A Bun Among Wolves 2/2

Story by Final_Furry on SoFurry

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#2 of Fantasy Stuff

Footsteps woke Tor up, though not the dreaded metallic sort. He blinked himself back into the waking world, detecting the creak of a bucket's hinge. It was pretty clear what would come next- the old time honored tradition of cold water to roust the prisoner up. Except what came wasn't quite what he expected.

The rabbit was indeed splashed with water, though it was warm and soapy. He rose, turning to find a couple of lupine house attendants- a butler and maid, rather than armored guards.

"Lady Grayheart wishes you to be offered a bath," The male explained as the cell door was unlocked.

Tor had to wonder at every turn if he were still dreaming, as he was ushered to a warm bath and allowed some privacy to clean up as the two wolves waited just outside. After he had turned the bathwater black with the soot and grime in his fur, he dried off and found his freshly laundered clothing waiting for him on a stool. They even bandaged his hand up.

He was then led down hallways that didn't look like any prison he knew of without a word from the two wolves. The dread and confusion was starting to become more torturous than whatever he imagined the guard captain doing to him on rack. But at last, they came to a set of shiny oaken doors. The gate to whatever was waiting for him, Tor knew as soon as he laid eyes on the imposing slabs of wood. It was a wonder how even the architecture of the wolves could make him feel small.

The butler knocked with a white gloved hand and a voice sounded from inside. The small rabbit was pushed toward the opening, stepping through into a palacial chamber. The first thing he noticed were the bookshelves taking up entire walls and angles of the room's architecture.

It was then that she emerged from behind a curtain, swirling a goblet as she approached. She was wearing a crimson dress with black laced fringes, stalkings of the same material and a bright emerald pendant hung among her cleavage. The mere shadow of the great wolfess was enough to freeze the rabbit. That was to say nothing of her orange eyes locked on him.

Her body was broad, well endowed and thick. The lacy top border of her dress only barely covered the pointy tips of her huge, heavy bosoms. At his size, Tor might have been able to touch his fingertips to each of her hip bones if he stretched his arms wide but he wasn't sure. The combination of height and the plump curves of her body made her look like a living fertility goddess.

She grinned but refrained from showing her teeth to the nervous bunny.

"My husband told me so much about you. I started to get curious after a while. I have a bit of a...fondness for the clever types,"

"I see," he said slowly.

"My husband threw his back out when he was trying to kill you. He isn't able to do much of anything but lay in bed at the moment. You can relax,"

With a gulp, he nodded but there were still too many questions bouncing around right now. Adi took a sip of her wine and set the glass aside.

She flashed him a grin and held a hand out, "Tell me what your name is. I only know you as the wretched thief,"

"Um, It's T-tor,"

She repeated his name, one he had heard plenty of times but from her lips it could have been a magic word filling his head with haze.

Up a set of steps waited a large bed piled with blankets and pillows, flanked by four pillars hung with curtains for privacy. She shut the curtains behind them and turned on the rabbit with hunger. From his low angle, he had a view up her skirt. A black mesh thong covered her plump sex.

Kneeling down, she placed a kiss atop Tor's forehead and embraced him. She lay her head on his shoulder and he raised his arms to hug her around the neck. A contented sigh escaped her as she held still for a moment. Tor was somewhat startled when she stood, scooping him up off his feet with little effort. Next thing he knew, he was laid out on the bed and she was over him.

The wolfess took hold of his trousers and tugged the garments down, stripping them off and discarding them over a shoulder. She kept her eyes on his though, crawling forward. This time her lips touched his neck, moved up to his cheek while he shed his tunic.

Her breasts spilled out of her dress' top. They weighed against Tor's chest as they kissed and she rubbed one of his ears between her fingers. That was when she felt something hard steadily sliding up into her soft cleavage. She grinned at first but then it kept advancing, long and girthy enough to defy belief. Eyes widening, she sat back. It was her turn to be caught off guard as Tor leaned back, allowing his sizeable cock to rise before her. It was a wonder how somebody as small, cute and fuzzy could be packing such a thing. It stood straight up, swollen to full glory.

"Oh, now this was worth the wait," She whispered, reaching out to touch it.

Tor jerked as he felt her great hand clasp around the head of his cock. She moved her grip down slowly as she touched her lips to the head, squeezing her lips in brief nips of pleasure while she began to pump him up and down. With her other hand, she reached down and grasped him by the poofy orbs of fluff that were deceptively heavy as they rested between his legs. She would say they both needed this after feeling the weight of his balls.

In no time at all, Adi had stripped off her dress. She lay back on a pile of pillows, her breasts sagging slightly now free of the bra. He steadied himself with his hands on her bent knees, his cock coming down to rest on her soft stomach right at the indent of her bellybutton. She ran a claw backwards down the length of his erection and then reached up with it to rub a couple fingers under his chin. His cock twitched, a bit of precum seeping into her fur. It bobbed as he pulled her thong down her legs and off her feet. She let her legs fall aside, the path now wide open and inviting.

Her tail thrashed as the rabbit moved into position and his cock head touched her labia. To Tor, it was like sinking into a cloud. He pressed himself into her, hard cock sliding into a soft, fertile body with a slow pace that burned pleasure into the both of them with every inch. She moaned, arching her back as their bodies met.

The rabbit buried his face in her stomach and groaned into her belly button as she pressed her thighs to him. He wrapped an arm around each of them, in the posture of hauling a gigantic wheelbarrow. She massaged her breasts as the tips of his ears tickled at the bottom of them. He tilted his head up and kissed the bottom of her breasts, stretching each of her sensitive nipples in turn with his lips.

Tor lay there and savored the warmth a moment with Adi's hand resting on the back of his head. Then he tried out a very slow thrust, bringing himself out until he could just about feel her slit squeezing his cock head and then back into her fully. She squeezed her thighs in response, as if to press him back in as much as possible. He withdrew again and thrust back, this time releasing her legs and sliding his hands up her stomach to squeeze at her breasts.

In tandem the two of them began to give in to their instincts. She fell back, legs falling aside as he began to thrust with increasing speed. The sound of their gasps and moans filled the room, the two grasping at each other in breathless pleasure. Adi snarled, her claws ripping into the sheets with the sensations as her pussy clutched at the dick filling her. It turned to spasms that rocked her and the entire bed wildly, a climax that escaped her in a howl heard around the entire estate.

Tor felt the buildup in his loins, as if his balls were working hard for this occasion. Nature was correct- if there was one perfect place to plant his seed, it was in the womb of this wolfess. Her body wanted the same thing, squeezing him over the edge at the same time as the howl rose from her throat. He unleashed a swift series of powerful spurts into her midst in a climax that bent him backwards. In the back of his mind he was almost concerned that the sheer volume of seed he was pumping into her was going to injure him, but there was no real worry on his mind in this moment.

No more words passed between the two that night. Tor fell asleep inside her, his cheek resting on the heavenly soft belly.

Across the hall in the guest room, Garm's legs stuck out from the end of the bed he was recuperating in. The old wolf was still sore, stuck where he lay. Listening to the sounds of his wife had smacked any thoughts of revenge against the rabbit thief. As he listened, his anger subsided. The cover poked up where his erection sprouted from his sheath, standing at his full four-inch length. He had never heard Adi howl before, but the sound alone caused him to cum. One small spurt that barely dampened a spot in the covers and he fell limp once more.

Months later..

Adi sat in her morning robes, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight that filtered through the balcony's arbor. She left her robes open, holding a pair of small furry creatures to each of her breasts and letting them nurse eagerly from her. The tiny perky ears were easy to spot from a distance, those of newborn bunnies. Some had her gray fur while others were varying shades of brown as their father. A carriage nearby held the rest of the litter waiting their turn for Adi's warm milk. Sixteen in total. A good start, she thought.

Garm had of course protested, but it was easy to remind him she was the more dangerous of the two especially when her children were concerned. He retired shortly after pardoning Tor for his acts of theft. The rabbit was moved into the estate, and things were working much better than anyone would have expected. The place was big enough that Tor could avoid the old, grumpy, wheelchair bound wolf.

Over time, the town would see a steady increase in the rabbit population. Wolves would become a rare sight, wading over teeming crowds of gray rabbits.