What You Mean to Me, Chapter 18

Story by Topicoatl on SoFurry

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#13 of What You Mean To Me

Chapter 18 of What You Mean to Me, featuring a female Milotic and her male husbando.

"Emily, c'mon, we're going to be late!" Matthew said, leaning his forehead against the bathroom door, eyes clenched tightly closed. He was about to scream his new wife's name in a high-pitched, playful voice when the door suddenly opened. Matthew braced himself against the doorway, grinning a mere inch away from her face. "Hey there, sweet stuff." He said with a grin.

"Mhmm..." Emily said, pushing past him, eyebrows raised. "How can we be late to a fair?"

"The gates open in thirty minutes!" Matthew said, hurrdly throwing on his coat, jumping up and down on his heels as he waited for his wife to put on her rather expensive fur coat. She took one look at him and giggled, buttoning up her own coat.

"You're a little kid, you know that?" She said, grinning.

"Doesn't that make you a pedophile, then?" He said, taking her hand in his as they walked out of the house they were renting for their honeymoon. Emily tisked, frowning at him as he walked her to his car.

"Just drive, lover boy." She said as he got in.

"Yes, princess." Matthew said sarcastically.

He started the car, throwing it reverse before driving back out of the driveway. Once they were on the road, Emily turned the radio on, switching it to some obnoxious music that Matthew hoped was just a phase. He didn't know what it was about the music, it was just something he hated, and it certainly made the drive to the fairground a lot longer.

While they were on the road, Matthew thought of his Pokemon. It was something he did often, as he hadn't seen her since he and Emily were dating. It had happened almost on their first date; he had taken her to a restaurant that allowed humans, as well as Pokemon, to dine there, and it had taken a lot of effort to hear back from here after that. He had been confused, of course, but when she told him that she didn't like Pokemon, it had all clicked into place.

Separating from his Pokemon had been pretty hard for him; Matthew never got a starter Pokemon when he was a young child, adopting one on his eighteenth birthday instead. It had been a small, punky Umbreon that had given him quite a bit of trouble, but she was cute enough to keep around, until Emily came along.

Instead of keeping her in her Pokeball until Emily eventually came around to the idea of actually living with a Pokemon, Matthew had just given her to a good friend. He wondered if that Umbreon, even though close to seven years had passed, would remember him if he was ever able to come back for her.

He guessed not.

The fairgrounds soon came into view, large tents, rides, and other such attractions looming in the golden horizon as they drew closer. Matthew could hardly contain his excitement, but Emily, on the other hand, was on her phone, not even paying attention to the glory that was the fair. Matthew wanted to say something, but... well, he wasn't her dad.

He drove up to a long line of idling cars, sighing and opening a window as they slowly crawled forward. An attendant came into view, handing out tickets and taking wads of money in return. Matthew grabbed his wallet, grabbing some money out of it as he drew closer. Once he had paid, he was directed to an open field nearly filled with vehicles, and followed the attendants to his designated parking spot.

"We're here!" Matthew said in a sing-songy voice.

Emily put away her phone, smiling up at him. The two got out of the car, locking it behind them, and made their way to the front gate, which had apparently been open a lot longer than Matthew had been told. He paid for the two of them, taking his wife's hand in his as they walked into the fairgrounds.

"Where to first..." Matthew said to himself, looking at the map he had been given.

It was more of a country fair, so there were all sorts of different, more rural activities than typical fairs in the city. Tractor pulls, seeing who had grown the largest pumpkin, and there were old farming machines on display almost everywhere, but there were also more modern fair rides that would more typically be at a regular fair; ferris wheel, a pretty small, yet fun looking roller coaster, even that one ride where you strapped yourself in a cage no bigger than your body, proceeding to be flipped over and over again for however long the sadist running it allowed you to.

Emily hadn't, of course, been one for something like this. The rides, sure, but maybe the more tame ones, and the rest of the attractions?

Forget about it. She did try to appear to be having fun, however, for her husband's sake. For him, even if he was a dope sometimes, she would go to a boring fair once a year.

If she was honest with herself, though, all she wanted to do was find someplace secluded, hidden from view, and fuck this man. Matthew might not have been the smartest, but if there was one thing he was good at, it was making love. She looked down at his groin, desperately wishing that they were at the home as he looked at the map.

"What do you say, hun?" Matthew asked, holding the map closer to her. "I kinda want to see the pumpkins, but if you were thinking more along the lines of a ride, we could do that too."

"Whatever you want." Emily replied as she stood on her toes and kissed him.

His eyes lit up as she kissed him, even if it was just a small one, and a wide grin spread across his handsome face.

"Pumpkins it is then!" Emily said with a faux-smile.

She wrapped her hands around Matthews own, and the two of them followed the map to where the pumpkins were. Emily didn't know much of the simple life; old 1930 Farmalls, mechanical reapers that looked over a hundred years old, even the impressive walls of scythes, saws, and sling blades were just as alien to her as her books of sheet music was to Matthew.

Well, for Matthew, as goofy as he might be, she'd suffer through this.

When the two of them arrived at the pumpkins, it took a lot for Matthew to hold his jaw up. There were only three gigantic ones, but all around them were others that were absolutely huge. Matthew gave his phone to a stranger, thankful that they'd take his and Emily's picture next to a large orange pumpkin that was easily twice as big as him. He could barely contain his excitement when he saw the picture, nearly hugging the stranger, but after a stern look from his wife, he resorted to a boring handshake.

"So big..." Matthew said, hands on his hips as he looked at one of the pumpkins. "Emily, what'd you think?"


"How do they get 'em so big?" Matthew exclaimed giddily.

"Um... I don't know. You're smarter than I am when it comes to this stuff, dear." Emily said. "You sure like your pumpkins, huh?"

"Just imagine..." Matthew said, drooling, a small balustrade that came up to his knees preventing him from leaning against the pumpkin. "The amount of pie you could make from this."

"You wouldn't want to make a pie out'v her." Someone said. Matthew swung around, almost offended that someone wouldn't want to eat a two thousand pound pumpkin pie.

"Why not?"

"Lass is a Bill's Pacific Titan." This old man said. He was your typical farmer; busted, old overalls, a red flannel shirt, dingy truckers cap, shit-encrusted boots, and a gleam of wonder in his eyes whenever he looked at the pumpkin. "She'd be pretty tasteless, bitter, even."

"A Bill's... Pacific Titan?" Matthew said, taking his phone out and writing the seed type down on a notepad app. "Do you know some good ones for pie making then?"

"Winter Luxury's the only seed I'll eat." The farmer said, taking an almost snooty attitude towards the question. "But Bill's seeds are the best for pumpkins this big. Planted her pretty early, but man alive, did it pay off."

"Y-y..." Matthew was almost at a loss for words as he glanced back between this farmer and the Pacific Titan. "You're the owner?"

"Yes sir, I am." The farmer said, grinning. "Owen Huges," He said, holding an old, callused hand out, which Matthew eagerly shook.

"Matthew St. Onge," Matthew said, letting go. "The missus is Emily."

The farmer held out a hand, but Emily shook her head, smiling apologetically. The last thing she wanted to do was shake the hand of someone who played around in the dirt with pig shit and worms as much as Owen did. Owen smiled and withdrew his hands, adjusting his overalls before sniffing loudly, almost a snort, before looking at the gigantic Bill's Pacific Titan, admiration in his eyes.

"Yup, she's a beauty. If you want, I could give some tips on how to grow one, if you're interested." Owen said, looking at Matthew. "Jessie Ersten over there's trying to dethrone me, can't have that happening, now can I?"

"Guess not." Matthew said, trying to play it cool. Something about this farmer just made him need to impress him, and he didn't know why. A firm throat clearing from his wife, however, made him glance over. She didn't look too happy discussing pumpkins with a bumpkin. "Erm... well, how about I give you my phone number, we can talk later?" Matthew asked, taking his phone out.

Owen agreed, taking out an oddly new model of a relatively popular brand of cell phone. It didn't really match the aesthetic that Owen seemed to be exuding, but... well, Matthew wasn't really one to judge. Owen, with a nod, walked away from Matthew and Emily, Matthew sighing as he left.

"Alright." He said, turning to his wife. "Where to?"

"Let me see the map?" She asked.

Matthew gave it to her, taking one last look at the enormous pumpkin before turning back to his wife. She took her sweet time looking over the map, her eyes lighting up for mere fractions of a second before that bored look overcame them again. Matthew was about to wander off to the other pumpkins when Emily finally spoke up.

"It says here on the map that there's a fortune teller." She said, pointing on the map. Matthew looked at it, nodding slightly, wondering if he hid his fear as well as he hoped he did. He wasn't a superstitious man in the slightest, hell, ghost type Pokemon were everywhere, no, it wasn't ghosts, it was the concept of fate. Matthew didn't want to know when he would die or what would happen in his life, and fortune telling was one big spoiler alert. "Aww, c'mon you big baby!" Emily teased.

Matthew laughed uncomfortably, but nodded, taking his wife's hand as the two of them began to follow the map. He had to put on a brave face for his newly wed, but, as hard as he tried to, he couldn't stop his heart from racing when he saw the tent.

It was a rather small tent, maybe as tall as he was, only as wide as his arms completely outstretched. It had large mulberry and maroon stripes leading up to the top, growing smaller and smaller until they reached a flagpole that had an odd flag on it. It was a simple, tiny design, that had nine golden-white lines that spiraled and wound around each other until they formed a stiff peak.

"It's pretty small." Matthew said, nervously looking over at Emily.

"We'll fit, don't worry." She said as she took his hand in hers, opening the tent before grimacing.

Sitting inside of the tent was a Pokemon Matthew had only seen once or twice in his life before; a Ninetales. Sitting next to the Pokemon was an elderly man, his dark, cracked skin contrasting heavily with his nearly pure white eyes. He was dressed in a beaten up, old vest and torn shorts that looked no better. The man was in a dire need of a shave, haircut, and better clothing, but the one thing he didn't seem to skimp on was jewellery. He had a large chain on his neck, an odd pendant set with an iridescent, skillfully carved gem hanging down near his belly button. His fingers were adorned with rings of all metals and jewels, giving off an almost rainbow appearance as every digit was lined with three or four of them.

"Ah, come in, please, my honored guests!" He said, giving a toothless grin and spreading his arms wide. Well, it wasn't completely toothless; he had three or so old, yellowed teeth.

In the middle of the small tent was an odd, ancient metal sheet, intricately carved with old runes. Bones were sprawled out around a large ball made either of foggy glass, or extremely expensive crystal. Candles were lit on the five corners of the metal sheet, which presented a fire hazard to the unknowing observer, but for as long as Matthew looked around the tent, not a single drop of melted wax dripped down the candle. There were two pillows in front of the table, one red, one purple.

"C'mon Matt, let's go." Emily said, turning and walking away.

"Hey, wait!" Matthew said, frowning and grabbing her gently by the arm. Emily sneered at him before tearing it away.

"What?" She nearly snarled.

"Hey, you were the one that wanted to go to the fortune teller, not me!" Matthew said, frowning. "I don't like them, but I would go for you. Do the same for me."

Emily scowled before rubbing her creased brow, shaking her head and sighing.

"Fine." She said, walking past him.

Matthew shook his head, a little agitated at his wife. She could be a real bitch sometimes, but most of the time Emily was actually fun to be around. She was smart, witty, even, not to mention she was great in bed. With a patient sigh, Matthew joined his wife in the tent, kneeling down in front of the imposing table.

"Hello." Matthew said, looking at the man.

"You've dishonored us." The man said, his smile gone.

"Sorry?" Matthew was starting to get nervous. Was he going to cast a spell on him or something? Turn him into a fish or bug or something? "She's just... not a big fan of Pokemon."

"We know." The man said, running his hand across one of the Ninetale's nine tails. "And we accept your apology."

"We appreciate it, really." Matthew said, holding a hand out. The blind fortune teller smiled widely, making Emily grimace at his lack of teeth, but he didn't go for Matthew's hand. He withdrew it, blushing a bit from his embarrassment.

"What can I do for you, friends?" He says, slowly gathering the bones. "Knuckle bone readings from an ancient, long dead race of dragons? Mayhaps a glance into the crystals of a region that has since been swallowed by the crashing waves?" The old man took out a golden case, opening it up and pulling out a long, thin wrapper. He held it up and the Ninetales blew a small flame onto the top, and it was in the man's mouth a second later. He took a long puff from it as it hung from his mouth, seemingly about to fall out of it at any second now. "Maybe a card reading? Nothing ancient about them, but sometimes, they work better than old knuckles or crystal balls."

"What do you say, Emily?" Matthew said, looking over to his wife as the stench of old, exotic tobacco filled the tent. Emily coughed a bit, before looking back and forth at the man and the Pokemon that was snugly cuddling with him.

"How about you go first, dear?" She said, a devious grin on her face.

"Oh, um... alright."

"Ninetales..." The Pokemon said, looking over at the old man.

"Eh? Oh, of course." He says, putting a hand under her snout and lovingly rubbing it. "She knows you're nervous, Matthew."

"How do you know my name?" Matthew said, his face going white.

"When you travel the world as much as I have, when you live the life that I have lived, the spirits come to whisper things in your ears. Secrets. Motivations. Sometimes they'll tell a story, how they died or lived, their hopes and dreams." He said, looking at Matthew with his dead eyes. "Also, your wife called your name when she so rudely barged out of our tent."

"O-oh." Matthew smiled, chuckling nervously. "I see."

"It doesn't take a wiseman such as myself to hear things," He says, laughing. "Now," He composes himself, but the grin stays on his face, "Dragon knuckles, maybe?"

"Um... S-sure. Never done this before so... yeah, I guess." Matthew stumbled, looking down as the man picked them up.

"A wise choice." The man says, nodding. Once the yellowed bones were in his hands, he shook them for a few seconds before blowing into them, proceeding to toss them onto the metal sheet. The candle flames grew a bit higher as they clinked on the table and, even though the man had tossed them pretty hard, each knuckle never even came close to falling from the table. He waved his hand over them, mouthing something neither Matthew or Emily could hear before he turned and looked at Ninetales.

The Pokemon looked down at the metal table, her eyes narrowing as she examined them. After a few seconds, she bobbed her head and said her name a couple of times and looked over to the old man, who nodded.

"She tells me that the bones say that change will come into your life very soon." He said, holding out his hand. "Take my hand."

Matthew obeyed, watching as the man grabbed his wrist. He held his palm up towards the Ninetales, who surprised the couple by leaning down and giving a soft, hot lick up his fingers and palm. He laughed a little as it tickled.

"Don't wipe it off." The man said, giving his palm back. "Unless you want that change she saw to be the death of you."

"O-okay." Matthew stammered, frightfully looking at his palm. He placed it far from his body, leaning over and resting his elbow on his knee just for good measure.

"And what, my dear Emily, is in the future for you?" The wiseman said, looking over at her.

"The crystal, I guess. I won't have her licking me, though." Emily said, frowning at the Ninetales.

"The crystal it is," He said, either ignoring her comment, or just not hearing it. He was pretty old, so Matthew chalked it up to his hearing.

The man took a puff from his cigarette before taking the butt out, making both Matthew and Emily grimace as he rubbed it on the skin on his knee before flicking the butt away. He grabbed the ash from his knee, what little there was, in between his fingers, and gently blew it onto the crystal sphere. Matthew and Emily stared in amazement as the cracks inside of the ball took form, swirling and twisting and moving all around inside of their confines, each crack seemingly alive. The crystal shone with a million different colors as the man moved his hands around it, again silently mouthing words. After a few seconds, the colors moved faster and faster, nearly shaking the metal sheet, the flames on the candles booming with their fire as the Ninetales observed the man. With a shout that scared the ever-loving-shit out of Matthew, everything seemed to stop.

The colors were now tame, gently swirling around the ball, almost playing with each other. The candles had long since gone out, leaving the tent shrouded in darkness, the only light coming from the glow of the ball. If Matthew wasn't so concentrated on the ritual going on before him and looked behind him, he wouldn't have even seen the daylight from outside.

The man nearly collapsed onto the Ninetales, panting heavily as his Pokemon observed the colors inside of the living ball of crystal. The four of them sat in silence for what seemed like the longest time.

After a few minutes, the Ninetales slowly, proudly sat up, looking directly at Emily. She said her name in a hundred different variations before leaning back down on the man's lap.

"My dear, oh my..." He said, clutching at the pendant on his belly. "She... saw collapse. Burnt buildings and scorched flesh, winged demons and serpents eating children. She saw you chained up against a rock, rusty chains tormenting you from escape. They are doubt. Malice. Ignorance. Greed." The man grabs one of the tails, an almost frightful expression on his face. "These are the demons you must overcome, else you suffer any consequences."

It was silent in the tent.

Matthew looked over at Emily, shocked, and saw that there was an odd expression on her face, one he had never observed before. It honestly looked like she was about to kill this man. He held out his hand, beckoning for Emily to take it, but she slapped it away.

"What utter Tauros shit!" She screamed, the dam breaking. "Demons? What a pitiful fucking excuse for a fortune teller you are! I could get a better fortune from a psychic Pokemon, and they can't even speak!"


Matthew, the old fortune teller, even the Ninetales looked shocked, but Emily went on.

"And consequences? Are you threatening me? I'll let you know, you freak, that my dad's the Kanto District Attorney, I'll sue you for everything you fucking own!" She shrieked, panting from her rage. "And you!" She said, turning to Matthew. "You country fucking bumpkin! How could you bring me to a cesspit like this tent?"

"I... um..."

"I, um," Emily mocked, frowning. "You're a dumbass, you know?"

Matthew wasn't sure how to process his wife's outburst. Ninetales said something, but Emily quickly glared at her.

"Oh, can it, you!" She said, shaking her head. "Pokemon are fucking stupid, you're not an exception because your with this fucker."

Just then, Ninetale's eyes glowed a dark, angry shade of red. An odd smoke covered Emily; a stormy red and black that covered her completely. Matthew cried out, panicked, but a stern look from the Ninetales shut him up. Ninetales began to speak again, the man translating as she did so.

"Because of your arrogance, your surly and repugnant behaviour, your lack to embrace the change that was offered up to you, I have decided to force you to learn this lesson, vile woman." The man said, tears running down his face. "Your beauty, your opulence, your elegance and charm will be no more appealing in this form. You have one year, one year to learn the lessons of old, to shed the abominable attitude you feel towards living creatures. I curse you with the powers of the Old Ones to confine you to this form until the vile black in your heart has been lifted."

The smoke went away just as fast as it appeared, turning what was once Matthew's beautiful wife into the ugliest Pokemon he had ever seen; a Feebas. Her eyes were dark, and far set into either side of her speckled body, blue fins moving and twitching as realization suddenly came into her large eyes.

"And with that, the curse has been finished." The man said, turning to Matthew.

"T-turn her back!" Matthew demanded, holding his new wife close to his chest.

"Not possible, my dear Matthew." He said, wiping the tears from her face.

"Why the fuck not?!" He nearly screamed, but a stern look from the Ninetales calmed him down in a second.

"A curse invoking the Old Ones, done by this Pokemon, is..." He took out another cigarette as he shook his head. "Irreversible. Only two things can help your wife now."

"What!?" He said, on the edge of his pillow.

"Do as it commanded; make her learn the lessons of old." He said, puffing on the cigarette once it was lit.

"What does that even mean?" Matthew said, groaning.

"Respect. Honesty. An appreciation for all life."

"And the other cure?"

"Death." He said, shaking his head slowly. Matthew gulped, looking down at his wife. She stared up blankly at him.

"N-no, this is stupid. This is fucking stupid." He said, shaking his head. "Where is she? I-is this some stupid prank or something?"

"No pranks here." The wiseman said, raising his hands.

"No, this is... it's fucking stupid! Where's my fucking wife!?" Matthew said, trying to stand up.

Ninetales growled, her eyes glinting red. As angry as Matthew was, the last thing he needed was to be turned into a Pokemon. He sunk back to the pillow, trying to accept his defeat as he looked at his new fish wife. He pulled her close, holding her to his chest.

"What are we going to do?" He whimpered.

"Feebas!" She angrily said.

"What did she say?" Matthew asked, looking up.

"She's not happy, let's leave it at that."

"Wait... something I wanted to ask you when I had my fortune read, how the hell can you understand Pokemon?" Matthew said, letting go of his wife. "I-is this some trick? There was smoke, and I don't see any mirrors, but... maybe a trap door?"

Matthew pulled the pillow his wife had been sitting on up, but was only greeted with cold, hard ground, which he pounded on. He frantically looked up at the wiseman.


"It isn't anything demonic, dear Matthew, it-" Ninetales interrupted him. She said her name a couple of times before the old man sighed. He nodded, pulling a ring off of his middle finger, handing it over to Matthew. "Wear this."

Matthew was hesitant, at first. His wife had been turned into a fish by these two, after all. He looked at Ninetales for a second, unable to get even a glimmer of impishness from her regal, reserved gaze, and slipped the ring on his middle finger. He didn't feel any different, at first. After a few minutes of patient listening, however, small whispers came from his wife. He looked down, seeing her lips move, but hearing English.

"Help me..." She begged, looking at him.

"What the fuck..." Matthew said all at once, eyes growing wide.

"The ring helps you understand Pokemon," The old man said, grinning as he showed off his massive collection. "The one that I've given you only helps you understand water type Pokemon, however."

"Help me, Matt..." His wife said again.

"I... I will!" Matthew said, pulling his wife close.

Ninetales says her name once before resting her head on the wiseman's legs. Matthew looked up, his gaze alone asking for a translation.

"She bids you and your wife farewell." The wiseman said, snapping his fingers. The tent suddenly opened, making Matthew wince as sunlight stung his eyes.

"Wait!" He said, squinting at the wiseman.


"What happens if... if she can't learn the lessons?"

"Then she will remain a Feebas until the end of her lifespan." He said.

With that, the tent suddenly disappeared. Matthew was confused, as, one second, he was kneeling down on the pillow, the next, on the grass. He looked around, feeling for the old man and his Pokemon, but nothing was there. Absolutely nothing.

"He's... gone..." Matthew said, leaning back on his hamstrings.

"What are we going to do?" Emily asks.

"Gah!" Matthew exclaimed, falling backwards. He forgot he was wearing the ring.

"C'mon, Matt, I need you to not be an idiot." She said, frowning as she floated above him.

"How... how are you flying like that?" He asked. "Aren't fish supposed to swim?"

"We... I... I was just turned into a Feebas, and that's your question?" She asked incredulously. "Whatever."

She began to fly away, but was only able to make it six or so feet before she fell to the ground. Emily hit the hard soil with a grunt, causing Matthew to nervously chuckle. He got up, picking her up by her triangular dorsal fin and bringing her close to his face.

"Looks like we'll be stuck together." He smugly said.

"Whatever. Can we just go back to the house?" She said, frowning.

"Sure we can, fishy." Matthew said, letting go of her and grinning.

. . .

It was a few months before Matthew had realized that Emily had learned one of the first lessons. They had moved back to his home in the city after the whole ordeal at the fair, and, surprisingly, Emily had adapted relatively quick to her new form. It wasn't easy, of course, but she had accepted her fate on the very first day, it seemed. During the time they spent together, Matthew had brought up his Pokemon with her, his Umbreon.

"All I'm saying is that... maybe it would help to have another Pokemon around the house. It might help you with the lessons." He told her, pulling her fishy form close as they watched TV.

"Absolutely not!" She said, angrily looking up. "Pokemon are just... disgusting."

Matthew looked down, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm not a Pokemon! I'm a human!" She said, venom in her voice.

"Respect, honesty, and an appreciation for all life." Matthew said, frowning as he counted the lessons the old wiseman was forcing her to learn. "None of what you said was that. Do you even want to be a human again?"

"Of course, you idiot!" Emily shrieked. "It's just I... I can't..."

"You've never told me why you dislike Pokemon. Maybe this would be a good place to start." Matthew said, pulling her close. Emily looked down at the ugly tan carpet on the ground for a long time, not saying a word. "It's the only way you'll get this curse removed."

She looked up at him, her near soulless, wide Feebas eyes digging into him. There wasn't any anger, sadness, fear, or anything that Matthew could recognize in them, just... empty.

"You wanna know why I hate Pokemon, Matt?" Emily asked, her voice growing cold. He nodded, turning the TV off and looking down. Emily took a deep sigh before letting a small shiver run through her body.

"It wasn't like I always hated them. When I was younger, well, you know how crazy rich my parents are. They made sure I only had the most purebred, beautiful Pokemon out there. There was a Lucario who... well, I loved." Emily explained, looking down. Matthew wasn't particularly shocked at her admission of Pokephilia, he himself had been with one or two Pokemon in his time. No, what surprised him more was that she admitted to loving a Pokemon. "I was around twelve, thirteen or so. My parents, as usual, were gone on some business trip. My butler had sent me off to bed, but I decided to confess my true feelings towards the Lucario.

"It was awful. I was shaking like a ragdoll as he looked at me once he was out of his Pokeball. He didn't know what was wrong with me, he thought I was hurt. He was so surprised when I kissed him that he pushed me against my bed." Emily went on, beginning to shake a little. Matthew hugged her, feeling a little silly with a fish against his chest, but he reminded himself that this was his wife, and this was an actual thing that happened to her. "I must have passed out, and that's when he..."

Emily gulped, a tear running down her face that Matthew wiped away.

"Arceus..." Matthew cursed under his breath, holding her close. "I can't even begin to imagine." Emily didn't say anything, just quivered in his arms as he held her close, gently stroking above her eyes. "I'm so sorr-"

"Don't finish that. Please." She said, looking up. "There's nothing you could have done anyway."

Emily abruptly scrambled out of his grip, floating beside him. Matthew looked down at her, wanting to hug her, wanting to be there for her. After a deep, nervous breath, he turned the TV back on and gently rested an arm on her. She didn't move, which he was glad for.

The two of them sat together, not saying a word to each other as they watched the television. Matthew was wondering what was going through her head, wanting to know so desperately, but he also knew it was important to respect what little boundaries she had.

"I think..." She suddenly said, breaking the silence with her quivering voice. "the worst part about it was that I never saw him again."

"He ran away?"

"N-no," Emily said, looking up. "I think the butler came into the room either during or after and, um... I don't think that Lucario is alive anymore."

"And... that's something you didn't want?"

"No." Emily whispered out. "Even though he did what he did, even though it was... wrong, and fucked up, well..." Her eyes drifted down back to the carpet. "I loved him. I guess... I dunno." Suddenly, her eyes lit up. She looked up at Matthew, completely horrified. "A-and... I-I did the s-same thing... to you..."


"I never gave you a choice, Matt!" She said, diving into his stomach, staining his shirt with her tears. "I never gave you a choice, I just told you to get rid of her!" She was sobbing now, shivering in his arms. Matthew remained silent, just gently rocking her back and forth in his arms as she cried and cried. He was fine with letting Umbreon go; it had been a small sacrifice to be with the woman he loved. Emily, on the other hand, well... he was kind of glad the Pokemon was dead. Emily took a few quivering breaths before composing herself, looking up at him. "Go get her, Matt. Please, for me!" She said, looking like she was about to cry again.

"A-alright, just can the waterworks, missy!" Matthew said, teasing her as he poked her side.

"R-really?" She said, her eyes lighting up. "You'll get her?"

"I'll do anything the fish lady wife thing says." Matthew said, gently kissing her on her fishy forehead.

"That's Ms. Fish Lady Wife Thing to you, you country bumpkin." She said, smiling and sniffing.

Matthew pulled her close, grinning as the two resumed watching the television. He messaged his friend, the person he had given Umbreon to all those years ago, and from what and how quickly he got a response, Matthew could tell that his friend wanted nothing more than to get this Umbreon off of his hands.

They went to pick the Umbreon up later on that day. Matthew was, at first, concerned that she wouldn't recognize him, but as he stepped into the Pokemon Daycare and saw her sitting proudly next to the clerk, he could see her red eyes light up before being tackled to the ground by her. He laughed hard as his face was licked all over, eventually having to softly push the Pokemon down. Matthew sat up, petting the Umbreon as it sat in his lap, licking his neck and chin.

"She seems to like you a lot more than she does me." Matthew's friend, Linus, said with a frown. Umbreon looked back at him, her red eyes growing narrow, the golden rings on her ebony body glowing faintly.

"Aw, it's okay girl," Matthew said, rubbing the Umbreon's head. He got a wonderfully high-pitched mew before the Pokemon fell back on his chest. "he's just cranky. Doesn't know how fun you are."

"Oh believe me, I do." Linus said, frowning. "I should charge you for it, but..." He shrugged before taking a deep breath. "Just take her, never bring her back, and that will be payment enough."

"Will do." Matthew said, grinning. He got up, scooping Umbreon up in his arms. "See you next time I see 'ya, Linus!" Matthew waved back at him.

"Just don't bring that black bitch!" Linus shouted after him, frowning.

"You're not a bitch, are 'ya?" Matthew said as he scratched under Umbreon's chin. "Awfully fuzzy. Might need to give you a haircut."

"Umbreon!" Umbreon mewed, looking into his eyes.

"Fat chance." Emily translated, grinning. "Guess she's going to be fuzzy for a while, huh?"

"Guess so." Matthew said, rubbing his nose against hers. "I missed you so much, you know that, girl?"

Umbreon didn't say anything, just squirmed against his chest until she was comfortable in his arms. Matthew smiled before looking over at Emily.

"Thank you." He mouthed, giving her a wide smile.

. . .

The second lesson came a month later.

Emily had been home alone with Umbreon for some time now. Matthew had set a small pool that she could swim around in while he was at work and she was currently in it. He had told her before he left that he would have to work a rather long shift, well into the evening, but he'd lock the doors and windows and whatnot so nobody could get in, and left the television on before he rushed out of the door.

She had spent most of the time watching it with Umbreon, who wasn't much for conversation. Emily had to admit that it was interesting being able to talk to Pokemon, since all humans could understand was just different iterations of their name. The snippets of opinions and comments she got from the Umbreon were mainly relating to the show, how she didn't like certain characters or plot points; it really opened her eyes to the fact that Pokemon were just as smart, if not smarter, than humans.

"It just makes no sense." She said in her smooth, midnight voice. "What would he gain out of killing her when he could just make her his slave or pet?"

"Sometimes humans are just..." Emily waved her fins. "Ignorant."

"To say the least." Umbreon nearly sneared.

Emily looked at her. Umbreon wasn't exactly on the best of terms with her, since it was Emily's fault that she had spent so much time away from her master, but she had been able to, so far, hide her malice rather well. Today was not an exception. Even after that comment, Umbreon looked calm, collected, hell, she almost appeared friendly.


"Look, Umbreon, I can't say that I'm sorry I told Matt to get rid of you," She said, looking up at her. "I really just..."

"Can it, he told me the story." Umbreon said.

"The... story?"

"About how the Lucario took advantage of you." Umbreon said, looking down from the TV. "I don't really see why it's a big deal to you humans. It's a big deal when we do it to your kind, but when you do it to us? No, that's fine, it's natural, even."

"W-what do you mean?" Emily asked, frowning a little.

"Oh please, I'll admit that some Pokemon love their trainers enough to do something like that to them, but all Pokemon? Just because you consider us animals doesn't mean we don't have feelings, lady." Umbreon said, frowning. "You think curious little baby Pokemon like taking gigantic cocks in their asses? Or that Pokemon who've lived free for all their lives are all of a sudden massive subs to their owners?"

"Rape is rape, Umbreon." Emily said, scowling.

"No, hun, it's not." She said, her rings glowing a little. "You humans use us as cumbags or a thick, relieving shaft, but the second we try to do something like that to you without your permission, it's one of two things. We're either released, which is a death sentence for Pokemon that don't know anything about surviving in the wilderness, or we're killed. No ifs, ands, or buts."

"That Lucario used me as a cumbag." Emily said, tears stinging her eyes.

"And gallons of cum from that dumb-fuck store owner that Matthew handed me off to has flown out of me." Umbreon retorted, snorting. "If it was just the one time, I wouldn't have cared. He was nice, even made sure I could barely stand at the end, but you know what happened?"

"...What?" Emily said, suddenly a bit uncomfortable.

"Cumbag. Every morning, every time he took a lunch, even once or twice more in the evening, that perverted fuck would shoot his load into me." Umbreon explained, her voice growing venomous. "So tell me, could I have done anything? Could I have used my poisonous sweat to kill him? Rammed into him, knocked him out?"

"You could have done that." Emily said, frowning. "You could have fought for your freedom."

Umbreon erupted in laughter, pure and sincere. It wasn't sarcastic or spiteful, no, it was as if Emily had just told her the funniest joke in her life.

"Oh..." She snickered a bit as her laughter died down. "What a human concept. Freedom."

"You could have, though."

"Only if I wanted to be hunted down and killed. Or worse." Umbreon said, shaking her head. "Do you know what they do to cute Pokemon like myself that they don't immediately kill? Wanna take a guess?


"Cumbag!" Umbreon said, grinning. "All day, all night, for the rest of my life. The fucker that ran the store I had to live in had a Pokemon up for sale. It was... I believe it was a Ralts. You couldn't tell from how deformed it looked, however, no thanks to your kind."

"How do you know it was us, though?" Emily asked.

"I spent a lot of time near the store owner." Umbreon said, lying down on her front paws. "She went on and on about how and what they did to her. Wasn't pretty."

"So... what hope is there for your kind, then?" Emily said, feeling an urge to help once she was a human again.

"Lie down and accept it. If you got a trainer who actually loves you, well, good. If not then... there's not much you can do." Umbreon said, glancing back up at the television.

"M-my dad's a district attorney!" Emily suddenly said, perking up. "I'll make him write a law or something to help you, once I'm a human again!"

"Oh, can it." Umbreon said, furrowing her brow a bit. "I'm trying to watch this."

Emily obeyed her, but the burning desire to help the Pokemon was still in her heart, making her think of all sorts of ways she could help Umbreon and others like her. It was true that her dad could, most likely, do something about it, but... well, it wouldn't be easy, and it might be political suicide. It wasn't like sleeping with Pokemon was taboo or frowned upon.

The more she thought about it the more her heart bled for these Pokemon. She, unknowingly, came to respect them for dealing with all the shit the human's gave them. It was then that she realized that the lessons of old were suddenly making sense to her.



All she could say is that she looked forward to the last lesson; an appreciation for all life.

. . .

There was one more month of the curse left.

Emily had been trying her hardest to try to find out what an appreciation for all life actually implied. Was it really all life? Every germ, every bug, murderers and kidnappers? Why should she appreciate those things? They didn't help out anyone, or anything, it didn't make sense for her to do so.

What was worse was that there was only one more month left. If she couldn't figure this out, she'd be a Feebas for the rest of her life, which was definitely something she didn't want. Even Matthew, who had been so helpful, couldn't figure it out and even when he asked around, nobody was able to tell or explain it to him.

Nobody except for one person.

Matthew didn't know how this person had heard, all he knew was that, one day, after coming home from work, there was a letter right at the front of his threshold. It had the fanciest handwriting he had ever seen, penned in a silvery-gold ink, and written on what seemed to be handmade paper. The letter explained that the author had overheard what had happened, and that she was coming to visit in a fortnight - Matthew had to look up how long that was -, and that they'd better be prepared.

Well, now that those two weeks had passed, Matthew, Umbreon, and Emily were patiently waiting on the couch for this guest.

They had been sitting and talking for a few hours now. Matthew was kicking himself in the butt, did he actually believe that this person would show up? Actually help them? The paper was neat, sure, but that just added more insult to the injury. It had made him take the prank seriously.

"C'mon, let's just go to bed." Matthew said, getting up.

"N-no, can we just wait a few more minutes?" Emily had asked. Umbreon mewed, looking up at Matthew. "She agrees!"

"Fine." He said, frowning as he looked at both of them. "Only for a fe-"

There were a few sharp raps on his door. Matthew looked over, frowning at the door, before his eyes grew wide. He looked back and forth between it, and his wife and Pokemon.

"Do... you think it's her?" He asked, his heart racing.

"Go on!" Emily said, pushing her head against his back towards the door. "Go open it!"

He did.

Matthew swung the door open and was greeted by a pair of rather large breasts right in his face. The dress the lady was wearing was barely holding them in place, it seemed as if one wrong move would push them out of it. It was, however, a beautiful dress, he could only describe the color as a sparkling plum. He looked up at the figure, giving a small smile.

"Hello, dear." The figure said, holding a hand out. Matthew gripped it, his eyes growing wide. It was much bigger than his own hand, a large gold ring with an onyx inset on one finger, another with a beautiful, shimmering sapphire on the one next to it. They seemed to almost glow on her hand, which was smooth, not a wrinkle in sight, despite the fact that the woman looked to be in her forties. "If you're done gawking, my dear, why won't you invite me in?"

"O-oh, s...sure." Matthew said, stepping aside. "I'm Matthew, by the way.

"Rahels, dear. Rahels Rusu, but please," Her stride was incredibly long, she was able to make it to the loveseat opposite of Umbreon in just a few steps. "call me Rah."

"R-Rah, right, okay." Matthew said as he sat across from her. He got an even better look at her; she had a crazy amount of hair, golden blond, that would have ran down to her knees if she was standing, yet there was almost every color conceivable braided into it. Vibrant reds, verdant greens, royal purples and azure blues.

"You seem awfully collected for a man with a cursed wife." Rah said, taking out a nail file from her hair and beginning to file away. As she pulled it out of the colored section of hair, the color slowly faded back to the golden blonde its surroundings, which scared Matthew a bit. Just how much was she hiding in that head of hair?

"It-... I... We've..."

"Go on, go on, spit it out!" Rah exclaimed, sighing obnoxiously.

"We've lived with it for a long time." Matthew said, frowning a little. "We just need help with the last bit of the curse."


"An appreciation for all life." Emily said, looking at Matthew.

"Ah, indeed, a tricky lesson indeed." Rah said, giggling.

"You... understand her?"

"Look familiar?" Rah said, flicking out her hand and leaning over. Matthew saw the rings, his eyes growing wide. The blue one looked exactly like his own, but the stone was set in gold, not silver. "Mine's a bit better than that hacks, but..." She went back to filing her nails. "Yours does the trick, I guess."

"That... hack?" Matthew asked.

"Oh?" She looked up, grinning. "What else do you call someone who works three days out of the year?"

"You know him!?" Matthew said, standing up.

"I do, I do." Rah said, making a downwards flicking motion with her hand. Matthew sat back down, leaning forward on his knees. "His name is Gespardo, and he's a bit of a... well, pardon my language, but a bit of a jerk."

"What... how many others has he cursed?"

"Oh, honey, he doesn't curse anyone, he just has it in good with that Ninetales of his." Rah said, tapping her fingernail with the rasp. "Without her, he's just someone that can understand Pokemon. No, that's not a good description of him..." Tap, tap, tap... "He's like... oh, how do I put this in terms you'd understand..." Tap, tap, tap... "Ah-ha!" She exclaimed, grinning. "He's like a Ditto. Gespardo seems all-powerful and scary, yet, if you take one hard look at him, he's just a fraud. A trickster, even."

"Can you lift this curse?" Matthew suddenly asked, his eyes lighting up. "You seem to know a whole lot of this kind of stuff."

"If I could, your wife would be in your arms by now, dear." Rah said, putting the file back in her hair. "Now, dear fish wife, please," She flicked her hands towards herself. "Come here."

Emily glanced over at Matthew, a nervous look shadowing her eyes. She timidly swam over to Rah, who grabbed her right as she was about to fall to the ground. Rah held her in her arms almost like a child before smiling down at her. Emily was firmly pressed against her breasts, and seemed to be rather uncomfortable.

Without uttering a word, Rah worked her magic. Her pinky finger began to glow an odd color, almost like a blue, but more resembling a red, as she swirled it around in the air. After a single word Matthew couldn't understand, Rah poked Emily's forehead, the color running from her finger and dripping into her. It hit her forehead, seemingly as if it was a drop of water, before becoming a million other droplets and making a wide bow towards her forehead yet again. When all of the energy, color... whatever it was, went away, Emily shut her eyes, seemingly in a trance, but for all Matthew knew, she could have been dead.

"Oh, not more magic!" Matthew said, groaning. "What'd you do to her now?"

"Just a little adventure, dear." Rah said, cuddling Emily into her bosom and leaning back against the loveseat.

"Motherfucker..." Matthew exclaimed, leaning against the couch.

. . .

And just like that, Emily was a human again. She felt her fingers, her toes, her arms and legs, but couldn't see anything. The inky blackness that she saw when she closed her eyes was a stark, brutal contrast to the blinding white that was waiting for her when she opened them. Emily didn't think that she would ever be able to get used to the light, but her need to know if she really was a human far exceeded her aversion to this light.

She opened her eyes yet again, squinting and sitting up. Surely enough, she could see her legs, her breasts, her arms and hands! Emily cried out in glee, feeling her human skin all over, feeling her nose and mouth and everything she had taken for granted as a human. If only it wasn't so bright...

"Enjoying yourself, sweety?" A familiar voice called. Emily jumped from the sudden noise, but squinted up into the face, well, actually the bosom, of Rah. Why was she naked? Emily looked down, her eyes growing wide. Why was she herself naked?

"D-don't worry, dear," Rah called, laughing. "There cannot be any clothing, anything that can hide any shame or disgust or anything in here."

"Where am I?" Emily asked, her eyes slowly growing accustomed to the light. "Who are you?"

"Please, honey, you know who I am, we just met!" Rah said, taking her hand and pulling her up. "But if you need a reminder, I'm Rahels Rusu," She said, bowing. "Rah, for short."

"Yeah, yeah, I know that bit." Emily said, squinting a bit less. "But where are we?"

"Why don't we take a look?" Rah said, presenting their surroundings with the sweep of an arm.

Emily looked around, frowning. All she could see was... a television screen? It was all white around them, she couldn't even see what she was standing on, only white, glowing mist surrounded them. The sky was normal, if that was the sky. It was a pretty baby blue, but that was it. The television screen, white, and blue.

"Am I dead?" Emily asked, looking up. How was Rah so tall?

"Not yet, dear." Rah said, giggling as she walked towards the television.

"What is that?"

"So many questions," Rah said, tisking three or four times. "Just come sit down, dear."

"Stop calling me that." Emily said, frowning, yet obeying her instructions.

"Whatever you want." Rah grinned, taking a remote out of her hair and flicking the screen on. "Tell me, fish wife, what do you see?"

Emily glared at Rah, but turned her attention to the screen. It was... impossibly big. Every which way she looked there was more of the screen, the whiteness was gone, the blue was gone, all that there was was her, and Rah...


Rah was gone.

Emily nervously looked around, calling her name for what seemed like hours before she heard anything.

"I'm right here, Emily." Rah said. Emily blushed, feeling the weight of her breasts push down on her head. "Don't worry, just watch."

Emily looked, actually looked, at the screen, and figures and colors, shapes and noises, it all suddenly came to life. What was all around her seemed like a growing, yet heavily polluted city. Sludge was being poured into a large river that ran through it, large chimneys bellowed and vomited thick, black smoke, trash was everywhere along the streets and alleyways. Emily was nervous that someone would see her, completely naked, but Rah suddenly spoke up.

"This is Kanto, Emily." She took a seat next to her. "Don't fret, we're just observers."

"Why am I seeing this? What's the point?"

"Would you like to live here?" Rah asked, looking down at the gross view.

"N-not really."

"Neither would anyone who lived here at this point in time."

"You still haven't explained a point to this, though."

"You see the trash? The smoke, and the sludge?"


"These are byproducts of a successful society." Rah said, looking down. "Well, successful in human terms. Regardless, how would one clean this up?"

"I... I don't know? Trashmen?" Emily shrugged.

"But that job won't be thought of until far in the future."

"Then what?"

"What about Pokemon? Trubbish eat the trash on the roads. Weezing absorbs the smog. Even Muk eat the crap you humans pollute the rivers with." Rah said, leaning over and pointing to one of them. Emily watched as the Muk went to work consuming the sludge that poured out of a specific grate. "These Pokemon you despise so much help us in so many ways."

"Y-yeah, I guess you're right." Emily said, suddenly squinting, realizing that, maybe Rah did have a point. The brightness wasn't as potent as it was when she first opened her eyes, but it was still enough to make her squint. "What's going on?"

"You'll see." Rah said, grinning. "Now, look."

Emily focused on the screen yet again. The old timey city was gone, now replaced with new shapes and figures that were taking their sweet time to form. This new place was much more familiar, so much so, in fact, that it caused Emily to gasp.

Her home.

It might have been off in the distance, but it was her home.

"Where are we now?" Emily asked, looking around at the field they were in. To her slight annoyance, she saw that she was nearly surrounded by Mareep.

"We, Emily, are in your family's backyard. Or, well, part of it. You own a lot of land." Rah said, whistling.

"We do." She said, proudly. "I'm not afraid of my wealth."

"So it seems, but what about these little fuzzballs?" Rah said, stooping down and grabbing one of the Mareeps by its blue face and nuzzling it.

"Wait, we're actually here?!" Emily frantically exclaimed, covering her womanhood as quickly as she could.

"I said we were spectators, observers, not that we couldn't interact with something so cute." Rah said, booping the Pokemon on its nose before standing again.

"So gross." Emily corrected, sneering at the Pokemon.

"Why do you think that, de... Emily?"

"Look at em. They're stupid. All they do is eat grass and shit." She said, pointing to one Mareep that was, in fact, doing both of those actions at the same time. "Why wouldn't I think they're gross?"

Suddenly, the view of the field and the Mareep and everything else went away. They were teleported to a stormy, windy coast. It was foggy, pouring rain, and, every now and again, a bolt of lightning would arc through the clouds off in the distance.

"Why are we here?" Emily shouted through the wind as the rain pelted her naked body. It didn't make her cold, no, it almost felt refreshing.

"Look off into the distance. What do you see?" Rah said, pointing off into the ocean as her soaking wet hair clung to her back.

Emily strained her eyes, looking off into the foggy sea, but couldn't notice anything out of the ordinary; just crashing waves. She looked, and looked, and looked, but just saw more of the same.

"Nothing?" She yelled over the wind.

"Exactly." Rah said, grinning. "Nothing at all!"

"So why are we here?!"

"Emily, do you know how your great-great-great-grandparents came to live where you are now?" Rah asked, slowly dancing in the rain.

"Boat, I'd assume!"

"Correct! Any other assumptions, my dear?" She said as she twirled on the soaking wet grass.

"They arrived today!"

"A genius in the making!" Rah said, laughing as she tumbled into the mud. "Tell me, my dear, do you see a tower?"

She indeed saw a tower. It was made out of brick, seemingly the one thing able to withstand this whipping storm on this otherwise flat and barren island. Emily was about to give Rah an affirmative when there was a devistatingly powerful flash from the tower. It blinded Emily, causing her hands to rush to her eyes as she screamed in terror.

"What just happened!?" She yelled, looking around, but only seeing the tower burned into her retinas.

"That, my Emily, is an Ampharos." Rah said, pressing fingers into her eyes. Emily jumped and batted her hands away, but a firm slap from Rah convinced her otherwise. She let the woman rub her fingers into her eyes, suddenly seeing Rah's naked form yet again. "And it, whether you know it or not, is the only reason you're alive."

"What?" Emily called, quickly looking away from the tower. Just in time, too, because not a second later, the entire island was lit up in the bright, white light.

"Ampharos, which are what those Mareep you hate so much grow up to be, were used in the stead of light bulbs, which your family wouldn't invent for another hundred or so years." Rah said, towering over Emily. "Your great-great-whatever grandparents would have killed themselves if they continued to head towards this area. The rocks would have shredded their boat and they would have drowned very quickly."

"O-okay!?" Emily yelled through the wind.

Suddenly, everything stopped. Her hair was instantly dried, which was the weirdest feeling she had ever experienced - even weirder than being turned into a Pokemon. Rah stood in front of her, smiling down. They were back in the field. Mareeps were crying their name as they ran from their Ampharaos parents, which were trying to wrangle them back into the barn for the night.

"I still think they're gross," Rah scowled, "but... but... they are the only reason I'm here. The only reason my family is as rich as it is." Emily said, smiling as the Mareeps were finally locked inside of the barn. "Maybe they're not as bad as I thought."

"Indeed!" Rah said, grinning. "Well then, my Emily, it seems as if we're in the last area."

"The last area?"

"The last area!" Rah exclaimed, grinning and throwing her hands in the air. "Take a look around."

Emily did, but couldn't see much. All she could see was a Feebas. The blinding white light had returned, again rendering her unable to see her surroundings. Nothing except for this Feebas.

"It's a Feebas." Emily said, looking at the distant form of Rah. Or, was it Rah? She could barely see.

"Indeed it is!" Rah said, getting close to the fish and hugging it. "Anything notable about this specific one?"

"Your tits are on it?" Emily retorted.

Rah broke out in laughter, rubbing the Feebas's triangular dorsal fin. "True, true, but look a bit harder!" Rah shoved the Feebas towards Emily, who caught it in her hands.

She looked at the fish, only needing a few seconds to figure out that she was holding the form she had spent the last eleven months in. The Feebas didn't drop when she let it go, just stood there, dumbly floating. Ugly as ever.

"You still don't understand the irony of your predicament huh?" Rah said, shaking her head. "Maybe I gave you more credit tha-"

"I get it, alright? It's just that..." Emily grimaced, looking at the Feebas. "It's so..."

"Unhelpful? Unproductive? Unworkable?"

"You done?" Emily said, raising her eyebrows and looking at Rah, who shrugged and grinned.

"Whenever there's a chance for alliteration, my dear, whenever there's a chance."

"But what does... there's no point to it. It's useless." Emily said, beginning to point out its many flaws. "It's ugly, it doesn't make a large enough impact on its environment to be studied by anyone, it can't be used in a Pokemon battle without failing miserably, and I mean... just look at it! It's hideous!"

"All true, all true, my Emily. But would the world be better off without it?"


Would it? Sure, all of what she said was true. The only thing that was remotely interesting about Feebas was that they could survive in both salt and freshwater. But extinction?

"Nobody, nothing, deserves to..." Emily said, clutching at her chest. It had suddenly begun to hurt quite a bit. "Ow..."

"Finish the thought, dear!" Rah encouraged, squatting down and holding her hands as she looked into her eyes.

"Deserves to be..."

The pain felt akin to a sharp spike being driven into her heart. It was thorny, tearing flesh out of her as it dug in and out of her chest, but she continued.


Light suddenly blasted out of her eyes. It blinded her before wrapping, twisting and contorting around her body. The pain soon went away as she underwent this metamorphosis, confused and scared as her body shifted and changed, growing longer. Emily didn't know how much more of this she actually took; she blacked out rather quickly.

. . .

When Emily awoke, she felt different.

Bigger. Mobile. She looked at her body and cried out in fear, but her voice was different. Liquid and smooth, not rough, gravelly like her voice had been when she was a Feebas. Her eyes hadn't left her new form, however.

She was a lot bigger now, beautiful, as well. There was a beautiful section of her body that had blue and pink diamond scales on it that led down to a wide, beautiful tail. She counted four fins that connected to the tip of her tail, each as blue as the scales on it, a wide, pink oval stretching inside of the blue, leaving a border about an inch or two thick. The rest of her body was a wonderful cream color, which led to her new head. Emily was in her and Matthew's bedroom, so she was able to see herself in the mirror, which made her mouth drop with awe.

Two beautiful, long, pink antennae curled up and over, almost forming a heart, which were above... well, the best she could describe them were almost eyebrows. They were very large, pink as her scales, and felt like fins, almost, big enough to run down to her midsection. Her eyes were now beautiful and red, slanted in such a way that she appeared almost like royalty.

"What am I?" She asked as she looked in the mirror. There was that silky smoothe voice again.

"My dear Emily," A familiar voice called. Rah. Emily turned, looking over at the large, thankfully dressed, Rah. "I believe a congratulations are in order!"


"The curse you've lived with for so long is able to be broken." Rah explained, sitting down on the bed. "The ugliness in your heart is gone, replaced with only the lessons of old."

"Why aren't I a human, then?" Emily asked.

"Well, you'll have to go back to the Ninetales, deary." Rah said, grinning. "You didn't just expect to be magically turned back into a human once you think you learned the lessons, right?"

"Kind of." Emily said, nervously shifting around. If she was honest with herself, she didn't want to go back to the Ninetales. She was mortified at how she had talked to, how she had treated the Pokemon.

"Just go to the fair when it's time, Emily. If your desire is to become a human again, I believe she'll turn you back." Rah said, grinning.

"I... what do you mean, if I desire?"

"Oh, forget it." Rah said, standing up. She walked over to Emily, reaching up and grabbing her antenna. It didn't hurt, it just felt like she was taking a very comfortable piece of clothing off. Emily looked in slight disgust as Rah pulled two clear, almost flesh-like clones of her antenna off of her, taking out a small purple bag from her hair and putting them inside of it before returning it.


"The baby skin from a Milotic's antenna is... well, something I've been needing for quite a long time now." Rah said, smiling. "Don't worry, it's akin to an Ekans shedding its skin, the only difference being that it doesn't grow back."

"Is it important?" Emily frantically asked.

"No." Rah shrugged. "Just a bit of important nutrients for any Milotics out in the wild. You're not a wild Pokemon, so what would you need them for?"

"A... alright?" Emily said, a little skeeved out.

"Anyway, dear hubby is asleep on the couch. It might have only seemed like minutes for us, but it was an all night event for him and Umbreon." Rah said, beckoning Emily to follow. It took a few minutes for her to get used to movement after nearly a year of not physically moving in water, but she was able to get the hang of it. Emily followed Rah out to the living room and, surely enough, Matthew was on the couch, snoring away, Umbreon sleeping in his lap. "I'll leave the two of you to discuss matters. It was wonderful helping you, my dear."

Emily looked down at Rah, whose hands were suddenly on her head. She was pulled down into her lips and was kissed, quickly pursing her lips together. Try as she might, she wasn't able to break out of Rah's grip, so, upon the demanding presses of her assailants tongue, opened her lips up slightly. Rah's tongue darted into her mouth, making Emily shiver as it explored. It must have been ten, twenty seconds at most, before Rah let her go.

"Ah, a lesson learnt... such a marvelous taste." Rah said, grinning and putting her shoes back on.

"What the fuck..." Emily murmured as Rah gave her one last wave, leaving the apartment. She was a little confused as to why she had kissed her so, but shook her head. What a weird creature.

"Matt," She said, gently nudging his shoulder with her nose. It was a little annoying to still not have hands. He didn't stir, however. "Matt!"

"Mhmm... Mmwhat the fuck!?" Matthew screamed, falling behind the couch, sending Umbreon flying into the air. He crashed down behind the couch with a thump, the Pokemon landing on its feet, seemingly more angry that she was woken up by her trainer than she was by Emily's appearance.

"What the... who the..."

"Calm down, drama queen, it's me, Emily." Emily said, slithering closer towards Matthew.

"Huh? Wait, where's Rah?" Matthew said, still eyeing this new Pokemon in his house. "And where's Emily?"

"Right in front of you, dummy!" Emily said, grinning. "My curse is gone!"

"Why... why aren't you a human then?"

"We have to go back to the Ninetales next month, Matt."

"So... it... worked?" His eyes were lighting up with each word, the grin growing wider and wider.

"It did." Emily said, a tear running down her face.

Matthew wasted no more words; he ran towards his wife, pulling her new, beautiful form into a tight hug. Emily coiled herself around him, resting her head on his shoulder before he pulled her into a deep, loving kiss. She nearly died right there; during the time she was a Feebas, she didn't want Matthew to kiss her, let alone do anything... sexual... with her, but now... now was a different story.

"C'mon lover boy, follow me." Emily said, uncoiling from her husband and slithering into the bedroom, Matthew close behind her.

He nearly jumped on the bed, burying his face in hers as she wound around him. Emily liked being long like this, it allowed her to give the best hugs. It started at his left foot: she wound up and around his leg, over his waist and across his stomach, under his neck and down his torso again, finally resting her head on his right shoulder, where she had full access to that wonderful mouth, that mouth she had missed for so long.

The two sparred with their tongues for some time, only breaking to come up for air and whisper heartfelt, loving compliments into each other's ear. Emily had no problem telling him how she felt, what she wanted to do, but she also didn't have any ears. No, like most Pokemon, Emily had a rather sensitive patch of skin on either side of her head that she heard out of. She had to guide her husband to it, and the things that he whispered in her ear made her quiver, shake, even, which she hadn't done for so long. Emily kissed Matthew time and time again, their tongues working on each other as they got a good taste for her new form.

"Um... babe..." Matthew suddenly said, blushing.

"Yes?" Emily responded, raising her head a bit.

"I'm... ah..." His face only grew more red.

Emily looked down, seeing his erection pressed against his jeans. She looked back at him, eyebrows raised a bit, a sly grin on her face.

"Someone's excited, huh?" She said, slithering her body over his lump.

"It's just... uh... been a long time." He said, pitifully smiling.

"For the both of us."

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course, you know that." Emily said, nuzzling his face.

"I... didn't cheat on you, or anything." Matthew said, looking away from here.

"O-oh... that's... good, right?" She said, a bit puzzled.

"Yeah, it is. But I haven't really... well, jerked off, either." Matthew said, his face growing an almost incomprehensible shade of red.

"Oh?" Emily said, giggling.

"Mhmm..." Matthew murmured, nervously smiling.

"So you're a little... pent up, huh?"

"T-to say the least..." He said, gulping as Emily rubbed harder on his bulge. "It's just the pressure and the... you... on it."

"The pressure?" She raised her brows.

"You're gigantic!" Matthew cried, laughing. "Not a tiny little Feebas anymore, dear!"

Emily grinned, winding her tail under his legs. His face turned white as she pulled them together, then upwards, making his legs bow, exposing his covered erection. She slithered from under his neck to below his chest, looping under him again to constrict him. Matthew cried out, but a devious grin from Emily set him at ease. She made her way close to his throbbing cock, undoing his jeans with her mouth before letting his arms loose a bit. He pulled them off, and was about to pull his boxers down as well, but Emily quickly tightened around him again.

He suppressed a cry as she looked down at his length, licking her lips. From the pictures he had sent when they were dating, Emily knew that her husband was around seven and a half inches long, far bigger than anyone else she had ever dated before. There was a dark, wet spot where his tip was throbbing under the fabric, a little bit of precum bleeding through.

She leaned down and tasted him for the first time in a year, shuddering in bliss as his cock pulsed from under the fabric. His cock was quickly soaked with her warm saliva as she mouthed his length from over his underwear, slowly pressing down and bobbing up and down with her head.

He began to pant as Emily worked with his cock, squirming in her grasp as her tongue flicked his tip. Every few seconds she'd bite down, but the fabric would dull any pain, instead making him groan in bliss. Emily started to suck on his length, moving her tongue around the rough fabric of the underwear, around the base of his cock. Matthew began to hump her as best he could, but she didn't let him get too far.

He began to pant, squirming as her tongue traced around his rod, never sticking in one place for too long. He couldn't have been this close, right? Emily was a little skeptical as she sucked. There was no way he could be so clos-

He screamed his wife's name, causing Emily to frown a little, but surely enough, she felt the cum bleed through his underwear, its salty, wonderful taste on her tongue as she licked. Emily loosened up a little, allowing him to buck into her as he shot his load for the first time in close to a year, and she was amazed at just how massive each wad of cum was as it went through his underwear. She coiled around him a bit tighter, relishing the beating drum that was his heart. It was pounding as he gasped for air, his load finally shot, that after orgasm bliss finally setting in.

"H-holy... holy shit..." Matthew gasped out, clenching and unclenching his fists and toes. "Through my..." Emily looked back, smirking. "Holy shit..."

Matthew fell back on the pillow, panting as he recovered. It had been so long that he didn't even know if his young heart could handle another orgasm.

"My turn..." Emily said, singsongidly.


All of a sudden, there was a very large slit in front of his face. It was a lot larger than it was when Emily was a human, maybe about the size of his hand instead of just his pinky finger. He took a small, curious lick up her slit, grinning when she shivered with glee. Emily unwound a bit and he took advantage of it, gently prodding a finger into her, spreading her slit open and revealing a rather human looking organ.

Matthew wasted no time licking her large clit, grinning as he felt her start trembling all over him. He pushed a finger into her, moving it in and out of the warm, almost hot, squishy hole. Again, he was rewarded with moans and high pitched groans from his wife.

He kissed up her large slit, giving her clit a small lick once he got up to it, before licking back down and massaging her with his fingers. After a few licks, he began to work his tongue inside of her, rubbing that sensitive marble sized organ the way he knew she liked. Emily began to tremble as his tongue explored this new, wonderful organ. She didn't think that he'd still know how to do this, but she was sorely mistaken. Emily tensed up hard when she felt her clit get pulled into his mouth, gently being suckled on. She felt like such an idiot as her body trembled, but she couldn't help herself.

After a few more good sucks on her, Matthew continued to rub her with two fingers, going in rough, yet gentle, circles, gently licking up her slit and tickling her with his tongue before he went back down it. Emily began to physically shake, which he took as a sign that he was doing a good job, and he continued to rub and lick and tease. Emily cried out, suddenly constricting his head onto her slit, forcing him to suck on her as she experienced her first orgasm in this new body. It was overpoweringly wonderful, almost as if she transcended this realm and was led into one of pure pleasure and bliss. She moaned something unintelligible as she rubbed her slit against Matthew's lips, only able to constrict around him tighter and tighter. The only reason her orgasm didn't kill him was because he secretly enjoyed it.

Emily unwound after the orgasm left her with one more gentle kiss, allowing her husband to gasp for air as she laid all over him, the feeling of his wet tongue slowly, ever so slowly, leaving her womanhood. The two of them laid together for a while, Matthew smoothly running his finger up and down her slit.

"My Matty...." She said, slithering over to his wet mouth and kissing it, tasting her orgasm on his saliva. She broke off of him, a strand of the hot drool falling to his chest.

Emily went back to his groin, seeing his prick already standing at attention. She slid his boxers down his legs, allowing him to kick them, and his jeans off. Finally, she saw that dick again. So long, uncut... a thick vein ran up the side of it, webbing off and around his girth as his tip gently throbbed in the open air. So big... part of her wondered if she still would have liked being with him if he was average. She looked back at him, at that goofy, loving face, and realized that, even if he wasn't as well endowed as he was, she still would love the shit out of him.

The big dick was just a small perk to what they had.

"Why don't you..." Emily gently slithered her slit close to his mouth. "And I'll...?" She licked his tip.

Matthew's eyes grew wide, nodding quickly. He grabbed onto her body again, pressing his face against her large womanhood, beginning to explore her slit yet again with his tongue as she slowly sunk down on him. His toes curled as her long, wet tongue explored his twitching member. Emily's mouth felt much, much tighter now that she wasn't a human as she bobbed on his rock hard length. What was the best feeling, however, was the lack of teeth. Matthew could feel small amounts of scraping, sure, but it wasn't like the bony teeth she had when she was a human, and the feelings from her was seriously paying off as she sucked harder and faster on his cock. He felt as if he wasn't giving as good as he was getting, so he started to lick her faster, exploring her deeper as he rubbed her clit harder with his fingers.

Emily kept sucking on him, her lips tracing his cock before she went up to his tip, which she gently suckled in her mouth, her tongue rolling around it and matching the speed at which he rubbed her clit. Matthew lapped at her large womanhood, his tongue sending up jolts of wonder and bliss as she deepthroated his cock. Apparently, her new form didn't have any sort of a gag reflex, which only made sense.

Matthew began to slowly push in and out of her, so she worked herself down to his groin and allowed him to use it as he pleased. In return, she pressed her slit against his mouth, grinding against his soft lips and warm tongue. He seemed to get the message and licked harder, wrapping his arms around her girth and pressing her clit into his tongue. Emily began to moan through the cock in her mouth, which Matthew had to say was a beautiful, erotic sound that made him throb inside of her throat. He kept exploring her large slit, pressing his nose into it and taking deep breaths of her as his tongue lapped. Matthew began to thrust in harder, his length moving in and out of her mouth rapidly as his balls slapped against her nose. He felt close to an orgasm, but to his surprise, his wife beat him to it.

Emily began to moan, constricting around him and ramming his cock deep into her throat as she quivered, grinding her large slit against his face, covering it with his saliva. She transcended this world yet again as he licked and sucked, causing her to squeal with joy and shake as her mind was blown to pieces from the pleasure. As she was constricting and inadvertently choking Matthew, he couldn't hold back anymore and grunted, feeling the cum shoot out of his cock and into her throat as his tongue was rubbed against Emily's pulsing groin. Emily grunted in surprise, but drank down his load nonetheless as she gently wound down, her grinding getting less fierce as he licked. She sucked the cum out of him as her thoughts and body returned to her, sloppy wet sounds from both her saliva and the cum forcing Matthew only shoot more into her.

The couple was soon reduced into a quivering, shivering mess as they gently lapped at each other's genitals, neither one of them wanting to move, just embrace each other.

"I... really... like that..." Matthew said, looking down at her.


"You w-wrapping around... me." He said, blushing.

"Kinky boy..." Emily grinned, chuckling a bit. "That's something I can do, for you."

"Thank you..." Matthew panted, laying back on her body.

So comfy.

. . .

One month later

. . .

"Ah," Matthew said, breathing in that wonderful, fresh rural air. It smelled of manure, diesel engines and unhealthy fair food. It had been a year since the two of them had come here, and fuck, what an adventure it had been. They had both learned a lot about themselves, about how much they could deal with as a couple, how much they could learn about themselves. "You excited?"

"Huh?" Emily said, looking up. She seemed a bit distracted, as if she was somewhere else. "O-oh, yeah, I guess."

"I am. Can't wait to have my wife back in her equally beautiful human form." Matthew said, grinning.


The two of them made their way inside of the country fair. It was very similar to the last one, but still, somehow, held such an appeal to Matthew that it wasn't even funny. If his wife hadn't turned into a Pokemon last year, he was sure that the fair would have been on his mind for weeks, if not months. And now, not only was he here with his beautiful wife, but there was no chance they would be cursed again, she would be a human again, and it was just all awesome, making him giddy with excitement. As much as he wanted to go see the pumpkins, however, Matthew wanted to do the responsible thing, and, after paying for their tickets -he thought it was bullshit that he had to pay for two for his wife, but whatever- he found where the fortune teller was on the map.

They made their way to his tent, Matthew frowning at the slight line in front of the mulberry and maroon tent. The line was slow, the people going in all nervous like, only to leave either looking ecstatic, anxious, or almost looking like a little part of them had died. Matthew looked up at Emily as they waited in line, wondering why she wasn't talking to him. Was she nervous? Did she truly believe that she had learned all of the lessons of old?

"Hey, Em, c'mon." Matthew said, holding the small tent flap open for her.

He didn't think that this tent could hold close to a twenty foot Pokemon, but somehow, the more Emily slid in, the easier it seemed to be for her to coil up. Questions were in his mind, but what was the point?

"Ah, Emily, Matthew!" There was the old man again. He was wearing better pants, but still had that rag-tag vest on, his face still in need of a makeover, but again, immaculate jewelry. Ninetales was on his lap, seemingly sleeping. Besides his new pants, everything looked exactly the same as it had when they had teleported away.

"Hello, Gespardo, we're back."

"I can see that." Gespardo said, grinning.

"Ah... y-yeah." Matthew nervously replied, not wanting to bring up the fact that he was blind.

"Ah, yes..." He said, taking a whiff of air. "I can smell it, someone's heart is filled with the lessons of old."

"So you'll turn her back?!" Matthew said, beaming.

"If the lady wants it, but..." He sniffed a bit more before grinning. "What do you think, Lady?"

"Ninetales!" The Pokemon said, not stirring from his lap.

"Oh? Indeed!" He said, petting her head and grinning.

"What... what do you mean?" Matthew said, looking between the three of them, confused.

"Have you talked at length with your wife about this?" Gespardo asked, grinning his toothless grin.

"N-... not at length. I just kinda assumed... Hon?" Matthew looked over at his wife, who wasn't looking back.


"I just..." She said in a small voice.

"It's okay," Matthew said, putting a hand on her. "tell me what you want."

"I... like... how I am." Emily said, her red and black eyes piercing his soul. "I just... being a human was nice, but..."

"..." Matthew leaned forward, giving his wife a kiss. "You don't have to go back for me to love you, Em."

Emily blushed, recoiling a bit as a wide smile spread across her face. A small tear rolled down her eye as she looked at him, which he wiped away before they kissed again.

"Ninetales..." The Pokemon said, grinning.

"Shush, you." Emily said in a condescending voice. She looked over at Matthew before giving him another kiss. "I'm fine as I am. I love what I am."

"So be it, my dear friends." Gespardo said, moving his hand towards Emily. Emily looked at him, a little confused. "Please, your head."

She obeyed and was tugged towards Ninetales, who smugly licked up her forehead. Emily recoiled, surprised, but there was no disgust in the action.

"Please don't do that again." She said, frowning. Ninetales snickered before resting her head on Gespardo's lap again.

"So, my two, would you like your fortunes read today?" Gespardo said, grinning as he played with the cards.

"N-no, I think we'll be all set." Matthew said, grinning and almost shoving Emily out of the tent. "Thank you, though!"

"Wait!" Gespardo called, leaning forward and grabbing Matthew's jeans. Matthew froze, looking behind him nervously.


"If the lady changes her mind, do come back." He said, grinning and letting go of his jeans.

Matthew fell forward, into the dirt. He groaned, rubbing the filth off of his face as he got up, frowning at Emily, who was giggling.

"Not funny." He grumpily said, standing to his feet.

"Look behind you." She said, eyes suddenly wide.


The tent was gone.

"At this point, nothing surprises me." Matthew said, taking his wife in his arm and hugging. "As long as I have you, everything'll be alright."

"I think something will surprise you, Matty." Emily said, smirking.


"Come with me."

Matthew obeyed, holding onto one of the fins that ran down her head as she quickly made her way through the fairgrounds. He didn't know where she was taking him, but she seemed excited. The two of them raced through the crowds until they slowly died down, it made Matthew wonder how big this fairground was anyway. After a few minutes, they were in a seemingly abandoned part of the grounds. It was filled with mediocre equipment entries, none of which had even won a participation ribbon.

"Where are we?" Matthew asked as he looked around.

"Somewhere nobody comes during these type of events." Emily said, grinning. "Take off those pants."

"What?!" Matthew replied, grinning and nervously looking around. "Here? Now?"

"If you had any idea how wet you made me in the tent, I wouldn't question it. Your pants. Off. Now." Emily demanded, frowning.

Matthew grinned as he felt his cock growing inside of said pants, which were off in mere seconds. He kicked them onto some dumb rust-bucket of a tractor before he was quickly swarmed by Emily. She coiled around him, bringing him down to the ground with a fierce kiss as her wet slit slowly found his cock. He groaned as he felt his slowly growing member slip into her huge organ. Emily groaned in pleasure as she milked his cock to its full mast, beginning to hump him with ferocity.

Matthew couldn't do anything as his cock was pushed and pulled into her slit, only able to pant and clench himself all over. She was tightly wound around him, just barely giving him enough room to breathe as she fucked him, just as he liked. His erection throbbed as her large slit devoured it, squeezing him hard as she went up his large rod, getting slower and slower until she was up to his tip, before letting go of the pressure and sinking down on him. Emily continued to do this, relishing his groans as she fucked him.

Emily let his hand go, commanding him to rub her as she fucked him and Matthew, not an idiot, quickly obeyed. She began to groan louder as she bobbed up and down on his length, squirming tighter around him as she was rubbed. Suddenly, they collapsed onto the dirt, slipping from the wheel of the tractor. Matthew wanted to say something, but didn't, just moaned as Emily fucked him harder.

He took her girthy body and began to slam it down on his cock, at the same time thrusting into her, causing Emily to moan in bliss. Every few seconds they'd kiss, but currently, they weren't focused on that. This was love making in the truest sense of the word.

His cock slammed in and out of her, his balls against her clit as he fucked her, not giving her a moment to rest. Emily began to quiver and pant, a warning that she was dangerously close to an orgasm. He took full advantage of it, his cock moving all around in her wet, warm walls as she squirmed all around him. She began to constrict around him, her breathing getting faster and faster as she entered into the threshold of an orgasm.

"Matty... I'm about..." She moaned, looking him in the eyes.

She couldn't finish her thought before she took a deep breath, trying not to scream too loud as an orgasm washed over her. Matthew grinned, his eyes nearly crossing as she squeezed his body and his cock inside of her, her walls almost milking him as they contracted. It felt so good that he would have busted a load right then and there, but he gritted his teeth, a resolve to bring her to one more orgasm alight in his chest.

Each thrust into her was now a powerful, wonderful victory. His cock made a happy squishing sound as he thrusted into Emily's quivering, shaking slit, causing her to moan loudly with each hump. Emily let his other hand go and he quickly took advantage of it, beginning to press her down on his rock hard, throbbing prick. She didn't withhold her screams now, so Matthew pulled her mouth onto his, giving her long, passionate kisses as he slammed her slit onto his cock.

He rubbed her clit with his thumb as he pushed her girth on and off of his length, causing Emily to squirm even harder. It seemed as if, with each push, she was growing tighter and tighter. He let go, telling her to take over as he panted, not even the precipice of an orgasm energizing him anymore. Emily nodded, beginning to hump him faster and faster, squeezing his cock with her groin. Matthew started to moan, his hands feebly being restrained to his waist.

"If you're too weak, leave it to m-me, Matty." Emily said through pants, grinning deviously.

"Yes... Ma'am..." Matthew groaned, his body already being squeezed tightly.

Emily quickly began to rub her groin into him, grunting in pleasure as his cock reached those deep places inside of her that made her cry out in bliss. He admitted that he loved being constricted when they first fucked, so that's what Emily did; she slowly tightened her body around his as her groin pushed and pulled on his mast. With each inch he was constricted, he began to groan harder. Blood was squeezed into his cock, making it slightly bigger as he was fucked.

"Cum for me, Matty... cum for me..." Emily repeated as she fucked her husband.

Matthew groaned loudly, gritting and gnashing his teeth as he weakly squirmed in her embrace. He didn't want to cum, if he was honest, he never wanted this to end. But she was just too quick, too wet and warm for him to resist any longer. With the manliest scream of pleasure Matthew could muster up, he began to shoot fat ropes of cum into her.

Emily grunted in surprise, suddenly doubling over and shaking. To Matthew's delight, she began to clench on his cock, screaming in bliss as she herself experienced an orgasm. He squeaked like a mouse each time a rope of cum shot out into her incredibly tight, big, warm pussy, unable to do anything but clench his hands and feet as he came. Emily panted heavily as she rested her head on Matthews, cum drooling out of her pulsating, throbbing cunt, shivering as he shot one last, powerful strand of semen into her.

The two of them panted on the dirty farm ground for what seemed like hours. Emily tried to wrap him as tight as she could, but it wasn't much. She was exhausted.

"Em..." Matthew panted, looking over at her.

"Shh... don't speak Matty." She said, kissing him.

Ohm... Em, wait." Matthew said, pulling away from his wife. "What about your father?"

"My father?"

"Won't he be... I dunno, won't he want his daughter back?"

"I'm still his daughter, Matty." Emily said, snickering as she kissed him.

"But you're not." Matthew said, frowning. "And he's the DA of Kanto. I could... we could get in deep water if he doesn't believe me."

"Well... oh! Just give him the ring. Let him try it on next time we meet with him, we'll explain it to him then. Until then..." Emily said, pulling him into a deep, wonderful kiss.

The two of them started to kiss, enjoying the feeling of each other's tongue in their mouth. It was a deep, passionate kiss. A kiss of acceptance, of want and relief, soft, yet rough at the same time. Once this eternal kiss was over, the two of them laid together, looking into each other's eyes, surprisingly not being stumbled upon by anyone.

If he did nothing but cuddle with his wife, his love, like this for the rest of the day, that would be fine.

. . .

Thanks for reading!

This was a suggestion by one of the wonderful people on my Discord! If you wanna join, you'd be able to offer suggestions, read the stories a week before they're published (gonna start publishing every week on Wednesday), even read them as they're being written! Here's the code, if you're interested!


What You Mean to Me, Chapter 19

Umbreon stretched his front legs as his master woke up, yawning as he arched his back and did the same to his hind legs. Once finished, Umbreon looked over at his master, who's eighteenth birthday had only been a few days ago, and smiled. The boy,...

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What You Mean to Me, Chapter 19

Umbreon stretched his front legs as his master woke up, yawning as he arched his back and did the same to his hind legs. Once finished, Umbreon looked over at his master, who's eighteenth birthday had only been a few days ago, and smiled. The boy,...

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What You Mean to Me, Chapter 17

Male Pokemon x Male Pokemon . . . Rillaboom grunted as he heaved the woven sack full of fish, fruit, and other such food for his children. Ever since he had evolved into a Rillaboom, all he had wanted to do was raise his own kids, it had been his...

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