Instruction Interrupted

Story by Lighty on SoFurry

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What? Two in one year? I must be going mag...

Thumbnail art by the lovely justbebabes - go and fav it there!

Instruction Interrupted

Lilly had been pacing up and down the fourteenth floor hallway of the unfamiliar apartment building for a good few minutes when she finally stopped dead in her tracks.

"This is getting silly," she thought to herself.

The mare took a deep breath to steady herself, then stepped up to the door. As her finger made contact with the button, she assumed what she called her "stranger smile," a perfectly rehearsed expression, able to hide even her deepest insecurities - at least for a while.

The buzzer had barely begun to ring when already the door swung open. A jet-black equine woman stood in the opening, returning her forced smile with the genuine article. She was maybe a few years older than Lilly, a little rounder, too - and very, very attractive.

"You must be Lilly! Hi, come in. I'm Mira," she said and ushered her guest inside.

The front door led Lilly straight into the main living space. The amber light of the evening sun flooded through the windows. The view from up here was stunning.

Lilly didn't even notice that she had stopped dead in the middle of the room.

Mira laughed a friendly and enchanting laugh, allowing Lilly to take in the panorama while she vanished behind the breakfast bar that hid a small kitchen.

"Everybody does that," she said, rummaging through the cupboards.

"I can see, why... It's breathtaking. That alone was worth the trip."

"Thank you! Although I hope we can add some improved understanding of equine biology to the benefits," Mira said. Her voice deep and warm, Lilly could feel her anxiety rapidly melting away as she finally turned her head.

The bright white spot on Mira's forehead drew her gaze and when her eyes met, she felt herself blush, wondering whether the other mare could tell that Lilly fancied her.

Misinterpreting the silence, Mira tried to encourage her. "Don't you fret, girl. It's a really tough module. Even I flunked the first time around and look at me now."

The black mare was full of enthusiasm and energy, almost a little more than Lilly could handle right now. Fortunately, Mira didn't leave her too much time to think.

"I'd say let's get started straight away. I know we discussed the details online already, but if there's anything you'd like to add or change, just let me know. Oh, and I got you that herbal tea you asked for."

She was pouring boiling water into a pot as she spoke and quickly the scent of the brew filled Lilly's nostrils.

"So that's what dandelion smells like. Guess it's for some health concern? Don't tell me if you don't want to talk about it."

Another pang of anxiety hit Lilly right in the stomach. "Y-eah... something like that."

"Don't worry. I won't pry," Mira said over her shoulder as she placed the teapot on the coffee table, right next to an impressive stack of textbooks.

She looked expectantly at Lilly who was still standing in the middle of the room.

"Come on, they're just books. They don't bite," she said, again laughing that warm laugh of hers that simply made Lilly want to do whatever the older mare said.

"Do you... you know... need the little filly's room before we begin?"

Lilly could not suppress a shiver that made her tail rustle when she heard those words. As if suddenly caught in some sort of spell, she heard herself reply without even thinking.

"Nah, I'm fine, thanks! Let's just get this over with."

"Suits me, hun. Let me know if you change your mind," came the reply and again, Lilly responded like she was on auto-pilot.

"Really, it's fine. I'm fine."

That was, of course, a lie. When it came to what Mira had so adorably called the 'little filly's room', Lilly was almost never 'fine'. Keeping a full bladder in check was a matter of pride and private enjoyment for the young mare, the stinging need from her lower abdomen a near-constant companion - just like today. One of these days she was going to get herself into some real trouble.

"Mind if I try some?" Mira asked, already pouring the hot, greenish liquid into two glass cups. A sip and grimace later, Lilly knew exactly what she thought of her choice of beverage.

"I guess it's an acquired taste," Lilly said, then hurried to take a sip herself, as if to prove the point.

After another Mira-laugh, her tutor began to organise the textbooks on the table in front of them.

"So, you said you wanted to go over the urinary tract today, right?"

"Y-yeah... if that's okay? I just can't get my head around the whole sympathetic, parasympathetic pathways thing... and there was this other nerve... prudential or something?"

"Aah, 'pudendal', yes. I know what you're on about; the neural pathways that govern micturition."

"I guess so? I think I slept through that lecture."

Another lie; in truth, and in an almost ironic twist of fate, Lilly had spent the first half of that lecture focusing more on keeping her panties dry than the professor's elaborations. When that endeavour had ultimately proved fruitless and a frantic race for the nearest bathroom proved just a few steps too long, she had snuck out for the day and missed the remainder of the lecture.

And here she was, almost making the same mistake again. Her bladder was already much fuller than she would have liked, given that her two hours of tuition had only just begun. For a moment she thought about excusing herself after all, but then thought better of it. Literally minutes ago she had insisted she didn't need the bathroom. What would Mira think of her?

So instead, she squeezed her thighs together and sipped from her cup as she watched the older mare flip through one of the books.

"Ah, there!" Mira finally said and shoved a page with diagrams in front of her.

"So, this is not actually that complicated. There's a number of neural pathways that have to work together in order to cause or prevent micturition - or urination, if you prefer. Under normal circumstances, the sympathetic activity through the hypogastric nerve excites the urethral smooth muscle and relaxes the bladder - in effect keeping it shut and allowing it to fill."

Mira began to explain, one finger tracing along the diagram as she spoke, quickly absorbing herself in the material to a degree that allowed Lilly to give her lower abdomen a soothing rub.

It was as if she could literally feel every nerve Mira was talking about working overtime right now.

"As the bladder fills, receptors in the bladder wall react to the stretching, causing increased parasympathetic activity via the pelvic ganglion which has the opposite effect, exciting muscarinic receptors in the bladder smooth muscles, leading to bladder contractions while at the same time relaxing the urethra. With me so far?"

Lilly nodded a little, even though she was only half listening. With every fibre of her body she wanted to grab her crotch or at least squirm in her seat. Things were quickly turning dire for the mare and it dawned on her that if she didn't excuse herself very soon, she really was going to have an accident in front of her tutor.

"Lilly...?" Mira asked after a moment. "Everything all right? Are you sure you don't need the toilet?"

"O-of course...!" Lilly insisted. "I'm fine. I'm with you."

"Hmm, all right, then. Let me write this down for you. The neurochemistry itself is actually a little complicated."

Lilly silently scolded herself. What was wrong with her? All she needed to do is say, 'I need to pee.'

That, and ask Mira where her bathroom was, of course. She could already see herself awkwardly half standing, half sitting, hand between her legs as she waited for directions.

There was no way she would be able to hide how desperate she was.

But what was the alternative? Sit here until she had an accident?

"This is actually quite interesting. If the bladder gets really full, the tension between the two pathways actually kinda spills over to other systems. The increased activity from the sympathetic nervous system needed to counteract the reflex to void causes first an increase in blood pressure and the release of adrenaline, then sweating and general anxiety."

Only now did Lilly notice how damp her fur was. The tea was hitting her full force and she could feel her overfull bladder spasming against the barrier her muscles were putting between it and sweet relief. She was sweating just like Mira had explained. She needed to piss, for heaven's sake. All she had to do is give herself permission to admit it.

"Here, copy that down," Mira instructed and handed Lilly a pencil.

As she began to write down the chemical formula, another spasm hit her bladder, stronger this time, longer than before. Lilly fought back with every ounce of strength, every muscle in her body.

But this time the wave of white-hot urgency did not abate. Like a safety valve, her body was forcing her to release at least a little of the overwhelming pressure in her bladder.

Suddenly and despite her clenched muscles, a warm wetness engulfed her crotch. The pencil in her hand snapped in two.

In reflexive panic, Lilly shoved a hand deep between her thighs, fingers pushing hard against the burning, quivering opening that was moments from succumbing to the pressure and causing her to flood the sofa.

Mira cocked her head curiously, ears flicking back and forth.

"You sure you don't need the bathroom? 'Cause you sure look like a mare who's desperate for a squat," she said.

Wide-eyed, one hand still buried between her legs, Lilly shook her head and as she did so, Mira's expression softened.

"Oh, silly me. I'm sorry, hun. I didn't realise you were just being shy. It's okay."

The older mare took Lilly's other hand and rubbed her fingers.

"Shh," she continued. "It's okay. Everything is okay. You just need to pee, don't you?"

Lilly remained silent, blushing furiously, ears splayed backwards, fingers squeezing her own nethers through her jeans right in front of her biology tutor. She could not manage a single word.

"Try saying it together with me." Mira offered. "I - need - to use - the toilet."

When Lilly didn't immediately comply, Mira repeated, "I - need - to use - the toilet."

"I... n-need..." Lilly croaked, followed by a nervous whinny. She just couldn't bring herself to saying those words, too afraid she might give herself away. Surely Mira would immediately see through her - know that she was getting a kick out of needing the toilet.

Mira laughed, giving Lilly's hand a reassuring squeeze. "How about this, then: I need to pee so badly that I am moments away from having an accident on Mira's couch. May I please use the toilet?"

Lilly froze. She knew...

There was no hiding it now. With the cat out of the bag, the young mare snorted desperately and shook her mane. Both hands rubbing away at her crotch, she whinnied, "I need t-to pee. Need the toilet! Please! 'm gonna piss in my pants if I can't...!"

Lilly saw a shiver run down Mira's spine as the older mare looked her straight in the eyes.

"You're feeling those bladder spasms, hm? That parasympathetic activity?"

Lilly could only nod furiously, grunting as another wave of need rolled through her body.

"Please...! Toilet...! Where...?"

Mira, however, remained unphased. "See, right now, the receptors in your bladder wall are being stimulated so much, they're causing you all sorts of havoc. You're sweating, your heart rate is through the roof. I suspect your bladder is contracting and it's taking all your effort to keep those muscles tight, hm?"

Lilly nodded again, still fighting back the urge to piss herself, frantically squirming in place.

"Are your panties still dry, hun?" Mira asked quietly, again squeezing Lilly's hand, more forcefully than before.

The wave peaked and again Lilly's pelvic muscles buckled, releasing a short, hard spurt of pent-up urine into her panties. Her fingers were wet before she could regain control.

Lilly looked down at her crotch, then stared at her wet hand. With a look of disbelief she raised it, dripping fingers her reply to Mira's question.

"Fuck... " the black mare said, "You really are about to piss yourself, girl. You wanna use the bathroom before you completely embarrass yourself?"

"YES!" Lilly yelled.

Mira's response was sharp and immediate.

"Then beg for it."

For just a moment, there was absolute silence, apart from the squeaking of the leather. Then Lilly caved.

"Please! I've got to go so badly! Pee...! Please! Let me piss...! Please...? I can't hold it anymore. I need it!"

Tears started welling up in Lilly's eyes as she bounced on the spot, staring expectantly at the unmoving Mira.

"I lied, okay? I already had to piss like crazy when I arrived. I'm l-leaking, Mira! Please... I'm dying for the toilet. I'll do anything, just let me empty my bladder before I wet myself. I can't wait!"

She felt another wave approaching, her bladder starting to contract against the resistance of her valiant muscles. Her eyes grew wide as the realisation hit her. She wasn't going to survive this one.

"I'm literally going to piss my pants if I can't go to the toilet right now!" she gasped.

For one long, agonising moment, Mira stared at her, her black eyes devouring the sight of the younger mare squirming on her couch.

"It's through there," she finally said, pointing to the bedroom door.

In a flash Lilly was on her feet - or at least that's what she had planned.

The moment she bent forwards, the stab from her overfull bladder hit her. Instead she had to lean sideways, more rolling off the couch than standing up. The pain was exquisite, almost too much to bear - and yet it felt so good.

She made it exactly three steps towards the door before her strength was exhausted. She clenched her pelvic muscles as hard as she could and still she felt a constant trickle of hot liquid dribbling down the inside of her jeans leg. Then the trickle turned into a stream. By the time the stream had turned into a flood, she was turning around to face Mira, both hands covering her muzzle in shame, leaving her glistening crotch on full display.

The angry, muffled hiss of her pee rushing through her panties filled the room, a puddle quickly growing around her hooves. For a moment, Lilly didn't even feel like her accident was having any effect on her bladder, but then, when it realised that its frantic contractions were no longer being met with resistance, the feeling of relief and release it radiated almost made her faint.

"Oooh.... Pissiiing..." Lilly sighed, slowly sinking to her knees as hot urine continued to pour out of her.

"Damn, girl, you make it look like so much fun."

Lilly looked up at Mira who was still sitting on the couch in front of her. The black mare was taking in the entire scene, fingers of one hand shamelessly masturbating herself through her black trousers, "You were so desperate to piss yourself. Couldn't even wait to get to the bathroom before soaking your pants. And you're not even done. I bet you couldn't stop if your life depended on it..."

Lilly shook her head, staring in shock as the lake around her continued to expand towards the rug on the floor.

"Not even done... Please... don't make me stop pissing...!" she whimpered.

With a wet THUD a thick towel landed on the floor, blocking any further advances her piss could make towards the rug. Then Mira threw another in her direction. Nobody was more surprised than Lilly herself by the fact that she actually caught it.

She folded it up a few times, then squeezed it between her legs and sank down to the floor until she was straddling the soft, absorbent fabric, letting it soak up what was still copiously pouring out of her body.

There was plenty of piss left in her bladder and by the time her stream finally came to an end, the towel was thoroughly soaked.

"You weren't exaggerating in your messages," Mira said with a smile as she surveyed the size of the mess on the floor. "Over fifty ounces you said... seem about right to me."

As she slowly came down from her high and the full reality of what had just occurred sank in, Lilly found herself shivering with embarrassment. "S-sorry...! I'm so sorry... I..."

Before she knew it, Mira was sitting next to her on the floor, right in her puddle. She kissed the younger mare, cutting off any further excuses.

"Ssh... that was the hottest thing I've ever done," she whispered. "Is this what you had in mind for our first time? I know when we spoke online you said you didn't want me to give you an easy out, but I didn't expect you to let it get quite this bad. I hope I didn't push you too hard? 'cause it certainly got me all hot and bothered..."

Lilly nodded shyly. "You did everything right, Mira. Thank you for sharing this with me. I meant what I said online. I can't help myself. I just get off on lying about not needing the bathroom. A-and... and the begging."

Again Mira kissed her. "Want to show me how much?"

"More than anything," was Lilly's reply.

The next minutes were a blur. She didn't really take in how Mira led her to the bathroom, how they stripped each other naked, leaving a pile of soaked clothing on the tiled floor or how they stepped into the shower together.

Hungry licks and kisses ensued, Lilly's hands exploring the black beauty before her while Mira returned the favour.

Lilly gasped when her fingers first made contact with her wet, swollen crotch.

"You're soaked in more ways than one," Mira said with approval.

"All your fault..."

Lilly was about to say something else, but when Mira suddenly slammed her fingers right into her depths, all she could do was cry out in ecstasy.

She tried to make the sensation last, she really did, but in her current state, mere seconds of Mira's finger fucking was all she could take before a massive climax crashed over her.

Her body convulsed, spraying the last of her urine into Mira's palm.

"You needed that almost as badly as you needed th- rrroohhh..."

Mira's teasing was cut short, a low, rumbling neigh of contentment escaping her lips instead as Lilly began to place a trail of kisses down her chin and neck. With little pecks she made her way between Mira's breasts and towards her belly button.

When she reached the rather conspicuous bulge just below, Mira winced.

"Ooh...?" Lilly giggled. "Looks like I'm not the only one who could use the toilet, hm?"

"Fuuck, girl... I couldn't exactly miss the show, could I? Without that, I'd have been in here an hour ago."

Lilly looked up along her lover's curves, feeling her cheeks glow as she said, "How badly do you need to pee right now?"

"Maybe not exactly accident territory, but definitely bordering on emergency."

Wrapping her arms around Mira's waist, Lilly placed a few more teasing kissed on the full bladder in front of her.

"I hope you'll return the favour sometime and let me watch you venture into 'accident territory'. But right now, I want to feel your piss all over me."

She looked up and when their eyes met, she whispered. "Do it... Right here."

With that, she rudely shoved her chin between Mira's thighs, spreading them apart. The black mare didn't need much more convincing. She sank into a half-squat, her tail lifting in that lewd, tell-tale manner right in front of Lilly's eyes.

She could feel Mira relaxing as she rubbed the ridge of her muzzle against those arousal-scented folds above and almost instantly a hot, wet flood washed over her face.

"Ooh... that feels good," Mira gasped as Lilly's tongue got to work, exploring every inch of her nethers even while she was getting covered in her piss.

It didn't take long for her to push Mira over the edge.

"F-fuuh... careful, you're gonna make me... right here... while I'm pissing... I'm gonna...!"

Still pissing, the black mare suddenly bucked, her formerly steady stream turning into a series of long high pressure bursts as she climaxed mid-piss.

Eventually Lilly needed to breathe, reluctantly withdrawing from the spot between Mira's thighs and instead letting the flow wash over her breasts and down her body.

"Then we're even," she smirked, allowing Mira to calm down and finish soaking her breasts.

She groaned with disappointment when Mira's bladder was finally empty, prompting her to laugh once more as she offered Lilly a hand.

"How about we quickly rinse off and I show you my bed? We could rut each other silly while I tell you all about how hot you look when you're pretending that you're not literally moments away from pissing your pants?"

Lilly grunted in response, got up and wrapped her arms tightly around her. With one swift motion, she turned the faucet to let the warm rain of the shower wash over them.

"Can you please never stop telling me that...?"

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