First Day Camping

Story by Kanja on SoFurry

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This is my first upload, please leave comments and critisism so I can improve! Thanks for viewing!

He swung the mallet a final time, burying the last stake deep into the soil. The wolf dropped the tool, and stood admiring the tent he had so painstakingly erected.

"Looks good!" He looked over to see his girlfriend unloading the last of the gear from his yellow 4x4.

He smiled to himself. "Thanks. The tent isn't half bad either."

Ariel rolled her eyes and continued placing her bag into the olive tent. "Kaiden, you wish."

Kaiden smiled to himself, but held his tongue. There had been enough playful banter on the drive out. He chose instead to seat himself on a log, placed conveniently close to the soot covered fire pit by some previous visitor.

Ariel zipped the nylon doors of the tent closed, and turned to face Kaiden. The fox raised her nose into a breeze and inhaled deeply. "Ah! The air in the city just can't compare." She smiled.

Kaiden stood. "I'm glad we came out here. You picked a good spot."

Ariel grinned at him. "I've been coming out here since I was little. I can't believe you lived so close and never made it."

"Whatever, call me deprived. Besides..." He stood and approached Ariel. "I have the perfect tour guide to show me around."

Ariel shifted her weight to one leg, crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows playfully. "Oh, DO you now? And who might that be?"

"Oh, nobody special." Kaiden leaned in and stole a quick kiss, to which Ariel teasingly pushed him away. "Watch it, mister."

The wind picked up speed, causing the tops of the adult pines to sway. Golden leaves from neighboring trees flitted across the ground in the breeze."Brr!" Ariel shivered, drawing her arms close around her torso. "Autumn is coming early this year. I'm grabbing a sweatshirt. Want one?"

Kaiden shook his head, and returned to his stump. He pried open the cooler and opened a bottle of water.

Ariel emerged from the tent wearing a worn gray college sweatshirt. "Can you toss me one of those?" The wolf obliged.

"So I was thinking," Ariel said after she had finished her drink, "we could probably squeeze in a nature walk before it gets to dark." Kaiden's smile faded. "Going bird watching? I thought you said this was all about relaxing and taking in the natural beauty out here." Ariel stood, defiantly packing a backpack with essentials. The wolf groaned from his stump. "Shut up," Ariel called. " It will be fun, trust me."

Four miles later, Kaiden braced himself on a tree, panting. Ariel looked back at him, determining that taking a break would be easier than convincing him forward. She tossed her tattered backpack at him. "There are a couple of granola bars in there, as well as another water bottle."

Kaiden made an incomprehensible 'thank you' before tearing into the rations. Ariel rolled her eyes at the embellished scene of survival.

"Gees, did you eat anything today?"

"Big Appetite." Kaiden replied, bits of granola falling from his jaw.

Ariel sat beside Kaiden, brushing twigs and burrs out of his new red plaid shirt. While her gear was worn from many excursions, all of Kaiden's gear had been purchased from the local sporting goods store almost immediately before the trip. Ariel couldn't help but smile to herself, scanning Kaiden from his now muddied hiking boots to his maw, still a host for a variety of granola bits. Ariel knew that as Kaiden had been raised in the city most of his life, coming on this trip was a significant effort for him. She thought to herself how charming it was of him to have had purchased all sorts of camping supplies just to please her. Kaiden was out of his element out here, but he did if for her. "He really is a sweetie." Ariel thought to herself. She noticed a mosquito irritating Kaiden's ear, and as she brushed it away with her black paws, she began to trace the triangular shape of the wolfs ear down to his head. Kaiden stopped chewing. He turned to Ariel with a look of surprise. "Are you...petting me?"

Ariel stopped, suddenly embarrassed. "No, don't be silly." She tried to stand up and turn at the same time, clumsily wiping Kaiden's wet nose with the underside of her tail. She walked away at a quickened pace. Had her fur not been such a vibrant shade of red, she knew Kaiden would see her blushing. Had the act been intentional, it could have had more erotic connotations. Silently she cursed herself for her clumsiness. Kaiden, now alert from the interaction, quickly stood and jogged to catch up. He had unconsciously caught a whiff of her scent, and unexplainably found himself rejuvenated. He caught up to Ariel, and smiled at her. She secretly blushed, but returned the smile.

As the couple walked through a clearing along the trail, their strides became more in sync. Ariel excitedly pointed out the different colors of leaves, explaining how she could distinguish the type of tree by the diverse colors. Kaiden nodded, looking upward at the crisp blue sky. The sun had begun to take a steeper angle in the atmosphere, casting longer shadows across the land. Unconsciously, the wolf and the fox's fingers intertwined.

They walked the rest of the trail, holding paws and conversing softly with each other. Kaiden paused occasionally to take photographs with his new digital camera. Despite his protests, Ariel avoided the cameras eye. He quickly filled the memory card to capacity, and spent the rest of the trek debating which picture he could stand to delete in order to make room for another. When they had arrived back at their campsite, the sun was a low ginger orb. The sky had become an artist's easel; magentas and oranges faded together, pastels swirled and slowly vanished. The patterns were ever changing, each more beautiful than the last.

The flash of Kaiden's camera excitedly pierced the escalating darkness, sporadically interrupted only when he filled the jam-packed memory. "Ariel, look at this one! No, no, this one!"

The fox glanced at him, and then returned to her vantage point on the ground. She lay on her back, fingers laced behind her head. She had perfected the position after years of stargazing and cloud watching. Kaiden kept clicking away. After a sudden silence, Ariel felt a sudden flare, and looked through half blinded eyes to see Kaiden had taken a candid photograph. She leapt up with acrobatic speed.

"No! Delete it!" she cried, trying to force the camera from his paws. Kaiden held it above his head. He had barely had a chance to review the photograph before it had instantly been determined unsuitable for display. He thought it was humourous how a single photograph could turn the previously calm and guiding fox into a jumping crying mess. Kaiden found it most amusing, but felt a bit guilty for bothering her peaceful nap. Ariel was about to say something when she heard Kaiden softly say, "I can't delete it. It's the most beautiful picture I've taken all night."

Admittedly the line was horrendously cheesy, but she couldn't help her feelings. Her panic melted away. She saw the wolf's goofy smile, and his nervous anticipation for her reaction. She felt as her heart were filled with helium and it was all she could do to keep from floating. "Oh, Kai, that's so nice! You're such a cutie." Kaiden's heart beat more rapidly, and he tried to keep from smiling like an idiot.

"Don't you mean such a handsome, strapping young lad with rugged good looks?" Ariel stopped. Though she was tremendously flattered, there was no way she could let him have that. "You keep telling yourself that Kaiden."

As the sky transitioned into a deep indigo, Kaiden found himself fighting a pile of sticks and leaves that he had intended to turn into a campfire. He bit his lower lip, clicking the butane lighter yet again, and haphazardly shoving it into the assortment of tinder. Ariel watched from a fold out chair. "Need any help?" she asked. Kaiden forced a smile.

"No, I'm doing alright. It'll be up and roaring in no time." Ariel grinned to herself, but said nothing. Best not to hurt his pride. She took a sip from a wine cooler, and tucked her paws into her sweatshirt pocket. At long last, the fuel caught, and a modest fire illuminated the campsite. Kaiden stood triumphantly. "Let there be light!" he proclaimed, with a smile brighter than the fire. Ariel gave a brief round of applause. Kaiden collapsed into his log/throne, opened a beer, and for the first time since their arrival had a moment to relax. He let his mind wander.

He focused on the trees, swaying in the night breeze, the smell of pine and sap so crisp and clean. He looked at the stars, each sparkling cleanly against the mysterious sky. Never before had he seen stars shine so vibrantly, or in such immense quantities. His gaze shifted to the fire itself, comparing what had once been a damp pile of decaying leaves and broken sticks to the brilliant circus of flame he saw before him. Each stick snapped and gleamed, providing inviting warmth that kept the cool night air at bay. The beauty of it all astounded Kaiden, but neither the night air, the stars nor the fire could stir the emotion he felt when he caught a glimpse of Ariel. It was to be a moment forever etched into his mind.

She sat in the fold out chair, feet tucked up under her, with her tail wrapped around them. She rested her head on a tired paw, and gazed into the fire, thinking perhaps the same thoughts Kaiden had been thinking moments before. The fire illuminated her golden eyes; bringing heavenly warmth to them Kaiden had never seen before. It was as if they were laughing at some secret joke. The fire complemented her radiant scarlet coat as well as highlighting the spotless white fur that accented her slender neckline. She sat completely still, save the occasional tail twitch. It felt like eternity that he looked upon her, and a blissful eternity at that. She finally realized she was being viewed, and turned to look at Kaiden.

"What?" She asked, cocking her head to one side. Kaiden smiled, and spoke simply.

"You truly are beautiful, you know that right?"

Ariel was speechless. She had so many feelings she couldn't decide on her next course of action. She had been seeing Kaiden for a little over six months, but she had known him much longer. He was generally very reserved, and it had taken ages for him to get up the nerve to ask her out on a date, let alone kiss her. His few words spoke volumes to her, and she felt a sudden passion for him that she could not put into words. She looked at the gray wolf and felt a comfort and happiness. She stood and walked to him.

Kaiden didn't know what to expect. Ariel stood in front of him, trying to figure out something to say. It was all Kaiden could do to keep his knees from giving out. He began to panic, he wanted to run, to turn back time, to do anything to restore the cocky persona he wore when he had traded jokes with her. She took a breath, and Kaiden acted on impulse. He leaned forward and kissed her.

Ariel was surprised yet again. Before she knew what was happening, she was embracing him, running her fingers through his neck fur and leaning into him. Time stood still as they embraced each other, hearts throbbing in sync, and both surrendering to each other. Ariel knew at that moment that the time was right. They were going to make love tonight.

Daintily holding his paw, she led the wolf into the tent. Kaiden turned to fasten the doors, and Ariel lay down on an air mattress. Kaiden turned and saw Ariel pulling the gray college sweatshirt over her head, tossing it aside. Kaiden knelt beside her, turning on a battery-powered lantern that cast a warm glow over the nylon cave. He began unbuttoning his shirt when Ariel stopped him. Gazing up at him, she finished unbuttoning the shirt and sensually pulled it from his shoulders, revealing Kaiden's modestly muscled physique. Kaiden could feel himself growing aroused. Ariel teasingly pulled off her fitted t-shirt, tossing it away. Kaiden inhaled deeply. He could smell the tent, synthetic materials fresh from the store. He could smell the sweat clinging to both of their bodies. He could smell the bug spray they had applied on the hike. He could faintly smell the campfire in their clothes. But best of all, Kaiden could smell Ariel's increasing excitement.

He struggled with his boots, opting to tug them off instead of taking the time to unlace them. He threw them to a corner of the tent, and began fumbling with his socks before the boots had time to hit the floor. He had stripped down to his boxers, when he turned and stopped. Ariel lay naked, posing on the air mattress. Kaiden felt his jaw drop. He collapsed next to her, admiring her up close. She was a work of art. Kaiden could see the outlines of lean muscle, her perfect hourglass figure, and the elegant pattern of crimson, white, and black fur. He placed his hands on her shoulders, and slowly worked his way down to her breasts. They were beautiful, just the right size. They were soft, yet firm. Covered in snow-white fur, he noticed her nipples were erect from either cold or excitement. He hoped the latter. He wanted to spend hours admiring the perfect pair he had found, but he knew there was more to explore. He worked his way down, caressing her firm abdominal and oblique muscles. He softly kissed her navel, and Ariel responded positively. Traveling lower and lower, he eventually reached Ariel's nether regions. It was here the strongest aromas wafted through the air. Her natural fragrance was exotic and sweet, as if a ripened fruit. The wolf praised the brilliant architect who designed such a perfect structure. He pressed his wet nose to her and inhaled deeply. A symphony of scent bombarded his senses. He felt his wolfhood straining to free itself from his boxers. Ariel took notice.

"May I?" she asked coyly. Kaiden positioned himself close to her for ease of access. She tugged at the fabric, the job not made easier by the sweat and heat. When she finally had them at his feet, she examined her prize. Kaidens pink cock was poking halfway out of his gray furred sheath. Kaiden shyly reached down to take care of the problem, but Ariel stopped him. "Allow me." She moved her muzzle close, and extended her flat pink tongue enough to lick the first drips of precum off of his member. Kaiden struggled to breath. Ariel continued, working her tongue along the bottom of his now exposed shaft, circling the tip slowly, only to pull away at the last second and focus her attention on another part of the shaft. She eventually pressed her lips firmly against the tip, and ever so slowly pushed herself down onto the shaft, taking it into her warm wet mouth. She bobbed up and down, increasing the amount she took in with every plunge. She almost got the entire thing until she withdrew. Kaiden was larger than she had expected. She took a couple deep breaths, looked at Kaiden and smiled.

"You're a... You're a big boy, huh?" Kaiden blushed, but couldn't respond. He was still recovering from having his mind blown. Ariel shifted herself into a position that allowed Kaiden easier access to her entrance, and Kaiden quickly took notice. He crawled on all fours until he was directly over her, looking down into her nervous eyes. He positioned himself, months of desire and suppressed passion erupting within him. He was about to make the first thrust, when Ariel stopped him.

"Kaiden?" she said, almost worriedly. Kaiden snapped out of the trance he was in.

"What? Are you okay?" Ariel smiled gently.

"Kaiden... I love you."

Kaiden was blissful. Hearing Ariel say those words was better than the blowjob. He slowly leaned down and kissed her with all the zeal he possessed. When they had finished, he repositioned himself. "Ariel, I'll count down. 3..." He said, swaying his hips slightly. His member bobbed in anticipation Ariel exhaled slowly.

"2..." he said, thrusting until his pulsing head pressed firmly against Ariel's soft, snow white furred lips. Ariel held her breath.

"1!" he cried. With a strength he didn't know he had, Kaiden buried himself into Ariel's hot, tight private flesh.

Ariel barely heard him say '1'. The intense moment of Kaiden filling her up made her gasp and clench the air mattress involuntarily. The wolf who had been so shy and nervous not an hour before had given over to his more primal instincts of breeding, and had hilted himself on the first thrust. She felt him pulling back and pressing forward, pulling back and pressing forward, with enough force to actually move her closer to the edge of the air mattress. Before she knew it, the initial pain faded away, and she began to enjoy the experience of being ridden. Then she began to love it. She gave herself over to her animal instincts, and began pressing against Kaiden, begging him to ride her harder, faster. Pleasure rolled through her body, a crescendo of sensation forcing all inhibitions from her mind. As eloquently as she could manage, she begged Kaiden to fuck her harder and faster. Kaiden was only happy to oblige. The avid session continued for several minutes, both partners building to a climax. Ariel felt herself reaching the limit. Time slowed for her, and she felt herself being pushed closer and closer to the edge. Kaiden proceeded to increase his pace, gray balls slapping against her faster and faster. Ariel let out a scream as she came. It was as if her soul was being released. She felt lightheaded, and collapsed into her pillow, and after regaining her composure, stretched and encouraged Kaiden to finish up.

Kaiden could feel the pressure building in his loins. Ariel's sweet juices ran down his thighs, coating the new unused mattress. He felt his knot growing inside her; It had been such a long time since he felt the sensation. When he knew the time was right, he made one final thrust into her and released his payload. Ariel felt spurt after spurt of seed hit her internal walls, and she smiled as he slowly relaxed. He collapsed on top of Ariel, breathing heavily. She smiled at him, and he smiled at her in return. She craned her head up and placed a kiss delicately upon his lips. He smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

They remained tied together for a while after, Kaiden only pulling out when he was completely back to normal. He then rolled over sideways, onto the mattress immediately next to Ariel's.

"That was fantastic." He sighed.

"You were fantastic." Ariel replied, giving him a light push with her dark paw.

Kaiden sat up, suddenly serious. "It was good for you? I don't want to move to fast."

Ariel propped herself up on an elbow. "No, tonight was perfect. I couldn't ask for more. I'm glad we took this step, Kai. I really am."

Kaiden fell back with a sigh of relief. He was too happy for words. He raised an eyebrow and turned towards Ariel. He knew a stupid comment was just what the moment needed.

"So, This is the natural beauty I've been hearing so much about." Ariel opened an eye.

"Kaiden, I love you but sometimes you are such an idiot." He laughed and pushed her playfully, and she returned the gesture. Both to tired to sleep, they lay awake and playfully conversed back and forth.

Outside the tent, the fire smoldered. The ground became covered with fine dew, and a thick fog rose over a lake in the distance. Eventually the suns rays touched the earth, and a new day began.