digi kimi Chapter 6: Autumn holiday house

Story by lilgabu on SoFurry

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#6 of digi kimi

Blake was making a dorm announcement for all the first and second year dorm resistant.

'Ok everyone for the next two week the building will be having a pipe covert because our building has been having a leak somewhere along the water system, so all you first and second year will have to go home over the autumn holidays.' Said Blake

'What about you third year student?' shouted of other student

'We third year are preparing for exam so we will be staying at the first or third dorms so study,' said Blake

So everyone went back to their room, but Ty was a bit worry going to England, because he wont be able to see his friends for a bit, Tony saw Ty was worried so Tony got his phone out and called home, and asked his family if Ty was able to stay with them. But his family had to discuss about it first, so Tony hang up and went back to his room to get ready for school.

'Hay Ty, are you worried about going back to England?' asked Tony

'Only a little, I originally planned to spend time with you guys,' replied Ty

'Don't worry about it, we all live a far distance from each other,' said Tony

'Yeah, but it nothing compare to me,' said Ty and smile at Tony and walked out the door.

'Don't worry I'm sure there will be some way we can spend a holiday together,' said Tony as he followed Ty out the door.

During the school day Ty went to the first aid room to talk to Jason wasn't being himself, he was scared of something.

'Jason is something the matter?' asked Ty

'No nothing the matter, I'm perfectly fine, why do you ask?' replied Jason as he was cramming everything in a suitcase

'Then why are you packing your stuff like your trying to run away,' said Ty as he pointed at the suitcase

'Shut up,' said Jason as he close his suitcase and headed for the door, but then the door open and a Sakuyamon was stood there and said to Jason, 'And where do you think your going Jason?' asked the Sakuyamon

'Hi Sara, I was just leaving for a meeting in New York,' said Sara

'Oh no your not, your coming to work at the holiday house like you promise, now be a good brother and listen to your sister what she tells you,' said Sara

'I got a better idea, how about you take this guy, (Dragged Ty into this),' said Jason

'Hmmm, what you name?' asked Sara

'May name is Ty, nice to meet your Sara,' said Ty

'Would you please work for me at my holiday house, for two week, I will let to stay there with a nice comfy bed and nice and warm food as well,' asked Sara

'Sure it beat going back too England for two weeks,' said Ty

Sara jumped up and down and started swing Ty around, then Ty asked Sara a question 'Just asking are you Blake's mother?'

'Yes, I am, I would have asked my son to help but he got to prepare for exam soon,' said Sara

Ty then though 'It kind of scary how they are all evil in a way,' Ty then asked Sara when does he start working and she told him once you finished school today so when you get back to the dorm pack your stuff and she will pick him up and take him to the holiday house which was at Los Angeles.

At the end of the school day Tony and Ty was walking back to the dorm together and Tony phone went off, it was his mother and she said 'Yes,' that Ty could stay with them over the Autumn break, Tony then said to Ty 'Ty you can stay over at my house over the Autumn break, my mother said you could stay with us.'

'Tony that is really sweet of you but I'm going to Los Angeles to work at a holiday house for two weeks,' said Ty, Tony then told his mother a sudden change of plan and hanged up on her.

'Ty I'm coming with you,' said Tony

'You don't have too Tony, why don't you go home and spend it with your family,' said Ty

'I know I don't have, but I want to come a long, I always wanted to go to L.A,' said Tony

'Well, ok at I will have a friend with me over the autumn break,' said Ty

Suddenly Casey came running up, 'Hay guys, what are you doing over autumn break?' asked Casey

'Working, in L.A' said Ty

'Ditto,' said Tony

'Tony I though you be going back home to Colorado,' said Casey

"Nah, I'm spend sometime hanging out with Ty, even though we share a room, we not have a lot of chance to know each other properly,' said Tony

'Man I wish I can join you guys, but I live all the way in New York,' said Casey

In the back of Tony he was thinking, 'Thank goodness, I will definitely get some perfect alone time with Ty.'

When they got back to the dorm building Sara was there talking to Blake.

'Hi Blake, who is this your girlfriends? Isn't she a bit to old for you?' laughed Casey

Blake and Sara both kick Casey in the face. Blake shouted at Casey saying 'That's my mother you asshole,' and Sara slapped him 'Don't call me old.'

Both Ty and Tony was scared of the scary side and wondering, 'Am I going to survive those to week working for here?'

Tony then walked up to Sara and asked her 'Can I come and work for you over the Autumn break?'

'Sure you can, the more people working the better, now Ty and erm' said Sara

'Tony' said Tony

'Yeah, now Ty and Tony go get your stuff pack and we be on our way,' said Sara

'Wait can I come along and work for you?' asked Casey

'Why not, but if you call me old again you will pay with your like, got it,' said Sara putting on a scary face

Casey was having second through, but if he got to spent time with Ty, he didn't care at all, because he knows it would be worth it. Casey went in to tell Ty and Tony he was going to be with them over the autumn break. When Tony heard it about it his face just dropped, Ty on the other hand, was thinking to himself, 'I hope he doesn't do anything stupid.' Once everyone pack their stuff they went out to the front of the building, where Sara was waiting.

'Has everyone got everything they need to pack?' asked Sara

'Sara is it ok if I bring James along?' asked Ty

'Who's James?' asked Sara

'My dog,' said Tony

'Ok, do you mind if I can see how big he is, so I know where he can go in the car,' Sara

When James and Sara they like each other straight away, Sara was hugging James, and James was like her face.

'James is small enough to sit on someone lap,' said Sara

'Thank you so much Sara,' said Ty

'Good thing I have a soft spots for dogs,' said Sara

So they all went into the car as Sara drive off, along they way they talking what kind of work they would be doing at the holiday house, then Casey went and said something stupid, 'Thanks for letting me come, old lady,' Sara head turn around and gave Casey an evil face, while Ty and Tony to keep her eyes on the road, before they crash into the truck that was heading their way. Sara gets the car out of the way of the truck and stops the car to beat Casey for his comment. I little later they arrive at the holiday house, which was right outside of a beach, once they got in there were to other people there, a black husky chatting up a blond rabbit.

'Eric (black husky) stop flirting with Jessica (blonde rabbit),' said Sara

'Ok, and what do we have here,' said James as he stared at Ty

'Those three will be help up for two week over the autumn break so treat them nicely you guys, expect for the demon

over,' said Sara as she point directly at Casey

'Ok, done,' said Eric as walks over to Ty and takes his paw and says to him, 'May I know your name, good looking,' Ty just blushed when Eric called him good looking. But for Tony his facial expression change with a lot of jealousy showing, as for Casey he told Eric 'Back off, Ty mine.' Eric just laughs and works off Ty, Tony and Casey went to their room and sorted their stuff, but in their room there was on king size bed and a single size bed, Tony and Casey was Arguing who get the king size bed and who get the single size bed. Ty ended the argument quickly by saying, 'I'll take the single size bed, you guys have the king size bed, since you act like a married couple.' Jessica then came in giving them their uniform for work, and talked to Ty 'Beware off Eric, he chose a target who he like and want to get into bed with them.' Ty appreciated Jessica warning about Eric and smiled at her walk with her to the kitchen to start work.

Once everyone was in the kitchen Sara told everyone what their jobs was.

'Eric you will handle all the laundry and shit, Jessica your working with me in the kitchen, Ty and Tony your work will be sorting out beds and tables, Casey your job is taking out the trash,' said Sara

'Hay, Casey while you take out the trash, put yourself in it as well,' laughed Eric

'Why, you, I'm going to kill you for that,' said Casey

'Casey forget about let just get work,' said Ty

'Ok, Ty,' said Casey as he was drooling over Ty with love

Working at holiday was a tough job for Ty, he was working hard with Tony, but he had deal with him and Casey fighting every night, because of the sleeping arrangement, beside what was also getting to Ty was that Eric, he has been keeping a eye on Ty for a few days now and it was kind of scaring Ty wondering what Eric was planning.

'Hay everyone since you guys have been working so hard, these past few day, tomorrow, were going to close the holiday house for the day and hit the beach for some fun,' said Sara

Everybody was happy expect for Ty, who was sweating a lot so he went back to his room everyone was a bit concern about him, but Sara made them go back to work and she will go on and check on him. In the room Ty took off his fur and took off the hidden vest he wears under his clothes that his all his scars on his back, Sara walked in when and saw all the scares on Ty back. Ty saw Sara and hide himself from because he felt so ashamed by it. But Sara put a blanket over Ty back and held onto him, it's alright 'I wont tell anyone about what I saw, but would you mind telling what happen to your back leaving such horrible scares on you?' asked Sara

'It was about a few years my body was a fight with a gang who kidnap his girlfriend, who was also one of my best friends, I went with him to save her, but what we didn't they hid her in a warehouse that was abandon for years, we went there to fight them and get her back but, they also planted a bomb there which they tried to use to kill my brother, and his girlfriend, my brother ended up with a broken arm and legs but I had spattered piece of glass in my back when we shield her when the bomb when off. That what cause these scares these ugly scares on my back, only my family and my best friends know about this, no one else knows about it beside you now,' explained Ty

'Wow, that is really amazing how you and your brother protect that girl from those thugs, so you should be to ashamed of those cares, but then again with you beautiful skin like a girl it is kind of bad,' said Sara

Ty just nodded because he's know about that and agree that is really true, it not good to have scares to attract guys.

'Anyways are you ok, you look don't look so well?' asked Sara

'I'm ok, I just feel like I cant breath sometimes with his vest on and it also kind of hot as well which makes everything a lot worse,' said Ty

'Well you a growing boy how about I make you, some vest top that will fit you nicely, said Sara

'Thank you Sara, I don't why Jason so scared of you, I think your nice, I wish I had a sister like you,' said Ty

'Jason only scared of cause I always get him to help me with my work,' laughed Sara

'Ok, I think I go back to work now,' said Ty

'You have to push yourself so hard you know I can tell one of the other to help Tony if you like,' said Sara

'No it's ok, I will be fine now, thank you for you concern Sara, 'said Ty as went back to work.

~~~~~Day off work~~~~~

Everyone went to the beach to relax even though it autumn it was still pretty hot, Casey and Tony went into the ocean for a swim while Jessica and Sara sun brayed, Eric went to the bar, while Ty was building a sand castle but he was wearing a jacket under his fur to hide his vest top. Casey went over to Ty trying to convince him to go swimming with him, Tony just watched every time because he know Ty would say 'No.'

'Hay Ty hun, would you mind going to get up some more drink please,' asked Sara

'Sure no problem,' said Ty as he left the beach and headed into the shops to get some drinks

While on the way into the shop, Ty got caught in a big crowd on rush hour, and accidently knock over a whale man.

'Oh I'm so sorry about that,' said Ty as he help the whale man up

'No problem,' said the whale man, but when he saw what Ty look like he grabbed onto his wrist and held them up

'Hay what are you doing?' asked Ty

'Hay cutie pie are you single?' like would like to get you know you better, in bed,' said the whale man

'Hay nice caught there, Andy,' said another whale that just walked up

'Thanks, I'm taking back to the hotel, care to join us, rob?' asked Andy

'I'm a guy, now let go off me you pervert,' shouted Ty

Meanwhile Tony was looking for Ty because he was taking ages with the drinks but then he saw two whale men with Ty and one of them was holding him by his wrist, Tony tried to get to Ty before anything bad happen to him.

'Hay let go of her, she's with me,' said Eric, Andy let go of Ty wrist

'Tough break, next time pretty lady,' said Andy as he and Rob left

'Hay Ty are you ok?' asked Eric, as he help onto Ty by the side

'Yeah thanks you, Eric,' said Ty as he went to the shop

'Hay Eric, stay away from Ty,' said Tony

'Or what, cant handle a little competition can you,' said Eric

'What was that,' said Tony

'How about a little wager,' said Eric

'Depend what it is first,' said Tony

'So you agree then,' said Eric

'Whatever, what is the wager?' asked Tony

'If I can sleep with him before you guess leave, he will be mine, but if I cant then he all yours and you will never have to see or hear from me again,' said Eric

'No I won't agree to, I'm not gambling Ty virginity on this,' said Tony he then cover his mouth because the 'V' word slip out of his mouth

'So Ty is a virgin, this make it even more interesting to take her into bed them,' said Eric

'Stay away from Ty, if you even Ty to sleep with her I will kill you,' said Tony as he walks off

~~~~~A few days later~~~~~

Eric hasn't made his move on Ty yet, but Tony is keeping an eye on him just to be safe, until one night.

'Hay isn't Eric and Ty a bit later coming back from the shop with the supply's?' asked Jessica

'Ty called before and said he going to be running late, he having engine problem with his car,' said Sara

'What when did he call and where did he say where he was?' asked Tony

'Eric called 5 minutes ago and he down the road only twenty minutes away here,' said Sara

'Got it,' said Tony as he ran out of the door Tony an as fast as he can to get to the car in time

~~~~~Ten minutes earlier~~~~~

Ty and Eric were in the car coming back from the shop, getting supply for the holiday house, but suddenly the car stop.

'Hay what's going?' asked Ty

'Look like were having car problem, I go and check on it, here's my phone call Sara and tell her were going to be late, were only twenty minutes away,' said Eric

Ty called Sara on Eric phone and told her the situation.

'Hay Ty can you pass me a drink please,' asked Eric

'Yeah sure, ' said Ty as passed Eric a can of coke, Eric drank some of it and then dropped a sleeping pill in it, Eric then passed the can of coke to Ty while he tried fixing the car problem, Ty drank some of the coke, Ty sat in the car and waited slowly as time went by Ty got tired and tired, Eric notice Ty slowly drifting and took his chance to with Ty now, Eric open Ty side of the car door and drop his seat flat down, and grabbed a hold both of Ty wrist, Ty slowly notice what he was doing, 'What are you doing Eric?' asked Ty, Eric was unclothing Ty from his shirt and he answered by saying 'Having a bit of fun,' Ty was trying so hard to hard his tiredness by saying 'Stop I don't want to,, and began to start crying. Eric unclothed Ty top enough to find his hidden vest top, Eric slowly unzip the hidden vest top, Ty just keep saying 'Stop' as he tried to struggle to get free, but Eric unzipped the vest top and start undoing Ty pants, Ty then screamed 'Stop it please,' then Eric suddenly got pulled off Ty and out of the car by Tony, where Tony start to punch Eric in the face and stomach, while Tony was beating the crap out off Eric Ty ran out of the car and into the forest the was close by, Tony chased after Ty because he was worried about him. Tony caught up with Ty and held onto Ty trying to calm him down, Ty was crying with fear because he almost got raped, but the sleeping took it affect on Ty and put him to sleep. Tony held onto Ty because he was worried about him, but Ty was a sleep so Tony carried Ty out of the forest but then Tony slip and fell into steep pit with Ty, Tony cover Ty trying to protect him, but they both landed rough and he got knock out.

~~~~~A few hours later~~~~~

'Hay Where is Tony and Ty they sure are taking ages?' said Casey

'Well Eric is back but he is badly injured I wonder what happen?' asked Jessica

'Well Eric got his ass kick by Tony, but Ty ran into the forest and Tony went after him, but Ty should be out of it because

Eric drugged him with a sleeping pill,' said Sara

'What a scum bag,' said Jessica

~~~~~Meanwhile in the forest~~~~~

Tony was got up saw Ty was still a sleep and went over to Ty and held Ty trying to wake him, Ty slowly opened his eye but he was still sleepy because of the sleeping pill.

'Ty I'm going to get held what here for me,' said Tony

Ty just held onto Tony arm and said, 'Please don't leave me alone Tony, said Ty was he passed out

'I wont leave you Ty,' said Tony as he held onto tightly, Tony then brushed Ty hair to the left and kisses Ty on the lips, even though he was a sleep, 'I love you, Ty,' said Tony as held Ty close to his chest for a while. Tony then took off his shirt and put Ty on his back, then tiring the shirt around Ty and his waste, making sure it tight enough so Ty doesn't falls off Tony's back. Tony started climbing out of the pit with great difficulty, Tony keep sliding back down because the rock was to wet to get a good grip. After a few attempted at it Tony gave up and held Ty close to his chest again, but something was wrong with Ty, he was burning, Tony put his claws on Ty's forehead and found out he was running a high fever.

~~~~~Back at the Holiday House~~~~~

'Ok, I can't wait anymore, I'm going to go look for them' said Casey

'I'm coming too,' said Jessica

'I'll call the police and wait here,' said Sara

Casey ran down to the forest area a head of Jessica where she went to get James so that they could use his nose to sniff both Ty and Tony out.

'Tony, Ty if you can hear me, please say something,' Shouted Casey

'Ty, Tony where are you? Shouted Jessica while holding onto James leash, it took a little bit of time but James pick up their scent and started barking and pulling Jessica deep into the forest.

'Casey I think James have pick up their scent,' shouted Jessica

'Ok, I'm right behind you,' shouted Casey

The three of them ran deeper into the forest until James stop in front of a steep pit and started barking loudly as James has found Ty and Tony.

'James go bring help,' shouted Tony

'Don't need to, help is already here,' Shouted Casey

'Man, am I glad to see you Casey and Jessica,' shouted Tony

'Are you both alright?' shouted Jessica

'I'm fine but Ty is running on a high fever, we need to get him back to the house at once,' shouted Tony

'Ok, I'm coming down to help you out of there, Tony,' shouted Casey

'No!!! Don't come down the rocks are wet so you wont get a good grip on them,' shouted Tony

'Then what should we do then?' Shouted Casey

'I got an idea,' said Jessica as she unhook James from his leash and lower it down to Tony 'Grab onto it Tony, Casey and me will pull you and Ty out of there,' shouted Jessica. Tony tied Ty onto his back again and grabbed the leash and climbed up while Casey, Jessica and James pull them back up.

"All most there,' Shouted Casey

'Someone give me your hand,' Shouted Tony

Jessica reaches out her paws and helps Tony over the edge of the pit and pulled him and Ty in, Jessica Check on Ty fever and gave him to Casey.

"Casey hurry back to the house, if Ty stay out here anymore longer his fever can get worse,' said Jessica

'Got it,' said Casey as he runs out of the forest, carrying Ty on his back.

'Come on Tony, I help you back to the house, you had us all worried sick,' said Jessica

'Sorry about that, Jessica,' said Tony

'No problem, you kept Ty safe from Eric and that what counts,' said Jessica

'I need to kick the shit out of him some more,' said Tony

'Don't worry about it, leave that to Sara,' said Jessica

Jessica, help Tony out of the forest by following James, but when they got out of the forest there was a lot of police officers there waiting for them.

'Are you guys called Tony and Jessica?' asked one of the police officers

'Yes, we are,' said Jessica

'Get in into the car, we're giving you guys a life back to the holiday house, Sara already explained the situation to us,' said the police officer

They both got into the police car with James and went back to the holiday house where Casey and Sara were waiting for them. While Eric was sat in another police hand cupped together, and taking away once Tony, Jessica and James was back safely.

'I think that was to much drama for one night,' said Sara

'Yeah, agreed,' said Jessica

"How is Ty doing?' asked Tony

'He's fine now, he's upstairs sleeping quietly,' said Casey

'Phew, what a relief,' said Jessica

'Anyway, Tony go get some rest, and take the morning off work and rest ok,' said Sara

'Thank you,' said Tony as he went upstairs back to his room where Ty was sleeping quietly, Tony got into Ty bed and held onto Ty and started crying and said 'I'm glad your safe, I wouldn't know what of would do if something bad happen to you Ty.' Sara was watching from outside the room and gave them sometime together, Casey just walk passed and she then told him 'Sleep in Eric room tonight, I think Tony and Ty will need to be along tonight to recover for this bad event.

'Ok,' said Casey, and carried on walking, Casey looked though the door to see Tony sleeping next to Ty and being emotional as well, Casey said to himself 'I'll let him off tonight since he did save Ty.' And went to Eric room to go to sleep

~~~~~The next morning~~~~~

Everyone got up early all expect for Ty, who was still sleeping.

'Morning, Tony,' said Sara as she was poring her a cup of coffee

"Morning, Sara,' said Tony as he sat down on a chair to eat breakfast with everyone

'So how is Ty doing?' asked Jessica

'I don't know, he hasn't woke up yet,' said Tony

'That's a shame,' said Sara

'Anyway ways where is Casey?' asked Tony

'He started working already,' said Sara

'I should go and help him,' said Tony

'No I given you the morning off work, so that you can stay with Ty,' said Sara

'No I will work it will help put my mind at ease, would you mind watching over him instead Sara?' asked Tony

'Jessica, do you going out and help Casey with some off the work, I want to talk to Tony alone,' said Sara, Jessica just went outside and started the laundry with Casey

"What is Ty to you Tony?' asked Sara

'I don't know, what you mean?' answered Tony

'I saw you last night, I may not be an love expect, but I can tell you are straight, but you have develop feeling towards him only, am I right, do you love Ty?' questioned Sara

'Yes I do love Ty, he the only one I want,' said Tony

'Have you told him how you feel about him?' asked Sara

'Even if did tell him my feelings, he already have some else, his promise person he been searching for,' said Tony

'What about you then? If you cant tell him how you feel, what chance do you have with him?' asked Sara

'Well I just I will have to do what Ty is doing find my promise person,' said Tony

'Well if that the way you feel, then I cant stop what you think it rights, said Sara

Tony went back to work but with every hour that went passed Tony went to check on Ty, Tony spent ten minutes with Ty, holding onto his paws and stroking his fur hair.


Ty was having a nightmare of the rape attack that Eric tried on Ty, Ty woke up screaming, 'Stop,' The scream was load enough to be heard by everyone in the holiday house, Tony and Sara, ran to the room Ty was sleeping in, Ty was sat up crying on the blanket, Sara put her hand on Tony shoulder and shuck her head, Tony went back to work, while Sara went in to talk to Ty.

'Ty are you alright?' asked Sara as she stroke Ty on the back

'Sara was I rape by Eric?' asked Ty

'No you weren't, because Tony came in time for your rescue,' said Sara

'Then how did I get back? I swear I remember running into the forest,' asked Ty

'You and Tony were in a pit, you guys was stuck there for a while tony didn't leave you by yourself because you were running a high fever, but when Jessica and Casey found you, it was slowly getting worse, Jessica told Casey to bring you back, while Jessica bring Tony back,' said Sara

'Oh that's good to hear, I'm glad Tony saved me,' said Ty

'Ty, Tony stayed with you all night making sure nothing happen to you, and he been checking up on early hour since eight o'clock this morning,' said Sara

'Oh, ok,' said Ty as he put a sad face on

'What's wrong Ty, do you want to talk about it?' asked Sara

'No I think I will get change and go back to work,' said Ty

'Ok, but are you sure, you should be moving so soon?' asked Sara

'I'm will be fine, I'm more worried about Tony to tell you the true,' said Ty

'Well I let you guys sort it out on your own,' said Sara as she left Ty

Ty got changed quickly and did his Job sorting out the beds upstairs, Tony walked in and saw Ty finishing off sorting the last bedroom upstairs.

'Ty are you sure you should be working?' asked Tony

'I will be fine, Tony,' said Ty as he walked over to Tony

'Well, I'm glad you're alright now,' said Tony

'Thank you, Tony, I mean for saving me last night and staying by my side all of last night and today,' said Ty as he kisses Tony on the cheek, and when off to the kitchen.

Tony just stood there with one claw on his cheek and smiled happily.

As the last few day past by so fast Tony and Ty got to know each other a lot better, but Casey on the other hand was starting to get lonely because Ty is spending more time with Tony than anyone else. Tony and Ty look like a real couple with the amount of time they spent together, during stay at the holiday house.