A Helping Paw, part 3

Story by KitsuneYoukai on SoFurry

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It was late. Shippo had snuggled up with Kagome for warmth. Shippo was asleep. Kagome laid there, thinking about Inuyasha. She heard Shippo mumble "Kirara..." and felt a sharp pain in her chest. Looking down, she saw Shippo suckling her breast.

"Shippo!" She shouted as she sat up quickly. Shippo suddenly snapped awake. Looking at Kagome, and realizing what he had done, he backed away to the wall, his face pure red.

"Kagome," he stammered, "I, I, I'm sorry, f- forgive me."

Kagome thought for a moment. "I think I get the idea." She said, picking up Shippo. "Let's go."

Walking into Sango's hut, they found Sango asleep. She looked at Shippo "Ssh." Shippo nodded. Kirara was in her large form, lying down next to Sango. She appeared to be forcing herself to sleep, with much difficulty. Kagome tapped her head lightly. Her head rose quickly, startling Kagome, causing her to yelp and jump back into a wall.

Everyone held their breath. Sango continued to sleep peacefully. Kagome left the hut, motioning for Kirara to follow. When they got outside, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sango sure is a heavy sleeper." Kagome said in relief, as they walked away from the village.

When they got far enough away, Kagome set Shippo down. "It appears you both have something on your mind. Come back after you've gotten it out of your systems." She walked away. Turning around, she added, "Oh, if you guys want to play with my underwear, you should really ask me first."

Kirara let out a nervous whine, and both she and Shippo blushed deeply.

Now alone, the duo focused their attention on each other. "Well, now what Kirara? It seems we can't stop thinking about each other."

Kirara shook her head, not quite sure ether but she had an idea. she growled for him to get onto her back, he did so and they flew away a short distance. they soon arrive at a hotspring that the group had pasted by earlier.

She landed and knelt down and let shippo off next to the warm water, then in a blaze transformed into her smaller form.

"Why here?" Shippo asked. Kirara mewed her explination to him that she thought a bath might calm their emotions perhaps. Shippo nodded head in understanding. Kirara went ahead and stepped into the water, but only up to her chest. Shippo quickly undressed as she watched, as he finished she swiped at the water with her paw and splashed him. he then jumped into the water effectivly splashing her back.

After a few moments of playfulness they both relaxed beside each other, Kirara turns to him alittle and puts a paw on his shoulder, Shippo rubbed her shoulder in return.

After awhile Kirara hopped out of the water and shook off alot of the water, shippo followed her also shaking his tail clean of water.

He stepped behind her and was Kind of stairing under her tails. she looked back to him realizing what he was really thinking about, she stepped backward into him untill her tails brushed against his chest. he snapped out of his stairing and saw that she had abviously noticed him looking at her, she gave a low passionate mew to him. his tail waged in surprise as she backed up against him more. he parted her tails as he slipped a hand between her hind legs, she mewed again as she lowered her chest to the ground.

his hand slipped into her moist lips as the tip of one of her tails again brushed against his chest, he then removed his hand which was slick with her juices. he rested his hands on her back and stood on the tips of his paws as he pushed his foxhood into her. her claws gripped at the soft ground as he fully inserted himself into her. the young fox's tail jumped up as her walls constracted around him more. as he slowly pulled himself out of her Kirara grouned with pleasure as he gently pulled on her tails.

"Oh Shippo." she quitely mewed to herself. she looks back to him as best she could, looking into his luminous green eyes. he looks to her with a very pleased grin, not stoping thrusted into again, making her growl. he lets go of her tails and leans forward alittle more and lets his hands feel across her chest, all the time tugging at her nipples. Kirara rests her head on a paw and slipped the other between her hind legs, gently rubbed at their union.

Shippo slowed his pace as he felt himself nearing. Kirara on the other hand wanted him hurry, she could feel her body boil with pleasure as he continued on. Her body shook as it gave into sweet release, her warm juices surged around his rod, dripping onto their legs. Shippo suddenly quicked himself, gripping her tightly around her chest. with a final thrust he buried his length into her, spilling his seed deep into her. the hot fluid mixing with her own as it flows down her hind legs.

kirara pulled away slowly, as shippo slipped free from her he knelt down and caught his breath. kirara nudged against him, very tired aswell. they quickly bathed once more and they returned to they're friends.

A Helping Paw, part 2

The Next Day. . . Everyone was walking as they're usual traveling continued. Kirara was in her large form and had Shippo sitting on her back, Shippo was scratching the patch of fur on the back of her neck for her. Kirara purred loudly as he...

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A Helping Paw, part 1

Shippo and Kirara were riding in Kagome's bike basket. Kirara looked over at Shippo, he was asleep. None of the others were paying any mind to them at all. She put a paw in his lap to see if he wasn't just resting, he didn't move much. She felt his...

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