Twokinds - A Dirty Little Cheat

Story by Tokamak_Providence on SoFurry

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#4 of Twokinds - Quick and Dirty Stories

Been away for a bit, back with more stories! Another addition to the quick-and-dirty list (quick little fap-fics that I write based on a lewd interpretation of a particular image), though this one is a little longer than I perhaps intended. Direct sequel to the previous story, "A Quick Little Cheat." Already have two more completed, so they'll be coming along soon, plus something non-Twokinds. Enjoy!

(Image belongs to Tom Fischbach, shared under Creative Commons)

It had taken almost half an hour for Keith's heart rate to return to normal.

The events of that morning burned fresh in his mind. Over and over he replayed those thirty sinful seconds. Some of it, he had to visualise purely in the realms of his imagination. The sight of her perfect pussy, wet and open for him. The soft sound of her voice speaking those words, words that had shattered all restraint his basitin blood imbued him with.

'D-do it again.'

And how he had. How he had relished that chance, taken those thirty seconds like they were thirty years the life of a king. A desire he had so longed for, yet never imagined that he would have so lustfully gifted to him.

The sight and sounds of their shared moment of infidelity may well have passed all too briefly, but her taste; her delightful, feminine taste, lingered on his fur. Her juices remained smeared about his muzzle, the male utterly unwilling to wash himself until their scent had died away fully.

He took another deep breath, inhaling the divine essence that still clung to him

His heart started to beat faster. Again.

While thirty minutes may have been an eternity to remain in such a state, it had been a full thirty minutes longer, over an hour, until his raging erection had decided to relax itself. Those thoughts, the thoughts of exactly what he had wanted to do, still swum about his mind, clouding all but his supreme lust for that feisty, lusty keidran. The one thing he should not, could not have.

And the one thing he had taken.

No, not taken. It was offered freely. Yes, he had taken the first step, diving his tongue between her folds without so much as a single word from him, savouring her without cause or concern for the consequences.

But she had not stopped him.

Not only had there been no resistance, she had outright welcomed him. Flora had all but begged him to eat her out, devour her, violate her most intimate place. He had offered no resistance of his own to the invitation, though he should have. She had heavily suggested that she had in fact longed for a basitin male to take her, someone strong and brutish, offering something more carnal than that which her lover would otherwise be able to provide. Keith, dumbstruck with his own luck, had eagerly obliged.

And then he said that he wanted to fuck her.

And she had said he could. Not in so many words; but putting it to him without much room for doubt that she would be more than willing to let him drive his cock into her, fuck her senseless, take that final step into the forbidden.


It wasn't night. It was just past lunchtime. Frustration would be an understatement. The term 'horny' barely captured how Keith Keisser currently felt. He paced back and forth, making his way from one end of the forest estates large central hallway to the other, doing all he could to take his mind of what awaited him between Flora's creamy white thighs.

"Hey, Keith!"

If anything was going to fail to tear his mind away from the female keidran, it was the sound of Trace Legacy greeting him, grinning broadly and he strode casually up the hall towards him.

"Oh, hey," Keith replied, "good morning. . . er. . . afternoon."

Trace walked up to him and blinked several times, "you okay there, buddy? You're looking a little tired."

"Oh, well. . ." the basitin gulped, '. . . just didn't sleep all that well, you know?"

The human smiled in response, "yeah, I hear you. I was up quite late. Oh! Almost forgot! Got something real neat here to show you!"

He fumbled about inside his gown for a few moments before producing a small, cylindrical object. Outwardly, it didn't look like much; a wooden peg, perhaps. Closer inspection, however, would reveal a smooth surface and a jewel of sorts impressed into one end. Trace turned it over in his hand a few times.

"Uh, what is it?" Keith asked.

Trace held it up to his eye, peering into the jeweled end, "I don't know, to be honest. It came from one of those magical tables, you know, the ones you can use to summon whatever you want. Seems they're not bound by time either, so you can summon stuff from the past. . . or the future."

It was Keith's turn to blink a few times, "are you saying this is from. . . the future?"

"I think so," Trace nodded, "I found a list of things written down, really weird words. Tried a few out and bang, now I have this. I think it's called a lay-sir pointer. But hey, it does something cool!"

The human stretched the strange device outwards in his hand, his thumb clicking down on a small button.


Keith looked about the hall, "I don't see anything."

"Right there!"



He finally saw it. This magical device from the future, something neither he nor any other living soul had ever seen. . . produced a red dot. A bright red dot, sure, but just a red dot.

"That's it?"

Trace flicked the dot across the wall a few times, "pretty cool, huh?"

"I suppose," said Keith wearily, "what can you use it for?"

The human grinned, "well, I'm glad you asked! Flora!"

"Trace!" A feminine voice sounded from down the hall, followed by the rapidly approaching pitter-pat of bare tiger paws upon the floor.

"TRACE!" Flora tackle-hugged the blue haired human, giving his cheek an affectionate lick.

Her eyes darted, ever so quickly and with the slightest hint of a blush flashing across her face, to Keith's. For all of a microsecond their gazes locked, the basitins heart rising in his chest, robbing him of breath.

Flora flashed her fangs. Playfully, suggestively, and just for him.

"Aw, good morning, Flora." Trace returned the embrace, oblivious, "I've got a surprise for you."

She relented in her affection momentarily, "A surprise? What sort of a surprise do you. . . MRRROW!!"

Flora pounced, dropping to her forelimbs and diving across the floor. The red dot, lazily looping along the wall, was her target. Knocking over several items of furniture, her paws clasped around the spot on the wall, seizing only air.

Her face turned back to the human. An almost feral, yet still playful, expression spread across her cute features.

"Grrrr. . ."

Trace moved the dot again, watching as the tigress bounded after it. Each time, just as she thought she had caught it, it moved again, her paws coming up short in their chase.

"Heh," the human was clearly enjoying himself, "I don't know why, but it seems to have this effect on keidran, or least tigers. Just sends them. . . wild, like it's some giant game."

Keith couldn't care less for what Trace had to say, his eyes were fixed squarely on Flora's pert, shapely rear as she careened and crashed about the hall. Again, he found his heart thundering in his chest, and again he found his mind, and his loins, yearning for another taste of her divine essence.

Then it came into sight.

Dashing through a doorway and into a lavishly adorned room, Flora again sprung at the dot and skidded to a halt, her rump now directly facing Keith, legs spread and tail flagged high. . .

. . . and delicious, perfect tiger cunt on full display. Parted ever so slightly, a bead or three of her wondrous nectar dripping down. Nectar the basitin could smell, further clouding his already hazy mind.

Before he had the chance to appreciate the display so baudishly granted to him, Flora twisted, turning herself to face the location to which Trace had shot the dot, and pounced again.

"See, she loves it!" the human was practically laughing.

Keith moved into the room, next to Trace, still watching Flora's every move, "yeah. . . just. . . look at her go."

"Ah, well, I've got a lot of work to do before we head out again. Going to lock myself in the study for a few hours, I need to brush up on these old books that I supposedly wrote a while back. You know, stuff the old me wrote. I, well, do you think you could do me a favour, buddy? Just keep an eye on Flora for me. Here, have some fun with this."

He thrust the magical device into Keith's paw.

"I don't want her to have to worry about me while I'm reading all that horrible stuff," he continued, "just keep her occupied. Sorry to dump this on you, really appreciate it."

Without a further word, he about-faced and strode off down the hall, leaving Keith somewhat dumbstruck with the opportunity that had just been presented to him. He looked at the device in his paw, then back to flora, now crouched at his feet, tail wagging back and forth expectantly.


Her eyes lit up.


He flicked it to the left, watching as she followed, then back to the right. He raced the dot away, looping it up the wall opposite, before bringing it back towards himself, abruptly stopping the motion inches in front of his feet. Flora followed fractions of a second later, tumbling over and depositing herself on her back directly in front of the now thoroughly enthralled male basitin.

On her back, with her legs splayed out, spread eagled, shameless and obscene.

It took every ounce of self control to not mount her there and then, a fight against an urge felt by the entirety of his being, down to the last fibre. How he wanted to, how he very much wanted to defile this female in front of him, to commit that final taboo, to take someone supposedly bound to another, for himself.

She was offering.

She was willing.

She had said so.

Her eyes continued to burn up at him. Flora moved her hips, ever so slowly and slightly, from side to side, gyrating her nethers in front of him, showing off what she had to offer, beckoning him in. Cunt parted and went, pink folds for him to devour mere feet away, and an obviously horny tigress who would keep their dirty little secret. She grinned.

She wanted it.

And Keith, misgivings of the morning now a forlorn memory, wanted it too. He looked to the device in his paw. He would have to be quick; Trace had said he would lock himself away, but there were others here, others in the estate that may discover them.

His fingers shot to his buckle, nervousness almost overcoming his otherwise steady paw as he undid his trousers, allowing them to slide down his toned legs and to the floor. His underwear hid nothing, the excitedness of his erection painfully obvious through the thin fabric.

That too, was removed, the male sitting his now naked rump down upon the floor, throbbing member now on display for the tiger girl.

"Here. . .k-kitty."

Slowly, Kieth traced the glowing red dot across the floor, wavering it left and right a few times in front of Flora, her fierce yellow eyes following its every motion. Up his leg he snaked it, first over his food, then along his calf, and up his brown furred thigh.

Until it settled atop his pulsating cockhead.

"K-Ki. . .AH!!!"

What the basitin had hoped for, he received. A slight grow emanated from the tiger girl's throat before she pounced, paws wrapping around the rock hard basitin flesh, squeezing ever so slightly. For a moment, seemingly suspended in time, she pawed at him, gently massaging his flesh, eyes briefly locking with his own.

And then the sight of a pink tongue, sensually running over her lips.

Her muzzle came down, the same wild abandon with which she had playfully chased the dot now driving her to engulf Keith's maleness whole. Flora's feline tongue ran across his tip before her lips sealed about it, and his length sunk down her throat. A moan escaped him, complimenting a growl from her that rapidly became a purr. Her triangular button nose pushed into his crotchfur and she sucked, hard and without pause. Delicate paws left his base, scratching across his toned stomach before settling behind him, grasping firmly at his rump. The male's own paws, in turn, shot to her head, holding her in place, relishing the sensation of her rigorous, enthusiastic oral ministrations.

"F-flora. . "

Keith tightened his grip about the tigress' head, his fingers caressing over her ears. Teeth gritted, he fought the urge to cry out, to scream her name and wake his companions, and alert Trace to the betrayal he was visiting upon him.

"F. . ."

An urge that grew stronger and stronger as his climax approached. Such had been his desire for her, his wanting for this most intimate contact, that he found himself on the edge of a shattering orgasm within seconds of her mouth descending upon his cock. All the times he'd jerked himself, dreamt of her, dreamt of this exact moment, nothing had prepared him for the reality, so suddenly thrust upon him.

Keith came. Hard.

The basitin growled through clenched fangs, throwing his head back as his seed emptied itself into Flora's willing muzzle. She gulped, taking his taste in, not wasting a drop, sucking and licking, her tongue lashing across his hyper-sensitive flesh. With near certainty, someone would hear.

Just as he was about to lose the last shreds of his self-control, Flora removed his cock from her mouth, giving a final, teasing lick before looking up, eyes suddenly full of innocence, as if the past thirty seconds had been suddenly forgotten.


"Uh, hi Flora. . ."

Oblivious to his nakedness, she picked herself up, absentmindedly wiping a strand of his cum from her chin.

Then shot a quick, fierce grin.

"Remember, Keithy, I said tonight. . ."