Roadie Chapter 7: The Beach

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#8 of Roadie

Tiffany wants to take her boyfriend to the beach and show him around. But things turn out differently than she expected.

This is an early birthday gift for a friend. I do enjoy writing these characters and plan to write them more, but there is no schedule with this series like my other ones. Either way, I hope you enjoy!

As much as Felix hated to admit it, he'd gotten used to wearing the chastity cage everyday. Sure, the bristles on his cock brushed against its walls the wrong way, making him more mindful of how he walked and sat. But it wasn't the utter blue-balling hell anymore. Working at Rouge Rug did speed things along. The leopard couldn't really be a waiter if he kept spilling drinks because of pent up arousal.

But he couldn't do that forever. As much as the pink furred leopard liked working with friends, he needed to get an education to move up in the world. Luckily, his local community college had some good deals, and no one batted an eye at his baggy clothes in the end summer weather. Sure the grey sweatpants and black hoodie wasn't the most refined look, but he wasn't going out of his way to impress anyone.

With his backpack slumped over his shoulder, Felix looked up to the room number. Room 4, with a crudely added twenty after the number. Rolling his eyes, he stepped inside and wedged himself between rows of chairs before taking a seat near the back of the room. More to stay away from the teacher's attention rather than be 'cool' as most people assumed.

He checked his messages as the minutes passed, scrolling through previous texts with his girlfriend from the night before. Tiffany had kept him up last night with a barrage of memes, flirty one liners, and jokes that he responded to in kind. The leopard still couldn't believe how lucky he was to have her. Someone who acted as a shoulder to cry on rather than using him as nothing more than a hole. She made him feel happy, confident even, to an extent. Even if she made him feel ok with being less manly than other guys, he still couldn't help but see himself as inadequate whenever he came across a guy with noticeable muscle. Like several of the students walking in.

Unlike him, they all filled out the front row except for one. A thin sharkgirl, or maybe a dogfish, in a baggie hoodie and purple skirt. Her shoulders were hunched, and even the purple dyed skrillex haircut didn't hide the impression that she wanted to be avoided. But what caught his attention the most was the logo on her hoodie: A bestial skull with the name 'RockJaws' printed inside its open maw. Rather than hearing the anxiety devil whisper down his shoulder, a smug angel leaned in and said with a hushed tone, "You think she's a fan of Tiff?"

He shook it off, just in time for her to take the seat next to him. They sat in mutual silence, letting the other students talk about before the teacher arrived. "Settle down everyone. I'm sure you're all just as excited as I am to talk about the sexual revolution of the 1970's as I am." The badger said, sitting his satchel down on the desk and pulling out a pencil, "But first I need to take attendance. So, in no particular order: Felix Rose?"

Felix raised his hand, "Here."

Checking it off, the professor continued down his list in no order that Felix could notice. He figured it should have been alphabetical, but considering the professor's hawaiian style shirt and crocs, he figured any sense should be thrown out the window in this class. "Patricia Baitens?"

The dogfish raised her hands, "Can you call me Trix, please?" She muttered softly, eyes focused on the floor. The teacher nodded, and class continued. As much as Felix would have preferred to take notes or open his expensive textbook, the leopard's phone buzzed in the midst of the lecture. Curiosity taking hold, he swiped it open revealing a new message from Tiffany.

'Plans tomorrow?'

Eyeing the teacher, currently lost in his speech, he texted back, 'Not really. Don't have classes either.'


'In the evening.'

'Great. Beach?'

He blinked, looking over at the text. The beach? Sure the season was reaching its end so the water wasn't completely terrible. But why now? He pictured Tiffany at the beach, the swimsuit tight over her rippling body, with a bulge over her flaccid cock and...

Stifling a gasp, the bristles of his cock brushed up against the cage. The dogfish next to him peeked over, hopefully not seeing him before he regained his composure. He already got enough flak for looking so feminine, he didn't need more for being turned on at whatever the teacher was talking about. Which, with a glance, Felix noted was the topic on the ban of genital removal and excessive mutilation in the form of corrective surgery.

Not something he ever wanted to think about.

Subtly pulling his phone underneath his desk, he typed back, 'Sure? I can go.' Then after a few seconds of thinking, he followed up with, 'What's the catch?'

'Catch? What do you mean?'

He frowned. She didn't need to play coy. 'There's always a catch. My chastity cage is an example.'

'I thought you liked your cage?' Tiffany texted back, alongside a key emoji.

'That's not what I mean. What do you have planned?'

'It's a secret.'

'A secret?'

A devil emoji popped up on her end. Morning. Maybe get lunch after?' She asked. A little early for a swim in Felix's mind, but given his shift it made sense to get as much time as possible. That and he never really went to the beach. When you live around something most of your life, you find yourself taking them for granted. That and his own body image issues prevented him from ever enjoying it. Nothing like seeing a buff dude in a speedo to remind him of how feminine he was.

Swatting away his personal anxiety devil, he texted back his answer. 'Awesome!' She texted back, 'See you then, cutie. <3.'

Putting his phone away, Felix turned back to the class and tried not to imagine his amazonian girlfriend in a bikini. He failed to do so, but he forgave himself. How could he not be distracted by the image of him and her on a beach date? The pink leopard smiled, tomorrow looked to be fun.


The calls of seagulls carried with the wind they glided upon. Felix stretched his arms, loosening up after the last half-hour cooped up in Tiffany's van. The sting of salt air was preferred over the vehicle's smell, something the shark had apologized for repeatedly on their trip here. The details were scarce, but it had something to do with the bassist and guitarist having a third guest.

He dressed light, for him anyway. His dark green swim trunks were still baggy, reaching down to his knees, and Felix wore an overly large grey shirt to avoid stares from the onlookers. Only, he couldn't really find many beachgoers across the vast plane of sand formed from the low tide. Maybe it was because of the time and the season, but Felix looked down both sides of the beach and found no one in the immediate area. A few people walked off in the distance, and the buildings and shacks seemed vacant at a glance. "Where is everyone?" He asked aloud.

"Few people really go out this early." Tiffany said. The shark stepped out from her van, dressed in a tight one piece suit with a cut to expose parts of her abs. She let her mohawk hang down, leaning over the right side of her face only to be brushed free whenever the wind blew. "All the more perfect for us."

"What do you mean?" Felix asked, casually sneaking around the back of the van where his girlfriend pulled out the cooler. The leopard already had an idea of what she had in mind, but the depths of his mind hoped that he'd be wrong. Even with his blush.

She saw his reddish tinge, smiling wide and making his legs wobble, "Well, I figured we could try another step in making you feel more comfortable in your own skin." He didn't like where this was going, despite how tight his cage felt. His head sank into his shoulders when she pulled out another swimsuit, a cyan bikini that was nowhere near her size.

But it looked perfect for him.

"Tiff..." He mumbled, eyes shifting around the empty lot, "I don't know if this is a good idea." And how could it? Sure, Felix had gotten more comfortable with being a little less masculine around the shark, and even at work. But those were in private or on the job. His tail curled up behind him with the wind, someone could see him like this, dressed in that cyan swimsuit and silently judge him for a freak once they saw the bulge.

"That's not a no." Tiffany chuckled. Stepping over to him, she wrapped her strong arms around the leopard and pulled him in close. Nestling his head against her chest, she whispered, "We'll be in the water most of the time, and if you're really worried then we can remove the top and say it's like a fancy speedo. But I know you can do this."

"But...what if people see me?" He asked, holding her tight.

"It doesn't matter what they think, cutie." She said with sincerity, "This isn't about them. This is about getting you to feel better about who you are."

"Maybe I like baggy clothes..."

"Then how come you're always scowling in them?" She asked, "Look, if you can do this, I'll take you to my favorite spot for a little extra fun. And I'll let you pick lunch."

" promise you won't leave me alone in these?" He asked, "Like, I don't want to be caught-"

She put her finger to his lips. Warm and loving eyes gazed down to his, "I promise, cutie." Felix believed she wouldn't lie to him. She'd had plenty of moments to ruin him in their relationship. Combined with being in her arms, Felix felt safer around her than he did in his own fur. He nodded. "Great, now take off your pants." Tiffany said, pulling off the chastity cage from her neck, "We need to get that off of you."

"W-what?" Felix stuttered, "Why?" He coughed, regaining his composure as he leaned against the van, "I mean...a little forward now, aren't we?"

"Felix, I'm always forward with you, but this isn't about that." She said, pointing out to the ocean, "This is about me being unsure if that cage lock is saltwater proof and I don't have plastic locks."

Being freed from his cage after so long had Felix's cock erect in seconds, much to his dismay. The bikini's fabric didn't help either, nestling against his sensitive barbs while struggling to get the top on right. Tiffany helped with that, whispering how cute he looked while doing so. Even without a mirror, Felix could tell the blush on his face turned his pink fur red.

His erection died down when he stepped out onto the beach, the ocean wind biting into him. Hugging himself, he kept watching the sides to see if anyone was watching him. Tiffany locked up their keys and special belongings in a beachside locker, then draped her arm over him and led him down the beach. The sand wasn't so hot that it burned the bottom of his feet. Neither of them wore sandals or anything, though he figured Tiffany preferred to be barefoot near the ocean. It was her element after all.

"You look very nice." She said, nestling closer to him, "Care for a swim?"

"What are my options?" He asked, sounding more bitter than he'd intended.

"Well..." She pondered, looking out to the sea, then to the endless expanse of the beach, "You could just watch me swim, but I only brought one towel so it's not like you'll get to cover yourself in it."

"Seriously? That's why there's only one?"

"You could have brought one." She said, "Come on, honey. The water's gonna be great." Shifting through the bag, she pulled out a pair of goggles, "Plus, there's a lot of stuff to see down there if you have someone to take you."

Given the options of get wet or stay on the beach and get discovered, Felix strapped the goggles in and nodded. Hefting him over her shoulders, Tiffany raced towards the crashing waves and casually threw him into the ocean. Water clouded his protected vision, the leopard flailing as he tried to regain some composure. "Warn me next time!" He shouted, standing against the underwater mounds with the water to his chest.

She didn't answer. He turned, trying to see his girlfriend but finding himself alone in the ocean surrounding him. "Tiff?!" He called out again. The water shifted from the corner of his eye. He turned, but the water had him too slow to see it. "'re not seriously doing this, right?" He said aloud, carefully backing to shore. Felix had no intention of being the first girl to die in a monster movie.

Something brushed his leg. A fin swam past him, faster that he'd ever seen Tiffany move. Before he could move any further, she tackled him. Dragging him deeper into the depths. Felix opened his mouth to scream, watching helplessly as the bubbles of his precious oxygen abandoned him to the surface. Even with the darkness of the ocean, he saw her smile. That row of teeth that could rend him asunder.

She kissed him. Her tongue pushed passed his lips underneath the waves. The sharkgirl's breath poured into him, filling his reserves if only to keep him from panicking. Even with the goggles, the ocean depths were hard to see. Or maybe they were difficult to grasp. On land, there was always something in the distance in his experience. But under the waves, it stretched for miles on one side, the empty blue that Tiffany raced him through. That powerful tail pushing them further and further beyond while he huddled in her strong arms, with kisses of converted oxygen keeping him stable.

When they resurfaced he gasped, feeling the fresh sea air hitting his lungs without her taste. The water over his goggles blurred his vision, but a quick wipe revealed a cove. Gravity returned as she carried him to shove, cradling him in her arms like a baby. She smiled, "Did you like the trip?"

Unhinging his claws from her waist, he muttered "Let. Me. Down." as softly as the leopard could muster. She complied, gently bringing him to his feet so he could stomp away and cast his goggles aside, "What the hell, Tiff?!"

"What?" She asked, frowning and sounding surprised at his outburst, "Did you not like the ride?"

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" He said, pointing over to the ocean, "How did you think I'd feel if I got grabbed like that? How would anyone feel?" Felix shivered, the dampness of his fur ruining his temperature. Tiffany looked on with a blank face, connecting the dots of why he was so angry. Why she even needed to was beyond him. Felix wanted to feel safe with her, not terrified.

Taking a seat against the wet sand, he turned his back and looked inward to the cove as he huddled. They were protected by the sun, something he never thought he'd see in a natural structure along this state, and it didn't look like anyone else could come in except through the tide. He didn't know much about marine life, but judging by the fish in the mini ponds, this place got more water in high tide.

He heard her feet shift into the sand behind him, "Can I sit with you?" She asked, concerned. He nodded, not wanting to say another word while hopped up on the sudden underwater express trip. She sat beside him. Felix saw her arm shifting to wrap around him from the corner of his eye, only to stop and retreat at the last second. "I'm sorry, Felix. I got carried away."

"It happens..." Felix muttered.

"Yeah...I just...well I wanted to show you this place. My private spot."

"Pretty sure you don't own this property."

Her laugh echoed off the wall, "I can't own this property, no one can. It's just the first place I found when I swam in this ocean, back when I first moved here. I never really got to see the ocean in person until I left home, and's pretty significant for me."

"What?" Felix asked, turning over to her, "You've never seen the ocean?"

"Not until I moved out, no."

"How? You're a shark."

"Born in a landlocked state, stuck in a family that doesn't travel." She said, sighing and laying back against the sand, leaning to her side for her fin. "This might come as a shocker, but I wasn't always the mohawk wearing shark you see today. Growing up as a herm is tough enough, but being stuck with a strict family makes it worse. Only time I felt free was in the public pool, but after puberty I couldn't even go for a swim without ridicule. So when I first came here, I just swam for hours, more than I ever thought possible." She laughed, "I almost thought I'd gone feral."

Lying back, Felix looked up at the natural ceiling above as the wet sand shifted against his back. He tried picturing her experience, but he couldn't. Something about who she was now, it didn't feel right to think she had such problems. "What was puberty like, for you?" The pink leopard finally asked, turning to see her shifting gaze.

"It's...not important." She said, her expression saying otherwise."

"It sounds important." Felix said. Taking a deep breath, he stared back up to the ceiling and said, "Mine was basically being told one thing and then having it fail to happen." Looking over his scrawny feminine arms, he sighed, "Every guy I knew growing up just got bigger or wider. Especially predators, getting that urge to just go and be an alpha or something. But I never did. At first I figured I was a late bloomer, but then my puberty did hit and was bad enough that I'm a pink leopard."

"I like your fur color though," She said, curling her fingers through his stomach fur, "It's exotic."

"And girly." He muttered, shifting closer to her, "I don't hate it as much now. It's felt wrong. I thought I was supposed to grow big and tough, like most guys. Instead I had more in common with girls in terms of looks. My parents tried to be supportive, but I just hated myself. Like, what did I do wrong?"

"Nothing. We did nothing wrong." Tiffany said. Sighing, the shark hugged the leopard tight, "Most parents raise herm kids to be one gender or another. Even with my parents goals, I lived more like a boy before puberty. They probably reasoned it was a tomboy phase. But when puberty hit, they pretty much buckled down with the girly stuff. And it's not that I don't like a skirt or dress, but I hated it when it was forced. Then there were the strict masturbation rules."


"Try growing up in a strict household that uses religion as an excuse for everything. The Tanakh doesn't say anything about masturbation last I checked, but dear old dad found excuses."


"Basically the jewish bible."

"You're jewish?"

Tiffany nodded, "It's...complicated. Pretty sure my grandfather adopted the religion and got my dad super into it. So I don't know, nor really care. I haven't practiced any traditions in a long time."

"And he didn't allow you to masturbate?"

"Neither of my parents did." She said, furrowing her brow while staring off into space, "Least not with my dick. Cause lord knows my brother jacked off all the time and never got in trouble. I ended up exercising most of the time to fight the urge, and don't get me started on the 'dates' they tried setting me up with. Yeah, I prefer guys, but I'm not into big muscular dudes who are too afraid to take it up the ass."

He eyed up his girlfriend's strong body again, appreciating those muscles carved into her, "So...I take it you were horny a lot given these muscles."

"Well I found real exercise routines for bodybuilding later, but yeah I was pretty strong. You tell a herm they can't masturbate how they prefer, and they're gonna have problems. And you'll never hear from them again when they move out."

"You don't talk to your parents?"

"Why would I?" She asked, "They didn't support who I was or wanted to be. Just who they thought I should be. It's not like I'm financially dependent on them and thus need to keep up an act. I...I don't want to keep talking about this."

He didn't ask for more. Resting beside her as they laid against the cove and listened to the ocean waves. Felix thought back to his struggles during that time. Where he worried about being so skinny and frail, Tiffany wasn't allowed to express herself. His problem seemed so small, and it still bothered him. The shark kept him close, letting the leopard rest against her chest like a pillow. "Sorry."

"For what?"

"I probably seem spoiled or-"

"No one's problems are worth ignoring." She said, "And you still need help with yours. I've gotten over my parents a long time ago. Besides, I did scare you with this trip so I probably needed a wake up call."

Saying nothing, Felix closed his eyes and listened to the ocean. Her heartbeat echoed in his ear, those strong arms holding him and keeping him warm against the wet sand. The leopard wouldn't move, even if someone came by and pointed fingers. "You know," Tiffany spoke up, "When I brought you here, I figured we could have a little physical fun. Spread you a bit and match your moans to the ocean's current. But I kind of just want to cuddle."

Felix answered by snuggling deeper into her chest, staying nice and cosy with his girlfriend. His asshole twitched at the thought of her pounding him again, but their embrace warmed him well enough. Besides, the sand could get into crevices he didn't want.


As the tide rolled in, Tiffany swam him back to their spot. More cars had settled in, and more people wandered the beach. Feeling jittery, Felix hugged himself and hid under Tiffany's shadow, clamoring for their things so they could pack up and leave.

"So I'm thinking of burgers for lunch." Tiffany said, pulling out her beach bag from the locker, "Kind of want to spoil myself with fries."

Felix nodded, drying himself off before taking his seat in her van. She stopped him, making sure they had an extra towel to lay on the seat just in case before letting him sit down. Putting his shorts and shirt over the bikini, the leopard shifted through his phone to find the nearest burger joint.

A reminder popped up. Confused, he double checked the date. Felix bit his lip, eyeing over Tiffany in the rearview mirror as she put their stuff away.. She noticed him staring, and smiled back. "Something on your mind, cutie?"

"Yeah..." He gulped, "So, this might be pretty early to ask and if you're busy I can totally understand, but...I'm visiting my parents tomorrow for a monthly checkup with them. And I was wondering, if you wouldn't mind anyway, if you'd like to maybe, per say, join me?"

She gave him a blank stare. The expression remained as she shut the van's rear and sat in the driver's seat, with her staring off into space. Anxiety's gravitational pull crushed him in the wait, with the little devil on his shoulder whispering all the bad signs this could mean.

"Y-You sure?" She asked, blushing when she turned to him. "I mean, we haven't been dating for that long, have we?"

"It's been a few months. And I've told them about you. Well...I mentioned you."

"Oh..." She said, hands anxiously tapping the steering wheel, "What...uh...what do they say?"

"All they know is that I'm dating someone. They'd love to meet you. If you don't want to go I get it but-"

"No, no, no, I want to go." She said, "I just...well I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this step."

"What you're supposed to do?"

"Like, do I dress formally? Do I bring beer, or a wine box?" She asked, her tempo growing in intensity, "Am I supposed to tell jokes? Am I-"

Grabbing her hand, Felix squeezed."Be yourself." He said, "My parents are hippies. Pretty sure they're not gonna be bothered by you or in the night over."

"Night over?"

He nodded, "Yeah. I check up on them once a month, stay the night. It's part of this deal."

"So you're telling me," the shark's grin grew wider, "That I get to stay the night in my boyfriend's childhood bed?" Felix nodded, seeing her cock strain against the swimsuit as he did so. The tightness of his bikini did him no favors. "I hope your room has thick walls. Or else I might need to bring a gag."

Given how much his parent's bed springs squeaked, he couldn't say the walls were up to the task.

Roadie Chapter 8: His Parents

Felix paced around his bedroom feverishly. Everything was fine. He knew it because he kept telling himself that. Checking the mirror again, the pink leopard straightened his shirt and baggy pants. Just the monthly visit with the family after all. That...

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It had been two days since they arrived at Helga's home. Two days where Jewel had been hiding with Alex, the wolf clinging close to her and afraid to leave for fear of seeing Phyllis. Helga didn't press them to leave, and Jewel had only left once to...

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