Seducing His Father: Chapter Five

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#5 of Seducing His Father

Holly's tryst with Ropes continues, cheating on his wife and her on her boyfriend. Yet there is always a risk and they are closer and closer to a risky discovery...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Seducing His Father

Chapter Five

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

Holly scowled. It didn't make sense why she still have to participate in the end of year show, even though her exams were over. As an adult skunk, by age and most certainly as far as she was concerned, she didn't want to participate in things like that anymore but, having a more rural school in the grand scheme of the country and the size of the continent, it seemed like it was something that she couldn't get out of.

Still, it was good to show off the cow that she'd raised, going out to the farm, at the very least, giving her a break from her family. She was a couple of years old by that time, entered in one of the advanced stock showing classes for their level, despite the show having supposed to be all in good fun. It was a busy time and she patted the cow softly, running her fingers down her thick neck, the creature raised for meat but, well... Holly was not all that sure that she could bear to let her go after everything. Ropes had said that there was a family farm that she could go to and the skunk rather liked the idea of being able to see her more or less whenever she wanted to.

"There you go, girl..."

She held her hand flat, a cookie of compressed hay on it for the cow to pick up, her soft, bovine eyes seeming to look into Holly's soul. She'd been her project for the last couple of years but the skunk saw her as far more than that, someone even that had heard her cry on multiple occasions when she had not even been able to let others know.

That had been a bad time for her. But things had gotten better once she'd met Hiss, made new friends and connections with furs who were good for her, who lifted her up and showed her all that life could be. They had forced her to question her life, however, unsure whether she was taking a gap year or going straight into work or even angling for college, though it was probably too late to push for the latter unless something happened to fall in her lap. Holly shook her head, a smile tugging lightly at her lips. Anything where she could be close to Hiss, for the time being, would be a plus.

Sometimes, after all, one had to compromise.

"Hey, Holly!"

Hiss waved at her, her cougar boyfriend, although the two back-tentacles that he had inherited from his father, Ropes, were tucked away out of polite view for the time being. It went without saying that he had Fyr and Ropes close behind, the dragoness smiling gently, though it was quite as if she didn't know where to look as her head turned one way and then the other.

"Goodness me, it's been a long time since I was at one of these... I won first prize back then, you know. We really need to look more into getting the farm running once Hiss has moved out..."

"Hey!" The cougar affected a wounded expression, tail curling around his legs, although there was a twinkle in the young fur's eye. "I know I want to go to college but I don't know what I'm doing yet, alright?"

Yes, it must have been nice to have his mind all made up on that point, though Hiss didn't want to go too far from home. He'd worked that much out, at least, and would be staying home while attending college, most likely for the creature comforts that being home afforded him. Cats often liked things like that and it was not all that strange to see them lingering in the nest long after they had flown, though Holly was not at all sure that Fyr was in any kind of rush to see him go.

Holly's eyes, however, were not on either her boyfriend or his mother but rather his father, the tall cougar smirked as a tentacle slithered up over his shoulder, peering at her. It flirted and danced back and forth lightly, coyly, and she smiled back at it, remembering just how those tentacles of his felt between her legs. Maybe (well, yes, it was) it was wrong to fuck her boyfriend's father and not feel bad about it but Holly was still very much in the process of working out just what that exotic thrill in her heart was each time she kissed the older cougar, just why his cock sliding into her felt so damn good. It was a very close match for the cock that Hiss had for her too but, well, there was still something different there that fascinated her, the risk of it all coursing though whether they had the luxury of fucking in private or risking it all out in public.

The skunk shivered. It was all good for her.

Still, her eyes lingered and Ropes stepped forward, though he was not so bold as to take her paw out there.

"Will you be at the show all day?"

It would have taken a fool not to sense the sexual tension crackling between them, the presence of even Ropes there teasing through, sweating lightly. Holly licked her lips and, on checking that no one was watching, flipped him a look of her back end, her tail lifted, showing just how her jeans pulled tighter and tighter still.

"No, sadly not," she said with a frown. "The cheerleaders want to film one last thing to send off the year and they want me in even though I wasn't in the shows doing their half-time things."

No one expected a skunk like Holly to be into cheerleading but, to be fair, it was one of the most flexible activities she had been able to take on during her school years. Running and pounding dirt wasn't her thing and flinging herself around after balls had a weary tone to it, cheerleading allowing her to flex her muscle and build it, though the level of fitness expected for the sport had not been anticipated. Still, even though she didn't want to be the one out in centre stage at games and things, she appreciated the work that went on behind the scenes and supported the rest of the ladies there the best she could, a skilled cheerleader that could assist with training anyone new to the sport too.

And the skirt was cute too. Let's not forget that.

Ropes' eyes wandered, though it was not Holly that he was bored of but the fair itself as she glanced at the time on her phone and sighed, shaking her head.

"I won't be here for much longer. Probably going to have something to say about my hair when I get there too but not like I've got any time to do anything different with it."

Ropes took his chance, paw closing the distance between them to capture a strand of her hair between his finger and thumb, teasing it out lightly. Breath catching, Holly stilled, afraid to break the moment, heart pounding.

"I think it's beautiful just as it is."

Ah, how was it that Ropes didn't have to say anything special to get her squirming, toes flexing and curling? Her tail twitched and she shot him a less than coy grin in reply, though it was harder than she was proud to admit to keep her composure in such a moment. It was right but it was wrong and her boyfriend was right there, bickering with his mother, everything happening around them as if they were all simply playing happy families together.

If it was happy, it was everything but too.

Ropes' mind drifted as they wandered through the show, though Hiss was more interested in seeing those that he would most likely not see again or at least for a long time after the year was up. Everything was coming to a head with the heat of summer in the air and the cougar yawned widely, black lips stretching around a flash of white teeth.

"You tired there, honey?"

His wife's paw pressed into his own and the cougar smiled lazily.

"Yeah... Kinda."

All he had to do was to play his cards right, but that had nothing at all to do with being a demon, just something that every weary husband knew to do from time to time. And, if he was lucky, he'd be more than readily able to catch up with a particularly gorgeous cheerleader along the way too...

"Why don't you head off early? I know this isn't your scene."

Fyr stretched up onto her toes to kiss him on the cheek, although he was not exactly all that different to her in terms of height, a grin on her lips and a giggle hidden behind them. She had her little quirk too and it was those that made him love her all the more, even though he was a demon of lust and, truly, there was only so much he could be expected to maintain in a relationship, regardless of that.

She was a good wife but that didn't stop him from chasing tails and luring them to him too, wanting what he wanted, regardless of the life he led. Whistling a tune, Ropes smirked as he headed back to the car, taking quick note of the fact that Holly's stand was empty, her charge left grazing in the shade with others working at the show to keep an eye on her.

He'd have to make sure that that cow of hers was well taken care of too, for sure...


Holly knew that she should have expected it, but her mind was not on cheerleading that day as she did the kicks and did the flips. No more did it make her feel light and effortless as if she could spring off into the sky at a moment's notice, but heavy and cloying. The heat of the day did not help all that much as she wanted to know what else was going on, fudging the moves and annoying the head cheerleader. It was not something that the skunk cared all that much about either, as she was not anyone's typical cheerleader, certainly not then, rolling her eyes in the shade and gulping down water.

It was hot and the day was long and everyone else wanted to be done there as much as she did, which was just why she got out early in her smart, yellow and white cheerleading uniform. Scraping her savings and begging some help on the mechanics side from Hiss, she'd managed to get a small car before embarking on the rest of her life, though it was nothing really to look at a, rattling old thing that was as likely to fall apart as it was to get her from A to B. Yet the skunk loved it and it did just the trick as she headed off to the familiar development of detached houses, a little cookie-cutter but what had done the job for Fyr and Ropes while raising their families in their chosen area. Like Fyr had said, that wasn't something that either of them would have to worry all that much about anymore and Holly honestly doubted that they would stay there when there was a more rural yet connected opportunity to hop on.

Her heart leapt as she pulled up the short drive, licking her lips. Ropes' car, not Fyr's car. Yet that didn't mean that everyone wasn't there already, though she had already formed the excuse in her head that she was looking for Hiss, that his phone was dead, in case it was not just Ropes home.

Of course, Holly should have had a little more faith in the cougar who answered the door shirtless with his fur damp and clumped together lightly from the shower, a grin on his face and jeans reaching to his ankles, though the button was undone. She groaned lowly, licking her lips, his whiskers quivering, though it was all in the hands of fate as the skunk closed the distance between them in a single, lunging step.

They kissed furiously, his paws roaming her attire, cupping her breasts, smoothing their way down to her backside. The skunk groaned against him but his tentacles were already in motion, finding their way under her cheerleading jersey, the little skirt flapping as if it was already inviting his paws and everything else too to slither beneath it, to find their way back to the place that they belonged. There was no time to disrobe where they could have been discovered at a moment's notice but, well, Ropes still just about managed to turn the key in the lock, ensuring that Fyr or Hiss would be held up for at least a few moments if they did turn up at home a little earlier than expected.

He didn't expect either of them to come home early, their time uninterrupted.

It was not Hiss' bedroom that they made their way to, however, collapsing instead onto his bed that he shared with Fyr, the sheets perfectly made up. They would soon see to that, however, as his knee forced its way dominantly between her thighs, grinding lightly up between her legs, showing her just the smallest dose of the pleasure that he could offer her, the skunk who matched his lusts so aptly and keenly with her own.

"Come on..." Holly moaned, arms flung back over her head, his tentacles taking the invitation and pinning them there, laid out across the width of the bed. "You know you want to... It's me you've been thinking of all day, not her."

It sent a little shiver down her spine to talk about Fyr like that but, well, it didn't seem so bad when she knew that Fyr would never hear nor know the words that came from Holly's lips. As she murmured and whispered all sorts of deliciously naughty things to the cougar, some of which she had practised on Hiss beforehand, the cougar's yowls deepened, lips pressed to her heart, the beat of her pulse driving through one of the most vulnerable points on her body.

There was no time to disrobe completely as he yanked his jeans down, exposing his throbbing erection, the feline's prick hard and ready. His underwear caught under his balls but Ropes was not at all concerned about that as he tugged the skunk's underwear to the side. Ah, cotton panties were so very innocent but it was the skirt too that did the trick for him. What male in the world had not fantasised, at least the once, about fucking a cheerleader? And Holly was an adult, leaving school, so it was not even a fantasy that he had had to throw out after realising just how furs in the mortal realm operated, the line between right and wrong laid bare - except for when it was in the shadows.

If demons wanted something, typically they just took it. Furs were not like that and that was one of many reasons that Holly had surprised him with her forwardness, as close to Hiss as she was to him and yet not querying the strange dissonance that lay between them even in the slightest. To a demon, that was very attractive from a lady.

His cock found her pussy as he held her underwear aside, pushing in. He needed it, she wanted it: what more could there have possibly have been to say? The tension between them split with penetration, her pussy stretching around him, taking him deep, although there was something just a little bit strange about it, a sensation that he could not quite, not even then, put his finger on...

"Hey..." She hissed rolling her head back. "Are you... Are you wearing a condom?"

Ropes stilled. He hadn't thought of that. A lie could have leapt from his lips but, by the tug of her hot pussy, squeezing around him and trickling the sweetest of her juices, she did not seem as if she was about to deny him either way.

"No," he murmured back huskily, lips pressed close to her hear. "I can pull out though... Before I..."

They both knew what that meant and, as wrong as it was, Holly nodded softly, lips pressed together to seal back her moans. It was hard to think clearly with his cock inside her, the cougar arching close, grinding in, fucking her with the experience that only came, of course, with his years, even though she didn't know, technically, just how old he was. The only word on her lips would have been "yes," however, as risky as it was, pushing the limits and breaking down all boundaries of what she had laid out before.

Walls were rarely smashed, after all. Most often, they crumbled down slowly without one realising it.

Holly cared but she didn't at the same time, trying to get her legs up around his waist but slipping on his jeans, her short ankle-socks still on. Her shoes had been kicked off and aside, for which she was grateful for, though having clothes on left her warmer than she would have liked. There simply had not been any time to remove them before their bodies came together and the skunk was acutely aware that they were on Fyr's bed, the dragoness who had been so kind to her.

Holly shivered warmly, arching up to meet him, her breasts showing through the yellow jersey. What would Fyr say if she could see her there?

The skunk liked to imagine her watching, though that was not a thought that should have been in Holly's mind. Never before had she considered that sort of thing but she liked being on show, exposed and risking it all, so someone enjoying the other side of the coin too could only have made the entire thing and even sweeter deal. If she'd been alone, her paw would have gone between her legs at the thought, though Ropes' cock more than did the job for her, skin on skin contact making it all the more erotic.

Holly nipped at the inside of her cheek, twisting her head back and forth as the cougar kissed her throat, teeth catching. Oh, he knew how to drive her wild and that was why she came back to him time after time again, wanting it all. Where was the fun in life if she did not push every last limit set before her, breaking everything down? His cock pounded her pussy and it was harder and harder to remain focused in the moment, to remember that she had to tell him to pull out when he was getting close, not to push things so far over that edge that there simply was no point of return to come back from.

She didn't want to stop him, to feel the flow of his cum pouring into her, flooding her pussy. Oh, it was a crude, illicit need and one that should only have been undertaken between partners that were completely committed to one another, yet she threw caution to the wind. Ropes was older than her, had years of experience over her... Surely, he would not do anything that put her at risk? Maybe demons did not even contract infections like that, which would be an easy bonus for her, especially if something like that had been passed down to Hiss.

Her mind wandered, floating lustfully. She had to think, had to remain fast, rooted in the moment. She was there with him, his cock pounding her, driving in hard and fast, spreading out her pussy with each stroke of his cock. Holly moaned out his name, clung to his head and face, stroking her fingers through the fluff of his muzzle, how it thickened around his cheeks. There was too much there to take note of all at once and she relished in every tiny sensation she could claim for her own, a moan on her lips as she rolled her head from one side to the other, Ropes thrusting strongly and smoothly.

Holly's head spun. She was close, so very close, so close she could taste the lure of orgasm thick in the back of her throat, wanting it more than anything else in that moment. The skunk cried out, not caring who could hear her, and arched up to meet him, his powerful, driving thrusts slapping against her, the resounding rap of flesh on flesh echoing through the bedroom. There was no one there to bear witness to their lust, all as it was meant to be, Ropes holding her tightly in place, tentacles snaking under her jersey, seeking to disrobe her even more than she already was.

Yet there was no time for that as he thrust and ground, the skunk teasing over the edge of climax and letting out a half-strangled moan. It was all as she needed, head rolling, and the cougar drank down her lust with needy gulps and swallows, licking his lips as if there was something physical and tangible slipping down his throat. He was a demon of lust and passion, after all, and every time he came together with Holly or any other fur, he had to feed, drinking it all down like a drowning creature.

Her orgasm thrust him closer to his edge, his own high, and it was all Ropes could do to hold back, grunting and snarling, twisting his head, the lines of tension in his neck bulging like veins, though it could not be seen through his fur. There was a lot that fur hid and Ropes lashed the side of his muzzle with the pink of his tongue, twisting his tentacles around her breasts, slithering them down, lifting her hips for a better angle. There was always something a little more that one could do, after all, and he had to have it, pounding and thrusting, tail striking the air.

Yet, somehow, he managed to hold back from that high of orgasm, panting and snarling, Holly's paws free and stroking down his arms. The cougar shuddered. He had not even realised that he had freed her wrists, though it was all in the pleasure of things, moaning and grunting, withdrawing his shaft from her even as the skunk clung to him.

"Come on," she whimpered, rocking her hips against him. "There's another...ah...way...for that..."

Holly had not yet learned to be that crude, as wicked as she was learning to be, though she did manage to wriggle out of her jersey as she slipped around to all fours. Ropes' jeans tucked at his knees, the cougar not bothering to slide them off entirely, the skunk before him still needy, despite having one orgasm in paw that she should have needed time to come down from. But she needed it, wanted it, flipping her skirt up and letting him see how her panties clung to the side of her folds, soaked and dripping, her tail hole only lightly exposed.

That it was not on show to him made it all the more alluring as Ropes pressed in, a growl rising, tickling at his lips.

"You are too fine..."

Holly moaned, eyes alight, rocking and grinding, pushing her hips back.

"Then do me... Fucking hard..."

She didn't know how much she could take under her tail, the other hole that she could allow the cougar to spend his load in, though it was a risk there too. She was not prepared, not lubed up as she wanted to be, but she wanted the stud cougar's cock even more, grunting and whimpering. She needed it, didn't care what was being held back from, her anal ring slowly spreading, accepting him, the cougar in motion before she had the time to think about anything more.

That wiped all thought from her mind as she rolled her hips back onto his shaft, the strain overruled by pleasure as a tentacle thrust demandingly into her pussy. Not one down there but two - it pushed deeply, two stretching her pussy, the incredible tightness pulling at her innermost walls. His slick cock was at least lubed with her juices and his pre-cum, something that Holly may have wanted to think about, as it burrowed under her tail, and the cougar snarled. Claws pricking into her hips, he thrust deeply, long, slow strokes powering into him, deeper and deeper, needing it all, needing it more.

Holly twisted and bucked, breasts heavy at such an angle as she rested there on all fours, though the tightness in her muscles forced her to brace all the more. The mattress bobbed and dipped with their combined weight, though they found a way to make it work, the mattress overly soft, not the way that Ropes liked it. The cougar covered her body with his, pushing in as deeply as possible, his cock filling her perfectly as the strain used. The tightness of her pussy clenched around his tentacles, milking them as if they were a pair of cocks, rippling around him.

The cougar could not hold back any longer and neither could he be expected to as he snarled and snapped, licking his lips, trying to contain himself. There were neighbours, after all, but they had never once said anything about any strange sounds coming from the house even in the past. It was weird how things like that went but, well, he was not about to question it when he got all he needed out of it and more. They kept to themselves and they didn't say a damn word about the yowls and howls emanating from his house in the day when it was, of course, quite clear that his wife was away.

Ropes exploded under her tail, snarling, lips peeling back as he emptied his load. Spurts of hot cum flowed deep and the sexy skunk squired back on his cock with every spurt, though she was too far gone in her own lust to feel it. No, she was not that sensitive but she could feel his tentacles thick inside her, sending her spiralling off into another orgasm, head spinning, jaws parted, his others tentacles finally managing to unhook her bra, letting it dangle from just one arm as she wormed her way out of a single strap.

It wouldn't get in the way. And, if it did get in the way, Ropes would take care of it.

The cougar leaned over her, trusting her to bear his weight, and Holly trembled against him, whimpering softly. Orgasm pulsed forth and she dared not move even in the moment for fear of disturbing it, her entire body aching, lusting, though she was far from done. There was something in the cougar that made her want "to go all night long", though she hadn't quite had the chance to do that in her life, not yet. Hopefully, that was coming, even if the hasty nature of such furtively quick liaisons so often meant that there was never time for multiple rounds - not in the way she wanted them.

When the cougar withdrew from the tight seduction of her tail hole, the skunk moaned, dropping to the bed with a breathless giggle and a groan, bouncing there. With a flick of her wrist, she shook off the bra, leaving her breasts heaving and on show, each breath forcing them to rapidly rise and fall, Ropes' eyes fixed on them.

He didn't need time to recover but his lips were on her breasts anyway, nipping and nibbling and suckling, teasing and drawing each nipple in turn into his mouth. He suckled on them sweetly, his raspy tongue flicking out over her nipples, giving them such pleasure that she could not help but squirm.

"Oh... Oh, Ropes..."

She would have called him "kitten" but she wanted more from him even then, his lips moving to her throat and up to her lips, nibbling down the line of her jaw. He kissed and tangled his tongue with hers, kissing her deeply, their passion rising, though they still wanted to get in one more round, at least one more round, before the day moved on too far. There was a time for them to relax together and they were fortunate, indeed, that they had had the chance for so much already, Holly's head spinning after such a backdoor pounding. She was a touch too sore to go for another round up there but that was quite alright as the cougar slipped off the bed into the en-suite bathroom.

"Back in a moment..."

While he was cleaning himself off and freshening up, the skunk readied herself, fluffing up her hair so that it fanned around her head in a sultry halo, the angel that she was not and could never be. One arm flung out beside her head, a little too casually, and she tucked a pillow under her knees, spreading her legs, having disrobed of every last article of clothing. With her folds soft and puffy with her juices, her sex drooled her cream, the pucker of her tail hole showing where he had left his load, his mark on her remaining even after everything.

I'll have to pose like this for Hiss sometime too...

_ _

Re-using poses and flirts between the cougars was an interesting thing in itself and she wondered, licking her lips, whether either of them cottoned on to it, despite everything that was going on. Not that it mattered, but the thought of getting caught in the act, regardless of how terrifying that would be, sent a shiver down her spine, an itch and a tingle unlike anything else.

It would take her a while before she realised just what that feeling was and what it meant. It was not love, most certainly not, but something that, in the future, the raunchy skunk could delve deeper still into, however she pleased. Yet it was that understanding that had to come first.

It was a good thing that she had a cougar there to show her the way, emerging with his shaft clean and slightly damp, mrowling under his breath as he climbed back onto the bed beside her.

"My dear..." He purred, kissing her tenderly on the muzzle. "You are divine."

There was no other way to put it than that as his heart pounded for her, rocking back onto his knees while the skunk took charge, taking what she wanted while she allowed herself a brief break and respite. Yet he could not help but groan as her lips folded softly around his cock, tucked around her teeth to protect his vulnerable length. His fingers curled into her hair, holding it there, though he was almost loathe to muss up her perfect locks, how they flowed down her face so very softly, styled and lifted by the brightness of the wind and her cheerleading practice.

He regretted seeing her out of the uniform but there was more flexibility to be had without clothes as he rocked his lips, lightly fucking his muzzle, taking his time while keeping one ear out on the drive, in case the others returned earlier. It was all well and good to be on the watch but he wasn't too worried. It was hard to be worried when a sexy skunk was sucking on his cock, after all.

No... No, it was hard to worry, hard to wonder. All Ropes had to do was to be in the moment, letting her work her magic, that skilled tongue of hers learning more and more what he liked. It was all as it needed to be and he moaned, head tipping back, gripping her ears lightly. He didn't want to hurt her, of course, and some sessions did not need to have roughness behind them, the smoother strokes of his cock teasing into the back of her throat but not far enough to tap her gag reflex. It allowed it to be more comfortable still for the two of them, her hips rising, the scent of a skunk in need intensifying with her light yet natural musk. And that was all that it needed to be for the two of them.

Holly moaned around his cock, the subtle vibrations from her lips and muzzle travelling down his length, his balls aching for release. One orgasm was not enough and he wanted more, craved more, the demon inside him rising, snarling and lapping at its chops.

Do it, the demon urged.Take her. Make her yours.

_ _

Ropes knew what that meant but he could not see Holly's stomach rise with the swell of his young just yet, holding out for the opportune moment. Truly, she would be the easiest of all his conquests to pass off as something else, someone else, any offspring of theirs bearing Hiss' qualities too, when they were blended with Holly's genetics. It was the best of the best and the worst of the worst, everything wrapped up together, twisted and convoluted and just the way he liked it.

It was with the thought of her stomach rounding out, bearing the fruit of his loins, that he teased towards orgasm, wanting to seed her muzzle, need rising and rising. She took him deep and lashed him with her tongue, needing it all, wanting it all, his load the sweetest thing to her. There was no bodily pleasure involved in it for her but the tenor of his touch on her, need rising, pulsing through, cock thick and ready within her muzzle. Whereas there was far, far more still that she could do with that cock as his tentacles teased down her back, a light massage, she took her time, suckling at his uncut length and drawing his skin along with her lips.

She moaned around him, losing herself, though that was the beauty of sex, forgetting everything else, like some of only a few other things that could also help her slip away. It was all good, however, the skunk suckling fervently, her cheeks hollowing slightly as she gulped, swallowing rapidly just so that she could take his shaft as quickly as possible over and over again.

It was coming though and not even Ropes would hold back from something like that, relishing in the moment with a particularly feral-sounding yowl. His lips peeled darkly back from his teeth as his tentacles went wild, thrashing and twisting, despondent to his need as it pulsed and coursed through so very tenaciously. She was ready for it, a paw on his hip, holding the cougar as close to her as possible as she sucked it all down, gulping hard, though a trickle of his cum leaked out from the corner of her mouth as she failed.

It was a good kind of failure, however, the kind that resulted in him wiping his thumb across her mouth while she was still panting and recovering, having put his seed right where he wanted it to be. There was more, still, that they wanted, sharing a kiss, the fact that she had only just swallowed his load not bothering the stud-cat in the slightest. It was all well and good for him, as far as he was concerned, though there was a grand finale still yet to come as he wickedly dangled a sealed condom before her, clasped in the tuck of one of his tentacles.

"I think we'll need this..."

Holly grinned and gave his hips one last kiss, swinging her leg over him so that she straddled his hips with her back to him. It gave the cougar the perfect view of her muscled, round backside, toned from her cheerleading, though he only wished that she was still wearing that skirt. Ropes shuddered. The act of flipping it up to expose her arse was sweeter still than merely seeing it. Only a guy like him could understand that and that was quite alright too.

He slid the condom over his cock, making sure that Holly knew it was there, feeling confident in fucking him, mounting him, letting him get off for what had to be the final time that day. Things could not go on indefinitely, regardless of how much they both wanted it to, the afternoon ticking away as Holly's fur darkened under her arms with a light sweat, the soft musk of it lingering about her.

Maybe shower sex later...

_ _

That thought slipped from her mind as her soaked pussy sank onto his cock, easing down, taking him so very easily. It was as if it was no trouble at all to take his shaft deep anymore, her virginity long stripped away, her sexual experience growing and growing as she moaned and rolled her head from one shoulder to another. Her back arched, shoulder blades pushing back, chest lifting, putting every last bit of her body on show for him, even if it was unintentional.

No, all she cared about was getting what she needed, moaning out loud, rocking and grinding on his cock. His balls were right there to be taken too, teased with the tips of her fingers, lightly tapping and playing across them as she whimpered, the cat juddering beneath her. He rocked and twisted lightly but he was right where he needed to be, digging his heels into the bed as much as he could, thrusting and grinding. The bed was too soft for him to thrust up into her, however, the mattress dipping beneath him, trembling where he was as he yowled and clung to her hips.

"Fuck... Holly..."

Her heart turned over, stomach churning. The rawness in his tone... It was intoxicating, more than any liquor that she had drunk when she should not have let it slip down her throat. With a deep groan rising from the back of her throat, she let his condom-clad cock sink deeper still, humping back at him with a growl that was more feline in nature than skunk-like in any other way. Yet she didn't have to be anything else other than what and who she was as her passion rose, hair tossed and flying about her shoulders in her gentle curls, forgetting everything else in the world.

The cougar snarled, heart thumping, the feel of it driving in his chest a beat to which even a demon had to dance. The taste of her lust was thick and full, passion layering each depth of it, and he swallowed hard, letting it slip down like the coolest of drinks, her need making him want more and more. There seemed to be no end to it as she rode him like a pro, her sex tightening around him, the clench of it something that could be felt even then, through the condom.

Orgasm still had to come, however, even though it would not flow deep up into her pussy, not that time. It was all that they needed, that carnal desire finally flowing through to the height and passion of it all, though it would not come that day, or that night either. Yet the cougar's howl broke through even the walls of the house as Fyr drove down the road not all that far away with Hiss, neither of them any the wiser as to what her wife and his girlfriend were doing at that very moment.

Yet it was just for them, the two of them alone, all for them to enjoy. Holly twisted back, caught in the pleasurable throes of orgasm, her need tangible, even hissing and spluttering lightly as she tried to contain her ecstasy. Yet orgasm was not something that could be held back at such a point and it was her duty to give in to it, letting Ropes' paws on her hips rock and guide her, riding and riding his cock until the two of them, finally, collapsed in a sweaty mess.


Knowing that time was limited, he did not keep her long, though there was a sweetness to the demonic desert of cuddling in the afterglow. Her back pressed to him as his tentacles wrapped around her, cupping and lightly teasing her breasts, though he could not afford to get the skunk all riled up all over again, as much as they may have wanted to.

Down the road, tyres crunched on gravel.

Ropes purred.

He had his sexy skunk right where he wanted her. And where was the fun in any of it without just a little bit of risk, after all?


"So lovely to have you over for dinner, Holly."

Fyr smiled at the skunk over the kitchen table, a less formal affair than the dining table as they shared a pleasant evening meal, however light it was. Hiss sat close enough to his girlfriend for their thighs to touch, though he would be surprised later when he found her still wet and slick from her prior sessions, need lingering, a slow-burning flame that never, entirely, seemed to be snuffed out.

The dragoness took a bite of her sandwich and Holly grinned, Hiss' tentacle dancing across her shoulders, hugging her in close. It was a sweet moment but she wondered with a wicked wriggle of pure glee what he would have said if he'd known what risks she'd taken earlier, what she'd done...with his father.

Who knew? Maybe he'd even want to watch sometime? She didn't know how far his inclinations and kinks went as yet, the two of them into adulthood with so very much still to learn about each other and themselves. It was all fine by her, the time it took to learn and love and live, though how she chose to do it, well... Some, many... They would have said that it was unconventional.

Nothing Holly did was conventional.

And, now that she had her prize of the sexy stud cougar, she had so very much more time in which to play.

Hiss smiled and bumped her with his shoulder.

He didn't know what her smile of return meant.