The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 28 - Morning Fur

Story by Mirri on SoFurry

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#28 of The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

Illustration for the story:


The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

Chapter 28 - Morning Fur

by Mirri

Morning came slowly to the Pridelands. A lone bird landed near the entrance to the Pride Rock cave, looked around and started hopping about the promontory. It ducked its head down in a few places, picking up small bugs that were invisible to larger creatures. Its bright red wings flapped in distress when a large figure emerged from the path leading up the side of the rock and Nala stepped onto the rocky floor. She moved closer towards the edge to look down at the empty plains in front of the stone monument.

Everyone was lounging on the east side, catching the warm rays of the sun which had peeked above the horizon only a few minutes ago. It had been light for a while now, but the actual glowing rim of the large ball of fire was appearing just now.

Nala turned to step into the pride cavern itself when Sarabi suddenly rushed onto the rocky expanse herself.

"Nala, we need to talk." She would have given her a stern look, but was too out of breath for that at the moment.

"Sure, I'll just go wake Simba up and I'll come back." The Queen licked her muzzle at the thought.

"No, we need to talk now." Sarabi was not usually impolite, which made Nala flatten her ears a little and step closer. Something was not quite right.

"Okay... what is it?"

"Nala. You need to back off a bit."

"What do you mean?"

Sarabi sighed, "To put it bluntly. You're being possessive again. You made us swear we would tell you if it ever happened again and.. it's starting to go in that direction again. It's not so much Simba as before, but it's Kovu now. I know you love them both, but we all do. You'll have to share them more. The lowest ranking lionesses are being starved to say the least. They're not happy. One of the males is always missing, and so are you. And you know what gossips we lionesses can be."

"That was rather blunt," was Nala's first thought, but she smiled back.

"Alright. Thank you for telling me. I'll try to pay more attention to it in the future." She was about to walk into the cave when Sarabi almost jumped in front of her to block her way inside.

"You could perhaps take a trip somewhere for a few days? Get away from it all. Forget about lions for a while and just wander around with another lioness or two. I can't remember the last time you joined us for a hunt."

"Hrrm.. yeah, you're probably right." Nala could tell she was not going to be let into the cave. She thought that just one more time could not hurt anyone, but deep down she knew that Sarabi was right.

"So where do you want to go? You could all travel to the great river on the other side of the gorge?" Sarabi tried to encourage her to think of vacation spots, but Nala had her mind more on the handsome lion inside the cave that she was being kept from.

"Sure, why not. Only one problem." The Queen shrugged lightly.

"What's that?"

"Who would want to join me if the lions become available?"

Sarabi laughed and stepped up to nuzzle her, "Oh, I think perhaps I could sacrifice myself. You know, for the greater good." She winked and rubbed the side of her cheek against the other female. The affectionate touch was easily on the verge of intimacy, and it was the kind of situation where no one seemed to have taken the first step because they both knew what was happening next. Their muzzles connected in a brief kiss - or so Sarabi assumed - until she felt Nala's tongue slip between her teeth and seek deeper.

She smiled and drew back, leaving the younger lioness breathing faster and only now sensing her need.

"Tell me.. were you going to wake Simba up for his enjoyment, or for yours?"

Nala blushed lightly; she figured she had been found out already so there was really no point in denying it.

"Mine... I guess." That last part made her sound a little more innocent somehow.

"Well, perhaps we can remedy that.." Sarabi smirked at her and licked her lips.

* * * * * * *

Sarafina stood at the bottom of Pride Rock, pacing back and forth in front of the path leading up. She stopped occasionally and looked around her to make sure no one was watching and then looked up to try and spot Nala and Sarabi. Were they still talking? Had she failed to tell her? No, she would have come down from there if she had, right?

Sarafina paced a bit more and finally decided to just sneak up and take a peek. She cautiously made her way up the side of the rock, her ears aimed forward and her feline pupils wide open for her to detect the slightest movement. Any sign of someone rounding the corner of the promontory and she would be off like a lightning bolt. Nothing happened, however, and she finally stood just on the corner and slowly moved her head into view of the ceremonious rock platform.

Sarafina blinked - she was a bit surprised to find Nala lying on her back on the promontory, all four legs in the air and Sarabi standing behind the Queen with her muzzle deeply engulfed between the younger female's hindlegs. Nala squirmed a little and moaned softly, feeling hot in the gentle morning sun already and her eyes were shut tightly so she could fully concentrate on the sensations of being licked down there. The two cream-colored lionesses were profoundly engaged in enjoying each other's company, it would seem.

Sarafina witnessed her daughter's sex being probed by an inquisitive tongue and her hindpaws curled their toes in pleasure whenever the smooth appendage slipped into her tight entry to tease the very core of her being. Initially the third lioness had been sneaking onto the promontory, but at this point not even a parade of elephants could have distracted Nala.

Sarabi did notice a shadow move past behind her and she turned her head around quickly to see who it was. The confused expression in her eyes and the following blush in her cheeks clearly showed that she had completely forgotten about parking her sister down at the base of Pride Rock - until this very moment, that is. Her whiskers fanned out and the crystal beads of liquid hanging off them made them droop down and give her a sort of silly expression. More traces of the moisture made her chin and muzzletip gleam as well and she shrugged with a somewhat apologetic grin, indicating that she had not really planned for this to happen.

Sarafina shook her head playfully and walked along the wall of the cave behind the two. Already she could smell the familiar scent of Sarabi's arousal in the air and she figured that it was one way of keeping the Queen busy while she went to play with Simba. Only when Nala mrowled and started to open her eyes did Sarabi turn back and step over on top of the other female until they were facing each other directly.

The last glimpse Sarafina caught before she slipped away into the shadows of the cave was that of her sister's and her daughter's tails entwining clockwise as Sarabi crouched down belly to belly with the other female before locking muzzles with her in a kiss.

The shadow of a lioness swiftly and silently made her way deeper into the Pride Rock sleeping cavern, away from the light of the entrance. Sarafina looked over the sleeping Lion King and smiled to herself. Alone at last. She faced him from the flank and lowered herself down next to him so she could put her chin down on the middle of his stomach.

The lazy lion barely even moved. His breathing was still even and somewhat shallow - he was sound asleep. It took quite a few grooming licks from the lioness across his belly before he even began to register the presence of someone else with him.

Very slowly he slipped from the warm embrace of his dream and drifted into consciousness, various parts waking up a bit faster than the others. His paws began twitching a little and his tailtip was already sweeping the stone floor behind him everso gently.

Sarafina chuckled to herself and let the sleepy lion awaken at his own pace, she merely kept grooming his soft bellyfur.

Simba yaaaawned widely and flexed his body before stretching himself out fully. The distraction made the lioness stop her motions and her attention was immediately drawn down between the spreading hindlegs of the well-hung lion. She licked her lips without even noticing and her head began to move closer to the object of her attention, eager for the fullness of its scent.

It was only when Simba's paw suddenly reached down and flew right beside her head that she was torn back to reality. The Lion King gave a bass grunt that echoed in the cave and absentmindedly scratched his sheath, still half asleep.

Sarafina could not help giggling and she sat up in a more sphinx-like position with her head raised.

"Mmm. Do that again..." she whispered softly to the male.

That voice.

*Hrmmmf?* Simba lifted his head up just enough to see a fuzzy beige shape in front of him through his bleary-eyed morning vision. A sniff of her scent quickly revealed to him who it was, however. Not exactly the lioness he had expected to wake up next to, but a pleasant surprise all the same.

He just grinned and let his head fall back down on the stone floor, cushioned by his mane. The male seemed to hesitate for a bit before he reached his paw down again, grabbed his sheath and held it tight as he drew it up and down.

"Mrrr.. that's it." The lioness licked her lips again and moved her head down closer, now that she has a good idea of where Simba's foreleg was and she could avoid accidentally getting struck by his big paw.

The lioness was clearly enjoying the show, and Simba just smiled sleepily and kept stroking. This sure brought back memories of his adolescence in the jungle when he had to take care of himself like this every day. As a lionboy he would always experiment; rubbing his rump against trees and branches, humping moss and soft grass he could find, constantly seeking new ways to get off. The biggest discovery was probably when he found out he could curl up and lick himself. That first taste of his own thick boyseed in his maw was still branded in his mind. Probably because he spent just about every waking moment sucking himself off for months after that.

Simba could feel his morning hardness grow out quickly at all these naughty thoughts. Wet little noises began to emanate from between his pawtoes as his sheathmusk built up and started to lubricate his movements more.

"You like watching this, huh?" He had to assert his dominance in a somewhat playful manner, it made it easier to hide his embarrassment at doing this right in front of one of his lionesses.

"Yes.. Mufasa used to do that sometimes. He told me I could only watch and not help out."

Simba gave a bit of a squirt at the thought of that.

"My reward came when he shot it all over my muzzle and himself, and let me clean it up." She dipped her head down and licked away the squirt of precum from Simba's golden-furred belly.

"I like to feel my lionesses." The male let out a growl of lust and suddenly rolled himself over on top of Sarafina to face her. He rubbed himself against her with a lustful growl, growing even more lumpy down there while he pushed back and forth over her lower bellyfur, and the rest of his stomach and chest rubbed roughly against hers. She just grinned when she started to feel the oily traces of his precum in her fur and she spread her hindlegs out as far as she could so that the big male could rub his erection through her fur.

Simba humped with strong, even thrusts and grunted louder when the lioness reached a paw down to grab him and feel tenderly across his sac.

"Yeeeah, play with my balls.." He sighed happily.

Sarafina obliged by extending a single clawtip and teasing the back of his heavy scrotum. Her constant kneading and stroking there made the lion pull up more and more from his crouched position into a more squatting one and eventually he was just humping the empty air while she caressed his large danglies.

"Take me in your paw." The lion growled and looked down to make sure that the female grabbed his erection with her soft pawpads and held on tight. His thrusts increased in strength and he bit his teeth together at the sensation of getting jerked off by the obedient lioness.

Sarafina felt her paw getting wet with precum as the slick length pumped through her clenching grasp. It was not until the fluid began dripping down onto her bellyfur that she suddenly pulled her paw away and left the male to mate with the air for a few more thrusts before he opened his eyes and looked down at her. He would have been irritated to say the least, had he not gazed straight into the eyes of the cream-colored beauty while she licked between her pawtoes suggestively and cleaned up his preseed. That sight was enough to make the loins of any male feel hot.

"Mmm.. want me to furfuck you?" Simba grinned, and it really was more of a rhetorical question. The lioness spread her hindlegs out wider and kept licking her wet paw while the King sat down further and started to hump himself against her belly. His thick liondick smeared itself through her light fur, making it all matted and moist with precum, which also got rubbed into his furry balls quite thoroughly since they followed right behind his stiff member with every thrust he made.

The female giggled and looked down at the big red thing burrowing itself into her wet, smooth bellyfur repeatedly, and it made the male groan at the sensation of all those soft hairs tickling his entire length. He never tried to last long through the first several climaxes of the day, and today was no exception. The female let him grind his shaft as hard against her as he wanted, sandwiching it between their bellies so he could feel nothing but wonderfully wet fur all around him.

Simba growled again in a quick warning and came hard. The first spurts soaked her bellyfur and got his balls smeared pretty effectively with his own cum before he could override the primal desire to keep thrusting his hips. The lion stood up as soon as his hindquarters responded and to his surprise, Sarafina was quick to grab his shaft with her paw and jerk him off, grinning while he sprayed the thick fluids across her chest and onto her chin up higher.

Bowing his head down so he could watch, the male licked his muzzle at the sight of his own hind-end tensing up once a second and helping him splatter yet another mess over the submissive female who looked to enjoy it greatly. He stepped forward a bit more so he could cum directly onto her face and ears. She was fortunate enough to receive the very first load of the day - the one that had been boiling in his balls all through the night.

Sarafina closed her eyes to protect them and felt wad after thick wad rain down over her facefur and soak it to the skin beneath. She could not see anything, but the moment she felt the spurting cocktip bump against her lips, she opened her mouth wide and felt Simba slide his still cumming dick into her muzzle so he could finish off the rest in there.

The whole cave rumbled with the lion's pure satisfaction while Sarafina sucked him good and drank down the rest of what he had to offer, straight from the source. There was plenty of time now and Simba stayed like this, his tail swishing side to side gently over the female's belly until he decided to pull out again. The male dripped cloudy fluid from his tip when he finally backed halfway down again to stand with his belly above the lioness' head.

"If you wanted me to blow you, you could've just told me." Sarafina grinned and licked her lips, winking up at him.

"It's more fun this way." The Lion King smirked back and lifted up one of his hindlegs to plant it squarely on her belly. He rubbed it around to get it nice and wet with all the cum he had just soaked her front in, and he then took one step forward before holding it directly over Sarafina's muzzle.

The lioness got the hint it seemed, because she immediately began licking the underside of it. Her rough tongue tickled his pads and Simba splayed his pawtoes so she could lick between them as well. Patiently he waited like this with one leg lifted while staring out of the cave and into the morning light. His lionhood was still stiff and fully exposed, and it hung dripping down onto Sarafina's forehead while she slipped each of his hindtoes between her lips to suckle them clean.

When she had trouble finding any remaining taste of his seed on the hindpaw, the lion shifted it back and rubbed it in the pool on her belly again, this time deeper and more thoroughly till the white goop squirted up between his pawtoes. By the time he lifted it to her muzzle again, his paw was dripping with his own cubjuice and Sarafina quickly went to work cleaning it up again with her tongue while it soaked her face.

"Good girl." He rumbled softly from above, feeling his erection stir again at having his pawtoes licked like this. It was definitely a nice sensation.

By the time they made it out of the cave, the other two lionesses had long vanished. Simba stretched himself out slowly as part of his morning routine and then shook his body, fluffing up his red mane.

"That was a good morning warm-up." He turned his head to see Sarafina walk out of the cave behind him and coming up to stand next to the King on the promontory.

"Think I'll go find Kiara and take her next. You wanna watch?" He showed all of his white teeth in a mischievous grin.

"Mmmhmm, I'd love to." Sarafina grinned right back at him and bumped her side playfully against his shoulder.

She followed him down the path on the side of Pride Rock towards the base and really could not resist temptation - the lioness skipped a step quickly to catch up with the King and leaned in to plant a wet nose underneath his swinging tail and right against his sac.

Simba abruptly froze in his tracks and the lioness nearly walked right into him. Her claws grabbed the rubble and sand on the path and she stopped not an inch from his rear. The male lifted his tail aside without a word to let her continue.

At first she was not really sure what to do, because he did not even turn to look at her. But she figured that the virile Lion King was after what he was usually after, so she leaned in and kissed his balls deeply. Warm lips still wet with his cum engulfed one of his spheres and she suckled it in her maw before letting it go again and then slurping the other one. They were both still heavy and bulging so much that the skin was stretching. Painting a lioness' entire front with cum had not even slowed him down. It would take a lot more than that in the mornings when he had so much to get rid of.

With the female licking and kissing his balls in submission, the King could do nothing but purr in approval and he finally turned his head back to look at her.

"Okay, maybe just a quick blow then." He leaned back and sat down heavily on his haunches right there on the path, a little more than halfway down the side of the massive leonine monument. Sand stuck to his moist orbs now, but that was unimportant now.

Sarafina just laughed and stepped up in front of the male. She looked around quick to make sure none of the other gossipy lionesses were watching this before she crouched to the ground and went down on him.

Simba bit his lip and put a paw down on the back of her head to guide her pace. He did not even care that he was fooling around with his mate's mother. Lion generations were not many years between and she was not really that much older than himself. To him, she was just another willing muzzle in his pride.


And a darned good one, at that. She was one of the females with a muzzle and tongue so skillful that Simba just wanted to cum enough to watch them choke on it. And since this would only be his second orgasm today, there was a good chance he would accomplish precisely that.