A Space Adventure

Story by RVasil on SoFurry

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#13 of Commissions

"A typical mission for Citadel Defense Force Officer Cyrus."

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That's all for now. Happy fapping folks =3**

Disclaimer: This story should only be viewed by people of the ages of 18 and above due to its strong and heavy scenes that are M/M in nature. All characters portrayed in the story are of the age of consent. If you do meet the requirements and enjoy this sort of content, then by all means please, take off your pants, relax, and fap to your heart's content.

A Space Adventure _by RVasil

Commissioned by: Anonymous Client


A loud beeping coming from the nearby nightstand caused the sleeping form on the bed to stir. The figure let out a groan, before reaching outwards in an attempt to silence the alarm clock that had gone off. With a simple tap, the annoying buzz faded away, and for a brief second the person debated whether to move from his spot or not. The comforting embrace of the bed was making it hard for him to decide. But as his mind began to wake up he was reminded that he had obligations to attend to. He sat up right, the blanket falling off his body. The bright light coming from outside spilled through the window and into the room.

"Good morning, Cyrus."

Cyrus yawned, gently rubbing his eyes and stretching his muscles.

"The time is 0900, Citadel Standard Time. You have 1 message waiting for you. Would you like to see it?"

He rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh. "Yeah, fine, what is it?" The bed creaked in response to him lifting his weight off it. Cyrus was a big fellow, easily towering over the average man. He was fortunate enough to have a job that could afford him a modest apartment that can accomodate his above average stature. Cyrus made his way to the kitchen, the voice of the VI coming out of the speaker that was attached to a nearby wall. "Voice message from Lieutenant Moore. Playing voice message."

He was thankful to have programmed the AI beforehand to get used to his sleeping cycle. Having freshly brewed, albeit cheap, coffee in the morning was a lifesaver. The speaker fizzled for a brief moment, and the voice of Lieutenant Moore began to play.

"Captain Cyrus, I need you in my office here at the CDF. I know you just got back from doing a mission but this one isn't some boring patrol work. Report to me immediately at 1200, got it?"

"End of message."

Cyrus took a sip from his coffee. The taste was bitter, and artificial. It was unlike anything he had back on Earth, but it was the closest he could have to something remotely familiar and had the effects of coffee. He could buy the real deal but that was an expensive waste of credits. He took another healthy gulp, the black liquid pouring down his gullet. While it would bother normal people like humans, it didn't bother Cyrus, particularly because he wasn't one. The black scales all over his body were enough to differentiate him.

Cyrus continued with his morning ritual, now with an extra pep in his step. He made his way towards his closet, whilst the morning news began to play on the TV to his side. A bunch of uniforms greeted him, mixed in with a couple of dress shirts he had thrown in there for good measure. He took one of the uniforms and laid them on his bed. The fabric was smooth, and free of any wrinkles: perfectly capturing what the Citadel Defense Force was all about. As Cyrus continued to pick out his clothing for the day, amusingly deciding what pair of socks to wear, the news on the television continued. A turian was on screen as the newscaster.

"...the entirety of the Citadel is in mourning today, in the wake of the death of the new human Spectre, Commander Mark Shepard." His photograph flashed on screen. It portrayed a bald headed man with an air of confidence, unwavering leadership, and immense tenacity and perseverance. Cyrus never personally met Commander Shepard, but he had heard of him, and his efforts. He was the one chasing after another rogue Spectre, a turian named Saren. It culminated with the two having a standoff at the Citadel itself, with Shepard being the victor. To Cyrus, he was an ideal model soldier, unrelenting and unwavering; something that would come in quite handy in his line of work. "Regarded as a hero, citizens of the Citadel attend Commander Shepard's wake to honor him for his sacrifice and service."

The news report moved onto their next topic. A logo of an organization flashed on screen. "With the rise of Cerberus activities, and being labelled as a terrorist organization, citizens of the galaxy wonder if they are still safe in these scary times. Commander Shepard's death could not have come at a worse time. This is the news for the hour."

After picking his chosen uniform for the day, Cyrus quickly moved to get himself ready and prepared. Time was ticking down, and he didn't exactly want to be late for his appointment with the Lieutenant. Getting an earful this early in the morning wasn't something he was interested in getting. In a matter of minutes, he was out the shower and towelling off. Come a few moments later and he was buttoning the buttons that completed his attire. Standard issue blue, to go along with the gray color scheme, and black buttons that completed it. Most people would mistake them to be CSec Officers, but that would be quickly rectified once they saw the badge.

The trip to the Citadel Defense Force HQ was relatively quick and uneventful. Most people minded their business, Cyrus included. He sat by himself, listening to music in his earphones while the tram continued onwards. Cyrus wondered what assignment he was going to be given this time. The previous one was quite boring all things considered. He and a few others were assigned to what basically amounted as Guard Duty. Some smugglers were using an asteroid field as a backdoor entrance, and they were tasked to man it to catch them red handed. The deterrent effect of the CDF being present was too strong, and thus no action happened. He was pretty much sitting in his ship, bored out of his mind. Even the company of his compatriot playing with his cock got stale after the five orgasms afterwards. Cyrus wasn't a thrill seeker, let alone a bloodthirsty individual, but boredom was boredom, and he'd prefer to choose an explosive gunfight over trying not to lose his sanity over idleness.

The tram eventually stopped and Cyrus arrived at his destination. The turian manning the entrance scanned him in, and his credentials briefly flashed on screen. His name, species, and rank were on display. "Captain Cyrus," the turian greeted, before pressing the buttons on his console to let him in.

Cyrus nodded, making a beeline towards the office of his superior. Headquarters was noticeably busier that day. More people seem to be present--with various other officers milling about. Some talked with fellow officers, others clearly walked with a destination in mind. The atmosphere in the room felt a bit suffocating, if only because there were so many people present. If Cyrus had to harbor a guest, this sudden surge in activity may have been caused by the death of a Spectre.

He arrived at Lt. Moore's office, announcing his presence by knocking on the door. It slid open, and he allowed himself in. The man in question was sitting behind his desk, brows furrowed, and was seemingly engrossed in the datapad he was reading. Moore's tired eyes flickered upward, and they relaxed upon seeing Cyrus enter. "Ah, Cyrus," he greeted, relaxing in his seat. "Just the dragon I was looking for."

Cyrus stood at attention. "Captain Cyrus, reporting in. What's going on, sir?"

Moore let out a sigh, taking a moment to lift his cap and scratch his head. "Take a seat, Captain. I need to inform you of your next assignment." As Cyrus took his seat in front of him, Moore reached towards his datapad and tapped it to open the briefing notes he had prepared earlier. With a few finger presses, the holographic display panel behind him whirred to life, and projected a dossier.

"I'm not good at making introductions," Moore began, "and since time is of the essence, I'll skip right to the chase: I'm assigning you to a rescue mission."

"A rescue mission?" Cyrus asked. His eyes flicked upwards to the photograph that was on the projected dossier.

"Yes," Moore replied. He tapped his datapad once again, and the projection focused on the photograph. "Your objective is Dr. Tula. She's an asari--a lead researcher in her field of study. She studies the physiology of aliens for biotic compatibility." Dr. Tula's credentials flashed on screen. They looked incredible, and it was no surprise as to why she was a highly valuable asset. The screen changed to then feature security footage of the doctor herself, except this time clearly being taken away by armed goons. "A few weeks ago, Dr. Tula was kidnapped by Cerberus and is now forced to work for them," Moore explained. "Your mission is to get her back, by any means necessary. Citadel has branded Cerberus as a terrorist organization, so exercise extreme caution during this entire operation. You're also authorized to deactivate any Cerberus members you come across in your mission to get Dr. Tula back."

Cyrus's brow rose amusingly. "Deactivate? That doesn't seem like the right use for that word."

"Brass doesn't like violence being written on paper."

Cyrus leaned back in the chair and thought for a moment. That was when he realized he was by his lonesome in the office. The previous briefings he had involved him being in a group. "Am I alone on this mission?"

The next picture flashed on screen. It was a photograph of a Krogan wearing blue colored armor with yellow highlights. "You'll be accompanied by our Krogan demolitions expert, Cragg. I'm sure you two know each other, given that you've been on numerous missions before. I figured I'd partner you with someone you can already trust for a mission like this."

Cyrus nodded. Cragg was a good friend of his. The two had met on a previous assignment and hit it off nicely. The two found mutual enjoyment in blowing things up, and blowing each other when there was a lull in the action. "Where is he then?" Cyrus asked curiously.

"I tasked him to arrange the transport you'll be using for this mission. You'll be meeting with him at the Docking Bay. I sent him the briefing papers to get him up to speed since he's not here in person."

Cyrus nodded. "Where are we going then?"

Moore's brow furrowed. "There's a...complication." Things were never always this easy. Cyrus sat up, wondering what this problem was. "The information we've gathered about Dr. Tula was provided by our intelligence officers, and was verified directly by the people we have out in the field. However...Cerberus is notorious for being sly, and thus pinpointing where they operate from, or in this situation, where they are holding Dr. Tula has been an issue for some time. Thankfully, we've had a breakthrough. We've gotten a lead from one of our trusted informants." The projection changed once again, this time showing the dossier of the information. "You are to go to Omega and rendezvous with our informant, Astrid. You get the coordinates from the turian, and from there, continue on with your mission."

"Go to Omega, and meet up with Astrid," Cyrus repeated.

"Exactly. Do you have any other questions?"

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

It was a few minutes or so later when Cyrus found himself standing at the busy docking bay. Various ships were anchored, from small cruiser ships to large freighters that had workers carrying out cargo to be delivered. The dragon stood at the side, reading through the information that was passed to him by Moore onto his datapad. It didn't hurt to keep himself more informed on the mission. The sound of heavy footfalls caught his attention, making him look up. The sight of a smiling Krogan filled his view.


The large Krogan dropped what he was carrying onto the floor and pulled his friend in for a hug. The dragon returned the gesture. "It's good to see you again."

"I could say the same to you, Cragg." Cyrus briefly looked at what the krogan brought with him. They were metallic containers that were locked and sealed tight. He had seen them before and knew what they were. "We're not going to a war, you know," he commented.

Cragg picked up the boxes and chuckled. "I know that, but I also know that I'm going with you, so chances are we might as well be going to one." He started moving forward but then stopped. "Where are we going anyways?"

The dragon glanced at him incredulously. "You didn't read the briefing?" he asked, waving the datapad he had in his hands.

Cragg snorted at him. "Cyrus, you know me well enough that I don't read. Besides, that's what you're here for, right?"

At the very least, Cyrus knew that this mission wasn't going to be boring. "Well, did you at least get us the ship?"

"I did!" he chirped. "Follow me." Cyrus followed after his friend, bringing his own belongings with him. It was nothing more than some personal effects, the guns he requested from the armory, and a bunch of other knick knacks, like food and entertainment to keep him occupied during the downtime. The two walked down the docking bay, passing by a few workers who paid them no heed and continued on what they were doing.

Cragg then stopped behind a large spaceship, and turned to face Cyrus. "Look at this bad boy."

"You got us a frigate?" the dragon asked, wondering what's got into the Krogan. "You do know those things require us to have a crew to pilot, right? There's only two of us here and..."

Before he could continue, said frigate began to move. It was taking off. It then flew forward, revealing a smaller, more compact ship that was parked behind it.

"You were saying?" Cragg asked.

The dragon shook his head. "You drive."

A few moments later, the two were at the helm of the small vessel. The dashboard whirred to life as Cragg began to turn the vehicle on. Panels illuminated, buttons lit up, and the dashboard activated, giving them a quick rundown of the ship's system. At this point, this was all standard procedure for Cragg and Cyrus. They had done this countless times before, and they both knew this wasn't going to be the last. The dragon strapped himself in, reaching over his shoulder to fasten himself to his seat. Cragg was to his left, connecting his omnitool to the comms system.

"Tower, this is Corvette Vessel Viper Watcher, requesting to disengage ship locks."

There was a moment of silence before a response was received. "Reading you Viper Watcher, can you give me your authorization code?"

Cyrus handed Cragg his datapad, and pointed to the authorization code that was in the briefing paper. "Authorization code, ZVR-117."

"Processing authorization code..." A few seconds later, the ship locks disengaged. The ship jostled slightly, and the gate in front of them opened. Alarms rang throughout the bay, signaling everyone that a ship was about to take off. Cragg took hold of the ship's wheel and moved them forward. "Corvette Vessel Viper Watcher, you are clear to go. Good luck out there."

"Thanks," Cragg replied, before turning off the communication. He then pushed forward, steering the ship out of the docking bay and into the open space outside the citadel. Cyrus leaned back in his seat, watching idly as they passed by small ships that were parked outside. They were clearly waiting to get their clearance papers processed. Security was still tight after the incident that had happened. A blinking light told him that Cragg engaged the thrusters, and was making a beeline towards the large monolith of a structure they all called the Mass Effect Relay.

"So," the Krogan said, briefly glancing at him. "Where are we going?"


"Omega?" Cragg was surprised. Their adventures normally didn't go that far. "What are we doing that far from Citadel Space?"

"I'll tell you on the way there."

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

Although they were travelling at speeds faster than light, it still took considerable time to get to their destination. Travelling from one end of the solar system to another wasn't a short distance, and even with the advancements of the Mass Effect Relay systems, there was still some unfortunate down time. As the Viper Watcher sped through empty areas of space, the cockpit was laid bare. The VI was turned on, and was remotely controlling the navigation systems. It was pointed to Omega and the overhead display showed that it was still going to take twelve hours to get there. Most people used this chance to unwind. Passing time was normally restricted to the amenities they had on the ship. Bigger ships obviously had more room, and thus more stuff to do. Some military ships had onboard gyms to keep their soldiers in tip top shape. Commercial and even some expensive civilian ships had pools for individuals to take a dip in. But the Viper Watcher was a smaller ship, and didn't have these luxuries. In situations like these, most would just resort to personal activities. Some catch up on a series that was on the extranet. Others read a book they had saved on their omni tool.

But for people like Cyrus and Cragg, they had other ways of passing time.

"Oh fuck..."

Various articles of clothing were tossed to the floor. Cyrus's mesh shirt was hanging off the side of the table. His boots were haphazardly thrown to the side. Next to them were Cragg's outfit, the bodysuit laying unceremoniously on the floor. A path of clothing led towards the cabin's bed where the two individuals were.

Cyrus was head down, ass up. His hands gripping the pillow tightly, muscles all over his body tensed. Behind him was Cragg, marvelling at the perfectly round ass that was presented to him to feast on. He leaned forward, planting a tender kiss on the right cheek. His freehand kneaded the supple skin like dough. "Don't ever let anyone tell you that you don't have a great ass, Cyrus." He stuck his tongue out, feeling and savoring the taste of the dragon's ass cheeks.

The dragon shivered underneath him, his toes curling and uncurling in response to the sensual touch and kisses. "And they say romance is dead," he responded. He then closed his eyes, sensing Cragg's hot breath on his pucker. A few moments later, the electrifying sensation coursed through his body. Starting from his lower half, all the way to the middle, and ending at the tip of his nose. Lewd wet slurps emanated behind him as Cragg started sensually molesting him.

Cyrus was in bliss. Cragg knew how to use his tongue, and he used it well. He started off in the sides, planting small kisses that eventually went to the center. Cyrus's pucker offered little to no resistance, quite used to the tender loving that he was about to receive from his partner. He used both his hands to spread Cyrus further, trying to go as deep as he could. The smell of musk, sweat, and masculinity permeated Cragg's nostrils. Eventually he relented, the krogan having a smug smile on his face, quite pleased with his handiwork. Cyrus underneath him was letting out cute noises.

It prompted Cragg to smack the dragon's ass cheeks. "Yeah, you like that, fucker?" He reached forward, groping Cyrus's scrotum that looked like oversized balls in his hands. They were plump, swollen, and clearly aching to release the cum that was inside them. The same went for Cyrus's tool. The dragon's member was fully erect, and pointing straight down due to its sheer weight. The tip was leaking copious amounts of pre, a sign of the heightened state of arousal the dragon was in. Cragg tugged, and gently squeezed, massaging the dragon's balls. Cyrus responded by letting out a quiet mewl.

The krogan leaned forward, first tenderly licking the balls like they were a lollipop, bouncing them up and down with his tongue. They were soft, mushy, and a very distinct taste that Cragg found delightful. He then opened his mouth and sucked one right in. He gently tugged on them, pulling and squeezing the dragon's balls. Cyrus was in a state of bliss. He loved nothing more than people playing with his balls. His body responded by shooting out a healthy squirt of pre onto the bed. Cragg then went for the other one, giving Cyrus's right nut the love it deserved. Cyrus gripped the bedsheets, his tail tensing up then relaxing. "Fucking hell..." he moaned down below. "Will you stop with the foreplay and fuck me already?"

Cragg responded with a sloppy kiss, a strand of spit connecting his mouth to the dragon's scrotum. "I was just making sure to cover my bases," Cragg added. "Besides, teasing you is always fun." He slapped the dragon's buttcheek, marvelling at how the piece of flesh wobbled in front of him. "You have no idea how much Krogans would fight over themselves to get to fuck this ass." Cragg then got onto his feet, looming above the dragon. He squatted down, lining his lower half up with the raised ass in front of him. The Krogan then took hold of his stiff throbbing cock, tapping it teasingly against the rump in front of him. "Are you ready for this?"

"Just fuck me, already," Cyrus answered, sounding quite annoyed with all the foreplay.

Cragg chuckled, pointing his cock straight at the pucker he was about to annihilate. He then leaned forward, sinking inches of his cock into Cyrus's ass. The dragon let out a low long drawn out moan. He and Cragg had fucked numerous times before, and he knew for sure there were many more to come, but he could never seem to get used to how big the krogan's cock was. It spread him open, his insides aching momentarily from the foreign intruder forcing itself in. He gripped the bed sheets tightly, the whites on his knuckles showing. "How do you do it, Cyrus?" Cragg wondered. "I fuck you regularly and your ass is still this tight!"

"Because..." Cyrus replied, grinning through the pain. "I'm not a slut like you."

A smile tugged at the corner of the krogan's lips. "Says the cumdumpster who was in the center of an orgy back at Omega." He continued pushing in, more and more of his cock disappearing into the dragon's tight backside. "Speaking of which...what are we doing at Omega, anyways?"

Cyrus took a deep breath, his body managing to now finally adjust to the sheer size of the krogan's cock. "It's...a rescue mission..."

"A rescue mission?" Cragg asked, licking his lips. He caressed Cyrus's buttcheeks, looking forward to the fucking he was now going to do. Without skipping a beat, he began to pull out, beginning to start the rhythm of his thrusts. "Last I checked we don't have jurisdiction in Omega."

The dragon's body rocked back and forth, following Cragg's momentum. The bed began to creak under the weight of the two bodies above. Cyrus reached for the pillow in front of him, and rested his head on it. In between heated breaths, he answered, "We don't...we're meeting an...informant...oh yeah, that felt good...she's going to tell us where Dr. Tula is."


Cyrus gasped, his back arching as a jolt coursed through his body. He relaxed a few seconds after, before responding. "She." He laid his head on the side, managing to get a glimpse of Cragg from the corner of his eyes. "The informant's Astrid."

Cragg responded to him with a look of amusement. He then momentarily stopped his thrusts to adjust his angle. "Astrid as in..."

"Astrid." Cyrus repeated, letting out a sigh. "Yes, that Astrid."

The krogan chuckled to himself, beginning his thrusts again into Cyrus's backside. "Shit, this should be interesting," he said out loud. "When was the last time you two...fuck...you two talked?"

It was admittedly a bit difficult to think given the sensations Cyrus was feeling but he racked his mind. "I don't know..." he replied, taking sharp breaths. Cragg gently nudged him, and he scooted over, knowing that the krogan wanted to change their current position. Cyrus eventually found himself laying on his back. His head was resting comfortably on a pillow, whilst his legs were propped up and held by his current partner. Cragg had a toothy smile, happy as can be at fucking him. "It's been...months, I think?"

"Are you two still on break or...?"

"It's...complicated?" Cyrus tried to shrug, but ended up moaning instead as Cragg hit him perfectly where it mattered.

"You tried the dating thing, right?"

"We did...it...uh...didn't work out, ergo, the break of sorts?" Cyrus responded.

Cragg reached down and began to stroke Cyrus's thick cock. The precum leaked from its tip and onto his hand. "She's missing out though. You've got quite the pecker on you, Cyrus." He continued to fondle the dragon's cock, lewdly toying with it. "If she was ever into pegging, she'd also realize you have a fantastic ass."

The dragon chuckled, feeling his ass tighten in response to Cragg's fucking. "We never got that far into our relationship."

"And you'd classify our relationship as...?"

Cyrus closed his eyes and smiled, both through the pleasure and the fun of the conversation. "Fuck buddies."

The krogan grinned. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Fucking you is a lot funner than dating you."

And with that, the Krogan continued to hammer into the dragon's ass. Cyrus laid there, his body shaking back and forth with the thrusts of his larger partner. At some point, he unceremoniously came. His balls quaked, his ass tightening on the pistoning member in his ass. Strands of cum escaped from the tip of his cock and landed on his bare chest, making a mess of things. "Holy fuck..." he cried out, feeling the waves of his orgasm crash into his body. The smell permeated into the air, mixing in with the scent of their sweaty bodies. Cragg followed a few minutes after, crying out loudly that seemingly rocked the cabin they were in. Gooey, krogan cum filled his ass, and the sheer volume of it made it leak onto the floor. Cragg took a moment to catch his breath, his legs quivering underneath him and threatening to buckle. A few seconds later, a lewd pop separated their connection with one another, and he flopped down next to the dragon. He was exhausted, spent, but most importantly, fulfilled.

"I fucking needed that."

"With four balls, I can understand why."

The two shared a laugh, taking a moment to lay in bed as they basked in the afterglow of their rut.

The ship continued onwards on auto pilot, with no noticeable problems whatsoever.

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0


In simpler terms, it was the darker counterpart of the Citadel. If the Citadel was all about rules and regulations, Omega was all about the crime. There were no governing bodies on the asteroid turned space station; that is if you don't count the armed military groups whose only purpose was there to keep the company's interests protected from the ruffians. It was a haven for terrorists, criminals, and hooligans who had nowhere else to go. If you needed to disappear from space, the best place you could try was here.

The CDF's jurisdiction obviously didn't reach up to the space station, so Cyrus and Cragg were basically coming in as any other person with a gun. Not that they minded; this wasn't their first time being on the space station, and Cyrus had a feeling this won't be the last. The two docked their ship in Bay 9, securing it to the tether before alighting completely. Gone were their CDF uniforms and changed into something more subtle. The last thing they wanted was to walk around and show to everyone that they were CDF personnel. Getting that sort of attention wasn't exactly the best idea on the space station.

"So," said the Batarian who looked up from his clipboard. "What are you doing here, Cyrus?"

"And here I thought you missed me, Zebb." Cyrus crossed his arms across his chest, giving the alien a look of sadness. "No hug?"

Zebb's expression remained stoic. "I'll pass." His eyes flickered to Cragg who was walking out the ship and checking the display on his omni tool. The grenade launcher in his hand looked like a toy. "And you brought your boyfriend with you."

"Nice to see you too, Zebb," Cragg replied flatly.

"We're here to meet an informant," Cyrus answered. "Credits are already in your account, keep this to yourself, keep the Corvette safe, we've done this song and dance before Zebb, you know the drill."

The Batarian pressed a button on his datapad and the Viper Watcher behind the two was cloaked. Notably, the symbol for the CDF logo was masked to that of the Blue Suns, one of the private security organizations on Omega; it was also the company that employed Zebb. "You're welcome. Though, if I were you, I'd watch myself."

"What's wrong?" Cragg asked, wondering if something had happened.

"There's this wannabe vigilante going around. They call him angel..." Zebb thought for a moment. "Archangel," he corrected himself. "Been a problem for us, and the other groups here. He might meddle in your affairs depending on what exactly you guys are doing here. Thought I give you a heads up."

Cyrus and Cragg glanced at one another. There was never a dull moment in Omega. "I'll keep that in mind," Cyrus answered. The dragon made a mental note of the thermal clips he had in his pocket, and wondered if they were enough.

The two continued down the walkway, and eventually into the doors that led into the main hub of Omega. It was just as messy, bleak, and haphazard as Cyrus remembered it to be. If he were to describe Omega in a few words it would be the three: dark, dank, and cold. It was a combination of mining equipment and heavy machinery everywhere, with the contrast of a bustling city inside a rocky dome. Being inside a hollowed asteroid, the sky was just a rocky ceiling and the clouds were the plumes of smoke released by the working equipment. There was no natural sunlight, instead only the bright hue of the neon lights that darted every street corner served as the source of illumination. Omega had it all; in its many levels and tunnels, in every nook and cranny; any shop imaginable, both legal and illegal, could be found. There was the typical fair: an armor store, a gun store, a store that sells items for your ship's cabin; a store that sells ships, and a store that sells provisions for your ship. Then there were the more...interesting stores. One of note was a sex shop; selling pornography and items of lewd nature that catered to the various alien races that were present in the galaxy. Cyrus had been in there once; it was an eye opening experience to see the various races in very risque, and at times, very lewd situations.

Seeing humans have sex was quite intriguing.

Aside from stores, Omega also had entertainment ventures. If you didn't come here to hide from authorities, or to shop for exotic goods, chances are, you were here for entertainment. There were bars, clubs, and even brothels. One of the most known was The Afterlife, run by Aria T'Loak, the asari that was considered to be the de facto leader of Omega. Nothing happens on Omega without her knowing about it. Thankfully, she and the CDF didn't come to blows with one another whenever the CDF did operations here.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Cragg asked, following behind Cyrus.

He continued walking, beckoning for Cragg to follow. "The intel we received told us to meet her at these encrypted coordinates." He tapped his omnitool and set the data to his companion. Cragg pulled them up and it marked a location on his map. Cyrus then continued, "she told us to meet her at her place."

"At her apartment? How do you know?"

The dragon stopped walking to give him a blank stare.

It clicked for Cragg a few seconds later. "Oh, gotcha."

Astrid's apartment wasn't that far from the docking bay. Well, calling it an apartment was giving it too much respect than it deserved. The last time Cyrus was there, it was just a single room, with a mattress at the corner. A cool fridge to store some food in, and then a smaller room at the side that had a faucet, a toilet, and a bucket. Omega wasn't exactly known for its luscious living conditions. Cyrus made his way up the steps, passing by a drunk batarian who was passed out on the floor, and a turian who was shaking his head disapprovingly. Cragg followed behind him, and eventually the two arrived at their destination.

"Have you thought about what you're going to say to her?" Cragg asked.

The dragon sighed. Throughout their walk, he was wondering the exact same thing. He and Astrid had left each other not on the best terms, and while he was willing to forgive and forget, he wondered if she shared the same sentiment. "I...don't know," he answered, unable to come to a decision. "I think I'll just be professional about it."

Taking one second to breathe, he then pressed the doorbell to announce their presence. Cyrus and Cragg could hear sounds coming from inside, and the two briefly glanced at one another, wondering what the ruckus was about. It wasn't a second later when the door unlocked and slid open.

"Look, I told you that I'm not interested in buying..."

The turian's voice faltered upon seeing the person standing before her. Her eyes registered the familiar looking black dragon who was equally staring back at her. "Huh," she huffed, leaning on the doorway. A brief moment of silence hung in the air, and Cragg curiously wondered what was going to transpire.

"Who's at the door?" came a voice from inside.

Cyrus's brow rose, his eyes flickering briefly to the inside of the apartment, before going to meet Astrid's.

Astrid did not respond to the question but instead addressed the person in front of her. "Fancy seeing you again, fucker." With a swift motion, a fist came colliding against the side of Cyrus's jaw, and the dragon reeled back from the sudden attack. The turian looked pleased as she watched the dragon caress the side of his cheek.

Cragg found the entire encounter amusing. "I'm not going to lie, Cyrus. I like your taste in women."

The dragon groaned, his eyes finally focusing again after the pain began to subside. "Nice to see you too, Astrid."

"So you two are the ones they sent?"


"Just you two?"

Cyrus and Cragg look at each other. "Yep."

"Either you two are amazing as that specter, Commander Shepard, or the guys up top are full of themselves."

"I always wanted to be a Specter," Cragg remarked. "But then I realized that there's too much red tape, and I don't like dealing with that."

"Well whatever the case," Astrid shrugged, "I don't have the information you want."

Cyrus brows furrowed.

"Not yet."

"What are you talking about?" Cyrus asked.

Astrid briefly poked her head out of the door, warily looking around. After checking that nothing out of the ordinary was amiss, she glanced back at the two who were wondering what she was doing. "Let's talk inside."

Cyrus and Cragg walked in, with Astrid closing the door behind them. The apartment was small and cramped, with various items scattered about; mostly scrapped pieces of electronics from what Cyrus figured. "Excuse the mess," Astrid said, squeezing herself between the two of them, and making a beeline to the far corner of the room. Illuminated by the hue of the monitor, the dragon could see someone busily typing away. "How's the progress?" Astrid asked.

Cyrus walked over to them to see what was up, whilst Cragg decided to take a seat on the sofa.

"The encryption is proving to be a pain..." the person answered. The synthetic voice filter informed Cyrus it was actually a quarian. "But it's nothing I haven't handled before," she answered.

"Good, keep working on it," Astrid replied. She then addressed the question that was hanging above Cyrus's head. "Cyrus, Sheena. Sheena, this is Cyrus, and that's Cragg. They're the CDF personnel I told you about."

Sheena paused in what she was doing to give the two a courteous nod of acknowledgement. "It's nice to finally meet you, Cyrus," she answered, before turning back to what she was doing. "Astrid talks a lot about you."

Cyrus's brow rose. "Oh, really?" He gave Astrid a look who rolled her eyes in response.

"Yes, I do," Astrid responded, taking control of the conversation. "But I think Sheena's got her hands full. Why don't we get something to drink?" she asked Cyrus. "We shouldn't distract Sheena from her important job."

The quarian just let out a light laugh in response.

"Sure, I'm down," Cyrus responded. "It looks like this is going to take a while anyway. How about you Cragg? Want to come with?"

The krogan shook his head. "Nah, I'm beat. I just want to sit down for a while. You two get your drink on. I'm sure you have plenty of catching up to do." Cragg wasn't one to mince words.

"Okay, we'll be back in a few minutes or whatever," Astrid said. "In case something happens, call me."

"Got it," Sheena responded, typing something on the keyboard when a prompt came up.

Cyrus and Astrid made their way out the front door, closing it behind them, leaving Sheena and Cragg by their lonesome in the small apartment. Cragg let out a yawn, still feeling tired after the long space travel. "So..." Sheena said, breaking the silence in the room. She spun around on her chair to look at Cragg. "You're a Krogan, right?"

That was an odd question. "Last I checked, I am," Cragg answered. "Why do you ask? You don't see Krogans often?"

The quarian shook her head. "No. I honestly just started on my pilgrimage a few weeks ago. I never left the ship much before that."

Cragg's brow rose. "That's where you guys leave the fleet to try and find something valuable and return it back, right? How the hell did you end up here in Omega then? This is the last place to try and find something valuable."

"It's a long story," Sheena answered.

Cragg motioned to the computer that was busy decrypting away behind her. "I've got time."

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"So..." The dragon took the small umbrella that was placed on his drink and played with it with his fingers. "How have you been?"

Astrid was right next to him, the turian taking a swig from her own glass. After downing it completely, she placed it on the counter and glanced at him. "Decent," she answered. The buzz was helping her relax. "Been having to deal with idiots as of late, but nothing I can't handle."

"Got some trouble with the mercs?"

"You could say that," she answered. "They're a good distraction at least."

Cyrus took a sip from his glass. "From what?"

Astrid looked at him in response.

Well it was bound to come up anyways, might as well have gotten it over with. Cyrus sighed, placing the glass back on the table. He grabbed the attention of the bartender. "Sir, refills please."

The bartender nodded and took both their glasses. Cyrus then turned to face her, planting his elbow on the table and propping himself by his hand. "I'm sorry," Cyrus began. "I'm sorry for lying to you. But for what it's worth, I do like you Astrid. The job only needed me to use you as a cover, and never needed me to stick around...but I..." The dragon averted his gaze. Their drinks conveniently arrived and he took this chance to take another sip. Maybe the buzz would help ease the situation between them.

"I know," Astrid answered after a moment of silence between the two of them. "I've always known."

The dragon's brow rose. "Then why didn't you..."

"Because I liked you too," she answered flatly.

There was a short silence between the two of them, both of them just fiddling the drinks they had on hand. Their eyes briefly met when they coincidentally glanced at one another. Whether it was the drinks, the buzz, or just being caught up in the moment of reminiscing, in a split second their lips met. It was quick, short, and anyone who happened to have been glancing at their direction would have dismissed the act as just a couple being romantic. Breaking apart, Cyrus looked at Astrid. "Do you..."

"Yeah, I fucking need this."

The trip back to the apartment was a blur. Hearts racing, blood pumping, the two felt like young lovers about to have the time of their life. Compared to when they first met, it was now more natural, rather than a necessity that Cyrus had to do. Back then it was a job for him, a fling he needed to use as cover to get some information. It wasn't supposed to be anything serious. But there was a spark there that became a flame. It was too hard to ignore. Unfortunately, circumstances forced the two of them to break apart. Astrid didn't like being used and lied to, and Cyrus felt guilty for using her. However, the feelings and emotions shared were genuine.

Now the two were just glad they could start over once again, and this time, act on them.

By the time they were back at the apartment, they could barely get their hands off one another to fiddle with the card key. Astrid hastily swiped it on the card reader, unlocking the door. It slid open, and the two almost fell in but managed to get their footing in order. Their lustful haze was only broken when they happened to see the scene that was unfolding before them.

"Uh...you guys are back early," Cragg said. The krogan was sitting on the sofa, legs spread apart, with Sheena kneeling by his crotch and quite clearly giving him a handjob. A look of surprise and shock was evident in her face.

"A-Astrid," she croaked, her hand on Cragg's cock loosening. It was soaked in the pre that was leaking from the throbbing member.

The turian and the dragon just glanced at one another. Cyrus shrugged. "Well, you did say you wanted to be part of an orgy."

The turian blushed. "Just get on the couch, Cyrus."

The dragon hastily moved over, undoing the clip on his pants and stripping them off. He tossed them to the side, followed by his underwear. He then plopped his ass next to Cragg on the sofa. The Krogan just grinned at him. "I see you two are getting along well."

"I could say the same for you and Sheena," Cyrus said, looking at the quarian who was a bit flustered.

Her gaze was transfixed by the dragon cock that was bobbing in front of her. "Wow..." she said under her breath.

"That's mine," Astrid said, announcing her presence. She knelt next to her friend and gently took hold of Cyrus's cock. She began to stroke it, earning her a moan from the respective owner.

"Aw, don't be like that, Astrid," Cragg cheekily responded. "I'm willing to share."

"I'm thinking about it," she answered. The turian then leaned forward sticking her tongue out to give Cyrus's cock a tender lick with her tongue. It tasted salty, viscous, and a bit thick. Gulping it down took a bit of effort, and it left a unique aftertaste on her tongue. Some would say it was too sharp, and a bit overwhelming for the senses, but her, it was just what she was looking for. The scent was strong too, a masculine musk that wafted into her nostrils and flooded her brain.

"So what did I miss anyway?" Cyrus asked, referring to Cragg and Sheena.

Cragg let out a light laugh. "Sheena and I got to talking," he began. "She told me that she didn't get out much, and was curious to know more about me. Her first time being out from the fleet you see."

"I-I wanted to know..." Sheena said, speaking up for the first time. "I wanted to know if it was true."

"What is?" Cyrus asked.

"If Krogans really do have four balls."

The Krogan grinned. "I was more than happy to give her a personal show and tell."

"Are you happy with what you've seen?" Cyrus asked.

Sheena reached over and began to fondle and cup Cragg's heavy set of balls. There were definitely four balls, and they were heavy and quite laden with cum. The quarian tugged and squeezed them, enjoying the foreign sensation from her hands. "Very," she answered.

The group continued with their foreplay, living and enjoying the current moment they were in. "Why don't you get comfortable?" Cragg asked, briefly glancing at Astrid who was still entranced with his cock. At this point, Astrid had taken her top off. She didn't want to get clothes messy with spit, and cum, as she reasoned. She was busy going down on Cyrus, the dragon leaning back lethargically on the sofa. He then turned his attention back at Sheena. "Unless you want me to make a mess on your undersuit."

The quarian thought for a moment, before nodding. He did bring up a good point. Easing off the Krogan for a bit, she began to undress. Both Cyrus and Cragg found themselves watching with lustful interest as Sheena began to unzip her undersuit. Whether she was doing it intentionally or not, she was giving the two men a show. What came after surprised even Astrid and made her stop sucking off the dragon.

Almost popping out comically, Sheena's breasts burst out of her undersuit and flopped out for the three people in the room to see. Her breasts, much larger than her own head, gently moved to and fro as she continued fiddling with the zipper of her undersuit. They were large, looking like imported melons from Earth. How in the world were she hiding these things under her suit?

Cragg found himself reaching outwards to grope the large orbs that were presented to him. They were soft, mushy, and felt like bags of sand that rested gently at the palm of his hand. Like soft pillows you'd rest your head on for a goodnight's sleep! A gentle squeeze earned him a quiet squeak from the quarian. "Fuck, Sheena, you look amazing."

"T-thank you," she answered, shivering slightly from feeling her nipples get fondled.

"How in the world were you hiding these things?" Astrid asked, looking at her with a look of amazement. "No wonder you seemed so flustered when I happened to jump into the bathroom once."

"My suit just decompresses heavily," she reasoned.

Cyrus's wandering hand reached over as well, and the two men began to grope her breasts lewdly. While Cyrus himself wasn't necessarily a man heavily attracted to breasts, he knew how to appreciate them when he saw them. He and Cragg took one breast each and played with them. Cragg tugged and twisted on Sheena's nipples, whilst Cyrus was more gentle. He cupped her, gently squeezing the large breast with his palm. His hand could barely reach the base of her chest!

"I want to see how this feels with my cock," Cragg said, signaling Sheena to come closer.

While Cyrus turned back to Astrid and began to face fuck her, Sheena got into position. She grabbed hold of her breasts and pressed Cragg's cock in between her bosoms. She started off slow, squeezing the krogan's cock as she went up and down. Cragg leaned back, enjoying the electrifying sensations emanating from his cock. He preferred to fuck, but this, this was a definite alternative he could get used to.

Pre emanated from the men's cock, leaking onto their respective partners. Astrid's mouth was full of cock. With each thrust, her face came into contact with Cyrus's crotch. The man's scent was intoxicating. Each hump sent her a blast full of male musk that made her head swim in a pool of lust. Next to her, Sheena was going up and down, acting like a well oiled machine. Cragg's crock was leaking copious amounts of pre onto her breasts, serving as more lubrication for her to use. This went on for minutes, before eventually one of them reached their limits. It was Cyrus who cried out first, and without warning. It took Astrid by surprise and she barely had time to react. She was about to pull away, when Cyrus grabbed the back of her head and pushed her down lower onto her cock, seemingly in an effort to go balls deep. Ropes upon ropes of cum rushed out the dragon's cock and straight down her throat. She took it all down like a champ, gulping it down and not wasting one drop. Cyrus's grip on her head relaxed and she took a big breath.

"You fucker!" she cried out, glaring at her partner. "You should have warned me, asshole!"

Cyrus apologized. "Sorry, I got caught up in the moment." His cock was still throbbing happily, leaking a few drops of cum onto Astrid's chest.

Next to them Sheena wasn't fairing all that well. The quarian was visibly getting tired, and was clearly feeling disappointed that she wasn't able to make her partner ejaculate after all the effort she put in. Sensing this, Cragg reached out and patted her on the head affectionately. "It's okay," he said, sounding surprisingly gentle. "Only a select few people are able to make me cum from just a blowjob." He then stood up, and with a quick motion, picked up Sheena in his arms. "I prefer to fuck." She looked comparatively smaller due to his large arms.

Without skipping a beat, Cragg walked over to the bed and gently dropped Sheena onto it. The quarian gulped, feeling a bit nervous as the Krogan loomed over her, even more so with the outline of his cock hanging menacingly above her snatch. Was it her, or did it seem larger than before? A person joined them on the bed, momentarily grabbing her attention. It was Cyrus. "Word of advice: deep breaths."

She nodded, mentally and physically preparing herself for what clearly would be the fucking of her life. Astrid on the other hand was busy climbing atop Cyrus and asserting control. "This is for fucking with me earlier," she said, before unceremoniously slamming her crotch down onto the dragon's cock. Pain and pleasure mixed as Cyrus's still sensitive cock penetrated her pussy. Astrid shivered, the sensations racing through her body. Even her lower half was a bit shocked at the sudden impact. Cyrus on the other hand groaned however. He was in pain, but boy did it feel really good. His sensitive cock ached but he relented. He also wanted more.

Cragg's cock felt like a large pipe was shoved straight up Sheena's pussy. It was big, it was large, it was thick, and it spread her wider than any toy she had ever used. The quarian bit her lip, feeling like she was being ripped in two. The krogan was surprisingly gentle, taking it nice and slow. The tight pussy resisted him, but that only made it more better. He liked the challenge, and he was going to be damn sure to break this one wide open. Inch after inch, it slowly entered Sheena and the quarian swore she saw stars. Her vision blurred, and she took a deep breath in order to steady herself. Glancing back down, she visibly balked at realizing only the tip of Cragg's cock had entered her.

"It's just the tip, babe," Cragg said. "Don't worry, the fun's not stopping anytime soon."

The sounds of the bed and the metal floor creaking echoed across the room. If the walls could talk, they would have been silent as they too would have been too busy watching the lewd display happening before them. On one side was Cragg. Hips were a blur, angled downwards for maximum penetration, skin was slapping against skin; beneath him was Sheena, tired, exhausted, but above all euphoric. Her pussy was spread wide open by the titanic sized cock, and her visor had fogged up from the sheer heat her body was radiating. The whites on her knuckle showed as she gripped the bedsheets for dear life. Next to her was Cyrus, the dragon seemingly passing between the states of euphoric and unconscious. Astrid was riding her partner like there was no tomorrow. The dragon's balls were aching at this point, begging for sweet release. Whenever he was close to relief, the turian would stop masterfully, teasing him at the edge but never going far enough. It was a depraved form of torture!

"Fucking shit!" Sheena cried out. "I'm cumming again!"

She ejaculated, squeezing Cragg's cock in the process. Fluids escaped her, lubricating the krogan's throbbing cock. Cragg bit his lip, enjoying the new found tightness. He had to admit, she was giving Cyrus a run for his money. She may actually be tighter than the dragon! His rhythm in thrusts were becoming erratic. Even though Cragg prided himself for his stamina, even he had his limits. He tried to hold back, but was unable to. The krogan let out a long drawn out moan, going so far as to go balls deep into the quarian. Sheena cried out, feeling the ropes of semen coat her insides. The sheer volume of it made it leak out, staining the bedsheets completely. Cyrus himself was finally free from the torture. Astrid decided it was time to let the dragon go, and she did so. Cyrus cried out loudly, almost in pain as his balls were finally given the sweet relief they craved. Jets of cum escaped from the tip of his cock and into Astrid's pussy.

By the end of it all, the orgy ended with the participants, tired, sweaty, and completely spent. Cyrus was sticky, the cum mixing in with the sweat. He was the first to break the silence of hot breaths. "That...was...fuck..." He was at a loss for words. That was one fuck fest to write in the record books.

Just then, as if to remind them of what they were supposed to be doing there in the first place, a loud beep emanated from the computer. In her hazy, euphoric state of mind, Sheena was able to recognize the sound. "Oh...I think...I think the decryption is done."

"I'll take a nap," Cragg responded, falling flat next to Sheena.

"Let's take a quick nap," Cyrus answered, feeling exhaustion overcome him.

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An hour or so later, along with a quick shower, the group was gathered around, watching Sheena extract the decrypted data from the terminal and handing it over to Cyrus and Cragg. The dragon tapped his omnitool and examined the other files that came with it.

"So, what are we looking at?" Cragg asked.

"Coordinates," Sheena answered. She then turned around to face them and tapped her omnitool. A holographic view of their current star system popped up. She then zoomed in, highlighting a section not that far from Omega. A glowing red mark appeared on one of the floating asteroids seemingly in the middle of nowhere. "The place you're looking for is here." The image shifted to show grainy surveillance footage of the area. Armed men were walking around, on patrol to look for possible intruders.

"Who are these guys? I don't recognize their armor," Astrid responded.

"Cerberus," Cyrus answered.

Astrid looked surprised. "The terrorist cell?" She then looked at the both of them. "What are you guys going to do exactly? This seems above your paygrade."

"VIP extraction," the dragon replied to her. "We go in, get her, get out."

"Stealth is optional though," Cragg added. "We've been given permission to deactivate these individuals for the betterment of the galaxy."

"Deactivate?" Sheena asked incredulously.

"Yeah," Cyrus added. He then pressed a few buttons and a calculation of their travel time to the designated location appeared. "It doesn't seem that far. Let's head out." He then turned to Sheena and Astrid. "Thanks for the help in decrypting this. Pay will be delivered in the usual channels."

"And thanks for the great fuck," Cragg added. "You got my number Sheena."

The quarian chuckled but nodded happily. "I'll set you on speed dial."

"Be careful you two," Astrid said.

Cyrus walked towards the door, ready for what was to come. "We always are."

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Cyrus wasn't a stranger to covert operations. The element of surprise was definitely preferred, especially when they clearly had no backup coming in case things went awry. The two had landed a far side away from the base, parked the cruiser in one of the naturally made holes, and set off on foot. Cyrus was armed with his preferred loadout. An assault rifle, along with a heavy pistol. Balanced, and able to adapt to any combat situation. Cragg on the other hand was more 'boom' oriented. The krogan preferred to fight closely, arming himself with a shotgun and a grenade launcher for good measure.

The two came up a hill, and stationed themselves there. Cyrus laid flat on the ground and examined the base from afar.

"So what's the plan?" Cragg asked.

Cyrus thought for a moment. "We know she's here, but we don't know where." He pulled out his optic binoculars and zoomed in. "I see armed guards left and right...there's even a watchtower." This was going to be a little bit tricky and they only had one shot at this. They couldn't screw this up. "Okay, I'm going to go in and try to get to that security outpost." He marked it on the map for Cragg to see. It was the metal building that was built into the rockwall. "You get up to that watch tower and get that guy out. The last thing we want is overwatch to get us while we're trying to find Dr. Tula."

Cragg nodded. "Then what?"

"While I try to find her, you try and figure out how to stop them from chasing after us afterwards."

The krogan grinned. "My specialty."

"Remember, no noise until I've secured her, got it?"

Cragg snorted. "Yeah, yeah."

"Let's move out."

The two individuals split up, both knowing the game plan. Cragg made his way towards the watchtower, whilst Cyrus made his way towards the security outpost. He carefully made his way down the rocky outpost, making sure to stay in the shadows and avoid detection. He hugged the wall, hiding from patrols who were walking by. The entire facility was a metal building built into the side of a rocky wall. An atmosphere field was projected to allow the patrols to walk without the necessary need for space helmets. Unfortunately for Cyrus, he was going to have to be careful with noise too. He wasn't exactly in the vacuum of space anymore. But he did use it to his advantage.

"Hey, did you check out the latest episode of Earth:2020?" asked one of the guards as he walked to his partner.

"Oh, no I haven't yet! I'm still at the Murder Hornets episode." The guard turned around to continue the conversation. "It's crazy to think that the show is based on real Earth history. It's insane to see what happened back then."

"Tell me about it. Wait till you get to Episode 8, that's when..."

A loud smack cut off their conversation.

"What was that noise?" The guard looked at his friend, and the two immediately went to check out the source of the distraction.

Cyrus appeared from the shadows, a grin on his face. He dropped the extra stones he had on the ground. "Works every time," the dragon remarked, before continuing onward. With the security outpost left unguarded, he managed to sneak in and get access to the terminal directly. The dragon began to hack in, using his omnitool to break into the system.

Cyrus turned on his communications and spoke softly. "How's it going over there?"

"I can see you," Cragg responded in a sing-song voice. The dragon smiled to himself, able to finally break into the security system. He began to cover his bases, quietly deactivating alarms and security cameras that might give them trouble. "Security is down," he said. "How's it looking up there?"

"Boring," Cragg responded flatly. "The guy had a sniper rifle and didn't even have it loaded. It seems these guys don't get much action out here."

"It looks like it. The software on their security system is full of holes and is completely outdated."

Cyrus could imagine Cragg frowning. "Yeesh. So, did you find her?"

"I'm going through the personnel files now and...there. I found her." Cyrus accessed the linked security camera to her lab and got a live feed of their objective. The asari scientiest was at her lab, typing away at a computer. She didn't seem scared, but the dragon could see that she was visibly distressed given her situation, but holding up well as best as she could. Cyrus moved the camera around and there didn't seem to be any guards watching her.

"Where is she?" Cragg asked.

"Third floor basement," Cyrus answered. "I'm going in, watch my back."

"Always do."

Cyrus was quick on his feet, walking briskly across the metal hall, and eventually down the stairwell. As he went further down the building, more and more guards were in the area. It was becoming harder to try and be stealthy. The dragon barely had time to hide in the shadow, just as a patrol went by.

"What do you think? Do you think she's cheating on me?" asked one of the guards to his companion.

The other guard released a sigh of frustration. "Look man, I don't know. And for the record, I'm not getting paid enough to give a fuck about your relationship problems. I'm not your therapist." He then continued walking forward, leaving his companion shocked at the sudden hostility. It was a few seconds later when the guilt set in and he realized he was being mean to someone who was just asking for help. "Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..." His friend was nowhere to be found. "Ash?" He walked forward, wondering where his friend went. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Where'd you go?" The guard continued walking forward up until something caught his attention.

"Huh? What the hell?" On the floor was Ash's gun. He was about to walk forward when someone grabbed him from behind. His mouth was covered up, and he struggled in desperation.

"You're a dick, you know that?" Cyrus whispered into the guard's ear. He then smacked the guy's head with the butt of his pistol, knocking him out completely. Cyrus then dragged the guard to the side, laying him next to his friend who was also out cold. He was about to leave when he spotted a keycard hanging from the guard's waist. He quickly took it, knowing it'd prove useful.

With the hallway clear, Cyrus continued onwards, eventually landing at the third floor basement. The lab's glass was frosted for privacy, and he could see the asari's blurred figure behind it. He walked over to the door, and unlocked it with a keycard he snagged from the guard. The door slid open, and he walked in.

"Dr. Tula?" Cyrus asked, announcing his presence.

The asari looked up from her computer, taken aback at the black dragon suddenly before her. "Who are you?"

"I'm Cyrus from the Citadel Defense Force. We're here to rescue you."

Upon hearing his credentials, the asari visibly relaxed. "Oh you're here to rescue me? Thank goodness. Let me just grab my things," she said, quickly accessing her omnitool.

"Be quick, doctor, we don't have much time." Cyrus then accessed his coms and Cragg came on the line. "I got her," he said.

"Good, we're still quiet up here," Cragg responded. "I'm not sure how long though."

Cyrus then turned back to the doctor who just finished transferring all her data to her omnitool. "Are you good, doctor?"

"Please, call me Tula," the asari said. "And yes, let's go."

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Sneaking in was one thing, sneaking out was a different matter entirely, especially now that Cyrus had someone else with him. For Tula's credit however, she was a natural. She hugged the wall, and did her best to look around before rounding any corners. They got up to the first floor, and were about to make a break for the stairwell when their cover was blown.

A firefight soon ensued.

"Cover's blown!" Cyrus shouted over the comms. Cragg took that as his cue. The krogan loaded the thermal clips onto the sniper rifle and dialed in. He took a deep breath, and aimed. With a flick of his wrist he fired. The laser shot sailed through the air and hit the cerberus agent chasing after Cyrus and Tula squarely on the chest. "Gotcha," the krogan remarked, before reloading the overheated gun with the next thermal clip.

"I got you guys covered, run towards the left side!" Cragg's voice came in through the comms.

Cyrus immediately followed, breaking out of cover to take a shot at the group of cerberus agents running after them. Tula was right next to him, ducking her head under the metal boxes. Once the guards were clear, the two made a run for it. Laser beams dotted the area as the entire place came to life. Agents came pouring out of the woodwork, and if they didn't get out soon, they were going to get overwhelmed.

Luckily, Cragg had anticipated this.

"Cyrus, give the doctor a space breather."

"Huh? Why?" Cyrus asked bobbing left and right.

"Just do it!"

Following his companions orders, he tossed a space breather to her, and the asari was quick to equip it. The object wrapped around her head, giving her a makeshift space helmet. Just then, a loud explosion emanated from behind them, seemingly engulfing the entirety of the cerberus base. Rocks and metal debris scattered all over the place. Cyrus's ears began to ring from the loud explosion, and then all of a sudden, he couldn't hear anything at all. At first he thought he went deaf, but he quickly realized why.

Cragg had knocked out the atmospheric generator.

The gravity field was also affected and they were now lighter than before. "I love explosions," Cragg's voice came through the coms. "Make your way to the cruiser. I'll meet you guys there."

"Your friend sure knows how to leave an impression!" Tula said, running close to Cyrus.

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

The Viper Watcher sailed through the vacuum of space, the rocky asteroid field slowly disappearing from view behind it. The controls automatically moved by themselves piloted by the ship's internal VI. Cyrus was at the helm, monitoring the ship's surveillance and making sure they weren't being followed. Cragg was checking inventory on their supplies, checking to see if they still had extra ammunition in case a fight were to happen. Tula on the other hand was busy showering, taking it upon herself to get clean after being held in captivity for so long.

The three occupants of the Viper Watcher were off and busy at their own accord, and it helped pass the time as the trip back to the Citadel would be a long one. Eventually however, they all reconvened at the ship's dining table to get a fill to eat and relax as the day was over.

The three were seated around the small table in the corner, eating at what basically amounted were rations stored on the ship. It wasn't exactly the height of luxury, but the rations were well enough to stave off hunger until they landed at their destination to get a proper meal. Cyrus and Cragg used this chance to get to know Tula a little bit more. "So, if you don't mind me asking, why you, Tula?" Cyrus asked. He tried to remember the briefing they had on her. "You were in biotics right."

"Yes, but more specifically, studying the physiology of aliens for biotic compatibility," she answered.

"And how does that work exactly?" Cragg asked curiously.

"Do you want the short version, or the long boring scientific and peer reviewed explanation?"

The krogan chuckled. "Surprise me."

"I look at alien DNA to try and study how it interacts with element zero to get a better understanding on how we as species develop into biotics," she answered simply.

"So what, Cerberus took you because they're trying to get a boost in their RND for biotics?" Cyrus asked, propping his head up with his elbow on the table.

"Pretty much. Though, in hindsight the facility they kept me in was quite disappointing," she answered. "You would think that a known terrorist organization would have their things in order, but the lab there lacked the necessary equipment for me to even get off the ground."

"Were they missing a microscope or something?" Cragg asked jokingly.

Tula let out a light chuckle. "Not quite. They were missing samples for me to study."

"Oh, that's a bummer," Cyrus responded. "Out of curiosity, what exactly are these samples anyway?"

The asari smiled at him in response. "You." The dragon was confused at the answer, but then she added. "Well, the both of you actually."

"Huh?" Cragg asked, voicing the confusion for the both of them.

"You see, all of the people on that facility were humans. I need different samples to study. I can only study humans for so long. I need to be able to compare and contrast, that sort of thing."

Cyrus slowly nodded, realizing that she brought up a good point. He then smiled at her. "Well, I'd be happy to help you with your work, Tula; when we get back to the Citadel that is anyways. How about you Cragg?"

"Depends," the krogan answered. "I'm not keen on being a test dummy for the hell of it. What would you have us do anyways?"

Tula nodded understandingly. "I would just need a sample of your DNA. The purest you can give me, the better."

Cragg thought for a moment. "What, you need us to like cum on a petri dish or something?"

It was Cyrus who interjected first. "She probably just needs our blood."

"Well, yes," Tula answered, surprising the dragon. "Your semen would be a good source of DNA. The data I can extract from it will be greater than that I can get from your blood. Though most volunteers I have opt for the other option for obvious personal reasons."

Cragg smirked. "If you put it like that, well I can give it to you now if you want Tula."

The asari blinked, surprised at the forwardness of the krogan. "That is a very upfront proposition, Cragg. I will admit, I find it intriguing."

"For what it's worth," Cyrus added. "What happens in this ship, stays in this ship."

"You don't say?" Tula asked. The asari then thought for a moment, briefly touching the bottom of her chin. "Well gentlemen, if you two are up for it, I wouldn't mind checking the volunteers I would be having for my study. I have to make sure you two are in peak physical health after all!"

A few moments later, Cyrus and Cragg found themselves nude and seated at the edge of the bed inside the cabin. Tula herself was also nude, and was knelt on the floor, her hands busy groping the two men's growing packages. "You two are remarkable," she said, her hands delicately going over and squeezing the men's respective members. It was quite a contrast. Cragg felt thick, and she could barely wrap her hand around the base of his cock. Cyrus on the other hand was long, and she struggled to fully jerk it off due to its sheer length.

Cyrus leaned back, enjoying the sensations coming from his crotch. Truth be told, he didn't imagine this situation happening to him, but he was more than welcoming of it nonetheless. Who was he to deny the pleasures of sex? "So...Tula...was this how you took samples at the base?" he asked, between panting breaths.

"I wish," Tula answered, leaning over to lick the dragon's cock. "Some of the men were far too prude for their own good. It must be a human culture thing," she responded.

"Well, you can have our cocks anytime you want, Tula," Cragg responded, letting out a content sigh.

The asari let out a gleeful chirp, seemingly happy with the cocks she was toying with. Her hands roamed around, eager to explore the throbbing members within her reach. She marvelled at feeling Cragg's four balls, each filled to the brim with hot cum. "I've heard about krogan physiology but to actually hold it in my hands..." she responded. Cragg's balls were heavy in her palm.

"Don't worry, Tula. You'll be feeling them balls later when they're slapping against you," Cragg cheekily added.

The asari blushed, but nonetheless felt more motivated to jerk off the two men. She eventually began to suck one of them off. She opted to start with Cyrus first, the dragon's length proving to be a challenge for her as she slowly went down the thick pole. It tasted sweet, earthy, and a little bit bitter, but it was a taste she grew accustomed to and slowly wanted more. Cragg on the other hand was at the side, teasingly hot dogging the asari's ass with his cock. "You have a great ass, Tula," he remarked, before slowly sliding himself into her pussy.

Tula stopped momentarily, letting out a moan of pleasure on Cyrus's cock as Cragg penetrated her. It sent shivers down her spine, and her body convulsed momentarily due to the sensations coursing through her. After taking a moment to regain her composure, she continued sucking on Cyrus's cock, her body rocking back and forth in time with Cragg's thrusts.

The wild and spontaneous threesome continued soon after and the three shifted now and then to different positions to switch things up. At one point, Cyrus and Cragg were double penetrating Tula, with Cragg at the bottom, Tula in the middle, and Cyrus at the top. The asari cried out, feeling the two men's thick cocks enter her simultaneously. "Fuck!" she shouted, her ass and pussy clenching in response to the foreign invaders. The two continued their rhythm, sandwiching the asari in the middle. They rocked back and forth, the bed creaking underneath the three combined weights on top of one another. Tula moaned, her breasts being stimulated by the krogan's textured chest. Cyrus on the other hand couldn't help but squeeze the asari's bubbly ass.

In another moment, they were spit roasting her. Cragg this time took the mouth, whilst Cyrus took Tula doggy style. The krogan's cock was comparatively thicker, and stretched Tula's jaw to its maximum. At times she even felt like she was choking on cock because of it! True to his word, Cragg fucked her, his balls slapping at the bottom of her chin with each thrust. Tula's face smashed against Cragg's crotch, giving her direct contact with more of that krogan musk. It drove the asari wild, spurring onto continue this lewd activity.

Eventually however, they reached their limits.

Cyrus was on his side, spooning Tula and gently fucking her pussy. Cragg on the other hand was getting himself lightly jerked off by the now exhausted, sweaty, and tired Tula. They had been going at it for hours. With little to no warning, Cragg groaned and ejaculated onto Tula's face. Ropes and ropes of white hot cum painted her, thankfully missing her eyes. By the end of it, there were only brief spots of blue on her skin, as most of it was covered by the krogan's sticky mess.

The dragon followed soon after, Cyrus grabbing hold of Tula tightly, and burying himself as deep as he could into the asari's pussy. His cock stiffened and his entire body convulsed as he emptied the entirety of his balls into her. The sheer volume of it made the cum leak at the sides, soaking the bed sheets completely.

The three stayed there for minutes, doing their best to catch their breaths.

It was Tula who broke the silence first. She licked the krogan's cum off her face, remarking at the distinct taste it had. She then used her free hand to get a sample of the dragon's cum that was leaking out of her pussy. It too was different. She smiled. Seeing the content smile on her face, Cragg then asked, "So what do you think, Tula? Are we good test subjects?"

The asari smiled. "Very. Though, we're going to need more sessions like this."

Cyrus laughed. "Fucking is what we do best."

At least the trip back to the Citadel won't be a boring one, and besides, what better way to celebrate an accomplished mission, than by getting your rocks off.

**Author's Notes:

I have had this commission in the archives for a while now. I didn't upload it yet because I had to sort some things out with the commissioner.

This is my first time making smut in the Mass Effect universe. I like to think I did well given that I'm not that well versed in it. I have played all the games though--I freaking love them. But I'm not a hardcore ME person so I really had to look things up, and take some creative liberties as well.**