After Party Surprise

Story by FinalRest on SoFurry

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#2 of Necro Stories

God that took way too long. It's pretty "Vanilla" in terms of Necrophilila but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway!

Have to thank printedonpaper for the nice drawing! Go check out his stuff and give him some nice words!

"It's past 3 am and the house is completely trashed! I can't believe I forward this idea of having a huge party."

It's late, and I, the greatest of minds, thought to have like a nice party of my friends. It sounded like a good time, right? Well, it was for a bit before they decided to get hammered and start taking out the 'good stuff'. It went downhill at that point. The furniture is broken and alcohol is stained everywhere on the floor. And that's not even the worst part. Everyone left me to clean up! Just said "Bye! Seeya! Thanks for the booze!" And walked off!

I let out a sigh on the couch and put my hands over my eyes.

"They're lucky that I don't have work for a while. Can't do much than just clean up now. I'll get my revenge somehow later. Now I got a house to clean."

Cursing under my breath a few more times before standing up, I got to work. It wasn't hard to clean, just super annoying really. Plastic cups and plates were everywhere and the smell of cigarettes filled the house. Occasionally I'd find open condom wrappers and undies.

"Are you fucking serious guys?"

Well, at least I know what happened if someone got knocked up.

"Great. More problems I have to deal with. This isn't really my day."

It took nearly 2 hours of cleaning the living room and I already had 3 bags of trash to throw out. How did they even use that much?

"Okay! Living room done at least. Where else?"

Looking around, there was the bedroom and bathroom on the to-do list. I got near the bathroom before just stopping and covering my nose. It fucking reeked in there.

"Yeah okay. The bedroom it is."

Immediately turning to the bedroom and opening the door, it was just as trashed as the living room. More cups and condoms, cleaning up like last time. I actually found someone's phone stuck behind the bed. They didn't even lock it so I could just see what they were looking at. I know it's not nice to look through someone's stuff but...

"Well... it's your fault for leaving it here open, so time to snoop."

With no remorse, I started to scroll right through the phone. It was left on the photo app with video on. Guess they were recording something before they forgot it. I clicked the last video they made and watched. First thing I knew, I was watching an amateur porn film. A white wolf in the shower, fully clothed, getting fucked in the ass by a some big guy behind the camera. The wolf was holding bottles of booze in his hands and I sighed out, really disappointed.

"Is that why it's smells so rank in there? God damn it. Next time, there won't be any alcohol."

The video continued as I cursed some more. The wolf got lifted up against the wall with his back on it. All I could see was the wolf's body bouncing up and down the wall, moaning out.

"Oh yes! Fuck me harder! I don't care what you do, just fuck me!"

My eyes widen when the wolf spoke out. Jeezus, that guy is fucking horny. Of course; the camera man responded.

"Really? Anything babe?"

"Yes! I don't care! You have it all!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at this crap. I was about to just turn it off until the camera man spoke again.

"That's all I needed to hear."

That response was... unsettling. It was deep and low, like it was a predator looking at his prey. The video ended there and left me questioning it.


Putting the phone down and cleaning up the bedroom, I couldn't help but think about that video. The white wolf looked familiar. I know I saw him before.

"Ah shit! It's that fucker. Of course, he came to this party."

Yeah, I remember him now! His name is Skyler or something like that. Just to give you an idea of what kind of guy he is, he's the person that would go around and flirt with every guy he saw. He was forward with it too and would tell you that he would do any kind of kink you could think of. And I mean every kind.

"No wonder there were so many condoms. I bet he fucked every guy here!"

I shook my head. I didn't like the guy. He might be cute but he wasn't exactly faithful. Broke a ton of hearts in the process but everyone still fucks the guy cause he was a hot twink.

"Wished he gave me a shot though. Never got a piece of that."

It always struck me weird that he didn't flirt with me. He always was kind of wary of me. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of me being a huge wolf. There isn't anyone 7 feet tall so he might have been scared or something.

"Well whatever."

The bedroom was done by the time I thought about it. All that's left is the bathroom and I was dreading it. The smell was still there and it wasn't making it any more pleasant.

"I swear if I find more used condoms in there..."

Holding my breath and opening the door, I rushed right in, looking for the worst. Well, I guess I did find the worst.

"What the fuck?"

Opening my mouth just made me taste the air and it wasn't pleasant in the slightest. The panic just made my eyes dart around until it found where the blood was coming from. It was Skylar on the shower floor, crumpled up like a piece of garbage. He was still wearing his clothes under the shower and I could see blood on the wall, dripping down behind his head.

"Holy shit. What the hell happened? What did happen? He was just fine last night if the video was to show anything. How did it fucking lead to this?"

Getting closer to his body, I could see his corpse in full view, faced up to the ceiling with his eyes rolled up with an undeniable dead look. I kind of just stared at the body for a while. This scene felt familiar.

"Damnit... I thought I was out of this kind shit..."

I gave a frustrated sigh, recollection of my past coming up. I haven't seen this kind of sight in years and I wasn't about to have it come back again.

"Another unseen murder I have to deal with. It's just like before."

I won't delve deep into my past but I used to do dirty work for some shady men. I don't remember how I got into it, but I needed the money. Clean up was what I had to do all the time. Make sure it was clean without a trace. But I've left that scene a few years back, so I'm shocked that something like this happened now!

"I hope it wasn't anyone I knew before... If those guys start showing up, I'm going to be in deep in the mess again.

I crouched down to Skyler's body, gently touching his cheek. He felt cold to the touch, not a single cell on his body alive.

"I have to 'clean' you up, Skyler. Sorry that you ended up like this."

I stared at his body for a while longer and examined the scene. He was sprawled on the small shower room floor, shirt pulled up to show his still chest. A cap sat next to him, probably fell off his head after being hit, and shorts, buttoned up to his hips, though the belt his briefs were viewable. The shower couldn't hold his entire body so his legs stuck out the shower door.

"What a sad display."

The first thing I did was remove his clothing. I needed to clean the body and burn the clothes. Can't leave the evidence here. I started with his shirt, pulling it up through his arms. They lifted up with the shirt and flopped back down on his face once they fell through the holes. His shorts came next and I pulled them down his legs. Much to my surprise, I saw a small bulge underneath his briefs.

"Still a slut, even in death, huh?"

Without thinking, I groped his dead cock in his briefs and felt it semi hard in my hand. I couldn't help but laugh a little while fondling his package.

"You are a slut through and through. Wished I could have fucked you while you were still alive."

I realized that I was fondling a dead guy and I shook my head.

"Ah fuck. Keep it together!"

My sadistic mind took over a bit there. I should keep it under control if I'm going to get this done quickly. But... My mind was racing with plenty of lewd thoughts going about. Maybe just a little bit of fun would be fine.

I gave one more grope of his bulge before pulling down the briefs with his shorts. His cute member showed itself to me, resting on his thigh, half erect. I caught myself licking my lips while I stared at his naked corpse. I couldn't help myself but feel up his body. Just a little. My hand slid nicely along his side and slipped under his tail. A nice squeeze of his ass filled up my palm quite nicely.

"Yeah. You are no doubt a hot guy. This ass would have been great to use."

I kept fondling his limp body, feeling his relaxed muscles from his feet to his chest. They reached up to his head where I felt the blood on my fingers.

"I'm going to need to wash that off before anything else."

The water rushes through the shower head as I took his head and started to clean his body. The blood washed down the drain as I scrubbed the limp corpse. It was hard to get in some places. Like I said before, the shower was small so I had to hold and flip over the body multiple times to get ever inch of his fur clean. I held him up by the ankle when I was finished and let some of the excess water drip down.

"There you go. Nice and clean!"

One look over his corpse, he was looking more and more appealing to just... mess with. His lean build was nicely formed, and grabbing his chest just made me more excited. His dumbfounded face with his eyes rolled up stirred my feral instincts.

"It has been a while..."

I could feel my cock try to push away zipper of my jeans. I haven't had a good fuck for a while and Skyler's lifeless corpse wasn't making it easy.

"Keep it together, Rusk..."

The way he jiggled from my touch kept me staring at his body, looking like meat on a hook. Completely vulnerable, without anyone to...

"Fuck it. You're not gonna get any like this, and I want it."

I let his body drop and hit the shower floor with a wet thud, falling similarly to how I first found him. I started to strip and say 'fuck it all!', giving in to my desires. I haven't even realized that I was rock hard the whole time I was washing his body.

"Alright. Where to start first. Mouth? Or..."

I poked my foot around Skyler's dumb face and opened up his mouth with one of my toes. The sound of wet sloshing reverberated when I parted his maw. It was kind of unexpected but I guess some of the water would get inside.

"Bet you would have sucked it off if you were alive now."

A bit of anger seeped out from my mouth as I kind of forcibly pushed my foot more in. His mouth took my whole toe and the expression he had just made it look like he was choking on the thing. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

But whatever, that's enough playing with him. The main part hasn't even started. Pulling my foot out his mouth, I got in the shower and picked up Skyler's dead body by the head, his eyes rolled up, mouth now agape, and in complete shock from the last moments of his sad life.

"Don't worry. I'll make good use of you."

I brought his head down to my cock, making him nuzzle the side of it to feel the fur against my member. It felt fucking great. He wouldn't pull away in protest and I loved that he wouldn't talk back. Hearing him moan might be hot but having a fuck toy is better.

"Now open up nice and slowly."

The tip of my cock pushed inside into his maw, feeling his tongue slide underneath. I shivered at the feeling, pushing all the way through to make him take the whole thing.

"Ooooh~ Good boy."

Lavish sounds of wet meat rubbing against each other sounded out as I started to fuck Skyler's face. My grip on him tightened when I started to just roughly pound his head. His entire body shook back and forth on the ground, limply taking it. I could only imagine how it must feel to be fucked like this. The adrenaline started to pick up and I was getting harsh. I pushed his head to the wall and fucked his head up against it, free handing while watching my cock deeply go down his throat.


The climax was coming soon and I couldn't just let the semen spill everywhere. His maw opened up wide and wrapped nicely around my thick member when I thrusted all the way. A good load of cum started to fill up the worthless piece of meat's throat, but even then, cum leaked on the side of his mouth, dripping down. Releasing my member from his maw made a loud 'schluck'. His head dropped down and semen dripped and coated the middle of his chest. I was panting heavily, slightly exhausted.

"Man... haven't given that big of a load in a while."

I stroked my still hard member and jerked off, rubbing it off until I came again and covered Skyler's face with more of my scent.

"Fuck. That was too good. I feel like we could have hit it off, but I don't think I can keep you."

That's when I remembered something. There was someone I could call from my old job to help me out. Keep the body safe, stay hidden, and lay low for a while.

"I hope he hasn't forgotten me."

I chuckle and wiped my cum covered cock on the dead wolf's face, giving him one final look at his miserable state.

"Ah right. Need some proof to show him later."

I got out the shower and dug around my clothes to fetch my phone. Unlocking it and opening up the camera app, I took a picture of Skyler in the shower, used like a new fuck toy.

"Not bad. That should do the trick."

I then dialed an old phone number. Hearing it ring felt nostalgic to me. It wasn't long that it was picked up and my old friend's voice was heard.

"Rusk?! Why are you calling? Where have you been?"

He sounded surprised, of course. It had been a few years since I called him.

"Haha. Nice to see you too. Look. I need a place to stay and I got some trouble coming along soon. Is it alright I hide out with you?"

The voice on the other side gave lots of... confused noises and ended in a sigh as he sounded slightly annoyed.

"After all these years, this is what you're asking?"

"Oh I know. Don't worry, I got a present for you when I come over."

I sent the picture to him and he gasped audibly.

"I-I see! Okay! Get here as soon as possible! I need to know the deets!"

I smiled and let out a genuine laugh.

"Sure sure. Be there soon."

And with that, I hung up and started packing up. A got quick wash, along with the corpse, and set out to go to 'work' again.

"Okay buddy. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I'm glad you died here. Next time, I'll try that ass of yours when we get to the lab."

Drying Skyler with a towel, I groped his ass, sticking a finger in his hole, waiting for the day when I will use him again.

"Oh well. For now, just sit tight."

Packing my things, I brought everything to the car in the garage. I placed my things in first and then threw Skyler on top of them carelessly. He flopped like an old doll on top of the luggage, still naked.

"Don't move too much, alight?"

I gave his head a small shake and closed the trunk, heading into the front and turning it on. Whatever is going to happen later on will probably be crazier than now. I hope it doesn't end up horribly this time.

Forest Watch

It was a quiet day around the perimeter of the walls of a kingdom. A young boar knight, walking about, sighing heavily from both boredom and the heat. The armor he was wearing didn't help him out, making him pant harshly under the hot sun. ...

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