Summer's End

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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The end of summer is approaching, but Christine plans on making the most of every moment before Kemper and Shelby return to college.

This story was written for Kemper as their patreon flash fiction reward for September 2018. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and incest. :3

Summer's End

The summer break was coming to an end, and soon both Kemper and Shelby would be headed back to their apartment for the start of the new college semester. Perhaps many college-goers would be glad of that fact, eager to get back out from under the roof of their family home and to regain some independence and all of the opportunities that brought with it. But then, most college-goers weren't Kemper, and most of them didn't have the rather unique relationship that he had developed over the past year with both his older sister, and indeed his mother, too.

"I'm gonna miss you both..."

Christine growled as Kemper slipped into the kitchen, the front of the boxer shorts he'd slipped on as the scent of cooking bacon roused him from slumber tented unabashedly as he approached where his mother was standing in front of the stove, gently whisking a glass bowl set up over a pan of boiling water to make her famous smooth as silk scrambled eggs.

"The house has felt so full since you've been back. So alive. And... oh. Aahh, Kemper... so have I."

The older sabretooth shuddered and moaned as her son embraced her from behind, rock hard cock pressing against her backside through the soft pyjama trousers she was wearing and hands lifting the fabric of her loose vest top to gain access to the older woman's large breasts. Christine turned her head and kissed her son upon the cheek, sighing happily as he turned his head to face hers. They kissed, neither of them the slightest bit self conscious about doing so any longer. It didn't matter that they were mother and son and more than it mattered that Shelby and Kemper were brother and sister, or that Shelby and Christine were mother and daughter. This summer had been an awakening for the three of them. A redefining of what family could mean, and what joys a family could share if they were only open and honest enough with one another to do so.

"You'll visit, right? You'll come see me and Shelby at college?"

Kemper whispered hopefully to his mother as he slid down her pyjama trousers and ran his hands over her softly furred ass, gently lifting her tail with one hand as the other freed his cock from his underwear, soon sliding it between her plump cheeks and grinding more firmly yet intimately than ever against her. The older feline purred and nodded, still stirring the pot of eggs while she rocked back against her son's deliciously intimate touch.

"Oh, baby... of course. After this summer, a-after what we've shared... I can't spend months away from you, either of you. Your father is a wonderful and giving lover, but... what I need? What I want is more than he can give me. I need the two of you. My Kemper, my Shelby. I need your energy. Your enthusiasm. Your... oh. Oh Kemper. Oh god..."

Christine's toes curled against the tiled kitchen floor, and a strained grunt of bliss escaped her as Kemper bent his knees ever so slightly while his hands reached to her thighs, pulling them gently apart, coaxing her into spreading her legs so that he could slip between them where they stood and bring his cock to bear against her wet pussy. She stopped stirring the eggs, and braced herself against the sides of the stove so that she didn't end up collapsing forward upon it and the pan of boiling water resting upon it. It was a good thing too, because when her son's cock slid so comfortably, so easily into her hot pussy there was a moment where practically every muscle in her body seemed to go limp, surrendering herself entirely to the bliss of their incestuous union.

For a while after they began to fuck, neither mother nor son spoke. There really wasn't anything to say beyond what their bodies and their wordless moans were already capable of expressing with perfect clarity, and as Kemper nibbled and applied a flurry of gentle kisses to his mother's neck while she tried in vain to continue focusing on the impending breakfast she was meant to be making for everyone living beneath their roof, it was Christine's whimpers and cries that soon began to ring out louder and louder around the kitchen. Over the months of their summer break Kemper had learned a lot from his mother. Tricks he had brought to bear upon his sister's body to her immense delight, but also things that were very personal to his mother. Things she liked, things she craved that until recently only her husband had been privy to. Shortcuts not just to pleasure, but to uncontrolled ecstasy that boiled up rapidly, frantically within her.

"Oh. Ohh Kemper, you're... oh yes... god yes!"

Christine's eyes rolled back in her head as her son's hands came to rest beneath her vest, clawed fingertips pressing ever so delicately against the flesh of her flanks. He ran them down, raking his digits from the base of his mother's ribs over the curving folds of her plump stomach and all the way down to her hips, then turning and sliding those same fingers back up again in a similarly delicate yet tantalising manner. He felt his mother's fur bristling as the flesh beneath it rose into goosebumps, and he felt her whole body shake against him.

"Yes. Yesss..."

Her whimpers grew more strained and exuberant with each passing moment, and the more that Kemper touched her in that gentle yet obviously intimate manner, the more uncontrollably and joyously his mother reacted. His cheeks flushed, not just because he was fucking her, not just because his cock was slipping in and out of his mother's slick pussy in a manner that felt utterly incredible, but because he knew why she loved that feeling of being touched in that very precise manner so much. She loved it because that was how her husband, his father, had caressed her body the night that she had fallen pregnant with each of her two children. Because he had caressed her sides and her belly as he whispered to her how much he loved her, and how he intended by the time the night was done to ensure that they would soon have a child with which to share their love.

Even now, twenty years later and with no chance of Christine ever becoming pregnant again, that touch still filled her with the same thrill it had back then. It still made her feel so fertile, so ready, so motherly and sexy all at once. And now, to have the son born because of those tender touches in the first place being the one applying them to her body...

"Kemper, I... oh god. I'm cumming!"

Finally Christine abandoned the stove, arching her back and pushing herself into Kemper's embrace wholeheartedly. She lifted herself up onto the tips of her toes before pulling herself down against Kemper's cock, grunting and gasping as she came so close to locking herself against him with his knot, a lingering remnant of the canine heritage several generations back on her side of the family. Her pussy spasmed, and a ragged, breathless cry escaped her as true to her feverishly whimpered word she began to cum around him, against him, lost in ecstasy as he nipped at her and stroked her and pumped his cock against her with deep, joyous growls of his own.

"Mom. Oh. Oh, fuck, mom!"

Feeling her milking him, squeezing him, her hot juices running down around his swollen knot, Kemper growled adoringly to the woman responsible for his life, and as she continued to squirm and shudder against him, he jerked his hips sharply upward and with a feverish snarl began to unload into her hungrily quivering depths in return. His cum lashed her clutching walls, and as Kemper bit down on his mother's left shoulder to muffle his own roars of pleasure, one hand rose to cover her muzzle in turn and stifle the joyous scream that burst forth as she felt her son's cum painting her insides with its virile, copious heat.

They clung together like they hoped that orgasm would never end, and even when its intense surges of pleasure began to fade away into the warmth of afterglow their bodies kept rocking, kept twitching against one another until both were simply too sensitive to continue. Blushing, trembling, they parted for just a moment. For just long enough for Kemper's erection to slip out of his mother and for her to turn to face her son head on at last. She wrapped her arms around him, and with a matching smile of satisfaction, love and gratitude upon their faces, they kissed deeply once more, Kemper's paws even playfully squeezing at his mother's rump while they did so.

"Breakfast will be ready in about five minutes..."

Christine murmured as their lips parted, and she glanced back at the stove where the eggs were thankfully still intact thanks to the gentle cooking from the double boiler, if not quite as smooth as they might have been had she kept stirring them all the while.

"Go wake your sister. Then... when you're done..."

She smirked, knowing full well how Kemper would wake Shelby up even as he licked his lips in anticipation.

"...wake your father too. With the summer coming to an end, I want us all to spend as much of these last few days together as possible."

Kemper nodded, but he lingered in his mother's arms for a moment or two longer as he saw her face flushing beneath her fur once again. Sure enough, after a few seconds of lingering silence she spoke up with a final, bashfully eager comment.

"In fact maybe... maybe tomorrow, when your dad goes off to work in the morning, you, your sister and I can spend the whole day together."

Grinning, Kemper growled tenderly, pecked his mother on the lips once more, and nodded as he stepped away from her, re-positioning his boxer shorts to cover his slowly softening erection and taking a moment to regard his mother's damp thighs and her pyjama trousers wrapped around her calves.

"That sounds like a great plan, mom. I'm sure that the three of us can find some way to pass the time."

The sabretooth male licked his lips, chuckled softly, and stepped out of the kitchen to go and wake his sister up for breakfast with his lips wrapped around her throbbing clit. He left his mother in the kitchen, blushing and still able to feel her son's cum inside her, still warm, still wet as it trickled over her still quivering inner walls. And as she heard his footsteps ascending the stairs, and imagined him slipping into his big sister's room, sliding under the covers and coaxing her legs apart, a deep rumbling purr escaped her.

She turned back to the stove, back to breakfast, and with her pyjamas still wrapped around her lower legs and her breasts still hanging out of her loose and dishevelled vest, she began to hum happily as she cooked while thinking forward to tomorrow. To a whole day with her wonderful, beautiful family, and all the pleasure yet to be shared between them before the summer's end.

By Jeeves

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