Journey to the Tree of Life Chapter One

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#1 of Journey to the Tree of Life

So for the last few months since the moment I finished my last story I have been writing this story. It turned into an almost 30,000 word 50+ page story. I am going to start posting one chapter a week as editing gets finished.

I couldn't have done it without @AlcosaurusRex, @RadixPanther, and everyone else at the Pridelands After Dark Creative Den. Thank you guys so much for all of the editing, support, encouragement, suggestions, and help!

I hope you all enjoy this story and look forward to Chapter Two next week!

Please comment!

Chapter 1:

I pace back and forth inside the Guard's lair. What is taking so long?! They should be back by now! I swat at a pebble and send it, flying, across the cave. Ever since Simba rescued me from my mother a few months ago, I have grown very close to him, and his son, Kion. Finally, I have a family that loves me, both physically and emotionally.

Now though, Kion is off fighting the ghost of my father, in a volcano of all places, guarded by all of my father's minions. I want to help so bad, but Kion said I should stay here. He wants to know I am safe. I growl and swat at another rock, sending it ricocheting off a wall. Well I want to know he is safe too!


Damn that snake! Damn him to the hottest fires where the evil lions of the past dwell! I limp, along with the help of Fuli, on our way back to the Pridelands. I didn't think I could spread my hind legs wider and still be able to walk! I close my eyes and grimace, my balls hurt so bad. Why did I have to be so distracted by Scar that I didn't see that damn snake?! Why did that asshole have to bite me THERE of all places! And why in all of the world did I have to be so horny right now?!

I can feel my stiff, little cock bounce against my belly again and again; I want to swipe at it. As we cross the next rise, I can see Priderock off in the distance. Thank the Kings Above, I am almost home. Kovu must be worried sick. I wonder how he will react when he learns what happened.


I watch as Kion limps back through the entrance to the lair, and I am so relieved. He is finally back! I rush over to him as fast as I can, and almost run him over. I go over and nuzzle him, making sure he is okay.

"Kion! You're back! Are you okay? Why are you limping? Did you defeat Scar?" I say all at once.

Kion winces and smiles before nuzzling me back.

"Yes, Scar is finally gone, but Ushari managed to bite me. It hurts so bad!" He looks away in embarrassment before whispering to me, "And my hard on just won't go away!"

"Well, I can help with at least part of that," I whisper back to him.

Kion laughs. "Thank you Kovu, I'm sure you can, but I think I need Rafiki first. That miserable snake bit my balls! I want to make sure they're okay."

"Me too! I don't know what I would do if anything happened to them. I'd probably go into cum withdrawals!"

Kion swats me playfully, "Ha ha. You'd probably just suck dad off more."

I gasp and react in mock horror, "What?! I would never! Besides, yours tastes better."

We both laugh, "Thank you Kovu, I needed that."

"Kion! Kion!" Ono yells as he flies in, "I got Rafiki!"

We both look over to see the old monkey making his way into the lair, "Now what seems to be the problem, Kion?"


"I got bitten by that damn snake, Ushari!"

"Ah, I see. Where did he bite you?"

I see Kovu break into giggles before he says, "On his nuts!"

I shoot him a, 'it's not funny' look, but I think that only makes it worse.

"Oh my! That is not a good place to get bit!"

"Tell me about it!"

"Okay, okay. Relax Kion and turn around. Let me see."

Reluctantly, I do as I am told and turn around; lifting my tail. I know it's coming but I still almost jump out of my fur when those weird, old hands grab my balls. It feels like he spends hours looking at them, rolling them around, and rubbing them. At last I clear my throat, trying to get his attention.

"Hmm, Kion, this is not good. Your testes are very swollen, and so is your penis...I'm afraid the venom has entered your balls. I have seen this before, but it has been a while. When an animal is bitten where you were with any kind of venom, it affects them differently. It doesn't poison their body, it poisons their mind. It is already starting to affect you, and the longer it is inside of you the more it will fill you with unending lust. If it goes untreated, you will start mating with everyone and everything around you, whether they want it or not; nothing you do will be able to sate that lust."

Just as Rafiki finishes speaking, my mom and dad rush into the lair. Both of them look worried.

"Kion, are you okay? Ono told us that Ushari bit you... on your balls..." my dad says, trying to stifle a laugh.

My mom shoots him a dirty look and my dad quickly puts on his serious face.

"Rafiki said that the venom will fill me with lust and that I'll just start raping everyone!"

"But you can help him, right Rafiki?" my mom asks.

"Unfortunately, there is nothing in the Pridelands that can heal him. But not to worry, there is a place where he can get the help he needs. Kion will have to journey to the Tree of Life. They will be able to help him there."

"The Tree of Life? Where's that?" I ask.

"It is a long journey from here, and you will have to make several stops along the way to keep you from giving in to your lust. You will also need someone to go along with you, to help you between stops."


"I'll go! I'll help Kion with his needs on the way to the Tree of Life!"

Kion, smiling, nuzzles me gently. "Thank you Kovu, I would love for you to come with me. Well that part was easy; now how do we get there?"

"First, you must go beyond the Outlands and meet a cheetah there named Azaad. He will be able to sate your needs until you get to the next stop. Next, you will travel to the Great Forest where you will meet a pack of wolves. They have very special equipment that will keep you happy for quite some time. Then, in the foothills of the snow capped mountains, you will find a sleuth of bears with their cubs; they will help you get the rest of the way from there."

"Wow, that's a really long journey... but as long as we stick together, we should be able to do it!"

"Of course we can do it, Kovu! As long as you're with me, we can do anything!"

"Are you both sure?" Simba asks hesitantly.

"Yeah, dad. We're sure we will be fine." Kion says before going up to nuzzle his father.

"You boys should get going," Rafiki tells us, "The sooner you get to the Tree of Life, the better."

Without much fanfare, we say our goodbyes to everyone and set out. Getting through the Pridelands is a breeze. Within a couple of hours, we reach the edge of the Outlands. Everything happened so fast. It isn't until now that I actually stop to look back, thinking about how long it would be until we saw our home again. I'm not able to dwell on it for more than a moment, though, before Kion is calling back for me to keep up.

About half way through the arid, rocky terrain of the Outlands, we stop at one of the few watering holes to take a break and get a drink. We have only been in the Outlands for a short time, but already we are covered in dust and quite thirsty. I am so thirsty that dirty, stale water tastes like the clearest spring. After we both have our fill, we jump in to try and clean off some of the accumulated dust in our fur and cool off. When we finally manage to drag ourselves out, Kion comes up to me, looking embarrassed.

"Kovu, please, I can't take it any longer. My cock hurts, it's so hard; can you help me out?"

"Of course, Kion, I'm always willing to help."

I shake off as much water as I can before crouching down on a rocky area with little sand. I hear Kion start to shake the water off as well, right before I start to feel the water droplets get me all wet again. I hate the feeling of wet matted fur, but hopefully the sun will dry it up soon. Kion isn't going to wait though. He practically jumps on my back before starting to jab his cock all over my butt.

"Relax Kion, just go a little to the left."

"I know where your damn tailhole is!" Kion yells, "Just stay still!"

My jaw almost hits the ground it drops so hard, Kion has never raised his voice or talked to me that way before! I don't want to say anything though. I know he is frustrated and in pain so I let him keep poking away until, with a sudden burst of luck, he finds his target and drives every inch of himself inside me with a single thrust. I cry out to the heavens in surprise and pain, but he doesn't even give me a moment to catch my breath before he starts pounding my ass.

"Oh, Kion, please, slow down! Let me get used to you first."

Kion just growls at me, and bites down on the scruff of my neck. He starts thrusting into me with abandon. I can feel his sharp little barbs scrape along my insides every time he pulls back, sending pain coursing through my backside. My claws scrape against the rock below me, creating the most horrific sound and leaving scratch marks on its surface. I whimper and groan as tears come to my eyes. I have taken Kion more times than I can count, but this feels completely different. There is no love, no care, no pleasure in his thrusts. After a short time though, I get used to it and start enjoying the ride, somewhat. My own cock even comes out to rub against the rock beneath me.

I don't think Kion is enjoying a single moment of it, though, and while I am upset with him for the way he is treating me, I also feel very sorry for him. It is like he forgot how to mate. Finally, Kion releases my scruff and unleashes a roar that echoes off of the cliffs and hills around us. As he does, I can feel his hot seed entering my ass and filling me up quite a bit. After he can't manage to produce another drop of cum, he collapses on top of me panting like he just ran a race against Fuli.


'What the fuck was that?!' I think as I lay there on Kovu. That wasn't mating. That certainly wasn't enjoyable. It was just awful. Kovu is probably already planning on heading back to the Pridelands! I didn't mean to treat him like that. I would never treat him like that! And yet... I just did. Is this what the venom is doing to me? King's above, I am becoming a monster!

I try and pull out of Kovu as gently as possible, but I still feel his body contract and wince under me as my barbs claw their way out. I lick at his soft damp fur under me before I gently climb off and let him lay down on top of the rock. My paws burn as they touch the rock. How long did Kovu have to endure that?

Gently, I pull Kovu off of the rock and over into the sand. It's still hot, but at least it doesn't burn as bad as the rock did. I can tell what happened, what I did, took a toll on him. He is still half out of it as I curl up next to him and wrap my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry, Kovu," I whisper into his ear as my voice starts to break and I start to cry, "Please don't leave me, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that to you."

With a grunt of discomfort, Kovu turns over to face me. He kisses me gently.

"Kion, of course I forgive you, and I am not going to leave you, ever. But that really hurt! I need you to help get me ready first like you usually do and take it slow, okay?"

"I will, Kovu, I promise. I swear, I didn't mean to do that to you. I don't know what came over me."

"The venom is coursing through you, Kion. This is what Rafiki said would happen. You just need to be careful and try to resist as much as possible."

"You're right, I can't let it win. I promise. I will do my best to resist."

"I know you will Kion, and I will be here to help you."

Together, we take a short rest before proceeding on our trek. We make it through the Outlands without too much issue, and by nightfall we arrive at the border of the Badlands. We stop before crossing over into the far harsher Badlands. At least here, we are able to curl up together under a rocky outcropping that provides us some shade. We can see that tomorrow we'll be in a harsher environment: full of sandstorms, and with little place to take refuge. As we cuddle together, all I can think about is how happy I am that Kovu is with me. I know with all my heart there is no way I can do this alone, and not just because of my lust.

I wake up the next morning to the amazing feeling of Kovu's hot, wet muzzle wrapped around my cock. His head bobbing up and down feels so good I cum almost immediately, filling my friend's muzzle. I feel him swallow every drop down, and continue to suck. I guess he figures that once won't be enough for me, and he's right! Using his rough little tongue to press on my cock, he sucks it like a cub on a teat. With one of his free paws, he plays with my balls, gently massaging and caressing them. Slowly he takes more and more of my swollen cock into his muzzle; I can feel his tight little throat clench around it, as he gags on the large intrusion.

"Oh God, Kovu, you are amazing at this. I really appreciate you doing this, oh here comes another..." I say as I shoot my second load of the day, right down my friend's throat. "Deeper please, just a little longer."


I can't respond to Kion with words, so I just force his cock deeper down my throat. His loud moans tell me that is exactly what he wants. I feel yet another hot load shoot into my throat, and flow down into my stomach. It is getting harder to breathe, and with Kion's paw pinning my head to his crotch, I am getting less and less air. Knowing I need to move things along, I take my paw off of his balls, gently insert a paw toe into his tailhole, and start to move it in and out. Unfortunately, I can't quite reach his G-spot from our positions, but I can tell it doesn't matter; it is still helping him along.

It takes two more loads being pumped into my stomach before Kion is finally satisfied. Slowly, I am able to pull his cock from my muzzle, and finally take a deep breath. After panting for a minute, Kion pulls my head up and kisses me deeply. We spend a long time letting our tongues explore each other's muzzles, before Kion eventually breaks the kiss.

"That is so good, Kovu. I really appreciate you taking care of me like that."

"Of course, Kion. I really care about you, and I want to help you through this the best I can."

"You are helping more than you can ever know. Unfortunately, as much as I would love to lay here and cuddle with you, I think we should get going now. I am hoping we can find Azaad today."

"Yeah, you're right. I just hope it isn't too hard to find him!"