A Locker Room Encounter (Prequel to 'Breaking Curfew')

Story by Andlat on SoFurry

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"Going for a jog at the gym." Jake called out as he walked through the living room. His younger brother just grunted from the couch, but that was about all Jake expected from him.

Jake walked to the corner, where the bus stop was. The gym was not very far away, but Jake had always preferred to take the bus there, so as not to waste any energy on the trip. The bus soon arrived and Jake boarded. He sat down behind two middle-aged foxes who were discussing the latest sermon of some preacher or another. He only half-listened, focusing more on getting to the gym. Outside the window, urban traffic passed by under the golden sun. It was a beautiful day, but Jake just preferred jogging at the gym to jogging out in the day.

The bus soon reached the gym and Jake stepped off along with a few others. He made his way pass the check-in desk and into the locker room. Just as he was entering, he spotted a fit-looking lion about his age disappear into the gym. Jake smiled. He had always had a certain something for lions and whoever that was was no exception. He quickly stripped down to his boxers and then dressed in plain workout clothes before heading out for a jog.

Jake had always found something meditative about running and today was no exception. As he jogged, he searched for the lion, but did not have any luck. He spent a while wondering exactly what form of exercise the lion preferred. He had looked like a runner, but apparently, he was not, or at least, not today.

I can't believe how much I'm thinking about him. I mean, I've never even been with another guy before! Not that I haven't wanted to. Jake shook his head and tried to focus on jogging. After all, what really were the odds of running into him again? It was a random encounter. Nothing more. This thought depressed him more than he had thought that it would.

He had made quite a few laps around the track by the time he decided to call it quits for the day. He walked back to the locker room, carefully avoided a sprinting ocelot as he did. As he entered the locker room, he heard the distinct sound of a shower turning on. It was by no means the first time that he had entered the locker room just as someone was taking a shower, but he felt his heart leap. The odds were slim, but maybe it was the lion from earlier! He stood by the locker that he rented and waited patiently, if not obviously, so as not to seem like a creeper.

A few moments later, he heard the shower shut off. He quickly undressed and wrapped a towel around his waist, hoping that he could at least catch the lion's eye as they passed each other. He was taken aback when the guy in the shower turned out to be an elderly rabbit. Jake stared at the tiled floor as they passed. He could not help but feel disappointed.

I hate gym showers. But, it's better than taking the bus and smelling like a barn! He reasoned. Once he was satisfied with his odor, he turned off the shower and walked back to his locker, the towel wrapped around his waist again. He was taken aback to discover the lion sitting right in front of his locker, clad only in a pair of navy blue briefs.

"Umm... can I help you?" The lion grinned.

"Can't a guy hang out in front of his locker in his underwear?" Jake was puzzled.

"Your locker's right there?" He pointed at the locker next to his. The lion nodded, still grinning. What a grin! Jake thought, trying to stop his eyes from wandering lower. Jake stood in front of his locker, opening the red metal door. The lion watched, the grin remaining on his face. Jake glanced over at him nervously.

"Are you shy?" The lion asked.

"No." Jake replied shakily. The lion laughed.

"You're cute when you lie." Jake blushed, much to the lion's amusement. "I'm Nate, by the way."

"Jake." They shook paws.

"Well, Jake, aren't you going to get dressed?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Nate shrugged.

"I'm comfortable." Jake smirked and set to changing without removing his towel. "Is the little puppy shy?" Nate teased. Jake just ignored him, grabbing his boxers and slipping them up his legs. "Boxers?" Nate said with disgust.

"Yeah. What's wrong with 'em?"

"They're so... so..."

"What?" Nate shrugged.

"They're just blah." Jake rolled his eyes.

"What kind of reasoning is that?" Nate grinned.

"Pretty good reasoning, if you ask me." Jake shook his head and returned to dressing with the spectator remaining right there. It was not until Jake was pulling his shirt over his head that Nate rose to get dressed himself.

"This will probably seem sudden," said Nate as he pulled on his jeans. "But, do you have anything planned after this?" Jake's heart leaped, but he knew to play it cool.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked, sounding, at least to himself, nonchalant. Nate's eyes sparkled as his grin widened.

"How about you come over to my place?" Jake wanted desperately to agree immediately, but playing hard to get was fun too.

"How do I know that you're not some kind of sociopath who's going to harvest my organs or something?" Nate took a step forward so that he and Jake were hardly apart. Jake gently inhaled and his snout filled with Nate's pheromones. He felt a stirring in his boxers as Nate gently touched his arm, gently caressing him. Their lips touched. Sparks shot through Jake from head to toe in that instant, but that was nothing compared to where Nate's paw went next. Jake gasped as Nate began to caress his crotch skillfully, rubbing him closer and closer to climax.

Just as suddenly as it had begun, Nate pulled away.

"Think of that as an incentive to follow me." He pulled on his shirt and then turned to leave. Jake quickly followed behind like an obedient pup. His mind raced. What was he doing? Following a random stranger back to his house? What was he thinking?

I'm thinking with my dick. He realized as they emerged from the gym. The thought did not seem to bother him terribly much at the moment.

Nate climbed aboard the bus and Jake followed. It was the same bus that he would have taken home anyway, so it provided him with an escape route if events turned creepy.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes before Nate suddenly spoke.

"So, have you ever?"

"Have I ever gone with a guy I met in the locker room on a sexual rendezvous? No." Nate laughed.

"Touché." They returned to silence at least for the time being, but soon enough, Nate grabbed Jake's paw. "Here's our stop." He said, tugging the wolf up onto his paws. Jake was slightly reluctant, but things were going far too fast for him to even conceive an escape.

It was only about a block from the bus stop to Nate's house, for which Jake was thankful. His cock had yet to relax from the events of the locker room and he was quite desperate for release.

Nate was quickly about leading the wolf downstairs to his bedroom.

"No one else is home?" Nate nodded.

"Yeah, luckily. My mom asks awkward questions." He closed the door, locking it. "Just in case." He remarked with a wink. Without further ado, Nate pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Jake admired his chiseled abs and slowly stepped forward, running his paw down Nate's abs.

"Does the kitty want a belly rub?" Nate grinned.

"Would you please?" Jake bowed melodramatically.

"I am your servant." Nate's grin widened and Jake could see the gears turning in his mind.

"My servant, hmm? Well, my servant shouldn't be dressed like that." He clapped his paws together. "Strip for my amusement." Jake obeyed, slowly pulling his shirt off and then running his paws around the button that held his jeans around his waist.

"As my master commands." He popped the button and slowly slipped his jeans down, leaving him in just his boxers. Nate sniffed.

"Such ugly underwear shouldn't be in my sight. I banish it." He waved his paw as Jake pulled it down. Nate grinned. "Now this view I like." He said cheerfully. He lay back on his bed. "I'll take that belly rub now." Jake walked over and Nate watched the rhythm of his body, particularly his balls swaying back and forth as the wolf took each step. He gently placed his paw on Nate's stomach and began to rub vigorously, causing the muscular lion to purr loudly.

It was only a moment later that his paw began to wander lower, rubbing the outside of the lion's briefs. Nate's purring changed note and grew in intensity. A grin on his face, Jake began to work his other paw under Nate's waistband and play with the object of his desires. Nate moaned even more as Jake's head slowly lowered and took the lion's erect cock into his mouth, one of his paws straying down to his own cock, stroking it as his mouth slid up and down Nate's length.

"Yes, yes." Nate moaned, his powerful paws gripping the sides of his bed as he thrust his hips. Jake took the encouragement and doubled his efforts, his tongue dancing along Nate's balls. He was improvising and, Gods, was it working!

Jake kept moving Nate closer and closer to climax and knew that it was only a matter of time for himself. He tried as well as he could to coordinate the orgasms. At last, they both exploded, shouting out as they did.

"That was amazing." Nate said, panting slightly.

"Amazing enough to do it again sometime?" Nate stared down at the nude wolf at his waist.

"Of course. For now, though, I'd just like to cuddle." Smiling, Jake made his way up to Nate's head and they did just that.