07 Jake and Mitch: Coming Home and Going Away

Story by Kittymeow on SoFurry

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Authors Notes: The idea for this chapter is brought to you courtesy of a friend of mine I shared this work with. Enjoy!


Jake awoke from his rest, bleary eyed and dizzy. His head spun with the memories of what had happened only a few hours ago. The scent of musk still drifted lazily through the air and as his vision cleared he glanced over at the foxes beside him. Mitch was still resting, his fur now matted and clumped where the semen had dried. Trent was awake, sitting at the edge of the bed, fully dressed, with a glass of champagne in his hand.

"Any regrets?" The fox said over his shoulder.

"None. You look clean, how long have you been up?"

"I never got to rest, this club doesn't run itself." Trent said as he turned to the waking wolf. "Besides, you two are cute when you sleep together." Jake sat up and rubbed his forehead.

"Does this room have a place we can wash up?" Jake inquired.

"Down the hall, to the left, there is a shower room, but it's not entirely private. A lot of customers go there to clear their heads, or to wake up after a few too many drinks. Sex is strictly prohibited in the showers though, so don't get any ideas."

Jake retrieved the clothes on the ground and placed them on the bed. Trent excused himself to go run his club and keep things clean, and Jake stayed to watch the sleeping fox. He looks so peaceful like that. The smile on his face, the steady movement of his chest. Jake placed a paw on the sleeping fox and caressed his head, pinching his ears and petting his fur. After a few restful moments Mitch awoke. Jake's eyes lit up and his face stretched into a smile at the fox before him.

"Hey, baby. Sleep well?" Jake asked softly.

"I was having the most wondrous dream. I think you were in it." Mitch replied. Jake laughed at the cliché and told Mitch there was a shower they could use down the hall before they left. They left the room, their clothes still inside, and walked down the hall into the room Trent had described.

Jake opened the door and was brought into a room unlike the one outside. The cool blues of the shower room, mixed with the heat, rising steam and clean scent, made this room seem almost alien to the cool, dry air of the hallway from before. There were three stalls, divided by small half-walls, along the left and right walls, as well as four along the back wall. The stalls were big enough for one person to fit comfortably but could easily fit more than four if they squeezed together.

In the center of the room was a small table with an arrangement of shampoos and soaps for use among the tenants. The room was being used by three other males, each taking a stall along the left wall, who were happily exchanging casual conversation despite their nudity. One of them spoke up as Jake and Mitch entered the room.

"Hey, we got a new pair." An otter towards the back said.

"You guys new around here?" a tiger in the stall closest to them asked politely.

"You could say that." Jake replied to the tiger. Jake and Mitch each took a bottle of shampoo and a bar of soap before moving towards the stalls in the back. Jake turned the handle on the wall, causing water to shoot from the spout high above him. As the warm water fell upon him he opened the shampoo bottle. Jake began washing his head-fur with the shampoo when he noticed the tiger leaning on the divider between Jake and Mitch.

"My name's Lonny." The tiger said. Jake turned to face the tiger before talking again.

"I'm Jake, and that's my mate, Mitch." Mitch heard his name and turned around to join the conversation. Jake noticed the tiger was about the same height as him, and maybe a little more muscular.

"You two seem like a pretty fun bunch. I'm having a party in a few days, and I wanted to know if you guys wanted to join."

Before Jake could respond Mitch interjected his thoughts to the conversation.

"That sounds like a great idea, we'll be there." The tiger smiled at Mitch, then smacked his paw along Mitch's rump before giving them the address and time. He said his goodbyes and left the couple with the otter and leopard showering a few stalls over. Jake rinsed his head and began washing his body. He glanced over at his mate, who was having trouble washing his back where the cum stains still matted his fur. Jake moved over to the stall with his mate and helped scrub out any clumps, and using his position to squeeze the fox's ass when he had the chance.

The otter was speaking in the background with the leopard about what to do when they leave, but Jake's full attention was on Mitch, with a mixture of lust and genuine helpfulness. When Mitch's fur was smooth again he turned around and kissed Jake's cheek. Jake kissed Mitch back, but felt more clumped fur on the fox's face. He helped Mitch by cleaning up the stuck fur and then kissed the fox again. Much smoother this time, Jake thought.

He continued kissing the fox, moving across his face until he landed upon his lips, slipping his tongue into the Mitch's mouth. They stayed together, locked in a kiss, for what felt like a long time though could be no longer than twenty seconds, and when the separated they noticed the otter and leopard had stopped their conversation and were now watching the couple with awe.

"Impressive." the leopard noted. Jake blushed and said his thanks before going back into his own stall and washing himself. Mitch went back to the central stand and looked for a towel, which he couldn't seem to find. When he glanced up the leopard was already walking towards him. The leopard knelt down and opened a small sliding door at the bottom of the stand revealing the compartment where the towels were kept. He handed one to Mitch and took one for himself before drying off and leaving with the otter. Jake noticed the leopard was gripping the otter's ass tightly.

"That 'No sex in the showers' rule must be killer on some people." Mitch stated as he dried off.

"Don't worry, we can use our shower at home if you really want to." Jake said while rinsing any remaining soap off of him. When Jake turned off the water Mitch threw a towel towards him. Jake caught it and dried himself off before wrapping it around his waist and leaving with Mitch. They went back to the room they shared and collected their clothes to dress and look presentable on the dance floor. The danced together to an unknown techno beat amidst the flashing light and crowd of other furs. When they left the club they were hit by the heat and light of the outside before they began their drive home. When they got home the sun was setting and Ryan met them at the door.

"You two have fun?" he asked politely.

"More than you did I bet." Mitch said with a little chuckle.

"Yeah well that's not too hard." Ryan responded. "My apartment doesn't have much in it, but the people are nice. It's farther away than it seems though." They all went inside and sat around watching the television. They were watching some unfunny sitcom about three grown furs living under one roof with one of their three daughters. One of the guys was hot, Mitch suggested, but for the most part it was just something to have on in the background. Mitch went to the fridge looking for something to drink, disappointed when he found they were out of cranberry juice.

"I'm headed to the store, I'll be back in a bit guys." Mitch yelled as he went from the kitchen to the door. Jake and Ryan sat in the house together watching the sitcom mindlessly, waiting for something to break them from their haze. Jake looked over at the lizard and noticed he wasn't acting like himself.

"Hey Ryan, what's wrong?" Jake asked.

"Jus-just worried about finally leaving." Ryan responded. Jake heard a quiver in his voice and was sure there was more to it.

"C'mon man, I know there's more. What's got you so bent out of shape?" Jake said, trying to sound a sincere as possible. Ryan rubbed his arm and looked around the room.

"It's just, last night, I didn't get much sleep."

Ryan told Jake about how Kevin and Jenny had kept him up so he moved out. He then explained, half laughingly, that he even heard Jake and Mitch last night in his attempt to eek out a place to sleep. Jake laughed with him at first but afterwards apologized. Ryan shared his story up to the point where he fell asleep, not feeling the need to tell Jake about his dream.

"There's more to it, I can tell." Jake said. "But if you don't want to tell me that's okay." Ryan just hung his head and looked at the ground between his feet. After the show ended Mitch walked through the door. He put the bottle of juice in the fridge and went back into the living room.

"Don't look so bored, you two." He said as he walked in. "We can always find something to do, you know. The night isn't over yet."

"We already did something, Mitch." Jake said.

"I was talking to Ryan. You look beat, what can I do to help." the fox said with a genuine eagerness.

"It's okay, Mitch-"

"You better take him on his offer," Jake said, cutting Ryan off. "or he'll follow you around like a cub until you're happy." Ryan sat in thought for a moment.

"Well my back has been killing me. You any good at massages?" Ryan asked.

"Sure." Mitch said happily. "Lie down on the floor and I'll do what I can."

Ryan got off the chair and lied down on his stomach.

"C'mon, Ryan."


"I can't give you a massage with your shirt on." Mitch said to the lizard. Ryan took off his shirt and then lied down on the floor awaiting Mitch's touch. Mitch knelt beside him, placing his paws between the shoulder blades of the lizard and pushing. He kept pushing in all direction at every dip and curve of Ryan's back. Ryan let out an occasional gasp of relief as Mitch massaged his back. Mitch was happy to be helping his friend, but mostly he was happy that he got to touch the lizard, if only under the pretense of a massage.

Eventually Mitch got brave and moved his leg to the other side of the lizard, and rested his weight on the lizards firm rump.

"Don't get any ideas." Ryan uttered from within his bliss. Mitch leaned over the lizard and used his entire body to apply pressure to the knots in Ryan's back. Mitch got off Ryan when he was sure there were no more knots in his back.

"Turn over." Mitch said to the lizard.


"I'm not done yet, turn over." Mitch explained.

The lizard rolled onto his back and Mitch took his position on top of Ryan. He seated himself above Ryan's waistline, out of respect, but found it hard to help him from that position. As Mitch rubbed Ryan's chest and neck his body moved down gradually, without the attention of the fox or lizard. It wasn't until Mitch had felt the familiar bump in Ryan's pants rubbing against his tail hole that Mitch understood what he had done. Mitch got off his friend quickly and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying anything." Mitch said hastily. Jake withdrew his attention from the TV to look at the spectacle before him. Mitch was standing with Ryan in front of him, and Ryan was attempting to hide a very noticeable tent forming in his pants. Ryan stood up quickly and apologized to Mitch as he pushed past him and left through the back door of the house, heading towards the beach. Mitch looked over to Jake with pleading eyes.

"No. I'm not going to talk to him, you caused it I think you should fix it." Jake said preemptively. Mitch continued to stare at Jake, adjusting his gaze and making Jake shift uncomfortably. Finally Jake caved in. "Fine, I'll talk to him, but when I'm done you'll talk to him too." Jake followed Ryan down the beach and found him sitting in the sand watching the waves. Jake sat next to him in silence, choosing his words carefully.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jake asked cautiously.

"I'm not gay." Ryan said defensively.

"No, of course not." Jake said, though he didn't really believe his own words. "It was just the way Mitch was rubbing you. With his firm paws pressing all over your chest. His perfectly rounded ass rubbing against your crotch." Jake's words had the effect he had hoped for, as Ryan's pants were beginning to tent again. Ryan noticed his bulging member and attempted to hide it.

"Okay, so I'm a little gay." Ryan said. Jake chuckled at the statement before talking again.

"I just want to know, when you found out I was gay, why didn't you tell me then?"

"Well, I wasn't gay then. I'm pretty sure I'm not gay now, just a little blue." Jake let a few moments pass before talking again.

"So, when's the last time you got laid?"

"Too long." Ryan responded. Jake could see his friend was excessively horny with no outlet for his needs and understood his predicament.

"Ryan, you could always let me and Mitch take care of you." Jake suggested, trying to sound as friendly as he could. Ryan didn't answer so Jake continued with his proposal. "Consider it a going away present for you. It would only be this one time, and you could get it out of your system before leaving." Ryan opened his mouth but then shut it before any words came out. Jake sat next to him in the dark awaiting his response.

"I guarantee you won't regret it." Jake added. Ryan looked at the moon over the ocean and sat in silence. Jake decided not to pressure the lizard anymore.

"Just don't sleep out here." Jake said as he left to go back to the house. When he walked back through the door Mitch was on the couch waiting.

"Well?" the fox asked.

"He needs a moment." Jake answered as he sat next to the fox. They sat together waiting for Ryan to return. After ten minutes of waiting Jake got up to go back to him only to find Ryan walking through the door.

"Hey, Jake." Ryan said trying to get the wolf's attention.


"Would you really do that for me?"

"Do it? I would enjoy it. As long as you were willing." Jake added the last part upon seeing the lizards reaction to his response. Ryan took a deep breath before looking Jake in the eye.

"Alright, I'll do it." With those words Jake moved into action, trying to get started before he had a chance to regret it. Jake called Mitch over to help, telling him they get one night to play with Ryan before he leaves. Jake placed Ryan on the floor and pulled the pants off the lizard. Mitch decided to take his place back on top of Ryan, sliding down the lizard until he felt the stiff dick pressing against his back next to his tail. Jake went behind Mitch and pulled the fox's tail high. Mitch sat up and positioned himself over Ryan, allowing himself to glide effortlessly onto the lizard.

Jake leaned down and attended to Ryan's tight ball sack, rolling them in his hands and feeling their weight before leaning in and licking the small orbs behind the thin skin and scales. Mitch as staying upright on Ryan, controlling his movement, keeping a steady pace, always looking at the lizard's face for signs of discomfort. Ryan saw the fox's scanning eyes and smiled. Mitch leaned in and kissed the lizard, who kissed back. Ryan let the fox go, and Mitch sat erect on the lizard's penis, starting to simply shift his position without actually moving. Ryan leaned up and asked the fox to get off him for a moment, which Mitch did.

"Something wrong?" Mitch asked.

"No, there's just something I wanted to do." Ryan answered. Ryan leaned into Jake and fell so his face was pressing against his crotch. With a curious tongue, he sampled the wolf's pink member. He held the dick in his mouth, going over every bump and dent with the tip of his tongue before letting it slide out of his mouth.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be." Ryan said. "Can I try you now Mitch?" Mitch simply smiled and moved over to the lizard who eagerly took the foxes member into his mouth. Ryan gave Mitch the same treatment, noticing the slightly different shape of his friends' penises. Ryan suckled on the fox's organ as he pulled his head back to let it leave his mouth, causing a moan to erupt from Mitch. As Ryan continued to attend to Mitch's needs, Jake took the chance to test Ryan's limits.

Jake surprised the lizard with a friendly lick to the anus and he moistened the lizards scaly rump. As Ryan became accustom to the wet tentacle probing his backside he continued to run his tongue over the fox's cock. He pulled the member out of his mouth and suckled on the knot protruding from Mitch's sheath. He moved his focus down, to the small fuzzy orbs dangling between the fox's legs, and took them one by one into his mouth. Jake had worked Ryan's ass enough to begin sliding a finger or two inside, and eventually began to probe the entrance with his tip. Ryan gripped tighter on Mitch's thigh as his virgin ass was entered for the first time, holding back a scream of pain. Jake instantly backed out of Ryan.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked

"Just do it." Ryan said gasping. "It's not like I plan to do this again." He added the last part more for himself than for his friends. Jake decided to lube Ryan's ass more before reentering. When he managed to get his tip in Ryan was already sucking on Mitch again. Jake pushed slowly into the lizard before sensing the pain he caused his friend.

"Fuck it, Ryan. Switch with me." Jake said as he pulled out of the lizard. Ryan let Mitch fall from his mouth again before answering.

"No I can take it-"

"No you can't. Start small, get a toy or something. If we keep going it could cause permanent harm." Jake said forcefully. Ryan though over the idea and then reluctantly agreed.

"But I owe you one, okay." Ryan added as they switched position. Jake bent down in front of Mitch who was happy to have a more experienced cock sucker before him. Jake looked into Mitch's eyes as he took the organ into his maw, taking it deep to the back of his mouth before pulling his head away from the base. Ryan had gotten behind the wolf, who was still slightly agape from earlier at the club, and pierced Jake with a sort of unskilled precision.

Ryan's lack of experience with a male and mental state at what was happening wore down on him, making him thrust erratically. Though it was erratic, the unpredictability of it had actually helped Jake enjoy it more, but Ryan also pulled out too far sometimes, often slipping out of the wolf. After a few tries, Ryan managed to get a hold of himself and maintain a constant rhythm.

Jake used his full attention to attend to the fox's member, now beginning to leak a large amount of lubricating fluid, all of which was eagerly gulped by the wolf. Before long, Ryan's dry spell kicked in and he began to quicken his pace, forcing Jake to press into Mitch farther, feeling the penis now contacting the back of his throat.

"I'm gonna cum." Ryan uttered between gasps. Jake rolled his eyes but was unable to respond. Jake doubled his efforts to help Mitch cum, in an attempt to catch him up to here Ryan was. When Jake felt the warm liquid begin to paint his insides he felt a feeling of warming bliss fall over him. He kept the penis in his mouth, sucking hard to make Mitch spray his own seed inside his mouth. When another burst of warm liquid was sprayed into the back of Jake's mouth he began swallowing until the spurts had stopped. He let Mitch's cock fall from is mouth so he could speak.

"Did you like it?" He said back to Ryan.

"Yeah, a lot." Ryan responded through broken gasps.

"Good, because I'm not done yet." Jake stood up and told Ryan to get on his knees. Ryan did so reluctantly and took the wolf's member into his mouth. Ryan vaguely remembered a dream he had about Jake, and a worried look flashed in his eyes, though it went unnoticed by the other two.

Ryan let Jake do the work as he held his head still while Jake thrust his hips. Ryan eventually placed one hand on Jake's knot and another on his rump and pulled the wolf closer. The wolf's penis twitched as he knew he was about to cum. Jake pulled out quickly from the lizard's mouth and pumped his organ three or four times until he sprayed his seed into the air.

The semen glistened in the light as Ryan watched it fly, closing his eyes only when it fell onto the lizards face. Two more, weaker, streams followed it that painted the face of the lizard. Ryan quickly swallowed the semen already in his mouth before following up with a weak cough.

"How can you stand that stuff?" He asked through his coughs.

"You get used to it." Mitch answered as he walked over to the lizard. Mitch began to lick Ryan's face clean until his scales were spotless. When he was doe they all sat on the couch, still naked, and listened to the television in he background as they drifted off ni thought.

"Thanks, guys." Ryan said after a wordless stretch of time.

"No need to thank us. It was a goodbye present." Jake said.

"Still, thanks." After another moment of speechlessness Jake suggested that they dress before his brother's return, which they all did with a degree of playful bumping and patting.

Before long their indents on the couch were full again, and one by one they drifted to sleep. Jake was on the right side of the couch with Mitch asleep in his lap. Ryan was lying along Mitch's leg, a hand lying across the fox's fuzzy sack. Together they slept, unaware of the world around them, as the room and sounds fade to black.