The good house slave

Story by Bermwolf on SoFurry

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LEGAL: Story is mine, including the characters. Don't steal them. This fiction contains adult material. Not 18? GO AWAY!

My first story...Please be nice. My mate asked me to do this for her so I gave it my best shot. I hope you like it Aiden :)

The good house slave

6:05 AM

A soft beeping from my alarm is my signal to begin the routine, that ritual of preparation we must all take when we get ready for a new days. I slowly stretch my body out in the large comfortable bed and silently curse whoever invented comfy beds and early mornings. I climb out of bed and take time to make it back into a near-perfect state. I admit this is a little strange for some people but I am a tidy wolf and like to keep things in an orderly manner. As into my bathroom adjacent to my room I take a gander at myself in the mirror.

My name is John and what looks back at me this morning is not as terrible a specimen some days. A 6'2" black wolf with a white tummy stares back at me, head fur out of place in all the ways that it gets when one has been sleeping for a long time. I would say I was a fur of some good looks, though others may have a somewhat different opinion of my wiry but firm build. Ignoring the staring wolf in the mirror I step into my hot morning shower and begin the routine.

After a quick shower I walk back into my room to get dressed for work, donning a pair of nice black dress pants and a gray pin stripe shirt, taking time to spike my short head fur to the side before grabbing my well worn collar off the night stand. I stop at this moment to examine the brass inlay that adorns the front of the collar where a single word is inscribed: "Mine". I fondly place the collar around my neck and fasten it tightly. Some of may wonder at this rather odd piece of attire being part of my work clothes but you see, I have a very special job for someone who has very unique needs. I am not a Butler to some rich old dog tottering in his age, nor a young trusty who needs to be taken care of either. I am a slave, and with a quick glance at my watch I realize that it is time for mistress to start her day.

6:50 AM

With a soft knock I enter mistresses master bedroom. Inside I find what I have always considered a very tastefully decorated room. Dominating one side of the room is a large bed covered in maroon and red bed linens, withing I can see the form of my slowly awakening mistress. Walking softly to the side of the bed I kneel down and place both of my paws on the bed and whispers "Mistress, it is time for you to begin getting ready."

With a slight jolt a pair of striking soft yellow eyes open and focus on me intently. Mistress is not a morning person. "Go start on my bath and I will be there in a minute." she says. I give my affirmative and then leave to enter the master bathroom.

The inside of this room is a totally different affair as compared to my modest washroom, completely fitted out in black tiles with white and silver accents. I carefully gather the soaps and various other elixirs near the edge of the large marble tub in the center of the room. As I set the items down and start filling the tub with hot water, I hear the unmistakable clicking of nailed paws on the tile as mistress heads into the divided bathroom. I wait patiently as the tub fills then standing to the side waiting for mistress to return.

I do not have to wait long, as a strong and very attractive female dragoness reappears into the room, dressed in a velvet and black bathrobe. My mistress has only recently confided in me some of her personal secrets but I know she must have come from a very attractive family given her striking coloring, a vivid collage of oranges and green stripes surrounding a body that has muscles and curves in all those places that make men chase, and then puts them flat on their backs. However i do not have time to admire her as she flings her robe at me and lowers herself into the hot water in the tub.

Beginning to wash herself with one of the soaps I have brought her, she says "slave, I have an important business meeting today with a new client. I will need to look my best so lay out an outfit accordingly."

I reply in a respectful tone, "I understand mistress, may I suggest a more monochromatic layout over the usual for this matter?"

Pondering that for a moment she then responds, "I believe you are right wolf, that will be satisfactory."

Considering the options as I continue to rubs her healthy scales, I ask "Would you prefer that I drive you to work today or should I call someone from the office to come and get you mistress."

My mistress replies " I do not know how long I will be at my meeting so I would prefer that you remain here and have my meal and the house chores completed, will that be possible?"

"Absolutely mistress, I have been thinking of trying a special new recipe I think you will enjoy, I will try to have it ready when you when you return." I say as I finish washing my mistress and move to sit next to the tub and slowly rub her smooth scaled feet.

Taking one of the less fragrant soaps mistress works it into the upper part of her body, paying special attention to her other unique feature, her hair. Most dragons, as far as I am aware, are covered with scales all over and have horns or other ornaments that they adorn their heads with. My mistress has a curiously colored crop of hair in addition to her horns, a striking feature indeed.

Finishing with her claws, I bow out of the room and leave to prepare mistress's clothes, setting out a stunning Chanel business suit which is a tasteful yet professional blend of blacks and greys. As I am standing there pondering what kind of foot coverings would be best for the occasion, mistress emerges into the room, still slightly damp and very naked. I have to catch myself to keep from staring as she walks over to her vanity and begins to apply the rest of her face as she calls it. While I may be a man of good taste in clothing and the like, I know that is a league I do not play in so I leave her to it.

I gather her business clothes along with some appropriate undergarments and shoes, bringing them with me and sitting down on my knee's next to her as she puts her make-up on. She glances down at me out of the corner of her eye and smiles softly, "what do you have to on your agenda today my little wolf?"

Blushing slightly at her sudden interest in the comparatively boring prospects I reply. "I was planning on taking the convertible to the shop to get it tuned today, tending the the garden, and a couple of other little things around the house while you are out today. Is there anything special I can do for you?" I ask.

"Please be sure to look after the fish today, I know how sometimes you forget." she replies with a knowing smile. I am not always the most organized of people and have had some small accidents as a result. I had indeed forgotten that I must tend to the medium sized Koi pond in the backyard along with the rest of the garden, though I tried to hide my embarrassment. Trying to make up for my failure, I ask "would you like anything special for breakfast ma'am?"

Pondering that for a moment, she replies "Yes slave, I am famished right now and I do not believe I will have much of a break today, would you please make me some cereal with fruit?"

"Certainly mistress, I will go tend to that now." I say as I rise from the floor, leaving at mistress to get ready. I make a stop in the house's very well stocked and maintained kitchen. Since coming into my current situation I have had to learn some of the skills of a chef so as to serve better. This is very difficult considering that I almost never cooked in my previous life and have had to start from scratch. Although I would by no means consider myself a decent cook, mistress says I am improving and she only rarely finds my food unacceptable.

After fixing mistress's breakfast I wait patiently in the kitchen to appear. At half past 8 she emerges from the bedroom all dressed for her killer day. She sits and turns on the news on the kitchen and begins to eat. After she has finished her cereal I bring her a fresh piece of cantaloupe and a glass of orange juice. Shortly after that the short chime of the door signals that the man from the art studio has arrived to pick mistress up. I hurriedly bring mistress her portfolio and am about to turn around to go get the door when she firmly grabs my collar and kisses my nose softly, smiling she says quietly, " you be a good boy today, get your chores done and be ready for when I come home alright?"

Wagging my tail slowly and smiling just a bit too wide I answer "Of course mistress, I will be right here waiting for you when you return. Knock them dead."

With that I kiss one of her paws and open the door to allow her to leave in the car that the office has sent for her. As I close the door I take off my apron and think about what all I have to do today

10:30 AM

After finishing the smaller of my house chores, I decide that it would be a good time to go out into the world and get some of the other things I need to do done. Locking and alarming the house, I walk into the attached garage and marvel at mistress's gifts to my hobby, cars. When i first met my mistress she was never someone who cared much how she got from A to B, only that it was comfortable and styled in a way she liked. However, as a present to me she has allowed my own tastes and interests to show when we picked her most recent selection of vehicles.

In addition to being a very hard worker, my mistress loves to play hard. As a result she has dabbled in a great many hobbies over the years. The large 4 car garage attached to the house is a collection of things for some of those hobbies. While 3 of the slots are filled with vehicles, the last is a collection of kayaks, off-road and street bicycles, and assorted other knickknacks for her hobbies. However my focus is on my babies.

The main vehicle that we use everyday is a elegant but reliable BMW M3 hardtop. This is the car that is by far the most fun and practical. I have an ambition to be a touring car racer as a hobby and mistress promised that I could use this vehicle when that time came. Next to that is mistress's weekend car, a vehicle I am not allowed to drive. It is a bright red Mercedes SL 65 convertible. While I don't quite like the red(too flashy for me), I have never seen mistress get out of this car without a smile.

Finally, we come to the vehicle that need my attention today, The Rolls-Royce Phantom drop head. This was a special present that I arranged for mistress when she finalized the expansion of her art studio. It is an elegant machine and mistress says I made a good choice in picking it out. I have never felt more important and special then when I get to drive mistress around in this special car. However today is not a fun night out or a pickup from the airport, today is maintenance. Smiling to myself I climb in and start the vehicle.

11:00 AM

As I arrive at the dealership where I am having the vehicle serviced, I have to chuckle to myself at the little things in my life that sometimes pop up as result of my "occupation". This car has been the reason for a number of small instances where people ask odd questions or give me looks. Pulling the car into the service entrance, I am greeted by the owner of the dealership who I know quite well. The smartly dressed Doberman named Arthur Touring meets me with his customary smile and firm handshake. Arthur and I have been good friends ever since I came in a little over a year ago looking to for a present for mistress. We always chuckle over the awkwardness of our first meeting and the inevitable questions surrounding my collar and my mistress. However once explained my situation and seeing that I obviously am very happy with decision, Mr. Touring has always been happy to help me, dealing with me personally whenever I come in.

This is not always the case given the clientele of such a place. Today is no different, as I sit in the waiting room while the car is being worked on I can feel the eyes on my, people whispering in a low tone when I walk by. I just smile and continue on my own business, getting a cup of hot chocolate(mistress says I'm still a pup at heart :3) and sitting in the waiting area. I never feel self-conscious about my collar, I believe that the happiness I have is something that few other furs get to experience and I count myself lucky. I wear my mark with pride and have never back down from telling people that. Mr. Touring was in fact quite shocked the first time we met about my dedication to mistress. However, after having met her on a social occasion he confessed to me that he could understand how serving such a wonderful lady could be fulfilling to say the least.

While waiting I take the time to place a call to another friend who is going to help me prepare a special dinner for mistress tonight after a hard day. Being of Russian decent I am always inclined to do things related to my heritage and mistress supports me whole heartedly. Tonight I am going to try a new recipe for what amounts to stuffed pasta. However it is stuffed with a special kind of meat and as such I ha to call in a favor to a Russian Makita that I know who has prepared the meat for me(okay so I cheated a little, no one has to know).

Remembering back to this morning, mistress said she would not have a chance to take a break today, I place one more call to a local restaurant to get a salad to go. Mistress tends to get very focused on her work sometimes and does not always do what she needs to to stay healthy. I have been trying to remind her but she is quite stubborn sometimes and needs a helping paw.

As soon as I lower my phone from my ear, I am called into the back to inspect the car before I leave. The 4 mechanics that work for this Rolls dealership are top-notch guys and have always been happy to take my questions and comments. One of them, a lynx in his early 40's, even used to be a race driver and has been interested in my desire to start competing. However since I am in a hurry today I simply review the basic maintenance that was performed today and sign off. I walk back to the counter and hand over my credit card. Money for me is not an issue since mistress takes care of me and has allowed a budget for me to spend on the house, chores, and upkeep. I even get a small amount of personal fun money for when I may want something nice for myself. Getting in the car I set off to pickup lunch for mistress.

12:30 AM

After waiting out the lunchtime rush to pickup lunch for mistress and having a small bite myself, I pull into a visitor parking spot at Designed to Scale, Mistress art studio. Though I do not know exactly know how the company was started, I do know that mistress has always had an interest in art and culture. I also gather that at some point she was at one point a very talented artist, though she has put that talent on hold as she focuses on her business. Things have been very busy over the last year as the company had both a move and a merger with another smaller company from the area. It has been very hard on mistress and I cannot wait until all the particulars are finalized.

Walking in I wave at the receptionist and take the stairs upstairs, marveling at the interior of the building. It was all styled to be very modern, a style I find very appealing and tasteful. As I walk past the long fog-glass enclosed conference room I can see the form of my mistress involved in a very heated conversation. Frowning slightly I walk into my mistress's office and wave at the Siamese cat seated at a desk. Lin has been mistress assistant for about 4 years now and we are getting on like old friends. Even for a cat she is sharp as a razor and has never let mistress down at work. We have invited her and her mate to the house on several occasions and everyone had a lovely time.

Smiling weakly Lin says "She is really taking it hard in there today, we are preparing to announce the cuts from the employee's of Color to go and of course, no one is please."

Whining softly I reply " I just hope that this all reaches an end soon, she is very stressed. Maybe after all this I will see if I can't convince her it is time she took a vacation."

"That's a great idea," Lin says, her smile broadening. "I would be would be happy to help in any way I can."

Setting the box of food down on the desk I ask, "Would you please make sure that she eats at least some of this. I worry about mistress and I know she wont make time to eat. Help my out Lin?"

"Of course John, I will make sure she eats. " She smirks and takes the bag from me.

Smiling and turning to walk away I wave, " I would love to stay but I have to go, things to do". With that I return to the car and start back home.

2:30 PM

Having accomplished my arrands for the day as well as trying to provide for my mistress, I still had quite a few chores I had to do around the house. Would not want to get behind, mistress gets displeased with me when things aren't in good order.

Approaching the drive, I survey the house that has become my home. Working in a big city mistress has always said she liked living in the suburbs. Even though this means she has to commute everyday for work, it does mean that home life is removed from all the stress. We live in a wonderful neighborhood about a half hour north of the city. Not a great distance but enough that trips downtown are only made for a reason.

The house itself is a wonderful building. Its in an old neighborhood surrounded by tree's and shrubs on three sides. This coupled with the large automatic gates affords the house a lot of security, as well as making the property appear more stately from the street. It presents the facade of quiet competence and accomplishment that I find somewhat befitting of both the area and the occupants. The shrubs and tree's also do a great job of providing privacy and shade for the pool and the pond in the backyard.

Parking the Rolls in its place in the garage, I make my way into the house to change into my work clothes. While I prefer to dress proper at all times, its simply not possible for me to get all my yard work done in my black slacks and collard shirt.After placing my ingrediants for dinner into the fridge, I swap them out for a pair of sweat shorts and a plain black t-shirt. I enter the backyard and mentally review the list of things I need to do. I quickly place my cell-phone on the patio furniture and think about what order things should be done in.

the back patio of the house leades out onto the pool deck that takes up a large portian of the backyard. Mistress loves pool for both practical and pleasurable uses. She is always inviting her friends and their families over in the hot summer to enjoy the cool water and company. Several times whole families of clients or important coworkers have come to enjoy our hospitality. Daydreaming at one particular happy memory I walk over to the tiny utility shed to retrieve the supplies I need to clean the water. While we enjoy our pool, maintaining it is one of my big chores.

As I begin the tasks of checking the chemicals, clearing the filters, and starting the skimmer, my mind once again wanders back to some of the fun times that have been had around this pool. Mistress has a wonderful colleague who is a male Labrador named David Garstange. He has been working with my mistress since before she took me in and has always been her partner and allie. While they don't always see eye to eye, they work great as a team because while mistress is always concerned about the art and its qualities, David is very business and opportunity conscious. David is married to a Border Collie, as well as the father of 3 pups, all in their teens now. Several times during the summer the whole family will grace us with their presence for a day of chitchat and swimming.

I can even remember several games of beach volleyball where everyone was roped in to play. Everyones happy faces had turned to concentration as people tried to stare down their opponent and worked on figuring their moves. Being unfortunate I was rotated against either David or Mistress, both manageing to completely syke me out and causing my to have several blunders which ended up causing our side to lose the match. But in typical fashion all the gloating was soon over and we were all back to happily splashing water onto each other in no time.

Finishing up in the pool I return the tools and walk over the other section of the yard, a well cept koi pond with various plants and flowers surrounding it. This area has been a little hobby of mine. I live water features and always thought that I would love to have them in my own home. When I first came to mistress, one day while cleaning the pool I confessed this to her. She agreed that it might look nice and we started out with just the sitting area and the small pond. I have built around it, adding a gazebo and small landscaped waterfall which I built myself(and am quite proud of).

Tending the fish is something that always puts my mind into a sort of trance style of ease. I pull up my shorts and sit on the edge of the pond with food in my paw. Placing my legs into the cool water, the fish scatter but eventually accept the intrusion and come to investigate. As they swim closer I gently sprinkle some of the food into the water, observing the individual fish for any sorts of abnormal growths or discolorations. Not only are the fish prone to such things, but they are quite expensive so I try to make sure and attend to any issues before it becomes worse. The fish enjoy the food and begin to nibble playfully at my paw pads. This is always an odd sensation, something between a child's exploring hands and the gentle caress of a lover. As I contemplate how to correctly identify the strange sensations, I start to zone out. I just sort of drift off. Not really thinking about anything I just sit and enjoy the smells, sights and gentle breeze of the day.

...That is right up until my cell phone rights. I quickly scrabble up from my position and race of to retrieve the trilling device from the table,picking it up. Noticing it is coming from my Mistress's cell number, I open it and press the device to my ear answering "Yes mistress, what can I do for you."

I can immediately hear the stress and concentration in the voice that answers me, "I just wanted to tell you I may be late coming home tonight," she says, "things have not been going well here today."

Whining softly to myself I reply,"I am sorry to hear that mistress, is there anything I can do to help you feel better?" Hearing a chuckle from the phone she replies,"No little one you have done enough. I will be home later alright?"

Trying to smile, "Alright mistress, I will have things ready for you when you get home. Stay safe." Hearing her sigh she says,"I will try pup, be good and I will see you this evening.

Hanging up the phone after hearing such news I am even more determined to make dinner special for my mistress after her hard day. Drying off my feet, I return into the house to begin my other chores.

8:00 PM

Hoping that my timing is right, I begin to pull all of the supplies I will need for dinner out of store and from the fridge. As I placed the ingredients on the center island in the kitchen, I fetch the Pelmeni recipe I got out of my various cook books. While I may not be a good cook I am very good at following directions. Taking the lamb that I purchased earlier in the day I begin to cut it all up, getting it ready to go into the dumplings. Pelmeni is a traditional Russian dish that is very wide spread in my home country. It can be made a number of ways and is served in everything from 5 star restaurants to fast food stalls. Doing it right though takes some time. I am hoping that mistress will indeed be home late so everything has time to cook.

Finishing with the meat I begin to make the dough for the outer part of the dumplings, eventually ending up with a large mound of dough for me to work from. This is the step in preparation that takes the longest, since to do things right you need stuff the dumplings yourself. Even for 2 people I am making about 25 of the dumplings before I cook them.

As the dumplings are finally in the pot boiling, I take time to walk into the living room to begin setting the deep mahogany dinner table that takes up the majority of the room. Mistress insists that when we have guests that we all be able to fit around the table, however since tonight will just be the two of us I set the places right next to each other. Using good silverware and simple white tablecloth I return to pull the food out of the pot and mix up a nice light salad for dinner. As I place everything into dishes to cool and be served, I take a quick sniff of myself. I am very conscious about my hygeine and I decide that it would be best if I took a quick rinse before mistress gets home so as to be my best for her.

Returning to my quarters I quickly, I step into the shower and sigh contently to myself as the hot water refreshes me. Deciding on a black-cherry and lavender shampoo I quickly rub it into my fur, paying special attention to my chest fur. I then pick a special fur conditioner out that Mistress got for me. It has a special set of "things" in it specially for canine's that somehow make our fur as soft as a pup. I love how it makes my fur feel and I have a feeling Mistress holds a special feeling for it too.

Stepping out of the shower I hear the unmistakable sounds of the front door opening and shutting. While I feel bad that I was not there to greet mistress at the door I finish getting ready, placing my collar back around my neck and putting on a simple pair of black silk pants and a t-shirt. As I leave my room I slowly look around the house, not finding mistress anywhere. I quietly approach her bedroom to find her sitting on her bed, very obviously drained and upset from her day. This has a very saddening effect on my heart, I do not like it when my Mistress is upset. Knocking softly on the door before entering, mistress looks up at my, only affirming that it has indeed been a rough day for her. I can see the lines of worry and deep thought on her muzzle.

As I pad into the room she says, "Puppy, I had a very hard day, I apologize in advance if my mood is rather somber. If you will wait a couple of minutes I will be ready for dinner."

Walking over to her I very gently shush her by placing my paw against her cheek and cupping it, stroking her fine facial scales. As she look questioningly into my eyes, I just smile softly back at her, "Do not worry Mistress, I think I know how I can help."

Walking into Mistress's bathroom, I quickly pour some bath gel into the enormous tub that takes up the bathroom. I then turn the water on, adjusting it till it is coming out at a temperature that I think is right. Leaving the tub to fill I return to mistress and kneel down before her, "Mistress, may I take your clothes off?" Smiling down coyly at me she nods her approval and scotches forward on the bed, giving me better access. I begin to undress her, pealing the layers of her business attire aware to slowly reveal the wonderfully gorgeous dragon underneath. I catch myself staring once or twice and have to chastize myself that this is for her not me.

Laying the pieces of the suit aside for me to wash later, I then stand and becon Mistress to stand, clad still in her underwear. Taking her paw and leading her into the bathroom, she sits on the edge of the tub as I again adjust the water slowling filling the tub. I can see her take a short sniff of the air out of the corner of my eye and she smiles approvingly at the cherry and wheat scent I placed in the bath.

"Slave you always have such a good sense for the little things in life that make me happy," she says as she lounges crosslegged on the edge of the bathtub. Blushing a light pink at the compliment, I once again beckon her to her feet so I can finish removing her clothing. Trying not to stare at the now nude dragon in front of me, I assist her into the bath. Sitting down, and then slouching down into the water, Mistress lets out a large sigh of relief and contentment as the hot water starts to relax her aching muscles.

As I move forward to help wash Mistress, she puts up a paw and waves my back, "I don't need that pup. Just let me relax for a while." Nodding my affirmative I sit patiently by the side of the tub as Mistress relieves the stress of the day into the tubs hot water. Once again I find myself staring at this beautiful woman that I have come to belong to. Mistress is always so wonderful and caring of the people around her, yet does not always recieve the same in return. I do not even think of myself as a slave most days, I just want to help this woman understand how wonderful she is. Smiling as I sit and wait for her to finish relaxing, I reaffirm my internal desire to be as useful as I can be for my mistress.

Smiling over at me mistress says, "Pup, will you please get me a towel before I soak up all the water?"

Yipping in surprise I realize I must have zoned out for a moment. Returning from the linen closet with a big fluffy pink towel I stand next to the bathtub ready to assist. Mistress steps our of the tub and I quickly wrap Mistress up in the towel to keep her from getting cold. As she strides back into her bedroom I go back to the linen closet to retrieve another towel to help her dry off.

As I walk into her bedroom, I sniff the air absently and detect a faint scent I cannot quite put my paw on. Ignoring it for the moment I return to kneel in front of mistress as she sits on the bed, now smiling much more genuinely down at my. "That was a wonderful idea little one, I am feeling much better now." Smiling and waging my tail I reply "Mistress needs to relax or she will not feel well."

As I begin drying her scales off I can feel her shifting around on the bed. I know that mistress is ticklish so I try not to let it bother me as I run the towel up over her her feet and calves. Stopping at the hem of her towel and preparing to get up to help dry her head and neck, I find her placing a paw on my shoulder and keeping me on my knee's. Looking up at Mistress questioningly, she simply smiles and lets the towel wrapped around her fall away, once again revealing her gorgeous figure to me. Mistress then takes the towel out of my hand and lays it on the bed. Even more confused now I look into her eyes, trying not to get distracted by her generous bust.

Now leering at my with intense eyes, Mistress just sits there wish her legs not quite apart enough for me to catch a glimpse of their joining point. She fain's aloof at the current situation and simply grins. "Slave I am still wet, your not finished yet. See if you can come up with something a little more....creative than the towel."

At that exact moment I sniff the air again and find I now know exactly what the scent from earlier was. Mistress must have become aroused and the scent of her is slowly seeping into my brain. Panting slightly and trying desperately to keep my tail from wagging, I kiss her knee and scooting forward on the floor towards her, "If that is what Mistress wishes, I will do my best."

Running my nails lightly over her thighs, I kiss my way onto her inner thigh. I wraps my arms around her legs, placing them on my shoulders and gently prying them apart to reveal the soft white scales of mistress's inner thigh. I take a deep breath in through my nose to pick up the scent of her arousal, trying not to let it get to me in this state. As I kiss higher, Mistress coo's to herself and lays back on the bed, running her claw tips through my head fur.

Spreading her legs apart enough to allow me access to her pussy, I stop to admire just how beautiful and sexy this woman is right now, panting softly in anticipation over what she has asked me to do. Without hesitation I run my tongue the final inches up her inner thigh to connect with the soft folds of her cleft. The contact brings a sharp gasp to her mouth, followed by a long low moan as I start taking long slow licks along her soaking pussy.

"Slowly my pet, I am very sensitive and I want to enjoy it as long as I can,"Mistress says, rubbing my ears gently pulling my closer into her. Taking this as encouragement that I am doing well, I continue my slow and steady ministration of her crotch. The taste is like hot sand, not at all unpleasant. I am instantly addicted to this nectar and double my efforts.

After a couple of minutes of slowly enjoying the new sensations flowing over my very overstimulated senses, I can feel mistress start to squirm on the bed in front of me. Deciding ot try something new I reach one of my paws up to spread her lips apart, licking deeper into her causing another loud moan to issue from her lips. I take the opportunity to press my tongue against mistress's entrance in an attempt to get as much of the flavor into my memory and my muzzle at the same time. I continue to take licks in this manner until I feel Mistress tighten her claws around my head-fur and pull me back from my treat.

The look in mistress's eyes is now very intense as she pants and gives me a direct order "I am close and I want to cum hard, stop being gentle and please your mistress." With this she pushes my head back into her crotch, maneuvering me towards her swollen clit. Taking a hint I spread her lips farther apart and go on the attack. I can feel mistress begin to tighten her leg muscles around my head as I flick my tongue quickly from side to side over the swollen bud, after a moment stopping for a moment to suck on the spot. This was a bad idea.

"I said not to stop slave, and I really do not want to be disobeyed right now. Finish me off....NOW!" Mistress commands as she pinches my sensitive ear. yelping slightly at the admonishment I return to flicking my tongue over her clit as she tightens her thighs more around my head. Just when I don't think I can continue the motion, I hear mistress's moaning reach a crescendo at the same time she starts to spasms around my head, thrusting her cunt up against my tongue. In the throws of her orgasm, mistress keeps a tight hold on my head-fur so as to prolong the feeling of having my mouth against her.

As her orgasm subsides, mistress just lays on the bed panting. Taking this as my hint I continue my slow licks from before to clean mistress up. While doing this, mistress sits up on the bed and pets my head affectionately.

"You did good pup....I feel much more relaxed. Go and fetch me some PJ's, I just want to rest and relax for the rest of the evening." She says.

Nodding, I get up off the floor and slowly walk over to the closet to retrieve the cloths mistress wants. I sniff again, the strong scent of hot sand still heavy on my muzzle. Unable to help myself my tail wags behind me to show my happiness at being able to make mistress happy. I also quickly take this opportunity to rearrange my own raging arousal in my pants. I feel slightly left out at not being considered but I am just happy I did good for mistress. I can always take care of myself later when she is asleep.

Returning and helping mistress dress in a set of very elegant but color silk pajama pants and top. I then whimper softly to myself, thinking about the now cold dinner that is on the table. I turn to mistress with distress obvious in my eyes. Sensing what I am thinking about she smiles gently and cups my cheek.

"It is alright pup, you may go reheat our dinner. I was the one who caused it to be cold and I will not fault you for it." she says and leans forward. What happens in the next moment will always send shivers up my spine when I think about it. Mistress gently cups my muzzle and kisses me on the nose. Trying not to sneeze at the new sensation or gush with embarassment, I simply meep softly and blush. I touch the spot where she kissed me and stare at Mistress. She returns my gaze with the most beautiful and caring smile any fur has ever directed at me, causing my already overstimulated senses to go into overdrive and my heart to flutter.

Snapping out of my trance I quickly make for the kitchen to try and salvage dinner. Finding it still warm I quickly pop the Pelmeni into the oven for a moment to heat up. While that is happening I go into the back of the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of ice cold Ruskova Vodka, which I also got form my Russian friend. While mistress prefers other drinks, I asked her if I could serve dinner with a shot of this imported liquid because it is one of my personal favorites and appropriate for the dish. Bringing this and the salad into the dining room, I pour both myself and mistress a small helping of the alcohol and I leave mistress the salad to munch on while I finish with the meet. I am not a big salad eater, much to the chagrin of mistress.

Returning to the kitchen I pull the dumplings out of the oven and dish them out onto a plate with some asparagas which I had left over from grilling the other day. Deciding that presentation was in perfect order and feeling quite pleased with myself, I carry both dishes into the dining room and place them at their respective places. Standing next to mistress I ask politely,"Is there anything else I may get for you?"

Taking a bite of one of the dumplings, Mistress smiles up at me "No I believe you have done wonderful pup, you may eat now."

With that I return to my spot at the table and dig in to the dinner. I am starving from working in the yard all day, and from the way mistress is eating it is apparent that she is very hungry too. As a result dinner is a quiet affair, both of us not saying much as we concentrating on our food.

Finishing my dinner with my ice shot, I stand to collect both of our plates and return to the kitchen to clean. I can hear mistress pad softly into her room to do her own stuff. While I would have enjoyed the company, I can understand if mistress is tired and wants to sleep. I zone out into my own world as I do the dishes and clean the kitchen, my mind playing over what happened after mistress's bath. I can feel myself getting aroused at the thoughts and quickly put them out of my mind so as to finish the job at hand.

At around 10:30 I finish cleaning the kitchen and make a round of the house before I head off to bed. I make sure the garage is locked and alarmed. I also make a quick circuit of the grounds to make sure nothing is amiss. Lastly, I find myself at mistress's door. I feel bad disturbing her so I knock softly expecting her to be asleep. To my quiet surprise I get a reply,"Yes what is it?" mistress asks.

"Is there anything I can do for you mistress?"I reply through the door.

She replies "Please come inside puppy...I need to talk to you."

Slightly shocked at this new developement I open the door to find the room quiet and dark. coming to kneel by the side of the bed I whisper in a hushed tone, "what can I do for you mistress?" But instead of asking for water or something of the like, mistress reaches her paw out to cup my cheek again. I can feel myself turning hot as he unusual touch causes me to be very self concious.

"Puppy.....I want you to stay with me tonight. I know that's an odd request but..It has been a long day and you have been soo good to me." she says softly, the diamond prisms of her eyes focused on mine in the low light.

Swallowing a lump in my throat and trying to keep my voice steady I reply,"If that is what mistress wants, then I would be honored." Nodding her affirmative I shut the door and return to the other side of the bed, quickly shedding my clothes on the floor and climbing in to the slightly cold bed.

I do not know what I expected when I turned to face her but certainly not to be hugged very tightly by an equally nude dragoness. Mistress wraps her arms around my torso and once again kisses my nose.

"I am sorry if this is awkward but...I just want you to hold me tonight. Is that alright pup?" she asks with the first hit of shyness I have ever heard from mistress. Smiling down at her I take a chance, lowering my lips to kiss her cheek and wrap my arms around her, holding her close.

"Mistress you have been so wonderful to me, anything you wish is yours if it is mine to give." I answer from my new position.

In a day of many new feelings and firsts, as we drift off to sleep I get on more surprise. With my eyes closed and my head resting on top of hers I can barely hear mistress as she says, "Thank you John." Too tired to think too hard on the implications, I simply hug her tighter and drift off to sleep, leaving the thoughts till another day.