2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 15

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#15 of 2628

This is the next book in the Orr Family Saga.If you want to rewad the whole thing ahead of everyone, you can do so here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/36973643 by supporting me at the 1$ levelTucker enjoyes his brother, and his company, after a hardious meetingIf you want to support me, you can do so through my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kindarOr by Buying me a Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/kindar

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"Hey Tuck!"

Tucker looked over his shoulder. Tony was running to catch up to him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Heading to the executive lounge. I need to relax after the meeting I just had."

"Meeting?" Tony looked behind him and his eyes widened. "Oh. You want some help?"

Tucker slapped his brother's ass. "I'm always happy to fuck you. You want to start now?"

"I prefer the lounge. The couches out here aren't all that comfortable. To be honest, I expected you to be in orbit. The Mercury's leaving in a few days."

"Dad's not going on this one. He wants to stay down here until Theo's parents are here and all that's resolved."

"Okay, but with Will as acting captain, the ship needs a chief engineer. You're the second in command in engineering."

Tucker shrugged. "The nice thing about being the captain's son, not to say owning part of the corporation, is that I get to decide if I want to go or not."

"Will's going to be pissed."

Another shrug. "I'll make it up to him when he gets back with a full weekend of sex."

"Who's going to run engineering?" Tony asked as they entered the lounge. The sound of moaning welcomed them in, as did the smell of sex.

"Don't know, Don't care." Tucker pushed Tony on the first available couch. He pulled his brother's legs over his shoulder to his yelp of surprise.

"Damn it Tuck," Tony chuckled, "give me a warning before you--ohhh." The tiger's voice dissolved into a moan as Tucker pressed his muzzle between his cheeks and rimmed him. "Oh Fuck, Tuck!" Tony loved being rimmed, Tucker had gotten a lot of his training at it on that ass, and one of the modifications he'd gotten meant he didn't have to worry about running out of air for a while.

"Tuck, please, fuck me."

Smiling he raised his head. "Are you tapping my readout?" he'd had a minute left. He grabbed the lube cloth that was on the table next to the couch and ran it over his cock. Tony's ass didn't need any more lube.

"Timed you a few times, ten minutes is about how long you can hold your breath." Tony was panting. "And I really need a cock up my ass. Haven't had one since breakfast."

Tucker lifted himself, pulling his brother's ass to the edge of the couch with the motion. "That busy of a morning"

"Ye--ah." Tony's response turned into an expression of pleasure as Tucker pushed his cock inside him.

He didn't stop once he bottomed out, he pulled out and shoved himself back in and again. Tony wrapped his arms around Tucker's neck and pulled himself up until they were kissing.

Tucker moaned as Tony's tongue snaked in his muzzle, licking and pushing almost to the back of his throat. His brother had a long tongue, and he'd learned to do interesting things with it. Tony thrust his tongue in and out of Tucker's muzzle at the same speed Tucker was fucking him.

Tucker twisted, forcing his brother to lie sideways on the couch and he climbed on it and put more of his weight on Tony.

Tony threw his head back. "Oh Fuck!"

Tucker grinned as he plowed his ass. "If you want to cum while I fuck you, you better start jerking off. I'm not going to last much longer."

Instead Tony went back to kissing his brother.

Tucker fucked him hard, but not for very long. He'd needed the release after the frustration of his meeting. He growled in Tony's muzzle and buried his cock as deep as he could, eliciting another moan from his brother, and then came hard.

Tony milked him and even once Tucker was done, he wrapped his legs around his waist and kept him in place.

"Fuck, I needed this."

Tony panted. "I'm surprised you didn't fuck one of them before you left the meeting."

Tucker chuckled and licked Tony's cheeks. "Not one of them will let me fuck them in public. 'It gives the wrong impression,' each of them said. As if it wasn't already public knowledge I've fucked them."

Tony sighed. "You've seen how Terry acts at times. People in power have to keep a certain image going, regardless of what is or isn't known. It's why I'm happy to just be handling the logistics for the generation ship and nothing vital."

Tucker patted Tony's leg and they loosened. "Some people would say that's pretty important work." He sat and positioned his brother's legs over his and stroked his leaking cock.

Tony rolled his eyes as he moaned. "It's just a ship going to the nothingness of space. I don't get what the big deal is--ohh yeah, like that."

Tucker twisted his hand over the crown as he stroked up. "You want me to make you cum, or do we continue talking?"

"How's Theo?"

Tucker chuckled and went back to gentle stroking. "I haven't seen him in three weeks. I figured I'd give him space. After Mars and then being a prisoner and dealing with Dad on the mercury, I figure he could use time on his own." He licked the precum off his fingers and returned to jerking off his brother.

"The building," Tony paused to moan, "has him spending time in the spas, and the lounges. He's been having plenty of sex, just not with us."

"If you're keeping an eye on him you know I haven't been near."

"You could still talk--yeah, tighter. Oh fuck--I'm not Trev. I don't go looking at conversation records."

"I'm planning on taking him to the mainland once we're done. I figure he'd want to see an actual city. The little I've gathered is that he isn't from one of the Earth Independents."

"Going to take him to the clubs and try to get in his ass that way?"

"Trickery isn't going to work with him. I'm going to wear him down with my charms."

Tony laughed. "I hope you're not in any hurry then. You won't--" Tony stopped talking as Tucker stroked him faster, making sure to rub the sensitized crown. He repositioned himself as Tony began cursing and wrapped his lips around the head of his brother's cock as Tony tensed.

He bobbed up and down as Tony emptied his balls. He swallowed and continued sucking him even once Tony was dry, twitching in pleasure.

"You're an asshole," he said.

Tucker released the cock and grinned. "But a charming one."

"Fine, fine." Tony sighed. "You know Theo and Grandma talked?"

"Yeah, I heard she met him in one of the spas and had a couple of meals with him. She seems to like him. You think Sebastian will like him?"

"Are there any guys he doesn't like? When is he arriving anyway?"

"In a few months, with Grandma here, he had to wait for his replacement to reach the observatory first." Tucker slipped a finger between his brother's cheeks.

"Stop that," Tony moaned, then looked around. "You are so lucky there's no dildo for me to hit you with."

"Just get on your feet and hit me with this." He stroked Tony's cock with his other hand again.

"Please don't get me going. I have to review the list of criteria SolGov wants everyone to meet. I thought Tom had talked some sense into them?"

Tucker let go of the cock. "I don't think that's doable." He leaned over his brother and licked the cum off his stomach and chest. Once he was done, he kissed him again. "You have fun. I'm going to see if I can get Theo to loosen up enough I can kiss him. You know, start small."

"Good luck with that." Tony stretched as Tucker stood.

Outside the lounge he headed down a dozen floors, where most of the people would be management, instead of executives. He found the closest public shower and joined an elephant under one of the showerheads. He washed his back, then offered him his ass, which the elephant took, fucking him slowly as he washed Tucker's chest and jerked him off until they both came.

Clean and more sated, Tucker dressed in loose gray pants and went to offer Theo a chance to get off the islands.