Day 21 - Skull

Story by lantheorc on SoFurry

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#20 of Orctober 2020

We have reached the seventh short story of the third batch, only 4 more left. This time, we're tackling death once more, because it was heavily on my mind when I wrote the last one. Lucian Basken, resourceful hyena necromancer has been hired for another job, this time far away from civilization, let's hope he came prepared this time too.

This one is part of a series of short stories based on prompts given by Dnddentist . Remember to leave your comments below and to vote if you liked this story.

Lucian Basken stood among the misty fields, his long black coat blowing with the cold winds. The lanky hyena-like man stared into the mist, dozens of battles dancing before his silver eyes while the souls of fallen warriors claimed for mercy. A growl rose on his throat minutes later, the beginnings of a headache already showing.

"You're not going to make this easy, are you?" said Lucian to himself, baring his fangs at the mist.

The hyena man drew a long wooden pipe from one of his pockets and a tightly wound packet from another. He grumbled under his breath as he held the pipe in his gaunt muzzle while his glove-clad fingers made short work of the packet. With slow, measured moves, Lucian poured the parcel's contents into the end of his pipe, purple flames raising high seconds later. The first puff of smoke that Lucian inhaled burned his mouth, leaving the sickeningly sweet taste of the herbs in his tongue. The second one made his eyes water, thin trails of thick gray smoke raising before his eyes. With the third one, the world twisted around him, the voices of the dead growing stronger and clearer.

A thin gloved hand dug into the bag hanging by his waist and after a few moments of search, withdrew a polished humanoid skull. Large tusks protruded from the wide square mandible while empty eye sockets glanced longingly at the hyena.

Lucian let the smoke leave his lips, feeling the thrumming of magic under his skin. He took another puff of his pipe, holding the skull up to his eyes. With fire dancing in his veins, Lucian blew the smoke towards the skull, awakening the purple fire in the empty sockets. They hyena man cackled when the skull rose from his hand, the sound reaching beyond the mist and into the world of the dead.

Fire spread all over the skull that floated a few meters away from the hyena. The rumble of thunder shook the hyena before a cold pressure made its home in his lungs. Lucian took another puff from his pipe, steeling his resolve for the next part of the spell. Shivers ran down his spine when the sound of breaking glass brought him out of his mind. The purple fire from the skull had expanded downwards, forming a ghostly spine. From it a myriad of tubes shot forward, spreading the flame all around it until the vague shape of a humanoid body could be seen. The wizard grunted, the cold in his chest spreading as the spell drained his reserves.

A strong breeze hit the hyena man, clearing up the mist in a circle between the hyena and the skull. The flames shone bright one last time before they were snuffed by the winds. In their stead stood a short orc, thick muscles showing from under his heavy metal armor. Ocean blue skin proudly presented dozens of scars under the pale light of the moon, the proof of his warrior life. Pudgy cheeks highlighted the series of gold piercings on his nose and his blood red eyes shone with confusion.

"Welcome back to the world of the living Draven Logan Ara'den Ondor." Lucian said with a cheery tone, his pipe resting on his fingers.

The orc's eyes opened wider, his hands flying towards his chest, right to the hole in his armor. His mouth formed an "o", not a single sound escaping his lips while his eyes glowed with vestiges of purple fire. A trembling dark blue finger plunged into the hole, easily piercing deep into the orc's chest.

"Am I...dead?" said the orc with a deep voice, a faint echo following his every word.

"I'm afraid so, but it is an inevitable end for us all."

"And the battle? Who won the battle? What happened with the war?!" The orc shouted, his boulder sized hands coursing through the air with nervous energy.

The hyena man stared at those blood red eyes, a cool calm reflecting in his silver eyes. "Lost. Your army was routed but the losses incurred by the other side were much bigger than they expected. They surrendered a couple of months later, after having lost all the terrain they had conquered."

"Then, we won?"

"Depends on how you look at it. Your side lost many brave souls and your economy suffered for many years. But your actions did stop the invasion and led to the eventual ruin of that Empire."

"That Empire? What do you mean by that hyena? There's only been one Empire in the history of our lands!"

"That was true three hundred years ago, old warrior. It is no longer so."

The orc deflated at those words, his large hands falling by his side. Lucian took a few more puffs of his pipe, giving the warrior room to think, to grieve.

"Then, all I did. All my battles, even my death, was it all in vain?" shouted the orc, his voice like thunder.

"No, I wouldn't go that far. Your actions saved many lives. Your family still lives and it was them who sent me here. For you."

That gave pause to Draven, his eyes narrowing. "What do you want from me?"

"It's not what I want from you. It's what you can get from me. Rest, peace, transcendence. However you want to call it, I can help you achieve it."

"And I'm to believe you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart? That you won't curse my soul?"

"No. Your family paid for my services, handsomely. The skull I used should be proof enough, do you think they would have handed it just to anyone."

The large orc closed his eyes, his arms crossing over his chest. Silence reigned for a few seconds, the warmth of the smoke seeping into Lucian's lungs.

"And what would I need to do if I took you up on your offer?" the orc said with doubt clinging to his voice.

A smile appeared on the hyena's lips, his eyes glinting like gems. "Just answer a few questions and keep an open mind. The rest is magic."

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Day 16 - Fire

The fire crackled before the circle of orcs, giving their green skin a yellow glow. A placid air hung over them as the fire kept the chill of the night at bay, their bellies filled with meat and beer, the best way to finish a camping trip. Small groups...

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