The Bal'Kar Blitz (5/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#5 of The Bal'Kar Blitz

When the Bal'Kar hop the pond from the United States and arrives in Britain those involved decide that it's time to take the takeover of humanity to the next level, starting from the ground up.

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Czakrun was walking down the street as day turned to night, the dragon breathing a slight sigh of relief as the crowd had begun to thin out slightly. While normally congestion in the streets wasn't too bad one of the tube stations had been shut down for extended maintenance in the area, which meant that people who normally traveled through the underground were forced to go topside. The worst part was no one knew how long it was going to be until the station reopened and eased the traffic that was happening in the alleys. That made traveling for bigger creatures, especially those with wings like the dragon carrying his groceries, much more difficult.

Eventually Czakrun managed to get to the part of the neighborhood he knew a little better and ducked down into one of the side-streets off of the main thoroughfare. This area was mostly residential and didn't have the same foot traffic as the areas with the shops. There were still a few people here and there, the dragon waving to a few that he recognized as he continued on his way with food in hand. He could feel his stomach gurgling as it anticipated the meal that he was about to prepare himself.

As he passed by another smaller street however the dragon saw something that caused him to pause. The area was between two of the blocks of houses that were built rather close together, and even in the darkness he could tell that a bull man was on his knees in the middle of the street. Czakrun frowned slightly and looked around to see if there was anyone in the nearby area that might be able to help him, unfortunately it appeared no one was out at the moment and with the general isolation of the area it wasn't likely that there would be anyone to flag down. Instead he pulled out his phone to call for police assistance as he took his groceries and put them to the side of the alley.

"Hey, excuse me!" Czakrun called out to the man as he slowly approached, making sure to keep an eye out for anyone that might be lurking about if this was some sort of trap. "Sir, are you alright? Did you want me to call for an ambulance?"

As the dragon approached he tried to get a better angle on the bull to see what he was at least looking at, but it appeared that the streetlight that hung over the area was broken and kept everything shrouded in darkness. Czakrun continued to keep a few feet back as he waited for the line to connect only to hear his phone finally give up on the task and tell him that he was not in a serviceable range. The dragon looked at his phone in confusion, how could he be in a major city and not get any signals? Even with that he was attempting to contact the emergency line, which meant that it should have gone through regardless of his service provider...

Just as he was about to try again however Czakrun saw something out of the corner of his eye, a green glow in the otherwise dark alley that caused him to look up from his phone. At first he thought that the bull had done something but he remained as motionless as ever. It was then that the dragon realized that there was something else there with them, something that had blended almost perfectly in the shadows that were being created with the disappearance of the sun. The only reason his eyes even saw it was because it tracked the movement of whatever was out there, though as the green glow coming from the vicinity of the bull increased he could see something black and rubbery rising up from the ground.

Czakrun decided to forgo the call and instead changed over to his flashlight app. If there was something lurking around in the darkness he at least wanted to see it, plus if someone saw the light he could use it to bring someone over that had a working phone. It was something he seldom used so it took him more than a few seconds to find it, and when he finally did flick it on he was surprised when he raised it up and found that the bull was no longer there. The sudden disappearance of the other man had caused the dragon to do a double take, his head flicking left to right to try and see if he had run off as he shined the light down into the street.

When he returned back to where the bull had been Czakrun's light glinted off something that rose up into the air. It was thick like a tree but also had an unnatural shine to it like something made of rubber, and as the light of the flashlight bounced off of it he could see the trunk-like object wiggle in the light. Instinctively he began to follow it upwards, and as he craned his head up the dragon's jaw dropped with what he saw at the end of it. The object turned out to be a tentacle of some sort and when his flashlight illuminated the top part of it he saw where the bull had gone off to, watching the hooved feet kicking in the air as the head and shoulders of the male had disappeared inside the alien creature.

Czakrun found himself frozen in terror at the sight, his mind unable to comprehend what he was seeing as the bull continued to disappear inside the appendage. As the tentacle tipped back and forth to aid in the creature sliding down into it the dragon could see that the inside of the tentacle glowed with a soft green light and that some sort of similar fluid was dripping down the bull's body. Soon the legs of the male stopped kicking and as they disappeared inside of it as well the dragon could see the vague outline of the bull's head pushing out the rubbery flesh of the tentacle that had sucked him in. Though the dragon's thoughts to help were still there when Czakrun found his brain was once more able to communicate with the rest of his body, but instead an entirely different instinct kicked in when he was able to finally move.

The dragon ran.

As he ran out of the street towards back towards his house his groceries were completely forgotten, Czakrun opting to get out of there before the bizarre tentacle had finished its meal and decided that it wanted dragon for dessert. In his rush to leave he hadn't noticed that the original source of the glow was still there too. As the feeder tentacle slid back down below the street with its new prize securely in its maw the controller tentacle continued to look out at the fleeing dragon, its eye watching intently before he disappeared completely down another street. Once Czakrun was gone the controller tentacle lowered itself as well, relaying the information it had just seen to the Bal'Kar that it was connected to.

Czakrun didn't leave his apartment for the rest of the night, the dragon pacing back and forth in the somewhat small space while he tried to comprehend what he had just seen. Had he been part of some sort of prank? Was it part of a movie or something that he had accidently stumbled onto? That didn't make any sense though since there would have been people around to tell him one way or the other and he knew that he had been alone in that alley when whatever had happened went down.

Unfortunately the dragon didn't recognize the bull and didn't know where to begin to look into this to try and validate what he had seen in that street. The only thing he could do was possibly go back during the morning and try to find someone that might have been in the area or that had seen the other man before. He wasn't even sure why he was investing so much thought into the idea of finding him, though as the mental image of that tentacle swallowing the bull popped back into his mind it gave him a shudder and he realized that he was doing it more for validation. It didn't help that he realized after he had gotten home that he had also forgotten the food he was going to prepare for the night had been left on the corner, but with the thought of monsters still in his head he opted to order for takeaway instead.

After a night of restless sleep, the dragon waking up several times after his thoughts had been invaded by that memory of the tentacle, Czakrun decided after one particularly vivid dream where he was the one being swallowed up that he would go back to the scene and try to figure out what happened. There had to be a plausible explanation for what had happened down the street, he said to himself as he ate the leftovers of his previous meal before heading back out. With the sun overhead and everything brightly lit the dragon felt more confident than before, knowing at the very least he wasn't going to miss a giant tentacle creature coming out of the ground now.

When Czakrun walked all the way back to the street the first thing he realized was that his bag of food was gone. He suspected he would find as much, if it hadn't been someone that was wondering by that took advantage of the free food it would have been a stray dog or something like that. He also noticed that there was no giant black tentacle that was in the middle of the street either. It was like the events of the previous night were just some sort of hallucination as there was no trace of either the giant appendage or the bull it had taken, and even when he looked at his phone he saw that service was once more perfectly usable in the area.

One thing that he noticed just before he left however was that the street lamp that hadn't been working during that night was completely busted. The entire thing looked like a car had hit it, the metal warped and twisted at the base while the glass part was smashed to the point that there was no glass left as he knelt down to investigate. "Terrible wreck happened there a few weeks ago," a voice behind the dragon explained. "Briefly knocked out power to the entire area, luckily the power company managed to reroute or something and get us back on-line rather quickly."

"That is good to hear," Czakrun stood back up, brushing himself off before turning to the one that had informed him of the situation. "I was actually wondering however if-"

The dragon felt his blood turn to ice and his stomach tie itself into a knot as he immediately recognized the one that was behind him. It was the bull that he had seen the night before; though his clothes had changed and he was standing and smiling at him the image burned into his mind made it so he definitely didn't forget the one he thought had been consumed by some sort of alien. "What's wrong there?" the bull asked as he looked at the stunned dragon in confusion. "You look like you saw a ghost."

"No... no way..." Czakrun said as he looked from the street back to the bull several times before pointing to it. "I saw you... you were in the street!" The other man continued to just stand there as the dragon felt himself losing it slightly. "You were eaten by a tentacle monster!"

The last declaration caused the bull to give him a stunned look, then caused him to laugh. "I think that I would know if I was eaten by a tentacle monster like you said," the bull declared. "This street does have an entrance to the tube station that they're currently working on at the moment, this neighborhood is actually right on top of it, so perhaps you saw someone going into the station through the access hatch? I know of one or two bulls that work in that area and that you might have seen."

Though the explanation seemed reasonable enough deep down the dragon knew that it wasn't right. He had seen something happen in this street last night that had happened to the bull standing in front of him, and as the dragon was about to say something to that effect he stopped when he saw something that caused him to pause. At first it was the small hint of a smirk that was on the bovine muzzle of the other man, but as his gaze traveled upwards it was his eyes that had gotten his attention. While he hadn't seen what the bull's eye were when they had met in the street they were such an intense shade of bright green that they were unnatural, to the point where they almost looked like they were glowing even in the light of the day.

It unnerved Czakrun to the point where he merely thanked the bull for his explanation and moved past him towards the street he had been on before, his mind swirling with questions as he tried to figure out what was going on for that street. As he thought back on the conversation he just had it was strange how the bull had just appeared out of nowhere to tell him how the light pole got hit, like he knew that he was looking around. Plus there were those eyes... they were practically haunting the dragon as he walked down the pavement, and there was also something about the bull in general that unnerved him. He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed that someone he usually waved to was attempting to get his attention until he heard them call out to him.

When the dragon brought his head out of his thoughts he saw the fox waving to him and did the same... but his hand slowed as he noticed something that caused him to pause. It was those same bright green eyes, so intense they were glowing as they looked at him. As he found himself gawking Czakrun swore he saw the other man smirk for a second before asking him if he's having a good day, the dragon just nodding his head before saying he had to go. He found himself increasing his pace and looking back and forth to see others that were normally out on his path home, and though they weren't all like the fox or bull he saw few others that were sporting the same look until he got to the main street.

Czakrun found himself breathing heavily when he finally got to main street and realized that he practically started running, taking a second to compose himself by sitting on a nearby bench. A tentacle in the middle of the street, a tube station that was shut down, a bull that was eaten but wasn't, and those glowing eyes... something was going on around there. It all seemed to gravitate back towards the street in particular where he saw it happen, and if there really was a utility entrance to the tube station he wanted to see where it went. Though it was mostly to prove to himself that he wasn't crazy and to report what was happening to the proper authorities there was something else in him that was pushing him forward to investigate it, a feeling deep down inside that he couldn't quite describe as he resolved to go back during the night and figure it out once and for all...

The dragon spent the rest of the time staying clear of the area, traveling around London to try and shake off the feeling that those in the neighborhood were trying to keep tabs on him. He also found himself looking at the eyes of the others to see if there were any others that he could pick out, though he didn't see anyone else outside of that block. It brought a sense of relief to him that whatever was happening didn't seem to be affecting anywhere else, though it was only a small comfort when he thought back to that night. While he waited for night to fall he continued to analyze what he saw and tried to find some explanation other then the one he had come to originally that an alien tentacle had eaten that bull and someone switched his body or taken his form or something like that.

Czakrun ended up waiting until almost two in the morning before he finally started to venture back towards the street that he was trying to infiltrate, walking carefully when he got close to try and avoid any attention. Most of the city was asleep by this point, though the dragon found himself not alone as a few others passed him on the pavement, and he hoped that those in the neighborhood would be as well. It appeared that his plan was working as he got back to the street using an alternate route, making sure to avoid windows, cameras, and anything else that might tip off people watching. While he started to feel paranoid he knew it was better to be safe then sorry, especially if he was going to try and record what he found this time.

When he finally did get to the street Czakrun found himself completely alone, the entire area shrouded in darkness from the broken street lamp. The dragon had already gotten his flashlight prepared and shined it down the alley briefly only to find that it was completely empty. With no tentacle and no bull standing there he crept into the shadows towards the area that was marked as the tube station utility access. Maybe he had just been imaging things, he thought to himself with a frown as he let his eyes adjust so he could find the entrance more easily.

The portal appeared to be pressed up next to one of the grassy areas that flanked the street, and when Czakrun went to open the door he had found that they were completely gone. Not just opened or removed, the dragon saw as he knelt down and examined the concrete around the stairs, but completely torn away from their frame. As he looked back up he realized that he was very close if not right on top of the area where he had seen that tentacle. It would make this where it had come from and as he continued to investigate he found deep furrows in the stone as well that looked like some creature had clawed its way to the surface.

As Czakrun leaned in and shined his flashlight down into the hole he felt his hand slip. He cursed silently when he saw the light bouncing down the steep stairs towards the utility tunnel below, finally extinguishing when it landed at the bottom. While he had a phone case that protected it against drops he wasn't sure if going down a series of stairs qualified, but the last thing he needed was some worker finding his phone and figuring out he was poking around, or worse yet if his alien idea was holding true that it would somehow find him. After taking a second to steel his resolve he slowly made his way down the stairs towards the inside of the utility tunnel.

When he got to the bottom Czakrun found himself standing on something... squishy, like he was standing on some sort of wet rubber mat as he felt around for his phone. As his hands glided along the surface it felt like they had covered the concrete in some sort of latex protector, though someone forgot to add slip resistance as he almost fell while he looked. When he found nothing the dragon sighed and put his hands against his face, feeling the wetness against his scales as he realized he had lost his device somewhere down here. Just as he was about to cut his loses and head back up however he noticed a green light that was further down into the utility tunnel and before even he realized it he found himself heading down to see what it was.

The concrete hallway ended up opening into a tube tunnel, no doubt connected to the closed station that that was likely nearby. As he looked around in the darkness Czakrun didn't see where the green light had went he did see something else that grabbed his attention. It was coming from an area further down into the tunnel, and as the dragon carefully made his way over to the illumination he could see that it was coming from a cell phone. It didn't take long for him to recognize it was his as he slowly walked over to it in suspicion.

"I'm... sure that my phone just happened to skid all the way over here from the stairs," the dragon said as he looked at the phone. "And that it managed to somehow bounce up onto his crate." When Czakrun finally went to grab it he had to pick up with two fingers to look at it fully. "And cover itself in some sort of green ooze..."

As he watched the strange substance drip from his completely coated phone he heard something that caused him to drop it, a chittering that echoed through the empty tunnel. The dragon realized at that point that he had completely lost track of where he had come from, surrounded by the darkness of the tube he was in. When he reached down to pick up his phone again he suddenly felt something brush up against him, which was enough to make him abandon his phone once more and make a run for the utility tunnel that he had come in from. Unfortunately the threshold to it was rather small and in the pitch black it was hard to anything much less an equally dark tunnel.

Just as Czakrun decided to make a run for the station itself he ran into something solid that caused him to stumble backwards, falling onto the rail as he saw a pair of glowing green eyes looking down at him. "Looks like you could use some help," the bull said with a smirk on his face, glowing green liquid dripping down from his muzzle as well as that from the familiar fox that stood next to him. "Let us guide you to your new home."

As the dragon laid back in shock and fear he suddenly realized that they weren't the only ones standing there, slowly turning back to see a wolf, a shirewolf, and a few others that were watching him as well. All of them had the same glowing green eyes and the ambient glow was strong enough that it lit up the tracks... though when he looked down he found that the same rubbery substance that was at the bottom of the stairs had completely coated this area too. "What... what the hell are you?" the dragon asked as the bull and fox approached, scooting backwards as he saw that they were not only completely naked but had patches of the same black material spreading over their bodies.

"We are the Bal'kar," all the voices said at once, Czakrun shivering at the chorus as he felt something sliding up around his fur. The dragon looked down to see the rubbery flesh coming up from the ground, but before he could do anything about it the small tentacles coiled completely around his body in various places and anchored him to the ground.

"Wait, hold on!" Czakrun said as the bull and fox were about to pounce on him, their forms beginning to morph and distort as tentacles pushed out of the already mutated parts of their bodies. "I promise I won't tell anyone about this, just let me go and I'll even help you out! You don't have to eat me like you did him!"

"The bull he pointed to just chuckled, which resonated with the others that did the same before he dropped down and hovered over the restrained dragon. "What you saw last night was a rebirth," the bull said with a wide grin. "The Bal'Kar have welcomed me to the hive, just like they're going to do with you. Do not worry, I was apprehensive at first but soon you will join us in our song of lust."

The dragon let out a shout as the face of the bull began to swell before his eyes, watching his teeth practically pushing out of his lips that turned a pitch black while his tongue turned a bright green. As the bull transformed on top of him the fox, which was still mostly his vulpine form, had taken his hand and ran it under the clothes of the dragon before neatly slicing them away with the sharpened bone blade that his fingers had merged into. Soon the blue and black scales of his athletic form were completely revealed as tentacles pushed out of the bull and began to wrap around him, taking over for the ones that had come up from the floor of the tube as his scales were coated in the bright green ooze. Despite the terror of the situation the dragon felt a tingle of pleasure coursing through his body, one made a hundred fold more intense when two tentacles sprouted from the backs of the bull and fox that opened into their controller tentacles.

"Feel the embrace of the hive," a voice whispered that Czakrun didn't recognize as he felt the fear melting away, replaced with a strange sense of lust for the tentacle creature that was continuing to engulf his own body. "Open yourself, become one with us."

The controller tentacles continued to bathe the dragon in the intensely hypnotic light of their gaze, causing the dragon to moan as he could feel the will of the Bal'Kar infesting his psyche. He hadn't realized during his first encounter when Bladewolf was swallowing up the bull with his feeder that the controller had watched the dragon the entire time he stood there, implanting the hypnotic suggestion his mind to pursue them further. It wasn't much, but enough to lure the dragon in as the partially transformed cock of the fox pushed into the maw of the lust-drunk male, Czakrun's eyes rolled back into his head from the sensations coursing through his body and overwhelming him. The second that the breeder tool was shoved into his maw tendrils began to grow from his muzzle, his horns softening and turning dark to become his disintegrator tentacles.

While the dragon had been corrupted the second that the controllers got a hold of him the physical transformation of a new member of their hive was always something to watch, seeing the blue scales of his sides and limbs melting and turning black just like the two creatures flanking him. With the fear and apprehension gone all Czakrun had left was pleasure, and the Bal'Kar were quick to supply him with a near infinite amount as his draconic tail began to swell. The transformed breeder of the bull had been too big to fit initially, especially as he continued to expand into his full body that completely covered the dragon save for his head that was sucking on the fox's still relatively normal member, but when his tail stretched and merged with the abdomen his tail was becoming he soon found himself able to penetrate the growing dragon.

Czakrun felt his body writhing as tentacles formed underneath his skin, pushing up the areas where there were still scales as his mind shifted to that of the tentacle creatures that surrounded him. With so many they quickly showed him the beauty in their forms, especially as the bull's breeder pushed so deep inside him it caused his stomach to bulge up all the way to his chest and tentacles to push out of his pectorals. It wasn't long before the dragon saw the light, his eyes glowing green as the flesh around them turned black and puffed out to catch up with the rest of those that had changed. With the dragon being transformed the rest had no reason to keep up their guises, and soon there the tunnel began to run with a river of bio-extract as the dragon that had been completely cocooned by the tentacles suddenly had several of his own to wrap around the ones that had fueled his change into his new body.

Soon Benji and Bladewolf felt another voice join the link, feeling the cascading waves of lust from the three Bal'Kar as they welcomed their newest hivemate into the fold. Any trace of the dragon, as well as the fox and bull, were replaced with the shiny flesh and writhing tentacles of the Bal'Kar just like all the rest they had converted. While they had not intended on infiltrating the surface so quickly it had already proved to be quite the lure for the curious after they had started to infest the station beneath them. It hadn't been hard to get the tube station to close and though it was sad to have no one to convert when it happened they were getting close to their target; a main junction line that would cause their spread to increase exponentially.

Soon their spires will emerge from the streets of London and cover the city in a cloud of spores, but for the moment they had to make sure they were patient and keep their presence a secret. The dragon they had just converted was a good indicator that they were being a bit too lustful in their dealings with the surface, if Bladewolf had not managed to get his hooks into Czakrun before he had fled the first time then he wouldn't have had the chance to cloud his judgement and he could have ran to the police or media instead of into their tentacular embrace. It ended well enough, the new Bal'Kar eagerly receiving his first batch of eggs from the two wrapped around him, but he knew that one wrong encounter and they would have similar problems to their brethren in North America.

But their numbers were growing steadily, Benji and Bladewolf thought to one another as they looked at the others that were reveling in the lust being created by their newest members, and soon they would be a force that couldn't be reckoned with...