Shippo's Surprise Part 3

Story by Foxon_The_Fur on SoFurry

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#3 of A Boy, A Fox, and A Confession

This chapter is dedicated to KitsuneYoukai,

Check out stories written by KitsuneYoukai if you like mine.

The days passed slowly while I think what I have been through, with Inuyasha's strong arms around me, and when he plays with my body so gentle.

Every night could be an overwhelming experience, but I somehow knew, tonight would be different.

The sky grew to an orange horizon, I watch the great array of colors, playing with my tail gently. I ask myself, "What will happen tonight with me and Inuyasha" pondering. "I cant wait!"

I started to get excited thinking about the previous night with the hulking half demon, him standing so tall without his kimono made me want him even more!

I stood up and started running toward Kaedes house from the tree stump I was laying on, looking at the bright sky. I seen Inuyasha come out of the hut as I yelled "Oh hey, Inuyasha!" he seen me, but he never said a word, but instead walked right past me.

"Look Shippo. This never meant to be. I enjoyed it once it last, but you-" cutting his sentence off. "-our fun is over. We cant have things this way, you got that?" he sounded stern, but also depressed.

"B-but Inuyasha! I was..." as he interrupted me.

"No Shippo! get off my back. Dont make it harder on yourself." as I watched the tall man walk away from me.

*Sniff* "Inuyasha..." I started to cry slightly. Saying to myself, nearly yelling "But why?!" I ran into Kaedes empty house and laid on the floor near the fire, weeping my eyes out for what the half demon said to me. "Its not fair! He was my best friend." The past 3 days with Inuyasha flashed before my eyes, through the salty tears of my sorrow. I seen when I feared being caught, running from him in the forest for the first time...I seen the dark blue sky with the bright white stars, when he was pleasuring me. It was too much to bare, Ever since my father died, I never thought I would feel that bad again, But that nightmare came true too quickly.

My pants were beginning to become wet from my tears dripping on them. A few minutes later, Kirara walked through the doorway, in her small form. "Mew." she started off, watching me wipe away my eyes. "Kirara!" I jumped towards the feline, grasping her in my arms, starting to cry again. She was surprised, never seeing me weep before. The cat demon started to comfort me with her yellowish fur at my chest, making me feel wanted again. "K-Kirara...promise me youll always be my friend, and never leave me." Pleading her desperately. She mewed loudly, closing her eyes and hugging me with her small paws around me. "Thank you Kirara, thank you so much..."

In time, I stopped crying, but I couldnt get the thought out of my head. Would he ever apologize? Did he really mean it? The questions I asked, couldnt be answered.

Kirara waited for the moment for me to stop my tearing, then jumped back from my body, making me stumble. The kitty turned into a full grown cat demon and signaled for me to get on her back. I did as I was told, but hesitated slightly before doing so. She then flew out of the house, and rose to the bright sky, that was now a light blue. "Kirara, where are...we going?" still sniffling I ask the cat. Her only reply was a slight mew followed by a smile. Only seconds later, she lowered downward to the ground in an open field, filled with beautiful flowers. "Wow! These are beautiful Kirara!" I say to her in astonishment. She smiled, then laid down on her stomach in the grass, relaxing her body completely. I followed her action shortly after. I lay by her fur on her left side, as she snuggled my body with her 2 tails. Together we slept soundly without a care in the world.

I woke up in the middle of the night, noticing Kirara was gone. I frantically looked around the field in search for her. I ran through the flower patch to see if she was around, calling her name in the midnight air. A minute passed by, then Kirara jumped at me, knocking me down on my back. She was hiding from me, luring me into the flowers strategically. "Kirara! I thought I would never find you!"

She replied with a simple "Mew!"

We played in the flowers, running around and falling down. We had so much fun! "Kirara, from now on, this flower patch can be our spot." saying to her with a large smile, looking into her big kitty eyes.

I was laying on my back looking at the sky like I was not 3 hours ago, but this time Kirara was with me, So I was filled with happiness. She was laying, also on her back beside me. The kitty started looking at me funny, like something puzzled her. I asked her whats wrong, then she did something in reply to my question.

Kirara got up and got near my feet, I started to get up too, but she put her body on my chest. It pushed me towards the ground, so I stayed on my back. She then got towards my feet again and started to move towards my legs, then near my stomach. It seemed she was looking my body over. This seemed very farmiliar to me somehow. Kirara turned into her demon form, and did something that surprised me greatly. Using her sharp teeth as a giant hand, she undid the bow on the front of my pants, then took them off slowly around my fox legs. She then lifted my shirt off, leaving my body naked, lying in the great field of beautiful flowers.

Transforming back into the cute cat form, Kirara neared my growing foxhood, Starting to lick it with her small, yet rough tongue. "Ohh..." I started moaning through the air, as Kirara continued licking and licking.

I was fully hard by now and moaning much louder. "Kirara...that feels..ohhh!" I got lost in my words from the pleasure I lingered for all the day. I was too aroused to think, or speak, just to enjoy the treatment I was given.

The demon started to lower her mouth on my penis slowly, making me squirt some precum into the cats mouth. She smiled happily, then continued, now with her mouth covering my foxhood completely. She started to suck slowly as I murred too Kirara. I noticed shortly after, she was aroused as well, so I decided to make some moves of my own. I took my 2 small fingers on my right hand, and approached Kiraras opening. I inserted 1 finger into her pussy as she moaned, then inserted the other, giving her some pleasure.

She started to suck faster and faster, making me cum more. I pushed my fingers in deeper, then took them out almost all the way then pushed them back in. Kirara hasnt felt this much pleasure since Sango helped her when she was first in heat, before meeting Inuyasha and the others.

We were both were very near our climax. I kept my fingers inside Kiraras opening, moving them around, exploring her inner walls, as she sucked on my penis, using her tongue to swirl around my tip. Not 10 seconds later, Kirara arced her back and roared into the night, as my fingers were covered in sweet, kitty juices. It dripped onto the ground as she panted hard. I denied my orgasm for the moment so I could witness the small cats pleasure for my own eyes.

As she calmed down, she noticed I was on the edge of my pleasure. Cum was on my tip as Kirara licked at the cum, then continued sucking at full speed. I stopped my denial, and gave a very loud moan and squirted every last drop of cum I had left in me, straight into the open cats awaiting mouth. She gulped down some of it, then let the rest drip down my penis, and onto the ground.

I licked the cum on my fingers, enjoying the taste, as she played with my testicles and stomach. We were both getting the best of this moment, never stopping the fun. I ran my left hand through Kiraras yellow fur, then pat her on the head, as she snuggled with me, and tickled my ribs with her 2 tails.

We both felt ok now, several minutes later. We both got up onto our feet as I got dressed, with my furry friend watching me. We were then on our way back to the village, so I hopped on Kiraras back, then we flew away into the night. It was maybe a 10 minute flight of silence before I started too feel something between my legs.

"Kirara, I have to go to the bathroom." I started off whining, holding between my legs desperately. "I really have to go! can you let me down for a second?" She just mewed and kept flying. I giggled, realizing what she wanted me to do.

I laid on my back in the middle of Kirara, as she was still flying over a mountain top. I released my hands from between my legs, as I felt the need too pee even more. I waited a few seconds then let out a long moan as my pants started too feel wet and warm. Kirara could smell the urine from my wet legs, murring loudly. I continued going pee as if it was the best thing ever. It ran down the side of my legs, onto Kiraras yellow fur. I made a big puddle on Kiraras back from my pee soaking through, my urine stream in my pants, calmed down to a tinkle, then with a sigh of relief, I stopped peeing.

"mmmm..." I slowly say to Kirara. "Did you like that? I really did!" Kirara closed her eyes for a second and smiled happily, shaking her fur in satisfaction.

We rode on into the night, with nothing to think of, but wetness, and relief...