Hypnovember Day 3: Stage

Story by JelDragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Hypnovember 2020

A bull goes to a stage show!

It was a bit silly, in Check's opinion, to come to a stage hypnosis show. The bull didn't exactly remember where he heard about it, but there was an urge to come anyway. He was a hypnokinkster, sure, but he didn't think it was real at all. He had tried many of the videos, audio, etc. online, and they had never worked for him. The closest he had gotten was pretending to be in trance, and that never worked. Besides giving him a raging hardon.

He'd gone alone, though he did mention it to some friends. They didn't seem surprised, which was odd, since he didn't think he had ever spoken about hypnosis with them before. Regardless, he was wearing his usual clothes, a sailor school uniform with a skirt. Usually it got him a lot of looks, but right now there wasn't a lot, which was nice, but odd.

The auditorium wasn't entirely packed, but it's not like it was empty. A variety of different furs filtered in, and Check joined them. He made his way to an inconspicuous spot in a middle row, trying his best not to look out of place or unique. Which... he probably should have changed if he wanted that.

Regardless, he made himself comfortable in his chair as the lights dimmed a little and everybody got quiet. The curtains slowly opened, and people began to clap as they saw the hypnotist of the night-a black panther in a top hat named Mason, apparently, but went by the stage name the Magnificent Mesmerizer-appear.

"Good evening, everyone! How are we doing tonight?"

A decent amount of people shouted various "good"s and "fine"s, which meant he wouldn't need to ask again. And he seemed the type to do something cheesy like that.

"Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!" He gestured behind himself, and Check saw 5 chairs set up. He internally groaned as he thought about how ridiculous and cliche this was.

"I'm sure you've all guessed, but I'll say it aloud to make sure we are all on the same page. Before we begin, I need 5 volunteers to come up here and join me onstage. Who would like to be hypnotized?"

Quite a few different hands shot up. Check refrained from doing so himself, and he looked around as each fur was called up, until-

"You, in the middle row!"

He looked forward, and the panther was pointing directly at him. He frowned, looking to his sides, before realizing his arm was raised in the air. He quickly lowered it, gulping nervously.

"I-I, uh..."

"Don't be shy now, c'mon!" The panther called out, and several people loudly agreed.

The bull nodded slowly, before getting up and making his way through the row he was in and onstage. There were a few claps, like there had been for the others.

Check took the chair all the way on stage right, opposite where Mesmerizer was. With everyone in their seats, he started to speak again, but the blood pumping in Check's ears made it difficult for him to pay attention. Luckily, he got the gist of it.

The panther moved quickly, introducing himself to each subject, getting their basic information, asking them things, etc. And then putting them in a trance. It undoubtedly took a bit for each of them to go under, but Check was so nervous that it felt more like he was taking very little time with the others.

Eventually, the panther got to the bull, and he smiled to the crowd, standing behind him with his hand on his right shoulder.

"Your name, please?"

"It's Check."

"Check? What an odd name. What do you do for a living, Check?"

"W-well, I, uh..."

The panther chuckled, cutting him off as he rubbed his shoulder. "Relax, there's nothing to be nervous about. Nobody is going to judge you or anything. If anything, theyll judge me, especially if I can't put you under." There were a few laughs, from the audience, and Check took a deep breath and tried not to be so nervous.

"Now then, you have your phone with you?"

This was odd. He hadn't looked at anyone else's phone. "Yeah, but it's on silent so I don't disturb anyone."

Mason, the Mesmerizer, nodded. "Would you take it out for me and look in your camera roll, please?"

There was a bit of murmuring in the audience, but Check relaxed and nodded, slipping his hand into his pocket to get out his phone. He unlocked it, scrolling through the apps until he got to his gallery. He frowned.

What he saw there surprised him, to say the least. There were pictures of him with... yes, with the panther standing next to him. Arm often slung around him, smiling to the camera. There were a few other... risqué photos of them both, but Check had no idea where they came from.

"I... huh?"

"Would you mind telling the audience what you have found there? And for the record, have you ever met me before?"

Check shook his head, stammering out, "n-no, I've never seen you before in my life. But there are... there are pictures of both of us on here. Together? What is this?"

The panther's paw moved, ruffling Check's hair, who grew a little more nervous despite the obvious absence of any nerves in the panther. "How odd! Do you have any idea how those might have gotten there?"

Check shook his head, and he opened his mouth to say something, but found his heart was beating too hard to. Mason seemed to notice, kneeling down to whisper in his ear.


"Are you sure about this?"

The panther and the bull were in his dressing room, the night before the show. Check was sitting on a couch, watching Mason put together what he needed for tomorrow night.

"Of course! I mean, I'm a little nervous, but I trust you wholeheartedly. You know that."

The cat chuckled, and he came over to the couch, sitting beside the bull.

"I'll be paying you, obviously."

Check laughed. "Well, of course, but mostly I want to give your shows a little flair."

Mason nodded, coming forward to give the bull a kiss on the forehead. "Alright. And to be clear, all memories of us?"

"Yeah, but only until I get up on stage. Then you can return them. For the show."

The cat smiled, rubbing Check's cheek, who swallowed in nervousness before he heard fingers snap by his ear. Then darkness.

The bull blinked a few times, head coming up from his chest. It took him a few moments to remember where he was, and a deep blush came across his face. A smile he couldn't stop split into a wide grin.

"Do you remember now?"



Check put his face in his hands in embarrassment. "You're my boyfriend."

The audience roared with laughter, and both the panther and the bull couldn't help giggling either. His face was a deep red, a mix of feelings from embarrassment to the overall absurdity of it making themselves apparent.

"You hypnotized me-well, I asked you to... for the show. Oh my god."

The panther grinned at him again, giving him another pat on the head, which Check now realized was very loving. Both of his hands came to his shoulders, massaging the bull a little as he looked back at the audience.

"Give him a hand, ladies and gentleman!"

Applause erupted across the theater.

Hypnovember Day 2: Coils

"Well, hello there. I don't think I've sseen one of your kind before." Jel jumped, looking around for the owner of the voice he just heard. "H-huh? Who's there?" There was a noise coming from the trees, before a cobra poked out from the...

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