An Unwilling Sacrifice

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A patreon exclusive that was voted on by my very lovely supporters, a demon summoner enlists his friend to help him in his ritual, though he doesn't tell him what part he's playing.

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Alex huffed as he followed his friend through the old storm drain that ran underneath the park, practically feeling the dampness seeping into his clothes as they moved further into the darkness. It was the middle of the night and he was feeling particularly groggy, but the other male in front of him was insistent that he showed him the latest trick that he had learned. The only thing that he could think of was that it was something that had come out of this book he was obsessed with ever since he found it in his grandfather's basement. While he had pressed him on what it could possibly be his friend remained tight-lipped about what they were doing in a concrete tunnel in the middle of the night.

"C'mon Sika," Alex said as he rubbed his face with one hand while keeping the beam of his flashlight steady in the other. "Can you please just tell me what this is so that I can hate you now for bringing me to this place in the middle of the night?"

"Hey, you never complained about coming down here when I had weed or we were fooling around," Sika replied, causing the other man to turn and blush slightly. "I promise that you won't regret it, just a few more feet and we'll get to the usual spot."

The usual spot for them was an old junction that was about as big as a bedroom that was originally intended for the purpose of flood mitigation, but was a place where people could go to do illicit activities. Back when the two were in high school they had found it with a few friends, but with all of them either moved away or off to college for a few years now they seemed to be the only ones that knew of such a place. Since they both still lived with their parents even though they could have moved out years ago they still utilized it every so often to do things that they wouldn't approve of. From the way that Sika spoke and what he carried on his back however Alex knew this wasn't going to be a booty call.

When they finally got to the junction they no longer needed their lights, Alex's jaw dropping slightly when he saw that Sika had been busy down here without him. Red and black candles were set all over the place and an intricate circular design had been drawn into the ground in a red substance. Sika could see his friend glance over at him in question and concern and he quickly told him that it was just paint. Despite the reassurance the entire scene gave Alex a chill as he looked over towards the area of the room that was usually reserved for their blow-up bed and saw a small alter with incense burning and a few animal skulls on it. As he looked at Sika to ask what was going on he could see him pouring over the book that he had pulled out of his backpack, looking through the yellowed pages.

"You have GOT to be kidding me," Alex stated as he went up to Sika and kicked him in the thigh to get his attention. "You brought me down here in the middle of the night to a wet storm drain just so you can, what, try to summon a demon?!"

"The book says that this particular ritual can only be cast on a blood moon!" Sika replied angrily as he rubbed the spot where he had been kicked.

"I don't care if could only be done on a leap year ending in zero!" Alex practically shouted, his voice echoing in concrete room. "You know that book doesn't work, it's probably just some sort of movie prop! You have to stop this; you are getting obsessed with trying to summon something out of that book and you know it."

There was a moment of silence between the two as Alex debated storming off right that moment, but before he could say or do anything he saw the other man leap up and put a hand on his shoulder. "Look, you're my best friend..." Sika said, his eyes practically pleading. "In fact, you might be my only friend left in this town. I wanted to share this with you because if what is said in this book is true then we can have power, wealth, anything we want... so if this is real, I want you here with me to reap the benefits."

Once more the small room went silent, the candles flickering slightly as a breeze blew through the storm drain, as Alex thought about what to do next. He had never believed in this sort of stuff before and even if he did the last thing that he would want to do is summon some sort of monster. But... perhaps when this doesn't work he could talk his friend out of continuing on this quest, he thought to himself. Plus there was the real possibility that he had brought other things to entertain themselves besides a summoning ritual and he was already up anyway.

Alex found himself sighing and nodding, causing a big smile to appear on Sika's face before he told him to stand back. It appeared that there was nothing he needed to do to participate, which was just fine with him as he went over to a large metal pipe and sat down on it while he watched. It reminded him a lot of something one would see in a movie, including hearing chanting coming from the male as he began to spread various substances over the ground. Once Sika was done with that he seemed to move on to the next part of the ritual, which caused Alex to blush slightly in surprise when he saw him removing his clothes.

When Alex asked if that was really necessary Sika shot back that it was, and that it was nothing he hadn't seen before anyway. Though he didn't mind the view of the bare backside of the other male it wasn't something he was expecting to see as he watched him kneel down at one end of the circle. He could only imagine how chilled Sika was as he flipped the page of the book and once more began to chat with more intensity. At this point Alex wished he had brought his phone to record this to blackmail him later... until the paint on the ground began to glow and the candles grew even brighter flames.

As the darkness seemed to intensify around them Alex suddenly found himself back on his feet, backing away from the wall as it became harder to see in the growing black that surrounded them. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, especially as the wind began to swirl around them while Sika continued to chat. Was he actually doing it, Alex thought to himself as he continued to back away from the wall of shadow that was encroaching him, was he actually summoning a demon?! How was this even possible?!

But just as Alex had thought about possibly interrupting Sika he saw something coming out of the circle that caused his blood to chill and his muscles to freeze. It was a hand... a glowing blue clawed thing that seemed to scrape against the concrete as though it was pulling itself out of the void and into their reality. A thick, muscular arm followed it and as the floor surrounded by the circle began to turn red as well a head slowly began to rise out of it that looked straight at Alex with bright, icy blue eyes. Alex shouted at Sika to stop but he seemed completely entranced, his lips moving while he stared straight ahead with a glassy stare while the demon continued to climb up as though getting out of a hole.

The room went cold and Alex could hear crackling noises from deep in the darkness, the sound of water suddenly freezing as he felt goosebumps travel up and down his arms. A second arm soon followed the first and then the demon seemed to have no problems with pulling his chest and hips up from the portal that had been created. As it did Sika suddenly stopped what he was doing and slumped forward, prompting Alex to go over to him and help. When he pressed his hands against his bare flesh it was so cold he might have thought he was already dead, though a few seconds later the summoner coughed and snapped out of his daze. By the time Alex had gotten the naked man up to his feet he wasn't the only one to do so, the two of them looking straight at the creature that had come from the void at Sika's request.

The demonic creature stood head and shoulders above the two of them, his body an incandescent blue that flickered and shifted like smoke in front of them. Though there wasn't much definition to his body they could tell a few things; like he was clearly male and that he had a very muscular build. He also had a head that looked like a dragon, complete with horns and fangs that stretched past the lips of his reptilian muzzle, but had hooved feet that clapped against the concrete that had reappeared. Even more intimidating then his physical presence was the aura of dominance and power that he had around him, both humans practically falling to their knees at the sight of the creature that looked down on them with glowing blue eyes.

"I knew it..." Sika said softly as the demonic creature crossed his arms in front of his chest. "The blood of demon summoners does run in my veins!" The naked human pulled away from Alex slightly and pointed his finger at the demon. "Demon, I name you Daliran!"

"My my, aren't we formal," the demon replied, his voice causing both Sika and Alex to shudder not only from the force of it but the chill that seemed to accompany it. "It's been a while since I've been properly summoned that wasn't for a lark or on accident. I also see that you decided to take the naked route with your ritual... you do know that part was optional, correct?"

As Alex looked over he could see Sika turn red from head to toe before shaking it off and once more addressing the demon. "That doesn't dictate the conditions of the ritual!" Sika stated. "As the one that summoned you I get your power in exchange for bringing you to this plane of existence. If that isn't the case then you may as well crawl back down that hole to wherever you came from."

To their surprise the demon just chuckled and nodded his head, uncrossing his arms and leaning in towards Sika. "You will have your power, summoner," the demon stated before those glowing eyes glanced over at Alex, who had been frozen in place until attention was suddenly placed on him. "And I'm assuming this one is the sacrifice for that power?"

"You bet," Sika replied, a smirk forming on his face as the declaration rocked Alex to the very core of his being.

"S...sacrifice?" Alex stammered slightly as he felt himself taking a step backwards as the evil grin on his friend's face continued to grow bigger. "What does that mean?!"

"Sorry Alex," Sika said as he nodded his head towards the demon. "In order to solidify the pact I needed to feed the demon the essence of another. You were the only one I knew of that would follow me down here so I could get it."

Alex felt like he had been stabbed in the gut as he tried to turn and run, only to find that the darkness that surrounded them seemed to have solidified into an impenetrable barrier. "Once the ritual has been enacted it must be brought to its conclusion," Daliran stated. "The pact of power will be competed."

"You bastard!" Alex shouted as his fear turned to anger, balling up his fists. "How could you do this to me?! I thought we were friends!"

"We were friends," Sika said with a shrug. "That's why I figured you'd be fine with all of this, though if you aren't I really don't care. For months now I've been waiting to enact this ritual... finally I'm going to get out of this town and get what I deserve!"

Alex stood speechless as the one that he thought was his friend turn back towards the demon and stretch his hand out to solidify the deal made between them. Had Sika really just killed him so that he could leave this place? They had both complained numerous times how much they wished they could get out, but the lack of employment they had found plus the fact they only had high school educations limited them in that aspect. But never in his wildest dreams did he think that the other male was so hard-pressed to leave that he would serve up someone on a silver platter to a demon, especially his friend as Daliran reached past the boundary of the summoning circle to shake Sika's hand.

"It's like touching dry ice without the burn..." Sika said as Alex looked on in stunned silence, watching as his breath turned to clouds from the cold. "So, it's done then? You're mine?"

"It is done," the demon replied, a smirk similar to the one that Sika had forming on his muzzle as he leaned in close. "But I think you may have misinterpreted the ritual you cast, because I don't become yours..." both the demon and Alex saw the face of the summoner turn from arrogance to fear, " become mine."

"Wait, that's not-" Sika attempted to say before his eyes practically bulged out of his head as the demon leaned forward and shoved the front of his muzzle past his lips. With the ethereal nature of the creature it seemed to be able to push himself in rather easily, though it was still solid enough to stretch out the human's lips as Alex could hear muffled protests coming from the naked male. When he attempted to pull back Sika found the large, clawed hand that had originally shook his grab him by the head and push him forward even further. The sight was enough to cause Alex to fall to his knees as he saw the entire draconic head of the demon disappear into the mouth of the human... only to see the outline of a muzzle appearing in his throat.

The summoner began to thrash around as more of the ethereal creature pushed into him, wisps of white vapor coming out of Sika's nose as the demon continued to disappear down. The outline of Daliran's head was next seen stretching out the skin of the human's chest as Sika fell backwards when the arm bracing his head joined the rest of his body in entering the male. As the waist of the demonic creature pushed itself in it had a clear effect on the human as well, Alex's emotions turning from horror to pure bewilderment as the prehensile cock of the creature pushed its way past Sika's lips while the human's own member started to grow erect. As frost began to form on the human's skin where the demon had already pushed into him, seeing not only the head but also the shoulders and abs, there was a look on his face that he recognized from their previous interactions down here... a look of pleasure.

Whatever bliss the human was experiencing from his possession caused him to start writhing on the floor, particularly his hips as his maleness grew fully erect from the demonic stimulation. As the reptilian tail and blue legs of the creature were sliding into the gullet of the human the bulge that had formed in his stomach began to shift once more, this time the head of the demon traveling upwards as it pushed out the skin of the possessed male. As the arms and legs of the demon began to push out into the respective appendages of the male Alex could see them bulge, not only from the possession but from what looked like growth as the icy forming on the skin became so thick he couldn't see the flesh underneath before it cracked into a jagged scale-like pattern.

The muffled grunts and groans from the summoner soon turned to little more then gurgles as his body relaxed, though it still shifted back and forth as the creature within altered its position within him. Much like the arms Sika's legs thickened with new muscle as the toes and feet became coated with ice, this time forming into hooves similar to what the demon sported as he could see something pushing out from his backside. The new tail of the possessed male grew out at the same time his cock did, the already impressive length that Sika boasted growing even longer and girthier as the shaft began to flex unnaturally. Soon the entirety of the former human had been subsumed by the form of the demon as his pectorals and abs thickened while he continued to lay there on the ground.

As the seconds ticked by Alex thought that whatever had just transpired was finished, seeing the demonic creature laying there on the concrete where his friend had been just minutes ago. Had something gone wrong during the ritual, he thought as he slowly approached the muscular male. Before he could get close however he found himself stumbling back once more as Sika suddenly sat up, his thick, clawed hands reaching up and clutching his still humanoid face as his lengthening hair began to turn a similar blue to the rest of him. The summoner let out a loud cry as his teeth began to sharpen, Alex able to see his face starting to bulge outwards while his ears lengthened.

"Get... out of my... head!" Sika shouted, his voice becoming growly in nature as a pair of horns began to push out of his skull. "This isn't fair! You're supposed to take Alex, not me! This can't be happennnirrrrgghhh!"

The last word turned into a roar as it appeared Alex's last stand against the demon failed, watching him take the visage of the one possessing him as ice turned to scales and horns grew into their full length to frame the mane of darker blue hair that swept down his neck. The former human's eyes had been squeezed shut as the last of the demon pushed its way out of the body it inhabited, but as they opened again a second pair of eyes opened right behind the first set that were a similar blue as the ones below but also glowed with an unearthly light. The creature cracked his neck as the demon's fangs grew in, the last of the changes settling into the form he had taken over. Alex just remained completely dumbstruck as the creature seemed to shake himself off, then examine himself over before his four eyes turned to Alex.

"Sorry you had to witness that," Daliran stated as he got up on his hooved feet and walked towards Alex, though as he slipped slightly on the concrete he looked down and frowned. "Mmmm, this is going to be rather annoying, I think a change of pace is in order."

Alex continued to watch in stunned silence as the icy hooves of the creature cracked, then split before growing into thick toes that looked similar to his hands in nature but bigger. "I... uh..." Alex tried to speak as he watched the demon flex his new feet paws, the toes wiggling before they gripped onto the ground. "Sika... he..."

"Got exactly what he deserved," Daliran said with a loud laugh. "If he had properly done his research on demons he would know that we punish the wicked, not reward them. The soul of your friend was rather dark and he craved control more than anything else, even sacrificing a friend in order to do it, and even as an ice demon I have to say that's pretty damn cold."

Alex found himself laughing despite the situation, especially since he was still on his knees and even standing up the demon that approached him towered over his form. "So... does that mean I'm free to go?" Alex said. "Since the ritual was a ruse?"

The smirk that had formed on the muzzle of the demon fell slightly and his second set of eyes looked down at the ground. "Normally the suggestion in the book is for the demon summoner to bring someone who is equally thirsty for such power," Daliran explained. "Hell, I've taken out entire cults just with that ritual... but the problem is that the ritual does have to be completed as described."

"So that's it?" Alex asked, the small well of hope that had sprung up inside him turning once more into a heavy pit in his stomach. "You just take my soul?"

"Not soul, essence," Daliran clarified. "Just like I haven't taken your friend Sika, though the reason for that is because now he gets to be punished by being completely powerless in a body that could give him everything he wanted. You got a good heart though and I feel bad for just sending you on your way like this, so instead of just taking your essence and causing your human body to wither while it releases your soul I could replace it with something... a little more potent. Just a drop or two of demon essence would be enough to keep your body going and you could even travel with me... I'm sure that we could think of a few things that might make your friend here jealous."

It was clear what the demon was getting at as Alex saw him lick his lips with his forked tongue, watching it curl around one of his fangs. It also was pretty apparent from the bright blue cock of the creature thickening once more, almost pointing straight at his face as the human realized he was the perfect height to service him. "Do I... have to do it this way?" Alex asked as he eyed up the member practically wagging in front of his face.

"Well I can just absorb it from you through any physical contact," Daliran replied. "But I am a pleasure-based demon and this is just way more fun. Plus it will make it far easier for me to implant my essence back into you."

Alex couldn't believe that he even entertained the thought of this, but with his essence being taken anyway and the demon admittedly being quite the stud despite the strange features of his body it was enough to get him to go along with it. The human didn't even have to move forward as the tapered demonic length slithered forward and practically pushed itself into his maw. It was like sucking on a popsicle as he immediately felt the heat starting to leave his body, starting at his toes and syphoning upwards while a clawed hand stroked through his hair. As his humanity left him he began to feel his body shifting, grunting slightly as he began to feel his face swelling outwards just like he had seen with Sika.

Unlike Sika though Alex felt the transformation rippling across his reforming skull smoothly, not fighting the demon as the power that was slowly replacing his essence had already started to change him. Daliran had not been lying when he said that demonic energy was potent as less than a minute passed before he felt his face being reshaped into a muzzle while his ears stretched out. Instead of fins like the draconic demon in front of him he felt his ears becoming pointed and migrating to the top of his head while thick fur began to grow from his head and neck. He looked up at the demon as the color leeched out of his eyes, turning an icy blue as a similar coloration swept over his head.

Though the focus was on the draining of essence from his body Daliran had started to push his hips forward, sliding his cock down into the throat of the other male as more lupine features began to spread outwards. When Alex brought up his hands to press against the base of the demon's groin to control the tempo they had already formed thick pads on the fingers as hair spread from them. Short claws also formed on them as he felt the hair sweeping down his back and chest which swelled with muscle as the cock thrusting into his muzzle felt like it was reaching down there. Alex let out a slight whimper from the sheer intensity of the pleasure being fed to him as a small set of horns pushed out from his head while his admittedly scrawny chest bulked out until it looked like he had gone to the gym every day of his life.

Suddenly Daliran pulled out of the maw of the other male, causing Alex to shudder as he began to pant. His breath came out in frozen clouds as he looked down to see his still human lower body still having fur creep over the flesh in a similar patter to what happened with Sika. "It would be a shame if I christened my new icy hellhound like this," the demonic creature said as he walked behind Alex and pressed a finger against his rear. "If we're going to be partners then I want to give you a proper mating."

At this point Alex was far too lost in pleasure to care what end he got it from, the sclera of his eyes starting to blacken as he raised up his rear to press against the finger of the other male. Already even with his changes only half finished he felt... powerful, his arm muscles bulging as they gripped the concrete while the hands of Daliran pressed against his thighs. The second that cock pressed between his cheeks and started to push inside him he felt the muscles of his sides expand, bulging upwards and meeting up with his new washboard abs as they became covered with ice-blue fur. Alex's already hard cock practically came right there as it throbbed with new growth as he felt his spine starting to pull out.

The grunts and groans of the two males filled the room as the shadows around them started to disperse, returning the room back to its original state as Daliran wasted no time in thrusting into the new hellhound before him. Alex was practically drooling in pure bliss as he felt small spikes forming down his back all the way to his new tail that swished about with every push into him, the liquid coming out of his muzzle freezing at it hit the ground. A similar phenomenon happened as his tainted cum leaked out of his new demonic member, growing even longer as the two rutted together. By the time his feet became thickly clawed and covered in fur the two demonic creature came to orgasm, the new hellhound letting out a howl as he could feel the thick cock inside him release its load inside.

For the next few minutes the two remained locked together, neither moving as the sensitive walls of the lupine creature were practically clamped against the cock inside of it. Eventually however Daliran got soft enough that he could pull out, though it still caused the two to shudder as he let out a sigh of contentment. "I got to say you certainly know how to party," the demon dragon said as he helped Alex to his feet. "I hope that it was as good for you as it was for me."

"It certainly was," Alex said with a similar pleasured sigh as he examined his new muscular form before looking back at Daliran. "So is what you said before true, are we really partners now?"

To Alex's surprise the demon looked slightly shocked at what he said, then chuckled. "Well I meant more as a partner in crime," Daliran stated sheepishly. "But I really like you Alex, and since we're going to be traveling together in order to show your friend what he's missing out on I think that partner might be an apt description overall."

The two demons gave each other a grin and a wink as Alex continued to examine his new ice hellhound body. Though he thought that he might miss his human form it was like Daliran had completely sucked it out of him, to the point where it was hard for him to even think about what it was like before he had become the unwilling sacrifice of his friend. "So now what do we do?" Alex asked as the two of them began to walk out of the storm drain to head to the park, the night beginning to give way to the first rays of dawn.

"Well we are demons, so we can do whatever we want," Daliran replied with a smirk as he took a deep breath of the fresh air outside of the tunnel. "But since we are supposed to be torturing your friend here why don't we go ahead and get ourselves to the nearest city where we can find a room where we can go another round. Then after that I'd say we see if we can find a few more that are worthy of such treatment as our dear Sika, I do have a few friends that I wouldn't mind joining in on our fun and I'm sure that there are a few others out there that will lend their forms to them..."

Breaking in a New Toy (3/3)

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Breaking in a New Toy (2/3)

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Breaking in a New Toy (1/3)

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