A Bear's Needs: Hope (Part 6 of 7)

Story by Apatapa on SoFurry

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#6 of A Bear's Needs

After Rob's ex-boyfriend Scott stayed the night, both Scott and Rob were unprepared for what the new day might bring, but they were excited to find out.

Waking up in Scott's arms was surreal. I was sure I was dreaming at first, then his eyes flickered open. He yawned and smiled at me.

"Morning." He kissed me on the nose and I cuddled up a little tighter to him. "How you feeling?"

That question struck a nerve, for all the happiness I felt there was one thing underlying it I couldn't ignore.


Worry filled his stare. "Something wrong?"

"Not anymore." I sighed. "Just... wanted this for so long, dreamt of this moment and how perfect it would be and now we're here and I'm so afraid I'm going to fuck up again and drive you away."

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat up, yawning again. "Missed me that much, huh?"

"Every other day I nearly texted you. That photo from my fortieth? I'd stare at it for hours and long for you." I sighed. "Sorry, you just woke up. We can talk about this another time."

"Hmm. Could do." His hand crept under the sheets to rub my chest. "But I dislike the thought of you shitting yourself while we chill, so, what do you have to hear from me?"

"I dunno." I held onto his arm, watching him closely. "You haven't done anything wrong. It's always been m-aah." I winced as he pinched my nipple hard.

"Our fault, we agreed. Not yours, not mine. Ours."

I nodded, brow creased. "This is what I mean. Already fucking it up."

He snorted. "Nah, it's all good." His claw teased the nipple he'd pinched. "You're just proving my point. You must've been real fucking hurting this entire time and that's on me."

I went silent for a brief moment. "Yeah," I mumbled.

"So what an asshole I must've been. I didn't want you to suffer, I just wanted out."

"I deserved to."

"To what? To suffer?" He screwed up his face at me, then he laughed. "Asshole, the only thing you deserve is a kiss."

He bent over and pressed his tongue past my lips. I could feel his smile as we kissed and it made a tremendous difference. I was still afraid, but it didn't feel so pressing anymore.

"Here's the thing Rob." He kept his head over mine and stared into my eyes. "I don't like feeling like I've hurt you either, and forgive and forget's not that simple. So you see this?" He pressed his lips against mine once more. "I owe you lots of those." He flopped on top of me and wrapped me in another firm hug. "And a ton of these." His morning wood was still hard as he humped my chest. "And a whole lot of that too." He smirked. "Because I know that's what'll help make you comfortable. But it'll take time."

"That's part of it too." I grimaced. "I just want things to be right between us, I dunno what's going to happen during that time it takes."

"Fair, but I'm not going anywhere."

"Oh?" My heart pounded.

"Yeah." He grinned. "Except work, which, unfortunately..." He glanced to the clock on my bedside table. "I should be getting to."

My heart sunk as he started lifting himself off of me, but as he rose he moved forward and put his knees on either side of my head. His cock pressed against my muzzle. I licked him and he made a little breathy moan I hadn't heard in so long. He tasted so good, so familiar. I ran my tongue all the way up the underside of his cock so it fell back down against my nose with a wet pat when I'd finished.

"Dirty." He chuckled, staring down at me. I licked him again and he exhaled contentedly. "Open up."

I spread my jaws wide and he guided his cock into my mouth, rubbing it against my tongue as he did. He crept up on his hips, still trapping my head under his body and against my pillow.

His dick pushed deep into my muzzle. With very little wriggle room left to me, I started suckling on him. Playing with him using my tongue. I moaned in delight as the sweet taste of his precum started coating my mouth. My snout was pressed into his belly and my only source of air was heavy with the musky scent of him.

Watching his body curl, hearing his grunts and groans made my heart flutter. He was firm as he fed me his cock, but held one of my ears with the gentlest touch and rubbed affectionately at the back of my head. I whimpered, wanting to please him more. Nothing mattered as much to me as making sure he was as happy as he could be. I loved him and this was one of my ways of showing it.

As he started thrusting into my throat, I brushed a hand up his thigh and traced a claw around his tail. He shuddered. I pressed a finger against his hole, he tensed and gasped. I started slurping on his cock and pushed the tip of my finger into him. He crumpled against me as he humped my face, moaning and growing weaker until he stopped and growled. His cock twitched as he came in my mouth. He leant back, breathing hard. I shoved him down against the sheets and chased him so I lay over him. He stared at me, mouth wide. I spat his cum onto his tongue and dove in for a sticky kiss that made him smile. He eased up, his hands teasing the muscles down my back. I broke the kiss and lifted my head.

"Still a cum fiend." I kissed the bridge of his nose.

"Yep." He nibbled at my neck. "I want you to know that no guy besides you has ever satisfied me."

I barked a laugh. "I can say the same about you, asshole." I smeared a drop of cum into his cheek. "Hope you've got time for a shower before you're late."

He rubbed at his muzzle as I got off of him. "Yeah. Join me?"

"Gotta be honest." I tumbled backwards against my pillow. "Think I need a moment to myself."

"You got it." He slapped my thigh. "Everything good?"

"Yeah, just lots happened that I didn't expect and I'm happy. Too happy. Think I wanna bask in that for a bit."

A smile cracked his face. "You do that then, enjoy it." He got up and made his way towards the bathroom.

As soon as he was out of sight I snatched his pillow and cuddled it against my chest, burying my nose in it just to keep his scent close. Tears stung my eyes.

This wasn't at all what I'd been prepared for. I don't think he was prepared either. It seemed like he had an idea of what could happen, but we'd fallen back into what we had before faster than he expected.

But we'd always been like this. We made plans, formed ideas and threw them out the window the moment we were together. Even our first date was like that. He asked me out, we were just going to get burgers for dinner and I can't even remember what else, we were teenagers. But I couldn't keep myself away from him on the day. Was too happy, too frantic about it. The last class we had that day was gym and we were both late back to the locker rooms. I remember coming up with some stupid pretense for a conversation and he didn't seem too into it, only as soon as the last guy left the room I was all over him.

We were alone together, hadn't even made it to the date. But he stank of his own sweat and I couldn't control myself, neither could he.

We didn't even get burgers that night like we'd planned.

I ended up going back to his, where we messed around for hours. That day was the first time either of us had any kind of sex. And from that moment, we were together. We'd built our entire romantic and sexual identities off of each other. I knew everything about him, everything that'd make him happy.

And that's all I wanted. Not just for him to be happy, but for me to be the one to make him happy.

I wasn't sure I could ever forgive myself for driving him away like I had, but I understood everything wrong I'd ever done.

So it wasn't going to happen again.

Maybe I was too dependent on him, but that didn't matter so long as we were together.

I took in a deep breath and centered myself. I felt stronger now than I had at any point in the last year. I brushed tears out of my eyes when I heard the water stop running and got up. I put on some underwear and waited for him in the lounge.

He stepped out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist. "I used your toothbrush." He smirked.

I grinned, shaking my head. "You're gross."

"You like that."


He strode over to the discarded pile of our clothes we'd left on the couch last night, he plucked out one of my socks and held it up to his face, growling as he smelled the rank scent of my feet. "I'm keeping this." He held it in his mouth as he got dressed into his clothes from last night then pocketed it once changed. "Do I look like I've had a one night stand?" He stared at me. His clothes were crumpled, his fur was still a little damp and it was obvious he'd been drinking last night.

"Very much so."

"Cool." He lifted his shirt to his face and sniffed it, frowning. "One of my co-workers is going to make fun of me."


"Asshole." He laughed and strode into my arms, hugging me tightly. I kissed his cheek. "Are two night stands a thing?" he whispered into my ear.

"Would three be pushing it?"

"You know lease is up on my flat in two weeks. I was meant to renew it, then I got your text and I haven't gotten around to it..." He broke the hug to give me a sheepish smile.

"I'll help you move your shit back in once Cam and Tristan are gone."

"That... wasn't what I was going to ask but, yeah, damn, alright." He grinned for a moment, then wiped it off of his face. "If things uh, don't pan out for us..." he trailed off.

"Spare bedroom's yours as long as you need it, which can be forever if you're comfortable there." It didn't scare me to hear him suggest that was a possibility, because in my mind it wasn't. He was more cautious than me, but I knew his heart and I could see where it was going.

He took in a long breath. "I didn't forget you're this generous, I just... convinced myself you were like that for other reasons while I was mad at you, but uh. Rob..." He frowned for the briefest moment and it could've shattered my heart. He sniffed, shaking his head as he rubbed at his eyes. I stepped back towards him, hand on his head as I cradled him in my arms. "You've always made shit easy for me." His voice cracked. "After the hardest year of my life I just want things to be easy. Too old to stress about life and shit, we'll be 50 soon and then what the fuck are we going to do?"

"Be comfortable." I kissed his forehead.

"I'm struggling man. So fucking hard. I just wanna gush but I should get to work." He growled as he stepped away from me, smearing tears into his cheeks. My heart panged. "I think I'm being way too fucking obvious, but I'm trying to make sure I can't have led you on or something if I decide I don't want this but fuck it... I do want this." He grimaced, strong emotions colored his stare.

I smiled at him. "Go to work. We'll talk later."

"Alright. See you tonight."

"Leave room for ribs."

"Fuck me." Scott sighed. "You know I forgot? Like completely forgot that's why I'm here. You've been too good to me, feel like I'm... I dunno. I gotta repay this somehow."

"It's alright." I stared at him, composed and feeling secure. I knew exactly how he'd repay it every single day. "Enjoy your day. Love you."

"Oh for fuck's..." He growled and kissed me hard on the lips. "Love you too." He strode for the front door, fishing his motorbike's keys out of his pocket.

Part of me was afraid it would hurt watching him walk out that door. But he turned back to me and smiled like an idiot as he stepped out. 'Love you too.'

My legs were shaking. I collapsed on the couch, smiling and breathing so hard I started to become lightheaded.

Then a voice piped up from the kitchen.

"I take it things are going well?" Tristan flashed a smile as he came towards me, a bowl of cereal in his hand. "Sorry, didn't want to ruin a moment."

I don't think I had the sense to do anything but look him in the eye and laugh. "I'm so happy." I raised my hands, they were shaking too.

Tristan put his bowl on the coffee table and hugged me. "Do you remember that first night when I said it'd be alright?"

"Yeah." I wrapped my arms around his back and squeezed him. "Didn't believe you then."

"Understandable." He leant away from me and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He lit up the screen and shook it at me. "You know what this is right?"

I furrowed my brow. What was he getting at? "Your phone? Lockscreen?"

"Lockscreen, yeah." He unlocked his phone and pulled up his messages. "Highly recommend you start actually locking your phone, otherwise people in possession of it might find sensitive information."

"Wait." My heart stopped.

He showed me his screen, third message from the top was Scott's number. I yanked his phone out of his hands.

I was horribly afraid what I'd find.

They'd only exchanged a few messages.

_Hey is this Scott, used to be with a bear called Rob?


My name's Tristan. I've been staying with Rob and I'm really worried about him. I'd like to help him but I don't know how. He's been having a rough time and I'd really like your advice since you know him better than anyone.

Oh. Sorry I have no idea who you are and he's a sensitive topic for me. Is he safe?

Safe but not well.

Is it about me?

Think so.

Alright. Thanks for letting me know, there's something I should do. Let me know if he gets any worse.

Thank you._

I slowly lifted my head, staring at Tristan. The last two messages were from the day Scott had sent me his reply. I blinked, entirely unsure how to feel.

"I didn't mean to like, meddle. I was pretty worried about you. Wanted some advice from him about that." Tristan scraped his teeth across his lower lip. "From the sounds of it though, things are alright?"

I scratched at my face. "I can't tell if I should thank you or not."

"Uhuh. Yeah, I understand. I'm not proud of it but, guess it hasn't hurt?"

"No, I uh, couldn't give a shit if you've read through every single message I've ever sent anyone. I just dunno, maybe he needed another push to speak to me and that's all gone well or maybe he felt like he had to and now he's... I dunno." I sighed. "You know, fuck it. Thank you for looking out for me. Given how I was, maybe you did the right thing."

"Glad to hear that, just, like, hope it hasn't you know... done anything wrong, I guess."

"It'll be fine." I dropped a hand to his knee and shook it. "I'll speak to him about it some time."

"Good call."

"Mmm." I stood, stretching. "Think we'll probably skip today. Guess you've tired Cam out as well?"

Tristan snorted a laugh. "Sorta."

I grinned. "I'm sure that's good for him."

"Dude, this week's been something. He hasn't- like, man. It's just great, y'know. Yeah. Sorry I never know what to say about him, like he's told me things and asked me to keep it quiet but yeah. He's doing good."

"S'alright." I waved it off. "I should start preparing for tonight, got a treat for you guys."

Tristan brightened at that. "Keen."

I felt no need to rush. I was calmer and more at ease than I'd been for so long now. Even before Scott and I had broken up, things weren't great for a long while when we were at each other's throats every few days. To reach this point again after all this time made it even more significant.

I took a long shower, smiling the entire time. I sung on the drive into town. There was a spring in my step as I did the shopping for tonight.

Hardly a dark thought crossed my mind.

Except for one. Which led to more.

Would Scott come back?

I tried to tell myself he would. I knew he would. I really did. I was certain of it.

But after spending so long fostering my worst thoughts, it really was so easy for the bad parts of my brain to act cruel. Would he? What if I was wrong? What if he's lying? What if I'm lying to myself and I don't actually want him back?

I could scarcely believe that last thought, but it was something that persisted in my head and without him by my side I couldn't disprove it in the moment.

I tried my best to shove it all aside and focus, but that sort of thinking was all I'd done for a year and I'd never been able to overcome it myself.

The drive back I was silent. I felt so alone, my mind wandered and panic clawed its way up my throat. By the time I made it home, I'd convinced myself it was all a twisted joke. That Tristan hadn't shown me the full message history with Scott. That this was all leading towards some awful trap I'd walk into face first. That as it sprung, I'd recognize why I deserved whatever was coming. And I'd take it without a fight, to endure whatever isolated fate I'd earned.

It felt more like an obligation to carry the groceries inside more than anything I actually wanted to do. My breath fell heavy and uneven, my heart pounded as I unlocked my door. It felt eerie and quiet inside. I dumped the bags in the kitchen, unsure what to do with myself. Unsure why I'd made my head full of these thoughts. I was making myself sick with worry.

I stepped out to the lounge, needing to sit.

Cam lay sprawled out across my sofa, dressed down to his boxers. His eyes opened as I neared. I stared at him, unsure what to do.

"Hey," he said. He sat up, stretched and yawned. "How's'going?" He sounded tired.

"I'm ok." My voice shook.

His brow creased. "You sure?"

I winced and dropped into a chair. "Sorta."

"Trist said you were getting on good with Scott... did something happen?"

"Ah." I shook my head. "That's been good, it's just..." I ran out of words to speak. It's just what? All I'd done is make myself feel terrible in ways I couldn't control. "Nah. It's good actually. Where's Tristan?"

"In our- uh, his room."

A smile flashed on my face. "You two been busy then?" I felt like a perv for prying, but damn it this was something far removed from the shit in my head and I was curious in a good way.

Cam opened his mouth, shook his head and sighed. "We, yeah. I mean. I guess. Not a lot of sleep last night and, it's..."

"It's good." I kept that smile, held onto it for all I was worth.

"Yeah... like. I think so but, yeah..."

I chuckled under my breath, keeping my eyes on him to see if his body language betrayed much more than nervousness. But he didn't explain further, just stared at his lap for a long moment.

Then he lifted his head and met my eye. "Hey uh, Rob?"

"Yeah. What's up?"

He held his arm like he was embarrassed. "I'd like some advice, uh if that's okay."

"You're quite literally here to learn from me." My smile widened.

"Yeah, I guess. And I've known you since I was a kid, so I think you get me a bit." He sighed, then took a long moment to compose himself. "It's... man. You know that first night? Like, what happened with us."


"In your bed, yeah. That. It's not the first time, I guess. Other guys..." He rubbed at his face. "I'm so bad at this. And in the forest..." He grimaced. "Like I wanted it then, you know. And it's why I let you later, that other night."

He looked so flustered.

"Man are you sure this is okay? Like, you're still going through whatever with Scott and I know it's been so hard for you."

"It's alright Cam, keep going." After all we'd been through this last week, I'd do what I could for him. I got up and sat closer to put a hand on his back.

"I'm not explaining well, I'm just gunna say it." He screwed up his face and took a deep breath. "I really like Tristan but I dunno what to do about it."

I chuckled. "Tell him."

"I can't man. He's so... you know. Ready? I guess. Like all the sex and stuff. He's been telling me about dudes he's sucked off for years now. And I like hearing that, like knowing he's doing that, but I get jealous too. I just dunno if I'm like that, like, just as ready or whatever."

I nodded.

"He knows what he likes, I guess. I dunno shit. I mean, I like what we did. I like other things too. Tristan actually took my virginity like, years ago but it kinda scared me. Never let him get that close again 'til recently. But I do like him, and I think about that night he sucked me off pretty often." Cam rubbed a hand at the back of his neck. "Whole lotta conflicting emotions, you know?"

"Of course."

"I dunno. Sorry. I thought you might have some advice for me, since I guess you sorta worked things out with Scott. Not that this is similar, but yeah. I'm nervous but I think I'm okay with telling you that stuff."

I flashed another smile at him. This was the sort of thing I was prepared to help my friend's son with, not what I'd pushed for those other times. "Scott's helped me realize something." I felt a bit nervous too, like somehow the universe would prove me wrong about anything I was about to say. "Sometimes you just need to shoot your shot. You never know what Tristan's thinking about you too. He's clearly made some kind of effort to keep you close and he's really thoughtful."

"Mmm." Cam drew in a long breath. "You're right."

"He already gets you, you know? He's cool with you watching him, getting involved and all that, already respects your boundaries. I think he's interested in seeing you grow too, especially after whatever you two did last night." I rubbed his shoulder. "I get it's scary, but maybe you should just try and see what happens. If he turns you down, would you be upset?"


"But you'd still want to be his friend, right?"

"Of course."

"So then what's there to lose?"

He squinted at me. "Is that how you felt about Scott?"

"Not even close." I laughed, and fuck it felt good to. That lightness I felt from this morning was returning. "In the moment at least. Looking back, with what I know now, yeah. I would've thought something like that. If nothing changes but our understanding of something, it's just perspective. And right now, you're looking at it too closely. Just do it, things will be different no matter what and it's change you're looking for in the first place."

He nodded to himself. A smile flickered on his lips. "Thanks. I guess I already knew that. It's just... good to hear it from someone else." He sighed. "Do you reckon he's like, right for me or whatever?"

"Yeah, absolutely. You wouldn't be so close to him if he wasn't."

"Mmmm. He's said things before, a bit suggestive like wishing there were more guys like me or something." Cam sighed. "Gets confusing."

"Yeah. Alright. Tell him, right now even if you're feeling up to it." I folded my arms as I stared at him. "That sort of thing is more than just wishful thinking."


"Yeah, and uh. Cam." I smirked. "I'm back with the love of my life. Scott's the only guy I've ever wanted and after a year away from him I've been so excited. But right now, even I'm jealous you have a shot with a guy like Tristan."

"Wait. Really?"

"Cam. He's supportive and sweet. Affectionate like so few guys are, and on top of it all he gives amazing blowjobs, no strings attached. Fuck." I laughed. "If you end up being a fraction as horny as I am, you'll understand how great that is."

"Damn, okay then. Also. Uhh. I am, like, kinda horny. I guess. Just nervous about it all so I don't do much, but I wanna."

I stabbed a finger towards Tristan's room. "Go in there, tell him how you feel then drop your pants. Or other way around, depending on what you're up for. Guarantee you won't regret it."

An awkward smile lit up his face. "I'll do it. Thanks man." He stood there a moment longer, quiet. Then he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me. I exhaled, happy for him as I hugged him back.

"Means a lot to me Rob. Never been anyone but Tristan I could speak about this kinda thing, and I just couldn't with him." He sighed as he rubbed his face in my chest. Then he stepped back, composed. "Thanks," he said again and turned towards Tristan's bedroom.

There was a degree of satisfaction I'd never felt before watching him go. I hadn't really done something like that before, and knowing he was about to go get his rocks off and possibly start a relationship provided me a hefty lump of catharsis for the misery I'd been carrying.

It felt good. Really good. I got up off of my ass to go back to the kitchen, full of purpose and clarity. I wanted to treat them. I wanted to spoil Scott. Maybe I even deserved a treat myself. So I'd make it happen.

Preparing good ribs took hours, but it was straightforward. Simple work that followed a recipe, step after step. It was the kind of work that I needed to help stay focused. It took hours from preparing the rub to setting them on the grill, but after speaking to Cam I didn't mind the wait. My thoughts weren't out to get me.

At the very least, I felt confident enough about tonight as the afternoon drew to a close. I was putting the vegetables in the oven when the front door clicked shut. My ears perked, my heart started beating faster. A grin split my face.

Footsteps fell behind me, electricity flickered up my spine. Warm hands brushed up across my belly and under my arms. Scott kissed my neck as he hugged me from behind.

And truly, I was unprepared for what that really meant to me. I gulped a heavy breath, shaking as I nuzzled his cheek with tears in my eyes.

"Shit, you okay?" he asked, genuine care in his voice.

"Never been better." I sniffed back more tears.

He made a sound, then guided my lips to his. "Soppy bastard." He smoothed a tear into my cheek. "I was going to do something, but I think I'd be ruining a moment."

"What was it?"

"I've had a bit of a craving." He snuck a hand under my shirt to rub at my belly.

"Keep going." I placed my hand on the back of his, threading my fingers between his own. He could crave anything from me and I'd let him have it.

"I'm filthy and I'm shameless, but there's some things I'm just not going to ask you while you're crying." He rubbed my belly.

"Promise I'm a big boy, I can take it." There was strength in my voice.

"Yeah, I know you can. So I'm not going to ask it." He growled low in my ear. "I'm going to fuck you."

I rumbled in anticipation. I wanted that. I wanted that bad. I pressed my ass back against his groin. He was hard as a rock.

An odd facet of our relationship is that we were both bottoms, me more than him. But he was an ass man through and through and on occasion he'd have to top me. Those were intense and special moments for us. Ones I'd missed so painfully. While I wouldn't change a thing about our sexual affections for each other, I used to pressure him to fuck me when he wasn't interested. I always felt so tempted, a key part of how we pleased each other involved submitting to each other's advances, but that didn't mean to keep going if one of us wasn't willing.

There were a lot of mistakes I'd never make again.

He stepped back, a hand tight on the collar of my shirt as he yanked me out of the kitchen. He shoved me towards the lounge and forced my head down into the cushions. I lifted my ass in the air as he tore my pants down. He growled as he lunged and bit my cheek, hard enough for me to wince. His nose pressed against my tail a moment later and he spread his tongue along my asscrack. I tossed my head, moaning as I pushed back against him.

He went at me like a pig to a trough of scraps. Grunting and huffing as though he'd been starved. He buried his snout in my ass, craven as he forced his tongue into me. He spread my cheeks with his hands and lapped at my hole. I shivered and moaned until I collapsed, head in my arms with my face in the cushions, desperate for his touch. He traded his tongue for two fingers as he stood,

I heard him drop his pants, then his cock slapped the central pad of one of my feet. He growled, stabbing his fingers into me as he jerked himself against my foot. I curled my toes against him. He shoved me on my side and threw himself on me. As I rolled onto my back, he gripped my ankle with force and raised my foot to his face. He growled as he licked his pre off of me and slapped his head against my cheek. My mouth hung open as I stared up at him, pleading for him to keep going. He trembled as he snorted in the scent of my foot, then lined the head of his cock up with my asshole.

He had never been a gentle top, never in his life.

It was one of many reasons why I craved him.

He thrust into me, hard and fast with little chance to brace. I growled as pain fizzled with pleasure. He bit my foot, I winced, exhaled and submitted to him. I watched his face scrunch with pleasure as his hips started jerking against my ass. He hadn't the control to meet my gaze, so lost in the moment. But it was all I could do to stare at him, watch his composure crumble. When he opened his eyes they were laced with hunger. He thrust harder into me, I groaned, relaxing against him as warmth started pounding through my body.

He slathered his tongue between my toes, teeth bared as he pistoned his hips even harder. I was writhing under him, hardly able to keep up. Long moans accentuated by his rough thrusts were all I was capable of. Yet he went harder still, faster and even less controlled. He churned my guts with both pain and pleasure and I wanted more but couldn't voice any demands. I pressed my foot harder against his face. He bit me again. I yelped and kicked.

He shoved my leg aside and leant over me, thrusting harder as he kissed me on the lips. We were gasping into each other's mouths, moaning out loud. His balls slapped harder against my taint with every push back into me. Then Scott grunted, scrunching his face as he groaned loud.

His thrusting ceased and his cum sprayed deep within me. He started thrusting again, weakly as he rode out the pleasure of his orgasm. A heavy exhalation fell from his lips, the tension left his body as he lay against me, nuzzling my neck. The stink of his sweat filled my nostrils as I whimpered under him.

"There," he said, panting. "Now you're mine again."

"Good." I stared into his eyes as he pulled out of me. He stood and stretched his back, I crept up on my knees, one hand on his belly as I took his cock in my mouth and started sucking it clean. He grunted, not expecting it, then he put his hand on the back of my head and started pushing me down on him more.

"Were you always such a little bitch for me?" he asked, voice stained with lust.

I growled on his cock in response, swallowing him down to the hilt. He moaned and leant over me, his hand trailing down my back until he reached my ass and shoved two fingers in. I rose off of his cock, tensing at the sensation. He withdrew his fingers, now slick with his own cum and forced them into my mouth. He rubbed his coarse pads against my tongue as I sucked them clean too.

"You're nasty." He smirked then kissed me hard on the lips. I grabbed the fur on his cheeks and dragged him down to his knees and thrust his face against my cock.

He opened his mouth wide as he swallowed me.

He had none of Tristan's finesse, but I preferred this. A rough and dirty fuck from Scott meant so much more.

I started humping his face, though he gagged he never retreated. He was erratic as he buried his face in my crotch and coated my cock in his spit. I couldn't last long after getting pounded. I clamped a paw around his muzzle so he couldn't back off and grunted as I came straight into his throat. Pleasure crackled through my belly as he kept lapping at my cock.

My hand dropped away, he leant back, breathing deep as he took a moment to recover.

I pushed him back against the couch and lay beside him, arms wrapped around him and kissing his neck, barely able to think. We were both dazed and it too moments for us both to regain enough sense to do anything else.

As our heart rates started to ease, he spoke first. "You're a pervert."

"I am."

"Yeah, it's hot." He grabbed a handful of my ass. "I meant it you know. You're mine again, no beating around the bush I know you've been dying to call me your boyfriend again."

"Yep." And with that admission, all worry scoured itself from me. I had him again. I was his and he was mine. All I'd ever wanted, now back with me. Relief shone in my breast.

"You reckon your guests heard us?"

"I hope they did."

"I can't tell if that's embarrassing or hot." He rubbed our softening cocks against each other. "What're they up to?"

"Fucking around themselves I think."

"Oh. Ok that is hot, damn we should've joined them."

I cracked a smile. "So after dinner?"

"With Cam too?"


"Damn, you really are a pervert." Scott laughed. "You ever plan on looking Kenneth in the eye again?"

"I don't see what's so wrong with sucking off a 24 year old."

"Did you actually?"


"What's he like?"



"Still working himself out, that sort of thing." I kissed Scott's nose. "He cums gallons and gives no warning." I knew exactly what effect that'd have.

"Right. So after dinner?" he asked.

"So who's the pervert now?"

"Hey I haven't done it yet."

"But you will."

He was about to reply something when the door to Tristan's room opened down the hall.

There was no scramble to clothe ourselves, there wasn't a scrap of shame between us. All it was, was a reminder that we should probably start getting ready to eat.

"Smells good- woah." Tristan stepped into the lounge room first, eyes keen as he watched us get up and start to dress. Cam stood behind him, a glint in his eyes.

Once clothed, I stared straight at him. "So what've you been up to?"

A smile creased Tristan's face.

Cam grinned. "Getting a boyfriend."

"Oh?" Scott tilted his head. "That's funny, I was just doing that too." He swatted me on the ass.

"That's probably worth celebrating." I scratched at my chin. "But seriously, I'm happy for you two."

"Same man." Tristan's smile widened. "Days ago you were... yeah, you know, not great. Good to see you smiling, you deserve it."

Hearing that from someone else... that I deserved this. Man. I'm sure Tristan didn't think much of the sentiment, he was a caring guy. Saying things like that was just part of his vocabulary.

But fuck. I could've broken down then and there.

I did deserve this, didn't I? All that pain I'd gone through, it had to be worth something. And this was it.

"Thanks," I mumbled. "Means a lot."

Scott's ears perked up as my voice cracked. "Let's finish getting dinner ready." He put an arm across my shoulders and pushed me into the kitchen as he nuzzled my neck affectionately.

My heart swelled. If I deserved this then so did he, and that made perfect sense to me.

We deserved each other, and that's how it would be.