Little Club of Horrors (2/5)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Tana is just looking for a good time to kill a weekend, and normally he wouldn't find himself going to a club except that the invite he got was rather enticing. A club based on plant life in the middle of a mega-city, what could go wrong?

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The next morning Tana awoke coughing, holding his throat for a second before his body realized there was nothing there and allowed him to breathe normally. With the adrenaline of a potentially terrifying situation coursing through him the cobra quickly found himself completely awake, though the sensation that had caused it in the first place dematerialized a few seconds after it had come on. When he looked around he found himself back in his apartment in his own bed, the sun shining through the small areas where his curtain didn't cover it. The fact it was now morning was confirmed when he looked at his phone and saw that it was almost noon as he took the device and tossed it beside him before putting his hands against his head.

As his head continued to pound it was made worse by the fact that he had been startled awake so violently, Tana groaning as he looked back towards the light only to hiss at it. It had been a while since he had encountered a hangover so intense and as he fumbled around in his nightstand he tried to remember what had happened to cause such a state. Though he was normally pretty good at remembering at least some details the only thing his foggy mind could bring up was that he had gone to some sort of club... and then everything else after that was a blank. It didn't help that it felt like someone was banging around his skull with a jackhammer as his fingers finally found what they were looking for.

About a minute later Tana let out a sigh of relief as he took the auto-injector and tossed it into the trash, feeling the potent medication help relieve the hangover symptoms so that he could at least function for the day. Just as he was about to reach over for the water that he kept by his bed however he noticed something that was definitely not there before; it was a simple holocube, one that usually contained a message or some other form of data that could be easily passed from person to person if one didn't have a comms device... or didn't want to use it. He grabbed his phone and pressed the cube against the screen, then looked at it to see it was a voice message from a contact that wasn't in his list. As he reached over to grab at the water bottle he pressed play in order to see what the person wanted.

"Hello Tana, this is Fel from eDen," the voice message stated, the cobra tilting his head as it sounded somewhat familiar to him despite not being able to connect it to the holographic head that appeared. "We wanted to leave you this in the event that your mind is still a bit hazy when you wake up so that we could explain what happened. Unfortunately it appears that you had an adverse reaction to our Plant Indoctrination Simulation spores, which while rare can happen from time to time."

Plant Indoctrination Simulation... once more a vague feeling of familiarity swept over the cobra as he got a mental picture of an ocelot in a middle of a bar surrounded by plants talking about such things. Had he finally indulged in his desire to want to get involved in something a little kinkier and with an aspect of bondage only to have some sort of allergy to the plants they used? It would figure as much, Tana thought to himself with a slight frown. While he had tried before to try out such things he had never gone through with it, and it appeared the one time he finally had he couldn't remember it as the message continued to play.

"Since you had not been able to fully enjoy yourself since we had to end your simulation early to make sure that you didn't require medical attention we would like to extend our services to you for a much more rewarding experience," the elf continued to explain. "Therefore we have provided the following sum to go towards drinks, food, and any experience you wish to try in order to compensate for an unpleasantness that you may have had with your first time here at eDen. We do hope that you come back here and give us the chance to make our garden a place where you can sink your roots into."

The image of the elf disappeared and the message ended, causing Tana to once more shake his head as he got up and stretched. While what he had been told made sense his instincts as a runner told him that something about all this was slightly off, especially since the presence of the holocube on his nightstand meant he was lucid enough to come in and set it there before passing out or that someone from the club had been at his apartment in order to leave it there. He had thought that there was something else going on with eDen besides the services that they offered, perhaps this was part of whatever criminal activity was going on? As he walked around his apartment getting food he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary and when he activated his hidden bug scanner it appeared nothing had been planted in his apartment.

Even so Tana decided to spend the day looking up this club to see if there was anything else strange that was connected to it, hoping on his computer after making himself some food. It was unlikely that it was open for him to investigate directly anyway and as he clicked through some of the typical review sights he found that despite its relatively early induction to the area it was getting decent reviews. He didn't see any of the markers that others like him would use to indicate activity shady or otherwise either, which meant that if it was some sort of criminal enterprise it was either very low-key or extremely under the radar. As the cobra clicked on the website for the club itself he was surprised to find that it was in fact open and that it was one of those rare twenty-four hour clubs you could visit at any time.

Tana looked at the clock on his computer and found that it was just a little after one on a Saturday, and since he didn't have any other plans at the moment and what appeared to be a rather large amount of credits after checking his balance at the club's site he decided to go a little early. Not only would going back possibly jog his lagging memory but he could see for certain what happened to him there. Plus it would be a shame to let all those credits go to waste, he thought to himself as he grabbed his coat and left the apartment...

The building of Eden looked much the same during the day as it did the night he had visited, even the bouncers that looked like trees were still there. With the amount of make-up on their faces it was hard to tell whether they were the same people from the night before or new ones as he went up and showed the passcode that had been provided to him with the message on the holocube. The two merely separated once more and allowed him to pass, swiftly moving back into position as Tana got to the door and opened it. Once he was inside he opened the second door and found the club surprisingly to be like just how he remembered it, though there were far less people on the dance floor as he moved over towards the bar.

"Oh, you're back," the same ocelot bartender from before said. "I was wondering if you were going to show up today."

"I guess I am," Tana replied, taking in the familiarity of the place as he adjusted himself on the mushroom barstool. "Since I remember you I take it you've been working the entire time? That's quite the shift."

"I was asked to work a bit extra since one of our other bartenders got indisposed with training," the ocelot replied. "Also Fel wanted me to stick around to see if you would come back, which it appears was the right call. I'll go and call him up for you since I'm guessing he's the one that you want to see and even give you a free drink on the house."

Though Tana said that wasn't necessary he soon found himself with a pitcher plant glass in front of him. From the smell alone however he could tell it wasn't the same thing as what he had the night before and as the cobra took a sip he realized that this was just some sort of non-alcoholic punch. He only had to wait for a few minutes though before he was suddenly greeted once more, this time by the same elf that was in the holocube who reached forward and shook his hand. As he reintroduced himself as Fel another bit of memory established itself in Tana's mind once more, remembering that he had signed up for that strange sounding plant bondage session that involved some sort of large puff ball.

"I once more apologize profusely for the adverse effect that you had with the puff spores," Fel said as he sat on one of the stools next to him. "We've tested this out before and never had any sort of problem with it, and though we're thankful that you didn't require any hospitalization for it we still want to extend you some form of compensation for your interrupted experience and as a gesture of good will. Did you already see the line of credit that we had extended to you?"

"I did, and it's extremely generous," Tana replied. "Honestly I don't even remember what happened to me last night, but considering I woke up in my own bed it couldn't have been that bad. Speaking of such things... perhaps you could refresh my memory on what happened?"

"I certainly can," Fel replied with a wide smile. "Once we had gotten you out of the pod and were assured that you didn't require further medical attention we could still see that you were a bit dazed from the spores, so we had our bartender here and myself escort you home so that we made sure you got back find. While you were still lucid I knew that you weren't fully out of the entrancement, which is why once you allowed us in with you I took the added measure of making you that holocube you found."

"I see, that actually makes a lot of sense," Tana replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Well since I'm here already and don't really have anything planned for this weekend I suppose I could spend a few of these credits here before they burn a hole in my pocket. Anything you would recommend to make sure that I don't end up passed out on your floor again?"

The elf chuckled and stated he had a few ideas, turning to the ocelot and snapping his fingers to get his attention before telling him to get one of the specialty menus. The feline bartender quickly responded and Tana once more found himself with that laminated sheet of paper in his hands. After definitively crossing out the one that he had done the last time which caused his distress in the first place he looked down and found a few of the more mundane experiences that ranged from sim sense to VR and a couple of traditional bondage scenarios that were plant themed. Though he remembered seeing these as his eyes scrolled down the options there were a few that he didn't recognize, and when he pointed them out the elf merely shrugged and stated that he probably hadn't focused on the rest of the list when he saw the one he had tried last night.

They ended up ordering food and drink while Tana continued to go over the list, and as they ate and he spent more time with them something seemed a bit off with everything. With it being the day time sunlight was streaming through the windows that had been previously hidden by the darkness of night and when the ocelot moved through a few that illuminated the bar he realized that his fur was actually a bright shade of green and that he had plant vines woven through it in intricate patterns that made it actually look like he was wearing cuffs, a collar, and even a chest harness. It was quite the costume, and given how complex it was the cobra couldn't even see where the snaps were to take it off. The spots of the feline were also noticeably flower shaped and it was hard to believe for him that a design so exotic would be in a C-sector club.

"What about this one?" Fel suggested, snapping Tana out of his thoughts as the elf pointed to one that was titled as a Plant Transformation Suit. "That one is within the range of the credits you received and quite a bit of fun, don't you think?"

Tana was too shocked at the moment to respond, and became even more so when he actually read the description of what it would entail. "This sounds... really elaborate," Tana stated as he looked back up at the elf. "Are you sure that you got the price right for this? I know of catsuits that cost more than this and it doesn't involve custom fitting."

"We like to make our services as obtainable to as many people as we can," Fel explained. "Plus the title is a bit of misnomer, we just make custom rubber parts into your suit and things of that nature instead of what you might be thinking. Anyway if that's what you're thinking of going with I can lead you to the private rooms where it takes place so you can get started, if you hurry you will probably get fitted and back out into the club in time to enjoy the early evening rush."

Though Tana was still a little leery he found baser instincts prevailing, the forked tongue of the cobra slipping past his lips before he told the elf he would like to spend his credits on that. Fel nodded and gave him a pat on the back as he led him towards their next destination, heading to one of the doors that were a little more clearly seen in the light of day streaming into the club. Instead of the one they had taken the first time he was there the two instead went to one that was in the opposite corner of the club behind the stage, which lead into a long hallway like room with no other doors. What was inside the area instead were a number of thick trunks that Fel informed Tana were the private dressing rooms, though the elf suggested that he get naked before he goes inside one of them to ease in the transition.

Since they were the only ones there and it was that sort of club Tana just started to undress, though as he did so another image came unbidden to his mind. It was him taking off his clothes just like he had done before with Fel standing next to him, but this time it was standing next to a plant pod that was connecting to something white and spherical. When he relayed the information to the elf he just told him that was the experience that he had signed up for last time, reassuring him once more that this one would be a little less intense for him. Once again the cobra found the explanation to make sense and the feeling of unease he had dissipated as he was told to pick a trunk that wasn't already sealed.

When Tana picked one he slowly poked his head in and looked around, finding that the inside looked more like some sort of smooth cylinder then the inside of a tree trunk. It wasn't very big either and when he completely pushed himself inside he found there was enough room for him to stretch out his arms even though his hands were pressed against the smooth, rubbery walls of the inner chamber. He felt something grab onto his tail and when he looked back he realized he hadn't completely gotten in and as soon as the offending appendage was completely out of the slit it sealed up behind him. For a few seconds it was completely dark as Tana stood there, but then a blue beam of light radiated out from in front of him and scanned his form before several holographic interfaces popped into existence.

Plant Transformation Suit Interface, Tana read as he saw a picture of his own body appear on the largest of the squares in front of him along with some buttons along the side of it. "Head, torso, feet..." to the cobra's surprise as he read out the labels on the buttons they suddenly lit up, and he realized that he was able to command this dressing room with his voice as the feet button blinked several times before a message appeared that he read out loud. "Error, must begin initialization phase before customization process can begin... alright then, begin initialization phase I guess."

As soon as he spoke the words a message appeared on all the holographic screens explaining that inputs were locked save for the one near his left hand which displayed a bunch of color suggestions. It appeared that it wanted to know what colors he preferred as his base layer and accents, the cobra looking through the color wheel and watching as his digital doppelganger shifted to show the effects. After a bit of switching back and forth he decided to go with a traditional black to go with what looked like the bodysuit base, then choose green for any plant based add-ons and magenta for flowers. Once he was done with that and pressed enter he was once more presented with a variety of options to choose from, using his fingers to choose instead of his voice in order to scroll through some of the different options very quickly.

What Tana found when he scrolled through them took him by surprise, noting the detail and complexity of some of these suits parts that were being offered. It reminded him of the ocelot bartender and what he was wearing, though it was nothing in comparison to what he saw there. He could make himself look like some sort of plant monster if he wanted to be that looked like it was out of a cartoon, though the cobra quickly decided to dial it back and at least remain humanoid in nature. Once he had looked through what this thing could do Tana decide to start with the legs first, which was something that it recommended as he once more found himself cycling through several options.

"I guess if I'm going to go I may as well go big," Tana thought to himself as he found one that he wanted and clicked on it. "There's no way that this can be done the way they displayed it, and if it is then it's their fault for not charging me more."

The cobra pressed enter on the screen and waited to see what would happen next, looking around wearily as he saw something black wrapping around the avatar on the screen. In the next second Tana felt something brush up against the scales of his feet, and when he looked down he gasped as several thick, black, rubbery tentacles began to emerge from the floors around him. While most of them looked like tentacles two of them were different then the others with bulbs on the ends of them, the cobra jumping slightly as they began to spray something thick and sticky onto the scales of his legs. Once more he got a flash of memory of the same thing happening to him before, but as soon as the image materialized in his mind it disappeared when those rubber vines began to crawl up his legs.

Tana's entire body shivered as they slowly coiled around his calves, slithering up his body like snakes as they more of them joined with those that had led. The feel of rubber against his bare scales was causing a rush of pleasure to course through his body and the more that they moved up the harder it was for him to stand on them. When he tried to lift up his legs he found himself unable to do so, the vines keeping him rooted to the spot as Tana found himself breathing harder. It wasn't long before his feet were completely enveloped and by the time they got up to his thighs it felt like they had been adhered to his body by the sap that had been sprayed on them. Soon the only thing he could see from his upper thighs down were the black vines as they molded together near his hips, forming into what might have been the sleeves of pants except that the tentacles continued to shift and squirm over his legs and one another as they broke away from the floor.

The sudden disconnect from the rubber floor nearly caused the cobra to stumble backwards, though he quickly caught himself on one of the walls as he watched the vines continuing to move even after they had been completely cut off. The constant movement of the rubbery appendages against his body caused his entire body to tremble slightly from the stimulation and it was clear from his member rising that he was enjoying it. He never thought that it would actually carry through on the promise of having a writhing mass of plant vines as legs but as he resisted the urge to pleasure himself he was quickly getting used to the image of his lower body being dominated by the rubbery appendages. In fact with the aid of the sap it started to feel like they were his legs, like he could move the individual latex vines even though he knew that would be impossible for them.

With the cobra's lower body still wiggling with their new additions Tana decided to go for the arms next, saving his torso and head for the end so that he could see the differences as they happened. That meant he would go for his arms and when he brought up the menu he noticed that the descriptions were much like that for his legs. Knowing better than to doubt the process this time he read them more carefully before deciding on the ones that would essentially replace his arms for the duration of his suiting. Before he hit the confirm button something caught his eye that caused him to pause.

It was a white speck that had drifted onto the back of his palm, and though one might have assumed it was dust or something Tana knew in this essentially hermetically sealed environment that wasn't the case. He looked at all the different displays that floated around him before he saw the call button, also noting several more specks that were floating in the air while he waited for it to connect. "This is Fel," the voice on the other end of the line said as it connected. "Is something wrong Tana?"

"Uh, yeah, there are these white things that are floating around here in my dressing room," Tana exclaimed as more seemed to drift in while he spoke. "I'm just wondering, these aren't the same spores that caused the medical problems that happened to me last time, right?"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about those," the elf replied assuredly. "We've made sure to take everything into consideration while still giving you a most pleasurable experience. The spores you're seeing around you will merely help you to relax and give you the impression that the vines and plants that you're putting on yourself are actually part of your body, which have been getting filtered into your room ever since it sealed up. I've also been monitoring your condition from here and everything seems to be fine, aside from a slightly increased heart rate that I can't imagine where it's coming from."

Tana felt himself blush slightly as he thanked the elf and disconnected the call, knowing exactly what was causing him to get more excited. With the combination of a potential hallucinogen being introduced to his system it explained why he was feeling those vines on his legs as if they were his own, the drugs tricking his brain into thinking they actually were. It actually made him even more excited as he pushed the button on the screen to put the next piece of the suit on, watching as the sprayers came out once more to cover his limbs in the same sap as his legs before two more vines pushed out from the walls of the room. Unlike the smaller ones that were wrapped en masse around his legs these were much bigger and had a hollow opening at the ends of them, which quickly made their way through the air before they pressed against Tana's fingers before swallowing them like snakes.

As the black rubber pushed its way up his arms Tana felt his arousal spike just like it had with the latex on his legs, letting out a moan despite himself as he began to push forward just to speed the process along. As it got up past his elbow and stopped just below his arm pit the thick rubber of the vine had smoothed out the muscles of his biceps and even the joint itself, making it look like he didn't have one as the vines broke off the wall just like the ones at his feet had. This time the cobra was ready for it and waved his new rubber tentacles in the air as the drug made it seem like they had merged with his scaly arms. His new appendages weren't done yet though and Tana watched as the tips that had formed from their breaking away from the wall split several times, forming into half a dozen smaller tentacles that wiggled and wrapped around themselves as they felt similar to very long, very prehensile fingers.

Tana looked at the vines in awe and as he did he saw them begin to move, one of his new vine arms gravitating down while the other moved up towards his maw. Though he had not intended to pleasure himself while creating his plant suit appeared his increasingly drugged state had other ideas, watching as several of the smaller vines wrapped around his cock and began to coil and stroke it while the others wrapped around his head and pushed their way into his mouth in a strange tentacular kiss. The feel of rubber against his still exposed scales was more intense then the drug-induced transformation that made him feel like it these vines sliding around him were an actual part of him. It wouldn't be long before he couldn't focus anymore and quickly moved on to his tail, picking out the first one his lust-addled mind agreed to before slithering his tongue around one of the vines in his maw.

Much like his arms Tana found his tail sprayed and fully engulfed by a latex vine that came from the wall, except when this one broke away it had a bulb shaped on the end of it that looked like a flower that obsured the tip. As he looked back it however the new vine tail of his opened that flower up to reveal a very phallic rubber tentacle cock on the end of it, and with the newfound flexibility that the rest of his body had it seemed his increasingly perverse mind had an idea of what to do with it. The vines of his arms pulled off of him when the thick member pushed inside of him, finding his tailhole spreading open with surprising ease and it slid in between his cheeks. Tana found himself pressing against the wall of the dressing room for several minutes as it continued to thrust into him until the pedals of the flower were flush against his rear, which caused them to suction on to keep the tentacle inside of him even while it continued to thrust deeper.

Tana found himself panting hard as he tried to focus on the rest of his changes before finding out that he could que the rest of them so that they would go off. With one of his arms going back down towards his throbbing cock he decided to quickly go through and do exactly that, his spore-tainted brain picking increasingly lewd and erotic options for his suit. When he saw the pieces appear on the virtual model of his body it made him look like some sort of plant creature... a plant... monster. Tana found himself licking his lips as the idea of being something like that caused a deep pang of desire radiate through him, his serpentine snout curling up into a lustful smile as he pressed the button to make himself into the plant beast that he saw.

The entire input screen locked down as several rubber vines pushed out at once, most of them radiating towards his head and torso since the rest of his body had already been covered. More bulbs like the one on his tail appeared with one of them landing directly on his groin and engulfing his member. Almost immediately Tana arched his back from the intense pleasure as the rubber completely engulfed his shaft, the vines of his arm being pushed away as the flower framed his new cock like some sort of perverse pistil. Just as he was about to go back to rubbing himself however the magenta petals of the flower suddenly closed up, the latex sealing itself into something that was akin to a null bulge of some suits.

The lust-drunk cobra let out an angry hiss as he tried to stimulate himself further, only to feel something push into his muzzle by surprise. At first he thought that it was one of his own vines before he felt his head get tilted back further and saw the bright green rubber that was similar to his member, feeling it suction to his actual forked tongue and seem to stretch it out before the tentacle snapped and allowed the foot-long rubber appendage to whip about freely in the air. It looked almost surreal to his still serpentine snout, but as he continued to look up he saw a familiar hood lowering itself down towards his head. It had magenta flower petals on the rim of it as the rubber quickly enveloped over his skull, stretching over his hood and adjusting itself as vines began to wrap around his neck once more.

At the same time two smaller bulbs attached themselves to the pectorals of the almost completely rubberized body of Tana, who let out a muffled grunt as he felt smaller tendrils push out of them that wiggled in the air. Several more attached to his back down his spine and finally the finishing accessories were being put into place, bright green and magenta fines wrapping themselves around the torso of the cobra to give it a complex look which seemed to frame his body to give him an increasingly muscular look. Tana was unaware of any of that however, the only thing he could focus on was the intense need that came from his cock that he couldn't even reach thanks to the padded flower protecting it. As Tana looked through the tinted lenses of his new flower hood he managed to catch one of the holographic screens flash indicating that the transformation was complete before he felt a large rush of air through the cylinder.

A few moments later Tana found himself emerging from the trunk of the tree, his rubber body glistening in the light of the hall as he practically flopped down onto the floor in front of the elf waiting for him. "Now that is quite the suit you created for yourself," Fel said as he reached down, helping Tana back up to his feet even as they felt like they were just a mass of rubber vines that were wrapped around one another. "Certainly worth the credits, don't you think?"

"Need... I need..." Tana found himself saying, his entire body still thrumming with pleasure that made it hard to think of anything other then what he failed to finish inside of the changing room. "I love it... but I can't..."

"Ah, little pent up are we?" Fel replied, the rubber plant cobra nodding as he found his vine fingers around the rest of his body. "That's natural when you come from something like that, we tend to null our newest creations in order to keep them from wasting the... experience that they could potentially have. Fortunately for you the club is starting to get into full swing and one of the things that we were thinking of doing is having you and a few others that have undergone this particular part of our club to show off a little and promote. What do you say, want to go out and meet the people?"

Though Tana found the fog of his mind clearing slightly the words that the elf were speaking seemed to resonate in his head, especially about the part of finding others that made him nod his head enthusiastically. "Very good," Fel said as he gestured towards the door where the cobra realized others that had undergone the process were standing. "Let's get you over there, the night has just begun after all!"

Little Club of Horrors (3/5)

As the sun began to set behind the skyline of the city those who had been enticed into the new club known as eDen were told that a special event was happening before the DJ for the evening set would come out. Those in attendance murmured to one...

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Little Club of Horrors (1/5)

The weekend was quickly approaching it, and with it a welcome respite for most of the corporate drones and other workers that could be seen walking around the city. For them it was two days where they could relax from their jobs and get away from...

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LIfe of the Party - The Afterparty

There was only about a minute left to the party when the rubber demon that had been the main centerpiece of the entire party called everyone that was still in the house to the main foyer. That meant killing the music in the living room and...

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