeezed harder, and used their combined precum as lubrication. Artemis was still a little soft, which was throwing a small wrench in the plans, so Martin pulled off.

Cupping Artemis's knot in his hand like a wine glass again, Martin pulled upwards on his cock. He felt the looseness slowly grow firm, but it was fun playing with it. Artemis was jiggly when he was soft, and his knot was hard as a rock, which only seemed to amplify how much it shook whenever he moved his hand. Martin easily got him hard, and pressed himself against Artemis again.

"H-hey, just tell me when you're about to cum, alright? I wanna do it with you." The prospect of both of them shooting what little spunk they had left onto Artemis's belly made Martin gulp.

Artemis nodded, and began to shake as Martin again took their lengths in one hand and stroked them off. As someone who had been single for a long time, Martin knew how best to stroke a cock, but this was something else entirely. His hand was stretched trying to wrap around the both of them, but it only made him try even harder.

The two quickly leaked enough precum to the point where the squishy sound of flesh rubbing against flesh filled the room. It was amazing, he realized, to be hearing that, to have a squirming Pokemon underneath him like this. To feel his cleanly shaven ball sack press against Artemis's thick, wet knot, to feel his balls further along against his thighs. Martin realized just how close he was to shooting his load, so he quickly pulled away, focusing instead on masturbating Artemis. It was the same deal as before; wine glass grip, other hand stroked the slick length. Artemis squirmed and cried out his name as Martin worked over him, his eyes clenched tightly shut as he was rubbed.

"C'mon boy, just let it out for me... let it all out..." Martin bent over, using two fingers to stroke him off as he began to lick the tip of Artemis's shaft.

After a few licks, Artemis suddenly began to scream at the top of his lungs, urgently kicking Martin. He quickly shot up, pressing the two of their cocks together, and beat them off like there was no tomorrow. Artemis didn't last much longer; he tensed up and a thick, fat rope of cum blasted out of him. Upon the second and third was when Martin himself shuddered, his own seed leaking out of him. As he expected, pleasure wreaked havoc on his entire body, which only made him jerk the two off faster and faster. Cum quickly pooled on Artemis's belly, dripping down his fur and onto the sheets.

Martin's loins were the first to stop; one small dribble of almost clear cum, and he was done. Artemis was able to give one or two more squirts of his own pearly cum before he started to squirm. Martin collapsed next to him, panting heavily with his Pokemon friend. Looking over, he gave Artemis a small kiss before pulling him under his arm and hugging him close.

"I love you." Martin gave him one last kiss before he fell into a deep sleep. Artemis might have mumbled something, but he didn't hear him.

. . .

That night, sleep not only came easily, but it was heavy. Martin couldn't dream of anything, his body needed only the deepest of sleep. He would have been fine sleeping until late into the afternoon, probably, but he was awoken when something was repeatedly smacked against his face.

Frowning, Martin opened his eyes, and then opened them wider. A throbbing cock was hitting his mouth, Artemis's throbbing cock. This would certainly be an awesome week, he realized, as he opened his mouth.

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