A Royal Welcome

Story by Altos on SoFurry

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#6 of Buddyfight - Discarded Fable

I'm a degenerate furry. Drum and Axia sneak off to screw in King Arthur's castle, because i have no self control. But it's my Birthday month, so I don't really care!

It had been all too easy to sneak off after their sparring session. Axia hadn't fibbed when he said they needed to wash up before anything else happened, and even Drum was feeing a little ripe after all that had happened the last couple of days.

Of course, that just made Axia's intentions easier to see. The lithe dragon had been sticking close to him after their sparring session, taking slightly deeper breaths than usual. Drum could only grin as he remembered his partner getting drunk off his scent the last time the were together. He stayed silent, letting the dragowizard indulge, feeding into his own excitement as he lead him through the castle.

Over the course of the few minutes their walk took, the two dragons' pace turned from a brisk walk to a light jog, their anticipation becoming too much to contain. Fortunately, their gait carried them up several flights of stairs to Axia's room in little time at all. Axia had said that he already tested and put up a soundproof barrier that would kick in once he closed the door, insuring no one would hear of their illicit activities. Even better, the room itself was on a higher floor in one of the towers. They would have sufficient time to have their fun before anyone found them.

Though at the moment, neither cared much about time; the two were engaged in a fierce lip lock that had started the moment they'd reached the door. Both found their hands roaming over their partner's body, reacquainting themselves with each other, and pressing close as they came back for air.

"You were so commanding back there," Axia said breathlessly as he dove in for another kiss. "My big, strong Drum knows how to roar the roar~"

I have no idea where this came from, Drum thought as he blindly reached out to open the door while his tongue battled for dominance. But I'm liking it!

He banged the ornate wooden door open, showing off a small but nicely decorated room. From what he saw, it seemed built for practicality rather than luxury. Still, as the two landed on the bed, he found it suitable to their needs.

Stealing one last kiss, Axia broke away and quickly went back to close the door, locking it behind him. "This feels familiar, doesn't it?" he asked with a grin.

"It sure does. This is the third time we've done it somewhere public," Drum laughed. "We're gonna make a habit out of this, aren't we?"

"I do like the danger in it," Axia giggled. "It's so rebellious!"

"I'm such a bad influence on you," Drum joked.

"I don't mind one bit," Axia replied, reaching down to undo his coverings. "And you knew I was always one for breaking the rules~."

Drum certainly couldn't deny that, so he decided to play more and stood up to run his hands over the Dragowizard's shoulders. "Here, let me get that," he grinned as he found the lapel that kept Axia's robes securely fastened, and took great care in removing the ornate armaments.

"Only if I can do the same," Axia replied, expertly removing the clasps that held Drum's armor. In not time at all, the two were disrobed, leaving only the skin-tight mesh clothes to cover their decency. They both took a moment to admire one another before pressing close again, hands roaming over their now-exposed bodies as they resumed their make-out session.

Axia was in heaven; he'd missed Drum's touch far more than he realized, and shivered as he felt the red dragon's hands trail down his side and back, shivering at the contact. He held back a gasp when he felt Drum's hands grope his ass, those strong fingers squeezing his curves possessively. He clung to the bigger dragon's body, reveling in being able to feel every chiseled muscle group he could touch, and breathed in deeply to take in his scent, still fresh an strong from their exercise. Drum's presence surrounded him, and he cooed as he felt the armordragon's pride grow hard against his thigh.

Drum was in a similar boat; he wouldn't have imagined that just watching Axia enjoy himself would get him so riled up. Yet there was something about how the other dragon almost seemed to worship his body just lit a fire in him. Both in his chest and in his groin. His hands found themselves gripping Axia's rear, his instincts telegraphing what he most desired. With all that had happened over the past few months, it had been far too long since he'd had a proper release, and he was eager to take advantage of the situation.

Axia smiled at Drum's eagerness and kneeled down, trailing his hands over Drum's muscled stomach until they reached his groin. He gave the Armordragon's trapped maleness a quick squeeze, pleased to feel how firm it was, as well as drive a gasp of pleasure from its owner. Not wanting to tease Drum - or himself - for too much longer, he slowly lowered the mesh shorts, freeing its prisoner from its confines.

Drum's cock lay against his balls, thick and hard but not quite at full attention. We'll just have to fix that, Axia thought as he smothered his face against Drum's junk, breathing in his much stronger masculine scent. It smelled so distinctly of Drum - an almost charcoal-y scent as if someone was preparing to cook meat - and as he let his tongue tease the dragon's member, he found the comparison very appropriate. It took little doing to get him to full hardness, and he was soon bobbing his head up and down Drum's spire, humming softly as he tasted his lover's shaft.

It had slipped Drum's mind how talented Axia was with his tongue, but he soon remembered as that slick bit of flesh ran up and down his dick. Axia was relentless, taking every inch of Drum's cock until his nose brushed up against the red dragon's crotch. The teal dragon had his eyes closed, indulging himself with his work. It had been too long since he'd had so much fun giving head, and he was determined to have Drum roar before their tryst ended.

Drum moaned throatily, bracing himself against the wall as Axia went down on him. He wasn't sure if it was Axia, or the long sabbatical from 'tending to his needs' that had him already so close, but he could feel his orgasm rising, and tried to give his partner fair warning. Axia took notice, and gave a wink, along another hard suck, that encouraged Drum's release.

His orgasm hit him hard, the weeks of inadvertent celibacy making his body shudder as he filled Axia's mouth with jizz. The dragowizard took his load dutifully, practically moaning at the taste. Though the first spurt caught him off guard, resulting in a little dribbling out of his maw, he gulped the rest down as it came, timing his swallows with every pulse of Drum's cock. It assured him he always had his taste on his tongue, and he intended to get all of it.

That extra bit of stimulation made Drum's body shudder and cock flex, the red dragon gasping as he felt Axia continue to gulp around his member, nearly milking him for everything he was worth. After several, long seconds, Drum's orgasm slowed, and he pulled away from Axia with a shuddering breath, .

"Mm, you've needed that for a while, didn't you Drum-kins?" Axia asked cutely, licking his lips of any bits of cum that leaked out.

"Yeah, well, with all that's happened, it's been a while since...nngghh," he shuddered when he felt Axia's tongue on his sensitive head, that serpentine ribbon of flesh curling around his crown and practically milking him drop for drop. Axia's eyes told him they weren't nearly done yet, and the Dragowizard wasn't going to be finished until he'd had his fun.

But Drum was nothing, if not virile; his shaft had yet to soften, and drooled thick cum from his orgasm, giving Axia plenty more to drink. The dragowizard took his time, almost making a show out of it. He held his prize and licked it like a popsicle, humming as he lapped up more of his tasty treat. It proved effective, and with just a bit more coaxing, Drum felt ready for round 2.

"Wanna try something new?" Drum asked, breathlessly.

Axia let Drum's cock drop from his mouth and looked up at him with anticipation in his eyes. "With you? Anything."

"Good. I want you against the wall," he said with a lustful growl.

Axia did so eagerly and braced himself against the wall, a naughty idea forming as he spread his legs and swished his tail, giving his rear a wiggle to tease his dragon just a little more. His grin only grew when he heard Drum's breath hitch at his latest addition, the thong covering his rear feeling all too small with the hungry dragon's gaze looming behind him.

Drum didn't need any more invitation than that. He sank to his knees, claws squeezing the thinly covered rear before slowly pulling it down, revealing his prize. Axia's pert ass was just like he'd remembered it; soft to look at but firm to the touch, with just enough muscle to keep its shape while still having some bounce to it. He snorted in excitement and buried his snout between those cheeks, tongue lashing out to taste his lover.

Axia's tail instinctively stood up, giving Drum full access to his waiting rear. They hadn't gotten to do it like this last time, and Axia found he severely missed it. Every swipe of Drum's tongue was just enough to push at his entrance, teasing him and covering it with his spit. It was primal and carnal, just another way for him to prep his lover up. And he adored it.

Drum shared in those sentiments; ever since he'd acted back then at the library, he'd had nothing but Axia's rear on his mind whenever he got horny. Now all those hours of fantasizing were made real, and he savored every moan he drove from the teal dragon. The Dragowizard's hygiene was in top form, and he let his tongue push past this entrance, invading the cute dragon's depths and burying his snout against his rump while his hands groped Axia's firm rear.

While his tongue wasn't as dexterous as Axia's own, Drum made up for it with enthusiasm. His strong tongue pushed past Axia's entrance, giving him a teasing sensation of what was to come. Yearning for more, Axia pressed his rear against Drum's snout, silently begging for the red dragon to take it further. And while Drum found a special pleasure in making his dragon moan, his own lust won out, and he stood up, pressing himself close to Axia and sliding his drooling cock between Axia's cheeks.

"You ready, Axia?" he asked, gently grinding his rod against Axia's rear.

"Oh, yes, please Drum, take me!" Axia panted, the words just falling out of his mouth after being so wound up. "Shove your cock in and fill me up! Make me yours, you wonderful Armordragon!"

If Drum's fire had been stoked before, now it was positively burning. He knew what his partner wanted of him, and he had every intention of delivering it. He pulled back just enough to see his cock part Axa's cheeks and hissed in pleasure as he watched it sink into his partner's rear. He heard Axia gasp out, felt him clench around his shaft, and thrust forward on instinct, managing to drive more than half of his cock in one go.

"You been practicing, Axia?" he teased, noting the ease of his entry, but stopped when he saw Axia's expression.

Axia's head was bowed, doing his best to hold back a grimace. Even with his prior stretching, Drum's entry had been just a bit too quick. Not to a painful degree, but enough shock him from the intense stretching. Seeing his partner out of sorts, Drum stayed still long enough for Axia to adjust. Eventually, the sting of his penetration dulled, the discomfort firing up his senses once it faded. All that was left was the pleasure of his lover filling him fully.

"Just a little," Axia replied, once he caught his breath, trying to keep the mood. "I may have relived our night together a few times." He winked mischievously and squeezed his rear around Drum's shaft, silently urging him to continue.

Drum took the sign with gusto and slowly sank the rest of his cock into Axia's warm rear, wrapping his arms around his lover once his hips came flush with Axia's rump. He leaned against Axia, his body stiffening as he heard the teal dragon's low moan. His hands gripped Axia's hips as he rocked his hips back, instincts driving him to give his Dragowizard more pleasure.

Time was of no concern to either dragon, both too absorbed in the other's movements to care how long they built up their rhythm. Drum indulged in making his partner moan every time he sank his thick cock to the hilt, which also had the benefit of making the lithe dragon's passage tighten around his rod, getting him to join the lusty chorus.

Axia had reflected on it before, and briefly did so once again; Drum had a nice amount of natural lube to him. Whether it was his vicious spit that had helped him back in the library or his copious pre that let him practically glide into his adjusted ass, Drum seemed built for breeding. His cock was spreading him open just right, enough for it to be noticeable but not enough to cause him pain. It was almost as if they were tailor made to fit each other. That thought had Axia leaning into Drum's thrusts, all the more eager to be bred by this stunning specimen of a male.

In true fashion, once Drum was in the zone, he was an animal. Axia had often compared Armordragons to brutes, believing they lacked finesse in their lives. Now though, as he felt Drum start to really get into rhythm, he wondered if he'd been wrong all along. Drum's thrust were hard and forceful, with the singular purpose of increasing his pleasure, and Axia's own. The teal dragon gasped every time Drum hilted him again, feeling his thick cock practically bash against his prostate. He knew Drum was doing it on purpose, and he found himself loving the rough treatment.

It surprised Drum how fast they'd gone, but he decided not to question it. He couldn't even if he wanted to; every ion in his brain was telling him to rut his mate, and he followed that logic. He growled lowly as he felt himself near the edge again, Axia's passionate moaning and tight rear having made short work of his second wind. Still he could tell Axia was a ways away from his own release, but he knew just how to change that. Drum reached down and grasped Axia's cock, making the dragowizard gasp as he was assaulted with pleasure from both ends. He grinned as he heard Axia's moan out every time he slammed into him, stroking his partner's hard length in a frenzy.

"Oh, Drum... I-I'm close!" Axia tried to warn his lover, but Drum was not to be denied.

"I wanna see," he growled out. A master of dirty talk he was not, but what he lacked in dialogue, he made up for with intention. His voice was husky with lust, punctuated by his hard thrusts that shook the Dragowizard's body. But what he did next really took the cake.

Axia felt the shiver that ran down his spine before he realized that Drum had bitten his neck in a mating bite. All rational thought was thrown out the window as that shiver traveled straight to his groin. Drum's rough thrusts never slowed, and Axia soon found himself cresting his peak, shouting out Drum's name as he painted the wall with his seed. He shuddered as his lover slammed into him all throughout, his body seizing as more spurts of cum were milked from his cock.

Drum's breathing quickened as he felt Axia's tailhole clench around his shaft, creating a tight seal that milked his maleness every time he thrust in. Watching his lover cum only added to the overwhelming sensation, and he thrust hard one last time, hilting himself to the smaller dragon. He bit harder on reflex, snarling into Axia's neck while his muscles seized up as he pumped spurt after spurt of dragon cum into Axia. Together, the two shuddered and moaned as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over them.

Axia laid his head against the comparatively cool wall, gasping as his climax wound down. His legs felt like jelly, and he was grateful for Drum's muscled arms holding him up. Though he also shivered when he felt Drum lazily stroke his member, almost if getting payback for his earlier teasing. Not that Axia minded.

It was nearly a full minute before Drum finally let go of his hold on Axia's neck, licking the area on reflex. He'd no idea where that came from either, but if it got that kind of reaction from Axia, he wasn't about to complain. He stayed pressed flush against Axia, enjoying the other dragon's body heat while he recovered from his massive orgasm.

Their bodies were weak, but Drum still managed make one last show of his own, and licked Axia's cum from his hand. "Mm, wow. you taste nice."

Axia blushed, and leaned back against Drum, cooing when he felt the red dragon's maleness finally soften and slide out of him. Still feeling wobbly, Axia rested completely against Drum, letting the bigger dragon set them down onto the floor. Neither had any presence of mind to appreciate the carpeted floor cushioning their tired bodies; at this point, it could've been hard stone, and they wouldn't notice. Drum had experienced worse sleeping conditions during his initial training in Dragon World, so the soft caret let him get comfortable rather easily. Axia, on the the hand, used Drum like a pillow, snuggling close to him and resting his head on Drum's chest.

"I thought it was my turn to use you as a pillow," Drum chuckled, not doing anything to dissuade his lover.

"We don't have time to sleep right now, Drum-kins," Axia murmured, though he knew he would love to spend the rest of the day like this. "The others will wonder where we went."

"A quick nap won't hurt," came his reply, seeming unconcerned. "You'll just owe me for two..."

Axia couldn't find reason to argue when Drum wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close. In the back of his mind, he knew that there were still a plethora of concerns waiting for him and the red dragon when they woke up. Whatever brought Drum back to him was no doubt a high profile threat, the fact that they traveled to meet King Arthur proved it.

But for now, he let himself indulge in the small moment of tranquility, and rested his head against Drum's strong chest. "You spoil me," he said sleepily.

Drum didn't reply. He was already sound sleep, his arm still held protectively around Axia, which helped the teal dragon fall into his own slumber, both heedless to the world around them.

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