Little Club of Horrors (1/5)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Tana is just looking for a good time to kill a weekend, and normally he wouldn't find himself going to a club except that the invite he got was rather enticing. A club based on plant life in the middle of a mega-city, what could go wrong?

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The weekend was quickly approaching it, and with it a welcome respite for most of the corporate drones and other workers that could be seen walking around the city. For them it was two days where they could relax from their jobs and get away from the offices they had been surrounded by for the entire week. When one was a career criminal however it meant a lack of work for a different reason; most corporations didn't run any kind of mission during that time against their competitors due to the increased security that was usually around for just that reason. That meant for runners like Tana the weekend was a start of a long, and usually boring, wait until the next time that he got a job.

The cobra sighed and walked around his apartment as he checked the job board for the tenth time and found nothing there for him. With the influx of out of work runners it wasn't hard to believe that jobs were being taken as soon as they were posted, most of the time by wily technomancers that were able to see it the instant that it was being uploaded onto the board. When it quickly became apparent there was going to be no work for him today Tana sighed and tossed the encrypted tablet onto the couch, then went over to his computer in order to look for something to do. While the city boasted plenty of entertainment there was really nothing that seemed to catch his eye, passively scrolling through the number of notifications in his Network mailbox.

After getting through the usual spam mail Tana was about to go to the usual VR den and hang out there for a while when a new mail popped up in his inbox. It was the usual flyer for some new nightclub in the C-sector of town called eDen, and at first the cobra thought that it was just the same usual sim den that popped up every so often when the picture caught his eye. Unlike the usual boasting of the latest in technology and the newest sims this place was offering what it called alternative, exotic styles of play for those with discerning desires. This was something that was a little more intriguing, the cobra thought to himself as he continued to look through the flyer for any more information.

Other than the tagline and the tagline however the only other piece of information was the code that was posted on the bottom so that he could get in, apparently the club only allowing those that had gotten the flyer to enter. A soft opening for an exclusive club that catered to different tastes... it certainly was worth a look Tana thought with a shrug as he went to his bedroom and got dressed. If it didn't prove to be worth his time he could always go to one of the many nearby VR dens, the cobra planned as he got ready, and if it was then he would at least have a story to tell to the others about it. Once he was properly attired Tana left for the night in what would hopefully be an unforgettable experience.

About an hour after Tana had left his apartment he found himself standing in front of the building that hosted eDen, seeing the usual neon sign up above the door stylized with plants all around it. The front of the building also had a bunch of clearly fake plants around it to hide the fact that it used to be some sort of bank or municipal building, vines winding up the columns while big leaves were draped from the eaves. It had the scent of some hastily done club to it, but since the cobra was already there he at least wanted to take a look inside. The plant motif intrigued him and when he got to the door he saw that it didn't just extend to the building.

The bouncers had taken Tana back slightly at how they were dressed; the two creatures were obviously some sort of trolls or orcs from how heavily they were statured but instead of the usual suits and sunglasses that were posted outside of these buildings they looked like they were living tree trunks with vines similar to those wrapped around the columns attached to their body. He would have thought they were also props of the club except that when he had gotten close enough to see their bark covered bodies they moved slightly in order to block entrance should he have attempted to rush the door. This was definitely not some cheap make-up job, Tana mused as he continued to go up the stairs, unlike the rest of the place they were done up by a professional. Though he wanted to ask how comfortable such a get-up was but decided against it when he could see the serious expressions on their faces he just gave them the code that was on the flyer instead.

The two huge tree men just gave him a slight nod and stepped aside, allowing Tana access to the door they had been guarding. The cobra nodded back and went inside, opening the door to find that there was another one a few feet behind it. It was typical of clubs that promoted more exotic fares to have such a thing, a way to keep the inside from being viewed by the outside. There was also the possibility that there were things of an illegal nature going on, which meant at the very least he could make a few connections while he was here if nothing else.

When Tana opened the second door however the scene before him caused his jaw to drop slightly. The floor was completely covered in a white mist that poured past his ankles and filled the small ante room that he had come in from, the door quickly closing behind him as he found himself drawn inside. Unlike the decorations that were outside the plants that covered the walls and ceiling of this place were clearly meticiously designed, even possibly organic in nature. While it was definitely a nightclub whomever had created this place wanted the theme to play throughout; the usual flashing lights came from multi-hued flowers that hung from the ceiling as the plants in the area trembled in time with the music coming from the already crowded dance floor. The cobra decided to get himself a drink first before exploring any further and a small grin crossed his serpentine snout when he got to the bar and saw that the stools were literally large mushrooms.

"What can I get you?" one of the bartenders asked after moving over to Tana once he had settled in. "Currently we have the house special for only two nuyen."

"That's it?" Tana replied in slight surprise, the ocelot chuckling and nodding. "I guess I'll have one of those."

The feline bartender nodded and went over to the back of the bar, fiddling around with a few bottles before coming back with a drink in a glass that looked like a pitcher plant. "There you are," the ocelot replied. "First drink is free, so no need to get out your cred stick just yet."

"Cheap drinks, no charge at the door, and you're giving the first away for free?" Tana questioned, still in slight shock. "Your owner must either be extremely generous or this is a front for something. I can't imagine how he's going to make any money from this place."

"Well this is admittedly not where most of the action takes place," the bartender admitted, the cobra mentally smirking when he believed his thoughts that this was actually some sort of criminal enterprise before he was handed a laminated sheet of paper. "We actually offer a variety of services, the bar and nightclub parts are just enticements in order to get people in the door."

Tana just nodded and sipped on his drink as he looked at the sheet of paper that had been given to him, which offered a variety of services that he had both heard of and never seen before. When he looked at the back of it there was a section recommended for first timers at the club, one of which stood out that he had to ask the ocelot when he saw it. "Hey, I have a question here about one of your offerings," Tana stated when he had flagged down the bartender's attention and got him to come over, pointing to the section on the menu. "What in the heck is a Ritualistic Plant Indoctrination Simulation?"

"Mmmm, the adventurous type," the ocelot said with a grin. "I don't want to spoil it too much for you but it involves some pretty intense themes such as bondage and entrancement. It's not recommended for the faint of heart, but I can see from the gleam in your eye and the fact that you were interested in it in the first place that you can handle such an experience."

Tana found himself blushing slightly as the feline seemed to have dialed in on the real reason that he asked, especially as the feline's smile only widened as he tried to hide it. He was looking for an experience for the night, the cobra thought to himself, and for only thirty nuyen if it was a bust it wouldn't have cost him too much. After finishing his drink he decided to sign up for it, the ocelot nodding and going back over to the rear of the bar before coming back with a round metal disk in his hand. He gave the chip to Tana and said that someone will be out to meet him shortly to take him back, the cobra thanking him and handing him back the specialty menus before continuing to work on his drink.

Just as Tana polished off the last of the pitcher plant glass he felt someone tap on his shoulder, turning around to see an elf behind him with a smile on his face. "Oh my," he said when Tana turned around to look at him, the elf grinning sheepishly. "I apologize, it's just that I wasn't expecting someone as exotic as yourself to come here so quickly. I love your look, was it genetic modification?"

"All natural, so to speak," Tana replied as he handed over the metal disk to the other man when prompted.

"A shame, I was hoping that I could get the name of whomever had done such exquisite work," the elf replied. "And now look at me gushing when I'm supposed to be making introductions; my name is Fell'Dirin, but most here just call me Fel. I help run the operations in the back, which is where I'll be taking you so that you can enjoy the experience you signed up for."

Tana nodded and followed the elf through the misty floor and towards the back of the club where several doors were hidden in the shadows and foliage that hung from the walls. He could see why he needed a guide since none of them were marked and in order to get in they needed a key that the elf procured. It made him wonder what else might be going on the other side of the doors and made a mental note to see about networking opportunities once he got done with his experience. Though he hoped it wasn't the case the cobra was ready for some sort of simulation pod or VR experience as they walked down the hallway that Fel had opened for them.

As they walked Tana noted that the décor didn't stop at the nightclub; not only did more of the mist continue to obscure the floor but the thick vines and plants almost completely covered the walls and ceiling here too. What stone he could see looked like something off of an ancient temple, complete with lithographic symbols that were etched into it. At first the cobra thought that it was elven, but he had a working knowledge of the language and nothing he saw translated into anything. He concluded it was probably just random symbols and glyphs as they finally got to their destination, a curtain of vines that the elf gestured for him to walk through.

The second that Tana stepped through the vines the cobra's eyes widened at what he saw waiting for him on the other side. The entirety of the room was covered in the same rubbery plants that were in the main room, but they were far bigger and pulsated with life that paled in comparison to any synthetic counterpart. In the middle of the room was a giant white puff ball, its shiny skin swelling and contracting as the tendrils connected to its skin were draped across the ceiling before the other ends were attached to plant pods that clearly had other patrons in them. He could clearly see their naked bodies writhing about underneath the strange hoods that obscured their faces, most of the tendrils attached to it while others were located on other places of their exposed, rubber-covered bodies.

"So, what do you think?" Fel said, Tana looking to his side to see the elf grinning at him. "Not getting cold feet, are we?"

Though the cobra found himself swallowing hard he quickly shook his head. "I've never told the others this before but something like this has actually been a desire of mine for a long time," Tana admitted. "While I don't think I could have expected something like this for my first time I had tried before with other clubs, just never had the force of will to go through with it."

"Well I'm glad that you're jumping over that bridge with us," the elf replied as they moved to one of the few plant pods that was vacant. "Now I'm sure that the bartender told you about the methods in which we deploy in order to get you into the trance-like state that is needed to properly enjoy yourself?" Tana nodded, remembering that the bartender had mentioned some sort of hallucinogen that was likely what the puff ball in the middle was supplying to the others in the pods as well as himself soon enough. "Perfect, then why don't you go ahead and get undressed while I prepare for your integration."

Tana found himself nodding and doing so, since he hadn't been told of any particular place to change and with the others wearing the strange hood it was likely that modesty wasn't quite an option. It was especially true as he happened to look at the others once more while he did so and noticed the sizable bulges in the midsection of the plants where the pod had covered them up, and from the way they were squirming it wasn't just to keep them decent. While it wouldn't be the first time he had visited such a place the club was keeping true to the flyer on the exotic nature of what he was doing. The second that the cobra was completely naked he was told to step into the pod, which despite hovering slightly above the floor was quite stable as he moved into the confines and felt the smooth latex nature of the leaves.

"Before we continue I have to ask," Tana said, causing the elf to turn from the massive puff ball to look at him. "Is this all organic or rubber? It all seems like these are living things but I know latex when I feel it and that's what this definitely seems like."

"It's actually a bit of both," the elf stated with a grin. "These are living organisms but I can understand where you would get the unnatural feel for it. I wish I could tell you more but then I would be giving away proprietary secrets, so for now I want you to put your hands behind your back and keep your legs together while the pod does its work."

As the cobra did what Fel told him he could see something happening on the top part of the pod he was in, looking up to see two vines with bulbs on the end extending out towards him. Once more Tana would have surmised this was some sort of mechanical process if it wasn't for the organic nature that the bulbs had as they curved slightly so that the tops pointed directly at him. For a second nothing seemed to happen and then the cobra noticed that they began to swell, growing bigger for a few seconds before the ends of the bulbs opened slightly. Suddenly Tana found himself sputtering slightly as something thick and viscous began to spray over him, something sweet like sap as the sticky substance quickly covered the scales of his head and neck.

By this point the elf had returned back to the pod and quickly wiped the nostrils of the cobra with a cloth, keeping them free of the thick substance that was still being sprayed on him at he was instructed to breathe through his nose while keeping his mouth shut and his eyes open. Though it was a bit hard with the rotating sprayer bulbs occasionally coming back around his head Tana managed to keep them open, and as he felt the sap start moving down towards his chest and back he soon realized that his eyelids couldn't close even if he wanted them too. It caused him to panic slightly as he attempted to open his mouth to say something only to find his muzzle completely sealed shut as well, the sap hardening around him while darkening to look more like the rubbery skin of the plant that surrounded him. Though it meant that he was at the whims of the club and the elf that was still watching him the cobra couldn't help but feel a bit of a thrill, especially as it ran down his arms and back to prevent them from moving as well.

As the sprayers made quick work of the cobra's body Tana found himself wiggling more and more just like the others in the pods, especially when it got to his scaled legs and he found himself unable to move them apart just like his arms. As he felt his body also sticking to the pod while the rubber sap continued to tighten around him. It reminded him of being in some sort of skin-tight body suit and as his mobility continue to dwindle he could feel one part of his anatomy had hadn't been stuck to his skin, realizing that he had gotten completely erect during the process and that his cock stuck out into the air while becoming the same shiny black as the rest of his body. He let out a muffled grunt as the pod continued to close up around him, the leaves of the plant wrapping around and suctioning to his still sticky skin while another bulb rose up and slid its opening against his member.

The restrained cobra practically bucked his hips into the air as the cilia-lined bulb slid down his cock, his moans muffled by his sealed lips as the rest of the petals quickly slid around him until he was covered up to his neck just like the others were. Even the vine that contained his member was covered up as the rubbery leaves that furled against him kept tightening, eventually leaving his body as a dark green outline that, like the others in the room, showed off every contour of his body while still keeping him completely restrained. There was no escape now, Tana thought to himself through the increasing haze of pleasure he felt, and as he began to feel something slither around his tailhole below where his tail had been raised by the plant leaves he knew his experience was only just beginning.

Though he could feel something pushing up inside of him his attention was more focused on what was drifting towards his head, seeing a flowery hood similar to the ones that were around the other patrons floating towards him from the puff plant. He could feel his breathing quicken as he could see the inside of the hood now, though it looked more like a gas mask from this angle that even had a pair of clear lenses that were positioned so he could see out of it. There was also a thick tentacle that wiggled in the middle of the rubber flower hood as elf that was still there was guided it towards him, and when it got close it suddenly darted out like a snake. The rubber sap that had sealed his lips was quickly broken and Tana let out a gasp as it shot deep into his maw and quickly slithered down into his throat while the tentacle that had been playing around his backside pushed in at the same time.

The pleasure that the cobra got from the double penetration caused him to practically thrash in the pod, though with all the restraints on him it amounted to little more than a wiggle as the hood slid over his face. There was nothing he could do to stop it and he felt his heart racing in his chest as the vine in his backside began to pump in and out of him, feeding into the stimulation that was coming from the tiny cilia wiggling against every inch of his rubber sap covered cock. Tana gurgled as the vine in the hood pushed deeper down into his throat and caused his neck to bulge as something thick and sweet coated his throat and maw, preventing him from gagging or pushing back as something began to get pumped inside of the hood. As he sucked in a deep breath from his nostrils he suddenly found himself relaxing, the wiggling coming from his penetrations slowly dying down as more of the hallucinogen was given to him. It also began to tint the lenses that he was seeing through and realized that it wasn't a gas at all, what he was breathing in was something different as he began to sink deeper and deeper down.

"It appears our spores are already having quite the effect on you," Fel said with a grin as he adjusted the hood slightly, allowing the flowery petals to be adjusted so that they were straight against the cobra's head. "I was slightly worried that given your unique physiology that you would be somewhat resistant, but it appears that the increased dosage that I had given you was enough to overcome anything that you might have had. Now you can go ahead and sink down deeper... let the plant take over for you so that you can be fully relaxed and pleasured in its grip."

Relax... pleasure... already it was becoming hard for Tana to think as he became increasingly drugged, the only thing his spore-laden mind could think of was the sensations he was getting from the plant that had wrapped around him as the last of his rubber sap covered head was engulfed by the flowery hood. Even with his lips fully parted there was nothing he could do but let out muffled grunts and moans as even more spores were pumped into it, the lenses becoming opaque with the amount inside that were being fed to him as the rubbery material got to his neck. When the hood reached the bottom of his head several more vines slithered out, wrapping around his throat and forming into a braided collar to seal and secure it in place as they slithered around one another.

As Tana continued to sink into pure relaxation he began to hear things, whispers and voices that would have caused him to turn his head if it weren't for the hood secured tightly around his head. While he couldn't understand what they were saying the voices saying them were deep, dark, and felt very powerful as it became harder to think with every passing second. The cobra knew that part of the experience of this plant indoctrination was hallucinogenic in nature, but the part of his brain that remembered that didn't seem to connect anymore to his rapidly shrinking consciousness. Soon there was only the pleasure that he was getting from the pod that had cocooned him, the last thoughts he was capable of forming before he completely surrendered was wondering what he must have looked like from the outside as he sank down into the depths of lust.

On the outside of the pod the smile never left the elf's face as he watched the cobra's body continue to relax, the plant holding him up completely as he could see Tana's breathing become shallow and even. He looked from him to the puff ball in the center of the room undulate and seem to shudder with the adding of yet another to this place, then went over and rubbed the chest of the trapped male. "It seems that we have ourselves another winner," Fel stated as he watched the cobra shudder from his touch, though he knew at this point the potent spores that he was continuously breathing had completely drugged Tana to make him docile and malleable. "You are certainly going to make a wonderful addition to the garden, I just know it."

Since there was nothing left for the elf to do he merely stood and watched as Tana began to twitch and writhe in pleasure that was being fed to him before swiftly leaving in order to see if there were others that had become interested. He did so with such haste that he temporarily dispelled the mist that clung to the ground, revealing the pentagram and other eldritch symbols that were carved into the ground. The ones beneath Tana in particular began to glow before the white vapor once more enveloped everything, obfuscating it as he left the cobra to enjoy his fate...

Little Club of Horrors (2/5)

The next morning Tana awoke coughing, holding his throat for a second before his body realized there was nothing there and allowed him to breathe normally. With the adrenaline of a potentially terrifying situation coursing through him the cobra...

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LIfe of the Party - The Afterparty

There was only about a minute left to the party when the rubber demon that had been the main centerpiece of the entire party called everyone that was still in the house to the main foyer. That meant killing the music in the living room and...

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Life of the Party - The Party Climax

Chaz wasn't sure how long he and Amber had gone at it, though from rubbing his sore backside he knew that it was at least once after he had finished transforming her. Though the blue and silver rubber dragon had exhausted himself, possibly from...

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